Developmental Assessment Child Portfolio pwrpnt TK- Copy

Developmental Assessment Portfolio Spring 2008 T.K.

Transcript of Developmental Assessment Child Portfolio pwrpnt TK- Copy

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Developmental Assessment

PortfolioSpring 2008


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Portfolio of A. J.

June 21, 20034 years old

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Social/Emotional DevelopmentStands up for Rights- Objective 4

Level IIAsserts own needs and desires verbally without being


• Documentation 1: Photo

• Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 10:59:38 AM

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Social/Emotional DevelopmentStands up for Rights- Objective 4

Level IIAsserts own needs and desires verbally without being


• Documentation 2: Anecdotal Note• Monday, January 28, 2008, 12:45-1:05 p.m.• “Ms. Neicey, Ms. Neicey, Elijah jumpted in from uh me.

It not yo turn Elijah. You gotta move behin Quantavius.”

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Level II Assessment• Explanation• Photo taken on Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 10:59:38

AM• In the classroom that day we had visitors come in and

read a story. After the visitors read the story they were allowed to play with the children. Our visitors were from Oak Hill School. The young man playing in the photo with A wanted A to give him the block but A did not want to. A did not yell at the young man he put the block in his lap and told the young man “I had it firss”.

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Level II Assessment• Explanation • Anecdotal Note I recorded on Monday, January 28,

2008, 12:45-1:05 p.m.• On the playground there was a group of boys that were

taking turns shooting the basketball in the child size basketball hoop. One of the boys jumped line in front of A and he looked at me and that the boys had jumped in front of him. I then asked A what he should do. How do you let your friend know what he did make you feel sad? At that point A told the other little boy Elijah that he jumped him and that he needed to get behind someone else it. He let that child know that he could not jump in front of him.

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GoalLevel III

Takes action to avoid disputes over rights

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GoalLevel III

Takes action to avoid disputes over rights

• Plans for A at school:

• To help A make a book that teaches to avoid conflicts

• Role play with another teacher to show A how to handle himself if in a stressful situation.

• Plans for A at home:• Read the book with A

that he made in school

• Talk with him about how to see a few steps ahead to avoid conflicts.

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Social/Emotional DevelopmentFollows classroom routines- Objective 8

Level II

Understands and follows classroom procedures

• Documentation 1: Photo

• Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 3:00 pm

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Social/Emotional DevelopmentFollows classroom routines- Objective 8

Level IIUnderstands and follows classroom procedures

• Documentation 2: Narrative

• Wednesday, January 26, 2008, 11:05 am to 11:45

• A sat at the table after finishing washing his hands. He sat at the first table in the classroom facing the windows outside. When the food was set on the table in front of him he reached and got the spoon and put peaches on his plate. He put mixed vegetables on his plate. He waited for the soup in the bowl to be placed on his plate. Once he was given his milk he began to eat.

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Level Assessment II

• Explanation of Photo Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 3:00 pm

• A had just gotten up from nap and it was time to eat snack. The routine is once you are awake from naptime you are to put up your cot, go use the potty, and then wash your hands and come to the table for snack.

• Explanation of Narrative Wednesday, January 26, 2008, 11:05 am to 11:45

• A and the class had just gotten back from a fieldtrip. So they are to use the potty, wash hands, sit at the table, and fix their plates.

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Follows and understands reasons for the classroom rules

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Goal Level III

Follows and understands reasons for the classroom rules

• Plans for A in school:• Role play with puppets to

explain why rules of the classroom are important

• Assign A the job of explaining the classroom rules when there is a new student enrolled in the classroom. That will encourage A to really absorb the classroom rules so that he understands the reasoning behind them.

• Plans for A at home:• Go over the rules for

home with A and ask him to explain them to you

• Have A predict what will happen if a rule is broken

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Social/Emotional DevelopmentRecognizes the feelings of others and responds

appropriately- Objective 11Level I

Is aware of other children’s feelings and respond in a like manner

• Documentation 1: Photo

• Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 11:09:36 AM

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Social/Emotional DevelopmentRecognizes the feelings of others and responds

appropriately- Objective 11Level I

Is aware of other children’s feelings and respond in a like manner

• Documentation 2: Tape recorder

• Friday, January 25, 2008, 12:00-12:05 p.m.

