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Dallas Alumnae Meeting Minutes Page 1 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Dallas Alumnae Chapter Minutes of the June 21, 2014 Chapter Meeting “Uncompromising Commitment to Communities: Service, Leadership, Empowerment” Ritualistic Opening The meeting was called to order in ritualistic form by President Sharon Royal Hunt at 2:10PM at Concord Missionary Baptist Church, 6808 Pastor Bailey Dr., Dallas, Texas. Soror Karla McGary served as Vice President, Soror Vanessa Gray served as Recording Secretary, Soror Demetria Chester served as Chaplain and Soror Thalia Matherson served as Parliamentarian. A quorum was present. Adoption of the Agenda The agenda was adopted as printed. Correction to the announcements on the back of the agenda was noted, the date should indicate July 19 th for the Executive Board Leadership Retreat and Southwest Regional Conference Call Meeting. Approval of Minutes from the May Meeting The minutes from the May 17, 2014 chapter meeting were approved. Officer’s Report President Madame President opened her remarks by welcoming the membership to the meeting. She informed the membership of the restrooms location. She thanked the membership for their hard work and outstanding efforts. She greatly appreciated their efforts for a successful sorority year. She extended an extra special thanks to the Past Presidents, Executive Committee, and Soror Denise Foxx for their support and prayers. She acknowledged Sorors Camille Roberts and Oretta Johnson who were instrumental in obtaining the facility at Concord Missionary Baptist Church. Madame President concluded by presenting the membership with the chapter’s framed photo given by the photographer which will be on the inside front cover of the Southwest Regional Conference journal.

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Dallas Alumnae Meeting Minutes Page 1

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Dallas Alumnae Chapter Minutes of the June 21, 2014 Chapter Meeting

“Uncompromising Commitment to Communities: Service, Leadership, Empowerment”

Ritualistic Opening

The meeting was called to order in ritualistic form by President Sharon Royal Hunt

at 2:10PM at Concord Missionary Baptist Church, 6808 Pastor Bailey Dr., Dallas,

Texas. Soror Karla McGary served as Vice President, Soror Vanessa Gray served

as Recording Secretary, Soror Demetria Chester served as Chaplain and Soror

Thalia Matherson served as Parliamentarian. A quorum was present.

Adoption of the Agenda

The agenda was adopted as printed. Correction to the announcements on the back

of the agenda was noted, the date should indicate July 19th

for the Executive Board

Leadership Retreat and Southwest Regional Conference Call Meeting.

Approval of Minutes from the May Meeting

The minutes from the May 17, 2014 chapter meeting were approved.

Officer’s Report


Madame President opened her remarks by welcoming the membership to the

meeting. She informed the membership of the restroom’s location. She thanked

the membership for their hard work and outstanding efforts. She greatly

appreciated their efforts for a successful sorority year. She extended an extra

special thanks to the Past Presidents, Executive Committee, and Soror Denise Foxx

for their support and prayers. She acknowledged Sorors Camille Roberts and

Oretta Johnson who were instrumental in obtaining the facility at Concord

Missionary Baptist Church.

Madame President concluded by presenting the membership with the chapter’s

framed photo given by the photographer which will be on the inside front cover of

the Southwest Regional Conference journal.

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Soror Karla McGary presented the report. Visiting members were recognized. All

June birthdays were celebrated by serenade.


Soror Carol Crawley presented the Treasurer’s Report for May. A vote card must

be obtained in order to receive a treasurer’s report. The report will be filed for

audit. She reminded members today was the last day to pay dues for the 2014-

2015 sorority year without incurring late and/or reinstatement fees.

Century 9 Special Presentation

The Sorors of Century 9, Etched in Time, Spring 2014 presented a gift to the

chapter, a magnolia tree with cash contributions attached.

Committee Reports (Requiring Action)

Budget and Finance The report was given by Soror Marsha Thornton, Chairperson. The chapter’s

available budget allocations for 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 were presented. The

following recommendations and informational updates were presented:

The 2013-2014 budget be amended by:

- Increasing Arts and Letters by $4,500.00

- Increasing Membership Intake by $300.00

The 2014-2015 budget be amended by:

- Adding Online Payments by $800.00

- Adding Chapter Leadership Retreat expenses in the amount of


- Increasing Youth Groups (Delta Academy, Delta GEMS, and

EMBODI) by $250.00 each and Physical and Mental Health by


- Adding $400.00 to Contingency

The committee expends no more than $600.00 towards the Fiscal

Fitness/Financial Fortitude course to cover lunch and miscellaneous


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The Financial Fortitude/Fiscal Fitness Course has been postponed. Please note the


New Date: October 11, 2014 from 10:00am-2:00pm

Location: Dodd Center

Attendees: Dallas Alumnae Chapter Members Only and will be limited to

the 125 attendees.

