Development of Mis Lifcycle and Prototying



Development of Mis Lifcycle

Transcript of Development of Mis Lifcycle and Prototying



System development is regarded as another form of problem-solving which consists of activities like

understanding the problem, deciding a plan for a solution, coding the planned solution, and testing the coded program

Development of MIS


In order to develop a system successfully, it is managed by breaking the total development process into smaller basic activities or phases. Any system development process, in general, is understood to have the following phases:Investigation,Analysis, Design, Construction, Implementation, andMaintenance  

Development of MIS


System InvestigationSome problem may be bothering a business organisation. The managers in the organisation (user) may or may not be very clear about the problem. The user may invite a system analyst or information analyst (consultant) to assist him/her in defining and resolving the problem in a clear way. 

Development of MIS


System InvestigationPreliminary investigation is the first step in system development project.

The preliminary investigation is a way of handling the user's request to change, improve or enhance an existing system.

The objective is to determine whether the request is valid and feasible before any recommendation is made to do nothing, improve or modify the existing system, or build altogether a new one.  

Development of MIS


System InvestigationSystem investigation includes the following two sub-stages: Problem definition, and Feasibility study.

 Problem DefinitionAlthough the need for problem definition may seem obvious, this is perhaps the most frequently bypassed step in the entire system development process.

Development of MIS


System InvestigationSo the first responsibility of a system analyst is to prepare a written statement of the objectives and scope of the problem. Based on interviews with the user, the analyst writes a brief description of his/her understanding of the problem, and reviews it with both groups, ideally in a joint user/information analyst meeting. People respond to written statements. They ask for clarifications and they correct obvious errors misunderstandings. This is why a clear statement of objectives is so important.

Development of MIS


System InvestigationIn other words, proper understanding and definition of the problem is essential to discover the cause of the problem and to plan a directed investigation by asking questions like what is being done? Why? Is there an underlying reason different from the one the user identifies?

Development of MIS


System InvestigationHere are some possible definitions of problems: The existing system has a poor response time, i.e. it is slow. It is unable to handle the workload. The problem of cost, i.e. the existing system is not

economical. The problem of accuracy and reliability. The requisite information is not produced by the existing

system. The problem of security

Development of MIS


System Investigation

Similarly, a system analyst should provide a rough estimate of the cost involved for the system development. is again a very important question, which also is not asked until it is quite late in the system development process.

Development of MIS


System InvestigationFeasibility Study The literal meaning of feasibility is vitality. This study is undertaken to know the likelihood of the system being useful to the organisation. Feasibility study, is basically, a high-level capsule version of the entire process, intended to answer a number of questions like what is the problem? Is the problem even worth solving? However, as the name indicates in preliminary investigation, feasibility study should be relatively brief.

Development of MIS


System InvestigationFeasibility StudyThe finding of this study should be formally presented to the user management. This presentation marks a crucial decision point in the life of the project.

If the management approves the project, the feasibility study report represents an excellent model of the system analyst's understanding of the problem and provides a clear sense of direction for the subsequent development of the system. 

Development of MIS


System InvestigationFeasibility StudyThe aim of a feasibility study is to assess alternative systems and to propose the most feasible and desirable for development. Thus, feasibility study provides an overview of the problem and acts as an important checkpoint that should be completed before committing more resources. 

Development of MIS


System InvestigationFeasibility Study

The feasibility of a proposed system can be assessed in terms of four major categories.

Organizational Feasibility The extent to which a proposed information system supports the objective of the organisation's strategic plan for information systems determines the organisational feasibility of the system project. The information system must be taken sub-set of the whole organisation

Development of MIS


System InvestigationEconomic Feasibility  In this study, costs and returns are evaluated to know whether returns justify the investment in the system project. The economic questions raised by analysts during the preliminary investigation are for the purpose of estimating: The cost of conducting a full system investigation. The cost of hardware and software for the class of application

being considered. The benefits in the form of reduced costs, improved customer

service, improved resource utilisation or fewer costly errors.

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem InvestigationTechnical Feasibility 

Whether reliable hardware and software capable of meeting the needs of the proposed system can be acquired or developed by the organisation in the required time is a major concern of the technical feasibility.

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem InvestigationTechnical Feasibility In other words, technical feasibility includes questions like: Does the necessary technology exist to do what is

suggested, if it does then can it be acquired? Does the proposed equipment have the technical capacity

to hold the data required to use the new system? Will the proposed system provide adequate responses to

inquiries, regardless of the number of locations and Can the system be expanded? Is there any technical surety of accuracy, reliability, ease of

access and data security

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem InvestigationOperational Feasibility The willingness and ability of the management, employees, customers, suppliers, etc., to operate, use and support a proposed system come under operational feasibility.

In other words, the test of operational feasibility asks if the system will work when it is developed and installed.

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem InvestigationOperational Feasibility Are there major barriers to implementation questions are asked in operational feasibility:  Is there sufficient support from the management? From

employees? From customers? From suppliers Are current business methods acceptable to the users? Have the users been involved in the planning and

development of the system project? 

