Design and Analysis of a Voice Band QPSK Modem

University of Central Florida University of Central Florida STARS STARS Retrospective Theses and Dissertations 1987 Design and Analysis of a Voice Band QPSK Modem Design and Analysis of a Voice Band QPSK Modem John F. Doud University of Central Florida Part of the Engineering Commons Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access) is brought to you for free and open access by STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Retrospective Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation STARS Citation Doud, John F., "Design and Analysis of a Voice Band QPSK Modem" (1987). Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. 5090.

Transcript of Design and Analysis of a Voice Band QPSK Modem

University of Central Florida University of Central Florida


Retrospective Theses and Dissertations


Design and Analysis of a Voice Band QPSK Modem Design and Analysis of a Voice Band QPSK Modem

John F. Doud University of Central Florida

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STARS Citation STARS Citation Doud, John F., "Design and Analysis of a Voice Band QPSK Modem" (1987). Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. 5090.




DATE: July 17, 1987



ENTITLED "The Design and Analysis of a Voice-Band QPSK Modem"


DEGREE OF Master of Science -----------------------------FROM THE COLLEGE OF ___ E_n_g_in_e_e_r_i_n~g ______________ _



Coordinator of Degree Program




JOHN F. DOUD B.S.E., The Johns Hopkins University, 1981


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering

in the Graduate Studies Program of the College of Engineering University of Central Florida

Orlando, Florida

Summer Term 1987


The objective of this paper is to design and

construct a modem using the Quadrature Phase Shift Key

digital modulation technique. The modem is designed to

transmit information over a telephone line at the rate of

1200 bits per second subject to noise and imperfect channel

response in the form of magnitude and delay distortion.

The device is constructed using CMOS logic to minimize

power consumption. To analyze the design with respect to

the above constraints, it was necessary to build a

pseudorandom bit sequence generator and correlator, a

variable magnitude white noise generator and a digital

error detector/indicator.


Listing all of those who provided me assistance

during the writing of this paper would not be feasible, yet

my gratitude for their input is nonetheless significant.

Here, I would like to acknowledge those whose contribution

went beyond that normally rendered.

Without the assistance of Greg Milne throughout the

entire curriculum, completing it would have been much more

difficult. I am truly grateful for the patience he

exhibited in some of my slower moments.

The guidance provided by Dr. Robert Martin helped me

overcome any difficulties that arose. His advice steered

me through technical difficulties, while his constant

encouragement maintained my motivational level.

Finally, I would like to thank my wife Mary Jo.

During the emotional transients typical of such a project,

she displayed nothing but love and support. This is as

much her accomplishment as mine. Since it would be

impossible to adequately express my appreciation in the

short space here, I'll just offer my thanks and love.



LIST OF FIGURES . ................................ V


1. INTRODUCTION ............................. 1

2. MODULATOR DESIGN ......................... 9

3. DEMODULATOR DESIGN ...................... 17

4. AUXILIARY CIRCUITS ...................... 31

5. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS .................... 36

6. CONCLUSION .............................. 41


APPENDIX B WAVEFORM PLOTS .................... 48

LIST OF REFERENCES ............................. 51



1. Pe as a Function of S/N •••••..•.•..••....•..•.. 3

2. S/N as a Function of Bandwidth for a

Given Channel Capacity ....•.........•......•... 6

3. Modulator Block Diagram ...................•.•.. 9

4. Power Spectral Density for a Random

QPSK Signal ................................... 12

5. Phase Constellation for QPSK .....•..••...•.... 14

6. Demodulator Block Diagram ..•.••••••......•..•• 18

7. Delay as a Function of w and Q0 ••••••••••••••• 20

8. Bandwidth Limiting Degradation of QPSK

Signals ....................................... 21

9. Pseudorandom Sequence Correlation .....•...••.. 32

10. Probability of Error System .....•......••••... 37




In a communication system, the fundamental purpose

is ·to transfer information between two points which are

usually separated by a significant distance. The

considerations in the design of such a system include the

form of the information to be conveyed, the channel through

which it must travel, speed and accuracy requirements of

the end user and the cost. For this purpose, information is

defined differently than its common interpretation. In the

context of communication, information represents just that

which is transmitted to the user. The amount of

information transferred is completely determined by the

user's uncertainty prior to receiving it, and does not

depend at all on the actual content of the message or its

interpretation. Therefore, assuming the form of the

information is preset, as is usually the case, the initial

concern of the designer is focused on the transmission

channel and the performance limitations imposed by it.