• He bumps into a friend and says sorry.

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Level I Assessment• Explanation of Photo

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 11:09:36 AM

• We had guests in the classroom. One young man sat down with them to help build something. As they got through with the building I asked if they wanted to take a picture of their building. A said “we proud of dis we made”. So they all gathered around the building and smiled.

• Explanation of an audio recording on Friday, January 25, 2008, 12:00-12:05 p.m.

• It was group time with the librarian of the center. She was reading a story to the children. A was supposed to be sitting crisscross applesauce style on the carpet. He was fidgeting and accidentally bumped into a friend sitting close to him. A told the friend he was sorry.

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GoalLevel II

Shows increasing awareness that people may have different feelings about the same situation

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GoalLevel II

Shows increasing awareness that people may have different feelings about the same situation

• Plans for A at school:• Take pictures of various

faces of his friends reacting differently than him to some situation.

• Read the book called “When I Care About Others (The Way I Feel) written by Cornelia Maude Spelman also make props for the story for A to retell the story.

• Plans for A at home:• Role plays with A how

family members may react to the same thing differently.

• Have A talk about why he would respond a certain way when others do not respond the same.

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Physical DevelopmentClimbs up and down- Objective 16

Level IIClimbs up and down stairs and ladders, and around


• Documentation 1: Narrative

• Wednesday, January 26, 2008, 9:00 am and 10:00 am

• Antwoine climbed the steps one by one in the library leading to the children’s theater in the library. He held on to the rail as his teacher instructed him to do. (Before the play)

• We went back down the steps this time Antwoine walked down the steps w/o using the rail. (After the play)

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Physical DevelopmentClimbs up and down- Objective 16

Level IIClimbs up and down stairs and ladders, and around


• Documentation 2: Anecdotal

• Tuesday, February 5, 2008, 4:30-4:45 p.m.

• He slowly came down the braided rope ladder.

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Level II Assessment• Explanation of Narrative Wednesday, January 26, 2008, 9:00

am and 10:00 am• The Pre-Kindergarten class went on a fieldtrip to the Nashville

Main Library to see a puppet show called “Anansi the Spider”. When we got into the building there were steps or an elevator to take us to the floor that housed the puppet show theater. The teacher chose the stairs for us to go up because that was a good way to assess who had hit that mile marker. A listened to the teacher’s instructions and held onto the rail and walked up the steps. He placed one foot down and placed the other to go to the next step. As we came back down the stairs to go back to the bus, A did not hold onto the rail. He still managed to go back down the way he came up.

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Level II Assessment• Explanation of the Anecdotal note recorded on Tuesday,

February 5, 2008, 4:30-4:45 p.m.• A and a group of boys were on the landing of the wooden

stationary climbing structure on the playground for Pre-K. One little boy that was playing close to where the structure was put down a ball that he was playing with. A came down and got the ball and then climbed back up to the landing. The little boy was crying and wanted the ball back. I asked A to come to me and bring me the ball. A turned his back to me and with one hand and both his feet he climbed down the braided rope.

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GoalLevel III

Climbs easily on ramps, stairs, ladders, or sliding boards.

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Goal Level III

Climbs easily on ramps, stairs, ladders, or sliding boards.

• Plans for A at school:• Step up an obstacle

course with different angles of ramps

• Use music and movement to demonstrate how A may look different climbing ramps, stairs, ladders, or sliding boards.

• Plans for Antwoine at home:

• Expose A to different types of stairs or ladders

• Take him to different parks and let him try different slides.

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Physical DevelopmentControls small muscles in hands- Objective 19

Level IIManipulates smaller objects with increasing control

• Documentation 1: Photo

• Friday, February 08, 2008, 4:00 PM

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Physical DevelopmentControls small muscles in hands- Objective 19

Level IIManipulates smaller objects with increasing control

• Documentation 2: Narrative

• Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 4:00-4:20 p.m.