Cost: The Course is free to members.

Sign-up: RSVP will be required for attendance to

[email protected] (subject: Financial Fortitude)

Soror Thornton moved for the adoption of the recommendations; Motion carried.

Executive Board

The report was given by Soror Vanessa Gray, Assistant Recording Secretary. The

following recommendations were approved from the June 17th Executive Board


To participate in the DFW Joint Founders Day celebration in 2015

with the 8 local Delta chapters. Seed money will be required once the

number of participating chapters is determined. Soror Cynthia Fuller

moved for the chapter to participate in the DFW Founders Day in

2015 with seed money not to exceed $1,000.00. The motion was

seconded; motion carried.

To ear mark in the budget an amount not to exceed $250.00 to co-host

a reception with the 8 local Delta chapters during the Omega Psi Phi

Fraternity District (i.e. Regional) meeting to be held in Dallas, Texas.

Funds to come from local community. Soror Karla McGary moved

for the chapter to budget an amount not to exceed $250.00 for the

reception. The motion was seconded; motion carried.

To allocate funds not to exceed $600.00 to conduct a leadership

retreat for the Executive Board July 18th and 19th at the Dodd Center

in preparation for the 2014-2015 sorority year. Soror Bertha Whatley

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moved for the chapter to allocate funds not to exceed $600.00 for the

leadership retreat. The motion was seconded; motion carried.

To ratify the approval by the Executive Committee on 7 June 2014;

Southwest Dallas County Alumnae Chapter 10th Anniversary

Celebration on Saturday, June 28, 2014, 7:00pm at the Hilton Gardens

Hotel in Duncanville, Texas. Subscription $65.00. Souvenir Journal

½ Page Ad $65.00. Soror Vanessa Gray moved to purchase a ticket

for the President or her designee to attend the celebration. Motion

was seconded; motion carried. Soror Kabrina Luckey moved for the

chapter to purchase a ½ page ad for $65.00 for the Souvenir Journal.

Motion was seconded; motion carried. Funds to come from Delta-

related for both.

Soror Gray moved for the adoption of the recommendations; Motion carried.

Internal Audit

The report was presented by the committee’s chair, Soror Cynthia Fuller. The

following audit details and recommendation were presented:

The committee reviewed the financial records of the Dallas Alumnae Chapter for

the period covering the third quarter, January 1through March 31, 2014. The

statistical sampling method was utilized to audit receipts and disbursements were

random sampling. The sampling selection was a minimum of 25% of the

disbursements and 50% of the monthly deposits. Financial records reviewed were

check register, treasurer’s report, bank statements, check vouchers, income

transmittals and receipts. The minutes, approved budget and any signed contracts

during the audit period were also reviewed.

Specific areas audited for compliance were:

Review of Income Transmittals

Timeliness of deposits with 48 hours of receipt

Appropriate approvals and documentation of vouchers

Authorized signatures on checks

Budget allocation

Verification of amounts on bank statements per treasurer’s report and

receipt of income from Financial Secretary

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Verification that dues are transmitted to Grand Chapter within 30 days

of receipt

Verification that policy and procedures were followed

Receipt Findings:

There were 48 deposits per bank statements for this audited period and 30 were

reviewed. All of the deposits were made within the 48-hour timeframe. The

deposits reviewed were compared to the Financial Secretary’s records and the

Treasurer’s report. There were no weaknesses.

Disbursements Findings:

There were 127 disbursements during this period and 70 were reviewed; 10 did not

have the supporting documents.

For audit purposes, the minutes were the transaction was approved or ratified

should be attached to the voucher along with the receipts. Their findings were

discussed with the Financial Team and suggestions were made for improvements.

The committee recommended proceeding with filing the 3rd

quarter Internal Audit

report via the Red Zone.

Soror Fuller moved for the adoption of the recommendation; Motion carried.


