Demetrios Virgin

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Transcript of Demetrios Virgin

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    The Demetrios Virgin by Penny Jordon


    FOUR forty-five! "#s$i# grim#%ed #s she h&rried #%ross the foyer of the offi%e b'o%$

    (here she (or$ed) he#ding for the e*it "he (#s #'re#dy r&nning '#te #nd didn!t h#ve timeto +#&se (hen the re%e+tionist %#''ed o&t !"ne#$ing off e#r'y, &%$y yo&.!

    Andre#s fro(ned #s he he#rd the re%e+tionist!s %omment He (#s st#nding (#iting for the

    e*e%&tive 'ift #nd the (om#n (ho (#s 'e#ving h#dn!t seen him) b&t he h#d seen her #

    st&nning'y 'eggy br&nette (ith /&st th#t g'e#m of red-go'd in her d#r$ 'o%$s th#t hinted #tfieriness He immedi#te'y %he%$ed the dire%tion of his tho&ghts The %om+'i%#tion of #

    m#n to (om#n ent#ng'ement (#s the '#st thing he needed right no() #nd besides0

    His fro(n dee+ened "in%e he h#d m#n#ged to +ersde his gr#ndf#ther to semi-retire

    from the hote' %h#in (hi%h Andre#s no( r#n) the o'der m#n h#d beg&n # re'ent'ess

    %#m+#ign to +ersde #nd even %oer%e Andre#s into m#rrying # se%ond %o&sin "&%h #m#rri#ge) in his gr#ndf#ther!s eyes) (o&'d &nite not /&st the t(o br#n%hes of the f#mi'y

    b&t the (e#'th of the f#mi'y shi++ing 'ine1inherited by his %o&sin1 (ith th#t of thehote' %h#in

    Fort&n#te'y Andre#s $ne( th#t #t he#rt his gr#ndf#ther (#s f#r more s(#yed by emotion

    th#n he 'i$ed to #dmit After #'') he h#d #''o(ed his d#&ghter) Andre#s!s mother) to m#rry

    #n Eng'ishm#n

    The some(h#t %'&msy #ttem+ts to +romote # m#t%h bet(een Andre#s #nd his %o&sin

    Athen# (o&'d mere'y #fford Andre#s some moments of (ry #m&sement if it (ere not for

    one #''-im+ort#nt f#%t1(hi%h (#s th#t Athen# herse'f (#s even $eener on the m#t%hth#n his gr#ndf#ther "he h#d m#de her intentions) her desires) 2&ite +'#in Athen# (#s #(ido( seven ye#rs his senior) (ith t(o %hi'dren from her first m#rri#ge to #nother

    (e#'thy 3ree$) #nd Andre#s s&s+e%ted th#t it might h#ve been Athen# herse'f (ho h#d

    +&t the ridi%&'o&s ide# of # m#rri#ge bet(een them in his gr#ndf#ther!s he#d in the first+'#%e

    The 'ift h#d re#%hed the +entho&se f'oor #nd Andre#s got o&t This (#sn!t the time for him

    to be thin$ing #bo&t his +erson#' #ff#irs They%o&'d (#it He (#s d&e to f'y o&t to the

    Aege#n is'#nd his gr#ndf#ther o(ned) #nd (here the f#mi'y ho'id#yed together) in 'essth#n # fortnight!s time) b&t first his gr#ndf#ther (#nted # det#i'ed re+ort from him on his

    +ro+os#'s to t&rn the f'#gging 4ritish hote' %h#in they h#d re%ent'y bo&ght into #ss&%%essf&' #n enter+rise #s the rest of the hote's they o(ned

    Even tho&gh Andre#s h#d be%ome the %om+#ny!s %hief e*e%&tive) his gr#ndf#ther sti'' fe'tthe need to %h#''enge his b&siness de%isions "ti'') the #%2&isition (o&'d &'tim#te'y be #

    good one1the %h#in-o(ned hote's (ere very r&n do(n #nd o'd f#shioned) b&t h#d

    e*%e''ent 'o%#tions

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    A'tho&gh offi%i#''y he (#s not d&e to #rrive #t the %h#in!s he#d offi%e &nti' tomorro()

    Andre#s h#d o+ted to do so this #fternoon inste#d) #nd it 'oo$ed #s tho&gh he h#d /&st

    dis%overed one (#y #t 'e#st in (hi%h +rofit#bi'ity %o&'d be im+roved) he de%ided grim'y)if #'' the st#ff (ere in the h#bit of !sne#$ing off e#r'y!) 'i$e the yo&ng (om#n he h#d /&st


    "ne#$ing off e#r'y. "#s$i# grim#%ed #s she m#n#ged to h#i' # %r&ising t#*i 5f on'y. "he

    h#d been #t her des$ for seven-thirty this morning) #s she h#d been every morning for the'#st month) #nd neither h#d she h#d # '&n%h ho&r) b&t they h#d #'' been (#rned th#t

    Demetrios Hote's) (ho h#d t#$en over their o(n sm#'' %h#in) (ere re'ent'ess (hen it

    %#me to +r&ning %osts Tomorro( morning they (ere #'' d&e to meet their ne( boss forthe first time) #nd "#s$i# (#sn!t e*#%t'y 'oo$ing for(#rd to the o%%#sion There h#d been

    # 'ot of t#'$ #bo&t %&tb#%$s #nd there h#d #'so been gr#+evine r&mo&rs #bo&t ho( very

    formid#b'e Andre#s #timer (#s

    !The o'd m#n) his gr#ndf#ther) h#d # re+&t#tion for r&nning # tight shi+) #nd if #nything

    the gr#ndson is even (orse!

    6They both f#vo&r # 6the g&est is #'(#ys right even (hen (rong6 +o'i%y) #nd (oe betide

    #ny em+'oyee (ho forgets it 7hi%h is) of %o&rse) (hy their hote's #re so +o+&'#r0#nd

    so +rofit#b'e)!

    Th#t h#d been the gener#' gist of the gossi+ "#s$i# h#d he#rd

    Her t#*i (#s dr#(ing &+ o&tside the rest#&r#nt she h#d #s$ed to be t#$en to H#sti'y she

    de'ved into her h#ndb#g for her +&rse) +#ying the driver #nd then h&rrying 2&i%$'y inside

    !Oh) "#s$i#1thereyo& #re 7e tho&ght yo& (eren!t going to m#$e it!

    !5!m sorry)! "#s$i# #+o'ogised to her best friend #s she s'i++ed into the s+#re se#t #t thet#b'e for three in the 5t#'i#n rest#&r#nt (here they h#d #rr#nged to meet )

    !There!s been # +#ni% on #t (or$)! she e*+'#ined !The ne( boss #rrives tomorro(! "he

    +&''ed # f#%e) (rin$'ing the e'eg#nt 'ength of her d#inty nose #nd s%re(ing &+ her thi%$-

    '#shed #2m#rine eyes "he +#&sed #s she s#( th#t her friend (#sn!t re#''y 'istening) #ndth#t her norm#''y h#++y) gent'e f#%e 'oo$ed str#ined #nd &nh#++y

    !7h#t!s (rong8! she #s$ed immedi#te'y

    !5 (#s /&st te''ing orr#ine ho( &+set 5 #m)! 9eg#n #ns(ered) indi%#ting the third

    member of their trio) 9eg#n!s %o&sin orr#ine) #n o'der (om#n (ith # bris$) b&siness'i$ee*+ression #nd # s'ight'y /#ded #ir

    !U+set8! "#s$i# 2&eried) # sm#'' fro(n m#rring the e'eg#nt ov#' of her f#%e #s she +&shed

    her 'ong h#ir b#%$ #nd re#%hed h&ngri'y for # bre#d ro'' "he (#s st#rving.

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    !5t!s 9#r$)! 9eg#n s#id) her voi%e sh#$ing # 'itt'e #nd her bro(n eyes f&'' of 2&iet des+#ir

    !9#r$8! "#s$i# re+e#ted) +&tting do(n her ro'' so th#t she %o&'d %on%entr#te on her friend

    !4&t 5 tho&ght the t(o of yo& (ere #bo&t to #nno&n%e yo&r eng#gement!

    !:es) (e (ere;(e #re0 At 'e#st) 9#r$ (#nts to0! 9eg#n beg#n) #nd then sto++ed(hen orr#ine too$ over 6

    !9eg#n thin$s he!s invo'ved (ith someone e'se0! she to'd "#s$i# grim'y !T(o-timing


    O'der th#n 9eg#n #nd "#s$i# by #'most # de%#de) #nd (ith # bro$en m#rri#ge behind her)orr#ine (#s in%'ined to be #ngri'y %ontem+t&o&s of the m#'e se*

    !Oh) s&re'y not) 9eg#n)! "#s$i# +rotested !:o& to'd me yo&rse'f ho( m&%h 9#r$ 'oves


    !7e'') yes) th#t!s (h#t 5 tho&ght)! 9eg#n #greed) !Es+e%i#''y (hen he s#id th#t he (#nted

    &s to be%ome eng#ged 4&t0he $ee+s getting these +hone %#''s And if 5 #ns(er the+hone (hoever!s ringing /&st h#ngs &+ There!ve been three this (ee$ #nd (hen 5 #s$ him

    (ho it is he s#ys it!s /&st # (rong n&mber!

    !7e'') +erh#+s it is)! "#s$i# tried to re#ss&re her) b&t 9eg#n shoo$ her he#d

    !No) it isn!t 9#r$ $ee+s on h#nging #ro&nd by the +hone) #nd '#st night he (#s t#'$ing onhis mobi'e (hen 5 (#'$ed in #nd the moment he s#( me he ended the %#''!

    !H#ve yo& askedhim (h#t!s going on8! "#s$i# 2&estioned her in %on%ern

    !:es He s#ys 5!m /&st im#gining it)! 9eg#n to'd her &nh#++i'y

    !A %'#ssi% m#'e +'oy)! orr#ine #nno&n%ed vigoro&s'y (ith grim s#tisf#%tion !9y e* did

    everything to %onvin%e me th#t 5 (#s be%oming +#r#noid #nd then (h#t does he do8 Hemoves in (ith his se%ret#ry) if yo& +'e#se.!

    !5 /&st (ish th#t 9#r$ (o&'d be honest (ith me)! 9eg#n to'd "#s$i#) her eyes st#rting to

    fi'' (ith te#rs !5f there issomeone e'se050 5 /&st %#n!t be'ieve he!s doing this0 5

    tho&ght he 'oved me0!

    !5!m s&re he does)! "#s$i# tried to %omfort her "he h#d not #s yet met her friend!s ne(

    +#rtner) b&t from (h#t 9eg#n h#d to'd her #bo&t him "#s$i# fe't he so&nded +erfe%t for


    !7e'') there!s one s&re (#y to find o&t)! orr#ine #nno&n%ed !5 re#d #n #rti%'e #bo&t itThere!s this #gen%y) #nd if yo&!ve got s&s+i%ions #bo&t yo&r +#rtner!s fide'ity yo& go to

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    them #nd they send # gir' to try to sed&%e him Th#t!s (h#t yo& sho&'d do)! she to'd

    9eg#n %ris+'y

    !Oh) no) 5 %o&'dn!t)! 9eg#n +rotested

    !:o& m&st)! orr#ine insisted for%ef&''y !5t!s the on'y (#y yo&!'' ever $no( (hether ornot yo& %#n tr&st him 5 (ish 5!d been #b'e to do something 'i$e th#t before 5 got m#rried

    :o& mustdo it)! she re+e#ted !5t!s the on'y (#y yo&!'' ever be s&re 9#r$ is str&gg'ing to

    m#$e ends meet sin%e he st#rted &+ his o(n b&siness) 9eg#n) #nd yo&!ve got th#t moneyyo& inherited from yo&r gre#t-#&nt!

    "#s$i#!s he#rt s#n$ # 'itt'e #s she 'istened 9&%h #s she 'oved her friend) she $ne( th#t

    9eg#n (#s in%'ined to #''o( herse'f to be domin#ted by her o'der #nd more (or'd'y

    %o&sin "#s$i# h#d nothing #g#inst orr#ine) indeed she 'i$ed her) b&t she $ne( from +#ste*+erien%e th#t on%e orr#ine got the bit bet(een her teeth there (#s no sto++ing her

    "he (#s fier%e'y determined to do things her o(n (#y) (hi%h "#s$i# s&s+e%ted (#s #t

    'e#st +#rt of the re#son for the bre#$do(n of her m#rri#ge 4&t right no() sym+#theti%tho&gh "#s$i# (#s to 9eg#n!s &nh#++iness) she (#s h&ngry0very h&ngry0 "he eyed

    the men& 'onging'y

    !7e'') it doessound asensib'e ide#)! 9eg#n (#s #greeing !4&t 5 do&bt there!s #n #gen%y

    'i$e th#t in Hi'ford!

    !7ho needs #n #gen%y8! orr#ine res+onded !7h#tyouneed is # st&nning'y gorgeo&sfriend (ho 9#r$ h#sn!t met #nd (ho %#n #ttem+t to sed&%e him 5f he res+onds0!

    !A st&nning'y gorgeo&s friend8! 9eg#n (#s m&sing !:o& me#n 'i$e "#s$i#8!

    T(o +#irs of fem#'e eyes st&died "#s$i# (hi'st she g#ve in to her h&nger #nd bit into her


    !E*#%t'y)! orr#ine bre#thed fervent'y !"#s$i# (o&'d be +erfe%t!

    !7h#t8! "#s$i# #'most %ho$ed on her bre#d !:o& can'tbe serio&s)! she +rotested !Oh) no)

    no (#y0! "he ob/e%ted (hen she s#( the determin#tion in orr#ine!s eyes #nd the

    +'e#ding in 9eg#n!s !No (#y #t #''!

    !9eg) this is %r#

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    !7e'') tonight is his boys! night o&t)! 9eg#n vent&red !And '#st night he s#id th#t they

    (ere +'#nning to go to th#t ne( (ine b#r th#t!s /&st o+ened A friend of his $no(s the


    !5 %#n!t do it)! "#s$i# +rotested !5t0it!s0it!s immor#')! she #dded "he 'oo$ed

    #+o'ogeti%#''y #t 9eg#n #s she shoo$ her he#d #nd to'd her) !9eg) 5!m sorry) b&t0!

