DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE MICRO HYDRO POWER … and... · Projek penjana kuasa elektrik air...

DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE MICRO HYDRO POWER SYSTEM AT KAMPUNG SEMULONG ULU Law Chee Seong Bachelor of Engineering with Honour TIC (Civil Engineering) 1006 1A15 2010 2010

Transcript of DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE MICRO HYDRO POWER … and... · Projek penjana kuasa elektrik air...

Page 1: DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE MICRO HYDRO POWER … and... · Projek penjana kuasa elektrik air merupakan salah satu projek yang penting bagi ... untuk reka-semula sistem yang baru


Law Chee Seong

Bachelor of Engineering with Honour TIC (Civil Engineering) 1006

1A15 2010 2010

Page 2: DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE MICRO HYDRO POWER … and... · Projek penjana kuasa elektrik air merupakan salah satu projek yang penting bagi ... untuk reka-semula sistem yang baru


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Tarikh: 19 April 2010 Tarikh:

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The Following Final Year Project:

Title : Design and Improvement of Micro Hydro Power System at Kampung

Semulong Ulu

Author : Law Chee Seong

Matric number: 16498

has been read and certified by:

r~ orlOb /2.0 I 0

~~Said Date



Page 4: DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE MICRO HYDRO POWER … and... · Projek penjana kuasa elektrik air merupakan salah satu projek yang penting bagi ... untuk reka-semula sistem yang baru

Pusa( Khidmat MakJwnat Akademik. UNrVERSl11 'YS ARAWAK



This project is submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering with

Honours (Civil Engineering) 2010

Page 5: DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE MICRO HYDRO POWER … and... · Projek penjana kuasa elektrik air merupakan salah satu projek yang penting bagi ... untuk reka-semula sistem yang baru

To my beloved parents


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Firstly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor, Professor

Dr. Salim Said for his guidance and advices throughout the Final Year Project.

Without his support and interest, this thesis would not have been the same as

presented here.

I would like to thank the villagers in Kampung Semulong Ulu, Linga, Sri Aman,

Sarawak for their willingness to provide the important information and guidance in

this site visit and most importantly their kindness to provide food and

accommodation when I went to the village.

My thanks also go to Head of Department, Puan Rosmina Ahmad Bustami for her

willingness to discuss and share information for my Final Year Project.

Lastly, I wish to thank those who have assisted me either direct or indirectly

throughout the entire progress of my Final Year Project. Thank you.



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Projek penjana kuasa elektrik air merupakan salah satu projek yang penting bagi

golongan yang mundur di Sarawak. Ia bertujuan untuk menghasilkan tenaga elektrik

untuk penduduk yang tinggal di kawasan tertinggal. Kuasa elektrik air dianggap

sebagai salah satu 'tenaga boleh diperbaharui' selain kuasa matahari, kuasa angin

dan kuasa biomas. Walau bagaimanapun, kerajaan Sarawak lebih mementingkan

penjana kuasa elektrik air keranan negeri Sarawak mempunyai kuantiti hujan yang

mencukupi sepanjang tahun. Selain daripada itu, kebanyakan golongan yang mundur

tinggal di kawasan bukit bukau, maka syarat-syarat itu menjadikan penjana kuasa

elektrik air begitu penting di Sarawak. Dalam kajian ini, tumpuan diberikan kepada

Kampung Semulong Ulu, Sri Aman, Sarawak di mana mereka sudah memulakan

projek penjana kuasa elektrik air yang tersendiri. Kampung ini terdiri daripada 25

keluarga Iban iaitu 93 orang menduduki dalam rumah panjang yang berjarak 143 m.

Mereka bergantung kepada penjana diesel dan kuasa matahari untuk menghasilkan

kuasa elektrik bagi keperluan harian. Masyarakat di sini masih bergantung kepada

pertanian di mana mereka menanam padi, menuai getah dan menangkap ikan.

Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk meninjau kawasan sekeliling contohnya mengukur

'head', menentukan aliran sungai dan mengira kuasa yang dapat dihasilkan oleh

penjana kuasa elektrik air. Selain itu, kajian ini juga menumpukan kepada cara-cara

untuk reka-semula sistem yang baru supaya pengeluaran kuasa boleh meningkat.

Kini, Kampung Semulong Ulu mempunyai penjana kuasa elektrik yang dapat

menjana kuasa 4.58kW dengan ali ran O.OI49m3/s dan 31.32m 'net head' . Jika

pengubahsuaian dilakukan dengan mengubah kedudukan reservoir ke tempat yang

lebih tinggi, pengeluran kuasa boleh boleh meningkat kepada 11.42kW.


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Micro hydropower project is one of the important projects for the underserved

community in Sarawak. It is aimed to provide the electricity to the communities that

live in rural area. Micro hydropower energy is considered as one of the renewable

energy besides solar energy, wind energy, biomass and so on. However, the Sarawak

government is giving the priority to the development of hydropower energy because

Sarawak is blessed with constant volume of rainfall every year. Besides, most of the

underserved community in Sarawak is located in the hilly and mountainous area,

thus all these conditions makes it best suited for hydropower development. In this

research, concentration was given to Kampung Semulong Vlu, Sri Aman, Sarawak

which already started their own hydropower project. This villages consists of 25

Iban families with total 93 people inhabits a 143 metre long house. They are depends

on the diesel generator and solar energy to produce electricity for their daily needs.

The community here is still dependent on agriculture such as planting rice fields,

rubber taping and fishing. The objective in this research is to study the site condition

such as head measurements, stream discharge and calculate the output power of the

hydropower system. Besides, the study also concentrates on how to improve and

modify the current hydropower system to increase the power generation. Current

micro hydropower system at Kampung Semulong Vlu is able to generate 4.58kW of

power with flow rate of 0.0 149m3Is and 31.32 meter net head at the end of penstock.

However, if the improvement been made by shifting the location of reservoir to

higher ground, the expected power output will be increased from 4.58kW to

11.42kW due to the increment ofnet head from 31.32 meter to 56.77 meter.


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~ I t t'l~ I" t UNIV Tl M




Abstrak IV

Abstract V

Table of Contents VI

List of Tables IX

List of Figures X


1.1 Background

1.2 Problem Statement 3

1.3 Aim 5

1.4 Objective 5

1.5 Scope of study 6


2.1 Introduction 7

2.2 Micro hydro power 8

2.3 Head measurement methods 13

2.3.1 Surveyor' transit or level and a pole 13

2.3.2 Hose and pressure gauge 15

2.4 Evaluating streamflows by discharge measurement 17


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2.4.1 Velocity-area method 17

