Department of Tarbiyat · 2019. 9. 13. · Department of Tarbiyat Muslims who believe in the...

Department of Tarbiyat Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and promote “Love for all, Hatred for none” C a n a d a 10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2 phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 | Friday Sermon – September 13, 2019 رسولهحمدا عبدہ و شریک له و اشھد ان م وحدہ اله ا اشھد ان ن الرحیمٰ الرحم ن الرجیم ۔ بسملشیطا من اد فاعوذ باما بع اِ ـه لِ لُ دْ مَ حْ الَ ينِ َ اَ عْ ال ِ بَ ر ۔ِ يمِ ح الرِ نٰ ـَ مْ ح الر ۔ِ ين ِ الدِ مْ وَ يِ كِ الَ م ۔ُ ينِ عَ تْ سَ نَ اك يِ إَ وُ دُ بْ عَ نَ اك يِ إ ۔َ اطَ ر ِ الص اَ نِ دْ اهَ يمِ قَ تْ سُ ْ ا ۔َ ين ِ ال الضَ َ وْ مِ هْ يَ لَ عِ وبُ ضْ غَ ْ اِ رْ يَ غْ مِ هْ يَ لَ عَ تْ مَ عْ نَ أَ ينِ ذ الَ اطَ رِ ص Hazoor Anwar (aa) delivered the Friday Sermon today from the Ijtima-Gah of Majlis Ansarullah UK. Hazoor Anwar (aa) stated that from the lives of the companions, both Muhajireen and Ansar, we witness how they brought pure changes in their lives and displayed amazing examples of Taqwa and sacrifice. Among the Ansarullah sitting here are both Ansar and Muhajireen; therefore, hearing the tales of the companions of the Holy Prophet (sa), we should also reflect on our own inner condition. One companion of the Holy Prophet (sa) was Hazrat Numan (ra). He was fortunate to be part of Bait-e-Uqba in Mecca and fought alongside the Holy Prophet (sa) in all battles. Once the Holy Prophet (sa) said that do not say anything but good for Numan because he loves Allah and His Messenger. It is mentioned about Hazrat Numan (ra) that he had a humorous nature and the Holy Prophet (sa) often enjoyed his humor. Once he was travelling with his friend, Hazrat Suaibat (ra). Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) was also with them. Hazrat Suaibat asked Hazrat Numan for food, but Hazrat Numan said to wait for Hazrat Abu Bakr to come back. Hazrat Suaibat decided to tease Hazrat Numan in the meantime. They passed by some people. Hazrat Suaibat said to them that who among you will buy this slave of mine from me? They agreed to buy him for ten camels. Hazrat Suaibat told them that he is very talkative and will insist that he is a free man; however, you shouldn’t let him go. Therefore, they came and took Hazrat Numan, even though he kept telling them that my friend was joking with you. When Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) found out, he quickly took the camels back and freed Hazrat Numan. When the Holy Prophet (sa) and his companions found out about this joke, they enjoyed it very much. It is mentioned about Hazrat Numan (ra) that whenever a merchant came to Medina from outside, he would get something from him and present it to the Holy Prophet (sa). When the merchant would come to receive its price, he would bring him to the Holy Prophet (sa) and ask him to pay the merchant. The Holy Prophet (sa) said that did you not bring this as a gift.

Transcript of Department of Tarbiyat · 2019. 9. 13. · Department of Tarbiyat Muslims who believe in the...