    !5 sho&'d h#ve tho&ght yo& (o&'d wantto he'+ 9eg#n) "#s$i#) to +rote%t her h#++iness

    Es+e%i#''y #fter #''she'sdone foryou0! orr#ine +ointed o&t sh#r+'y

    "#s$i# (orried g&i'ti'y #t her bottom 'i+ (ith her +retty (hite teeth orr#ine (#s right"he dido(e 9eg#n # m#ssive f#vo&r

    "i* months #go) (hen they h#d been trying to fight off the Demetrios t#$eover bid) she

    h#d been (or$ing '#te every evening #nd #t (ee$ends #s (e'' Her gr#ndmother) (ho h#d

    bro&ght her &+ fo''o(ing the bre#$do(n of her yo&ng +#rents! m#rri#ge) h#d be%ome

    serio&s'y i'' (ith # vir#' infe%tion #nd 9eg#n) (ho (#s # n&rse) h#d given &+ her s+#retime #nd some of her ho'id#y entit'ement to %#re for the o'd '#dy

    "#s$i# sh&ddered to thin$ even no( of the +otenti#''y d#ngero&s o&t%ome of hergr#ndmother!s i''ness if 9eg#n h#dn!t been there to n&rse her 5t h#d been on "#s$i#!s

    %ons%ien%e ever sin%e th#t she o(ed her friend # debt she %o&'d never re+#y "#s$i#

    #dored her gr#ndmother) (ho h#d +rovided her (ith # 'oving #nd st#b'e home

    b#%$gro&nd (hen she h#d needed it the most Her mother) (ho h#d given birth to "#s$i##t seventeen (#s # dist#nt fig&re in her 'ife) #nd her f#ther) her gr#ndmother!s son) h#d

    be%ome # remote str#nger to both of them) 'iving #s he no( did in Chin#) (ith his se%ond

    (ife #nd yo&ng f#mi'y

    !5 $no( yo& don!t #++rove) "#s$i#)! 9eg#n (#s s#ying 2&iet'y to her) !b&t 5 haveto $no(th#t 5 %#n tr&st 9#r$! Her soft eyes fi''ed (ith te#rs !He me#nssom&%h to me He!s

    everything 5!ve ever(#nted in # m#n 4&t0he d#ted so m#ny gir's before he met me)

    before he moved here) (hen he 'ived in ondon! "he +#&sed !He s(e#rs th#t none ofthem ever me#nt #nything serio&s to him #nd th#t he 'oves me!

    Priv#te'y "#s$i# (#sn!t s&re th#t she %o&'d even begin to thin$ #bo&t %ommitting herse'f

    to # re'#tionshi+ (ith # m#n (itho&t being #b'e to tr&st him1 #nd tr&st him to s&%h #n

    e*tent th#t there (o&'d be no need for her to &se #ny &nderh#nd methods to test hisfide'ity 4&t then she #%$no('edged th#t she (#s +erh#+s # trif'e more (#ry of 'ove th#n

    her friend After #'') her +#rents h#d be'ieved themse'ves to be in 'ove (hen they h#d r&n#(#y to get m#rried #nd %on%eived her) b&t (ithin t(o ye#rs of doing so they h#d +#rted)'e#ving her gr#ndmother (ith the res+onsibi'ity of bringing her &+

    Her gr#ndmother. No() #s she 'oo$ed #t 9eg!s te#rst#ined f#%e) she $ne( she h#d no

    o+tion b&t to go #'ong (ith orr#ine!s s%heme

    !A'' right)! she #greed f#t#'isti%#''y 5='' do it!

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    After 9eg#n h#d finished th#n$ing her she to'd her (ry'y) !:o&!'' h#ve to des%ribe yo&r

    9#r$ to me) 9eg#n) other(ise 5 sh#n!t be #b'e to re%ognise him!

    !Oh) yes) yo& (i'')! 9eg#n s#id fervent'y (ith # sm#'' e%st#ti% sigh !He!'' be the best-'oo$ing m#n there He!s gorgeo&s) "#s$i#0f#nt#sti%#''y good-'oo$ing) (ith thi%$ d#r$

    h#ir #nd the most se*y mo&th yo&!ve ever seen Oh) #nd he!'' be (e#ring # b'&e shirt1tom#t%h his eyes He #'(#ys does 5 bo&ght them for him!

    !7h#t time is he 'i$e'y to get there8! "#s$i# #s$ed 9eg#n +r#%ti%#''y) inste#d of voi%ingher fee'ings

    !9y %#r!s in the g#r#ge #t the moment) #nd sin%e 3r#n!s ho&se is 2&ite # (#y o&t of


    !Don!t (orry #bo&t th#t 5!'' drive yo& there)! orr#ine vo'&nteered) m&%h to "#s$i#!s

    s&r+rise orr#ine (#sn!t $no(n to be over-genero&s1(ith #nything.

    !:es) #nd orr#ine (i'' +i%$ yo& &+ '#ter #nd t#$e yo& home 7on!t yo&) orr#ine8!

    9eg#n insisted (ith &ne*+e%ted firmness 6There!s no t#*i r#n$ %'ose to the (ine b#r #nd

    yo& don!t (#nt to be (#iting for # mini-%#b!

    A (#iter (#s hovering) (#iting to t#$e their order) b&t bossi'y orr#ine shoo$ her he#d)te''ing 9eg#n #nd "#s$i# firm'y) !There (on!t be time for &s to e#t no( "#s$i# (i'' h#ve

    to get home #nd get re#dy 7h#t time is9#r$ 'i$e'y to go to the (ine b#r 9eg#n8! she

    #s$ed her %o&sin

    !Abo&t eight-thirty) 5 sho&'d thin$)! 9eg#n #ns(ered

    !Right) then yo& need to get there for nine) "#s$i#)! orr#ine informed her) !"o 5!'' +i%$

    yo& &+ #t h#'f-eight!

    T(o ho&rs '#ter "#s$i# (#s /&st %oming do(nst#irs (hen she he#rd the front doorbe''

    Her gr#ndmother (#s #(#y) s+ending sever#' (ee$s (ith her sister in 4#th A 'itt'enervo&s'y "#s$i# smoothed do(n the s$irt of her b'#%$ s&it #nd (ent to o+en the door

    On'y orr#ine (#s st#nding o&tside They h#d #greed th#t it (o&'d be si''y to t#$e the

    ris$ of 9eg#n being seen #nd re%ognised No() #s orr#ine st&died her) "#s$i# %o&'d see

    the o'der (om#n beginning to fro(n

    !:o&!'' h#ve to (e#r something e'se)! she to'd "#s$i# sh#r+'y !:o& 'oo$ f#r toob&siness'i$e #nd &n#++ro#%h#b'e in th#t s&it 9#r$!s got to thin$ yo&!re #++ro#%h#b'e1

    remember And 5 re#''y thin$ yo& o&ght to (e#r # different 'i+sti%$0red) +erh#+s) #nd

    more eye m#$e-&+ oo$) if yo& don!t be'ieve me then re#d this! orr#ine thr&st #n o+enm#g#

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    Re'&%t#nt'y "#s$i# s$immed thro&gh the #rti%'e) # sm#'' fro(n +'e#ting her forehe#d #s

    she re#d of the 'engths the #gen%y (#s +re+#red to h#ve its gir's go to in order to test the

    f#ithf&'ness of its %'ients! men

    !5 %#n!t do #ny of this)! she to'd orr#ine firm'y !And #s for my s&it0!

    "te++ing into the h#'' #nd %'osing the front door behind her) orr#ine stood s2re'y in

    front of "#s$i# #nd to'd her vehement'y) !:o& h#ve to1for 9eg#n!s s#$e C#n!t yo& see

    (h#t!s h#++ening to her) the d#nger she!s in8 "he!s tot#''y besotted (ith this m#n; she!sb#re'y $no(n him fo&r months #nd #'re#dy she!s t#'$ing #bo&t h#nding over the (ho'e of

    her inherit#n%e to him0m#rrying him0h#ving %hi'dren (ith him Do yo& $no( ho(

    m&%h her gre#t-#&nt 'eft her8! she #dded grim'y

    "i'ent'y "#s$i# shoo$ her he#d "he $ne( ho( s&r+rised #nd sho%$ed 9eg#n h#d been(hen she h#d 'e#rned th#t she (#s the so'e benefi%i#ry &nder her gre#t-#&nt!s (i'') b&t

    t#%tf&''y she h#d not #s$ed her friend /&st ho( m&%h money (#s invo'ved

    orr#ine) it seemed) h#d not h#d simi'#r 2'ms

    !9eg#n inherited ne#r'y three mi''ion +o&nds)! she to'd "#s$i#) nodding her he#d in grim+'e#s&re #s she s#( "#s$i#!s e*+ression

    !Nowdo yo& see ho( im+ort#nt it is th#t (e do everything (e %#n to +rote%t her8) 5!ve

    tried to (#rn her &m+teen times th#t her +re%io&s 9#r$ might not be #'' he tries to m#$e

    o&t he is) b&t she /&st (on!t 'isten No() th#n$ goodness) she!s %#&ght him o&t #nd he!s)sho(ing his tr&e %o'o&rs For her s#$e) "#s$i#) yo& /&st do everything yo& %#n to +rove

    ho( &n(orthy he is J&st im#gine (h#t it (o&'d do to her if he not on'y bro$e her he#rt

    b&t sto'e #'' her money #s (e'' "he!d be 'eft (ith nothing!

    "#s$i# %o&'d im#gine it #'' too (e'' Her gr#ndmother h#d on'y # sm#'' +ension to 'ive on#nd "#s$i#) mindf&' of the s#%rifi%es her gr#ndmother h#d m#de (hen she (#s gro(ing

    &+) to m#$e s&re she did not go (itho&t the tre#ts en/oyed by her +eers) %ontrib&ted #s

    m&%h #s she %o&'d fin#n%i#''y to their sm#'' ho&seho'd

    The tho&ght of 'osing her fin#n%i#' inde+enden%e #nd the sense of se%&rity th#t e#rningmoney of her o(n g#ve her (#s one th#t (#s both #bhorrent #nd frightening to her) #nd

    orr#ine!s reve'#tions s&dden'y g#ve her not /&st the im+et&s b&t # re#' desire to do

    everything she %o&'d to +rote%t her friend

    9eg#n) de#r s(eet tr&sting 9eg#n) (ho sti'' (or$ed #s # n&rse des+ite her inherit#n%e)deserved to find # m#n) # +#rtner) (ho (#s tr&'y (orthy of her And if this 9#r$ (#sn!t0

    7e'') +erh#+s then it (o&'d be for the best if her friend fo&nd o&t sooner r#ther th#n '#ter

    !Perh#+s if yo& too$ off the /#%$et of yo&r s&it)! orr#ine (#s s#ying no( !:o& m&st h#ve

    some $ind of se*y s&mmer to+ yo& %o&'d (e#r0 or even /&st0!

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    "he sto++ed #s she s#( "#s$i#!s e*+ression

    !"&mmer to+) yes)! "#s$i# #greed !"e*y0no.!

    As she s#( the 'oo$ on orr#ine!s f#%e "#s$i# s&++ressed # sm#'' sigh 5t (#s +oint'ess

    trying to e*+'#in to # (om#n 'i$e orr#ine th#t (hen n#t&re h#d given one the $ind of#ssets it h#d given "#s$i#) one 'e#rned very yo&ng th#t they %o&'d be something of #

    do&b'e-edged s(ord To +&t it more b'&nt'y) men1 in "#s$i#!s e*+erien%e1did not need

    the do&b'e over'o#d of seeing her body %'#d in !se*y! %'othes to en%o&r#ge them to 'oo$t(i%e #t her And in most %#ses to (#nt to do m&%h more th#n mere'y 'oo$.

    !:o& m&st h#vesomething'orr#ine &rged) ref&sing to be defe#ted !A %#rdig#n :o&

    m&st h#ve # %#rdig#n1yo& %o&'d (e#r it sort of &nb&ttoned0!

    !A %#rdig#n8 :es) 5 h#ve # %#rdig#n)! "#s$i# #greed "he h#d bo&ght it h#'f(#y thro&gh

    their %o'd s+ring (hen they h#d been on #n e%onomy drive #t (or$ #nd the he#ting h#d

    been t&rned off 4&t #s for) (e#ring it &nb&ttoned0.

    !And red 'i+sti%$)! orr#ine (#s insisting) !#nd more eye m#$e-&+ :o&!'' h#ve to 'et him

    $no( th#t yo& find him #ttr#%tive0! "he +#&sed #s "#s$i# 'ifted her eyebro(s !5t!s for9eg#n!s s#$e!

    5n the end it (#s #'most nine o!%'o%$ before they 'eft the ho&se) d&e to orr#ine!s

    insisten%e th#t "#s$i# h#d to re#++'y her m#$e-&+ (ith # f#r he#vier h#nd th#n she (o&'d

    norm#''y h#ve &sed

    Un%omfort#b'y "#s$i# ref&sed to 'oo$ #t her ref'e%tion in the h#'' mirror A'' th#t 'i+sti%$.

    5t fe't sti%$y) gooey) #nd #s orr#ine drove her to(#rds Hi'ford she h#d to for%e herse'f! toresist the tem+t#tion to (i+e it off As for the &nb&ttoned %#rdig#n she (#s (e#ring

    bene#th her s&it /#%$et1(e'') the moment she (#s inside the (ine b#r #nd o&t oforr#ine!s sight she (#s going to ref#sten every sing'e one of the to+ three b&ttons

    orr#ine h#d dem#nded th#t she 'eft &ndone Tr&e) they did nothing more th#n mere'y

    hint #t # %'e#v#ge) b&t even th#t (#s f#r more of # +rovo%#tion th#n "#s$i# (o&'dnorm#''y h#ve #''o(ed

    !7e!re here)! orr#ine #nno&n%ed #s she +&''ed &+ o&tside the (ine b#r !5!'' +i%$ yo& &+ #t

    e'even1 m#t sho&'d give yo& +'enty of time Remember)! orr#ine hissed determined'y

    #s "#s$i# got o&t of the %#r) !7e!re doing this for 9eg#n!

