Detox E Book

~~~*~~~ ~Raw, Living Foods~ Get back to life! ~~~*~~~ By: Sunny Morrow, B.S., M.Ed. Detoxification Specialist, Level II, Certified Raw Food Chef, Nutrition Specialist, Raw Foods Lifestyle Coach

Transcript of Detox E Book

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~~~*~~~~Raw, Living Foods~

Get back to life!~~~*~~~

By: Sunny Morrow, B.S., M.Ed.Detoxification Specialist, Level II,

Certified Raw Food Chef, Nutrition Specialist,Raw Foods Lifestyle Coach

Copyright Notice © Sunny Morrow 2011

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This guide is copyrighted. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use of these materials is prohibited unless the author, Sunny Morrow, is contacted to receive permission. The reader and user of this information may use one-sentence quotes to share with others without permission. Do not use this information in a way that constitutes dishonesty and lack of integrity.

Disclaimer: Any information contained herein is not to be misconstrued as medical advice. The reader agrees to take full responsibility for any measure they take with their own health and releases Sunny Morrow, D.S. from any and all responsibility.

Table of Contents:

Introduction………..................................................................................................... 3

Detox The New Buzz Word....................................................................................... 5

Beliefs About the Way Things Are…………………………………………………………………………. 7

Feeling vs. Needing Proof…………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

Alkaline State………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10

Various Levels of Detox………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

Protein………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13

Colon Cleansing…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14

Emotional Detoxification………………………………………………………………………………………. 16

A Snapshot into Sunny’s Reality……………………………………………………………………………. 17



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How many diets have you tried to shed the weight? How many ways have you tried to get rid of the health annoyances you are dealing with? It’s time to end the chronic issues and the chronic debate about what to do! Imagine freeing up some of your time, doing activities you thought you couldn’t do anymore, and really feeling healthy!

The raw food lifestyle is just one of many tools you can use to rid yourself of wastes, toxic build-up, and disease. Specifically, it is eating only fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables, soaked nuts and seeds, and sprouted grains and seeds.

At first glance, this way of eating seems darn unappealing to most. There can’t be that many ways to prepare broccoli in a raw, unaltered state! But alas, from where you are standing, having eaten the standard American fare for years and having trained your palate to accept and enjoy that food, you probably do not realize you can change your palate. It’s like starting a work-out program where there is a gradual change in your physique over time. Your palate will, over time, become more sensitive to subtle tastes in food as you eat a cleaner diet. You will be able to taste that yellow dye No.5, the preservatives, and the “deadness” of the processed, cooked food. Your body will start to reject this non-food and prefer the food that tastes, to your now clean, sensitive palate, like real food.

Along the way, the benefits your body will experience are specific to you and you alone. You may experience many things such as weight loss, clear skin, a state of painlessness, healing of minor and major illnesses, stamina like you have never experienced before, clear mind, even moods and hormone balancing, no monthly menstrual pain, the need for less sleep, stronger hair and nails, the ability to more easily remain calm and centered, and many more positive effects.

The simple fact is your body wants to be and can be in a vibrant state of health. We just have to eat cleaner and lighter and allow the body to do what it is designed to do. If you’ve got the time to look into this way of life, by all means see what you can get out of it. However, if you don’t have the luxury of time because you are ill and/or in pain, then please consider doing organ cleanses and changing your lifestyle to “high raw” as soon as you can. This guide will be a beginning, there are many resources listed, and I am available to guide and assist where necessary. If one is sick, then you must start the detoxification process now. Simply, detoxification is a purging of acids, toxins, and build-up in the body. The build-up in the body is from taking in too many toxins while the body is unable to process all of it. This causes sickness, pain, early aging, diseases, and early death.

The body also needs to be in an alkaline state. What is “alkaline?” It’s the opposite of acidic and is the state most of your body’s fluids and systems need to be in, but not all. To be alkaline means you are eating primarily foods that bring


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your pH up from acid to alkaline such as green, leafy plants, vegetables, and green smoothies.

To prepare you for the next section about detoxification, please try to realize that the standard American diet or S.A.D. contains many additives, residual pesticides and toxins, cheap oils and ingredients, and is cooked. The cooked food is changed chemically and affects the body in a myriad of ways! The cooked food has a lot less of the helpful enzymes that assist in digestion which puts a strain on the pancreas. The pancreas produces the enzymes that are lacking in the cooked food. So how old is your pancreas in dog years? It’s probably much older and weaker than you are if you’ve been eating primarily cooked foods your whole life.

What you put into your mouth is what your body uses to build, maintain, and repair cells, organs, and systems. Once you start to graze on the cleaner food, your cells will throw a big party! They’ll throw out toxins and acids and all sorts of things they have been using as a distant second to what they really need to be fully nourished and able to function properly. After the big party, you will probably not feel so good. Your body is “detoxing” from the standard American fare and releasing the unwanteds. You may experience the antibiotics, toxins, drugs, medicines, and the like until Elvis has officially left the building (toxins leaving your body). Depending on what you have eaten, your personal constitution, and so many other unique and individual aspects of you, your detox could last a few weeks to years; the detox symptoms that are really noticeable anyway. According to several raw foodists, detox occurs to a reduced extent for several years if you have been eating the S.A.D. for twenty, thirty, forty or more years.

