Deniz's music expectations


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Transcript of Deniz's music expectations

Page 1: Deniz's music expectations

Expectations of the Rock genre

For the common colors of the rock genre, are dark colors such as: black, grey, maroon, purple etc. These colors are very cold and distant- the colors worn usually foreshadow the type of music that is played.

The clothing we expect to see are things like long leather jackets and big platform shoes, studs, black make up and spikes. We also expect to see tight leather pants and big furry jackets.

The speech of the rock genre are usually very aggressive and loud. Rock artists tend to shout over their instruments and use very negative wording (dead, emptiness, cold etc.)

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Expectations of the Rap genre

The common colors that are used for the rap genre are similar to the rock genre. Dark colors and primary colors such as: black, grey, purple, red, blue are used.

The clothing that we expect to see from the rap genre are things like, tracksuits, bandanas, hoodies, hats, baggy shirts, vests, jeans etc. Clothing that is classed as very ‘street’ or ‘hood’.

The speech that is expected to be used in the rap genre are very slang and aggressive. Swear words are also regularly used within this genre of music.

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Expectations of the Hip-Hop genre

The common colors that are expected to be seen in the hip-hop genre are primary colors that stand out such as blues, reds, yellows etc.

The clothing that we expect to see in the hip-hop genre are that the females that are in the magazines/ videos are barely wearing anything- they are shown to wear very skimpy shot outfits such as skirts, shorts, boob tubes, leather boots etc. Males on the other hand wear clothes/ item often associated with females like, jewellery such as rings, necklaces, etc.

The speech that is expected to be heard in hip hop is very some what similar to the rap genre. Swear words are expected to be used.

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Expectations of the pop genre

The common colors that are expected to be seen in the pop genre are very bright, eye catching neon colors.

The clothing that is expected to be worn are things such as: jeans, tight white vests, sneakers etc.