Desicion process poster

Decision Process - Poster By Huseyin Tozanoglu

Transcript of Desicion process poster

Page 1: Desicion process poster

Decision Process - Poster

By Huseyin Tozanoglu

Page 2: Desicion process poster

I started off by scaling and sizing up, how big I wanted my poster to be. I ultimately chose 25 cm width by 38 cm height.

I then found the same light brown brick wall image, that I had used for my magazine background image and again used it as my background image for my poster. I chose this image as it depicts the urban side of the film nicely and it allows a link between the magazine and the poster.

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I then placed the film title in the middle of the poster, but more towards the left hand side; this was a technique I saw in the Reservoir Dogs poster. I chose to use the same font that I had used for the main cover line in the magazine and the film title in the trailer; Rockwell Extra Bold. This allows for an appropriate linkage between all the products, and makes it clear to the viewer that they are all part of the same thing. For the title I used effects; the effects I used were Drop shadow and outer glow. I chose these as I believe it makes the title more eye catching.

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Similarly with the film title, I used the same images as in the magazine cover. I chose to use these images again as I thought that they would carry on the link between all 3 products and I thought that the images were appropriate for the poster as well. I used effects on the images such as drop shadow

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I then created a tag line for the poster that read ‘ TWO friends, TWO partners, TWO enemies…TWO dogs’. I chose this tag line as it gives the audience a slight insight into the film. The tag line is white. I chose white as it is different from the title and it is easy to read on the light brown background. I put effects on the tag line such as Drop Shadow.

I added the two main actors names. I placed the names underneath the title. The font style I used for the names was Big Caslon. I chose this font as it was different from the other font and quite neat. I planned to use all black for the color, however, when I tried all black I realized that it blended in with the main images and the names could not be read. So, I decided to use a technique that I again saw in the Reservoir Dogs poster and make the parts of the names that blended with the images white, this way they can be read easily.

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After, I added a black color box, so that I would have somewhere to place other information, such as directors names etc. I placed the box at the bottom of the poster. The font I used for the text in the black box was again Big Caslon, and the font color was white. Although, the size of this text is much smaller that the font of the actors names.

Then, I finally added some small images of the appropriate ages of the audience who are able to watch this film, and put the logo of the production company I produced; this logo is also seen in the teaser trailer. I also used the college logo, in an attempt to make it seem like a production company.