DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight...


Transcript of DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight...

Page 1: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible



C A L_ I F C:) R N' I A,





BUUUa:HpuKH.i>t TiMBi ymw—Wyma* t Co., l^miMKKtt.

Page 2: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible
Page 3: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible


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Page 5: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible



C A L. I F O R NJ I A,







UvumoLvr Tons Ptatn-'Writhfi k CV,, Vvwbmam.

Page 6: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible
Page 7: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible

To the Pioneers of California, those hardy ad-

venturers, who bravely met untold hardships, cruel

privations, and sometimes even death itself, that

a new Empire might be founded on the Pacific

Coast, this book is respectfully dedicated, by


Page 8: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible
Page 9: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible


It was with many raisgiviugs and doubts of success

that I commenced the preparation of this book.

''What! A history of Del Norte!" exclaimed the

large family of the " oldest inhabitant," " why, what is

there in Del Norte to write about? " Of course, these

people were always ready to tell everybody by word of

mouth all about the past history of Del Norte, so that it

was folly to write it up. And as for the resources, indus-

tries, climate and sceuei'y of the county, they passed by

unnoticed. Whether these truthful story-tellers were

color-blind, or whether, like the man who was viewing

a beautiful landscape, and upon being asked what he saw,

answered: " What do I see? Why, trees!" Whether,

like him, the " oldest inhabitants " saw " trees," and

nothing else, I know not; but certainly the "oldest in-

habitants '' saw nothing of the above, and it was a diffi-

cult task to gather reliable data for this work.

In my search for information I found the Know-Noth-

ings in a very email minority, while the Know-Everj--

things were in such a large majorit}'^ that it was almost

impossible to arrive at the facts in some instances.

However, no pains have been spared to procure the best

and most reliable information possible, and I cheerfully

acknowledge my obligations to Benj. West, Peter Peveler,

Peter Darby, Asa Thompson, W. H. Woodbury, J. K.

Page 10: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible


Johnson, M. G. Tucker, J. L. Lake, F. Knox, D. Haight

and W. A. Hamilton.

If this book shall be the means of awakening the citi-

zens of Del Norte to a knowledge of the inexhaustible

wealth which surrounds them on every side, waiting for

the mighty arm of capital to bring it to light; if it shall

direct the attention of capitalists in a single instance to

the advantages offered for investment in Del JSTorte, then

I will feel that my task has not been in vain, and that I

have received an adequate compensation.

THE AUTHOE,Crescent City, Jan. 1st, 1881.

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Del Norte County,O-^XjII^OI^O^I-i^.




city-smith's RIVER VALLEY-PROM

THE YEAR 1851 TO 1855.

Del Norte, signifying "tho north," is situated in the

north-west corner of California, and is bounded on the

east by Siskiyou county, on the west by the Pacific, on

the north by Curiy and Josephine counties, Oregon, and

on the south by Humboldt and Siskiyou counties, Cali-

fornia; and although far removed from our metropolis,

and lying in a remote part of the State, not easily acces-

sible from the outside world, yet it was one of the first

counties in the State to be settled by the whites.

In the spring of 1851 a party, consisting of Capt. S. E.

Tompkins, Eobt. L. Williams, Capt. McDermott, Charles

Moore, Thos. J. Eoach, Charles Wilson, Charles Southard,

the Swain brothers, Taggart, Geo. Wood, W. T.

Stevens, Wm. Eumley, W. A. J. Moore, Jerry Lane, John

Cox, S S. Whipple, J. W. Burke, James Buck, and several

others started from Trinidad, worked their way up the

Page 12: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible


Klamath river, camping on every bar which showed the

color of the gold they were seeking, and continnally com-

pelled to keep guard against the prowling and treacherous

Indians. Nor was the settlement of the county effected

without loss of life. For while the party were camped,

some on Wingate's Bar and some on Wood-'s Bar, ^^the

two bars near each other,^) about eight miles below the

now town of Happy Camp, three j^oung men, named re-

spectively Barney Ray, Moore, jmd Penny, concluded to

go up the river on a prospecting tour. They went, and

were foully murdered by the Indians, who had all along

made many professions of friendship, and had in fact en-

deavored to induce the party to move further up the

river, sajang that at a distance of less than "one half a

sleep" there were good camping grounds and gold dig-


Immediately after the maesaere, which occurred a few

days after the young men had arrived at their new loca-

tion, several men from Wood's Ear traveled up the river

to a point directly opposite the phice where the young-

men had pitched their tent. They could sec the tent

still standiftg, but being unable to see or hear anything of

the occupants, and seeing numbers of Indians skulking

about the premises, .they surmised that some misfortur.e

had befallen their comrades. Actuated by this belief, they

returned to camp and organized a party of volunteers to

ascertain the fate of their friends. Arriving at the scene

of the massacre, they found that their fears were but too

well founded. The body of one ot the young men, Barney

Ray, was buried on the spot, and another, Penney, mor-

tally wounded, was conveyed down the river on a litter

to Wingate's Bar, where he died a short time after. Thebody of the other, Moore, could not be found at the time,

but several weeks afterwards the remains of a dead body,

supposed to have been his, was found in the river below,

so much decayed as not to be recognizable. But the per

Page 13: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible


petratoi'8 of the deed did not go unpunished. A portion

, of the party, eager to avenge the death of their comrades,,

pursued the Indians, and following their trail, which led

up the river, discovered the Indian village, consisting of a

large number of huts, and indicating the home of a large

band of savages. Satisfied with their discovery, they re-

turned to camp, and the next morning at break of daymade an attack on the Indians. It is needless to say that

bows and arrows were no match for the guns of the

whites, and that the savages, without exception, were

given a free passage and quick dispatch to the HappyHunting Grounds. It is believed that every one of the

murderers met the fate they deserved, and that not one of

them escaped.

Some two or throe weeks alter this tragedy the pariy

of pioneers removed from Wingatc's Ear to the place

afterwards called Happy Camp. And thus, ushered in by

a bloody traged}-, the first sotrlement in Klamath ^nowDel iSorte^ county was made. For although the county

had been visited by prospectors and adventurers previous

to that time, it is undisputed that the Happy Campsettle-

mcnt was made over a 3'ear before Orescent Cit}' was lo-


Happy Camp! A name suggestive of cool shades of

forest trees, sparkling streams from mountain sides: it

l)ring8 with it a breath of the free, bracing air from m in-

tain snows which fanned the cheel<s of the hardy pioTieers

who dared to molest the Indian in his choicest hunting

grounds; it suggests a land teeming with game and fruit,

and all other goodly things bestowed by nature—a land

in which the foot-sore and weary Argonaut might find

rc-st :it last, and end his days in peace and happiness.

But however pleasant and suggestive of peace the name

may be, it is certain that the pioneers of Happy Camp met

with as many difficulties as others of their class. Forced

to keep a wary eye upon the Indians, compelled to pre

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pare for the severe winter in store for them, theirs was no

easy lot; nevertheless, they were one and allimbued with

the energy and perseverance so characteristic of the early

pioneers of California, and they were all disposed to make

light of their hardships. Indeed, the place owes its name

to the fact of a little celebration by the "boys" in honor

of the place in which they had established their future

homes. It appears that on a certain evening the whole

party were assembled together and having a "high old

time.'^ The black bottle from which they refreshed the

inner man was passing freely from hand to hand. Andthrough the exhilerating effects of its contents the com-

pany were beginning to feel in accord with the sjDirit of

the occasion, and disposed to cast dull care avray and en-

joy themselves while yet they might. Presently someone

proposed that the place should have a name, when one of

them, who perhaps was jiarticularly satisfied with their

location, suggested that it be named "llappj' Camp."

Immediately three hearty cheers were given for Hap^jy

Camp, the bottle was passed again, and thus the newmining town received its christening.

A short time after the settlement of Happy Camp, a

settlemeiit was made at the mouth of the Klamath river,

a stream emptyijig into the ocean some twenty miles

south of Crescent Cit3\ The Klamath was visited in 1850

by a schooner on a voyage of exploration, which anchored

off the mouth of the river and sent a small boat with a

crew of fifteen or twenty to make an attempt to cross the

bar. The bar being rough at the time, the boat v.'as

swamped, and all the crew were drowned with the excep-

tion of one man, who was rescued by the Indians. After-

wards, in the year 1851, another schooner arrived and a

settlement was formed. It was supposed that the Klam-

ath river was rich in gold, and the new town soon became

the headquarters of explorers, prospectors, and others.

It was named Klamath City, and it had a rapid growth.

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The frames of houses, ready to be put together on arrival,

were shipped by sail vessels from San Francisco, and it is

said that one iron house was imported and erected in the

town. For what purpose it was intended or used is not

known. As the Indians were living there in great num-

bers, it is sujjposed that the owner intended' to guard

against their attacks by erecting a castle which would be

proof against shot and fire.