    7e8 4&t before "#s$i# %o&'d s#y #nything orr#ine (#s driving off

    A m#n (#'$ing in the o++osite dire%tion +#&sed on the +#vement to give her #n #dmiring

    g'#n%e A&tom#ti%#''y "#s$i# dist#n%ed herse'f from him #nd t&rned #(#y) ment#''y

    s2ring her sho&'ders #s she he#ded for the entr#n%e to the (ine b#r

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    orr#ine h#d given her # 'ong 'ist of instr&%tions) most of (hi%h h#d m#de "#s$i# %ringe

    in(#rd'y) #nd #'re#dy her %o&r#ge (#s beginning to desert her There (#s no (#y she

    %o&'d go in there #nd +o&t #nd f'irt in the enti%ing (#y th#t orr#ine h#d informed her sheh#d to do 4&t if she didn!t +oor 9eg#n %o&'d end &+ h#ving her he#rt bro$en #nd her

    inherit#n%e %he#ted #(#y from her

    T#$ing # dee+ bre#th) "#s$i# +&''ed o+en the (ine b#r door


    ANDREA" s#( "#s$i# the moment she (#'$ed in He (#s se#ted #t the b#r) (hi%h (#sno( being besieged by # %ro(d of yo&ng men (ho h#d %ome in /&st #he#d of her He

    %o&'d h#ve st#yed in #nd e#ten in the offi%e b'o%$!s +entho&se #+#rtment1or even driven

    to the %'osest of their ne( #%2&isitions1b&t he h#d #'re#dy end&red t(o 'engthy +hone%#''s he (o&'d r#ther not h#ve h#d this evening, one from his gr#ndf#ther #nd #nother

    from Athen# "o he h#d de%ided to go some(here (here neither of them %o&'d get in

    to&%h (ith him) h#ving de'iber#te'y !forgotten! to bring his mobi'e (ith him

    He h#dn!t been in # +#rti%&'#r'y good mood (hen he h#d #rrived #t the (ine b#r "&%h+'#%es (ere not to his t#ste

    He 'i$ed good food served in %omfort#b'e s&rro&ndings (here one %o&'d t#'$ #nd thin$

    (ith e#se) #nd there (#s #'so eno&gh 3ree$ in him for him to +refer some(here more

    f#mi'y %entred #nd 'ess of #n obvio&s tr#('ing gro&nd for members of the o++osite se*

    Thin$ing of the o++osite se* m#de his mo&th h#rden Athen# (#s be%oming more #nd

    more br#

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    "#s$i# the moment she h#d 'oo$ed #t him Th#t #nd the 'oo$ of dis%reet m#'e ins+e%tion

    2&i%$'y fo''o(ed by # re#%tive res&'t#nt 'oo$ of %ontem+t&o&s dis#++rov#'

    Th#t 'oo$0 Ho( darehe 'oo$ #t her 'i$e th#t8 "&dden'y #'' the do&bts she h#d beenh#rbo&ring #bo&t (h#t she h#d #greed to do (ere v#n2&ished

    orr#ine (#s right to be s&s+i%io&s of s&%h # m#n!s motives) es+e%i#''y (here # n#ive)

    gent'e) &n(or'd'y gir' 'i$e 9eg#n (#s %on%erned "#s$i# didn!t tr&st him one 'itt'e bit

    9eg#n needed # m#n (ho (o&'d #++re%i#te her gent'eness #nd tre#t her %orres+onding'yThis m#n (#s +o(erf&') d#&nting) #(esome1#nd 'oo$ing #t him (#s) #s "#s$i# (#s

    beginning to dis%over) something of # +hysi%#' %om+&'sion "he %o&'dn!t t#$e her eyes off

    him 4&t th#t (#s /&st be%#&se she dis'i$ed him so m&%h) she #ss&red herse'f 2&i%$'y)be%#&se she (#s so intense'y #(#re of ho( very right orr#ine h#d been to (#nt to test

    his 'oy#'ty to 9eg#n

    Determined'y 2&e''ing the b&tterf'ies f'&ttering in her stom#%h) "#s$i# too$ # dee+ bre#th)

    ment#''y reminding herse'f of (h#t she h#d re#d in the #rti%'e orr#ine h#d thr&st &nderher nose Then she h#d been horrified) re+&'sed by the 'engths the gir's hired by the

    #gen%y (ere +re+#red to go to in order to enti%e #nd entr#+ their 2rry into se'f-betr#y#'

    5t h#d even %rossed hermind th#t no mere m#n %o&'d +ossib'y find the strength to resist

    the $ind of de'iber#te tem+t#tion those gir's offered1everything from the most intensety+e of verb#' f'#ttery right &+ to o&tright offers of se* itse'f) #'tho&gh th#n$f&''y offers

    h#d been #'' they (ere

    A m#n 'i$e this one) tho&gh) m&st be &sed to (omen1#ttr#%tive (omen1thro(ingthemse'ves #t him !He d#ted so m#ny gir's before he met me)! 9eg#n h#d s#id


    "#s$i# (o&'d /&st bet th#t he h#d 9eg#n (#s # honey) #nd "#s$i# 'oved her (ith # fier%e

    'oy#'ty) b&t !even she h#d to #dmit th#t her friend did not +ossess the $ind of g'#moro&sinst#nt eye #++e#' she s&s+e%ted # m#n 'i$e this one (o&'d 'oo$ for 4&t +erh#+s th#t (#s

    (h#t he 'oved #bo&t her1the f#%t th#t she (#s so shy #nd home'y 5f he 'oved her0

    7e'') th#t (#s &+ to "#s$i# to +rove0or dis+rove0(#sn!t it8

    7ith the 'ight of b#tt'e shining in her eyes) "#s$i# m#de her (#y to(#rds him

    Andre#s (#t%hed her +rogress (ith # mi*t&re of %&riosity #nd dis#++ointment "he (#she#ding for him He $ne( th#t) b&t the %oo' h#&te&r (ith (hi%h she noton'y ignored the

    interested 'oo$s she (#s %o''e%ting from other men #s she did so b&t #'most seemed not tonoti%e them) (#s every bit #s %ontrived #s the &nf#stened b&ttons of the to+ she (#s(e#ring 5t h#d to be. Andre#s $ne( the ty+e He sho&'d do After #'') Athen#0

    !Oh) 5!m sorry)! "#s$i# #+o'ogised #s she re#%hed Andre#s!s side #nd !#%%ident#''y!

    st&mb'ed #g#inst him "tr#ightening &+) she stood ne*t to him #t the b#r) giving him #

    (insome'y #+o'ogeti% smi'e #s she moved so %'ose to him th#t he %o&'d sme'' her s%ent0Not her +erf&me) (hi%h (#s 'ight #nd f'or#') &ne*+e%ted'y) b&t herscent) 0the soft)

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    honey-s(eet he#di'y sens' #nd eroti% s%ent th#t (#s her And 'i$e # foo' he (#s #%t''y

    bre#thing it in) getting #'most dr&n$ on it0'etting his senses re#%t to it0to her0

    orr#ine h#d %o#%hed her on her best #++ro#%h #nd "#s$i# h#d memorised it) grim#%ing(ith 'o#thing #nd dist#ste #s she did so

    Andre#s for%ed himse'f to ste+ b#%$ from her #nd +&t some dist#n%e bet(een them) b&t

    the b#r (#s %ro(ded #nd it (#s im+ossib'e for him to move #(#y #'together) so inste#d

    he #s$ed her %o'd'y) !5!m sorry0do 5 $no( yo&8!

    His voi%e #nd deme#no&r (ere) he $ne() %&tting eno&gh to m#$e it +'#in th#t he $ne((h#t she (#s ) &+ to A'tho&gh (hy on e#rth # (om#n (ho 'oo$ed 'i$e this one needed to

    tr#(' b#rs 'oo$ing for men to +i%$ &+ he h#d no ide# Or r#ther he did) b&t he +referred

    not to e*#mine it too %'ose'y There (ere (omen) #s he #'re#dy $ne( to his %ost) (ho(o&'d do #nything for money0#nything0(ith #nyone0

    4&t "#s$i# (#s f#%ing him no() her 'i+sti%$-g'ossed mo&th +#rting in # smi'e he %o&'dsee (#s for%ed #s she +&rred) !Er) no) #%t''y) yo& don!t0b&t 5!m ho+ing th#t soon yo&


    "#s$i# (#s re'ieved th#t the b#r (#s so dim'y 'it "he %o&'d fee' the he#t of her b&rning

    f#%e "he h#d neverin her most +riv#te tho&ghts even %ontem+'#ted %oming on to # m#n

    'i$e this) never mind envis#ged th#t she might #%t''y do so >&i%$'y she h&rried on to

    the ne*t +#rt of her +re+#red s+ee%h) +#rting her 'i+s in (h#t she ho+ed (#s # tem+ting'y+rovo%#tive smi'e (hi'st %#ref&''y r&nning her tong&e-ti+ over them

    :&%$. 4&t #'' th#t 'i+sti%$ fe't re+&'sive

    !Aren!t yo& going to #s$ me if 5!d 'i$e # drin$8! she invited %oy'y) b#tting her eye'#shes in

    (h#t she ho+ed (#s #n #++ro+ri#te'y enti%ing m#nner !5 'ove the %o'o&r of yo&r shirt)!she #dded h&s$i'y #s she 'e#ned %'oser !5t m#t%hes yo&r eyes0!

    !5f yo& thin$ th#t yo& m&st be %o'o&r b'ind; my eyes #re grey)! Andre#s to'd her terse'y

    "he (#s beginning to m#$e him fee' very #ngry Her obvio&sness (#s nothing short of

    %ontem+tib'e 4&t nothing 'i$e #s %ontem+tib'e #s his o(n ridi%&'o&s re#%tion to her7h#t (#s he8 A boy of eighteen8 He (#s s&++osed to be # m#n0# m#t&re)

    so+histi%#ted) e*+erien%ed) (or'd'y m#n of thirty-odd1#nd yet here he (#s) re#%ting)

    responding) to the +#theti%#''y tired #nd /#ded se*' tri%$s she (#s +'#ying on him #s

    e#ger'y #s tho&gh0 As tho&gh (h#t8 As tho&gh there (#s nothing he (#nted to do rightno( more th#n t#$e her to bed) to fee' the hot &rgen%y of her body bene#th his) to he#r

    her %ry o&t his n#me thro&gh 'i+s s(o''en (ith the m&t' +#ssion of their sh#red $isses

    (hi'st he0

    !oo$! he to'd her sh#r+'y) %&tting off the s&++'y of 'ifeb'ood to his &n(#nted f#nt#sies

    by the sim+'e #%t of ref&sing to #''o( himse'f to thin$ #bo&t them) !yo&!re m#$ing # big


  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    !Oh) no)! "#s$i# +rotested #n*io&s'y #s he st#rted to t&rn #(#y from her 4y rights she

    sho&'d sim+'y #%%e+t (h#t he (#s s#ying #nd go b#%$ to 9eg#n #nd te'' her th#t her

    be'oved 9#r$ (#s everything he (#s s&++osed to be 4&t #n instin%t she %o&'dn!t #n#'yse(#s te''ing her th#t des+ite #'' the eviden%e to the %ontr#ry he (#s tem+tedAnym#n

    %o&'d be tem+ted) she tried to te'' herse'f f#ir'y) b&t something inside her ref&sed to #''o(

    her to 'isten

    !You%o&'d never be # mist#$e)! she +&rred s&ggestive'y !To #ny (om#n0!

    F#t&o&s'y Andre#s (ondered if he h#d gone %om+'ete'y m#d To even thin$ of desiring #

    (om#n (ho (#s o+en'y +ro+ositioning him (#s #n#them# to everything he be'ieved in

    Ho( %o&'d he +ossib'y be even remote'y #ttr#%ted to her8 He (#sn!t) of %o&rse 5t (#sim+ossib'e And #s for th#t s&dden ine*+'i%#b'e &rge he h#d h#d to t#$e her home (ith

    him) (here she (o&'d be s#fe from the $ind of #ttention her m#$e-&+ #nd beh#vio&r (ere

    bo&nd to #ttr#%t 7e'') no( he $ne( he mustbe serio&s'y 'osing it

    5f there (#s one thing he des+ised it (#s (omen 'i$e this one Not th#t he +referred themto be dem&re or virgin#' No 7h#t he fo&nd most #ttr#%tive (#s # (om#n (ho (#s

    +ro&d to be herse'f #nd (ho e*+e%ted his se* to res+e%t her right to be (h#t she (#s The

    $ind of (om#n (ho (o&'d #&tom#ti%#''y es%he( #ny #%t th#t invo'ved her +resenting

    herse'f #s some $ind of se*' +'#ything #nd (ho (o&'d /&st #s determined'y t&rn herb#%$ on #ny m#n (ho (#nted her to beh#ve th#t (#y This (om#n0

    5!m sorry)! he to'd her) m#$ing it verb#''y +'#in th#t he (#s no s&%h thing by the %o'd tone

    of his voi%e) !b&t yo&!re (#sting yo&r time And time) #s 5 %#n see)! he %ontin&ed in #de%e+tive'y gent'e voi%e) !h#s to be money for # (om#n 'i$e yo& "o (hy don!t yo& go

    #(#y #nd find someone e'se (ho (i'' be0 er0more re%e+tive to (h#t yo&!ve got on

    offer th#n 5 #m8!

    7hite-f#%ed) "#s$i# (#t%hed #s he t&rned #(#y from her #nd thr&st his (#y to(#rds thedoor He h#d re/e%ted her0ref&sed her He h#d0 He h#d0 P#inf&''y she s(#''o(ed He

    h#d +roved th#t he (#s f#ithf&' to 9eg#n #nd he h#d0 He h#d 'oo$ed #t her #s tho&gh0

    #s tho&gh0 i$e # 'itt'e gir') "#s$i# (i+ed the b#%$ of her h#nd #%ross her 'i+sti%$ed

    mo&th) grim#%ing #s she s#( the st#in the high-%o'o&red g'oss h#d 'eft there

    !Hi there) gorgeo&s C#n 5 b&y yo& # drin$8!