• He started working the puzzle trying to get two pieces to fit together. He concentrated on putting two pieces of the puzzle together.

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Level II Assessment• Explanation of Photo Friday, February

08, 2008, 4:00 PM

• A was using a single-hole puncher to punch out circles for a project that I was doing for a class. He was very focused on punching the holes. He used one hand to hold the paper and one hand to hold the single-hole puncher.

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Level II Assessment• Explanation of a Narrative done on

Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 4:00-4:20 p.m.

• A was putting together an Alphabet puzzle. He was concentrating on the puzzle trying to get the two pieces to fit together.

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GoalLevel III

Manipulates a variety of objects requiring increased coordination

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GoalLevel III

Manipulates a variety of objects requiring increased coordination

• Plans for A at school:

• Put pennies or marbles in play dough for him to get out.

• Give A a keyboard to “pretend” type a letter.

• Plans for A at home:

• Give him paper of various texture and grade to tear.

• Draw lines on paper to have him cut along the lines to get practice.

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Cognitive DevelopmentExplores cause and effect- Objective 25

Level IIWonders “what will happen if” and tests out the


• Documentation 1: Anecdotal

• Wednesday, March 12, 2008, 9:15 a.m.

• “What happens if you get all dee way ova dere and you race it off?”

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Cognitive DevelopmentExplores cause and effect- Objective 25

Level IIWonders “what will happen if” and tests out the


• Documentation 2: Audio Tape

• Friday, February 8, 2008, 10:00 a.m.

• “Santana mine turned green” (referring to his cup of water using to clean the q-tip). “Cause I mixed it up”

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Level II Assessment• Explanation of Anecdotal Wednesday,

March 12, 2008, 9:15 a.m.

• In group time they had draw a line on paper. A wanted to know what would have happened if you made the line go all the way to the edge of the paper. Would you have to erase the line because it would not fit in the space?

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Level II Assessment• Explanation of Audio Recording on

Friday, February 8, 2008, 10:00 a.m.• A was doing a art project with two of

his friends. They had water colors and they were using q-tips as paint brushes. A put his q-tips in a cup of water and the water turned green. He added more color by rubbing the q-tips in other colors.

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GoalLevel III

Observes attentively and seeks relevant information

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GoalLevel III

Observes attentively and seeks relevant information

• Plans for A at school:

• Engage A in describing the cars in the block center.

• Have Antwoine play at the water table to find out what objects will sink or float.

• Plans for A at home:

• Gather materials on a nature walk and come back to talk about them.

• Interview A about a movie he just watched.

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Cognitive DevelopmentRecognizes patterns and can repeat them- Objective 30

Level IIExtends patterns or creates simple patterns of own design

• Documentation 1: Photo of work sample

• Tuesday, February 05, 2008, 11:35 AM

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Cognitive DevelopmentRecognizes patterns and can repeat them- Objective 30

Level IIExtends patterns or creates simple patterns of own design

• Documentation 2: Narrative

• Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 4:00-4:20 p.m.

• He would beat the drum hard in a dot, dot, and dot-dot pattern.

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Level II Assessment• Explanation of Photo Tuesday, February 05, 2008, 11:35 AM

• A did a two-dimensional art project with me. He repeated the same letter over and over again on his paper with different colors.

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Level II Assessment• Explanation of Narrative Wednesday,

February 6, 2008, 4:00-4:20 p.m.• A was playing with the drum in the music

and movement center. He took one of the drumsticks and began repeating a dot, dot, dot-dot pattern over and over. He was very engrossed in what he was doing. It lasted for about 1-2 minutes.

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GoalLevel III

Creates complex patterns of his own design or by copying

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GoalLevel III

Creates complex patterns of his own design or by copying

• Plans for A at school:

• Have more music playing where there is a drum pattern and have A draw or mark the beat on paper.

• Have A clap out a beat using rhyming words

• Plans for A at home:• Have A’s family

engage him more in rhyming words with same sound patterns

• Create a pattern and have A repeat it

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Cognitive DevelopmentRepresentation and Symbolic Thinking-

Objective 37Draws or constructs and then names what it

is- Level I

• Documentation 1: Dictation

• Friday, February 29, 2008, 9:00 a.m.

