Demystifying Shapeless

Demystifying Shapeless Jared Roesch @roeschinc 1


My Scala by the Bay 2014 talk on exploring the ideas behind the implementation of the generic library shapeless, and general ideas about how to do "type level" programming in Scala.

Transcript of Demystifying Shapeless

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Demystifying Shapeless

Jared Roesch @roeschinc


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Who I am


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What I do:

PL Lab


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What is Shapeless?


• A library from Miles Sabin and co.

• A playground for advanced typed FP


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It has lots of features


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object size extends Poly1 { implicit def int = at[Int] (x => 1) implicit def string = at[String] (s => s.length) implicit def tuple[A, B] = at[(A, B)] (t => 2) } !val list = 1 :: “foo” :: (‘x’, ‘a’) :: HNil // => 1 :: 3 :: 2 :: HNil

We can do flexible things like:


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• Scrap Your Boilerplate

• Generic Deriving in Haskell

• Dependently typed languages


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Static reasoning

• allows for us to implement powerful compile time abstractions

• you only pay a minor cost with extra compile time, and passing around proof terms


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Type safe casting of an arbitrary List to Product:


case class Point(x: Int, y: Int) val xs: List[Any] = List(1,2)[Point]

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scala> val q = sql("select name, age from person") scala> q() map (_ get "age") res0: List[Int] = List(36, 14)

compile time checked SQL:



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Dependent Types

• relaxation of the “phase distinction”

• simply: remove the distinction between types and values (allow types to depend on values)

• many things billed as type level programming are attempts at emulating dependent types


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The phase distinction exists in Scala: !

Vect : (Nat, Type) => Type !

we would like to write something like this: !

trait Vect[N <: Nat, A] !

we are still writing this: !

Vect : (Type, Type) => Type


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Types as Logic

• type systems == logical framework

• types correspond to propositions, and programs to proofs

• types can be boring (i.e Int, String, User); not all proofs are interesting


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How do we emulate dependent types?

• We still have the phase distinction to get around

• We need to promote values to the type level (i.e 0 can either act as a value or type)

• Vect[0, Int] and val x = 0


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Nat• Natural numbers (0, 1 …)

• Let’s look at both the value level and the type level

• We need these to reason about numeric constraints like size, ordering, indexing, and so on.

• Usually represented by a Zero element and a Successor function.


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sealed trait Nat case object Zero extends Nat case class Succ(n : Nat) extends Nat


A value representing a Natural number:

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How do we encode a type level representation of naturals?


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Prerequisites ‣ implicit arguments

‣ sub-typing, and bounded polymorphism

‣ type members

‣ structural refinement types

‣ path dependent types


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implicit val x: Int = 10 !

def needsImplicit(implicit ev: Int) = ???

implicit arguments allow us to pass extra parameters around with help of the compiler:


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type members allow for values to have type information:

trait User { type Email; val email : Email } !


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def userWithEmail[E](e : E) = new User { type Email = E val email = e } !


We make a type part of the value:

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val user = userWithEmail(“[email protected]”) val email : user.Email = !def takesUser(u: User) = /* the type of email is hidden here */


The type is now existential:

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also we make use of structural refinement types:

sealed trait Database !sealed trait Postgres extends Database case object Postgres extends Postgres !sealed trait MySQL extends Database case object MySQL extends MySQL !trait DataStore { type DB <: Database … }


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// Refined type type PostgreSQL = DataStore { type DB = Postgres } !def writeJSONB(ds: PostgreSQL, jsonb: JSONB) = ??? def dontCare(ds: DataStore, …) = ??? !val postgres: PostgresSQL = new DataStore { … } !val otherDataStore = new DataStore { … } !writeJSONB(postgres, value) //works writeJSONB(otherDataStore, value) //fails


We can use this to make our type more specific:

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trait Unrefined type Refined = Unrefined { type T = String } !implicitly[Refined <:< Unrefined]


refined types are subtypes of unrefined types:

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trait ObligationFor[N <: Nat] !

def proof[N <: Nat](implicit ev: ObligationFor[N])


we can use this sub-typing rule and type bounds to our advantage during implicit selection:


def proof(implicit ev: ObligationFor[Nat])

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/* Shapeless Typelevel Natural */ trait Nat { type N <: Nat } !class _0 extends Nat { type N = _0 } !class Succ[P <: Nat]() extends Nat { type N = Succ[P] }


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implicit def intToNat(i: Int): Nat = … !val n: Nat = 1 !type One = n.N // Succ[_0]


We can add an implicit conversion for Naturals:

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def lessThan(n: Nat, m: Nat): Bool = match (n, m) { case (Zero, Succ(_)) => true case (Succ(np), Succ(mp)) => lessThan(np, mp) case (_, _) => false }

How do we translate a value level algorithm to one that constructs a proof object instead


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How do we translate this piece of code?