2.4.2 Measuring cross sectional area 19

2.4.3 Measuring velocity 20

232.5 Weir method

252.6 Slope area method


3.1 Introduction 27

3.2 Site selection 29

3.2.1 Topographic map 29

3.2.2 Site visit 29

3.3 Determine site hydrology 30

3.3.1 Evaluating river flow by discharge measurement 30

3.3.2 Measuring gross head of the site 31

3.3.3 Measure distance from power house to reservoir 31

3.4 Preliminary power calculation 31

3.4.1 Determine discharge rate of the river 31

3.4.2 Estimate hydraulic power of the river 32

3.4.3 Compute the velocity of water enter the inlet 33

3.4.4 Calculate the head loss, He 33

3.5 Proposed design of new penstock 34

3.5.1 Determine the wall thickness of the penstock 35

3.5.2 Calculate the output power of the new penstock 37


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4.1 Site selection

4.2 Electricity demand

4.3 Detennine the cross sectional area of stream

4.4 Detennine stream velocity

4.5 Detennine stream flow

4.6 Detennine head

4.7 Estimating power

4.8 Existing penstock

4.8.1 Head loss calculation

4.8.2 Detennine the net head at the end of penstock

4.8.3 Calculate hydraulic power of existing penstock

4.9 Proposed system

4.9.1 Detennine the head

4.9.2 Calculate the head loss for new penstock

4.9.3 Detennine the net head at the end of penstock

4.9.4 Calculate the hydraulic power of new penstock

4.9.5 Penstock thickness calcu1ation

4.10 Discussion


5.1 Conclusion

5.2 Recommendation

























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Table Page

2.1 Typical values of Manning's n for watercourses 26

3.1 Classification of head 31

3.2 Flow classification 33

4.1 Power usage at day time 39

4.2 Power usage at night time 40

4.3 Velocity of stream water 44

4.4 Velocity of water entering penstock 49

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Figure Page

2.1 Downhill measurement method 14

2.2 Uphill measurement method 15

2.3 Head measurement with horse and pressure gauge 16

2.4 Stage measurements in gauging station 17

2.5 Rating curve 19

2.6 Measurement of cross section 20

2.7 Current meter 23

2.8 Type of notch 24

3.1 Flow chart of study 28

4.1 Long house at Kampung Semu10ng Ulu, Sri Aman 38

4.2 Measure width of the stream by measuring tape 41

4.3 Cross section of stream 42

4.4 Measure the velocity of stream with current meter 43

4.5 Location of Velocity been Measured Using Current Meter 44

4.6 Head measurement by using GPS 45

4.7 PVC penstock 48

4.8 Proposed new location for reservoir 52


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1.1 Background

The first recorded mentions of hydropower go back over 2,000 years ago to

ancient Greece and Egypt, where water wheels were connected to grindstones to tum

wheat into flour. Harnessing water for this laborious task allowed for large quantities of

food to be processed, which allowed for job specialization and civilization to grow.

Later, these same water wheels were connected to rudimentary equipment such as lathes,

saw blades, and looms in order to produce such goods as furniture and fabric. By the

1700's, factories were mass-producing these products, which allowed for even more

specialization ofjobs and the growth of large cities.

The invention of the electrical generator in the late 1800' s produced a new way

to exploit hydropower for the growth of civilization. By marrying water turbines to

generators with belts and gears, a reliable source of electricity was created that could be

used to power factories and businesses around the clock. The large supply of rivers and

streams in the Eastern U.S. became a readily-available source of energy that was quickly


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Hydropower has various degrees of 'smallness'. To date there is still no

internationally agreed definition of 'small' hydro; the upper limit varies between 2.5 and

25 MW. A maximum of 10 MW is the most widely accepted value worldwide, although

the definition in China stands officially at 25 MW. In the jargon of the industry, 'mini'

hydro typically refers to schemes below 2 MW, micro-hydro below 500 kW and pico­

hydro below 10 kW (Paish, 2002).

Hydropower is usmg water to power machinery or make electricity. Water

constantly moves through a vast global cycle, evaporating from lakes and oceans,

forming clouds, precipitating as rain or snow, and then flowing back down to the ocean.

The energy of this water cycle, which is driven by the sun, can be tapped to produce

electricity or for mechanical tasks like grinding grain. Hydropower uses a fuel-water-that

is not reduced or used up in the process. Because the water cycle is an endless,

constantly recharging system, hydropower is considered a renewable energy.

Hydropower on a small-scale is one of the most cost-effective energy

technologies to be considered for rural electrification in less developed countries.(Paish

2002) It is generated from the movement of water resources such as permanent creeks

and rivers. At higher ground, water has stored gravitational energy that can be extracted

by turbines as the water flows down stream. The amount of power available from hydro

depends on the 'head' and the flow rate of the water. The 'head' means the height

difference between the inlet to the hydro turbine and its outlet.


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Small-scale hydropower is the main prospect for future hydro developments,

since the large-scale opportunities have either been exploited already, or would now be

considered environmentally unacceptable. Small hydro technology is extremely robust

( ystems can last for 50 years or more with little maintenance) and is also one of the

most environmentally benign energy technologies available.