These restrictions arise from the signal attenuation and

bandwidth limiting of the imperfect channel as well as the

presence of noise in the channel. The peak channel


performance is referred to as the channel capacity.

Channel capacity may be thought of as the maximum rate at

which information can be reliably transmitted through the

medium, that is with an arbitrarily small probability of

error. In his pioneering work of 1948, Shannon used the

basis of information theory to define and quantify this

capacity. Sparing a discourse on that discipline, his

result is stated here:

C = (1/T) * log 2 (u) ( 1)

where C = channel capacity in bits per second (bps)

T = transmission time of each message

u = number of equiprobable messages in the available alphabet.

Finally, having assessed all of these factors, the

designer chooses a system that comes closest to this

capacity, or at least as a minimum, meets the performance

requirements of the application within given cost


The communication system design and construction to

which this paper is dedicated is a quadrature phase-shift

key (QPSK) modem transmitting digital data at a rate of

1200 bits per second over a standard telephone line.

Briefly, the phase-shift key modulation technique transmits

data via the changing phase of a sinusoid. Quadrature

phase-shift key is a specific case in which four discrete


phases are employed to represent two bits of data at a

time. This sinusoid is then transmitted over the

communication channel where a receiver, or demodulator,

using synchronous detection recovers the message.

At the present time, this application of the QPSK

scheme is somewhat of an anomaly since most telephone line

modems transmitting data at relatively low speeds (less

than or equal to 2400 bits per second) use frequency-shift

key modulation. One advantage of using a coherent phase

shift key design is its probability of error performance

with respect to power, as can be seen in Figure 1.



Pe to-a



·~ 10-'

0 • to


di t&

Figure 1. Pe as a function of S/N.



It is this characteristic that makes coherent phase-shift

keying, especially QPSK, the predominant choice for

satellite communications. Another advantage gained by

using this multi-level, or M-ary, signaling scheme is the

increased data throughput accomplished by representing

multiple bits with each transmitted symbol. In general,

the baud rate (fs), or symbols per second, is related to

the bit rate (fb) by the following equation:


Obviously, in this case (M = 4), the baud rate is one-half

the bit rate. Extending this order, it is easy to see how

this bandwidth efficiency can be exploited to transmit

higher bit rates through band-limited channels. This

concept may also be shown using equation ( 1). There, we

see that the capacity of the channel can be improved by

increasing the transmission rate (i.e. decreasing message

transmission time) or by enlarging the message alphabet.

For the case of the band-limited telephone line, the former

may not be feasible. As an alternative, the number of

possible symbols to transmit . can be increased, surpassing

the one bps/hz limit of binary signaling schemes.

The main disadvantage of quadrature phase shift

keying is that it must be coherently demodulated. The

requirement of establishing a coherent reference in the


receiver increases its complexity, driving up the cost. It

also poses a stiff problem when dealing with channels that

exhibit fading, like the satellite example cited above.

For the present design, fading does not apply and cost was

a secondary concern.

The purpose of the modulation process is to match

the characteristics of the information signal to those of

the medium through which it must pass. This design matches

non-return-to-zero (NRZ), unipolar digital data to the

standard telephone line. A basic voice band telephone

channel has three kilohertz of bandwidth (300 - 3300 Hz), a

phase delay that is non-linear with frequency and a

variable signal attenuation with a maximum degradation of

fifteen decibels. The noise in the channel is assumed to

be additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) with zero mean and

two-sided power spectral density magnitude of n/2. This

last property leads to a more useful form of equation (1)

in terms of channel parameters. It is called the Hartley­

Shannon law. The actual derivation may be found in Carlson


C = B * log 2 (1 + S/N)

where B = channel bandwidth in hz

S = average signal power

N = average noise power



This equation is very important for two reasons. First, as

stated with respect to the initial form presented, it

provides an upper limit for which the engineer can strive.

Also, and maybe even more importantly from a practical

standpoint, it demonstrates the crucial tradeof f between

bandwith and signal to noise ratio (S/N) for a given

channel capacity. This relationship is shown in Figure 2,

using a channel capacity of 9600 bits per second.



Figure 2. S/N as a function of bandwidth for a given channel capacity.

In this case, bandwidth is fixed at three kilohertz.

For example, for a S/N of only one, channel capacity is

3000 bps. That is, the data rate of 1200 bits per second


is not pushing the performance limitations of the channel.