  • Department of Tarbiyat

    Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

    and promote “Love for all, Hatred for none” C a n a d a

    10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

    phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 |

    Friday Sermon – September 13, 2019

    اشھد ان ال اله اال ہللا وحدہ ال شریک له و اشھد ان محمدا عبدہ و رسوله

    اما بعد فاعوذ باہلل من الشیطان الرجیم ۔ بسم ہللا الرحٰمن الرحیم

    ـِه ََّحْمُد ِلل

    ْيَن ال ِ


    ِْحيِم ۔ َرِبِّ ال ِن الرَّ

    ْٰحَمـ يِن ۔ الرَّ ْسَتِعيُن ۔ َماِلِك َيْوِم الِدِّ

    َاَك ن ْعُبُد َوِإيَّ

    َاَك ن ۔ ِإيَّ

    ََراط ا الِصِّ


    ْسَتِقيَم ُ ْيَن ۔ اَل

    ِّاِل الضَّ

    َْيِهْم َوال

    َُضوِب َعل

    ْغَ ْْيِر اَل

    َْيِهْم غ

    ََعْمَت َعل

    ْنَِذيَن أ

    َّ ال

    َ ِصَراط

    Hazoor Anwar (aa) delivered the Friday Sermon today from the Ijtima-Gah of Majlis Ansarullah UK. Hazoor Anwar (aa) stated that from the lives of the companions, both Muhajireen and Ansar, we witness how they brought pure changes in their lives and displayed amazing examples of Taqwa and sacrifice.

    Among the Ansarullah sitting here are both Ansar and Muhajireen; therefore, hearing the tales of the companions of the Holy Prophet (sa), we should also reflect on our own inner condition.

    One companion of the Holy Prophet (sa) was Hazrat Numan (ra). He was fortunate to be part of Bait-e-Uqba in Mecca and fought alongside the Holy Prophet (sa) in all battles. Once the Holy Prophet (sa) said that do not say anything but good for Numan because he loves Allah and His Messenger.

    It is mentioned about Hazrat Numan (ra) that he had a humorous nature and the Holy Prophet (sa) often enjoyed his humor. Once he was travelling with his friend, Hazrat Suaibat (ra). Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) was also with them. Hazrat Suaibat asked Hazrat Numan for food, but Hazrat Numan said to wait for Hazrat Abu Bakr to come back. Hazrat Suaibat decided to tease Hazrat Numan in the meantime. They passed by some people. Hazrat Suaibat said to them that who among you will buy this slave of mine from me? They agreed to buy him for ten camels. Hazrat Suaibat told them that he is very talkative and will insist that he is a free man; however, you shouldn’t let him go. Therefore, they came and took Hazrat Numan, even though he kept telling them that my friend was joking with you. When Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) found out, he quickly took the camels back and freed Hazrat Numan. When the Holy Prophet (sa) and his companions found out about this joke, they enjoyed it very much.

    It is mentioned about Hazrat Numan (ra) that whenever a merchant came to Medina from outside, he would get something from him and present it to the Holy Prophet (sa). When the merchant would come to receive its price, he would bring him to the Holy Prophet (sa) and ask him to pay the merchant. The Holy Prophet (sa) said that did you not bring this as a gift.

  • Department of Tarbiyat

    Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

    and promote “Love for all, Hatred for none” C a n a d a

    10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

    phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 |

    Hazrat Numan said that by Allah, I didn’t have enough money, but I desired for you to have these things. Hazoor Anwar (aa) mentioned that we find such beautiful narrations of love of the companions for the Holy Prophet (sa).

    Another companion of the Holy Prophet (sa) was Hazrat Khubaib (ra). He wasn’t a Muslim at the time of migration, yet he helped and welcomed the Muhajireen (migrants) to Medina.

    Hazrat Aisha (ra) narrates how he came to accept Islam. She says that when the Holy Prophet (sa) was on his way for the battle of Badr, a man came to the Holy Prophet (sa). This man was famous for his bravery and excellent war skills, therefore, the companions were happy to see him. He asked the Holy Prophet (sa) to fight alongside Muslims. The Holy Prophet (sa) asked him if he believed in Allah and His Messenger, to which he replied no. The Holy Prophet (sa) told him to return and said that we will not seek the help of a Mushrik (one who associates partners with Allah) against other Mushrikeen. He returned the second time and similar conversation took place. Then as the Holy Prophet (sa) continued his journey, he returned the third time. This time when the Holy Prophet (sa) asked him if he is a Muslim, he answered in affirmative. Therefore, the Holy Prophet (sa) accepted Hazrat Khubaib and allowed him to participate in the battle of Badr.