As before stated, Klamath City had a rapid growth, and

soon became a j)lace of considerable importance. But its

growth was not more rapid than its decline, and it had

but a brief existence. Prosijcctors at the mouth of the

river did not meet with the success they had anticipated,

and they soon began to seek other mining localities. Ex-

peditions were fitted out to explore the upper Klamath,

which, with the exception of that part near its mouth,

was as great a mystery as the headwaters of the Nile.

In 1852 the iron house was re-shipped to San Francisco,

and a short time afterwards Klamath City belonged to

the list of deserted mining towns.

The California Legislature of 1851-2 provided' for the

organization of Klamath county, and ordered an election

to be held on the second Monday in June, 1851. The Act

was approved on May 28, 1851, and R. A. Parker, W. W,

Hawks, Edward Fletcher, Smith Clark and B. W. Dullitt,

of said county, were appointed and constituted a Board of

Commissioners to designate the election precincts for such

election. The officers were duly elected and the county

government took effect immediately after.

Crescent City was the next place in the county to be

settled by the whites, and it seems somewhat strange that

it should not have been jjei'i^ianently settled before the

year 1852. As early as the spring of 1850 a schooner, the

Paragon, arrived in the harbor, and was wrecked on the

beach below the site of the present town; and in the same

Page 16: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible


year, and also in 1851, parties of prospectors visited the

place, but for some reason made no settlement there.

And like many other tov/ns in California, Crescent Cit}^

owes its origin to that insatiable thirst for gold which act-

uated and controlled the movements of all the early immi-

grants to the shores of the Pacific.

In 1849-50 a story was circulated throughout the Paci-

fic Coast and in many parts of the East, rivaling the

legend of Captain Kidd's hidden treasure, and surpassing

m imaginative qualities any fable of the ''Arabian Nights."

There are many versions of the story, but the one the

writer remembers to have heard is as follows:

In the early days of the mining excitement in California,

a miner, more adventurous than any of his fellows, armed

with his trusty rifie and supplied with necessary mining-

implements, crossed the rugged Coast Range and pros-


pected the gulches and ravines of the foot-hills near the

sea shore. One lucky day he "struck it rich." The rich

earth yielded its yellow treasures in abundance, and the

solitary miner, with no one at first to molest him, erected

a cabin in the wilderness, with the sole thought of amass-

ing a fortune and returning to home and friends in San


And there, in the midst of the "forest primeval," with

the giant trees, "standing like Druids of eld," towering-

above him, the lonely gold-hunter toiled as if for life; and

day after day, for many weary months, added to his store

of wealth, until the time drew near when he could return

to his home with his pockets heavy with hard-earned

gold-dust Bnt the prowling Indian^ ever eager for the

blood of the white man, found his retreat at last, and at-

tacking him with overwhelming numbers, left him sense-

less on the ground, apparently dead. The miner's treas-

ure was too well hidden to be easily found, and failing in

their search for it, the savages set fire to the cabin, burn-

ing it to the ground. After they had left the miner re-

Page 17: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible


covered consciousness, but not his reason—the light of his

mind had gone out, and left a flickering flame of discon-

nected thoughts. Bereft of his reason, he wandered out

of the forest and into the home of civilization. How he

succeeded, in finding his way back to his friends in San[Francisco the legend saith not. But (bo the story goes^

he did succeed in making his way back to his home, and

there, after a short time, died. Before his death his reason

returned to him, and calling his friends around him, he

told them the story of his hidden treasure, describing

minutely the locality of the cabin, and from the account

he gave it was evident that the lost cabin was situated

somewhere on the northern coast of California.

So runs tlxe legend of the lost cabin. And however

improbable the story may appear, it is certain that it was,

in various forms, circulated far and wide, and that manyparties were ut difterent times fitted out to search for the

bonanza. In the spring of 1851 a partj'' under Capt, Mc-Derraott were searching for the lost cabin in the vicinity

of what is now known as French Hill. Ascending to the

top of the hill, they saw before them a broad expanse of

ocean, with here and there an indentation in the coast

line, and at one spot m particular a deep indentation in

the rocky coast caused them to believe that there was to

be found a bay of considerable extent.

Fully convinced of this fact, the party were not long in

circulating the report, and in September, 1852, another

party, consisting of Capt. Bell, Major J. B. Taylor, HenryKennedy, Thomas McGrew, James D. Mace, Eichard

Humphrej^s, Win. Osborn, and a few others started for

the coast in search of the now Crescent City harbor.

They procured the necessary outfit at Althouso creek,

Oregon, and wore vv ell prepared for the then perilous and

fatigueing journey. They were obliged to cut trails for

themselves and nnimals, and met with numerous obstacles

which lequired great perseverance and labor to surmount.

Page 18: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible


At last reaching the coast, they passed through a valley

near the foot-hills, and were surprised to find large herds

of elk feeding quietly by the way, seemingly unmindful

of their presence. For this reason the valley was namedElk valley, which name it bears at the present time.

Arriving at the seashore, the party camped near the

beach, and as winter was approaching, their first thought

was to prepare for it. And as their provisions were be-

coming exhausted, they dispatched a messenger, Eichard

Humphreys, to San Francisco, instructing him to charter

a schooner from that port to Paragon ^now Crt-scent

City; Bay.

While in San Francisco, Eichard Humphreys met J. F.

Wendell, and induced him to organize an exjjedition to

Point St. George. The expedition was soon organized and

equipped, and chartering the schooner Pomona, they set

sail and arrived at Paragon Bay sometime during the fall

of 1852,

jSfothing was done, however, during the year 1852

toward laying out the town of Crescent C'ity, and it was

not until the month of February, 1853, that any move was

made in that direction. During the winter of 1852-3 A.

M. Eosborough purchased a land warrant in J. F. Wen-dell's name for the 320 acres of land on which Crescent

City now stands, and in February, 1853, the land was

surveyed by T. P. Eobinson and divided u^) into town

lots. It has always been supposed that all of the loc^^tors

of Crescent City were equally interested in the purchase

and distribution of these lots; but from the records on file

in the County Clerk's office, it would appear that such

was not the ease. Lots in the new town were transferred

by deed from J. F. Wendell to the following named per-

sons: W. A. Thorp, A. M. Eosborough, G. W. Jordan.

A. K. Ward, E. Humphreys, J. M Peters, J. K. Irving,

J. D. Cook, J. B. Taylor, B. J. Bell, W. S. Watterman, f!

B. Weston, P. C. Brj^ant, M. Martin, M. Smythe, A. <^oyle.

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C. D. Poston, G. A. Guthrie, H. Fellows, T. H. McGrew,D. C. Lewis, H. Kennedy, J. M. Pugh, J. H. Short, T. S.

Pomeroy, J. H. Boddebv, S. T. Watts and H. !3. Fitch;

and it appears from the deeds that all the above named,

except seven, received their lots for a money considera-

tion, ranging from 3100 to 81,000, and that but six of the

party besides J. F. Wendell were originally interested in

any portion of said land. The transfer to W. A. Thorp

was in consideration of having "rendered services in and

about Point St. George," and the following named re-

ceived their deeds in consideration of having " contributed

equally with J. F. Wendell of their money, labor and ma-

terials in fitting out an expedition to Point St, George:"

F. B. Weston, G. W. Jordan, A. K. Ward, E. Hum-phreys, J. M. Peters and J. K. Irving. Therefore, as only

Weston, Jordan, Ward, Humphreys, Peters, Irving and

AVendell had invested their means in the enterprise, these

gentlemen should be looked upon as the founders of Cres-

cent City.

The grant which Wendell had purchased from the State

was, however, afterwards declared to be void, the United

States Government claiming the right to the land, and

those who had invested in town lots were in danger of

losing both their lots and money. An arrangement wasfinally effected hy which the Common Council of Crescent

Cit}' purchased the land from the United States, at $2 50

per acre. The Council then issued certificates of title to

all those who had bought town lots from Wendell, and to

those who were originally interested in the location of the

town. When the town was Iceated it was named Crescent

City, because the bay on which it is situated is in the form

of a serai-circle.

In 1853 many ]3eople were constantly arriving at Cres-

cent City, and the place was rapidly growing from a

small collection of tents to a good-sized town. Amongthe first arrivals were James Brooking, Alexander Coyle,

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Siimuci Watts, M. V. Jones, John White, Peter Peveler,

Daniel Haight, James Haight, Oliver Charter, Benj. West,

E. G. Haj^es, Eay Wallace, J. K. Johnson, John Malone,

J. G. Wall, Peter Darby, Sam, Crandall, Asa Thomj)son,

Major Bradford, H. Davis, E, L. Magruder, W. H. Hamil-

ton, and others.

The first vessel to arrive after the wreck of the Para-

gon in 1850 was the schooner Pomona, which arrived

sometime in the fall of '52. The next vessel to arrive was

the San Francisco, Capt. (JoodAvin, which anchored in

Crescent City harbor on the 6th of May, 1853, having on

board as passengers Messrs. Gilbert, Steel, Hoover, Cran-

dall, Terry, Farrington, Deitrich, Dickson, West, Myers,

and a man called "Dock." Gilbert 6: Farrington, Avho

established the first store here, had on board 40 or 50

tons of assorted merchandise.