Detox - The New Buzz Word

As this word starts to ring out from every orifice of society, it loses more and more meaning and eventually becomes a pale version of its once vigorous


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self. Let us not let that happen, deal? One way (and my favorite way) is to delve into the heart of what detox is about. Detoxification is a metabolic process where the toxic qualities of a poison or toxin are reduced by the body. Detox is many things, really. One can speak of spiritual or emotional detox and then there’s physical detox and we can spell out all the details of each and every one and get all bogged down. Well, it’s all one and the same. If you are physically detoxing, you are also emotionally and spiritually detoxing. If you are emotionally detoxing, then you are also.... you get the picture.

In this guide I will focus on the physical aspects of detox and leave the emotional and spiritual up to you. However, I will write about ways in which physical detoxification can release long-held emotions and ways in which people have enhanced their spirituality through detoxing and fasting. The emotional and spiritual aspects bring up one’s beliefs about life and things and then the fights start. It is up to each and every person reading this if they want to focus intention on those aspects of the detox process. Sometimes, you get deep enough in this process and you have no choice but to go through an emotional detoxification too. Here’s what we need to learn/remember about detox: 1- Detoxing starts with cleaning out the digestive tract (colon cleanse). This

must be your first order of business in order to do it right. This is not a one time event. At the minimum, the colon cleanses should be done over a period of 1 month and you should have three of them performed.

2- In general, the way your body usually gets rid of toxins will be amplified during detoxification – your weak areas.

3- Your level of detoxification will be directly proportional to how clean your diet becomes and how fast. I jumped into the raw lifestyle and my detox symptoms were a bad skin break-out/bumps and feeling like I had a sinus Infection for three weeks which I did not medicate. Depending on your personal history, your detox period may be slight to life-altering.

If you incorporate juicing, green smoothies, and eat raw foods, it will allow for some detoxing to occur but at a slower, more even rate. If you continue to eat normally without much of a change, you will continue to head right where you are going. Those with a strong and vigorous constitution have it good in this life. I am not among them. With all of the health problems I experienced, it was imperative that I find the right diet for me. I am still in the process of refining what that diet looks like. The more I learn, the more I learn I have to learn. What an awesome ride it has been so far!

What detox may look like….

Detox can get downright gross. The reason so few people really go all the way with detox is because of its possible ICK-factor. Think of it like this; the more


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you know about the oils, fats, preservatives, chemicals, GMO’s, and toxins that we consume on a daily basis, the more you realize what is in the body. If you are overloaded with those very toxins, where do they go? How do they affect your body? Think of the ways you are suffering from ill-health right now. If your body cannot get rid of it all, you become sick, which is just another way of saying you are overloaded with toxins. When you choose to go through a detox, some of those toxins, now attached to pus, mucus, and other lovely things, come out of your body in traditional and non-traditional ways. The body wants to get rid of these toxins and will, if you let it. The price you pay for keeping the toxins inside could be a cold, a disease, or your life one day. At the very least when detoxing, you may experience a sneeze and at the very most…? I have read about those who released tumors from all over their bodies but made it through like a champ to come out glowing with health on the other side!!

This is not a one-way train that you can’t stop. If things get too difficult for you, eat a nice starchy potato. That will slow down the detox for you until you feel comfortable enough to handle the continued release of toxins from your body. If your symptoms are just some achiness or feeling like you have a cold, you will be able to work through it just fine going about your daily business without a hitch. Better to do a little planning before you venture into a cleansing situation/detox episode so that it can occur, if you experience any symptoms at all, over a weekend. My best advice is to start the cleanse/detox a few days before the weekend, such as a Wednesday. Through my own experience and my experience with others who jumped right into the raw lifestyle, by the fourth day is when you will start to really start feeling detox symptoms. Also, make sure that you have people around you that are in on the big news and that will lend support to you during this phase. Let the detox be all it can be! You will feel so unencumbered and free afterwards.

The most important thing to remember is YOU ate the food, YOU drank the water, and YOU now have toxins in your body that should not be there. As long as it’s possible that you can take full responsibility for what you have put into your body up to this point, you will have an easier time accepting that you can detox yourself. Instead of kicking yourself in the butt because of this, ACT and so something about it.

Many people and companies use the fear factor in getting you to do something, buy something, and act. Most of us cannot see the parasites and the build-up that is lining the insides of our arteries and digestive tract. We also don’t realize that our engines (adrenal glands) are running on less because we are so used to this way of existence. Since we cannot see it and it doesn’t seem like it is affecting us, it must not exist. But what if we’re wrong? What if there are things living in your gut and plaque lining your digestive tract? Oh my! My opinion on the fear factor is that it is an old paradigm that needs to be shed like the plaque that’s in our bodies. The catch is that you do not need to coat the inner lining of someone else’s pockets with green stuff in order to rid yourself of this plaque.


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Another catch is that even if you are really clean already, a colon cleanse can do no harm and only can be good for you. So what do you have to lose? You got it!

Beliefs About The Way Things Are

I found out some pretty interesting things while reading books on the systems of the body, juicing, detoxing, cleansing, and getting healthy. When I took my story and my new found knowledge and passion about healing out into the world, I realized that people’s belief system about they way things are is so deeply ingrained, I might as well have been telling them to change their whole paradigm! Well, I guess that IS the message I am sending! What it really comes down to is being willing to acquire new and profound knowledge that is life changing. Also, to be able to have an open mind about ideas and new information that goes against and is contrary to almost everything we have been taught about nutrition, food, the medical industry, and healing. Are you willing to acquire new information? Is your mind open to new and life-changing information? Those really need to be established before going any further. Messages that fall on deaf ears are a waste of time and I waste my energy trying to do so. I believe that it is time to change our outdated paradigm about the way things are and jump off the cliff into the new paradigm, feeling completely guided and without security in the future. As my military friend would say, “Fear is the mind killer!” And so it is.

