Detailed lesson plan (grand demo) without pic

National College of Science and Technology Amafel Bldg. Aguinaldo Highway Dasmariñas, Cavite DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN GRADE 7- ENGLISH GRAND DEMONSTRATION Date February 10, 2015 Quarter Fourth Quarter Program Standard The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine culture and those of other countries. Grade Level Standard The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of Philippine Literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine culture. Content Standard The learner demonstrate understanding of: Philippine literature in the Period of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity; strategies in listening to and viewing of informative and short narrative texts; word relationships and associations. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by: comprehending informative and short narrative text using schema and appropriate listening and viewing strategies; expressing ideas; opinions and feelings through various formats. Theme A Discriminating and Analytical Learner Domain of Literacy Listening Comprehension and Oral Language and Fluency Learning Competency EN7OL-III-f- 3.4.1: Express ideas and opinions based on text listened to. Section Grade 7- Jasmine I. Target Competencies At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

Transcript of Detailed lesson plan (grand demo) without pic

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National College of Science and TechnologyAmafel Bldg. Aguinaldo Highway Dasmariñas, Cavite



Date February 10, 2015

Quarter Fourth Quarter

Program Standard The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine culture and those of other countries.

Grade Level Standard The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of Philippine Literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine culture.

Content Standard The learner demonstrate understanding of: Philippine literature in the Period of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity; strategies in listening to and viewing of informative and short narrative texts; word relationships and associations.

Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by: comprehending informative and short narrative text using schema and appropriate listening and viewing strategies; expressing ideas; opinions and feelings through various formats.

Theme A Discriminating and Analytical Learner

Domain of Literacy Listening Comprehension and Oral Language and Fluency

Learning Competency EN7OL-III-f- 3.4.1: Express ideas and opinions based on text listened to.

Section Grade 7- Jasmine

I. Target Competencies

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. identify the characters, the settings and the sequence of events of the text entitled: “The Crow and the Sparrow”

b. determine the values emphasized by the reading text by expressing ideas and personal opinions based on the values of the text listened to

c. make use of a story map to illustrate the story plot

II. Subject Matter

Lesson: The Crow and the Sparrow

Reference: DepEd Teaching Module #4- English “A Discriminating and Analytical Learner” pages 8, 9 and 10

Materials: Pop-up book, Cartolina, Board marker, power point presentation.

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III. Learning Tasks

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Routinary Activities

Good Morning!

Who’s going to lead the prayer? Yes Vanessa. Please do lead the prayer.

Please be seated.Kindly check if there are any trash beneath your chairs and your surroundings.

Ok class, who are absent for today?

REVIEW: So last time, we discussed about what?Yes, good!

Last meeting we discussed about Essay. What is essay? Yes

Good Morning Ms. Paras, Good Morning classmates, it’s nice to see you again.

Vanessa: Classmates are you ready to pray? Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes.

Dear God, Thank you for this wonderful day that we arrived in school safely. Thank you for giving us another day to learn, another day to see our classmates and teachers, another day to share our ideas and to participate in our activities. May you always bless us with love, patience and gift to learn. Keep us safe and away from evil aspects, incidents and accidents. This our prayer in Your mighty name, Amen.

(Students will pick up some garbage if there is any)

They will mention the names of their classmate/s.

Essay Ma’am.

Essay is a form of writing which we can express our point of view or our own ideas.

Very Good! Thank you for your answers.

Who was the first person who wrote informal essay? Yes

Great! Correct. Who was the first formal essay writer and considered as the father of English Essay? Yes

Very Good! Thank you for your answers!

Do you have any questions regarding our past lesson?

Are you sure?

For today, we will be studying our new topic. And for that, we need to do this list of tweets or goals that we need to retweet or to study and achieve(posting the objectives)

So now, let us proceed to our new topic. But before we start, we are going to have a game.

Michel de Montaigne

The first person who wrote formal essay and considered as the Father of English essay is Francis Bacon

None, Ma’am

Yes, Ma’am

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Do you want a game?

Are you ready?


Our game for today is entitled “KNOW THESE PICTURES” I will present 4 sets of pictures for 4 groups, but to have a twist, and you will arrange the puzzle picture first. After arranging it, you will present the picture being formed to the class, Are you ready? The first picture is *Crow*

Tell something about the picture. Yes.

Very Good! Thank you for your answer. This picture presents a kind a bird which is CROW. Did you know that crow is one of the largest species of bird and it has 2 colors these are: black and gray. They eat meat. Usually they eat dead animals in the wild, but they also eat nuts.

Thank you for asking question, Yes, we have crow here in the Philippines.

Let’s proceed to the second picture. *Sparrow*

Tell something about the picture. Yes.

Very Good! Thank you for your answer. This picture presents a kind of bird which is a SPARROW. A sparrow is a kind of bird that its physical appearance look like a maya. A sparrow is one of the most seen species around the world. Sparrows can be seen in streets, wilds and even at the roof of your houses.