    May Allah continue to elevate the station of the companions (ra) in paradise! Ameen

    Hazoor Anwar (aa) offered the funeral prayer of three people and mentioned their many good


    1. Muhtarmah Rashida Begum Sahiba, wife of Mukarram Sarwar sahib of Rabwah, Pakistan

    2. Muhtaram Shamshir Khan sahib of Fiji Jama’at

    3. Muhtarmah Fatimah Muhammad Mustafa sahiba of Norway Jama’at

  • Department of Tarbiyat

    Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

    and promote “Love for all, Hatred for none” C a n a d a

    10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

    phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 |

    29th National Ta`limul Qur'an Class

    The National Talimul Quran classes in Jama’ats throughout Canada are starting today. The Holy

    Quran is an integral part of the life of every Ahmadi Muslim. In his Friday Sermon of Dec 16,

    2011, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aa) gave us various advices about the importance of the Holy

    Quran, some of which are being shared here:

    MashaAllah our children generally finish their first reading of the Holy Qur’an at a very young age…… However, the parents’ concern should not be limited to completing the first reading of the Holy Qur’an, rather children should be consistently advised to recite the Holy Qur’an regularly.

    It is very important to instill love of the Holy Qur’an in children’s hearts. Early morning recitation of the Holy Qur’an would make children aware of its significance. Love of the Holy Qur’an will be instilled in the hearts of children when parents will recite it regularly and ponder over its meanings. Every morning, regular recitation of the Holy Qur’an will certainly fill our homes with blessings and will have a very virtuous influence on children.

    Each one of us can observe that regular recitation of the Qur’an with deepest thought will generate love for the sake of God between husband and wife, and this in turn will make their children useful members of the Community.

    It was indeed the purpose of the advent of Promised Messiahas to revive the highest status of the Holy Qur’an. Real love of the Qur’an demands from us to make full effort to obey its commandments and avoid what the Qur’an forbids. Its recitation should be done with fear of God.

    The Promised Messiahas has extensively written about the significance of the Holy Qur’an in his books. We should fully try to recite the Qur’an while understanding its meanings. It should also be explained to our children in a simple manner to instill in them the love of the Qur’an.

    The Promised Messiahas wrote in his book Kashti Nuh: ‘Be alert all the time and do not take a single step contrary to Divine teaching and guidance of the Qur’an. I tell you truly that anyone who evades even the least of the 700 commandments of the Qur’an, shuts upon himself the door of salvation. The ways of true and perfect salvation have been opened by the Qur’an and all the rest is its reflection. Therefore, you should study the

  • Department of Tarbiyat

    Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

    and promote “Love for all, Hatred for none” C a n a d a

    10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

    phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 |

    Qur’an with deepest thought and you should love it as you have never loved anything else. As God has said to me: ‘All that is good is contained in the Qur’an.’

    The Promised Messiahas said: ‘Holy Qur’an should be read with care, concentration and interest. Hadith relates that there are many reciters of the Holy Qur’an who are cursed by the Qur’an. The Holy Qur’an curses the person who reads the Qur’an but does not act upon it. When one comes across a verse denoting blessing while reciting the Qur’an, blessing should be sought from Allah the Exalted at the juncture. Where torment on people is mentioned, entreaty should be made to God for His refuge from His torment and it should be read with care and concentration and it should be acted on.’

    The Promised Messiahas also said: ‘The Holy Qur’an does not simply require that having given up evil, man should assume he has attained excellence. Rather, it wants to define man with supreme excellences and high morals and that his actions and deeds involve sympathy and welfare of mankind. The consequence of which should be that Allah the Exalted is pleased with him.’

    Huzuraa prayed that may we, our children and our future generations till the Day of Judgement - who will accept the Muhammadan Messiah, have true love for the Holy Qur’an and practice its teachings, and each moment attain the blessings of its beneficence.

    From Humanity First Canada

    With the approval and guidance of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aa) Humanity First

    Canada is working on various humanitarian projects in Canada and around the world.

    Markaz has assigned to Humanity First Canada to build a Hospital in Ivory Coast.

    On September 28, 2019 Humanity First will be holding a LIVE Global Telethon around

    the world, which will be broadcasted from UK, USA, Canada, Germany, Pakistan,

    Indonesia and other countries.

