Design Thinking 101

Design Thinking 101


Introduction to Design Thinking

Transcript of Design Thinking 101

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Design Thinking 101

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Design thinking is a human­centered approach to innovation

that draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.”

—Tim Brown, president and CEO

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Who using it?

and much more…

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≠ Design

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Design in our sense

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Design is used as a tool to make product attractive and more marketable

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engineer & business owner build a product to solve customer pain

and let designer makes it looks better.

It makes design small

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Design Thinking Design≠

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Design thinking changes the way we use design

• Ask designer to make [thing] more attractive = limited valueHow can we support people’s need? = any form of value

• “Instead of starting with technology, team started with people and culture”

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Design Thinking isIntegrative Learning

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Divergence part + convergence part

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Design thinking uses prototypes to speed up learning

thinking about what to build build in order to think

no more analysis paralysis!!!

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***note the real thing isn’t linear!!

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Empathize techniques

and much more..

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Define[USER] needs to [USER’S NEED]because[SURPRISING INSIGHT]

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IdeateGo for quantity and defer judgments.

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MS Arc mouse mechanic prototyping

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The mission of design thinking is to translate observation into insights and insights into products and services that will improve

lives. – Change by Design

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What to know more?•



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• “Design Thinking” in Harvard Business Review at IDEO | IDEO


• And pictures from google images if you find any one need to have credit installed please contact me!!

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