• “Luh I may a taco, Ms Neicey”

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Cognitive DevelopmentRepresentation and Symbolic Thinking-

Objective 37Draws or constructs and then names what it

is- Level I

• Documentation 2: Photo

• Friday, February 29, 2008, 9:00 a.m.

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Level I Assessment• Explanation of Dictation Friday, February 29, 2008, 9:00 a.m.

• A was doing an art project with me. He made a taco shaped object with the play dough. He looks at me and tells me “Luh I may a taco, Ms. Neicey.”

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Level I Assessment• Explanation of Photo Friday, February 29, 2008, 9:00 a.m.

• This is the “taco” that he made out of play dough.

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GoalLevel II

Draws or builds a construction that represents something specific

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GoalLevel II

Draws or builds a construction that represents something specific

• Plans for A at school• Have A plan some type of

dramatic play scene and act it out. He can do that either with his friends or props.

• Give A a picture of something and have him make a model of it.

• Plans for A at home• Give him model cars or

motorcycle projects that are age appropriate for him to do at home with someone.

• Have A draw “blue prints” for an idea that he has to build something.

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Language DevelopmentListening and Speaking- Objective 41

Answers questions with a complete thought-Level II

• Documentation 1: Interview w/ child

• Friday, February 8, 2008, 10:00 a.m.

• How it is easier for you to paint with a q-tip. He said “because I like to change colors.”

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Language DevelopmentListening and Speaking- Objective 41

Answers questions with a complete thought-Level II

• Documentation 2: Narrative

• Tuesday, February 5, 2008, 4:30-4:45 p.m.

• When I asked Antwoine “did you take the ball?” I again asked him did he want to give the ball back he said nothing. He did not shake his head yes or no.

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Level II Assessment• Explanation of Interview w/ child

Friday, February 8, 2008, 10:00 a.m.

• I was asking A why he liked painting with q-tip verses using a paint brush. He did not say which was easier to use. A told me that he liked changing the colors which had nothing to do with the question’s intent.

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Level II Assessment• Explanation of Narrative Tuesday,

February 5, 2008, 4:30-4:45 p.m.

• On the playground Marvin put the ball down and walked away from it. A got the ball from where Marvin left it. When I asked A if he would give the ball back to Marvin he never answered me one way or the other.

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Level IIIAnswers questions with details

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GoalLevel III

Answers questions with details

• Plans for A at school• Have A read a story and

ask him specific questions where he has to provide detail.

• Play 20 Questions with A so he can see different ways to give answers

• Plans for A at home• Have the parents play 20

Questions with A• Have the parents play

“The Never Ending Question” game with him. You ask a question where he has to give detailed answers. If he does not then you ask more about that question to get more detailed answer.

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Language DevelopmentReading and Writing

Writes letters and words- Objective 50Writes recognizable letters, especially those in own

name- Level II

• Documentation 1: Photo of Work Sample

• Wednesday, February 06, 2008, 2:49 p.m.

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Language DevelopmentReading and Writing

Writes letters and words- Objective 50Writes recognizable letters, especially those in own

name- Level II

• Documentation 2: Photo of Work Sample

• Thursday, February 07, 2008, 12:00 p.m.

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Level II Assessment• Explanation of Photo of Work Sample

Wednesday, February 06, 2008, 2:49 p.m.

• This is a sample of his journal writing where his name is at the top and some of the letters that are written on the page are in his name so he has print concept of those.

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Level II Assessment• Explanation of Photo of Work Sample

Thursday, February 07, 2008, 12:00 p.m.

• This is a sample taken from the next day of journal writing. A shows that he has print concept of this letter that does not appear in his name.

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GoalLevel III

Uses letters that represents sounds in writing words

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GoalLevel III

Uses letters that represents sounds in writing words

• Plans for A at school

• Provide stencils that have words that he uses daily so he can see the connections.

• Make up silly sentences of words he uses daily

• Plans for A at home

• Practice writing words with meaning to A

• Sound clap out syllables to words with A