One of the small-scale hydropower is micro-hydro. Micro-hydro is built to

supply the needs of a small community or even a single dwelling. Hydropower on this

scale has regained popularity in the last couple of decades. Small-scale hydro schemes

can be used to supply power in remote areas in developed and developed countries. Most

micro-hydro are 'run-of-river' systems that divert water through a pipe or channel, direct

it through a turbine then allow it to flow back out to the river or creek. Not all the water

flow is diverted so that plant and animal life remain protected. The turbine and

associated equipment are positioned to ensure the least possible environmental impact.

1.2 Problem Statement

Development of a hydro power system is not an easy task because there are a lot

of factors need to be considered especially during the early stages. A lot of investigation

and research need to be done before proposing or choosing a micro hydro site. Site

selection is the most important steps in development, as it will largely determine the

amount of energy that can be developed and complexity of site development such as



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Generally, the larger the stream, there would be more water available for a micro

hydro development. However not all water can be diverted from a stream to produce the

energy as water must remain in the stream for environmental reasons. The amount of

water that must be remaining varies for different streams.

Besides, the 'head' is also an important factor to be considered for micro hydro

development. If the head is low, it will be difficult to rotate the turbine at high speed and

thus power produced will be low. The greatest fall over the shortest route is preferable

when choosing a micro-hydro site as a long penstock can be quite costly. More head is

usually better, since power is the product of head and flow. Thus less flow is required at

higher head to generate similar amounts of power. Also with a higher head, the turbine is

able to run at a higher speed, resulting in a smaller turbine and generator for a given

power output.

The closer a site to distribution lines, or the load center in the case of an off-grid

plant, the less costly it will be to transmit electricity. Otherwise, connecting to the higher

voltage transmission system greatly increases the interconnection cost. Other than that,

site accessibility also important during site selection. The terrain surrounding the stream

must be suitable for running a length of pipe from the proposed intake structure to the

powerhouse location. Anticipated high and low water flows and levels must be taken

into account when sizing and sitting these facilities. The site also requires access for

construction and maintenance purposes.


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• '" __ .•• _, . ._l n. tu 1·


1.3 Aim

This study was aimed to detennine the amount of power output that can be

generated by micro hydropower system for the underserved community in Malaysia.

1.4 Objective

The objectives of this study are:

• To evaluate existing micro hydropower system.

• To detennine the gross head of the selected site.

• Identify the different method of head measurement.

• To detennine the flow rate of the river and the flow rate of water entering the


• Calculate the head losses in the penstock.

• Looking for the solution to improve the existing micro-hydropower system and then

increase the power generation.


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1.S Scope of study

The scope of study is focused on the output of micro-hydroelectric for the

underserved community. The study includes head evaluation, stream flow evaluation,

and calculates the potential power that can be generated for the underserved community.

1.6 Outline of Chapters

Chapter 2 would focus on the Literature Review. It is mainly discuss the different

methods and techniques that can be used in the research to obtain the required results.

Chapter 3 would focus on the Methodology. In Methodology, the selected methods

and techniques that will be applied in this study are discussed and described in details.

Besides, this chapter also mentioned the formulas that can be used to calculate the


Chapter 4 would focus on the Results, Analysis and Discussions. In Results,

Analysis and Discussions, the result obtained using methods and techniques discussed in

the Chapter 3 Methodology are analyzed.

Chapter 5 would focus on the Conclusions and Recommendations. In Conclusions

and Recommendations, this research will be summarized. Recommendations are also

proposed to improve the similar study in the future.