    N&mb'y she shoo$ her he#d) ignoring the so&r 'oo$ the m#n (ho h#d #++ro#%hed (#s

    giving her #s she st#red #t the door There (#s no sign of 9eg#n!s m#n He h#d gone1#nd she (#s g'#d Of %o&rse she (#s Ho( %o&'d she not be8 And she (o&'d be de'ightedto be #b'e to re+ort to 9eg#n #nd orr#ine th#t 9#r$ h#d not s&%%&mbed to her

    "he g'#n%ed #t her (#t%h) her he#rt sin$ing "he sti'' h#d over #n ho&r to go before she

    met orr#ine There (#s no (#y she %o&'d st#y here in the b#r on her o(n) #ttr#%ting

    #ttention >&i%$'y she he#ded for the '#dies There (#s something she h#d to do

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    5n the %'o#$room she f#stened her %#rdig#n #nd (i+ed her f#%e %'e#n of the '#st of the red

    'i+sti%$ #nd the $oh' eye-'iner) re+'#%ing them both (ith her norm#' %hoi%e of m#$e-&+1

    # dis%reet #++'i%#tion of t#&+e eye-sh#do( #nd # soft berry-%o'o&red 'i+sti%$1#nd%oi'ing &+ her 'ong h#ir into # ne#t %hignon Then she (#ited in the '#dies! room &nti' #n

    ins+e%tion of her (#t%h to'd her she %o&'d fin#''y 'e#ve

    This time #s she m#de her (#y thro&gh the %ro(ded b#r it (#s avery different ty+e of

    'oo$ th#t "#s$i# %o''e%ted from the men (ho (#t%hed her #dmiring'y

    To her re'ief orr#ine (#s +#r$ed o&tside) (#iting for her

    !7e''8! she dem#nded e#ger'y #s "#s$i# o+ened the %#r door #nd got in

    !Nothing)! "#s$i# to'd her) sh#$ing her he#d !He t&rned me do(n f'#t!


    !orr#ine) %#ref&'0! "#s$i# %ried o&t (#rning'y #s the other (om#n #'most b#%$ed into

    the %#r behind her in sho%$

    !:o& m&stn!t h#ve tried h#rd eno&gh)! orr#ine to'd her bossi'y

    !5 %#n #ss&re yo& th#t 5 tried #s h#rd #s #nyone %o&'d)! "#s$i# %orre%ted her (ry'y

    !Did he mention9eg#n0te'' yo& th#t he (#s s+o$en for8! orr#ine 2&estioned her

    !No.! "#s$i# shoo$ her he#d !4&t 5 +romise yo& he m#de it +'#in th#t he (#sn!t interested

    He 'oo$ed #t me0! "he sto++ed #nd s(#''o(ed) &n(i''ing to thin$ #bo&t) never mind te''#nyone e'se) /&st ho( 9eg#n!s be'oved h#d 'oo$ed #t her For some odd re#son she

    ref&sed to define /&st to remember the i%y %ontem+t she h#d seen in his eyes m#de her

    tremb'e bet(een #nger #nd +#in

    !7here is9eg#n8! she #s$ed orr#ine

    !"he (#s %#''ed in &ne*+e%ted'y to (or$ #n e*tr# shift "he r#ng to 'et me $no( #nd 5 s#id(e!d drive str#ight over to her +'#%e #nd meet &+ (ith her there!

    "#s$i# smi'ed (#n'y 4y rights she $ne( she o&ght to be fee'ing f#r h#++ier th#n she

    #%t''y (#s Tho&gh o&t of the three of them she s&s+e%ted th#t 9eg#n (o&'d be theon'y one (ho (o&'d #%t''y be +'e#sed to 'e#rn th#t her 9#r$ h#d determined'y ref&sed

    to be tem+ted

    Her 9#r$Megan's9#r$ There (#s # bitter t#ste in "#s$i#!s mo&th #nd her he#rt fe't

    'i$e # he#vy '&m+ of 'e#d inside her %hest

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    7h#t on e#rth (#s the m#tter (ith her8 "he %o&'dn!t +ossib'y be /e#'o&s of 9eg#n) %o&'d

    she8 No. "he %o&'dn!t be0she mustnot be.

    !Are yo& s&re yo& tried h#rd eno&gh8! orr#ine (#s #s$ing her stern'y

    !5 s#id everything yo& to'd me to s#y)! "#s$i# to'd her tr&thf&''y

    !And he didn!t m#$e #ny $ind of res+onse8!

    "#s$i# %o&'d te'' th#t orr#ine didn!t be'ieve her

    !Oh) he m#de # res+onse)! she #dmitted grim'y !5t /&st (#sn!t the $ind0! "he sto++ed #nd

    then to'd her f'#t'y) !He (#sn!t interested) orr#ine He m&st re#''y 'ove 9eg#n!

    !:es) if he +refers her to yo& he m&st)! orr#ine #greed b'&nt'y !"he!s # de#r) #nd 5 'oveher) b&t there!s no (#y0 :o& don!t thin$ he %o&'d h#veguessed(h#t yo& (ere doing do

    yo&8 No (#y he %o&'d h#ve $no(n08!

    !No) 5 don!t)! "#s$i# denied "he (#s beginning to fee' tired) #'most #%hing (ith # sh#r+)

    +#inf&' need to be on her o(n The '#st thing she (#nted right no( (#s to de#' (ithsomeone 'i$e orr#ine) b&t she o(ed it to 9eg#n to re#ss&re her th#t she %o&'d tr&st


    As they +&''ed &+ o&tside 9eg#n!s ho&se "#s$i# s#( th#t her %#r (#s +#r$ed o&tside Her

    stom#%h m&s%'es st#rted to %'en%h #s she got o&t of orr#ine!s %#r #nd (#'$ed &+ theg#rden +#th 9eg#n #nd 9#r$ Even their n#mes so&nded %osy together) redo'ent of

    domesti%ity0of m#rit#' %omfort And yet0if ever she!d met # m#n (ho (#s neither

    domesti%#ted nor %osy it h#d been 9eg#n!s 9#r$ There h#d been #n #ir of +rimitive r#(m#'eness #bo&t him) #n #&r# of +o(er #nd se*'ity)-# sense th#t in his #rms # (om#n

    %o&'d..would0to&%h s&%h sens' heights of de'ight #nd +'e#s&re th#t she (o&'d never

    be 2&ite the s#me +erson #g#in

    "#s$i# tensed 7h#t on e#rth (#s she thin$ing8 9#r$ be'onged to 9eg#n1her bestfriend) the friend to (hom she o(ed her gr#ndmother!s 'ife #nd good he#'th

    9eg#n h#d obvio&s'y seen them #rrive #nd (#s o+ening the door before they re#%hed it)

    her f#%e (re#thed in smi'es

    !5t!s #'' right)! "#s$i# to'd her ho''o('y !9#r$ didn!t0!

    !5 $no(05 $no(0! 9eg#n be#med #s she &shered them inside !He %#me to see me #t(or$ #nd e*+'#ined everything Oh) 5!ve been s&%h #n idiot0

    7hy on e#rth 5 didn!t g&ess (h#t he (#s +'#nning 5 /&st don!t $no( 7e 'e#ve ne*t (ee$

    He!d even to'd them #t (or$ (h#t he (#s +'#nning0th#t (#s the re#son for #'' those

    %#''s P'&s the gir' #t the tr#ve' #gen%y $e+t +honing Oh) "#s$i#) 5 %#n!t be'ieve it 5!ve

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    #'(#ys 'onged to go to the C#ribbe#n) #nd for 9#r$ to h#ve boo$ed &s s&%h # (onderf&'

    ho'id#y0 The +'#%e (e!re going to s+e%i#'ises in ho'id#ys for %o&+'es 5!m so sorry yo&

    h#d # (#sted evening 5 tried to ring yo& b&t yo&!d #'re#dy 'eft 5 tho&ght yo& might h#vegot here sooner After #'') on%e yo&!d re#'ised th#t 9#r$ (#sn!t #t the (ine b#r0! "he

    sto++ed #s she s#( the 'oo$ on both her %o&sin!s #nd "#s$i#!s f#%es

    !7h#t is it8! she #s$ed them &n%ert#in'y

    !Yous#id th#t yo&!d s+o$en to 9#r$)! orr#ine (#s s#ying terse'y to "#s$i#

    !5 did0! "#s$i# insisted !He (#s /&st #s yo& des%ribed him to &s) 9eg#n0!

    "he sto++ed #s 9eg#n shoo$ her he#d firm'y

    !9#r$ (#sn!t there) "#s)! she re+e#ted !He (#s (ith me #t (or$ He #rrived #t h#'f +#st

    eight #nd "ister g#ve me some time off so th#t (e %o&'d t#'$) i He!d g&essed ho( &+set 5

    (#s #nd he!d de%ided th#t; he (o&'d h#ve to te'' me (h#t he (#s +'#nning He s#id he$ne( he %o&'dn!t h#ve $e+t the se%ret for very m&%h 'onger #ny(#y)! she #dded fond'y

    !And before yo& s#y # (ord)! she s#id firm'y to her %o&sin) !9#r$ is +#ying for everything


    "#s$i# 'e#ned (e#$'y #g#inst the (#'' 5f the m#n she h#d %ome on to h#dn!t been

    9eg#n!s 9#r$) then /&st (ho on e#rth h#d he been8 Her f#%e be%#me even +#'er "he h#d%ome on to # m#n she didn!t $no(0#; tot#' #nd %om+'ete !str#nger0# m#n (ho0 "he

    s(#''o(ed n#&seo&s'y) remembering the (#y she h#d 'oo$ed) the (#y she h#d beh#ved0

    the things she h#d s#id Th#n$ 3od he (#s # str#nger Th#n$ 3od she (o&'d never h#ve

    to see him #g#in

    !"#s) yo& don!t 'oo$ (e'')! she %o&'d he#r 9eg#n s#ying so'i%ito&s'y !7h#t is it8!

    !Nothing)! she ribbed) b&t orr#ine h#d #'re#dy g&essed (h#t she (#s thin$ing

    !7e'') if the m#n in the (ine b#r (#sn!t 9#r$ then ! (ho on e#rth (#s he8! "he dem#nded


    !7ho indeed8! "#s$i# e%hoed ho''o('y


    To "A"?5A!" dism#y she he#rd the to(n h#'' %'o%$ stri$ing eight #m #s she h&rried to

    (or$ "he h#d intended to be in e*tr# e#r'y this morning b&t &nfort&n#te'y she h#d

    overs'e+t1# dire%t res&'t of the +revio&s evening!s events #nd the f#%t th#t initi#''y sheh#d been ment#''y #gonising so m&%h over (h#t she h#d done th#t she h#d been &n#b'e to

    get to s'ee+

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    Offi%i#''y she might not be d&e to be #t her des$ &nti' nine #m) b&t in this modern #ge

    th#t (#s not the (#y things (or$ed) es+e%i#''y (hen one!s ho'd on one!s /ob (#s #'re#dy

    d#ngero&s'y +re%#rio&s

    6There #re bo&nd to be %&tb#%$s0red&nd#n%ies)! the he#d of "#s$i#!s de+#rtment h#d

    (#rned them #'') #nd "#s$i#) #s she!d 'istened to him) h#d been sh#r+'y %ons%io&s th#t #sthe ne(est member of the te#m she (#s the one (hose /ob (#s most in 'ine to be %&t

    b#%$ 5t (o&'d be virt''y im+ossib'e for her to get #nother /ob (ith the s#me $ind of+ros+e%ts in Hi'ford) #nd if she moved #(#y to ondon th#t (o&'d me#n her gr#ndmother

    (o&'d be 'eft on her o(n At si*ty-five her gr#ndmother (#s not +re%ise'y o'd1f#r from

    it1#nd she h#d # '#rge %ir%'e of friends) b&t the i''ness h#d 'eft "#s$i# fee'ing #fr#id forher "#s$i# fe't she o(ed her s&%h # h&ge debt) not on'y for bringing her &+ b&t for giving

    her so m&%h 'ove

    As she h&rried into the foyer she #s$ed Emm#) the re%e+tionist) #n*io&s'y) !H#s he #rrived


    There (#s no need to 2'ify (ho she me#nt by !he!) #nd Emm# g#ve her # s'ight'y

    s&+erior smi'e #s she re+'ied) !A%t''y he #rrived yesterd#y He!s &+st#irs no()! she

    #dded sm&g'y) !intervie(ing everyone! Her sm&gness #nd s&+eriority g#ve (#y to #

    smi'e of +&re feminine #++re%i#tion #s she sighed !J&st (#it &nti' yo& see him He!sgorgeo&s0(ith # gre#t big %#+it#' 3!

    "he ro''ed her eyes e*+ressive'y (hi'st "#s$i# g#ve her # (#n smi'e

    "he no( h#d her o(n s+e%i#' #nd +riv#te1very +riv#te1b'&e+rint of (h#t # gorgeo&s

    m#n 'oo$ed 'i$e) #nd she do&bted th#t their ne( 3ree$ boss %#me #ny(here ne#r to

    m#t%hing it

    !Ty+i%#''y) tho&gh) mind yo&)! the re%e+tionist %ontin&ed) ob'ivio&s to "#s$i#!s desire to

    h&rry to her offi%e) !he!s #'re#dy s+o$en for Or #t 'e#st he soon (i'' be 5 (#s t#'$ing to

    the re%e+tionist #t their gro&+!s he#d offi%e #nd she to'd me th#t his gr#ndf#ther (#ntshim to m#rry his %o&sin "he!s meg#-(e#'thy #nd1!