For those applications that do near this capacity, there

are conditioned lines available with improved distortion

specifications (Stremler, 1982). These lines are for

dedicated data transmission through private leasing

agreements. Since the data rate used here does not

necessitate their use, they will not be considered.

Before leaving this topic, the Hartley Shannon law

warrants one more comment regarding an apparent discrepancy

it fosters. From the equation, it seems as though

increasing bandwidth without bound yields an infinite

channel capacity despite the presence of noise. Overlooked

here is the fact that the noise power would increase as

bandwidth is made larger. Though the proof is not included

here, the theoretical maximum can be shown to be (Stremler,


lim C = (S/n) * ( 1/ln(2)) ~co


A more detailed description of the technique and its

implementation is in the chapters that follow. The first

of these chapters describes the modem transmitter in

detail, utilizing an overall block diagram discussion and

amplifying only on the more significant circuit specifics.

The demodulator wi 11 be presented- in a similar format in


the next chapter. Chapter four introduces

circuits used to test the constructed model.

the auxiliary

Chapter five

expounds on the theory of the previous three chapters with

the results of those tests and analyses of how well these

results correspond to previously published data. The final

chapter not only summarizes the work here, but looks to the

future for topics of increased emphasis and improvement.



The modulator is designed to convert an incoming

serial data stream into a progression of sinusoidal

waveforms whose phase over a two cycle duration represents

two bits. The block diagram is shown in Figure (3) below.

The actual circuit diagram may be found in the Appendix.

Oscillator at 2400

Frequency Divider

Ser/Par Converter

Bandpass at 1200


Allpass = 90




4 - channel Analog Multiplexer

Bandpass ........ ______ _,1


at 2400 'Q Figure 3. Modulator Block Diagram.



The local oscillator output is a 2400 hertz square

wave that provides the timing basis for both the modulator

and demodulatora As mentioned above, this synchronization

between the transmitter and receiver is a prerequisite of

QPSK. There are three common ways of accomplishing it.

The first uses a master timing source to which both the

modulating and demodulating circuitry are directly slaved.

Though very accurate, this method is infeasible when

dealing #ith long distance communication. The second

approach is to transmit a separate pilot signal along with

the information at the expense of increased power and

bandwidth requirements. The pilot signal may be either

frequency or time division multiplexed with the information

carrier, or actually modulated onto that carrier using an

additional modulation scheme. At the receiver, the timing

signal is recovered with its zero crossings used to

generate the local clock. This method is more common in

long distance communication. The third, and probably most

common method is to extract the timing information directly

from the data signal using a variety of methods. This

approach allows the gre~test flexibility of application at

the expense of increased circuit complexity. A good

introduction to these methods can be found in Ziemer and

Tranter (Ziemer and Tranter, 1985). For an in-depth


treatment of overall network synchronization, including an

extensive bibliography, see Lindsey et al (Lindsey et al,


For the present design, the second method is chosen

as a good tradeoff between equipment complexity of the

latter method and the impracticality of the initial one.

As stated above, the coherent detection requirement for

QPSK has already forced a certain degree of complexity.

There is no reason to exacerbate this problem, especially

considering the bandwidth that is available.

To implement this technique in the · circuit, the

buffered output of the 2400 hertz oscillator is input to a

second order bandpass filter tuned to its fundamental

frequency with a bandwidth of approximately 250 hertz.

Ideally, the output of this filter is an inverted sinewave

of the same frequency. If the actual output does not

closely approximate this ideal, that is if the power

spectrum of the clock signal spreads significantly, it

could impair the message signal with which it must be

frequency division multiplexed at the modulator output.

As can be seen from the equation (5) (Stremler, 1982) and

its plot in Figure 4, a 2400 hertz sinusoid would not

interfere with the information signal because it coincides

with a null in the power spectral density of that waveform.


Tb= bit duration

w = frequency in rad/sec

sinc(x) = sin(x)/x





Figure 4. Power Spectral Density for a random QPSK waveform.

A simple calculation involving the general form of the

transfer function for a bandpass filter can be used to

evaluate the demand this requirement puts on that filters

design. The magnitude function for a bandpass filter

centered at w0

is given by:


I H(w) I = 1 (6)

By taking a ratio of the magnitude squared at three times

the fundamental to that of the fundamental yields the

following approximation for distortion:

D = 1 (7)

1 + (64/9)* Q 2 0

The bandwidth and center frequency listed above result in a

Q0 of approximately 9. 6, yielding well less than one

percent distortion. Therefore, the frequency domain

overlap of the clock and message signals is negligible.