When I was “high raw” (eating mainly uncooked vegetables, juicing, and drinking green smoothies), I experienced most of the benefits they list in those detox and nutrition books. For instance, did you know that body odor is because of what you eat? I grew up thinking that when adults became adults and the hormone changes kicked in, body odor was just a part of it all. Not so. When I was high raw, I had no body odor. Have you heard that going gray is because of a lack of nutrition reaching the cells that control your hair color? Did you know that your diet is the major cause of the pain your body? When I was high raw, I had no more pain in my joints and no pain anywhere in my body. Let’s think about that one. How many people, who suffer from joint pain – call it whatever you want – could benefit from eating a high raw diet? How many people our age could benefit? How many elderly people could stand up straight and set aside their walkers by eating a high raw diet? Wouldn’t you like to experience no pain in your joints? Your joints do not hurt because you are getting old! They hurt because of what you eat! We are meant to be vigorous, vital, vivacious beings until the end! Who taught us that we are supposed to slowly degrade and degenerate, as most of our elderly do? Who profits off of these claims, based on lies and illusions? Are we going to go through life accepting this is the way

it’s supposed to be?Our answer should be a resounding ABSOLUTELY NOT!


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This idea of sickness and getting older with gray hairs, joint pain, back pain, digestive problems, decreasing eyesight, tumor growth and the like is a total and utter lie! The only reason we get sick and degenerate is because of poor nutrition and over time your body succumbs to a whole host of issues. Let’s stop calling it “aging” and call it what it really is. Aging is only degeneration from malnutrition and wrong nutrition in disguise. How is degeneration in any way “normal” and when did we begin to allow our thinking to go in that direction? How did we get so far off track? Of course, when one is high raw, there are outward signs of age as one ages, but inwardly one is still a warrior/ess and can remain vivacious and vigorous. How about we start to bring ourselves back to life and become the leaders our children have always needed? How about we bring the elderly back to life by feeding them good nutrition that will feed the cells and give their bodies what they need to thrive? I think there would be a lot less elderly in “old folks” homes if they were eating the proper nutrition. Jack LaLanne was vigorous up until the end. May that wonderful man rest in peace.

You’ve probably heard about Native women back in the day who could birth a child in a short amount of time and they did not scream out in pain. Since I experienced no pain during three monthly menstrual cycles, I started to wonder if their childbirth was really less painful because of the clean and wild diet they were eating. I came to the conclusion that they probably experienced less pain because their cells were correctly nourished and functioning properly. Who do you think led hunting parties and such? It wasn’t some wet-behind-the-ears boy! No, it was a seasoned, vigorous man who could at the very least keep up with and at the very most out-perform any of the others. There was no degeneration in his body and this was normal for them.

The pain we experience in our bodies is directly related to the food we are eating. It either nourishes our cells which then work properly or the cells slowly degrade and do not work properly thereby causing us real physical pain! Have you experienced pain lately? Interstitial Cystitis pain, Headache, sinus issues, joint pain? When you eat a cleaner diet, these issues resolve themselves. You allow the body to take over and take over, it will!

Let’s talk about healing. I had several break-outs (adult acne) during my detox and some stuck around for awhile which were obvious signs to me of deeper detoxing. Some though, healed almost overnight. That goes for paper cuts, bruises, and any other annoyances too. I was completely amazed when I woke up the next morning and saw that true (and miraculous) healing had taken place so quickly. When I was not eating high raw, these break-outs would last over two weeks without true healing in a timely way. They ended up leaving scars as well. If my body could not heal facial acne normally, then it surely was having a difficult time healing anything internally! I needed to get oxygenated and alkalized which automatically allowed my cells to get the air and nutrients needed in order to do their job. The only way for the so-called “miracles” in healing to occur is with through detoxification and eating living foods!


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Feeling vs. Needing Proof

How do we know that healing is happening inside our bodies? How do I know I had IC? What if I had bladder cancer? Was I even sick at all? Most people want proof. Did a doctor give me an exam? Did I get a doctor’s diagnosis? Did I give my internal authority over to someone else and let them tell me my truth? Did I accept anything they told me to take (pills) or anything they told me to do (procedures)?

Let me turn this around and ask “Do you know when you are sick?” “Do you know when you are feeling better?” You assess these things based on how your body feels, correct? Don’t you think that if true inner healing were taking place, you would automatically feel it? For those that want proof, what I need to say is “Are you able to be in tune with how your body feels or is this idea foreign to you?” Of course, a person with cancer who then heals can get proof by going to the doctor and getting some tests done. I would want to know that as well. It is true that a certain number of women who are somehow not deeply connected to their bodies need that proof. If I didn’t get that diagnosis from a perceived authority, then all my work the last 4.5 years is for naught. I find this most intriguing because I am connected to my inner wisdom and intuition and feel like I have always been. Then why did Sunny get sick, you say? I chose to enter the herd mentality for a while feeling like I needed to “prove” my worth and in doing so I gained degrees and life experiences but lost my health. My bad!