The first mercantile firms who opened business at Cres-

cent City were S. H. Grubler, Gilbert & Farrington, Ham-ilton ci, Co,, and a short time afterward Gilkey & Co., G.

W. Jordan, John Y. Valentine, Crowell & Fairfield, J, B.

Rosborough, Messer & Co., J. W. Stateler and J. J. Fried-

man & Co. W. A. Hamilton, who established the third

mercantile house here, ari'ived on the schooner Pomona,in the month of May, a short time after the arrival of the

San Francisco, having with him a large stock of general

merchandise. On board the schooner was a lighter, ca-

pable of carrying 4 or 5 tons, which had been broughtfrom San Francisco for the express purpose of landing the

schooner's cargo. The goods were loaded on the lighter,

and it being run as far up on the beach as possible, theywere packed through the surf to the shore. The supplies

at Althouse and other places had almost given out, and a

large crowd had assembled on the beach ready to bu_y the

goods as they were landed from the lighter. Before sun-

set on the same day they were landed from the schooner,

$1,500 worth of goods were sold without removing them

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smith's river valley. 17

from the beach. This was doing a rushing business on

very short notice.

F. E. Weston, who it has been said was one of the

party to found Crescent City, had no individual interest

in the expedition, but represented E. F. Knox & Co., of

San Francisco, who sent Weston to represent and take

charge of their interests. The}^ bought and shipped in his

charge on the Pomona a small saw-mill, which he immedi-

ately erected near what is now the corner of C and Third

streets. That mill made the lumber of which the first

houses in Crescent City were constructed. A year or two

later they built a larger saw-mill near the corner of GandSeventh streets, and in 1856 they added a grist mill. The

first sack of flour ever ground in this county was turned

out of the Crescent City Mills in October, 1856. In 1857

Mr,. Weston left and S. G. Kingsland took his place in

charge of the property and business. In 1860 these mills

were burned down, v\'ith all the surrounding improve-

ments with the exception of the house now occupied by

Judge Hamilton, and a large amount of lumber and grain

was consumed at the same time.

Among the arrivals at Crescent City during the month

of April, 1853, were James Haight, D. Haight, H. Davis,

Domiuee, and one or two others who in the month

of August of the same year made the first settlement in

Smith's liiver Valley, locating on the north side of Eowdy

Creek. They found the country covered with high fern

or brake, ten feet high in places. Plenty of game could

be found throughout the valley, there being large numbers

of elk, deer, bear, wild geese, ducks, pheasants, etc. The

elk, especially, were to be found in large numbers, and

for a long time furnished the settlers with the most deli-

cious meat.

The south side of Rowdy Creek was soon after settled

by II. W. Jones, the Wallace brothers, John Loverton,

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and others, and both sides were constantly receiving ac-

cessions to their population.

PiUDning through the valley is Smith's River, from

vrhieh the valley received its name. Much speculation

has been given to the subject of how the river first

received its name, and no definite conclusion has ever

been arrived at as to how or when it was named. It is

certain that as far back as the earliest settlement of the

northern country it was known by its present name.

The most generally accepted account of its origin is,

that sometime in 18.38 or 1839 a company of men in the

employ of the Hudson Bay Company traveled down the

coast from the Columbia river, and camping on the banks

of the river which now bears ihe Captain's name, were

murdered by the Indians. At the present time there are

no records, or persons living to substantiate the above ac-

count, and besides it is evident that it has no foundation

in truth. The river undoubtedh' owes its name to the

io-norance of the earlv explorers and traders in regard to

the topography of the northern coast.

In 1842 Fremont camped on the shore of Klamath Lake,

Oregon, and in his account of his second voyage of explo-

ration he remarks that he was forced to take extra pre-

cautions to guard against the Indians, and saj's, -''I was

not unmindful of the fate of Captain Smith and party."

From this it would seem certain that a man named Smith

was murdered by the Indians, and it is equally certain

that his name was given to another river, which empties

into Rogue river, in Oregon.

In the time of Fremont's voyage, and long after, a river

in Oregon,now known as Illinois river, was called Smith's

river; and it was supposed to empty into the ocean some-

where near the mouth of the present Smith's river. It

was natural, therefore, that those who crossed the moun-

tains and traveled down this river to the coast should call

the stream Smithes river, believing, as they did, that the

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two rivers were one and the same. In the course of time,

when the country became better known, the true Smith's

river received the new name of Illinois, while the Del

JSTorte river retained the former name and has kept it ever


The first white child ever born in Del Norte county

was born in Crescent City to the wife of Mr. Frame, on

the 28th day of August, i85o, and was christened "MaryFrame"The town of Crescent City was rapidly improving, the

population of the county was steadily increasing, and bus-

iness houses and dwellings wei'c being erected on every


And about this time the influence of the white settle-

ment was being felt by the Indians; they were being-

pushed to the wall by the march of civilization. In the

spring of 1853 a man called California Jack, accompanied

by several others, started from Crescent City on a pros-

pcctiiig tour, intonding to visit some place near Smith's

river. A short time afterwards an Iiidiar, was seen, in

town cari'ying a revolver with the name, ' California

.T:iek,' engraved upon it. Surmising that the prospectors

had been niiiidered by the Indians, a party of eitizeris

attacked the Indians on Batteiy Point, near town, killing

the one who had the pistol and sever.J others. A com-

pany was inimc-iiately organized to search for the sup

posed murdered men. The camp of the prospectors on

the banks of Smith's I'iver was easily found, and further

search resulted in the discovery of the bodies of the men,

all bearing marks of violence by the Indians.

After the punishment of the Indians at Battery Point,

'a large number of the survivors removed to a ran.cheria

near the mouth of Smith's river, knoAvn as the Yontoeket

ranch. But the feeling in Crescent City against them was

too intense to subside without a further punishment being

adniinistereti. A company was formed, and procuring a

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guide who had some knowledge of the country, they Avith

difficulty made their way through the forests^and arriving

at a point near the ranch, prepared for the attack on the

Indians. Of the manner in which the attack was made,

no authentic information can now be obtained. It is well

known, however, that the fight ended in a disastrous

defeat to the savages, a large number being killed, while

the whites escaped with little or no loss.

Other murders were committed in the same year by the

Indians, the accounts of which are meager and not thor-

oughly reliable. One account says that in the neighbor-

hood of what is now known as Shannon's creek, a few

miles north of Smith's river, three men who were travel-

ing down the coast were attacked and murdered by the

Indians, their bodies being hidden in a cave in the rocks,

and afterwards found. Other difficulties between the

whites and Indians occurred at intervals, the adventurous

spirit of the whites and the reluctance of the Indians to

give up their lands to them, causing the breach to grow

wider and wider, until it threateiied to involve the county

in a general Indian war

The summer of 1853 ])assed quietly away, with but little

excitement, except an occasional murder by the Indians,

and the patriotic celebration of the Fourth of July, the

first celebration of the day we honor ever held in Crescent

City. During the fall the steamer Columbia made regular

trips from San Francisco to Crescent City, heavily laden

with freight and passengers. A number of sailing vessels

were also making regular trijjs, carrying freight and pas-


It was during the spring and summer of '54 that the

most remarkable improvements were made in Crescent

City. Money was plentiful, wages were high and laborers

in demand, the mines were beginning to attract attention,

and everything indicated that a lively city would be built

up in this remote corner of California.

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MINING IN '5-i. 21

The year 1854, esj^ecially, opened most auspiciously for

Crescent Citj'. Nor was the rest of the county behind.

The whole county was becon:iiiig settled with peojDle from

all parts of the Union, and from nearly every part of the

civilized world.

On the 10th of Ju]ie that necessity of all civilized com-

munities, a local newspaper, was established, with Messrs.

B. F. Feehtig and W. B. Freaner as publishers. It wascalled the Crescent City Herald, was a live-column paper,

published all at home, and ably edited.

The mail service at that time lacked much of being

what it is to-day. An acconimodation mail was carried

by the steamers, and during the summer was received

rcguhirly once in two weeks. When vrintor came, hoAv-

ever, it was a fortunate cii-cumstance if a mail was received

once a month. Crescent Cit}^ had perhaps better mail

facilities than other parts of the county, and Smitli's

Kiver Yalloy, especially, was fortunate indeed if it re-

ceived a mail once a month.

As before remarked, the town and county were rapidly

improving. Large numbers of people were attracted

hither by the mineral and agricultural resources wliicli

were known to exiet iii the immediate vicinity r)f Crescent

Cit3^ The mining region lying back of the town was

thought to be among the best and richest in the State.