The report was given by Soror Leslie Swann, Chairperson. The following

recommendations and informational update were presented:

Partner with Dodd Education and Support, Inc. to host a scholarship pageant

for scholars in the 11th and/or 12th grades on Sunday, May 3, 2015.

Organize the chapter into teams to provide support for participants.

Host a Team Lead 101 training session in August 2014.

Informational: Jabberwock 2014 Financial Summary

o Total Income: $83,590.00

o Expenses: $50,867.65

- Scholarships $38,097.00

- Addl expenses $12,770.65

o Scholarship Fund $32,722.35

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Soror Swann moved for the adoption of the recommendations; Motion carried.

Membership Services The report was given by Soror Doris Zanders. The following recommendation and

informational updates were presented:

To approve the scheduling of an event to celebrate the end of the current

sorority year and to fellowship with the Sorors of Century 9 on July 18th at

the Dodd Center from 7:00pm to 10:00pm with the appropriation of $500.00

for refreshments and security.


In September 2013, the chapter approved the “Chapter Member of the Year”

contest. The purpose of the contest was to award points to chapter members

who participated in service programs, recruited inactive Sorors, and/or

invited Sorors to chapter meetings. The chapter member with the highest

total points would receive $250.00 for their 2014-2015 chapter dues and

have the designation of “Chapter Member of the Year”. The contest began

October 1, 2013 and concluded in May 2014. The tabulation of points

indicates the Chapter Member of the Year for 2013-2014 is Soror Callie

Cantrelle with 775 total points. Soror Cantrelle was recognized with a

certificate and a voucher will be issued to reflect payment of $250.00

towards her 2014-2015 dues. The certificate was also given to Madame

President for Archives for our chapter’s 90th anniversary.

The 2013-2014 Membership Services activities were outlined.

The National Membership Services buttons are available for a cost of $2.00

each. The buttons will be worn during the Southwest Regional Conference.

Soror Zanders moved for the adoption of the recommendation; Motion carried.

Physical and Mental Health

The report was given by Soror Rita Davis, Chairperson. The following

recommendations were presented for the chapter’s participation and support:

Sept 13, 2014 – Sickle Cell Foundation 5K Walk and Family Day

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Place: Bachman Lake Park, 3500 W. Northwest Hwy, Dallas, Texas

Time: 9:00am

Team Captain: Soror Simone Humble


Chapter donation: $350.00; funds to come from Project 13

Sept 13, 2014 – American Heart Association-Heart Walk.

Place: 300 Reunion (base of Reunion Tower), Dallas, Texas

Time: 9:00am

Team Captain: Soror Rosalyn Antione

Chapter donation: $300.00; funds to come from Project 13

Nov 8, 2014 – American Diabetes-Step Out Walk.

Place: Quip Trip Park, 1600 Lone Star Parkway, Grand Prairie, Texas

Time: Registration 8:30am; 5Kwalk/run 10:00am. Breakfast will be

provided by La Madeleine

Team Captain: Soror Sharon Dailey


Chapter donation: $300.00; funds to come from Project 13

Nov 8, 2014 – Sister’s Network Breast Cancer Awareness Walk

Place: To be determined

Team Captain: Soror Ericka Dillard

Chapter donation: $1,000.00

Nov 22, 2014 – St. Jude Children’s Research Walk

Place: Trinity Park, 2400 University Dr., Fort Worth, Texas

Time: 9:00am

Team Captain: Soror Rita Davis

Chapter donation: $1,000.00

Host a “Domestic Violence Awareness Summit” in partnership with Social

Action and Project ACE

Tentative date/time: October 25, 2014 from 9:00am-12:00 Noon

Place: TBD

Budget: $650.00

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Host a Teen Dating Violence/Trafficking/STD Summit in partnership with

Social Action, PPAD, Delta GEMS, and TASPers

Theme: B.R.A.V.E. (Bold, Radiant, Ambitious, Victorious, Empowering)

Date/Time: October 4, 2014 at 9:00am to 12:00 Noon

Location: Dodd Center

Budget: $450.00


The 2013-2014 Physical and Mental Health activities and end of year

financial details were outlined.

Soror Davis moved for the adoption of the recommendations; Motion carried.