    Insha`Allah Humanity Fist Canada will broadcasting LIVE segment on Sept. 28 from

    2pm – 6pm Eastern Standard Time.

    To help meet the fundraising targets for Ivory Coast Hospital and other projects, you

    are requested to watch this program and generously donate or pledge at

    Jazakumallah Ahsnal Jaza!

  • Department of Tarbiyat

    Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

    and promote “Love for all, Hatred for none” C a n a d a

    10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

    phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 |

    ےن رفامای ہک اہمرجنی اور ااصنر احصہب ٔ رکام یک وضحِر اونر ےن ٓاج اک ہبطخ ہعمج سلجم ااصنر اہلل رباطہین یک اامتجع اگہ ےس ایبن رفامای۔ وضحرِ اونر ادیہ اہلل اعتٰیل

    ناب ی ے ا بیج نومےن کئاھ۔ے۔ ٓا گو و اےنپ ادنر اپک دبتایلیں دیپا ںیک اور وقتٰی اور رقزدنویگں ےس ںیمہ ہتپ اتلچ ےہ ہک سک رطح اوھنں ےن

    اہیں ےھٹیب ںیہ نج ںیم ااصنر یھب ںیہ اور اہمرجنی یھب ںیہ مہ بس وک احصہب یک اثمگوں وک نس رک اانپ اجزئہ انیل اچےئہ۔

    ای اور مامم وزوات ںیم روسل روسل اہلل معلص ے اکی احصیب رضحت امعنن ریض اہلل ہنع ےھت۔ ٓا ےن تعیبِ ہبقع ںیم اشلم وہےن اک رشف احلص

    امعنن ےئلیک وسا۔ے ریخ ے ھچک ہن وہک ویکہکن وہ اہلل اعتٰیل اور اس ے روسل ےس اکی رمہبت روسل اہلل معلص ےن رفامای ہک اہلل معلص ے اسھت اشلم وہ۔ے۔

    تبحم راتھک ےہ۔

    اکی رمہبت ان ے زماح ےس فطل ادنوز وہےت ےھت۔ ات اھ اور روسل اہلل معلصرضحت امعنن ے قلعتم ذرک اتلم ےہ ہک ان یک تعیبط ںیم زماح اپای اج

    ے اسھت رفس رک رےہ ےھت۔ رضح

    ب تصعیت اب ر ر ریض اہلل ہنع یھب ٓا گو ںں ے اسھت ےھت۔ اکی نابر رضحت رضحت امعنن اےنپ کوتس رضحت

    ےن رضحت امعنن ےس رفامای ہک ےھجم ئاھان کںی۔ رضحت امعنن

    ب تصعی

    ےن اہک ہک بج رضحت اب ر ر واسپ ٓاںیئ ےگ بت ںیم ئاھان کواگن۔ رضحت


    ب تصعی ےن اہک ہک اس وتق کت ںیم ایسی نابںیت رکواگن نج ےس ںیہمت یگنت وہ یگ۔ انچہچن وہ ھچک گو ںں ے اپس ےس زگرے وت رضحت

    ب تصعی

    ےن اہک ہک وہ تہب ب ےنل واال ےہ اور یہی اتہک راگیہ ہک ںیم رھبی وت اوھنں ےن احیم ای مت ھجم ےس ریما اکی الغم رخدیو ےگ۔اںیھن اہک ہک

    ب تصعیرضحت

    رضحت امعنن وک ےل ےئگ نابووک اس نابت ے ہک رضحت امعنن ہی ےتہک کس اووٹنں ے وعض ٓازاک وہں نکیل مت اس وک تم وھچڑان۔ انچہچن وہ گو ٓارک

    اوٹن واسپ رک اب ر ر ریض اہلل ہنع واسپ ٓا۔ے وت اںیھن اس نابت اک ہتپ الچ وت اوھنں ےن ےھچیپ اج رک رےہ ہک ہی صخش مت ےس ذماق رک راہ ےہ۔ بج رضحت

    رضحت امعنن وک ٓازاک رکواای۔ اس ذماق رپ روسل اہلل معلص اور ٓا ے احصہب تہب فطل ادنوز وہ۔ے۔ ے