And although the expectations of the miners in regard to

the la.sting qualities of the placer mines were not fully

realized, yet the mines ''panned out" exceediiigl}' well,

and the deposits were sufficiently abundant to cause a

considerable excitement in regard to them. ''J'he miners

on Myrtle creek, twelve miles from town, were doing

exceedingly vvell. The general average was from five to

fifteen dollars per day to the hand, and in the month of

June one man took out, in two hours, four hundred dol-

lars. New diggings were discovered on the South Fork

of Smith's river, and in other parts of the count3^ The

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miners on Smith's river were making from ten to twenty-

five dollars per day to the hand, while laborers vv^ere mak-

ing from one hundred to one hundred and fifty dollars per

month. New diggings were discovered on Indian creek,

near Happy Camp, which proved to be very rich. Theyprospecte'l from 81 to S3 to the pan. Laborers on Indian

creek were getting SlOO per month and found. On the

Klamath river miners were meeting with extraordinary

success. jSTew and rich diggings were daily being dis-

covered, and the mines yielded from S20 to 840 per day to

the hand. At Happy Camp, several large ditches were

constructed, thus commencing the extensive system of

ditches and flumes that now furnish water to nearly all

the bars in' the vicinity Gold was also discovered on the

middle fork of Indian creek, a tributary of the Klamath,

and a lively mining camp was soon established there.

Some twenty Itouscs were erected ami about eighty miners

were at work, making from §9 to -315 per day to the hand-

Twelve miles from the aljove name;! diggings, situated

on the Klamath at the mouth o'c Indian creek, ^vel*e the

Happy Camp diggings. At that time the village ( f HappyCamp consisted of six or eight houses, the placers lying

scattered in the neighborhood. About sixty miiiors Avere

working here, averaging from 85 to SI 2 per day to the

hand. A short distance below Happj^ Camp, on Elk creek,

a stream runniiig from the south iiito the Klamath river,

new diggings were struck, yielding from SIO to 815 per

dsLy to the hand. On the 4th of November new diggings

were discovered on a creek running from the re:lwood

ridge and emptying into Smith's river near the ferry then

owned by White & ililler, now known as Pe tcock's ferry.

The mines were about six miles from Crescent City. Dlrr

paying from three to five cents per pan was foujid in large

quantities, and some claims were worked which panned

out from ten to twenty cents to the pan.

Nor were prospectors for the golden treasure content

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to confine their operations to the mountains, gulches andravines—they even staked off the beach in front of Cres-

cent City into mining claims. But eventually it wasascertained that the sand was not of sufficient value to

repay the expense of working the same, and the (daims

were abandoned to the winter revels of old Neptune, whogave his first notice '' to quit " by the loud blast of a " sou-


And the agricultural interests of the county were not

neglected. During the spring and summer of '54 nearly

seventy-five farmers located in various parts of the county,

and raj)idly brought into cultivation much of fertile land.

The first crops raised in the county were raised in Smith's

Elver Valley by liay Wallace aud T. Crook, and were

harvested in the above named year. The seed was mostly

obtained from Oregon, being brought across the mountains

by pack trains. Vegetables in large quantitits were also

raised, and daily and weekly supplies were received at

Crescent City from the surrounding countrj^. In addition

to cultivating the land already cleared, the farmers were

also busily engaged in clearing more land, building houses

and fences, setting out fruit trees, etc.

But however raj)id was the development of the mining

and agricultural resources of the countj', they couLl not

keep pace with the extraordinary growth and improve-

ment of Crescent City, In the spring of '53 there was

bui one house standing on the present site of ('rescent

City, In the spring of '54 ihe town contained nearly

three hundred houses, with a p >pulation of between eight

hundred and a thousand inhabitants. Like the mining-

towns in the good ohl days of '49 and '50, it had sprung

up as if bj' magic, and deni'>nstrated the fact that '' a citj-

may be born in a day."

And in accord with tlie marvelous growth of the town,

was the extraordinary and far-reaching enterpinse of its

citizens. Every day some new project for the improve-

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ment of the place was set on foot and energetically carried

forward to completion. Hotels and business houses were

constantly being opened to the public, the town was rap-

idly encroaching upon the adjacent forests, and buildings

were even erected on the beach; secret societies

and orders were formed, and a fire department was

organized; saloons and billiard halls flourished in close

proximity to the only house of God the place supported;

in fact, it soon became the type of a California mining

town. The streets were filled with people and presented

a busy scene --the miner from the mountains jostled the

farmer from the valley; the merchant and the trader vied

with each other in the use of the cunning arguments of

trade; speculators in town lots talked loudly to new-

comers of the advantages of this, -'the garden spot of

God's green earth, God bless you, sir;'^ young men from

the States, eager to join the great army who were search-

ing for gold, bartered for animals and outfits; pack trains

just in from across the mountains, passed other 'trains

preparing to start on their trip across the Siskiyoiis,

heavily laden with merchandise and mining implements.

Several express companies were doing a rushing busi

ness, including Leland & McCombe's express (^connecting

at San Francisco with Wells, Fargo &. Co.J and Adams &Co., who also had connections in San Francisco.

Crescent City was becoming the center of a large and

increasing trade, and her merchants soon began to agitate

the question of building a wagon road to Illinois valley,

0, T. Good roads are a prime necessity of civilization,

and realizing trds fact, the people of Crescent City held a

public meeting on the 10th of June, 1854, to devise meansto build the road, having previously' subscribed ^6,000

toward the enterprise. At the meeting referred to, the

preliminary organization for the formation of a Joint-Stock

Company, to build a plank and turnpike road, was com-

pleted, twenty-five citizens comprijiing the company of

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preliminary organization. IJon. S. G. Whipple waselected President, F. B, Weston, Secretary, and S. H.(ii'ubler, Treasurer. Tiie corporate name was declared to

be, " The Crescent City and Yreka Plank and Turn]3ike

Comi^any," and a resolution was oifered and passed "Thatthe President, Secretary and Treasurer are hereby con-

stituted a Board of Directors for this Company;" and the

Directors were emjDowered to employ a competent Engi-

neer to survey the road, and also to employ suitable per-

sons to assist in the looking-out and survey of different


In the meantime, while this question was being agitated

among the citizens, an "Act to Incorporate Crescent City "

passed both houses of the Legislature in April, 1854,

received the signature of the Covernor, and became a law.

'J'his Act defined the limits of Crescent City as follows;

"The boundaries of Crescent City shall be as follows:

Commencing at a point established by T. P. i\obinson,

County Surveyor of Klamath county, east of Elk creek,

running thence south to low water mark, and north twen-

ty-five chains and links; thence west One mile;

thence south to low water mark, and thence following low

water mark to the intersection of the east line."

After the passage of this Act the town began to put on

city airs. A full-fledged Common Council was let loose

upon the public treasury, constable^ were elected, marshals were appointed, and a complete organization of the

city government effected

And about the same time, the question of the boundary

line between California and O. I . was permanently settled.

The disputed territory comprised all that mining country

in and about Sailor Diggings and Althouse creek— a coun-

try abounding in precious metals, and the j)os8e8sion of

which would have been a valuable aildition to the mineral

wealth of Del Norte. In June, 1854, .-i surveying party

under T. P. Robinson surveyed the northern boundary of

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the Stale of California, and decided that the disputed ter-

ritory belonged to O. T., and not California, as was gen-

erally supposed. The decision caused some excitement in

the neighborhood of Sailor Diggings and Althouse creek,

as the miners did not like to be so suddenly transported

from California to Oregon. They had before both voted

in California and O. T., and had refused to pay taxes to


On Thursday, June 22, 1854, occurred one of those

shocking tragedies so common in the eai-ly history of

California. It appears that a young man named James

T. Kelley, in company with another young man named

A. K. Ward, joined a pai'ty for the purpose of serenading

some of the citizens of the place. At the time the fatal

blow was struck Kelley was playing on the violin, and it

is supposed that the bow struck Ward on the arm, when

he f^V&vdJ exclaimed, "Don't draw that on rae!" and

stabbed him (KelleyJ in the region of the heart A doc-

tor was called, but his skill was of no avail. The wounded

man spoke but three words--"] am killed"--and expired in

a few minutes. Immediately after the commission of the

murder. Ward was arrested, and after examination lodged

in jail to await his trial. He afterwards broke jail, but

was captured in Sacramento some months later. He was

tried at Yreka in 1855 and. acquitted. Although the mur-

derer was acquitted of the charge against him, yet the

affray was a striking commentary on the evil infl-uence of

intoxicating drinks, as the evidence adduced at the trial

disclosed the fact that all the parties were in a state of

intoxication at the time of the killing.

Saturday, June 24th, the first Masonic celebration ever

held in Del Korte county was held in honor of the anni-

versary of St. John. The oration was delivered by Dr.

E. Mason. At 2 o'clock a dinner was served at the

Oriental Hotel, at which there was a convivial flow of

good feeling. The regular toasts were:

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" Our Master—As the sun continues to shed abroad his

light by day, and the moon to illume the night, so mayour Master prove the reflection of both.

Our Senior Wardex—-As the clear, blue sky is to the

sun, and the bright twinkling stars to the moon, so maythe Senior Warden ever be to the Master."

