Democrat vs. Republican

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Democrat vs. Republican. Symbol- Democrat. Donkey. This symbol was first associated with Democrat Andrew Jackson in 1828. His opponents called him a “jackass.” - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Democrat vs. Republican

Democrats vs. Republicans

Democrat vs. Republican

Symbol- DemocratDonkey

This symbol was first associated with Democrat Andrew Jackson in 1828. His opponents called him a jackass.It gained popularity among Democrats who consider themselves strong willed, like a donkey. Republicans like to use it because they see Democrats as stubborn.Symbol- RepublicanElephant

Cartoonist Thomas Nast gave Republicans the Elephant symbol in 1874 to mock them as a big party which tries to scare away others.It gained popularity among Republicans who consider themselves strong and dignified, like the elephant. Democrats like to use it because they see Republicans as slow moving.Political Spectrum- DemocratLeftLiberal

Political Spectrum- RepublicanRightConservative

Leaders- DemocratPresident Obama, Sec of State HilaryClinton, Former President Bill Clinton,Former President John F. Kennedy, NCGovernor Bev Perdue, NC Senator KayHagan, NC Representative Mel Watt

Leaders- RepublicanFormer President George W. Bush, SenatorJohn McCain, Former President GeorgeBush, Former President Ronald Reagan,NC Senator Richard Burr, NCRepresentative Virginia Foxx

Typical Supporters- DemocratWomenCatholicsAfrican AmericansPoorer CitizensYounger CitizensEducated CitizensNorthern USWestern US

Typical Supporters- RepublicanMenChristiansWhite AmericansWealthier CitizensOlder CitizensMiddle ClassSouthern US Midwest US

Size of the Government- DemocratLarge & directly involved withcitizens lives

Size of the Government- RepublicanSmall & indirectlyinvolved with citizens lives

Taxes- DemocratSupport more taxesWant to tax the rich moreand the poor less

Taxes- RepublicanSupport less taxesWant to tax the rich lessand tax everyone similarly

Welfare- DemocratSupport

Favorprograms for the poor

Welfare- RepublicanAgainst

Do not favorprograms forthe poor

Minimum Wage- DemocratIncrease

Helps the poor

Minimum Wage- RepublicanDecrease

Hurts businesses to pay higher salaries

Business Regulation- DemocratIncrease

Want to control businesses more

Business Regulation- RepublicanDecrease

Want tocontrolbusinessesless

Military Spending- DemocratDecrease

Spend lesson the military

Military Spending- RepublicanIncrease

Spend moreon themilitary

Foreign Aid- DemocratIncrease

Help poorcountries

Foreign Aid- RepublicanDecrease

Help Americabefore othercountries

Gun Control- DemocratIncrease

Stricter lawsto decreasecrime

Gun Control- RepublicanDecrease

Stricter lawsdo not mean less crime

Death Penalty- DemocratAgainst

Cruel andunusualpunishment

Death Penalty- RepublicanSupport

Not crueland unusualpunishment

Affirmative Action- DemocratSupport

Help minorities

Affirmative Action- RepublicanAgainst


Abortion- DemocratSupport


Abortion- RepublicanAgainst


Healthcare- DemocratSupport

Want freehealthcarefor allAmericans

Healthcare- RepublicanAgainst

Should notprovide freehealthcare,people shouldget their own

Education- DemocratNationalGovernmentcontrol

Education- RepublicanStateGovernmentcontrol

Environment- DemocratMore laws protecting itAgainst new gas, oil, and mineral exploration

Environment- RepublicanLess laws protecting itSupport new gas, oil, and mineral exploration