With my condition, all I had to do was FEEL true healing happening in my body every day because it was literally that fast. I did dive right in after all. I chose not to go to a doctor to have this verified for me because I already knew what was happening. I decided to keep my inner authority and not give that away to someone else. I also have seen so many people with health problems get the run around (no definite answers) and I’ve worked in the medical field. Do you have any experiences with the medical industry where you went to them for answers and did not receive anything definite; where you did not receive healing? If you have Interstitial Cystitis, whether diagnosed by a medical doctor or off the internet, you definitely know the answer to this!

After reading many books on alternative healing combined with my prior experiences, I felt that going to a doctor for this would have been disastrous for me. Not only would I have suffered longer, but the frustration and medical bills would have piled up on me. When I searched online, I did find IC communities. The people share stories and listen to each other’s pain and suffering. The major theme is one of “Let’s deal with this, learn to live with this, and let’s manage it.” No thank you! My inner voice was screaming that there was a better way, I listened to it, and I searched until I found it.


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We are the only beings that are truly confused about what we should be eating. Almost anything you have is because your cells are not receiving the proper nutrition in order to function properly. In this day and age, we really have to understand that we are exposed to a host of toxins and chemicals as well. Go detox; go eat nourishing foods, drink alkaline water, and become the powerhouse of vitality you were meant to be!!

Alkaline State

Have you heard of the book called Alkalize or Die? I had heard of it before and gave it little thought. Then I got painfully sick and I ended up reading about that very thing in order to understand what was going on! Since I have a background in the sciences (an undergrad in Biology) and was an Environmental Educator for a decade, I was already familiar with the pH scale and the terms acid and alkaline. After biology class in high school, most people never see those things again unless they go into an environmental or science field in college. Let me refresh your memory. pH measures acidity and alkalinity. The scale goes from 0 to 14. 0 is most acid and 14 is most alkaline. 7 is in the middle and is neutral. Most of your body, except your stomach acids and a few other systems (coating on your skin), is alkaline overall. The reactions that take place in your systems, as they move along, can produce acids but if allowed to go to completion, will then become alkaline again. I say if allowed to go to completion because if you eat acid food and don’t drink enough water, the reactions slow down, stall, and remain in an acid state making an acidified body even more acid.

What’s this got to do with you? Well, your internal environment needs to be alkaline. It is not that way all by itself (contrary to some medical propaganda) because if it were, it would be impossible to become acid by just eating the wrong foods. It becomes that way when you eat alkalizing food and water. Let me list the foods that are acids by nature and do not contribute electrolytes or oxygen to your body: All meat All pasteurized/homogenized dairy and dairy productsEggsBeansUnsprouted SeedsAlmost every grainAlmost every nutAll flour products (breads, pasta, bakery items)Sugar foodsAlmost all fruitAll processed foods (that nutrition bar you eat in the morning)CondimentsPicklesOlivesCandy, soda, tea, coffee, drink mixes, alcohol


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Cooked tomatoes

This list kind of cramps your style, doesn’t it? This list includes most of the foods in the Standard American Diet, or SAD, that most people eat. The problem is that people are eating ONLY acid foods that make up the bulk of their intake all day, every day. That is until you start to experience digestive and other little annoyances because of it all and have to search for other things to eat. Unfortunately, this is where most people turn to processed foods that leave out gluten and lactose. So what’s left to eat? You got it! Greens and Vegetables! When one has been eating so acid for so long and has manifested diseases, one must heal from this by becoming alkaline and oxygenating the cells in order to correct and reverse it.

So what exactly happens in your body when you continually eat from foods in the Standard American Diet? Your blood pH needs to remain in the very narrow range of 7.39 which is slightly over the neutral 7 towards the alkaline side. If the blood pH goes too far one way or the other, you die. So your body goes about protecting itself in any way it can to deal with the onslaught of acid foods one continually eats. Your body has to neutralize the acids! So where in your body do you have alkalizing minerals that the body could use to neutralize the acids? They are in your organs and bones. Your body is taking out a loan that can never be paid back unless you alkalize. This is the Big ‘O’; yes, you got it, Osteoporosis. The acids reek havoc in your body causing cholesterol to be added to the delicate lining of tubes in order to protect them. Acids cause mucous production to coat cells for protection and cause chemical reactions to slow down or stop causing further acidosis in your body. Acids will be released via urine and defecation, sweating, and the out breath but if acids are all you are eating guess what? It’s overload and your body has to do something. Your body also stuffs the acids down into your deep tissue for safe-keeping until something else can be done with them. These deep tissue acids are released when you go through a cleanse or detox. The deeper the cleanse/detox, the more these acids can be brought out of the body to be released safely without affecting the blood pH. These times are called “detox events,” “detox crisis,” “healing crisis,” and the like.

Detoxing is definitely not for the faint of heart. Take heart though; there have been reports of increased bone density and miraculous healings because of alkalizing and oxygenating the body. I suspect that these types of things will become more common as people give up on the medical industry and start to take their health and their inner authority into their own hands.

Various Levels of Detox

If you search for detox online, what you will find are various centers, like rehab, to detox from heavy-hitting drugs. Standard American Diet (SAD) and disease (from the SAD) detox centers will be few and far between. It seems


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people tend to use this as a last resort when they have been given up on by the medical community and they have no other option but to die. Further, it is hard to find places that offer a basic education in revitalizing the body and detoxification and for a reasonable price. My feeling is that these centers and ways to acquire education on true health and healing will become more and more prevalent as time goes on. Humans cannot last long living and eating the way we do. It is not sustainable!