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2.1 Introduction

Renewable energy comes from sources that are essentially inexhaustible such as

the sun, the wind and the heat of the Earth, or from replaceable fuels such as plants. Prior

to the industrial revolution, these sources were virtually the only forms of energy used by

humans. During the past 150 years, modem civilization has become increasingly

dependent on fossil fuels - oil, coal and natural gas. Fossil fuels form so slowly in

comparison with the rate of energy use that they are considered finite or limited

resources. There are a lot of benefits by using the renewable energy, this includes

reducing dependence on non-renewable energy, helping to keep the air clean, making use

of secure, local and replenishable resources, reduce the production of carbon dioxide and

other greenhouse gasses and help to create jobs in renewable energy industries. Hydro,

geothennal, solar, wind, biomass and wave are all examples of renewable energies.


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1.2 Micro Hydro Power

Flowing and falling water have potential energy. Hydropower comes from

converting energy in flowing water by means of a water wheel or through a turbine into

useful mechanical power. This power is converted into electricity using an electric

generator or is used directly to run milling machines. Most people in North America

understand hydropower as involving big dams and large-scale generating facilities.

Small-scale hydropower systems, however, are receiving a great deal of public interest as

• promising, renewable source of electrical power for homes, parks and remote

communities. Hydropower technology has been with us for more than a century. Many

early mills, mines and towns in Canada built some fonn of power generation from small

hydropower systems in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (Josee Bonhomme, 2004).

Micro-hydropower systems are relatively small power sources that are appropriate

in most cases for individual users or groups of users who are independent of the

electricity supply grid. Hydro-power systems are classified as large, medium, small, mini

and micro according to their installed power generation capacity. Electrical power is

measured in watts (W), kilowatts (kW) or megawatts (MW). A micro-hydropower system

• senerally classified as having a generating capacity of less than 100 kW. Systems that

have an installation capacity of between 100 kW and 1000 kW (1.0 MW) are referred to

mini-hydro. Small hydro is defined as having a capacity of more than 1.0 MW and up

10 MW (Josee Bonhomme, 2004).


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2.2.1 Micro Hydro Pros - Advantages Efficient energy source

It only takes a small amount of flow (as little as two "gallons per

minute) or a drop as low as two feet to generate electricity with micro

hydro. Electricity can be delivered as far as a mile away to the location

where it is being used. Reliable electricity source

Hydro produces a continuous supply of electrical energy III

comparison to other small-scale renewable technologies. The peak

energy season is during the winter months when large quantities of

electricity are required. No reservoir required

Microhydro is considered to function as a 'run-of-river' system,

meaning that the water passing through the generator is directed back

into the stream with relatively little impact on the surrounding ecology. Cost effective energy solution

Building a small-scale hydro-power system can cost from $1 ,000 ­

$20,000, depending on site electricity requirements and location.

Maintenance fees are relatively small in comparison to other



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Because of the low-cost versatility and longevity of micro hydro,

developing countries can manufacture and implement the technology to

help supply much needed electricity to small communities and villages. Integrate with the local power grid

If your site produces a large amount of excess energy, some power

companies will buy back your electricity overflow. You also have the

ability to supplement your level of micro power with intake from the

power grid.

2.2.2Micro Hydro Cons - Disadvantages Suitable site characteristics required

In order to take full advantage of the electrical potential of small

streams, a suitable site is needed. Factors to consider are: distance from

the power source to the location where energy is required, stream size

(including flow rate, output and drop), and a balance of system

components - inverter, batteries, controller, transmission line and

pipelines. expansion not possible

The size and flow of small streams may restrict future site

expansion as the power demand increases.


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In many locations stream size will fluctuate seasonally. During the

summer months there will likely be less flow and therefore less power

output. Advanced planning and research will be needed to ensure

adequate energy requirements are met. impact

The ecological impact of small-scale hydro is minimal; however

the low-level environmental effects must be taken into consideration

before construction begins. Stream water will be diverted away from a

portion of the stream, and proper caution must be exercised to ensure

there will be no damaging impact on the local ecology or civil

infrastructure. - Myths about hydro power

Small streams do not provide enough force to generate power

The Truth: Energy output is dependent on two major factors: the stream

flow (how much water runs through the system) and drop (or head),

which is the vertical distance the water will fall through the water
