Deliverable 02

1 INFOSYS.110 BUSINESS SYSTEMS: DELIVERABLE 2: BUSINESS SECTION SUMMER 2014 Name Ellie Cook NetID Ecoo714 Group Number: 038 Website Link: http:// Tutorial Details Tutor: Day: Time: Claris Chung Monday 12pm Time Spent on Assignment: 8 hours Word Count: 1421


In depth analysis of the industry, systems, functionalities and process's of SurDive SCUBA Safety Technology and it's innovative product, the GPS bracelet for deep sea diving.

Transcript of Deliverable 02


NameEllie Cook


Group Number:038

Website Link:

Tutorial DetailsTutor:Day:Time:

Claris ChungMonday12pm

Time Spent on Assignment:8 hoursWord Count:1421


SurDive SCUBA Saftey TechnologyINTRODUCTIONSCUBA diving is the sport of underwater diving using self-contained breathing apparatus for the exploration of the mysterious and expansive underworld that is the ocean. An incredible experience for divers yet a highly dangerous one. Lack of communication with the diver and dive boat has seen the safety of the divers around the world compromised as once they are underwater, they are essentially alone (Scuba Diving, 2013).With over1.2 million participants (How Many People Scuba Dive? 2007), diving is such popular a sport that its risks deserve our attention.To target this communication issue, SurDive SCUBA

3. BUSINESS SECTION 3.1 Vision From Tutorial 4Vision statement for your business

3.2 Industry Analysis: SCUBA Diving Saftey Equipment IndustryIndustry: An appropriate industry name which your business will be part of. Please avoid really generic industry names for example, electronics industry, apps industry. An easy way to identify the industry is by identifying your potential competitors. References for Justification is not compulsory though its better to do so to gain more marks (look at marking rubric) and to fulfill the References criteria for the Overall Impression Section (at least 5 quality references to avoid marks penalty). REMEMBER TO ANALYSE THE FORCES FROM THE INDUSTRYS PERSPECTIVE!!!


Buyer power:HighWHY (Author, 2010)

Supplier power:LowWHY (Author, 2010)

Threat of new entrants:HighWHY (Author, 2010)

Threat of substitutes:HighWHY (Author, 2010).

Rivalry among existing competitors:HighWHY (Author, 2010).

Overall attractiveness of the industry: A summary of the industry structure analysis; whether to enter into the industry or not; justify why e.g. profitable, business will be sustainable, OR its not favourable because competition is high already and business strategy is lacking in competitive advantage.

3.3 Customers and Their Needs Who are your customers What are their needs? In terms of what will your product/services provide / give them Reference

3.4 The Product and ServiceHow product or service offered satisfies the needs of your customers emphasize on the products/services functionalities

3.5 Suppliers and Partners Who are your suppliers (with specific examples)? What do they supply you with? Who are your partners (with specific examples)? Why do you partner with them?

3.6 Strategy: Cost leadership OR Differentiation OR Focused Low Cost OR Focused High Cost Justification 1: Competitive scope: Whether your business is targeting broad or narrow market. WHY? Justification 2: Cost Strategy: The price strategy of your business..whether its going to be high or low. WHYThe overall strategy you picked for your business: Cost leadership OR Differentiation OR Focused Low Cost OR Focused High Cost

3.7 Value Chain Activity: Bavarian Bergkase Fromage QuesoFrom Tutorial 6ONE key value chain activity identified and described according to businesss strategy and vision.

3.8 Business ProcessesMicrosoft VisioTo retrieve Visio: Start > All Programs > INFOSYS.110 > VisioTo retrieve snipping tool: Start > All Programs > Accessories > Snipping Tool3.8.1. bUSINESS PROCESS 1 (E.g. Managing customer complaints) : explain your business process clearly and its importance/linking to VCA and business vision/strategyREPLACE WITH BUSINESS PROCESS 1 MODEL (Use snipping tool or Crtl +PrtScn)

3.8.2. Cheeseburger hard cheese process - explain your business process clearly and its importance/linking to VCA and business vision/strategyREPLACE WITH BUSINESS PROCESS 2 MODEL

Illustrate at least ONE department and ONE system

3.9 Functionalities From Tutorial 7 (Realising the System: Systems) List out 2 most relevant/main functionalities for the business process3.9.1. BUSINESS PROCESS 1 (e.g. Managing Customer complaints) Record missing, wrong, damanged or lost incident Modify incident 3.9.2. BUSINESS PROCESS 2 Functionality 1 Functionality 2

3.10 Systems

3.10.1. Specific information systems 1: (E.g. Customer complaints system) Explain convincingly + insightfully shows how system incorporates the functionalities (1 or more) listed above (also link explanation in supporting the vision of the organisation) 3.10.2. specific information systems 2:3.10.3. specific information systems 3: Please do not list out generic system names e.g. Database Management System, Supply Chain Management, Transaction Processing Systems and so on. Do use the hint and triangle examplar from Tutorial 6 slides.


3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain ActivityProcessesFunctionalitiesSpecific Information System(s)Broad Information System(s)

E.g. Service After Sales1. E.g. Managing Customer complaints

1. E.g. Record missing, wrong, damanged or lost incident

2. E.g. Modify incidentE.g. Customer complaints systemE.g. TPS

2. Cheeseburger hard cheese process 1. Squirty cheese hard cheese dolcelatte rubber cheese melted cheese.

2. Rubber cheese taleggio squirty cheese swiss pepper jack dolcelatte.Cottage cheese system

Edam cheese systemTransaction processing cheese system

Customer relationship management cheese system




For APA referencing, refer to Do paste your reference list from D1 here as well

1. Scuba Diving Smiles. How Many People Scuba Dive? (2007, revised 2013). Retrieved from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admisitration. Scuba Diving. (Revised April 16, 2013). Retreived from

Other components under Overall Impression