    !5!m sorry) Emm#) b&t 5 m&st go)! "#s$i# interr&+ted her firm'y Offi%e gossi+) 'i$e offi%e

    +o'iti%s) (#s something "#s$i# h#d no (ish to invo've herse'f in) #nd besides0 5f their

    ne( boss (#s #'re#dy intervie(ing +eo+'e she didn!t (#nt to e#rn herse'f #ny b'#%$ m#r$sby not being #t her des$ (hen he sent for her

    Her offi%e (#s on the third f'oor) #n o+en +'#n s+#%e (here she (or$ed (ith five other

    +eo+'e Their boss h#d his o(n g'#ss-(#''ed se%tion) b&t right no( both it #nd the gener#'

    offi%e itse'f (ere em+ty J&st #s she (#s (ondering (h#t to do the o&ter door s(&ng o+en#nd her boss) fo''o(ed by the rest of her %o''e#g&es) %#me into the room

    !Ah) "#s$i#) there yo& #re)! her boss greeted her !:es 5 h#d intended to be here e#r'ier0!

    "#s$i# beg#n) b&t 3ordon J#rm#n (#s sh#$ing his he#d !Don!t e*+'#in no()! he to'd her

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    sh#r+'y !:o&!d better get &+st#irs to the e*e%&tive s&ite 9r #timer!s se%ret#ry (i'' be

    e*+e%ting yo& A++#rent'y he @(#nts to intervie( everyone) both individ''y #nd (ith

    their) %o-de+#rtment members) #nd he (#sn!t too +'e#sed th#t yo& (eren!t here0!

    7itho&t #''o(ing "#s$i# to s#y #nything) 3ordon t&rned on his hee' #nd (ent into his

    offi%e) 'e#ving her (ith no o+tion b&t to he#d for the 'ift 5t (#s &n'i$e 3ordon to be sosh#r+ He (#s norm#''y # very '#id b#%$ sort of +erson "#s$i# %o&'d fee' the nervo&s

    fee'ing in her t&mmy in%re#sing #s she %ontem+'#ted the $ind of #ttit&de Andre#s #timerm&st h#ve #do+ted to(#rds his ne( em+'oyees to %#&se s&%h # re#%tion in her norm#''y

    &nf'#++#b'e boss

    The e*e%&tive s&ite (#s &nf#mi'i#r territory to "#s$i#. The on'y +revio&s o%%#sions on(hi%h she h#d entered it h#d been (hen she h#d gone for her initi#' @intervie( #nd then)

    more re%ent'y) (hen the (ho'e st#ff h#d been informed of the s&%%ess of the Demetrios

    t#$eover bid

    A 'itt'e &n%ert#in'y she got o&t of the 'ift #nd (#'$ed to(#rds the door m#r$ed !Person#'Assist#nt to the Chief E*e%&tive!

    9#dge Fie'ding) the +revio&s o(ner!s se%ret#ry) h#d retired (hen the t#$eover bid!s

    s&%%ess h#d been #nno&n%ed) #nd (hen "#s$i# s#( the e'eg#nt'y groomed d#r$-h#ired

    (om#n se#ted behind 9#dge!s des$ she #ss&med th#t the ne( o(ner m&st h#ve bro&ghthis PA (ith him from Demetrios he#d offi%e

    Nervo&s'y "#s$i# g#ve her n#me) #nd st#rted to e*+'#in th#t she (or$ed for 3ordon

    J#rm#n) b&t the PA (#ved her e*+'#n#tion #side) %ons&'ting # 'ist in front of her inste#d

    #nd then s#ying %o'd'y) (itho&t 'ifting her he#d from it) !"#s$i#8 :es :o&!re '#te 9r

    #timer does not 'i$e0 5n f#%t 5!m not s&re0! "he sto++ed #nd eyed "#s$i# (ith #dis#++roving fro(n !He m#y not h#ve time to intervie( yo& no()! she (#rned) before

    +i%$ing &+ the +hone #nd #nno&n%ing in # very different tone of voi%e from the one sheh#d &sed to #ddress "#s$i#) !9s Rodgers is here no() Andre#s Do yo& sti'' (#nt to see


    !:o& cango in)! she informed "#s$i# !5t!s the door over there0!

    Fee'ing 'i$e # n#&ghty %hi'd) "#s$i# for%ed herse'f not to re#%t) he#ding inste#d for the

    door the PA h#d indi%#ted #nd $no%$ing brief'y on it before t&rning the h#nd'e #nd(#'$ing in

    As she ste++ed into the offi%e the bright s&n'ight stre#ming in thro&gh the '#rge (indo(s

    moment#ri'y d#

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    s&r+rised him h#d been the gen&ine'y high esteem in (hi%h he h#d dis%overed she (#s

    he'd both by her immedi#te boss #nd her %o-(or$ers 5t seemed th#t (hen it %#me to

    giving th#t e*tr# metre) going th#t e*tr# dist#n%e) "#s$i# (#s #'(#ys the first to do so #ndthe first to do (h#tever she %o&'d to he'+ o&t her %o''e#g&es

    !:es) it is +erh#+s &n&s' in # yo&ng gr#dte)! her boss h#d #greed (hen Andre#s h#d2&estioned his +r#ise of "#s$i# !4&t then she h#s been bro&ght &+ by her gr#ndmother

    #nd +erh#+s be%#&se of th#t her v#'&es #nd sense of ob'ig#tion to(#rds others #re those of#n o'der gener#tion As yo& %#n see from my re+ort on her) her (or$ is e*%e''ent #nd so

    #re her 2'ifi%#tions!

    And she!s # st&nning'y #ttr#%tive yo&ng (om#n (ho seems to $no( ho( to &se her&ndeni#b'e !#ssets! to her o(n #dv#nt#ge) Andre#s h#d ref'e%ted in(#rd'y) b&t 3ordon

    J#rm#n h#d %ontin&ed to enth&se #bo&t "#s$i#!s dedi%#tion to her (or$) her $indness to

    her fe''o( em+'oyees) her #bi'ity to integr#te herse'f into # te#m #nd (or$ di'igent'y #t

    (h#tever t#s$ she (#s given) #nd her +o+&'#rity (ith other members of the (or$for%e

    After st&dying the +rogress re+orts her te#m 'e#der #nd 3ordon himse'f h#d m#de on her)

    #nd the +hotogr#+h in her fi'e) Andre#s h#d been for%ed to %on%ede th#t if he h#dn!t seen

    for himse'f '#st night the (#y "#s$i# %o&'d 'oo$ #nd beh#ve he (o&'d +rob#b'y h#ve

    #%%e+ted 3ordon!s g'o(ing re+ort #t f#%e v#'&e

    "he (#s 2&ite +'#in'y # (om#n (ho $ne( ho( to h#nd'e his se*) even if (ith him she

    h#d m#de #n error of /&dgement

    This morning) for inst#n%e) she h#d %om+'ete'y met#mor+hosed b#%$ into the dedi%#ted

    yo&ng (om#n forging # %#reer for herse'f1ne#t'y s&ited) her h#ir e'eg#nt'y s'ee$ed b#%$)

    her f#%efreeof #'' b&t the 'ightest to&%h of m#$e-&+ Andre#s st#rted to fro(n #s his bodys&dden'y #nd very &rgent'y #nd &n(onted'y reminded him of the fem#'e #''&re of the

    body th#t (#s tod#y %on%e#'ed dis%reet'y bene#th # +rim n#vy b&siness s&it

    Didn!t he #'re#dy h#ve eno&gh +rob'ems to %ontend (ith8 #st night #fter ret&rning fromthe (ine b#r he h#d re%eived # te'e+hone %#'' from his mother) #n*io&s'y (#rning him

    th#t his gr#ndf#ther (#s on the (#r+#th

    !He h#d dinner (ith some of his o'd %ronies '#st night #nd #++#rent'y they (ere #''

    bo#sting #bo&t the de#'s they h#d re%ent'y +&''ed off :o& $no( (h#t they!re 'i$e! "heh#d sighed !And yo&r gr#ndf#ther (#s to'd by one of them th#t he h#d high ho+es of his

    son (inning Athen#!s h#nd0!

    !3ood '&%$ to him)! Andre#s h#d to'd his mother &n%om+romising'y !5 ho+e he does Th#t

    #t 'e#st (i'' get her #nd 3r#ndf#ther off my b#%$!

    !7e'') yes)! his mother h#d #greed do&btf&''y !4&t #t the moment it seems to h#ve m#de

    him even more determined to +romote # m#rri#ge bet(een the t(o of yo& And) of

    %o&rse) no( th#t he!s h#'f retired he!s got more time on his h#nds to +'#n #nd fret0 5t!s

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    s&%h # +ity th#t there isn!t #'re#dy someone in yo&r 'ife! "he h#d sighed #g#in) #dding

    (ith # %h&%$'e) !5 honest'y be'ieve th#t the ho+e of # gre#tgr#nd%hi'd (o&'d thri'' him so

    m&%h m#t he!d 2&i%$'y forget he!d ever (#nted yo& to m#rry Athen#.!

    "omeone e'se in his 'ife8 H#d it re#''y been e*#s+er#tion #rid the he#d#%he he $ne( '#y

    #he#d of him (ith their ne( #%2&isition th#t h#d +rom+ted him into m#$ing the r#shestst#tement of his 'ife in te''ing his mother) !7h#t m#$es yo& thin$ there isn'tsomeone8!

    There h#d been # st#rt'ed +#&se) /&st 'ong eno&gh for him to %&rse himse'f ment#''y b&tnot for him to re%#'' his im+et&o&s (ords) before his mother h#d dem#nded in

    e*%itement) !:o& me#n there is8 Oh) Andre#s. 7ho8 When#re (e going to meet her8

    7ho is she8 Ho( did yo&08 Oh) d#r'ing) ho( (onderf&' :o&r gr#ndf#ther willbethri''ed O'ym+i#) g&ess (h#t06

    He h#d then he#rd her te''ing his sister

    He h#d tried to +&t # br#$e on their e*%itement) to (#rn them th#t he (#s on'y t#'$ing in!ifs! #nd !b&ts!) b&t neither of them h#d been +re+#red to 'isten Neither h#d his gr#ndf#ther

    this morning) (hen he h#d r&ng #t the &ngod'y ho&r of five o!%'o%$ to dem#nd to $no((hen he (#s to meet his gr#ndson!s fi#n%ee

    Fi#n%ee0 Ho( the he'' his mother #nd sister h#d m#n#ged to tr#ns'#te #n off the %&ff

    rem#r$ m#de in irrit#tion into # re#' 'ive fi#n%e Andre#s h#d no ide#) b&t he did $no(

    th#t &n'ess he +rod&%ed this mythi%#' %re#t&re he (#s going to be in very big tro&b'e

    !:o&!'' be bringing her to the is'#nd (ith yo&) of %o&rse)! his gr#ndf#ther h#d #nno&n%ed)

    #nd his (ords h#d been # %omm#nd #nd not # 2&estion

    7h#t the he'' (#s he going to do8 He h#d eight d#ys in (hi%h to find # +ros+e%tive

    fi#n%ee #nd m#$e it %'e#r to her th#t their !eng#gement! (#s nothing more th#n #%onvenient fi%tion Eight d#ys #nd she (o&'d h#ve to be # good eno&gh #%tress to foo' not

    /&st his gr#ndf#ther b&t his mother #nd sisters #s (e''

    5rrit#b'y he moved o&t of the s&n'ight!s dire%t be#m) t&rning ro&nd so th#t "#s$i# s#( him

    +ro+er'y for the first time

    There (#s no o++ort&nity for her to %on%e#' her sho%$) or the soft (inded g#s+ of dism#yth#t es%#+ed her dis%reet'y g'ossed 'i+s #s her f#%e +#'ed #nd then f'ooded (ith b&rning

    hot %o'o&r

    !:o&.! she %ho$ed #s she b#%$ed instin%tive'y to(#rds the door) her memories of the+revio&s night f'ooding her br#in #nd (ith them the s&re $no('edge th#t she (#s #bo&t to

    'ose her /ob

    "he %ert#in'y (#s #n e*%e''ent #%tress) Andre#s #%$no('edged #s he observed her

    re#%tion1#nd in more (#ys th#n one Her deme#no&r this morning (#s tot#''y different

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    he to'd her grim'y) !A+#rt from the &nedifying mor#' im+'i%#tions of (h#t yo& (ere

    doing) or r#ther #ttem+ting to do) h#s it ever o%%&rred to yo& to %onsider the +hysi%#'

    d#nger yo& %o&'d be +&tting yo&rse'f in8 7omen 'i$e yo&0!

    He +#&sed #nd %h#nged t#%$) %#t%hing her off grd #s he (ent on in # m&%h gent'er tone)

    !5 &nderst#nd from yo&r boss th#t yo& #re very #n*io&s to m#int#in yo&r em+'oyment (ith&s!

    !:es :es) 5 #m)! "#s$i# #dmitted h&s$i'y There (#s no &se denying (h#t he (#s s#ying"he h#d #'re#dy dis%&ssed her fee'ings #nd fe#rs #bo&t the +ros+e%t of being m#de

    red&nd#nt (ith 3ordon J#rm#n) #nd he h#d obvio&s'y re%orded them #nd +#ssed them on

    to Andre#s To deny them no( (o&'d on'y %onvin%e him she (#s # 'i#r1#s (e'' #severything e'se.

    !oo$0 P'e#se) 5 %#n e*+'#in #bo&t '#st night)! she to'd him des+er#te'y) +ride giving (#y

    to +#ni% !5 $no( ho( it m&st h#ve 'oo$ed) b&t it (#sn!t05 didn!t0! "he sto++ed #s she

    s#( from his e*+ression th#t he (#sn!t +re+#red even to 'isten to her) never mind be'ieveher

    A +#rt of her (#s for%ed to #%$no('edge th#t she %o&'d h#rd'y b'#me him0nor %onvin%e

    him either) &n'ess !"he dr#gged orr#ine #nd 9eg#n into his offi%e; to s&++ort her #nd

    she h#d f#r too m&%h +ride to do th#t 4esides) 9eg#n (#sn!t %#+#b'e of thin$ing of#nything or #nyone right no( other th#n 9#r$ #nd her &+%oming C#ribbe#n ho'id#y) #nd

    #s for orr#ine0 7e'') "#s$i# %o&'d g&ess ho( the o'der (om#n (o&'d reve' in the

    sittion "#s$i# no( fo&nd herse'f in

    !A (ise de%ision)! Andre#s to'd her gent'y (hen she sto++ed s+e#$ing !:o& see) 5 des+ise

    # 'i#r even more th#n 5 do # (om#n (ho0! No( it (#s his t&rn to sto+) b&t "#s$i# $ne((h#t he (#s thin$ing

    Her f#%e 5 b&rned even more hot'y) (hi%h m#de it dis%on%erting for her (hen he s&dden'y

    s#id #br&+t'y) 5!ve got # +ro+osition 5 (#nt to +&t to yo&!