The survey of the route for the Crescent City and Trekaplank and turnpike roa I was completedby T. P. j^obinson

in October, and a subscription book was opened by the

Compau}-. The capital stock was fixed at $85,000, divided

into 850 shares of |]00 each, and before the end of the

year subscriptions to the amount of $18,500 were received.

During the year, in the month of August, the first vessel

built at Crescent Citj" was launched, being named the

liosalie, commanded by E. A. Babcock, and built for S. T.

Crowther, of San Francisco. She was a small schooner,

9 feet deep and measuring 53 tons. She was built of

spruce and hemlock, and was intended for the bay trade

at San Francisco.

Toward the close of the year ISS-i the trade of Crescent

Cit}' had grown to quite respectable proportions The

steamers Major Tompkins. America, Columbia, Crescent

Citj", and Fremont were making regular trips betweer.

San Francisco. Crescent City and the Columbia river. Anumber of schooners were also making regular trips.

The inlanu. transportation was confined to pack trains, ol

which there were large numbers engaged in carrying

merchandise from wholesale houses iii Crescent City to

Happy Camp, Althouse. Sailor Diggings and other points

in Southern Oregon.

Below will be found the trade of Crescent City for the

period of seven morxths from March 16th to October '22.

1S54. For a town at that time only nineteen months old,

its harbor at times insecure, its outlets onh' mountain

trails, it is certainlv a wonderful and creditaiile showing,

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indicating on the part of its merchants a degree of busi-

ness enterprise worthy to be imitated at the present time.

The number of arrivals, according to the Custom House

reports, were, steamers, 39; sailing vessels, 9; total, 48,

Amount of freight carried by steamers, 3,385 tons; by

sailing vessels, 540; total, 3,925; or, in round numbers,

4,000 tons of merchandise.

During the same period the number of passengers car-

ried ivom San Francisco to Crescent City, according to the

Purser's reports, was 2,286.

Thus it will be seen that the travel to this part of the

State was very large, and that its many natural advantages

were at that time receiving the attention they deserved.

About the 1st of November a tragedy occurred which

was the direct cause of bringing about difficulties

between the whites and Indians. Mr. A. French, a farmer

living about three miles from Crescent City, went on a

hunt with a party of three others to the South Fork of

Smith's Eiver, camping on the Bald flills, about ten miles

from town. It was agreed that French should return

home on the following Thursday, while the rest of the

party were to- continue their hunt a few days longer.

French left the camp on Thursday morning, the rest of

the party supposing that he had returned to his home.

But when they arrived at Crescent City on Saturday

evening they were met by Mrs. French, inquiring for hei-

husband. He had not returned home, and nothing had

been seen or heard of him.

It was at once suspicioned that the Indians on the South

Fork of Smith's Pdver had murdered the missing man.

The citizens, with their usual promptness in cases of the

kind, appointed a committee to apprehend all the Indians

about town and in the neighborhood. But little informa

tion was gained from them; nevertheless, the suspicion

that French had been murdered became more of a cer-

tainty, and parties were sent out to hunt for the hody.

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On Mill creek, (a. tributary of Smith's RiverJ was a

rancheria where the Indians of the coast were wont to

resort for the purpose of laying in a supply of acorns for

the winter. At this rancheria a party headed by J. M.

Eosborough examined the Indians thoroughly, and from

the knowledge derived from them it appeared that in the

latter part of October an Indian from Cheteoe (24: miles

up the coast, in Oregon,^) had made a proposal to a Klam-

ath Indian called Black Mow to kill a white man. Black

Mow refused, saying that he lived in peace with the

whites, and had been for years in the habit of ferrying

them across the Klamath. The Cheteoe Indian then

offered him the squaw standing by, which offer proved

irresistible, and Black Mow answered " soon "

xVfter gaining this information, Rosborough and his men

had little diflicultj' in finding the body. They found it

laying under a log and partly covered up, the wild ani-

mals of the forest having meanwhile attacked and

devoured part of it. With the exception of the hat, none

of the clothing w;.8 missing, an<i even a gold ring on his

finger was there still. The remains were buried near the

spot where they were found, and the party returning to

Crescent City, a writ was issued for the apprehension of

the Indians Black Mow, Jim and Narpa, accused of the

murder of A. French. Mr, Kennedy, Lieutenant of the

Company of Klamath Rangers, was deputized to pursue

the guilty parties, commanding a party of seven men,

namely, T. B. Thorp, Israel Deitrich, T. H. McGrew,

Leaks, J. R. Sloan, J. H. Ritchie and J. B. Rosborough.

The Indians were captured at the mouth of the Klamath,

and were taken to Crescent City on the 17th of November.

On the day followiiig the citizens of Crescent City

assembled en masse at the Eldorado Saloon, on Front

street, and organized by calling E. Mason, Ksq., to the

Chair, and appointing S. G. Whipple, Secretary. The

Chairman stated the object of the meeting to be, the trial

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of the three Indians then in custod;,-, fsmd if the evidence

should warrant a conviction, the jurj^ to award the pun

ishmentj namely. Black Mow. his son Jim, Klamath

Indians, and a Cbetcoe Indian called Narpa, accused of

the murder of A. French.

On motion, the following named gentlemen Wi-re ap-

pointed jurors: D. W. McCoP-ib, J. B. Taylor, J F. Wen-dell, T. I'.. Thorp, i.'ichard Barnes, Jacob Lance, M. Gr.

Tucker, T. S. Sanford, T. S Fomeroy, John Miller, J. E.

Sloan and Benj. West.

The pi'esiding Judge was Judge Lynch, well known in

the e;»rly days of California, whose decrees were always

final, from which no appeal could be taken. And how-

ever unjust and cruel their mode ot trial may be deemed

at the present tinie, the emly settlers of California were

justified in resorting to such extreme measures. Not oi^ly

is it asserted in the law, but it is, and alwaj^s bas been

instiiictively felt that •• Self-preservation is the first law of

N^ature.' Mankind, in all ages, has recognized the

necessity of disregarding the established rules of the laAv,

vfhenever that la-w, through its own inherent defects, or

because of its non-enforcement by the proper offic^J'S, has

failed to affo'd the jjrotection to lite and property for

which it was intended.

In the early days of Del jSTorte, the Judicial system

then in force allowed of but few sittings of the courts of

justice in this county; therefore, prisoners lodged in jail

awaiting trial were liable to make their escape. The jail

at Crescent City was a wooden building, affording but

slight security against the escape of its inmates. And it

is not surprising that the citizens, rather than run the risk

of losing the chance to punish the murderers as they

deserved, should take the law into their own hands.

The jury in the trial of the murderers of French, after

an absence of one hour, returned a verdict of "guilty,''

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and sentenced the murderers lo be hanged on Monday,Nov.2-lth, 1854, at 12 o'clock, m.

On motion, J. R. Sloan, Eichard Barnes and Capt. JohnBoddeby were appointed a committee to execute the sen-

tence of the jury.

At the appointed time Black Mow, Jim and Narpa weretaken from the jail and hung near Battery Point, a large

number of spectators being present. The ropes were tied

to the limb of a tree, and the other ends being fastened

around the necks of the culprits, the wagon upon whichthey were standing was driven from under them, and in

a few seconds the case was transferred to a Higher Trib-

unal, and the souls of three guiltj' Indians sent to account

before the (.ireat Spirit who watches over all.

Before the close of the year the consequences of the

French tragedy began to be experienced. At a meeting

of tbe citizens of Smith's River Valley, held at the house

of Major Bradford, to devise some means for finding out

the nature of some alleged threats made by the Indians in

the vicinity, a committee was apiDointed to make investi-

gations, consisting of Dv. Myers, John Leverton, JohnVaughan and W.. Carman. The committee visited the

Indian rancheria in the vicinity, and from their report it

ajjpears that the circumstances causing a suspicion of a

plot against the whites were as follows: The presence of

llogue Kiver, Chetcoe and Klamath Indians-the removal

of tbeir provisions— the discovery of secret and carefully

concealed paths by which the different tribes comnrani-

cated with each other. I'hese facts were sufiicient to

arouse the fears of the people of the valley, and a careful

watch was kept of the movements of the Indians.

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i^ROM 1854 TO 1860.

About the 1st of Jamuiry, 1855, the difficulties between

the whites and Indians terminated in a fight on the Lake,

four miles from Crescent Citj'^, in which about thirty

Indians were killed. The two Companies, the Coast and

Klamath Eang^ers, took jointly part in the affair, assisted

by the settlers in'Smith's Kiver Valley. A treaty ot peace

was afterwards made with the Smith's liiver Indiaiis by

the people <d' the valley. In Februaiy an Indian war

broke oat on the upper Klamath, in which several whites

were killed, terry boats cut away, etc. A detachinent of

soldiers were sent from Humboldt H&j to the scene of the

trouble, and by their aid the savages were quelled.