The oscillator output is not only used to generate

the timing signals but also to provide the local carrier

for the modulation process. To accomplish this, the square

wave frequency is divided by a factor of two and tightly

bandpass filtered to extract the fundamental sinusoid.

Distortion, as described above, was again a prime

consideration in determining the bandwidth (i.e. Q) of this

filter. This waveform is then phase shifted by 90 degrees

using a first order all pass filter. Each of these

quadrature signals is then inverted to yield the phase


shifts necessary for the QPSK waveform constellation shown

in Figure 5.

x(t) = Acos(wt + k1f/2) k = 0,1,2,3

Figure 5. Phase Constellation for QPSK.

These four waveforms then form four data channels of

an analog multiplexer whose output is directly combined

with the timing sinusoid via a voltage follower amplifier

at the modulator output. This method is chosen in lieu of

a chopper/summer configuration, for example, because of its

simplicity. As mentioned in the introduction, keeping

power to a minimum is one of the goals of this design. To

further that objective, dual polarity power supplies are

used for the active filter operational amplifiers and the

analog multiplexer to avoid transmitting a DC component

that contains no information.

To observe actual circuit operation, a pseudorandom

bit sequence is generated for use as the serial data input.

This data stream is generated using a four bit serial shift

register, cycling back specific outputs through an

exclusive nor gate (XNOR) as the shift register input. A

more detailed look at this circuit may be found in section


four where it is described as part of the white noise

simulator. The shift register is clocked at a rate of

1200 hertz to achieve the desired data rate for input into

the dibit serial to parallel converter. Out of this

converter come the inphase (I) and quadrature (Q) data

streams. These channels are fed to the data select inputs

of the multiplexer at 600 baud outputting the information

signal according to Table 1. The oscilloscope trace in the

Appendix serves as a demonstration.



Q I ouq~ut

0 0 + cos(wt)

0 1 + sin(wt)

1 0 - cos(wt)

1 1 - sin(wt)

The final item to discuss pertaining to the

modulator design is the decision not to include a band-

limiting transmission filter at its output. In the ideal,

both transmission and predetection filters would be used to

optimize performance. For this . design however, power

~onsiderations provided an impetus to eliminate one of them


on the first iteration. The transmission filter was

omitted because of the better noise rejection provided by

the predetection filter (Jones, 1971).

performance substantiates the decision.

The resulting



The demodulator receives the combined message and

timing signals, as well as any noise acquired enroute. Its

purpose is to coherently demodulate the information,

outputting the inphase and quadrature data streams. These

are then input to a dibit parallel/serial converter that

reproduces the initial data to within a specified error

tolerance. The block diagram is shown on the next page as

Figure 6. As with the modulator, the actual circuit is

shown in the Appendix.


Bandpass at 1200

Bandpass at 2400

Bandreject at 2400

Zero Detector


hard limiter

cosine timer

sine timer

cosine integrator

l sine integrator

threshold comparator

decision logic

par/ser converter

Figure 6. Demodulator Block Diagram.

At the demodulator input, the information signal is

separated from the pilot signal by bandpass filters tuned

to the center frequencies of each. The filter that

recovers the timing sinusoid is very similar to the one in

the modulator that originally extracted it from the square

wave. This sinusoid, again inverted by the filter, is

input to a non-inverting zero crossing detector to recreate

that square wave. To minimize the effects of phase jitter,


the zero crossing detector is implemented with a Schmitt

trigger. The output then passes through parallel frequency

dividers that trigger on opposite edges of this clock,

yielding quadrature square waves at the desired bit rate.

These square waves control the timing such that the

integration in each channel is synchronized to each of the

quadrature carriers of the modulator. This will be

explained in more detail below.

The predetection filter that extracts the message

from the received signal uses the bandpass filter mentioned

above and a band reject filter centered at the 2400 hertz

of the pilot signal. The use of both filters results from

a tradeoff between out-of-band attenuation and in-band

delay. Specifically, if only the bandpass filter is used,

a large Q or higher order is required to sufficiently

remove the timing signal. The delay distortion resulting

from either case is too great, corrupting the operation of

the data filters that follow. At the other extreme, the

option of using only the band reject filter is denied

because of its lack of noise rejection. As a compromise,

the band reject filter is included to ensure the timing

signal is adequately eliminated and the bandpass filter

bandwidth is extended to reduce the delay distortion. This

can be shown by again calling on the standard form of the


bandpass filter transfer function from which the following

relationship for delay (D) can be derived.