    As she m#de # str#ng'ed so&nd of sho%$ in her thro#t he stee+'ed his fingers together #nd

    'oo$ed #t her over them) 'i$e # s'ee$) (e''-fed +red#tor (#t%hing # sm#'' +ie%e of +rey it

    (#s en/oying tormenting

    !7h#t $ind of +ro+osition8! she #s$ed him (#ri'y) b&t the he#vy s'edgeh#mmer stro$es of

    her he#rt #g#inst her ribs (#rned her th#t she +rob#b'y #'re#dy $ne( the #ns(er1/&st #sshe $ne( (hy she (#s fi''ed (ith s&%h # sho%$ing mi*t&re of e*%itement #nd rev&'sion

    !Oh) not the $ind yo& #re +rob#b'y most f#mi'i#r (ith)! Andre#s (#s te''ing her soft'y 5!ve

    re#d th#t some +rofession#' yo&ng (omen get # $i%$ o&t of #%ting the +#rt of h#r'ots0!

    !5 (#s doing no s&%h thing)! "#s$i# beg#n he#ted'y) b&t he sto++ed her

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    !5 (#s there1remember8! he s#id sh#r+'y !5f my gr#ndf#ther $ne( ho( yo& h#d beh#ved

    he (o&'d dem#nd 5 yo&r inst#nt dismiss#'! His gr#ndf#ther might h#ve %eded most of the

    %ontro' of the b&siness to Andre#s) b&t Andre#s %o&'d see from "#s$i#!s e*+ression th#tshe sti'' be'ieved him

    !:o& don!t haveto te'' him! He %o&'d see the effort it %ost her to s(#''o( her +ride #nd#dd # re'&%t#nt trem&'o&s !P'e#se0!

    !5 don!t haveto)! he #greed !4&t (hether or not 5 do de+ends on yo&r res+onse to my+ro+osition!

    !Th#t!s b'#%$m#i')! "#s$i# +rotested

    !A'most #s o'd # +rofession #s the one yo& (ere eng#ging in '#st night)! Andre#s #greed


    "#s$i# beg#n to +#ni% Ag#inst #'' the odds there (#s on'y one thing he %o&'d +ossib'y(#nt from her) &n'i$e'y tho&gh th#t (#s After #'') '#st night she h#d given him every

    re#son to #ss&me0to be'ieve0 4&t th#t h#d been (hen she h#d tho&ght he (#s 9#r$)

    #nd if he (o&'d /&st #''o( her to e*+'#in0

    Fe#r $i%$ed thro&gh her) f&e''ing # +#ni% th#t r&shed her he#d'ong into te''ing him#ggressive'y) !5!m s&r+rised th#t # m#n 'i$e yo& needs to b'#%$m#i' # (om#n into h#ving

    se* (ith him And there!s no (#y th#t 50!

    !"e*8! he 2&estioned) %om+'ete'y #sto&nding her by thro(ing b#%$ his he#d #nd '#&ghing

    o&t 'o&d 7hen he h#d sto++ed) he re+e#ted) !"e*8! #dding dis+#r#ging'y) !7ith yo&8 No

    (#y. 5t isn!tse"5 (#nt from yo&)! he to'd her %oo''y

    !Not se*8 Then0then (h#t is it8! "#s$i# dem#nded sh#$i'y

    !7h#t 5 (#nt from yo&)! Andre#s informed her %#'m'y) !is yo&r time #nd yo&r #greement

    to +ose #s my fi#n%ee!

    !7h#t8! "#s$i# st#red #t him !:o&!re m#d)! she to'd him in disbe'ief

    !No) not m#d)! Andre#s %orre%ted her stern'y !4&t 5 #m very determined not to be %oer%ed

    into the m#rri#ge my gr#ndf#ther (#nts to #rr#nge for me And) #s my de#r mother h#s so

    right'y reminded me) the best (#y to do th#t is to %onvin%e him th#t 5 #m in 'ove (ithsomeone e'se Th#t is the on'y (#y 5 %#n sto+ this ridi%&'o&s %#m+#ign of his!

    !:o& (#nt me#to +ose0#syour0fi#n%ee8! "#s$i# s+#%ed the (ords o&t %#ref&''y) #s

    tho&gh she (#sn!t s&re she h#d he#rd them %orre%t'y) #nd then) (hen she s#( the

    %onfirm#tion in his f#%e) she denied fier%e'y) !No No (#y No (#y #t #''.!

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    !No8! Andre#s 2&estioned (ith rem#r$#b'e #mi#bi'ity !Then 5!m #fr#id yo& 'e#ve me (ith

    no #'tern#tive b&t to inform yo& th#t there is # strong1# very strong +ossibi'ity th#t (e

    sh#'' h#ve to 'et yo& go #s +#rt of o&r regrett#b'e b&t ne%ess#ry %&tb#%$s 5 ho+e 5 m#$emyse'f %'e#r!

    !No. :o& %#n!t do th#t0! "#s$i# beg#n) #nd then sto++ed #s she s#( the %yni%#' (#y he(#s 'oo$ing #t her

    "he (#s (#sting her time There (#s no (#y he (#s even going to 'isten to her) nevermind be'ieve her He didn!t wantto be'ieve her 5t didn!t s&it his +'#ns ito be'ieve her0

    she %o&'d see th#t And if she ref&sed to #%%ede to his %omm#nds then she $ne( th#t he

    (#s f&''y %#+#b'e of %#rrying o&t his thre#t #g#inst her "#s$i# s(#''o(ed "he (#s (e''#nd tr&'y tr#++ed) (ith no (#y (h#tsoever of es%#+ing

    !7e''8! Andre#s mo%$ed her !:o& sti'' h#ven!t given me yo&r re+'y Do yo& #gree to my

    +ro+osition) or08!

    "#s$i# s(#''o(ed the bitter t#ste of bi'e #nd defe#t 'odged in her thro#t Her voi%e

    so&nded r#() r#s+ing0 it h&rt her to s+e#$ b&t she tried to ho'd &+ her he#d #s she to'dhim miser#b'y) !5 #gree!

    !E*%e''ent For form!s s#$e 5 s&ggest th#t (e invent # +revio&s'y se%ret #%%ident#' meeting

    bet(een &s1+erh#+s (hen 5 visited Hi'ford +rior to o&r t#$eover 4e%#&se of the

    negoti#tions for the t#$eover (e h#ve $e+t o&r re'#tionshi+0o&r 'ove for one #nother #se%ret 4&t no(0no( there is no need for se%re%y #ny more) #nd to +rove it) #nd to

    %e'ebr#te o&r freedom tod#y 5 sh#'' t#$e yo& o&t for '&n%h!

    He fro(ned #nd +#&sed !7e sh#'' be f'ying o&t to the Aege#n #t the end of ne*t (ee$#nd there #re things (e sh#'' be e*+e%ted to $no( #bo&t one #nother!s b#%$gro&nd.!

    !F'ying o&t to where!'"#s$i# g#s+ed !No) 5 %#n!t 9y gr#ndmother0!

    Andre#s h#d he#rd from 3ordon J#rm#n th#t she 'ived (ith her gr#ndmother) #nd no(

    one eyebro( rose #s he 2&estioned si'$i'y) !:o& #re eng#ged to me no() my be'oved)

    s&re'y 5 #m of more im+ort#n%e th#n yo&r gr#ndmother8 "he (i'') 5 $no() be s&r+rised#bo&t o&r re'#tionshi+) b&t 5 #m s&re she (i'' #++re%i#te /&st (hy (e h#d to $ee+ o&r 'ove

    for one #nother to o&rse'ves 5f yo& (ish 5 #m +erfe%t'y +re+#red to %ome (ith yo& (hen

    yo& e*+'#in0 every thing to her0!

    !No.! "#s$i# denied in +#ni% !There!s no need #ny(#y "he!s in 4#th #t the moment)st#ying (ith her sister "he!s going to be there for the ne*t fe( (ee$s :o& %#n!t do this)!

    she to'd him in #git#tion !:o&r gr#ndf#ther is bo&nd to g&ess th#t (e!re not0th#t (e

    don!t0 And0!

    !4&t he m&st notbe allowedto g&ess #ny s&%h thing)! Andre#s to'd her gent'y !:o& #re #ne*%e''ent #%tress) #s 5 h#ve #'re#dy seen for myse'f) #nd 5!m s&re yo& (i'' be #b'e to find #

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    (#y of %onvin%ing him th#t (e are#nd (e do) #nd sho&'d yo& fee' th#t yo& do need some

    #ssist#n%e to th#t end0! His eyes d#r$ened #nd "#s$i# immedi#te'y too$ # ste+

    b#%$(#rds) her f#%e f'#ming (ith emb#rr#ssed %o'o&r #s she s#( the (#y he (#s 'oo$ing#t her

    !Very ni%e)! he to'd her soft'y) !4&t +erh#+s it might not be (ise to overdo the shy)virgin#' bit 9y gr#ndf#ther is no foo' 5 do&bt th#t he (i'' e*+e%t # m#n of my #ge to

    h#ve f#''en +#ssion#te'y in 'ove (ith # (om#n (ho is not e2''y se*''y #(#re 5 #m)#fter #'') h#'f-3ree$) #nd +#ssion is very m&%h # f#%tor of the m#'e 3ree$ +erson#'ity #nd

    +sy%he! "#s$i# (#nted to t&rn #nd r&n #(#y The sittion (#s be%oming (orse by the

    min&te 7h#t) she (ondered f#t#'isti%#''y) (o&'d Andre#s do if he ever 'e#rned th#t she(#s not !se*''y #(#re!) #s he h#d termed it) #nd th#t in f#%t her on'y e*+erien%e of se*

    #nd +#ssion (#s 'imited to # fe( %h#ste $isses #nd r&mb'ed embr#%es8 "he h#d her

    +#rents to th#n$ for her %#&tion #s # teen#ger (here se*' e*+eriment#tion h#d been%on%erned) of %o&rse Their r#sh beh#vio&r h#d 'ed to her dre#ding th#t she might re+e#t

    their foo'ishness 4&t there (#s) of %o&rse) no (#y th#t Andre#s %o&'d ever $no( th#t.

    !5t!s no( #'most ten)!! Andre#s informed her bris$'y) 'oo$ing #t his (#t%h !5 s&ggest yo&

    go b#%$ to yo&r offi%e #nd #t one +m 5!'' %ome do(n for yo& #nd t#$e yo& o&t to '&n%hThe sooner (e m#$e o&r re'#tionshi+ +&b'i% no() the better!

    As he s+o$e he (#s moving to(#rds her 5mmedi#te'y "#s$i# st#rted to +#ni%) g#s+ing

    o&t 'o&d in sho%$ #s the door o+ened to #dmit his PA in the s#me he#rtbe#t #s Andre#s

    re#%hed o&t #nd m#n#%'ed "#s$i#!s fr#gi'e (rist-bone in the firm gri+ of his fingers #ndth&mb

    His s$in (#s d#r$) t#nned) b&t not so m&%h so th#t one (o&'d #&tom#ti%#''y g&ess #t his

    3ree$ b'ood) "#s$i# re%ognised His eyes weregrey) she no( s#() #nd not b'&e #s sheh#d so b'&sh-m#$ing'y s&ggested '#st night) #nd they #dded to the %onf&sion #s to (h#tn#tion#'ity he might be) (hi'st his h#ir) tho&gh very) very d#r$) (#s thi%$ #nd str#ight

    There (#s) tho&gh) some (his+er of his #n%ient 'ine#ge in his high %hee$bones)

    %'#ssi%#''y s%&'+t&red /#( #nd #2&i'ine nose They definite'y be'onged to some #rrog#nt)#risto%r#ti% #n%ient 3ree$ nob'em#n) #nd he (o&'d) she s&s+e%ted) be very m&%h in%'ined

    to domin#te those #ro&nd him) to st#m+ his #&thority on everything he did1#nd

    everyone) he met

    !Oh) Andre#s)! the PA (#s e*%'#iming) 'oo$ing in f'&stered disbe'ief #t the -(#y her boss(#s dr#(ing "#s$i# %'oser to him) 5!m sorry to interr&+t yo& b&t yo&r gr#ndf#ther h#s

    been on1t(i%e.!

    !5 sh#'' ring my gr#ndf#ther b#%$ short'y)! Andre#s res+onded smooth'y) #dding e2''y

    smooth'y) !Oh) #nd 5 don!t (#nt #ny #++ointments or #ny interr&+tions from one to t(o-thirty tod#y 5 sh#'' be t#$ing my fi#n%ee to '&n%h!

    As he s+o$e he t&rned to "#s$i# #nd g#ve her s&%h # 'oo$ of me'ting tender sens'ity) so

    %om+'ete'y redo'ent of #n im+#tient 'over b#re'y #b'e to %ontro' his desire for her) th#t for

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    # bre#th of time she (#s #'most t#$en in herse'f "he %o&'d on'y st#re b#%$ #t him #s

    tho&gh she h#d @been hy+notised 5f he h#d given her # 'oo$ 'i$e th#t '#st night0 "to+ it)

    she (#rned herse'f immedi#te'y) sh#$en by the &ne*+e%ted tho&ght

    4&t if his beh#vio&r (#s sho%$ing her it (#s sho%$ing his PA even more) she re%ognised

    #s the other (om#n g#ve # sm#'' %ho$ed g&rg'e #nd then shoo$ her he#d (hen Andre#s#s$ed her &rb#ne'y if #nything (#s (rong

    !No 5 (#s /&st0 Th#t is0 No0not #t #''0!