Thank you for asking question. Sparrows can be seen on wild or even at your house. The sparrows are like maya here in the Philippines.

Okay. Third picture *Friendship*

What do you see in the picture? What do we mean by friendship? Yes,

Very well said. Friendship is a state wherein you share your commonalities and differences to a person or a group of but you accept and understand each other.

The last picture. *Betray/ Dishonesty* That’s right! What do we mean by dishonesty? Yes

ANALYSIS: What did you notice about our game for today?

Yes, Ma’am

Yes, Ma’am

I see in the picture a kind of bird. / crow

Ma’am, do we have Crow here in the Philippines?

I see in the picture a kind of bird.(answers may vary)

Ma’am, where do sparrow live?

What I perceived in the picture is friendship.

Ma’am friendship is having trust to someone that will never betray you.

Ma’am that is dishonesty.

Dishonesty is the act wherein someone done negative or s/he did not follow the rules.

It’s all about bird Ma’am.

Ma’am, It’s about the friendship and betrayal of

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Okay, thank you for your answer. Yes, it is indeed about two kinds of bird. Any other idea?

Very Good! So each of that picture have a connection to our topic for today. For today, we will be discussing about a certain text that is popular mostly on Asia, there are many version of this piece but the topic that we will be discussing will be somewhat related to your experiences being a friend and being wise.

Are you ready to listen?


Our topic for today is entitled “The Crow and the Sparrow”

Once upon a time a sparrow made friends with a crow. One day, when they were hunting for food, the crow spied some red peppers that were spread out on a mat to dry.

“Look at those peppers,” said the crow to the sparrow.

“Let’s see who can eat the most”

“All right!” answered the sparrow.

“Then the one who wins will eat the other,” said the crow.

The sparrow laughed and agreed for he thought the crow was joking. Friends do not eat each other.

The sparrow ate each pepper fairly, but the crow cheated. For each pepper that he ate, he hid three more under the mat without the sparrow’s seeing.

Okay, so let’s break your eagerness, it seems that you are too eager to know what’s next.

Let me ask you, in your own opinion, Why did the sparrow the sparrow agree to bet?

Okay very good! So how did the crow cheat?

Will the crow win on the bet? What do you think?

Okay, very well said! Thank you for giving idea. It can be because the sparrow might caught the crow while the crow cheats. Another idea?

Okay, thank you for sharing your idea, Let’s see whose right in predicting what’s next. Let’s continue.

the birds.(answers may vary)

Yes, Ma’am

Because he thought that the crow was joking.

As the crow eat the pepper, the crow hid three peppers under the mats.

No Ma’am. The crow will not win the game because he will be caught by the sparrow.

Ma’am, the crow will win the game because he will not be caught by the sparrow.

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“I’ve won! Now I’m going to eat you!” said the crow. Then at last the sparrow realized that the crow was serious.

“All right,” he said, “I’ll keep my promise. But before you eat me, you must wash your beak for everyone know that you’re a dirty bird and eat nasty things.” So the crow went to the river and cried.

“River! River! Give me water, To wash beak, To make myself neat, the sparrow to eat!”

The river replied: You want water? Very well, but everyone says you ate nasty things. If you want to wash your beak in my water, you must get a pot to put it in and then you can have as much water as you like.”

Alright, let’s have a review, what condition did the sparrow give before allowing himself to be eaten by the crow? And why?

Very good! You truly listened. Another question.Why did the river refuse to give water to the crow?

Very good! So let’s now predict, what do you think will the crow do?

Thank you for your answer. Yes, it can be. Since the river refused to the crow, maybe the crow’s feelings hurt. Good prediction. Another?

Very Good! Thank you for that answer. Yes, it can be because the river said, before he wash his beak, he must get a pot to get some water to the river. Okay let’s see if what the crow will do.

The crow went to a potter in the village and cried.

“Potter! Potter! Make me a pot. To fetch some water. To wash my beak, To make myself neat, The sparrow to eat!”

The potter replied: “You want a pot? Very well, but I have no clay. Bring me some clay and I’ll make you a pot.”

The crow went to a field and began digging up clay with his beak.

The earth said: “The whole world knows that you eat rubbish and nasty things. I cannot allow you to dig up my clay unless you use a spade.”

Okay, let’s review, why can’t the potter give the crow a pot?

The sparrow said that before the crow eat him, he must wash his beak first. Because the crow ate nasty things.

The river refused to give water to the crow because the crow is dirty and ate nasty things.

I think, the crow will leave the river and find another source of water.

I think, the crow will get a pot to a potter to get water from the river.

The potter cannot give the crow a pot because the potter have no clay in making a pot.

The earth said that to be able to get some clay, the crow must have a spade.

Maybe the crow will continue digging up even the

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Very Good. So What did the earth require from the crow?Very good. So now, what do you think will the crow do?