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem InvestigationOperational feasibility

Operational feasibility would pass the test if the system is developed as per rules, regulations, laws, organisational culture, union agreements, etc., and above all with the active involvement of the users. 

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem InvestigationBesides these four main categories, the system should also be assessed in terms of legal feasibility and schedule feasibility. Whereas legal feasibility refers to the viability of the system from the legal point of view, checks whether the system abides by all laws and regulations of the land.The schedule feasibility evaluates the probability of completing the system in the time allowed for its development, since for the system to be useful, it must be finished well before the actual requirement of its usage.


Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem InvestigationFor determining feasibility, a project proposal must pass all these tests. Otherwise, it is not a feasible project. For example, a production management system, that is economically feasible and operationally attractive, is not feasible if the necessary technology does not exist. Infeasible projects are abandoned at this stage, unless they are reworked and resubmitted as new proposals 

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem InvestigationFollowing are the methods for conducting a preliminary investigation: Methods of Preliminary Investigation During a preliminary investigation, the following two main methods are used: Reviewing documents, and Interviewing selected persons.     

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem Investigation Methods of Preliminary Investigation Reviewing Organization Documents The analysts conducting the investigation first learn about the organisation involved in, or affected by, the project. For example, to review an inventory systems proposal means knowing first how the inventory department operates and who the managers and supervisors are?This can be learnt by examining the organisation charts and studying written operating procedures. The procedures describe how the inventory process should operate and identify the most important steps involved in receiving, managing and dispensing stock. 

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem Investigation Methods of Preliminary Investigation Conducting Interviews Written documents do not give user-views about current operations. To learn these details, analysts conduct interviews. Interviews allow analysts to learn more about the nature of the system project request and the reason for submitting it.  

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem Investigation Methods of Preliminary Investigation Conducting Interviews To accomplish the purpose of the interview, analysts must be sure to emphasise the request and the problem it addresses. In other words, interviews should provide details that further explain the project and show whether assistance is merited economically, operationally and technically. It must be kept in mind that working out a solution to the situation comes later, during detailed investigation.  

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem Investigation Methods of Preliminary Investigation The following format is suggestive of the preliminary investigation scope: Project TitleProblem Statement : Concise, possibly in a few lines, stating the problem.Project Objectives : State objectives of the project defined by the problem.Preliminary Ideas : Possible solutions, if any, occurring to user and/or analyst could be stated here.Project Scope : Give overall cost estimate. Feasibility Study : Indicate here time and cost for the next step.

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem AnalysisAnalysis is a detailed study of the various operations of a business activity (system), along with its boundaries. The objective of this phase is to determine exactly what must be done to solve the problem. Many system analysts have a technical background. The temptation of many technically trained people is to move too quickly to program design, to become pre-maturely physical. Such a temptation must be avoided. Rather a logical model of the system should be developed using various modern tools such as data flow diagrams, an elementary data dictionary and rough descriptions of the relevant algorithms

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem AnalysisSystem analysis involves a detailed study of:  The information needs of the organisation and its end

users. Existing information systems (their activities, resources and

products). The expected information system (in terms of capabilities

of IS required to meet the information needs of users).

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem AnalysisThe final product of system analysis is a set of system requirements of a proposed information system. Keeping in view the importance of system analysis, this has been discussed in detail. The analysis phase provides the analyst with a clear understanding of what is to be done. The next step is to decide as to how the problem might be solved.

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem Design System analysis describes WHAT a system should do to meet the information needs of users. System design specifies HOW the system will accomplish this objective. The term design refers to the technical specification (analogous to the architect's blue prints) that will be implied in constructing the system.

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem Design System design should stress on the following three activities:

User interface, Data design, and Process design.

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem Design Where an interface design activity focuses on designing the interactions between end users and computer systems.The data design activity focuses on the design of the logical structure of database and files to be used by the proposed information system.Process design activity focuses on the design of the software resources, that is, the programs and procedures needed by the proposed information system.

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem Design In this phase, system designers should use their knowledge of business operations, information processing and hardware and software to specify the physical design of an information system. The design must specify what type of hardware resources, software resources programs and procedures), and people resources (end users and system staff) would be needed. These specifications are also known as system specifications.

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem Design Construction and Testing  Once the system specifications are understood, the system is physically created. The required programs are coded, debugged, and documented. The system should be tested with some test data to ensure its accuracy and reliability. In fact, construction of the system takes place on the basis of the system design specifications. So in this phase, the various directions as per system specifications are followed. In addition to the activities performed during system development, some activities are performed after the basic development is complete. Such activities are covered under the implementation phase and maintenance phase.  

Development of MIS

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem Design Implementation The system implementation stage involves hardware and software acquisition, site preparation, user training and installation of the system. Here again, testing of the system, involving all components and procedures should be done. It must be realised that implementation may be the most crucial phase of System Development Life Cycle, because this step is vital in assuring the success of any newly developed system. Even a well-designed system will fail if it is not properly implemented.