    !3ood Oh) #nd one more thing 5 (#nt yo& to boo$ #n e*tr# se#t on my f'ight to Athensne*t (ee$ Ne*t to mine0for "#s$i#0! T&rning #(#y from his PA he to'd "#s$i#

    h&s$i'y) !5 %#n!t (#it to introd&%e yo& to my f#mi'y) es+e%i#''y my gr#ndf#ther 4&t


    4efore "#s$i# %o&'d g&ess (h#t he intended to do he 'ifted her h#nd to his mo&th) +#'m

    f#%ing &+(#rds As she fe't the (#rmth of his bre#th s$imming her s$in "#s$i# st#rted totremb'e) her bre#th %oming in 2&i%$) short b&rsts "he fe't di

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    Une*+e%ted'y there (ere s&dden'y do

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    !:o& $no( +erfe%t'y (e'' (h#t 5 me#n)! "#s$i# +rotested !7hy %o&'dn!t (e /&st h#ve met


    !5n se%ret8! He 'oo$ed more bored no( th#n #moro&s) his eyebro(s dr#(ing together #she fro(ned im+#tient'y do(n #t her He (#s # good de#' t#''er th#n her) (e'' over si*

    foot) #nd it h&rt her ne%$ # 'itt'e) %r#ning to 'oo$ &+ #t him "he (ished he (o&'dn!t (#'$so %'ose to her; it m#de her fee' &n%omfort#b'e #nd on edge #nd someho( #(#re of

    herse'f #s # (om#n in # (#y th#t (#sn!t f#mi'i#r to her

    !H#ven!t 5 #'re#dy m#de it +'#in to yo& th#t the (ho'e ob/e%t of this e*er%ise is to bring

    o&r re'#tionshi+ into the +&b'i% dom#in8 7hi%h is (hy1! He smi'ed grim'y #t "#s$i# #s

    he bro$e off from (h#t he (#s s#ying to te'' her si'$i'y) !5!ve boo$ed # t#b'e #t the (ineb#r for '&n%h 5 #te there '#st night #nd 5 h#ve to s#y th#t the food (#s e*%e''ent1even if

    (h#t h#++ened '#ter (#s 'ess0+#'#t#b'e0!

    "&dden'y "#s$i# h#d h#d eno&gh

    !oo$) 5 $ee+ trying to te'' yo&) '#st night (#s # mist#$e 50!

    !5 %om+'ete'y #gree (ith yo&)! Andre#s #ss&red her !5t was# mist#$e0yourmist#$e0#nd(hi'st (e!re on the s&b/e%t) 'et me (#rn yo&) "#s$i#) if yo& everm#nifest #nything

    simi'#r (hi'st yo& #re eng#ged to me) if yo& ever even look#t #nother m#n0! He sto++ed

    #s he s#( the sho%$ (idening her eyes

    !5!m h#'f-3ree$) my de#r)! he reminded her soft'y !And (hen it %omes to my(om#n) 5!mmore 3ree$ th#n 5 #m 4ritish0very m&%h more0!

    !5!m notyo&r (om#n)! (#s the on'y res+onse "#s$i# fo&nd she %o&'d m#$e

    !No)! he #greed %yni%#''y !:o& be'ong to #ny m#n (ho %#n #fford yo&) don!t yo&) in

    re#'ity8 4&t0! He sto++ed #g#in #s he he#rd the sh#r+ so&nd of +rotest she m#de) her

    f#%e (hite #nd then red #s her emotions over(he'med her se'f-%ontro'

    !:o& h#ve no right to s+e#$ to me 'i$e th#t)! "#s$i# to'd him thi%$'y

    !No right8 4&t s&re'y #s yo&r fi#n%ee 5 h#ve everyright)! Andre#s t#&nted her) #nd then)

    before she %o&'d sto+ him) he re#%hed o&t #nd r#n one 'ong finger bene#th her 'o(er

    eye'#shes) %o''e%ting on it the #ngry h&mi'i#ted te#rs th#t h#d /&st f#''en !Te#rs8! he

    mo%$ed her !9y de#r) yo& #re #n even better #%tress then 5 tho&ght!

    They h#d re#%hed the (ine b#r #nd "#s$i# (#s for%ed to str&gg'e to %ontro' her emotions

    #s he o+ened the door #nd dre( her inside

    !5 don!t (#nt #nything to e#t 5!m not h&ngry)! she to'd him f'#t'y on%e they h#d beensho(n to their t#b'e

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    !"&'$ing8! he #s$ed her s&%%in%t'y !5 %#n!t for%e yo& to e#t) b&t 5 %ert#in'y don!t intend to

    deny myselfthe +'e#s&re of en/oying # good me#'!

    !There #re things (e h#ve to dis%&ss)! he #dded in # %oo') b&siness'i$e voi%e #s he +i%$ed&+ the men& she h#d ignored #nd re#d it !5 $no( most of yo&r +erson#' det#i's from yo&r

    fi'e) b&t if (e #re to %onvin%e my f#mi'y #nd es+e%i#''y my gr#ndf#ther th#t (e #re'overs) then there #re other things 5 sh#'' need to $no(0#nd things yo& (i'' need to

    $no( #bo&t me!

    overs0 "#s$i# /&st m#n#ged to sto+ herse'f from sh&ddering o+en'y 5f she h#d to

    #%%ede to his b'#%$m#i' then she (#s going to h#ve to 'e#rn to +'#y the g#me by his r&'es

    or ris$ being tot#''y destroyed by him

    !overs! "he g#ve him # b'e#$ smi'e !5 tho&ght 3ree$ f#mi'ies didn!t #++rove of se*before m#rri#ge!

    !Not for their ownd#&ghters)! he #greed b'#nd'y !4&t sin%e yo& #re not3ree$) #nd sin%e 5#m h#'f-4ritish 5 #m s&re th#t my gr#ndf#ther (i'' be more0to'er#nt0!

    !4&t he (o&'dn!t be to'er#nt if yo& (ere eng#ged to yo&r %o&sin8! "#s$i# +ressed) not s&re(hy she (#s doing so #nd even 'ess s&re /&st (hy the tho&ght of his %o&sin sho&'d #ro&se

    s&%h # sens#tion of +#in #nd hosti'ity (ithin her

    !Athen#) my %o&sin) is # widow) # +revio&s'y m#rried (om#n) #nd n#t&r#''y my

    gr#ndf#ther0! He +#&sed #nd then to'd her dry'y) !4esides) Athen# herse'f (o&'d never#%%e+t my gr#ndf#ther!s interferen%e in #ny #s+e%t of her 'ife "he is # very formid#b'e


    !"he!s # widow!! For some re#son "#s$i# h#d #ss&med th#t this %o&sin (#s # yo&ng gir' 5t

    h#d never o%%&rred to her th#t she might #'re#dy h#ve been m#rried

    !A (ido()! Andre#s %onfirmed !7ith t(o teen#ge %hi'dren!


    !"he m#rried #t t(enty-t(o)! Andre#s to'd her (ith # shr&g !Th#t (#s #'most t(enty ye#rs


    "#s$i#!s eyes (idened #s she did her s&ms Athen# (#s obvio&s'y o'der th#n Andre#s A'one'y #nd no do&bt v&'ner#b'e (om#n (ho (#s being +ress&rised into # se%ond m#rri#geshe +erh#+s did not (#nt) "#s$i# de%ided sym+#theti%#''y

    !Ho(ever) yo& need not %on%ern yo&rse'f too m&%h (ith Athen#) sin%e it is do&btf&' th#t

    yo& (i''. meet her "he 'ives # very +eri+#teti% e*isten%e "he h#s homes in Athens) Ne(:or$ #nd P#ris #nd s+ends m&%h of her time tr#ve'ing bet(een them) #s (e'' #s r&nning

    the shi++ing 'ine she inherited!

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    A shi++ing 'ine #nd # hote' %h#in No (onder Andre#s!s gr#ndf#ther (#s so #n*io&s for

    them to m#rry 5t #m#

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    more fero%io&s'y determined to interfere in my 'ife th#n he (#s before He te''s my

    mother th#t he is #fr#id he (i'' die before 5 give him #ny gre#t-gr#nd%hi'dren 5f th#t is

    not b'#%$m#i'. 5 don!t $no( (h#t is)! Andre#s gro('ed

    !5t!s obvio&s'y # f#mi'y vi%e)! "#s$i# to'd him) mo%$ s(eet'y) e#rning herse'f # 'oo$ th#t

    she ref&sed) to #''o( to m#$e her 2$e in her shoes

    !U'tim#te'y) of %o&rse) o&r eng#gement (i'' h#ve) to be bro$en)! Andre#s to'd her

    &nne%ess#ri'y !No do&bt o&r so/o&rn on the is'#nd (i'' reve#' %ert#in #s+e%ts of o&r%h#r#%ters th#t (e sh#'' find m&t''y &n#++e#'ing) #nd on o&r ret&rn to Eng'#nd (e sh#''

    bring o&r eng#gement to #n end 4&t #t 'e#st 5 sh#'' h#ve bo&ght myse'f some time0#nd

    ho+ef&''y Athen# (i'' h#ve de%ided to #%%e+t one of the m#ny s&itors my gr#ndf#thers#ys #re on'y too (i''ing to be%ome her se%ond h&sb#nd!

    !And if she doesn!t8! "#s$i# fe't im+e''ed to #s$

    !$f shedoesn!t) (e sh#'' /&st h#ve to de'#y ending o&r eng#gement &nti' either she does or5 find #n #'tern#tive (#y of %onvin%ing my gr#ndf#ther th#t one of my sisters %#n +rovide

    him (ith his gre#tgr#nd%hi'dren!

    !:o& don!t ever(#nt to m#rry8! "#s$i# (#s st#rt'ed into #s$ing

    !7e'') 'et!s /&st s#y th#t sin%e 5 h#ve re#%hed the #ge of thirty-five (itho&t meeting #

    (om#n (ho h#s m#de me fee' my 'ife is &n'iv#b'e (itho&t her by my side) 5 someho(

    do&bt th#t 5 #m 'i$e'y to do so no( F#''ing in 'ove is # yo&ng m#n!s e*tr#v#g#n%e 5n #m#n +#st thirty it is more of # v#in fo''y!

    !9y f#ther fe'' in 'ove (ith my mother (hen he (#s seventeen)! "#s$i# %o&'dn!t sto+herse'f from te''ing him !They r#n #(#y together0! Her eyes %'o&ded !5t (#s # mist#$e

    They fe'' o&t of 'ove (ith one #nother before 5 (#s born An o'der m#n (o&'d #t 'e#sth#ve h#d some sense of res+onsibi'ity to(#rds the 'ife he h#d he'+ed to %re#te 9y f#ther

    (#s sti'' # %hi'd himse'f!

    !He #b#ndoned yo&8! Andre#s #s$ed her) fro(ning

    !They both did)! "#s$i# to'd him terse'y !5f it h#dn!t been for my gr#ndmother 5 (o&'d

    h#ve ended &+ in # %hi'dren!s home!

    "ober'y Andre#s (#t%hed her 7#s that(hy she (ent tr#('ing b#rs for men8 7#s shese#r%hing for the m#'e 'ove she fe't she h#d been denied by her f#ther8 His desire to

    e*oner#te her from her beh#vio&r irrit#ted him Why(#s he trying to m#$e e*%&ses forher8 "&re'y he h#dn!t #%t''y been t#$en in by those te#rs e#r'ier

    !5t!s time for &s to 'e#ve)! he to'd her br&s2&e'y


  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    5F "O9EONE h#d to'd her t(o (ee$s #go th#t) she (o&'d be 'e#ving behind her

    everything th#t (#s f#mi'i#r to f'y to #n &n$no(n 3ree$ is'#nd in the %om+#ny of #n

    e2''y &n$no(n m#n to (hom she (#s s&++osed to be eng#ged "#s$i# (o&'d h#vesh#$en her he#d in deni#' #nd #m&sement1(hi%h /&st (ent to sho(.

    7hi%h /&st (ent to sho( (h#t # %ombin#tion of m#'e #rrog#n%e) se'f-be'ief #nddetermin#tion %o&'d do) es+e%i#''y (hen it (#s #''ied to the $ind of %ontro' th#t one

    +#rti%&'#r m#'e h#d over her) "#s$i# fretted d#r$'y

    5n 'ess th#n fifteen min&tes! time Andre#s (o&'d be +i%$ing her &+ in his 9er%edes for

    the first 'eg of their /o&rney to A+hrodite) the is'#nd Andre#s!s gr#ndf#ther h#d bo&ght for

    his (ife #nd n#med #fter the goddess of 'ove

    !Theirs (#s # 'ove m#t%h b&t one th#t h#d the #++rov#' of both f#mi'ies)! Andre#s h#d to'd"#s$i# (hen he h#d been briefing her #bo&t his b#%$gro&nd

    A 'ove m#t%h0&n'i$e theirbog&s eng#gement J&st being # +#rty to th#t $ind of de%eit)even tho&gh it (#s #g#inst her (i'') m#de "#s$i# fee' &n%omfort#b'e) b&t no(here ne#r #s

    &n%omfort#b'e #s she h#d fe't (hen she h#d h#d to te'e+hone her gr#ndmother #nd 'ie toher) s#ying th#t she (#s going #(#y on b&siness

    Andre#s h#d tried to insist th#t she inform her gr#ndmother of their eng#gement) b&t

    "#s$i# h#d ref&sed

    !Youm#y be h#++y to 'ie to yo&r f#mi'y #bo&t o&r s&++osed 6re'#tionshi+6)! she h#d to'dhim (ith # 'oo$ of smo$y-eyed des+#ir !4&t 5 can't'ie to my gr#ndmother #bo&t

    something so0! "he h#dn!t been #b'e to go on) &n(i''ing to betr#y herse'f by #dmitting to

    Andre#s th#t her gr#ndmother (o&'d never be'ieve th#t "#s$i# h#d %ommitted herse'f #ndher f&t&re to # m#n (itho&t 'oving him

    On%e the f#''-o&t from the ne(s of her !eng#gement! h#d s&bsided #t (or$) her %o''e#g&es

    h#d tre#ted her (ith both (#ry %#&tion #nd dist#n%e "he (#s no( the boss!s fi#n%e #nd

    #s s&%h no 'onger re#''y !one of them!