D = (wo/Qo)(wo2 + w2) (8)

(w 2 - w2)2 + (w w/Q )2 0 0 0

Because of the complexity of equation (8), Figure 7

is included to more clearly demonstrate the dependence of

delay on both frequency and Q.

Figure 7. Delay as a Function of wand Q0 •

From this figure, it can be seen that for a frequency near

the center frequency (w0

), delay increases dramatically

with Q0

• As noted above, Q0

is inversely related to

bandwidth for Thus · increasing bandwidth

lowers Q0

, decreasing the distortion. This solution is


supported by empirical data plotted in Figure 8 (Jones,

1971). Technically this plot pertains to the use of

transmission filters vice the predetection filtering

employed here. However, as stated later in that same work,

both cases respond similarly except for the predetection

filter's better noise rejection.


1 -J I --- I I .l---..l·--·-···-• 0.1-N aPPLt OCIYINR TIIANSIIIISIOtl fl. TH

C:: • tAWL• aASEO OIi ._. KLAY I.MAIi PNMEI 0 • W • 11T • IYMIOI. IIIANSlltSSION MTI ~-~-~-~~-~-~--~--~-~~~~~~-~~-~ ...., ~ .

--c,. ~•t---r--tr--T---~--t--~----t-~~~r-""'l~r--~ ... co Q)


I t-----+----4~--6---+-~


Figure 8. Bandwidth Limiting Degradation of QPSK Signals.

The band reject filter's primary function is to

remove the timing signal from the information, yet its

effect on the information itself cannot be ignored.

Ideally this filter would be transparent to the modulated


carrier. By tightening the reject band around 2400 hertz,

that ideal can be approached with respect to magnitude,

and only an inversion of phase. Combined with the 180

degree shift of the bandpass filter at its center

frequency, this yields a data signal that is in phase with

the received waveform, and back in phase with the timing

signal which itself is inverted twice, as noted above.

This correction alone does not necessarily eliminate

the errors due to delay distortion. For example, an

earlier design had the carrier frequency equal to the baud

rate, allowing the data filters only one cycle per symbol

over which to operate. Therefore, the significant

attenuation imposed on the higher frequency components of

the symbol boundary transitions masked the phase over a

significant portion of the cycle in which the data filters

were operating. To remedy this, the carrier frequency was

doubled to 1200 hertz and the data filter output was taken

from operations over the second cycle only.

To this point, the discussion has emphasized the

transmitted phase and the distortion of it, as one would

expect. The magnitude of the received signal has not been

discussed for it contains no information. For that reason,

a constant envelope is desired for QPSK. However, when

realistically approaching such a ~esign, the amplitude

di~tortion of the channel and the effect it has on the


demodulation process must be considered. For this

application, two methods of offsetting unwanted envelope

fluctuations were pursued. The first was to place an

automatic gain control (AGC) circuit sensitive to full wave

rectified average fluctuations at the front end of the

receiver. The other was to use a hard limiter on the

input. The technique chosen here is the latter for its

simplicity. Realized by a single comparator referenced to

zero, this hard limiter is both simpler and cheaper than

even the more fundamental gain control circuits. As

pointed out by Hanson (Hanson et al, 1984), a strong

argument can be made for the AGC circuit for cases in which

the harmonics generated by the limiting process would

degrade the timing information. For this design though,

the limiting takes place after the clock signal is

extracted, removing the need to sacrifice circuit

simplicity. As a result, the waveform actually processed

by the data filter is not the transmitted sinusoid but a

bipolar square wave that preserves its phase.

The data filters are the central feature of the

demodulator design. Justification for the type chosen here

is best accomplished by briefly digressing to a rather

common discussion of optimum detection in general. Most

introductory texts include this arg~ment in some form. The

development here is effectively a compilation of the more


important steps outlined by Carlson (Carlson, 1968) and

Shanmugam (Shanmugam, 1979).

The goal of this development is to derive the

transfer function for the optimum detection filter. The

following notation is added to that already presented:

x(t) = received signal, magnitude of A h(t) = filter impulse response N = average noise power out of the filter y(t) = filter output Gn(f) = n/2 = white noise power spectral density

Starting with the inverse transform of a known

relationship between input and output spectra of a linear

system and taking its magnitude, the following equation may

be written.