If you start to consume a lot of greens and other alkalizing food, you will be allowing your body to be the alkaline being it was meant to be. So this is how that could look. You sit down at the table to eat dinner and the main course is a large salad or slightly steamed vegetable casserole lightly drizzled with Nama Shoyu – a raw soy sauce – some green herbs and Celtic Sea Salt. The side dishes are a small portion of fish and asparagus with raw cream (unpasteurized is most likely alkaline). The main point is that the main dish is a greens and vegetables. This way of eating will enhance your health and allow for a slow release of all those acids that have been stuffed down into your tissues to protect your body against them. For people who are overweight, your body has wrapped the toxins in fat and stored that away so as to protect you. If you eat more vegetables through the day and become more alkaline, your body will be given the green light to start to release those acids and toxins AND the extra weight will go with it. The release of acids/toxins is called detox. When you release them you will have symptoms like you are sick. Of course! What else is expected when the toxins are coming out for good? What happens when you are on toxic overload from what you think is a cold but what really is an overload of toxins from the way you are eating? You feel sick! Your lymphatic system is overloaded and now is “swollen” full of mucus (full of toxins) and we label that a “sinus infection” or some such.

While you are cleansing your organs, you slowly transition away from eating the foods previously listed. Over a period of two months you want to move away from all that acidic food! Go too quick and the toxins released could overwhelm your body, scare you, and release stones you didn’t know you had. This is your warning! Do not hurry this process – that is working directly against the body and its natural processes. Go gung-ho and it could be “good-bye gallbladder!”

I was in a lot of pain so I jumped right into the green smoothie pool head first! I also did not have other major health issues and was taking no medication or pills. Talk about a steep learning curve! One day I was eating my less than desirable short list of foods for all the sensitivities, intolerances, and the IC condition and the next day I was healing with raw foods. I made the green smoothies and drank a blenderful every day, plus I juiced and ate raw vegetables. Sometimes I would cook some of the hard, cruciferous vegetables and eat hot food – it was winter in New Hampshire – so I gave myself a break. During this phase, I did not experience sudden or deep detox. I was able to go about my daily life unencumbered. The only time I experienced a deeper detox was when I did a juice fast for ten days. I became dizzy, lethargic, foggy headed, felt like I


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had a sinus infection, and broke out in awful, painful red bumps all over my face. Luckily that was in between semesters (I was getting my masters degree) and I didn’t have to go out of the house or take care of anyone else. I’m sure I would have scared children if I had ventured out.

There are many levels to detoxing. You can make every meal an overall alkaline meal and start that way. You can start making green smoothies and drink them as snacks throughout the day or just replace one meal with a green smoothie. Green smoothies have several servings of vegetables so you will be drinking/chewing more than what is recommended by that Food and Drug Administration food pyramid for your daily intake. Obviously, the vegans, vegetarians, fruitarians, and raw foodists go by a very different food pyramid. You can google that. Or you can replace two meals with the green smoothie and eat raw fruit or vegetables for snacks. What is best for you, your lifestyle, and your schedule? You decide.

Cleaning the body temple is one of the highest gifts to yourself and a higher power you can perform in this lifetime.


This topic needs to be about one sentence long, not including this one. If vegetables do not have any protein, then why is it possible to buy vegetable protein powder in the various kinds of health food stores to add to body-builder shakes?

The amount of protein that we should be consuming is another lie. We don’t need a lot of protein and we never did. Vegetables do contain protein and it is enough to maintain and build muscle. There are several body-builders who are also raw-vegans and get their protein exclusively from their diets of raw fruits and vegetables, soaked nuts and seeds, and sprouts (check out RawFoodMuscle on youtube). It’s interesting that even some body-builders have caught on to the protein myth and have been extremely vocal about it. Hallelujah! Think about what industry promotes eating a lot of protein. Watch the popular movie on Netflix, Food, Inc and others. Do your homework before saying (and believing) that one needs meat to survive. You’ve been programmed by the TV and the media and the government for better or for worse.

This is one of the myths that really shakes people up because the belief that we need to eat a lot of meat is so deeply ingrained. I can say two things about meat that have nothing to do with the viciousness, evil and atrocities that occur in modern slaughterhouses. One: Once you have been eating higher raw foods and have given yourself enough time, say three months, your taste buds will have become more sensitive


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and you will crave meat a little less. When I tried to eat meat after being high raw, I actually tasted the chemicals and ‘deadness’ of the meat and spit it out.

Two: I like to know about the frequency (scientifically measured in hertz-Hz) of various things which extended from my studies in biology, of the Chakra system, sound healing, and being involved in an alternative healing modality called Raindrop Therapy. To that end, I found out that the frequency (or life force energy) of cooked meat is very low. What does that have to do with you? Some foods are obviously of a higher frequency and when you eat them you feel lighter. Some foods sit in your belly like a lead weight; meat being one of them. It actually causes you to lose that feeling of lightness, of higher vibration, and stays in your gut a lot longer, most times to the point of rotting – called putrefaction. Add to this the fact that most people have low stomach acid and you can see how eating meat is harmful. Eating a low frequency food causes physical changes in your body. Think about how your body, your thoughts, and your behavior might be affected from eating low frequency foods. Do you think that it may cause a person to act in a lower manner and behave from their ‘base’ self? I’m not sure I am aware of any psychotic, sociopath, murderer that is also a raw foodist. Just saying. I’m not saying that all people who eat a cleaner diet are angels either. What I am saying is this; you’ve got your own body frequency – Yes You Do! – and any frequency that you are around affects yours and vice versa; yours affects others’ frequency. What you eat affects your body’s frequency, moods, and actions and vice versa. This is true.