    A'' in #'' "#s$i# h#d s+ent the (ee$ fee'ing in%re#sing'y iso'#ted #nd frightened) b&t she(#s too +ro&d to s#y #nything to #nyone1# h#ng-&+) she s&s+e%ted) from the d#ys of her

    %hi'dhood) (hen the f#%t th#t her +#rents! story (#s so (ide'y $no(n) %o&+'ed (ith the

    (#y she h#d been d&m+ed on her gr#ndmother) h#d m#de her fee' different) dist#n%ed

    from her s%hoo'm#tes) (ho h#d #'' seemed to h#ve +ro+er m&mmies #nd d#ddies

    Not th#t #nyone %o&'d h#ve 'oved her more th#n her gr#ndmother h#d done) #s "#s$i#

    (#s the first to #%$no('edge no( Her home b#%$gro&nd h#d in re#'ity been /&st #s

    'oving #nd st#b'e) if not more so) th#n th#t of the m#/ority of her +eers

    "he g#ve # sm#'' s&rre+titio&s 'oo$ #t her (#t%h ess th#n five min&tes to go Her he#rtth&m+ed he#vi'y Her +#%$ed s&it%#se (#s re#dy #nd (#iting in the h#'' "he h#d

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    #gonised over (h#t she o&ght to t#$e #nd in the end h#d %om+romised (ith # mi*t&re of

    the s&mmer ho'id#y %'othes she h#d bo&ght three ye#rs +revio&s'y) (hen she #nd 9eg#n

    h#d gone to Port&g#' together) +'&s some of her 'ight(eight offi%e

    "he h#dn!t seen Andre#s sin%e he h#d t#$en her o&t for '&n%h1not th#t she h#d minded

    thatNo indeed. He h#d been #ttending # gr&e'ing s%hed&'e of b&siness meetings-de#'ing)if the tri%$'es of gossi+ th#t h#d fi'tered thro&gh the gr#+evine (ere #nything to go by)

    heroi%#''y) (ith the +rob'ems +osed b'ithe %h#''enging sittion the hote's h#d f#''en into+rior to the t#$eover

    !He!s visited every sing'e one of o&r hote's)! "#s$i# h#d he#rd from one #dmiring so&r%e

    !And he!s been thro&gh every sing'e #s+e%t of the (#y they!re being r&n1#nd g&ess(h#t8!

    "#s$i#) (ho h#d been on the edge of the gro&+ (ho!d been 'istening e#ger'y to this story)

    h#d s(#''o(ed &n%omfort#b'y) e*+e%ting to he#r th#t Andre#s h#d instit&ted #

    +rogr#mme of m#ss s#%$ings in order to h#'t the f'ood of &n+rofit#b'e e*+enses) b&t toher #stonishment inste#d she h#d he#rd) !He!s to'd everyone th#t their /ob is s#fe) +rovided

    they %#n meet the t#rgets he!s going to be setting Every(here he!s been he!s given the

    st#ff # +e+ t#'$) to'd them ho( m&%h he v#'&es the #%2&isition his gro&+ h#s m#de #nd

    ho( he +erson#''y is going to be he'd res+onsib'e by the bo#rd of dire%tors if he %#n!t t&rnit into # +rofit-m#$ing #sset!

    The gossi+ (#s th#t Andre#s h#d # (#y (ith him th#t h#d his ne( em+'oyees not on'y

    s(e#ring #''egi#n%e b&t #++#rent'y +r#ising him to the s$ies #s (e''

    7e'') they obvio&s'y h#dn!t (itnessed the side to his %h#r#%ter she h#d done) (#s #'' th#t

    "#s$i# h#d been #b'e to thin$ #s she 'istened # 'itt'e bitter'y to everyone!s #'most e&+hori%+r#ise of him

    5t (#s ten-thirty no() #nd he (#sn!t0 "#s$i# tensed #s she s&dden'y s#( the '#rge

    9er%edes +&''ing &+ o&tside her gr#ndmother!s ho&se Right on time. 4&t of %o&rseAndre#s (o&'d not (#ste # +re%io&s se%ond of his time &n'ess he h#d to) es+e%i#''y not on


    4y the time he h#d re#%hed the front door she h#d o+ened it #nd (#s st#nding (#iting for

    him) her s&it%#se in one h#nd #nd her door $ey in the other

    !7h#t!s th#t8!

    "he %o&'d see the (#y he (#s fro(ning #s he 'oo$ed do(n #t her ine*+ensive %#se #nd

    immedi#te'y +ride f'#red thro&gh her sh#r+ening her o(n voi%e #s she #ns(ered him (ith

    # %&rt) !9y s&it%#se!

    !3ive it to me)! he instr&%ted her brief'y

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    !5 %#n %#rry it myse'f)! "#s$i# informed him gritti'y

    5!m s&re yo& %#n)! Andre#s #greed) e2''y grim'y !4&t0!

    !4&t (h#t8! "#s$i# %h#''enged him #ngri'y !4&t 3ree$ men do not #''o( (omen to %#rry

    their o(n '&gg#ge nor to be inde+endent from them in #ny (#y8!

    "#s$i# %o&'d see from the (#y Andre#s!s mo&th tightened th#t he did not 'i$e (h#t she

    h#d s#id For some +erverse re#son she fe't driven to %h#''enge him) even tho&gh # +#rt of

    her shr#n$ from the storm sign#'s she %o&'d see f'#shing in his eyes

    5!m #fr#id in this inst#n%e yo& sho&'d +erh#+s b'#me my Eng'ish f#ther r#ther th#n my3ree$ mother)! he to'd her i%i'y !The Eng'ish +&b'i% s%hoo' he insisted 5 (#s sent to

    be'ieved in (h#t is no( %onsidered to be #n o&td#ted %ode of good m#nners for its

    +&+i's! He g#ve her # thin) &nfriend'y 'oo$ !One (ord of (#rning to yo& 9y gr#ndf#ther

    is in%'ined to be o'd-f#shioned #bo&t s&%h things He (i'' not &nderst#nd yo&r modern

    insisten%e on +o'iti%#''y %orre%t beh#vio&r) #nd (hi'st yo& #re on the is'#nd0!

    !5 h#ve to do #syoute'' me)! "#s$i# finished bitter'y for him

    5f this (#s # t#ste of (h#t the ne*t fe( (ee$s (ere going to be 'i$e she didn!t $no( ho(

    she (#s going to s&rvive them "ti'') #t 'e#st there (o&'d be one benefit of then- obvio&shosti'ity to one #nother No one (ho (o&'d be observing them together (o&'d be

    s&r+rised (hen they de%ided to end their !eng#gement!

    !O&r f'ight 'e#ves He#thro( #t nine tomorro( morning) so (e (i'' need to 'e#ve the

    #+#rtment e#r'y)! Andre#s informed "#s$i# on%e they (ere in the %#r

    !Theapartment!'"#s$i# 2&estioned him (#ri'y immedi#te'y

    !:es)! Andre#s %onfirmed !5 h#ve #n #+#rtment in ondon 7e sh#'' be st#ying there

    tonight This #fternoon (e sh#'' s+end sho++ing!

    !"ho++ing8! "#s$i# beg#n to interr&+t) b&t Andre#s overr&'ed her

    !:es) sho++ing)! he to'd her %#&tio&s'y !:o& (i'' need #n eng#gement ring) #nd0! He+#&sed #nd g#ve her # brief s$imming 'oo$ of #ssessment #nd dismiss#' th#t m#de her

    it%h to dem#nd th#t he sto+ the %#r immedi#te'y Oh) ho( she (o&'d 'ove to be #b'e to te''

    him th#t she h#d %h#nged her mind0th#t there (#s no (#y she (#s going to give in tohis b'#%$m#i' 4&t she $ne( there (#s no (#y she %o&'d

    !:o& (i'' need more s&it#b'e %'othes!

    !5f yo& me#n ho'id#y %'othes)! "#s$i# beg#n) !they #re in my %#se) #nd0!

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    !No) 5 do not me#n 6ho'id#y6 %'othes! Andre#s sto++ed her grim'y !5 #m #n inde+endent'y

    (e#'thy m#n) "#s$i#; yo& don!t need me to te'' yo& th#t :o&r de+#rtment!s investig#tions

    +rior to o&r t#$eover m&st h#ve informed yo& to the ne#rest h&ndred tho&s#nd +o&nds(h#t my #sset v#'&e is 9y gr#ndf#ther is # mi''ion#ire m#ny times over) #nd my mother

    #nd my sisters #re &sed to b&ying their domes from the (or'd!s to+ designers) even

    tho&gh none of them #re (h#t %o&'d be %onsidered to be f#shion vi%tims or sho+#ho'i%sN#t&r#''y) #s my fi#n%ee0!

    7itho&t #''o(ing him to finish "#s$i# too$ # dee+) #ngry bre#th #nd to'd him

    d#ngero&s'y) !5f yo& thin$ th#t 5 #m going to 'etyoub&y my %'othes0!

    7ith on'y the briefest of +#&ses Andre#s too$ %ontro' of the sittion from her by #s$ingsmooth'y) !7hy not8 After #'') yo& (ere +re+#red to 'et me b&y yo&r %ody 9e or indeed

    #ny other m#n (ho (#s +re+#red to +#y for it!

    !No. Th#t!s not tr&e)! "#s$i# denied (ith # sho%$ed g#s+

    !Very good)! Andre#s mo%$ed her !4&t yo& %#n s#ve the s+e%i#' effe%ts for my f#mi'y 5

    $no( e"actly(h#t yo& #re1remember Thin$ of these %'othes #s # +er$ of yo&r /ob! Heg#ve her # thin) &n$ind smi'e !Ho(ever) h#ving s#id th#t) 5 h#ve to #dd th#t 5 sh#'' (#nt

    to vet (h#tever yo& (ish to +&r%h#se The im#ge 5 (#nt yo& to %onvey to my f#mi'y #s

    my fi#n%ee is one of e'eg#n%e #nd good t#ste!

    !7h#t #re yo& trying to s&ggest8! "#s$i# hissed f&rio&s'y #t him !Th#t 'eft to my o(ndevi%es 5 might %hose something more s&ited to #08! "he sto++ed) &n#b'e to bring

    herse'f to voi%e the (ords b&rning # +#inf&' br#nd in her tho&ghts

    To her bem&sement) inste#d of s#ying them for her Andre#s s#id %oo''y) !:o& #reobvio&s'y not &sed to b&ying e*+ensive %'othes #nd there is no (#y 5 (#nt yo& ind&'gingin some $ind of idioti% &nne%ess#ry e%onomy (hi%h (o&'d neg#te the (ho'e +&r+ose of

    the e*er%ise 5 don!t (#nt yo& b&ying %'othes more s&it#b'e for # yo&ng (om#n on #

    modest s#'#ry th#n the fi#n%ee of #n e*treme'y (e#'thy m#n)! he informed her b'&nt'y) in%#se she h#d not &nderstood him the first time

    For on%e "#s$i# %o&'d thin$ of nothing to s#y) b&t inside she (#s # b&nd'e of f&ry #nd

    sh#me There (#s no (#y she %o&'d sto+ Andre#s from %#rrying o&t his +'#ns) she $ne(

    th#t) b&t she f&''y intended to $ee+ # ment#' re%ord of everything he s+ent iso th#t&'tim#te'y she %o&'d re+#y him) even if doing so tot#''y de+'eted the sm#'' nest egg she

    h#d been %#ref&''y s#ving

    !No more ob/e%tions8! Andre#s en2&ired smooth'y !3ood) be%#&se 5 +romise yo&) "#s$i#)

    5 me#n to h#ve my (#y1even if th#t ent#i's dressing yo& #nd &ndressing yo& myse'f toget it 9#$e no mist#$e) (hen (e #rrive on A+hrodite yo& (i'' be #rriving #s my fi#n%ee!

    As he drove do(n the s'i+(#y onto the motor(#y #nd the +o(erf&' %#r +i%$ed &+ s+eed

    "#s$i# de%ided di+'om#ti%#''y th#t 2rre''ing (ith him (hi'st he (#s driving #t s&%h #

  • 8/13/2019 Demetrios Virgin


    s+eed (o&'d be very foo'ish indeed 5t (#s over h#'f #n ho&r '#ter before she re%ognised

    th#t) in her #n*iety to re/e%t Andre#s!s %'#imed right to de%ide (h#t she sho&'d (e#r) she

    h#d neg'e%ted to de#' (ith the more im+ort#nt iss&e of her dis%omfort #t the ide# ofs+ending the night (ith him

    4&t (h#t did she re#''y h#ve to fe#r8 Cert#in'y not #ny se*' #dv#n%es from Andre#sHe h#d) #fter #'') m#de it sh#ming'y +'#in (h#t he tho&ght of her se*' mor#'s

    "he h#d f#r too m&%h +ride to #dmit to him th#t she fe't d#&nted #nd #++rehensive #t thetho&ght of sh#ring the intim#%y of #n #+#rtment (ith him On the is'#nd it (o&'d be

    different There they (o&'d be (ith his f#mi'y #nd the st#ff (ho r#n the '#rge vi''#

    %om+'e* he s#id his gr#ndf#ther h#d h#d b&i't on it

    No) she (o&'d be (ise to grit her teeth #nd s#y nothing r#ther th#n ris$ e*+osing herse'fto his disbe'ief #nd mo%$ing %ontem+t by e*+ressing her #n*ieties

    As she (#ited for the %h#&ffe&r to 'o#d her '&gg#ge into the boot of her hired 'imo&sine

    Athen# t#++ed one s'ender e*+ensive'y shod foot im+#tient'y

    The moment she h#d he#rd the ne(s th#t Andre#s (#s eng#ged #nd #bo&t to bring hisfi#n%ee to A+hrodite on #n offi%i#' visit to meet his f#mi'y she h#d s+r&ng into #%tion

    Fort&n#te'y #n eng#gement (#s not # m#rri#ge) #nd she %ert#in'y intend