I y(t) = I L~(f)X(f)exp(jwt 0 ) df I (9)

= A

The signal to noise ratio (S/N) that is to be maximized is

found by squaring this magnitude and dividing by the

expression for average noise power in terms of its power

spectral density.

A2 = 1Jm:(~)X(f)exp(jwt0 ) df 12 (10)

N Ji H(f) j 2Gn(f) df -a:>

Though the proof is not shown here, ·the Schwarz inequality

can be invoked to simplify this expression. By using this


inequality, the numerator is separated into the product of

two integrals.


df (11)

Comparing equations (9) and (Jl) along with specializing to

the case of white noise, it can be shown

H(f) = KX*(f)exp(-jwt0




Simplifying by letting K = n/2, the transfer function of

the optimum filter is

H(f) = x*(f)exp(-jwt0

) (13)

Using the shifting and time reversal properties of the

Fourier transform, this can be rewritten as

h(t) = x(t0

- t) (14)


This is a rather intriguing result as it states that

the impulse response of the optimum filter has the shape of

the signal itself reversed in time and shifted by some t0

For that reason, it is often referred to as a matched

filter. It is interesting to note from equation (11) that

this type of filter can theoretically attain maximum energy

per bit regardless of the signal's shape. Unfortunately,

physical realization of the matched filter is extremely

difficult. To avoid this problem, a correlator

implementation of the matched filter, sometimes called an

integrate and dump filter, is used in this design.

The integrate and dump operation can be derived from

the concept of the matched filter using equation (14) and

the convolution theorem. Letting r(t) represent the

combined information and noise arriving at the receiver, an

expression for the data filter output at t = Tx can be


!Tx y(Tx) = r(t)h(Tx - t) dt

-eo (15)

where from equation (14)

h(z) = x(T z) X -

= 0 otherwise


Letting z = Tx - t and limiting t to the stated

interval, h(z) can be written as

h(z) = h(Tx - t) = x[Tx - (Tx - t)]

= x(t)

Rewriting equation (15) yields

1Tx r(t)x(t) dt



Therefore it is shown that an alternative to the matched

filter is an integration of the product of the received

signal [r(t)] and a replica of the transmitted carrier

[x(t)]. To more closely approximate the ideal, the

integration is dumped at each Tx interval to zero initial

conditions for subsequent integrations. This avoids a

symbol from affecting adjacent symbols, a phenomenon known

as intersymbol interference. It must be emphasized here

that Tx is not an arbitrary value. It must occur at the

symboling interval to ensure proper, coherent detection.

The data filters used in this demodulator are

integrate and dump type filters, realized by the op-amp

integrator configuration shown on the circuit diagram in

the Appendix. A CMOS switch is paralleled with the

feedback capacitor to discharge it after sampling. Because

of the quadrature nature of the signaling scheme, two


separate detection channels are used. As stated above,

timing information is used to synchronize one channel to

the sine wave reference in the modulator, the other to the

cosine. Therefore, for a given phase received, only one of

the channels outputs a non-zero value to the threshold

detectors. This is a direct result of the orthogonality

property of quadrature waveforms.

The primary design consideration for the sample

comparators is at what level to set the threshold (Vth) for

optimality. Because the two channels act independently,

this question can be answered generically for the single

channel case and the result applied to each. This analogy

to a single channel is not absolute however as more logic

is required to decipher the greater number of combinations

outputted by the comparators. Because of the four-level

signaling, each data filter can output one of three

possible values. Applying Rayleigh's theorem to equation

(11), they are:


where E = signal energy n 0 {t) = filter output noise

The logic guiding the decision process considers two

characteristics of the data filter output. The magnitude

is used to determine which of the q~adrature carriers has


been received; the polarity reduces the remaining two

possibilities. For the in-phase (I) channel, the test for

polarity is achieved by using a separate comparator for

each with reference voltage equal to+/- Vth as

appropriate. Each comparator performs the magnitude test

by determining the output between zero and that data

filter's maximum output. Therefore, the magnitude of the

threshold voltage is chosen to optimize this test. Only

the results are summarized here because the actual

derivation of that value involves probability density

expressions that have not been introduced. Using the

probability density functions for the first and third cases

of (17), assuming Gaussian noise distribution and equal

probabilities for one and zero in the input data stream,

the optimum choice for the Vth occurs where the density

functions intersect (Shanmugam, 1979) yielding

Vth = E/2

The value of +/-2 volts used in the present design is

chosen for this reason. Looking at the quadrature channel,

one might notice only one comparator is necessary. Using

the process of elimination for the four possibilities, a

positive determination of the first three implies the



Having effectively traced the demodulation process

from input to recovered data, all that remains to discuss

is the digital preparation of this data for serial output.