Ok, so with that said, there’s one last thing. The people who work in slaughterhouses have high suicide rates. I’m not surprised. I grew up on a farm where animals were treated humanely and I saw them being butchered for our meals. My father also hunted so we could supplement our food supply – our farm was small and we had a lot of mouths to feed. It’s simple folks; if you are willing to increase your knowledge about how much meat you actually need to live by experimenting, I am sure you will find that you can survive and thrive on less or no meat. We need to reduce the need for massive production of livestock in highly contaminated and confined spaces. We need to chose to purchase humanely grown and raised meat, if we continue to eat it.

Colon Cleansing

Putting all the stuff, a.k.a. food, in took a long while and cleaning out a place you can’t get to with a kitchen scrubber is also going to take a few weeks to years. Think about the pipes under your kitchen sink or the pipe that drains the toilet. What gunk is now lining those pipes because you cannot get down there and scrub them? OK, now think of the lining of the tubes in your body. If you are not eating foods that have the ability to “scrub you out” and keep the tubes clean, then there IS a coating there that degrades your health. The medical community likes to call the artery gunk “plaque build-up.” They are in agreement that this happens inside the circulatory system (blood tubes) when one eats rancid oils and fats, preservatives and the whole yukky list. They are not in agreement that this could happen inside the digestive system (food tubes).


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Detoxification specialists who guide people through detoxification think differently and they even have a name for digestive gunk. It’s called “mucoid plaque.” I’ve read about some amazing things that can come out of a person who does a detoxifying colon cleanse including what was left of some colorful crayons a lady ate as a child, tapeworms, parasites, and other things that shouldn’t be in your body and work to degrade your health.

This mucoid plaque on the inner lining of your GI tract (gastro-intestinal) is from a lot of things that are unhealthy for you found in normal, everyday, Standard American Diet food. If you have been eating meat, pasteurized dairy, and processed foods for several years or decades and this is your first colon cleanse, be prepared for what may come out. You may have parasites and wormy things come out that you never would have believed you had in there. Plaque build-up from years and decades could be coming out. Pockets of undigested foods, namely the harder to digest things like meats and grains, can stay in the GI tract for longer than I care to mention. When parts of the intestine are exposed to food that has stayed inside you for too long, the inner lining and that part of the intestine are affected by becoming weaker contributing to what’s called “leaky gut syndrome,” IBS, gluten and other intolerances, and a whole host of other issues. Imagine the build-up after thirty or forty years and you can see why people have malnutrition, weakness, digestion issues, and cancer before their kids reach high school. My mom had cancer while I was in middle school. I watched her slowly fade away over my fifth grade year.

Almost all oils and fats that are in processed foods are already rancid by the time they get into chips, cookies, pastries, and other processed food that add to mucoid plaque. Read Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions. The part towards the beginning on the processing of oils is only a few pages long. These rancid fats and oils, when ingested, go to work as ‘free radicals’ which is short for causing your body’s cells to mutate thereby creating the possibility of tumors, cancers, and sicknesses in your body. That’s what all the hype is about when it comes to ‘antioxidants.’ Antioxidants, a.k.a. the good gals, grab onto these free radicals and clean them out of the body. We don’t even need to worry about free radicals and antioxidants if we are eating an alkalizing, raw, living diet of fresh, organic fruits, vegetables, soaked nuts and seeds, and sprouts.

We want to first cleanse the colon because we need a clean racetrack for all the raw food we are going to be eating. When the food is broken down properly, within a well-hydrated body, we can get all the nourishment we need from the food. What needs to be absorbed can be absorbed through clean bowels that we allow to work properly. Colon cleansing is the very first thing we need to do before embarking on any major diet change.

Colon cleansing can be done a few ways. There’s the enema that flushes out the colon that you can perform on yourself in privacy. I’m sure there is a youtube video you can watch on how to do this or read the directions that come


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in the package. My top choice is always colon hydrotherapy, however, you can purchase an herbal cleanse and use that for a month. There are several online sites and most are just plain scams! I’d recommend sites that use herbs such as Dr. Robert Morse’s site ( and Dr. Schulze’s site ( On Dr. Morse’s site you want to get the GI Broom and the level of Stomach & Bowel that suits you. Read what the good doctor has written – there are five levels of Stomach & Bowel. On Dr. Schulze’s site you want to get the Intestinal Formula #1 or the Bowel Detox kit. Then there is Psyllium Husk and Bentonite Clay, sold separately and mixed together in a drink taken 3X/day. You have to be well hydrated to take this solution three times a day in between meals. Then you wait to go to the bathroom and this is where the ICK-factor comes in. The clay and psyllium will have gelled together, absorbed a lot of toxins from the digestive tract and your body, and most likely will be very black in color. It may be carrying some interesting things. The difference with doing it this way is you can be alone and the downside is that you will probably want to really look at what’s in the toilet to make sure you know the clay/psyllium husk solution is working. You want to get familiar with what’s coming out so you know when to stop. You stop the Bentonite Clay/Psyllium Husk solution when anything weird stops coming out of you. This is entirely dependant on your diet up to this point in your life, your constitution – whether weak, medium, or hardy, and all your personal and individual considerations. So instead of following a definite guide to how, when, what, where with detox, you need to pay attention to your body, your needs, your thoughts, your intuitions, your individuality and be flexible with your response. For those of you who are quite new to all of this, it should take a week to a month or more for this process (using the clay and psyllium) to take its course. Just pay attention and go with, flow. You stop drinking the bentonite clay/psyllium husk mixture when weird things stop coming out of your arsh. That’s pirate for anus. Some hard-core enthusiasts of cleansing defecate in a metal strainer over the toilet so as to make sure they can inspect what is coming out and when to say “OK, I’m not done yet” or “OK, I’m done.”