The report was given by Soror Tonya Derrick, Chairperson. The following

recommendation and informational update were presented:

The chapter to hold a 2014 Back to School Supply Drive to help children by

providing them with the supplies needed to achieve their daily required

school work. Chapter members are asked to purchase school supplies and/or

uniforms between July – August 2014.


The 2013-2014 I.M.P.A.C.T. Dallas 90 projects and end of year financial

details were outlined. Dallas Alumnae reached its goal of providing 90 days

of service throughout the Dallas community in celebration of our chapter’s

90th anniversary.

Soror Derrick moved for the adoption of the recommendation; Motion carried.

Rules of Order/Policy and Procedures (ROPP)

The report was given by Soror Deirdre Southall, Chairperson. The following

recommendation was presented:

The ROPP committee received the attached recommendations from

members/committee for consideration. After the committee conducted due

diligence, the changes were presented for preview at either the April 19,

2014 or May 17, 2014 sorority meeting for a 30-day or more review period.

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The committee did not receive any amendments or changes to the

recommendations during the review period. The recommendations were

presented for approval separately.

Soror Southall moved for the adoption of each recommendation separately

as follows:

- Item 1, Article IV: Section 1- Eligibility of Officers

Adding E: A member shall hold only one position, either elected or

appointed in the chapter. Motion Carried.

- Item 2, Article IV: Section 5-Regular Meetings

Change meeting time from 10:00am to 1:00pm. Motion failed.

- Item 3, Article III, Section 6-Duties of Appointed Positions

Adding O: Risk Management Coordinator duties. Motion Carried.

- Item 4, Article III: Section 2, E- Financial Secretary, 1st bullet

Motion carried.

- Item 5, Article III: Section 2, F-Financial Secretary, 2nd


Motion carried.

- Item 6, Article III: Section 2, F-Treasurer, insert as new 10th


and push all remaining bullets down. Motion carried.

- Item 7, Article V: Section 3, K- 5th bullet. Motion carried.

- Item 8, Article VI: Section 1, D-On-line Funds Received.

Adding new language. Motion carried.


The report was given by Soror De’Shon Edmond, Chairperson. The following

recommendation was presented:

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Request for $1,500.00 in seed money for Opening Party 2014 with the funds

coming from the Resource Account. The ticket price for the Opening Party

will not exceed $40.00.

Soror Edmond moved for the adoption of the recommendation; Motion carried.


The report was given by Soror Sharon Blackmon. The following

recommendations and calendar for 2014-2015 were presented:

Continue to participate with a collaborative community effort focused on

success for African American males. The program has the same goal as the

EMBODI program and is for 150 students from kindergarten through 5th

grade and includes monthly activities.

Adopt and become sponsors for the 5th grade students who will be 6

th grade

students next year. Continue to work with these students through the time

they complete EMBODI (ages 13-17).

Sponsor one activity with the fraternities for the above mentioned male

program (kindergarten through 5th grade).

Continue the summer reading program for the students who will be in the 6th

grade. The program will connect these young male students to a sponsored

summer reading program. The students will become pre-EMBODI students

joining the group from the previous year.

Calendar for 2014-2015 with description of service/activities.


2014 – 2015

September, 2014 Written communication with the Pre-EMBODI students and

parents relative to the expectations for the program.

October, 2014 The first session for the students will occur. The focus will

be on “WHO AM I: Connecting my Talents and Skills to

My Career Goals.”

November, 2014 Students will not meet as a group; but, will be given an

assignment to complete and return at their December, 2014


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December, 2014 Our History is a Foundation For Our Future: Who Am I:

Kwanzaa Celebration and Connecting Our Culture and

History.” Students will also participate in a service project.

January 2015 Success in an Academic Environment: Test Taking

Strategies That Will Serve Me Well in the Future.

February, 2015

March, 2015

April, 2015

The students will be given an assignment to complete and

invited to participate in a Black History activity occurring

in our area.

Students will participate in a tour of a college campus that

is being organized by another group. At this site review of

their assignment will also occur.

Students will participate in the (Dallas Alumnae Chapter of

Delta Sigma Theta) Teen Hall Conference. We will also

work with organizers of the Teen

Conference to have a track for males that is consistent with EMBODI.

May, 2015 Students will participate in a “Man-Up” Conference

sponsored by the Dallas County Community College

District. Students from other programs will be involved.

Students will also participate in the Completion Activity of

Delta Sigma Theta.