Because the integrations are performed at different times,

a provision must be made to buffer the quadrature channel

before input to the parallel/serial converter. If it is

not done, the clearing of the integrator destroys the data.

This buffering is accomplished by a flip flop on the output

of the lone comparator in that channel. The final stage is

a personal design of a dibit parallel/serial converter to

reform the initial serial data stream.



The purpose of this section is to briefly describe

the circuits that have been constructed to test the design

presented above. Actually, all three applications are

based on the same circuit, the pseudorandom bit sequence

generator (PRBSG), also called a pseudonoise (PN) sequence

generator. It is constructed using an m-stage serial shift

register in which the input is from the fed back modulo-2

addition of two of the element outputs. This yields a

maximum of 2m - 1 consecutive different states dependent

upon the proper feedback taps. The excluded case is that

of all zeros because it locks up the generator. A listing

of these connections for smaller generators (less than six)

can be found in Ziemer and Tranter (Ziemer and Tranter,


The reason for the 'pseudorandom' description is

that despite outputting a specific pattern of bits, it

appears random to a third party observer. Mathematically,

this can be shown using the autocorrelation of its output.

Earlier, white noise was assumed to have a power spectral

den~ity function equal to the constant n/2. This implies



that true white noise has no preferential spectral power

distribution, that is all frequencies have the same power.

The Wiener-Khinchine theorem relates this power spectral

density to the autocorrelation function by proving they

form a Fourier transform pair. The Fourier transform of a

constant yields the Dirac delta function at the origin.

Therefore, for the sequence to appear truly random, its

autocorrelation should approach an impulse. This is indeed

the case. As might be expected, the larger the maximal

length of the sequence, the closer to the ideal it gets.

This can be seen from the plot of this autocorrelation in

terms of m shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Pseudorandom Sequence Correlation.


The three circuits utilizing the PRBSG are the

initial data source, a white noise simulator and the PRBS

correlator in the demodulator. To serve as the data

source, the PRBSG is clocked at the desired rate bit rate

of 1200 hertz, and its output fed directly to the dibit

serial/parallel converter at the modulator front end. A

seven bit sequence is used for this purpose. How closely

this sequence approximates the ideal can be evaluated using

the chi-square and binomial distributions. The complete

method is outlined in Lane (Lane, 1983). Since QPSK

samples two bits of incoming data at a time to determine

the transmitted symbol, two is chosen as the sample size

required for the calculation. Therefore by comparison with

data tabulated in that paper for a three bit sample of a

seven bit sequence, it can be shown that this sequence is

but a fair approximation of the true randomness. For its

use in the present design though) it is sufficient.

To simulate white noise, the PRBSG is implemented

with an eighteen stage shift register to more closely

represent true randomness. The output of this circuit is

then low pass filtered to remove excessively high frequency

components that would not be present in the channel

considered anyway. Also, since the digital scheme used

everywhere in the design is unipolar NRZ, the output of the

low · pass filter contains an unwanted DC component. This


contradicts the zero mean assumed throughout this paper. To

restore that trait, the low pass filter is RC coupled to

the op-amp that sums the noise and the modulator output.

This op-amp configuration also provides the means to change

the noise magnitude relative to that of the signal. This

is necessary for the theory to practice discussion of the

next section. The actual spectrum obtained is shown in the


The PRBS correlator provides the means by which

detection errors are counted. This circuit exploits the

predictability of a pseudorandom sequence generator with

known feedback connections. This is done by using the same

feedback in the receiver PRBSG as that in the transmitter.

Therefore, it is possible to remotely recreate the

pseudorandom sequence serving as the data source in that

transmitter. Unfortunately, being able to reproduce this

sequence is not sufficient to properly ~onitor demodulator

operation. It must also be synchronized to that data.

Using a method taken from Lane (Lane, 1983), this is

accomplished by temporarily opening the correlator feedback

loop and stuffing the shift register with at least enough

received data bits to fill it. Based on a timing circuit

consistent with the bit rate, the feedback loop is then

reinserted and the correlator sequence · is aligned with that

recovered from the channel. These two data streams are


then digitally compared by an exclusive or gate. Since

this gate only pulses when the inputs are different, its

output is applied directly to the clock of a counter chip.