On the 22d of February, 1855, the first celebration of

Washington's birthay in Crescent Cit}^ took place. There

was a parade during the day, but the ball in the evening

at the No. 8 Hotel was the great attraction on this occa-


The express company of Wells, Fargo & Co. established

a branch office in Crescent Citj", appointing as agent J).

W. McCombe. About the sanu- time news was received

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by steamer that the bauking houses and express companies

of both Adams & Co., and Wells, Fargo &: Co., had wentdown in the great storm of business failures which swept

over the country in 1855. The news caused no unusual

run on the branch office of Wells, Fargo & (Jo, at Crescent

City, but the house of Adams & .Co, was besieged byexcited depositors, eagerly claiming their money. In one

day, between 4 and 10 a. m., the sum of 811,809.16 waspaid out by E. G. Wescott, the agent here. All the de-

mauds against the Crescent City branch of Adams k Co.

were paid, with the exception of $626 due to four individ-

uals whose whereabouts were unknown.

It seems that Klamath county was as badly governed

as any county in the iState. Man}' and loud were the

complaints in regard to the financial condition of the

county, and much attention was called to the fact that

Ivlamulh county, although not quite four years old, was

over $13,000 in debt, without roads, without county build

ings, even without a proper safe for her records.

The Conn ofSessioiis, a Judiciary tribunal, had been en-

:i'usted"with the management of county affairs in geneial,

ill ail the counties of the '•'tate, except ::fan Francisco

The Court of Sessions of ivlamath county had, so far as

the administration and general supervision of county

auairs was concerned, made a complete failure it; that

particular ii!:!e of business, and involved the county in

debt at a tune wlioii it should have had a !)alanee standing

in its favor.

It is no wonder, then, that a change m the county gov

ci-nment was hailed with satisfaction by the tax-payers of

the county. The change consisted m an Act by the Leg-

islature, transferring the management of county affairs to

a Board of Supervisors.

The Legislature of 1854-5 had under consideraLion the

siibieet of locating permanent^ the capital of the Stati',

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and among the places proposed and discussed as being-

suitable for that purpose was Crescent City.

What a wonderful Legislature that must have been!

What a number of valuable to^'n lots must have been

offered its members to induce them to propose as the cap-

ital of the State, a town in the extreme north-west corner,

and at that time almost inaccessible during the winter

months. What au immense amount of ignorance must

have been concentrated in that legislative body of the

days of '55! Even in these days of Kearneyism and sand-

lot legislation, it excites our admiration, in contemplating

the sublime ignorance of the country displayed by this

early Legislattlre.

Dirfortunately for Crescent Ciiy, the bill removing the

State capital to that place failed to pass, and the visions of

town lot speculators vanished into thin air. But the

Crescentoniaus ware bouyant with life and energy, and

the news of the failure was \'mt a passing cloud across

their bright hopes :uad expectations. No doubt, as the

principal men of tiie place discussed the matter over their

wine and cigars, new speculations and day-dreams of

future greatness serverl to ''Solace the hopes that ended in


]n April tlappy Camp was thrown into a state of great

excitement by a murder on Indian creek, and Judge

Lj-nch was again called on to pass sentence on a criminal

The quarrel from which the murder arose originated in

the store of a Air. Smith, about a pipe which a man by the

name of McFarlan James accused one Phillips of having

taken from his pocket. Angry words ensued, which led

to a fight between the two, when James received a mortal

wound. Phillips threw away his knife and escaped, but

was overtaken between Indian Creek and Huppj- Campand taken back to the former place.

A meeting of the miners was called, and Col. JamesTaylor made Chairman, E. H. Scovel, Secretary, Perry

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Masters, Constable, and John Ware, Deputy. C. -Wallace

offered a resolution to take the voice of the assembled

miners as to the propriety of trying J. A. Phillips by them,

or handing him over to the civil authorities. It was re

solved to try him by the miners. A committee was

appointed to collect the evidence, C. Wallace and A. Boyce

acting as counsel for the State, and S. Boyce and John S.

Sands for the prisoner. The jury returned a verdict of

'.'guilty," and the prisoner was hung at 10 o'clock, a. m.,

March 31st, 1S55.

Arrangements for an Indian reservation on the Klamath

were completed in April, 1855, by S. (t. Whipple, Indian

Agent for Klamath count}'; the reservation to extend

from the mouth of the Klamath twenty miles up the river,

and two miles in width. Mr. Whipple took with him to

the ri-.servation some agricultural implements, tools, seeds,

a supply of twine for fishing nets, etc , for the use of the

Indians. About 1500 Indians, of every age and sex, were

on the reservation, living in some 150 huts. Mr. Whipple

engaged the sei'vicee of H. B. Dickinson, of Crescent City,

to instruct the Indians in the various duties and pursuits

which their location on the reservation might necessitate.

The number of Indians in Klamath Ciiunty at that time

was variously estimated at from 3000 to 5000, living

mostly' on the Klamath and its tributaries, and the neces-

sity lor a reservation had long been felt.

In June a company was formeil in Crescent City for the

purpose of whaling. Whales iiad frequently shown them-

selves in large numbers in and near the harbor, and it was

thought that the whaling business vvould prove a profita-

ble one. The company established works for trying out

the oil on Whale island, a large rock, containing about ten

acres, situated in the bay, and offering a convenient and

sate place for the purpose.

During the summer (>f 1855 business continued good,

and the merchants were extending their trade by every

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means within their power. A sum or' money, amounting

to $4100. was raised by subscription for the purpose of

opening a trail from Crescent City to the Klamath, which

would shorten the route between Crescent City and Yreka-

The trail was completed by the contractors in August, of

the same year.

Sunday, June 24th, 1855, was a memorable day for

Crescent City, and the event which made it so will long-

be remembered by the early settlers of the county. At

3:20 o'clock on the afternoon of that day, the side-wheel

steamship America, A. G. Jones, Commanding, anchored

in the harbor, en route for Puget Sound, to which point

she was bound with the 21st V. S. Infantiy, numbering

132 men, under the command of Major Prince. The sea

was calm, the weather fine, and everything indicated a

speedy resumption of her voyage. The vessel had touchetl

at Crescent City for the purpose of landing passengers,

freight, mail and express matter. .Vfter the mail and ex-

press matter had been landed, it was perceived that an

unusual quantity of smoke was issuing from the vessel,

and many were the conjectures respecting the cause. But

conjecture was soon soHdified into the certainty that the

vessel was on fire, and asceneof indescribable excitement

ensued, both on shore and at sea. Lighters, boats, and

canoes dotted the bay and surrounded the ill-fated vessel;

those on shore could see that the crew and soldiers on

board were making almost superhuman exertions to mas-

ter the threatened calamity.

The report of Capt. T. J. Wright, owner of the vessel,

published in the Cresaent City Herald, states that "in

about 15 minutes after anchoring discovered large quanti-

ties of smoke issuing from the coal bunkers, when the cry

of " fire," was given No flame conld be seen, but volumes

of smoke and gas enveloped the vessel so completely that

it was utterly impossible to go below, and the exact loca-

tion of the fire could not be ascertained. Having a larg-e

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miniber of soldiers on board, in addition to the crew of the

vessel, all the pumps were manned and every exertion

was made to save the ship. The officers and crew of the

vessel j)erformcd their duty faithfull}-; working inces-

santly amid the flames and sufi'ocating gas and smoke,

never leaving their posts for a moment, until they were

requested to do so and take to the boats. The fire waspurely accidental, and is supposed to have originated in

the coal bunkers from spontaneous combustion."

All the soldiers who could be spared from the vessel

were soon sent ashore, and in about 30 minutes after the

fire was first discovered the ship was run aground in the

shallow water about one hundred and fifty yards from


Fire, and especially a fire on board a ship, will arouse

:ill the energy and enlist the aid of any people. The citi-

zens of Crescent City were eager to save the burning ves

sel, and with wonderful rapidit}' and energy buckets,

ladders, ropes, and everything deemed useful were sent on

board. At times it sc'-med that the fiery element must

yield to such persistent and united efforts; but the dense

smoke gradually deepened and darkened, the efforts on

board became feebler on account of the impossibility of

men maintaining their positions, and a sheet of clear flame

that tore through the black sky proclaimed the triumph

of the destroyer.

Seeing no hopes of saving the ship, the crew and citizens

who had fought the fire so gallantly, now left the vessel

to her fate. The greedy flame fed eagerly, and on Mon-

day morning a charred, smouldering and hideous skeleton

was all that remained of the steamer America. Thus

ended the career of a vessel almost new, and by far the

most efficient steamer that in early days sailed the

Northern Pacific.