Emotional Detoxification

So this is where we get to the topic of emotional releases. As before, when I was writing about frequencies (life force energy) and how that relates to food, I mentioned that every person’s body has its personal frequency... well, you emanate/radiate this frequency all the time. It changes based on your emotional state related to the thoughts you are thinking. The reason why Laws of Attraction work is because the most power you have to manifest what you want in life is through the frequency you give off through your emotions which comes from your heart. Emotions are a very, very powerful thing. When they are focused in a loving and compassionate way, we all know great things can happen. What about when we are feeling depressed and angry? The frequency is still powerful. Now let’s add to the mix sitting down and eating food while you are upset, angry, depressed, mad, sad, jealous, loathing, STRESSED-OUT, and unconscious as to


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what you are putting in your mouth. Your frequency affects what is around you. Your frequency affects your food. Those powerful energies get ‘attached’ to the food you eat and if it is processed, unnatural foods that leave behind mucoid plaque in your GI tract, the negative emotional frequency that is attached to that mucoid plaque gets put into that layer as well. Layer after layer after layer after year after year after decade. Are you getting me? How many times have you eaten while upset or because you are upset? You could have emotional traumas stored in your body from many moons ago that may need to be released now.

This can go way, way deeper as well. What emotions was your mother feeling as she carried you? What frequencies was she around when you were in her womb? This can get right down to the cellular level – as in cellular memories. Hey, I’m the messenger and I’m reporting what others have experienced. Take it as you will.

There are many people who have reported that not only do they feel cleansed on the inside from colon cleansing, but that they feel long-held negative emotions being released after performing this much ignored health practice. It’s not many years of psychotherapy, but it’s something. If you think that this is a bunch of who-ha, well at least you’ll get the worms and mucoid plaque out.

A Snapshot Into Sunny’s Reality

I grew up on raw, unpasteurized milk and unsprayed vegetables from my family’s garden. Back then, we ate white flour products and white sugar but my mother made virtually every meal at home. At the age of fifteen, I moved into the suburbs and starting eating a diet made up of more processed foods. Within ten years, I had Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), a gluten intolerance, a lactose intolerance, a sensitivity to very acid foods such as cooked tomatoes and citrus fruits, adult acne, and a slew of other issues. That is about the very same year that millions of others in the world started to have these very same issues because of the introduction of GMO’s into the food supply. The list of little health annoyances I dealt with is long so I will not list everything here. Because of these intolerances and sensitivities, my food choices were limited. Drinking a highly acidic beverage such as orange juice would cause my stomach to reel so I stayed away from any citrus fruits to eat or drink and that includes acidifying soda pop. What does one do when they cannot eat so many things in the standard American fare? I turned to processed foods that did not contain dairy, gluten, white or wheat flour, beans, etc... because I did not know any better.

When I went back to college, I started to drink coffee every day to keep going. I had been drinking coffee as my daily intake of fluid and was never without a filled mug. My hair continued to fall out en masse even though it looked full and thick, my nails broke easily, and my lower back started to bother me. The acne continued and influenced how much socializing and dating I experienced because I was so self-conscious about it.


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Then I started to experience more pain in my lower back. I thought it might have been from driving too much. Another thought was that since one of my sister’s has serious lower back issues I would probably be next in line for the same issues such as degenerative disc disorder and looking at getting back bones fused together. I could not lay on my stomach or my sides when sleeping and walked in what seemed like a slightly hunched over position. The smell of my urine became unbearable and it was dark brown and cloudy. Urination started to become more and more painful and I was in a low-grade, painful state in my pelvic area constantly. I cut back on the coffee but continued to eat my normal diet. I thought I was having urinary tract infections and was put on antibiotics. They did not help and the lower back pain and urinary tract pain continued. I eventually got curious and called the doctors to see if there really had been any bacterial growth found in the cultures. There was no bacterial growth on the urinary cultures done which means there was no infection. No wonder the antibiotics didn’t work.

One day, I happened to be at a luncheon and after hearing my symptoms, the massage therapist sitting next to me said it sounded like Interstitial Cystitis (IC). She had this condition and had it under control by a change of diet and taking alkalizing pills. In general, it is a condition where the body has become so acid that the inner lining of the bladder has actually been worn down over time by highly acid urine which causes a lot of pain and especially when urinating. When a person with IC goes off the diet and eats food on the no-no list, they may have what’s called a “flare-up.” It’s something like getting a painful migraine, being incapacitated by it, and having to go lay down. The flare-up can last for an hour or days and is very painful. As you can see, this condition, if left unchecked, could debilitate a person. Many women have been debilitated and are on disability because of IC and many have had surgery to try to correct it. The medical field has an inner bladder spray that can be used to relieve the immediate pain of this condition and prescribes pain pills. Some women have had their bladder removed. None of those band-aid approaches sounded good to me.