Well said, Yes it can be. Maybe the crow will just ignore the earth and continue digging for clay. Another?

Okay, very well. It may happen, because he will find another place to dig so that the earth will not be mad at him. Another?

Okay, let us see which prediction is correct. Let’s continue.

The crow went to the village blacksmith who was working on a wheel. The crow said to him:

“Blacksmith! Blacksmith! Make me a spade. To dig some clay, to make a pot, to wash my beak, to make myself neat, the sparrow to eat!”

The blacksmith replied: “You want a spade? Very well, but you see I have no fire in the forge. If you want me to make a spade, you must bring me some fire.”

Okay. Let’s predict again. The question is: Who do you think will the crow approach next?

Okay very good! Yes, it can be, because the crow needs fire. Instead of the fireman to wash the fire away, the crow will get the fire and bring to the blacksmith. Another idea:

Very well, Yes. That is true, maybe the crow will bring the stove to make a fire and give it to the blacksmith.

Another question: Do you think that somebody will give the crow’s request?

Very well said, Yes, It can be. If the spade was made, then he will be able to fetch water to the river for him to wash his beak and finally ate the sparrow. Good! Who else has an idea?

Well said. Yes, it can also be. Because of so many locations that the crow had, maybe he will feel tired and just plan to eat the sparrow without washing his beak. Okay. Let us see if someone will help the crow. Let’s proceed.

The crow went to a farmer’s house nearby. The farmer was cooking rice in the courtyard. The crow cried:

earth is angry.

Maybe the crow will find another place to dig.

Maybe the crow will just get a spade for him to get a clay.

A fireman. Because they always face fire in their job.

Ma’am, maybe a chef, because they will not able to cook without fire, so they also use fire and the crow will approach him to share fire with him.

Yes Ma’am. Maybe when he got the fire, and gave it to the blacksmith, he will be made a spade. And when the spade is made, he will dig a clay to give for the potter and made a pot for fetching water in the river.

No Ma’am because the crow will be tired of flying and looking for fire.

Instead of seeking help, he will just ate the sparrow cruelly.

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“Dear farmer’s wife! Give me fire. To make a spade, to dig some clay, to make a pot, to fetch some water, to wash my beak, to make myself neat, the sparrow to eat!”

The farmer’s wife replied: “You want fire? Very well, but how will you carry it?”

You can put it on my back.” Said the crow.

The farmer’s wife put the fire on the crow’s back and immediately his feathers burst into flames.

The greedy crow was burnt to ashes. But the honest sparrow lived to a ripe old age.

That’s the end of our story.

Who are the characters in the story?

Would you mind to describe the main characters?

For you, what is the most important, your needs? Or your friend?

Very well said, You have a point. Not all the time, friends are real. Am I right?

Another opinion?

Well said! Yes, You have a point too. True friend never leave you behind. Good. Both of you have great concepts!

How about this one,

What if you and your friend are competing in a contest? And the main goal of your coach is do everything to win and then suddenly, you are assigned to defeat your friend, what will you do?

Very Good. Yes, you have a point. Never sacrifice friendship. Another

Very Good. Yes, That is right, explain to him/her about the contest. Don’t be distracted about the friendship. It’s just a contest, after that, you and your friend will still be friends. Great point!

The main characters in the story are the crow, the sparrow. Subordinating characters are: the river, the earth, the potter, the blacksmith and the farmer’s wife.

The crow is a dishonest and greedy character, while the sparrow is a wise and honest character.

Ma’am in my own perception, I think, my need, because now a days, it is very hard to trust someone. Not all things will be provided by a friend. Sometimes, your own friend will betray you to get what they want.

Yes, Ma’am.

For me, my friend because true friend never betray and a true friend never leave you. True friend support you in your most or even your worst.

If I and my friend will be competing in a contest I will be honest and let my results prove who the best is. I will not sacrifice our friendship.

I will tell to my friend that after the contest, whether win or lose, we are still friends. I will do what is right.

“Be a good friend, love your friend as you love yourself.”

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So the lesson of the story is?APPLICATION

Having the same group, complete this story map by supplying the appropriate answers based from the text listened to. (15 points)





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IV. Homework

Illustrate your favorite part from the story and explain why did you like that part. Kindly do that in a short bond paper.

Prepared By:

Paras, Liezel H. Practice Teacher- Grade 7 English

Approved by:

Ms. Rogesa P. Ferrer Ms. Asuncion A. Hamto Ms. Rowena S. LizardoCritic teacher- DNNHS Course Adviser-Education English Department Head


So now, let’s go back if we met our goals for today.

Did we identified the characters, the setting sequence of events of the text?

Did you share your ideas and opinion about the text?

Did we created a story map??

Hurray! Congratulations! You finish the topic for today. Give your selves a Mommy Dionisia clap!

Yes, Ma’am

Yes, Ma’am

Yes, Ma’am