DeLuca New Manager STC Summit 2015 worksheet

Worksheet Becoming New Manager Todd DeLuca @TechCommTodd @STC_Summit #stc15 #stc15leaders

Transcript of DeLuca New Manager STC Summit 2015 worksheet

WorksheetBecoming New Manager

Todd DeLuca

@TechCommTodd@STC_Summit #stc15


New ManagerWorksheet Contents

• Getting Prepared• Taking an Inventory• Charting a Course• Hitting the Road

• Settling In• Is it right for me?• Starting with basics

• Leadership Activities

• New Manager Advice

• Do This

• In Summary

Getting Prepared – Taking an Inventory


Why do you want to be a manager?

What kind of leader are you?

Do you see yourself as more of a supervisor (monitor and report) or manager (direct and make decisions)?

Do you still expect or want to ‘work’ and be a writer?


What’s your motivation?



Respect or authority

What are you looking for?

What are your goals?

Getting Prepared – Taking an Inventory


What are your expectations?

What sort of difference will you make?

Are you prepared to not do your current job?

Do you want to work for the same company/group?

Current Environment

Is your company a good fit?

Do you want to work with the other managers? (join the club)

Do you like working for the company? Enjoy the culture?

Is the company growing?

Is your best opportunity here or elsewhere?

Getting Prepared – Taking an Inventory

What’s my profile?

What are your strengths

Where can you improve?

What experience do you have?

Are you trustworthy?

Are you enthusiastic?

How do I fit?

Are you known?

Are you respected by peers?

How are your people skills?

Do you get along with others?

Are you compatible with company culture?

Getting Prepared – Taking an Inventory

Succession Planning

How prepared are you to move?

Who will do your current job if you’re promoted?

Is there documentation to train others?

Are there any solid candidates to succeed you?

Getting Prepared – Charting a Course

Note Surroundings

What is the next promotion or advancement level?

Do you know the requirements?

How close are you to supervise?

Are there spots or potential openings you can pull into?

Check for Travelers

Who else might compete for the job you want?

Are those candidates in front of or behind you?

How entrenched are the current leaders?

Getting Prepared – Charting a Course

Identify Passengers

Are there coworkers who will support you?

Is there somebody who’s been there?

People who can vouch for you or provide reference?

Identify Navigators

Do you know someone who might be a mentor?

Does somebody you know have an inside track or ear to the ground?

Getting Prepared – Hitting the Road

Talk about Plans

Let people know where you’ve been and where you’re headed

Talk about your experiences and accomplishments

Tell people your aspirations and goals

Share the Road

Offer ideas and solutions to problems (Proactive)

Offer to help and find ways to support others on your team or in organization

Getting Prepared – Hitting the Road

Document Your Position

Write down what you do and how you do it

Prepare to train someone else

Settling In – How is this different?

Responsible for others (work, behavior, and effort)

Evaluated by team performance (not individual work)

Not an individual contributor (most of the time)

Multiple roles (you’re the decision maker)

Follow company policy and implement others’ directives

You are the last word for the team (successes and failures end with you)

Settling In – Starting with the Basics

First Things First (Learn the ropes - research, read, study)

Go Slow (Tread lightly)

Know your responsibilities (Focus on stuff you have to do)

Get to Know Your Team

Engage them and show interest

Ask questions (get suggestions, find motivation, …)

Find Your Style (Be yourself)

Leadership Activities

• Demonstrate capability

• Perform your job (overachieve)

• Volunteer to do more

• Set yourself apart• put in extra effort

• make improvements

• offer helpful ideas

• Act like a leader (be confident)

• Collaborate with others

• Ask for more responsibility

• Put yourself out there

• Make a name for yourself

New Manager Advice

• Start slow and give yourself time

• Work through obstacles

• Let Things Go

• Change Gradually

• Do Less Yourself

• Delegate

• Trust Your Team

Do This

• Document Experiences

(Take Inventory)

• Talk to Others (Share Your Plan)

• Assume Responsibility (Hit the Road)

• Remove Barriers (Manage Obstacles)

• Build Alliances (Gather Support)

• Find a Mentor (Get Guidance)

In Summary

• Everyone’s Path is Different

• Some Routes are Shorter

• Some Trips Take Longer

• Journey is influenced by landscape and conditions

• Some roads are bumpier than others

• Expect detours and unexpected changes

Let’s Connect


[email protected]