Development of MIS

Having made the plan of the MIS; the development of the MIS calls for determining the strategy of development. The development strategy determines where to begin and in what sequence the development can take place with the sole objective of assuring the information support.


The choice of the system or the subsystem depends on its position in the total MIS plan, the size of the system, the user's understanding of the systems and the complexity and its interface with other systems. The designer first develops systems independently and starts integrating them with other systems, enlarging the system scope and meeting the varying information needs. 


Determining the position of the system in the MIS is easy. The real problem is the degree of structure, and formalization in the system and procedures which determine the timing and duration of development of the system. Higher the degree of structure and formalization, greater is the stabilization of the rules, the procedures, decision making and the under standing of the overall business activity. Here, it is observed that the user's and the designer's interaction is smooth, and other's needs are clearly understood and respected mutually. The development becomes a methodical approach with certainty in inputs process and outputs.


SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGESSystem Design Maintenance System maintenance involves the monitoring, evaluating and modifying of a system to make desirable or necessary improvements. In other words, maintenance includes enhancements, modifications or any change from original specifications. Therefore, the information analyst should take change as his/her responsibility so as to keep the system functioning at an acceptable level.

Development of MIS


A system development model specifies how these activities are organised in the total system development effort. Various models for system development are discussed below. Waterfall Model Waterfall model, which follows the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) approach, became popular in 1970s. The model states that the phases are organised in a Linear Order. In other words, the output of one phase becomes the input for the next phase. The waterfall model is shown below.  In SDLC approach, the system is visualised as a living organism. The system takes birth, reaches the maturity stage through adolescence and ultimately dies its natural death

Development of MIS


Development of MIS


Limitations of Waterfall ModelIn the waterfall model, every phase is considered as a distinct phase, which can be isolated from the rest or the next phase. To elaborate, the model assumes that the requirements of a system can be frozen before the design begins. But for a new system, determining requirements is a difficult process as the user himself does not know his/her information requirements and thus to freeze them before design is not practical. Freezing the requirements usually requires the choice of hardware to be made. However, in the case of large projects, which might take a few years to be completed, the earmarked hardware technology may become obsolete even before the system becomes physical.

Development of MIS


Limitations of Waterfall ModelThe model stresses that the requirements should be completely specified before the beginning of the next phase. But in some of the situations, it might be desirable to first develop a part of the system completely and later enhance the system in phases

Development of MIS


Prototyping In the prototyping approach, a prototype of the system is developed, instead of the complete system. A prototype is a comprehensive system and does not include all the requirements of the user. This model is based on the evolutionary method of system development ( see the figure in the next slide). Prototyping is used in those systems, in which identification of requirements is difficult and requirements may change during the development process. This model advocates the development of a throw-away prototype to be given to the user to help understand his/her requirements. On the basis of feedback, the actual system is developed. The model, in general, has the following four steps. 

Development of MIS



Development of MIS


Identify the user's basic information requirements

In this step, the user identifies his requirements in the form of outputs required from the system The information analyst, on the basis of user expectations, estimates the cost of a workable prototype.

Develop the initial prototype system


Development of MIS


Here, the initial prototype system, which meets the user's basic information requirements, is developed. It is developed in the minimum possible time. The speed of building rather than efficiency of the prototype is the main consideration.  Use of the prototype system to refine the user's requirements The initially-developed prototype is delivered to the user to allow him to gain hands-on experience with the system to identify further refinements/changes required in the prototype.

Development of MIS


Revise and enhance the prototype system In this stage, the designer makes the necessary changes/refinements pointed out by the user after using the prototype. These Steps are repeated again and again till the prototype is refined to the satisfaction of the user. Prototyping approach may not be cost-effective in small organisations. It is more suitable for larger organizations, where it is difficult to identify user requirements.  

Development of MIS


 The prototyping approach has the following significant advantages in the development of a system;  Ability to 'try out' ideas without incurring large costs. Lower overall development costs when requirements

change frequently. The ability to get a functioning system into the

hands of the user quickly.

Development of MIS


Revise and enhance the prototype system Disadvantages It may become an unending process of

refinement, which may take too much time, effort and money. 

Second, it is also criticised because prototypes are usually not complete systems and many of the details are not built in the prototype.

Third, due to frequent changes, management of the development process also becomes difficult

Development of MIS


There are many systems which have a life cycle that is starting and ending step which indicates that the system is very much structured and rule based. They have 100% clarity of input & their resources, definite set of o/p in terms of the contents and formats. This system can be developed in systematic manner eg; accounting , payroll etc…

Development of MIS


Development of MIS

For the successful implementation of the system. The system designer should

Satisfy all the information needs of the user Respect the demands of the user Offer the services to the user. Not to recommend the modification of the needs unless

technically feasible. Explain the nature of the system to the user to realise the

information requirement of the current system.

Development of MIS

Have a better decision making capability Not expect the perfect understanding from the user as he

may be the user of non-computerized system. Conduct a periodical user meeting on system where it is

easier to get the opportunities to know the ongoing difficulties of the user.

Development of MIS


Development of MIS