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trait LessThan[N <: Nat, M <: Nat]


Take our proof and translate it to a type:

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// Typelevel LessThan trait LessThan[N <: Nat, M <: Nat] !// We need ways to construct our proofs. implicit def lessThanBase[M <: Nat] = new LessThan[_0, Succ[M]] {} !implicit def lessThanStep[N <: Nat, M <: Nat] (implicit lessThanN: LessThan[N, M]) = new LessThan[Succ[N], Succ[M]] {} !def lessThan(n : Nat, m : Nat) (implicit lessThan: LessThan[n.N, m. N]): Boolean = true


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HListsealed trait HList !case class ::[+H, +T <: HList](head : H, tail : T) extends HList !sealed trait HNil extends HList case object HNil extends HNil


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import shapeless._ !

val xs : Int :: String :: HNil = 1 :: “foo” :: HNil


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trait IsHCons[L <: HList] { type H type T <: HList def head(l : L) : H def tail(l : L) : T }


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object IsHCons { … ! type Aux[L <: HList, Head, Tail <: HList] = IsHCons[L] { type H = Head; type T = Tail } ! implicit def hlistIsHCons[Head, Tail <: HList] = new IsHCons[Head :: Tail] { type H = Head type T = Tail def head(l : Head :: Tail) : H = l.head def tail(l : Head :: Tail) : T = l.tail } }


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def head(implicit c : IsHCons[L]) : c.H = c.head(l) !

def tail(implicit c : IsHCons[L]) : c.T = c.tail(l)

We then demand proof when we implement methods on HList’s:


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Proofs as black boxes

• Proof objects can be treated as black boxes, we only need to know what relationship they express, not proof details.

• We can use shapeless as a standard library of useful tools.


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case class Point(x: Int, y: Int) !val generic = Generic.Aux[Point, Int :: Int :: HNil] = Generic[Point] !val point = Point(1,2) !val list: Int :: Int :: HNil = !assert(generic.from(list) == point)


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Applying it

• We can build things using many of the same ideas

• typed SQL, JSON with schema, static string encoding, and plenty of other uses (ex. Spray)


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sealed trait Encoding … !trait EncodedString[E <: Encoding] { … } … !def staticEncoding[E <: Encoding](enc: E, s: String) = macro StaticEncoding.encodeAs[E]

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trait Transcode[Initial <: Encoding] { type Result <: Encoding ! def transcode(s: EncodedString[Initial]): EncodedString[Result] }

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trait Concatable[Prefix <: Encoding, Suffix <: Encoding] { type Result <: Encoding /* Concat is a little verbose, we just ask for both our strings. */ def concat(s1: EncodedString[Prefix], s2: EncodedString[Suffix]) /* We get proof that a transcode can happen for both */ (implicit t1: Transcode.Aux[Prefix, Result] t2: Transcode.Aux[Suffix, Result]): /* And we get the result */ EncodedString[Result] }

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def concat[E1 <: Encoding, E2 <: Encoding] (s1: EncodedString[E1], s2: EncodedString[E2]) (implicit c: Concatable[E1, E2]) = c.concat(s1, s2)

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An extended example

• Let’s encode a proof that one HList is a subset of another HList.

• But is it useful?


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Imagine our own implementation of a SQL DSL: !

case class User( id: Id name: String, age: Int, email: String, deviceId: Long ) !// Create Table SQL.create[User] !SQL.insert( User(1, “Jared”, 21, “[email protected]”, 1) ) !// successful update SQL.update[User](“id” ->> 1, “age” ->> 22) !// fails to compile SQL.update[User](“id” ->> 1, bogusField” ->> 1337) !… // Queries and so on


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// successful update SQL.update[User](“id” ->> 1, “age” ->> 22) !// fails to compile SQL.update[User](“id” ->> 1, bogusField” ->> 1337)


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def subList[A](sub: List[A], list: List[A]): Boolean = (sub, list) match { case (Nil, _) => true case (x :: xs, y :: ys) if x == y => true && subList(xs, ys) case (subp, first :: remanning) => subList(subp, remaining) }

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trait SubSeq[Sub <: HList, Super <: HList]

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object SubSeq extends LowPrioritySubSeq { type Aux[L <: HList, S <: HList] = SubSeq[L] { type Sub = S } … }

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/* Low priority case where we just keep scanning the list. */ trait LowPrioritySubSeq { implicit def hconsSubSeq[Sub <: HList, SH, ST <: HList] (implicit subseq: SubSeq.Aux[Sub, ST]) = new SubSeq[Sub] { type Sub = SH :: ST } }

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object SubSeq extends LowPrioritySubSeq { … /* HNil is a SubSeq of any HList */ implicit def hnilSubSeq[H <: HList] = new SubSeq[HNil] { type Sub = H } ! … }

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object SubSeq extends LowPrioritySubSeq { … implicit def hconsSubSeqIso [H, SH, T <: HList, ST <: HList] (implicit iso: H =:= SH, subseq: SubSeq.Aux[T, ST]) = new SubSeq[H :: T] { type Sub = SH :: ST } }

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There are few ways to improve upon our last example, I’ll leave it as a fun puzzle for you.

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55 !

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• Thanks to Miles Sabin, the PL Lab, Adelbert Chang, and Pete Cruz.


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Thank you for your time, questions?