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DELTAS KEY READING1.1 Facts and detailsQuestion 1-2Before television and computers, our most powerful communication tool was language. However, the supremacy of language has been challenged by the introduction of images-powerful, realistic, moving images-into our everyday communication. The advent of television and computing in the twentieth century marked a new period in communication technology, the information Age. The marriage of words and images offered by television, together with the interactive power of the computer, have profoundly affected the nature of our society.In its short life of half a century, the computer has revolutionized the way we communicate. In the workplace, businesses rely on computers for communication and for performing routine tasks such as record keeping, accounting, and inventory. Computing has spawned new forms of media, such as the worldwide network of millions of computers called the internet. By the mid-1990s, the general public was using the Internet for education, entertainment, and business, making it the fastest-growing medium today.Questions 3-4It was not until enterprising sea captains imported exotic animals to sell to traveling showmen that words such as lion or polar bear had much meaning to Americans. In 1789 the first large collection of exotic wild animals was put on permanent exhibit in New York. By the 1830s, most circuses had a collection of animals that generally included elephants, camels, lions, tigers, kangaroos, and apes. These animal shows served as traveling zoos where many Americans saw their first exotic animal. The creatures made such an impression that American English began to acquire new phrases.To monkey around and monkey business are expressions of the early 1800s,and to make a monkey out of someone is from 1899, all being terms based on the increasing number of monkeys seen in circuses and zoos. A large or uncouth man was called a big ape by 1831, and gorilla was used to mean a hairy, tough man by the 1860s and a thug by 1926.Questions 5-7The cells of a plant are organized into three tissue systems: dermal, vascular, and ground tissue. Each tissue system is continuous throughout the plants body. The specific characteristics of each tissue, however, are different in the different organs of the plant.The dermal tissue system is the skin of the plant. The dermal