The LED's on that chip's output display a binary count of

the error.



Conspicuous by its absence in the bulk of the

discussion to this point is the concept of the probability

of error (Pe). Probability of error is the most commonly

used benchmark by which digital systems are judged. Indeed

there are systems in which

like bandwidth or power,

other performance parameters,

supercede its significance.

Generally though, it is one of the more important

considerations of both the designer and the client. The

reason for its absence thus far is that it requires a

completed working system to evaluate it. The previous

sections of this paper have been devoted to that

development. Before focusing on the performance of this

modem specifically, it is necessary to discuss the factors

that determine the probability of error on a theoretical

basis. This is done in the context of an overview of its


To allow this development to flow more smoothly,

especially with respect to the notation used, a portion of

the block diagram of a generic QPSK demodulator is shown in

Figure 10.




noise ! n(t) [kTx]

l ('x) {I}"-·~1 y1{t) = x1(t) + n1(t)

correlator 1

--t® Asin(wt) x(t) ! [kTx]

ti f r ~(t) ® = x2(t) + n2(t)

correlator 2

Figure 10. Probability of Error System.

Assuming x(t) = A cos(wct) and noting that the sampling

interval (Tx) is twice the carrier period, it can be shown

YI= A2Tx/2 + n 1(t)

Y2(t) = 0 + nz(t)

If Y1(t) is independent of y 2{t), then errors of the output

of each correlator may be treated likewise.

Provir1g this can be accomplished by demonstrating

the independence of the noise component of the correlator

outputs. Since these noise outputs are both uncorrelated

and Gaussian, they are independent. The ref ore, y1 ( t) and

y 2{t). are independent. It can be also shown the variances

of these outputs are equal to


Determining the probability of error for the phase-matched

channel amounts to evaluating the possibility of the noise

actually offsetting the signal at the correlator output,

that is

which can be shown to equal

Therefore the probability of the correct output is 1-Pel·

The fact that these probabilities are independent is now

used to write the probability that both channels are


P = (1-P 1 )(1-P 2) c e e

Finally, assuming Pel<< 1, the final form is written

This is consistent with the ideal relationship plotted in

Figure 1. Table 2 shows a sample of the actual performance

of this design. It falls significantly short of the ideal

calculations presented above.




S/N (db)








A survey of the literature pertinent to the

specifications of this design uncovers a method of possibly

improving the performance listed above. Though it involves

changing the integrate and dump data filters, it is not

contradictory to the detection optimization derived above.

It is shown that passive data filters often outperform

matched filters when there exists a significant amount of

channel and demodulator distortion (Jones, 1971 and Austin

et al, 1983). The reconciliation between this and the

optimum detection proof lies in the fact that the heavily

distorted signal no longer satisfies equation (15). Though

the impulse response of the data filter does not change, it

is no longer a time reversed and shifted version of the

received signal.

distorted signal.

That is, it is no longer matched to the

The present design remains intact

because the magnitude of the improvement, as seen in Figure

8, does not warrant the change.


Another improvement would be to increase the pilot

signal frequency relative to the carrier frequency. This

would allow even less restrictive band-limiting at the

demodulator input, further decreasing the demodulator

distortion described in Section 3.



Quadrature phase shift key modulation can find

useful application for data transmission over a standard

telephone line. The design described in this paper is a

fundamental example. Presently, in the literature, there

are numerous designs that more fully exploit the advantages

of the phase shift key technique. This is especially

important in light of the growing demand for increased data

transmission rates. When paying for the use of the

transmission channel, speed translates into reduced costs

for the consumer. In addition, with continued advancement

in the field of application specific integrated circuits,

the complexity that once escalated production costs is no

longer of major concern.

In the future, digital communications in general

will continue to flourish. Single chip, fully implemented

modems are indicative of the hardware improvements that

have taken place in recent years. Highly efficient coding

techniques represent both software and hardware

advancement. This trend should continue considering the

vast amount of research presently being done in the field.



In addition, if proposed standards presently being

considered are adopted, they could provide a common

foundation on which to build.





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Modulator Output

.i:::,. VI


r----,i • I ~

Ill 5.


0 .µ


r-f :,

't:i 0 e Q







QPSK Oscilloscope Trace


Noise Spectral Plot


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