Details are Important in Collision Repair

collision repair Details Count A from asTech

Transcript of Details are Important in Collision Repair

collision repairDetails Count


from asTech

There is more to a vehiclethan its appearance

Most collision shops get the details right when it comes torestoring a vehicle to the same—or better—appearance it hadbefore the accident. Yet there is one detail that many collisionshops don’t always pay attention to when they repair a car- itsintricate array of electronic equipment.

The reason they often miss repairing these sensors, modules, andwiring is that they don’t have an up-to-date diagnostic scan toolthat can detect even the slightest hidden damage in the vehiclesthey work on.

New electronics demandupdated diagnostics

Because vehicle manufacturers constantly add new, high-techequipment every year—sometimes even mid-year—it’s crucial thatcollision repair shops have updated their diagnostic scan devices.That, however, can add up to a lot of cash outlay every year for theshop.

New technology, though, is available that allows repair shops toconduct diagnostic scans remotely. These scans, conducted usingthe OEM’s exacting standards, can detect trouble codes that revealthat a car might have suffered more damage than the technicianssuspected.


Determining the car'sproblems

Because the parts of today’s cars are so intricately connected withtheir electronic systems, it’s often the case that a repair shop can’tjust repair the part in question. Most of the time, when it comes tosensitive electronic components, replacement is the only solution.

Remote scans can uncover the car’s history through freeze framedata that the car stores in its system. This information tells when afault code was triggered. With this information, your repair shopcan allow the customer to choose whether to go ahead and havethe pre-existing condition repaired.

Creating HappyCustomers

Creating HappyCustomers

Combine the power of choice with a perfectly-repaired car and your customers will walk out of

your shop satisfied.

For more information about remotescanning devices contact asTech