June and July, 2015 Students will be engaged in a Summer Reading program

connected to one of the local libraries. We will have one

session during this time to learn more about what they are

reading. Students will also be asked to write a brief

description of one of the books that they are reading.


The 2013-2014 activities were outlined.

Soror Blackmon moved for the adoption of the recommendations; Motion carried.

Committee Reports (Informational)


The report was given by Soror Felicia Henderson, Chairperson. The following

updates were presented:

Individual Photos:

259 Sorors took individual photos for the directory. The sitting fee covered

the costs for the photographer to take and edit the photos. To purchase the

photos, please visit

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Directory Information:

A draft of the Directory (without photos and front end pages) was uploaded

to the chapter’s website in the Forms section on May 30, 2014. A form for

submitting change was also uploaded. Sorors were asked to review their

information and use the Directory Update form to submit changes. The

deadline for submitting changes was June 20, 2014.

Distribution of Directory:

The 2013-2014 Directory will be distributed in August 2014 at the Opening



The report was given by Soror Deborah Watkins, Chairperson. The following

updates were presented:

As Dallas Alumnae continues to grow in numbers, it is imperative the

chapter reviews and select a voting system that will be streamlined, efficient,

ensures fairness and confidentiality during the voting process and maintains

the security and integrity of the voting process. The Elections committee is

currently reviewing several online systems that will use web enabled devices

as well as an audience response system. The committee plans to bring a

recommendation before the chapter at the October 2014 meeting to use for

the May 2015 election. In addition to reviewing the alternative voting

system, the committee with work with Dodd Education and Support (DES)

to determine if the facility has adequate internet bandwidth to host such a

system. Once a system has been selected, testing will be conducted to

ensure all bugs are determined and addressed and members are comfortable

using prior to the May 2015 election. Members will be given an opportunity

to use the system at least 60 days prior to the election and a mock election

will also be held to test the capacity of the system. If the system selected

requires an increase in the budget of the Elections committee due to required

fees, licenses, or additional equipment, the committee will discuss an

increase with the Budget and Finance committee and include the costs in the

report at the October 2014 meeting.

The financial details for 2013-2014 were outlined.

o 2013-2014 budget: $500.00

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o Total Expenses: $166.92

- Copies for Minerva Circle elections $58.46

- Copies for Special Election for Nominating Committee $108.46

o Ending Balance: $333.08

Social Action

The report was given by Soror Christie Thomas, Chairperson. The activities and

financial details for 2013-2014 were presented:

o 2013-2014 Budget: $3,000.00

o Total expenses: $1,690.02

- Delta Days at National Capitol $1,262.57

- Legal Clinic-Juanita Craft $353.45

- Opening Party $75.00

o Ending balance: $1,309.98

Grants and Resources

The report was given by Soror Kimberly Sims, Chairperson. The following update

was presented:

In order to better search for grants for the chapter, the Grants and Resources

committee will work in conjunction with Dodd Education and Support

Grants committee to reach out to Dallas Alumnae program committee chairs

to perform a needs assessment to determine funding needs and priorities.


National – Thank you card from Soror Beverly Smith, National 1st Vice President.

Regional – None

Local – Thank You cards from Sorors Carol J. McLaurin, Eula Woodberry,

Asianna Evans and the Theta Nu Chapter; Campaign to Elect Soror Eula

Woodberry, Candidate for Southwest Region Member, National Scholarship &

Standards Committee.


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Southwest Regional Conference Reminder: Dallas Alumnae was chosen as

the winner of the Delta VIP. To ensure proper space for the number of

attendees with the National Membership Services committee, please email

Soror Dailey at [email protected] of your attendance. In the subject

field, please indicate SWRC. The deadline is midnight tonight.

The President, Faculty, Graduating Class of 2014 of Louisiana State

University and the E.J. Ourso College of Business announced the graduation

of Chrystal Marshea Cantrelle with a Bachelors of Science in Business and

a minor in Entrepreneurship on Friday, May 16, 2014 at 9:00am in the Pete

Maravich Assembly Center.

Soror Carol Crawley requested to see identified Sorors after the chapter


Ritualistic Closing The meeting was adjourned in ritualistic form at 3:45 PM.

Minutes prepared by Soror Vanessa Gray, Assistant Recording Secretary

Soror Sharon Royal Hunt, President