On the destruction of the steamer becoming certain, the

City Council convened, and appointed Major Wendell and

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S. G. Whipple a committee to wait upon the owner and

commander, and to tender to them, their oflficers, passen-

gers and crew the hospitaUties of the city. This act on

the part of the citizens showed both courtesy and kindness,

but some .circumstances connected with the catastrophe

reflect no credit upon any of the parties concerned. It is

said that the boatmen of the place made exorbitant charges

for their services in saving goods from the vessel, and that

the soldiers, as soon as they were landed, commenced a

pilfering war on the citizens' pork and poultry. Perhaps

it is only charitable to suppose that the poor fellows were

hungry, and had no felonious intentions when they com-

mitted these depredations; but some doubt is thrown on

this supposition by the following toast, proposed by one

of the Company on the Fourtb of July:

" The CtALLAnt 21ST---Set them before Sebastopol, and

if they cannot conquer, they will steal it!"

The America was built by Wm. H Brown, New York,

in 1853, and registered 923 tons. She was brought around

Cape Horn by Capt. Mitchell, ariiving at San Francisco in

1854. She was there bought by J T. Wright ^.nd em-

ployed in the coast trade, the princip.-il portion of the time

running to Crescent City. The vessel was valued at

SI 40,000, and was uninsured.

Sometime after the fire the hulk was examined and it

was thought that it would pay to tow it to San Francisco,

where the vessel could be rebuilt. Accordingly, the

steamer Goliah took the hulk of the America in tow, and

towed it safely until off Point Keyes, where she experienced

heavy weather and broke the hawser, thus sending the

unwieldy hulk adrift. Every effort was made to regain

her, but without success, and the last seen of the Americashe was full of water, the sea breaking clear across.

As the first rays of sunlight flashed on the waters of the

bay on the morning of the Fourth of July, 1855, the roar

of three brass cannon ushered in the davvn of the eightieth

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FOURTH OF JULY, 1855. ' 39

birthday of our independence. These cannon had been

recovered from the wreck of the steamer America, and

were placed on Battery Point, a rocky strip of land form-

ing the left hand horn of the crescent shaped beach, and

elevated above the ocean som'e twenty or twenty-five feet-

Here, in place of a light-house there was a large lantern

fixed on the top of a stout pole; this j)ole was at regular

intervals pierced with holes through which projecting pins

were driven, forming a sort of primitive stairway to the

Fresnel light above. Near this pole, on a spot command-

ing a view of the whole town, the cannon v^ere placed, and

throughout the day their hoarse voices proclaimed the

independence and patriotism of the people. A procession

was formed and marched through the principal streets,

including the detachment of U. S. Infantry under com.mand

of Major Henry Prince, the "Cresceut Hook and Ladder

Compan}^, and tlie local military companies. W. A. Ham-

ilton was Grand Afarshal, J. J. Arrington and F. B. Wes-

ton, Assistants. The Declaration of Independence was

read by J. B. Rosborough, and the oration was delivered

by Jno. P. Haynes.

On the 5th of September a general election was held

throughout the State, which was of special importance to

this county. It had long been a disputed question as to

which town in the county was entitled to be the county

seat. When Klamath county was created Trinidad was

the county seat. It w^as afterwards removed to Crescent

(Mty, but the people living on the Klamath river were still

dissatisfied, and urged that the county seat be removed to

Orleans Bar. This place, about 150 miles from Crescent

City, is situated in the hiidst of a mining district on the

Klamath river. At the general election above mention. -d

Orleans Bar was declared by the votes of the people to be

the county seat "from and after the 4th day of December,

A. D. 1855."

Owing to heavy snows, blocking up the trails, the win-

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ter of 1855-6 was very dull, and Crescent City wore an

almost deserted look. But with the advent of spring-

came a general revival of trade; the streets were again

enlivened by the jingling tramp of trains, the sidewalks

encumbered with packages, and the stores resounded to

the bustling, hurrying voices of traders and packers. The

rate of freight from San Francisco to Crescent City was,

with but little variation, $12 per ton on sailing vessels,

and $20 per ton on steamers. Passage, in cabin, $40; in

steerage, $20. The pack trains received from 2 to 5 cents

per pound for carrying freight to various places in this

county and Southern Oregon. The express companies

were doing a large business, from $150,000 to $200,000 in

gold dust passing through Crescent City during the busi-

ness season of the year.

On March 1st, 1356, Crescent Ciiy was excited when a

party of six men returned from the mouth of Rogue river,

and confirmed the reports of certain depredations and

massacres by the Indians previously received. On account

of the war on Rogue river, the Indians all along the coast

were greatly excited, and those in the vicinity of Crescent

City and Smith's river spoke continually of the Indians

above intending to come down and drive (>ff the whites.

Some went so far as to intimate that in a '' few sleeps" ail

would be over with the whites.

The Indians on Chctce rivc'i' had be<'0me refractory,

and were threatening the whites. The Indians in the im-

mediate vicinity were very much frightened, and repre-

sented to the whites that the}' were in great danger of

being annihilated by the Rogue River Indians, Underthese circumstances the citizens had made arrangements,

in conjunction with Capt. Jones, U S. A., who was then

stationed at Crescent City with a company of 50 men, to

patrol the streets during nights. Capt. Jones assigned

half of his command to this duty, while the other half

were ordered to joroceed to Smith's River Valley.

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Expectation was on tiptoe, and a feeling that somethingwas going to happen pervaded the community. The mostunfounded rumors were circulated during the excitement,

and the most absurd reports were taken for certainties.

Several citizens were reported killed, who in reality hadnot seen an Indian. .\11 the houses in Smith's Eiver Val-

ley were reported to be in flames, and 300 hostile savages

scattered over the valley. And notwithstanding that noband of hostile Indians had been seen within twenty miles

of the town, rumor had spread the report on the other side

of the mountains that Crescent City had been totally de-

stroyed by an incendiary fire.

All the brick stores in town were used to shelter those

who could not face the enemj'-. The brick building on

Second street erected the year before by J. J. Friedman

& Co., received probably the largest share of these tran-

sient tenants. No less than 30 ladies and 15 or 20 children

wore there congregated, awaiting and drea ling the attack

of the Indians.

The streets wore a martial appearance. The "boys in

blue" were to be met with at every corner—saloon--

while companies of gallant "Volunteers patroled the streets

and declared that they were one and all prepared to die

"for their counti-y's good." Dwelling-houses and stores

were transformed into armed citadels, and every house-

holder could truly say that his house was his castle.

Although the terror of the inhabitants was real and not

feigned, several amusing incidents occurred during the

excitement.. Numerous unfounded reports made Uncle

Sam's " boj^s " wish they were in some other part of the

world, and caused the bold Volunteers to fortify them

selves with " Old Rye," or to " screw up their courage to

the sticking point" by a "stone-fence " or an " eye-opener.''

On one occasion, a practical joke was perpetrated on a

prominent citizen, causing considerable merriment at the

time, and securing several "treats" to "the boys."

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It seems that J. F. Wendell and several others were as-

sembled in a certain bar-room, and were discussing the

probability of an attack by the Indians, Wendell contend-

ing that the danger was great and a fight inevitable.

While they were thus discussing the question, some one

of a waggish turn of mind affixed a smoked salmon to

Wendell's coat tails, who, all unconscious of the act,

walked down the street and into the saloon of Arrington

& Co. Standing with his back to the stove, the salmon

soon began to get warm, ;md the odor from its scorching

sidi 8 assailed the nostrils of the unsuspecthig Wendell.

The Indians on this coast live mostly on salmon, and

consequently bear always with them v.n unpleasant fishy

smell. Therefore it is not surprising that when the salmon

affixed to his coat-tails began to fill the room with its odor,

Wendell excitedly . shouted, '-Indians, by gosh!'' and

rushed from the room in searcb of his trusty rifle.

On Friday morning, March 5th, before daylight several

farmers and residents of Smith's Hiver Yalley arrived in

hot haste in the city. They reported, that on the dayprevious their scouts had informed them of the approach

of the; that every house along the coast above

Smith's Iviver was in flames; and finaly, that but a few

hours would, remain to the settlers to bring their families

to a pb^ce of security. It was already dark on the evening

of Thursday when they yoked up their oxen and hitched

up four teams, loaded wtth their families and a few hosise-

hold articdes. After crossing Smith's fJivor their waywas for a distance of four or five miles through a dense

redwood forest, which made the dark night still darker,

and made it necessary to pilot each team by a lantern.

The road was new and rough, and after a variety of inci

dents almost inevitable to siicii a trip, the party reached

the opening at the head of Elk Yalley. and thoi-e halted

at the place of J. Y. Yalentii^.e.

From this place some of the men started on hoi'ses to

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Crescent City, which, as befoi'o moiitioncti, they reached

before daylight on Friday morning.

As the day broke, the bell on the Truck House of the

Crescent Hook and Laddei" Company rung out its clear

notes for a call of the citizens, and a short time afterwards

Capt. Jones started with a portion of his men and a num-

ber of Yolunteers out to Smith's River Yalley. At a sec-

ond meeting duruig the foi-euoori, J B. Eosborough was

appointed Commander for the purpose of directing the

means for the repulsion of the Indians, and sundry parties

were sent out in different directions to scour thoroughly

the neighboriiood.