    ے اپس ےل ٓاےت رضحت امعنن ے قلعتم ذرک اتلم ےہ ہک بج یھب دمہنی ںیم وکیئ اترج نابرہ ےس ٓا اتوت رضحت امعنن وکیئ ہن وکیئ زیچ رکیل روسل اہلل معلص

    ہک اس وک تمیق اکا رک تمیق ووصل رکےن ٓا ات وت رضحت امعنن اس وک رکیل روسل اہلل معلص ے اپس ٓاےت اور ےتہکاور ٓا وک کے کےتی۔ بج وہ اترج

    وکیئ رمق ہن یھت نکیل اپس اہلل یک مسق، ریمےکںی۔ روسل اہلل معلص ےن رفامای ہک ای مت ےن ہی زیچ ےھجم وطبر ہفحت ںیہن کی یھت۔ رضحت امعنن ےن رفامای ہک

    ن اہلل انیعمج ے قشع یک ہی ا بیج کااتسںین ںیمہ یتلم ںیہ۔ ےھجم وشق اھ ہک ٓا ہی زیچ ئاھںیئ ای ہی زیچ رںیھک۔ روسل اہلل معلص ےس احصہبٔ رکام روضا

    ک روسل اہلل معلص ے اکی اور احصیب رضحت بیبخ ریض اہلل ہنع ےھت۔ ٓا رجہت ے وتق املسمن ہن ےھت نکیل ٓا ےن ٓاےن واےل اہمرجنی یک دم

    اور امہمن ونازی یک۔

  • Department of Tarbiyat

    Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

    and promote “Love for all, Hatred for none” C a n a d a

    10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

    phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 |

    اکی راےتس ںیم ہشئ ریض اہلل ایبن رک ی ںیہ ہک بج روسل اہلل معلص گنِ ردر ےئلیک ےلک وت ٓا وک رضحت اعٓا ے وبقِل االسم اک واہعق ویں اتلم ےہ ہک

    احصہب ٔ رکام روضان اہلل انیعمج اس صخش وک کھکی رک تہب وخش وہ۔ے۔ رضحت بیبخ ےن روسل اہلل معلص صخش الم و اینپ اہبکری ےئلیک تہب وہشمر اھ۔

    مت اہلل اور اس ے روسل رپ اامین الےت وہ۔ اس ےن اہک گن ںیم لوم تی یک ااجزت کںی۔ روسل اہلل معلص ےن رفامای ہک ای ےس رفامای ہک ےھجم اےنپ اسھت

    ۔ انچہچن وہ صخش واسپ الچ ایگ۔ ویکہکن مہ رشمنیک ے الخف گن ںیم اکی رشمک ےس دمک ںیہن ںیل ےگ ںیہن۔ ٓا ےن رفامای ہک مت واسپ ےلچ اجو

    ا ر رسیتی رمہبت وہ الم وت روسل اہلل معلص ھچک اور ٓاےگ ےئگ وت وہ صخش ا ر ٓا ےس الم اور ا ر وگ ر وگت روسل اہلل معلص ے اسھت وہیئ۔ بج ٓا معلص

    ںیم لوم تی یک ااجزت ےن ا ر وگ وپاھچ ہک ای مت اامین الےت وہ وت اس ےن اہک ہک اہں ںیم اامین ال ات وہں۔ اس رپ روسل اہلل معلص ےن ان وک گنِ ردر

    کے کی۔

    اہلل اعتٰیل مامم احصہب ٔ رکام ے کراجت دنلب رفام ات الچ اج۔ے۔ ٓانیم۔

    وضحِر اونر ادیہ اہلل ےن نیت وافت دشاگن اک ذرکِ ریخ رفامای اور امنِز انجزہ اکا رفامیئ۔

    ۔رتحمہم ردیشہ مگیب اصہبح اہیلہ رکمم رسور اصبح ٓاف رب ہ۔۱

    رتحمم ریشمش اخن اصبح ٓاف یجیف امجتع۔ ۔ ۲

    ۔ رتحمہم افہمط دمحم ٰیفطصم اصہبح ٓاف انروے۔ ۳