Developing your marketing strategy - · •Senior Marketing Programs Specialist in...

© Deluxe Enterprise Operations, LLC. Proprietary and Confidential. Developing your marketing strategy

Transcript of Developing your marketing strategy - · •Senior Marketing Programs Specialist in...

© Deluxe Enterprise Operations, LLC. Proprietary and Confidential.

Developing your marketing strategy

© Deluxe Enterprise Operations, LLC. Proprietary and Confidential.

About Me – Deb Staiger

• Senior Marketing Programs Specialist in Shoreview MN

• 20+ years of marketing and event management experience working in and with business of all sizes as well as several non-profits

• Passionate supporter of small businesses

© Deluxe Enterprise Operations, LLC. Proprietary and Confidential.

The importance of marketing

• Marketing strategy is like a roadmap for your business. Take it step by step based on what’s right for your unique business.

© Deluxe Enterprise Operations, LLC. Proprietary and Confidential.

The importance of marketing

• Each step is important to document for your unique business.

• You and your business

• Your target customer

• Your brand & putting it all together

© Deluxe Enterprise Operations, LLC. Proprietary and Confidential.

The importance of marketing

• Marketing is a broad category of important items and answers that help you get the right customers to your business.

• Why

• What

• Who

• How

© Deluxe Enterprise Operations, LLC. Proprietary and Confidential.

You and your business

• Focus on 1 goal

• Competition

• The value your business provides to your customers or potential customers

© Deluxe Enterprise Operations, LLC. Proprietary and Confidential.

You and your business

• Your unique selling proposition (USP) includes what you do and why

• Morrison’s USP: a unique, casual dining experience that wrapped customers in the fun, comfort and authentic taste of Ireland

© Deluxe Enterprise Operations, LLC. Proprietary and Confidential.

Your target customer

• Finding the right customer is critical

Morrison’s USP: a unique, casual dining experience that wrapped customers in the fun, comfort and authentic taste of Ireland

© Deluxe Enterprise Operations, LLC. Proprietary and Confidential.

Your target customer

• Understand why your target customers choose to buy from you

• Who

• Why

• What

• How

© Deluxe Enterprise Operations, LLC. Proprietary and Confidential.

Your brand

• Your logo is the key to your visual marketing• Your logo is part of your unique business

© Deluxe Enterprise Operations, LLC. Proprietary and Confidential.

Putting it together

• Know where your target customers look for a business like yours and how they search. Know how to stay connected.

• Connect and keep in touch

© Deluxe Enterprise Operations, LLC. Proprietary and Confidential.

Putting it together

• Great ideas do not always make great marketing, identify what helps you reach your target audience and meet your identified goal

Morrison’s USP: a unique, casual dining experience that wrapped customers in the fun, comfort and authentic taste of Ireland

© Deluxe Enterprise Operations, LLC. Proprietary and Confidential.

Putting it all together

• Your USP and identified goal(s) are important as you evaluate the best ways to connect with your target customers.

• Online

• Signage

• Print

• Promotional & Apparel

• Tradeshow

• Referrals

© Deluxe Enterprise Operations, LLC. Proprietary and Confidential.

Marketing strategy• Take time to write it down• Pause to do the hard things which make the fun things

more successful• What things do you need to:

• 24% of opt-in emails don’t make it to the inbox• 78% unsubscribed because a brand was

sending too many emails

Keep Doing Stop Doing Start Doing

© Deluxe Enterprise Operations, LLC. Proprietary and Confidential.

Join us…

ØGetting Your Business Online and Getting Found /// Feb. 20th

> Using Email and Social Media Marketing /// Feb. 27

© Deluxe Enterprise Operations, LLC. Proprietary and Confidential.

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