Because the IC condition is one of too much acidity, I went to Borders and got a twelve-dollar book on the Acid-Alkaline balance in the body and read it. The diet recommended was one I could not see myself doing for any length of time. He recommended a cooked vegetable diet for a year or longer to correct the issue of acidity. However, I did gain a basic understanding of the issues surrounding too much acidity in the body.

After almost eight months of pain and searching for a way to heal this condition, I came across some videos on youtube about “green smoothies.” These videos were not on the cooked variety of vegetables, they were on the raw, living variety of greens and vegetables! At the instant I saw raw, living green smoothies, I knew that was the answer I had been searching for. I cannot really say how I knew it was the answer, but I knew within every cell of my being!


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Within two days I had my refrigerator packed with produce, bought a blender, and started experimenting with making green, raw, living smoothies. I drank a whole blenderful every day. After going through four blenders in the $25-75 dollar range within a few weeks, with one almost catching fire, I bought a Vita-Mix and have been very happy with its performance.

I drank 64 ounces of alkalizing green smoothie for three months, ate a raw diet, and completely healed my IC condition. Not only did I heal, my skin cleared up, my hair became stronger and stopped falling out en masse, my nails were hard as stones, all the inflammation caused by the acid condition left my body so I looked thinner and more defined, my stamina increased to a point I had never experienced before, my concentration improved immensely, I needed less sleep, any wounds such as a paper cut or an acne break-out healed virtually overnight, I gained confidence, my moods evened out, I felt no pain anywhere in my body, my back pain completely disappeared, my joints felt smooth and well-oiled, my menstruations started without any “week before my period” mood swings, hormone imbalance, food cravings, or cramping and flowed effortlessly, all the while having no pain whatsoever.

After those initial three months, I experimented with making an acidic fruit smoothie once in a while. I found I could make and drink fruit smoothies (most fruit is acidic) and even use highly acid citrus fruits without adverse effects! About a year later, I experimented again by drinking raw, unpasteurized milk and eating baked ziti – not at the same time - and had no difficulties digesting them or eliminating them. Of course, drinking raw milk and eating pasta was just an experiment to see if I could. I do not make eating those foods a normal part of my diet. I proved to myself that I not only healed my IC and reaped so many more benefits; I had healed my digestive tract if IBS and the intolerances as well.

Sometimes when you have been dealing with an issue for a length of time, you forget how it feels to live in a healthy body. Almost any condition you might have at this time can be healed with raw, living foods. It only took me three months to completely regenerate my body from the smallest cell to the whole being. Inner healing is what it takes to truly heal for good. Band-aid approaches do not work; those being chemicals, invasive procedures, or taking any kind of pills. We’ve got to start thinking big picture and long term. We cannot continue to think about today or this week when it comes to our health. My health issues did not happen overnight. Why should I think that pills would truly heal me overnight? It doesn’t work that way. If I want true healing, I have to feed my cells excellent nutrition so that they can help me heal. For me, it took three months.

Every situation is so individual and only you know how you grew up, what you ate twenty years ago, and all the little and big health annoyances you are dealing with. Your journey into better health and/or your healing experience will be just as individual as your life has been and just as individual as you are.


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Once you understand some of the ways your body works, moving into a simpler way of eating and living will become effortless. Understanding that what we eat determines a large part of our health really is very simple. If you think about all the media you have ever been exposed to and the cultural and social conditioning we have been a part of surrounding food, it is also very easy to understand why we are so confused about health, nutrition, and true healing. When I was confronted with my health crisis, I buried my head in books, learned, and absorbed as much information as I could. Now I have a small library on nutrition and healing books. The “a-ha” moments were so awakening and eye-opening for me that I have to share what I have learned with as many people as possible!

My intention is to squeeze the juice out of the wheatgrass (so to speak) so that understanding health and nutrition will be a snap for you. Throughout my many work experiences with the public, one of the main themes for me was to take complex technical and scientific information and transform it into understandable and memorable information for others. I hope that I can succeed in this endeavor for you. Busy people will find this guide easy to understand and immediately useful because each subject matter can stand alone. If you’ve got five or ten minutes to yourself, you can read that small part and contemplate the information while doing other mundane daily work or chores. It’s not very Eckhart Tolle-like, but you get my meaning. We are all very busy and for families with children, especially so.

Now that you have a much greater understanding of detoxification, your journey into this new paradigm should be much easier! Detoxification is the basis for all further endeavors into health and is continually misunderstood, overlooked, and undervalued! I’ve just written twenty pages; imagine how many I have read on detoxification! I would advise reading much more than what is here. This area of health is literally EXPLODING onto the scene and there is so much information just in the last five years since I started this whole journey to heal myself. Focus on books – ALWAYS. Treat the internet like vitamin D in the winter; as something you supplement with. The coconut meat has to be the books!! That’s where your real information is found.

Thank you for taking the time to read my e-book on detoxification. I hope to see you back at my website ( and on my facebook fan page (

Mitakuye Oyasin, Namaste, Blessings!

~ Sunny ~