While all this was going on, the report was brought in,

between two and three o'clock in the afternoon, that the

Indians in large, numbers; and well mounted, had been

seen but three miles back of the town, and that they would

be on the spot in less than an hour.

The successive arrivals- of friendly or inoffensive Indians

from the neighboring rancherias, formed an episode in the

events of the day, adding fuel to the intense excitement

pervading the communitj^ These Indians, partlj^ on the

representations of the whites, and partly of their own

accord, put themselves under the protection of the whites,

and were removed to the island on which the light-house

is now situated. They were understood to confirm the

reports previously received; but afterwards it turned out

to be another proof, of how much oftener the whites mis-

understood than comprehended the meaning of the red


Evening drew near, and the town was hushed in expec-

tancy. Every moment the listening ear was strained to

catch the stealthy tread of the r. d-skin ; but the night

wore away, and still no savage war-cry had been heard,

and when morning broke, the inhabitants were gratified

to find that their scalps yet remained in their proper posi-


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Then followed explanations: A drove of raules in

charge of some Mexicans on their way to Crescent City

had been taken for a band of hostile Indians; other causes

of alarm were disposed of by similar develoj)ment8, and on

the return of the several scouting parties during the day,

it was ascertained that no hostile band had crossed or

even as much as reached so far south as Smith's River.

Thus the panic ended, and the people once more resumed

their accustomed manner of life.. Guards were, however,

placed during the nights for some time afterwards, and

the Indians confined on the island were not removed for

several days. The number of Indians confined on the

island, as shown by the rations issued on the 2d of March,

1856. were: Smith's Elver, 179; Lagoon, 58; Ottegon,

Chacha, Kohpay, Neckel, 79; Total, 316.

In the Crescent City Herald of April. 1856, I find the

first record of a theatre in Crescent City "Not one of

those gorgeous palaces, within whose walls the people in

large and crowded cities lounge away their leisure hours,

but still a theatre, within brick walls, with a neat stage,

scenery, footlights, and all the most indispensible para-

phernalia of a Thespian temple," was erected in Crescent

City. The theatre is situated in Darby's brick building

on Front street, and is capable. of seating comfortably 200

persons. On the opening night, the " Crescentonian Dra-

matic Club" presented "for the first time in Crescent

Citj' "" the popular drama of "'The Toodles,'' and the even-

ing's entertainment concluded with the laughable farce of

"Paddy Miles, the Limerick Boy."

The population of Klamath county in 1856 was esti-

mated as follows: Happy Camp, mining population, 100;

Indian Creek, 450; other localities down to the mouth of

Salmon Eiver, 250; Salmon Eiver, 1200; Smith's Eiver

Yalley and Eedwood Diggings, mining and farming popu-lation, 200; Crescent City, 800; Total, 11,700,

During the summer of 1856 business at Crescent Cit}',

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owing to continued Indian difficulties in Oregon, wasalmost at a standstill. The town was filled with idle

miners, who had been forced to leave their claims throughfear of the Indians. But in other parts of the count}',

where the consequences of the Indian troubles were not

so severely felt, trade was better, and the miners werestill working their claims with profit.

Orleans Bar, the new county seat, was the scene of un-

usual activity. Hundreds of j)ack mules passed throughthe place, destined for the upper Klamath and Salmon.

Traders were driving a brisk business, miners were doing-

well, several new buildings were in course of construction,

and competition among the business men ran very high.

Goods were plenty and cheap, and good living could be

had at a lower rate than at any other place od the coast.

Mines were also discovered in the Bald Hills, about six

miles from Crescent City, and during the summer the

miners there weni to great expense in sinking shafts,

building flumes, etc, .\ town was laid out and namedVallardville, after a prominent French citizen, A. Yallard.

A company from San Fi-ancisco were operating at this

place with hydraulic power, j^robably the first attempt of

the kind ever made in the county.

At the 2d session of the 8od Congress an appropriation

was made for the erection of a light-bouse at Crcsceiit

City. The sum appropriated was 815,000. A site was

selected for the structure in June of the same year.

The first difficulty between the whites and the Chinese

occurred in the latter part of June. A company of Chi-

nese had about nine months before purchased a claim on

the North Fork of Salmon River of a party of white

men. They worked it without much siiceess until the

latter part of June, when they struck rich pay dirt, and

the parties who had sold it to them, discovering that thej^

fthe Chinescyl were making money, jumped the claim.

The Chinamen sued the white men and recovered judg-

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iiient for the possession of the claim. The Sheriif of the

conntj proceeded under the judgment and ]3ut them in

jjossession of it, and thinking all was right, returned to

Orleans Bar. As soon as he had left, the same parties

again jumped the claim, and drove the Celestials off. Thelocal officers summoned a posse of citizens to reinstate the

Chinamen, but ^Ye^e resisted by the party claiming pos-

session, whereupon they opened fire upon them, killing

one man. The rest of the jumping party were arrested bythe citizens, and held to answer for their misconduct.

Whether they were punished or.U'tt the records do not

show: but ten chances to one they were not, for justice in

Klamath county, in districts remote from Crescent City,

especially, was administered in the rudest and most prim-

itive way. The Justices of the Peace, as a rule, knewmore of " beau j)oker " than of Blackstone, and it was sel-

dom that their decisions were given according to the law

and evidence.

To illustrate the scenes which often occurred in these

courts of justice, the following is related of a certain Jus-

tice's court. It must- be premised that the Justice wasnoted f »r being iri"itable and passionate, and consequently,

that the -^ boys" were in the habit of playing jokes upon


The defendant, who was brought up for breaking furni-

ture, etc., in a house of rather delicate rejjutation, had

made himself particulaj]}' obnoxious to the Justice by his

practical jokes. The scene is given as it is said to have

occurred, and readers are advised as all pious people

should do. to skip the "cuss" words,

The defendant is brought into Court, whereupon, the

Justice rising and arranging his spectacles to give him a

better view, addresses him, '' Well, you d d long, slab-

sided scoundrel, you're here, are you? I have been look-

ing for you a long time, and now I've got you."

Counsel for the prisoner—-"If the Court please, I appear

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as counsel lor the defendant, and would request that youaddress yourself to me."

Justice-— " You be d d; you must be a blacker

hearted villian than he is to come here backing him up in

such performances as this."

Counsel- --"But, Uncle i'obert, you must not decide this

case without hearing it. You must have some proof."

Justice- -Proof, h- 1, haint I been there myself?"

It is needless to add that the defendant was committed

for trial.

At another time the prosecuting attoi'ney in a certain

case went on to state, "That on such a night, ;it such a

place, in such a county ixnd State, Ben Strong did, in a

quiet game of "keards ' called euchre, with Joe Short,

with malice aforethoughL and evident intention to rob,

steal and swindle, 'turn up' a point more than he had

made,^thereby unlawfully taking the plaintiff's money."

Ben was also accused of " renigging." Two witnesses

were examined as to the character of the opposing parties.

Each^of the attorneys made a speech and put the case in

as strong a light as posssible. Then came the "charge:"" Gentlemen of the jury." commenced the Squire very

gravely, "the pints in this here case, like angels visits

are few and far betwixt. The Court knows nothing about

euchre, and never did, but she knows a few about law,

gentlemen of the jury The Court has went through

Blackstone, on law, twice, and she has read Snugg*s

'seven-up;' and, gentlemen of the jury, she has picked up

a good many pints on 'poker'; but she aint nowhere in

' euchre,' and never was. But, gentlemen of the jury, the

Court thinks she understands the pints in this case. Ben

Strong and Joe Short they played at ten dollars ante, and

Ben he won. Will you, gentlemen of the jury, fine Ben

for winning? Who wouldn't like to win? Not even the

Court herself. But you kin do as you please about it.

Then the 'opposit' attorney says that Ben he cheated.

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But, gentlemen of the jury did he prove that pint? No,

he didn't begin to do it. Ben Strong plays a fair game at

'keards.' The Court has played 'old sledge' and 'whiskey

poker' with Ben for the last two years, and he never

catehed him stocking the papers or turning the Jack from

the bottom. But, gentlemen of the jury, you kin do as

you please with Ben. The pints ifi the case, then, gentle-

men of the jury, are, first: Bf you find that Ben Strong-

won Joe Short's money, it is clear that Ben hilt the best

keards. Second: Ef you find that Joe lost his money,

it is clear that Joe was in d d bad luck. These, gen-,

tlemen of the jury, are all the pints in the ease, and you

kin retire—-and don't be out long, for Ben is goingto treat

the whole court."

The jury, without leaving their seats rendered a verdict

of " not guilty," after which the winning side, headed by

the Court, adjourned to a saloon to imbibe. The "oppo.

sit" side, headed by Joe Short, left in disgust.

The Board of Supervisors of Klamath county met at

Orleans Bar, the county seat, on the first Monday in Au-

gust, and found that Lhe afl'airs of the county were in a

very bad condftion. The Treasurer's books had not been

properly made up, and according to the books of the Au-

ditor, a large amount of money had been unaccounted for

by the Sheriff. In view of these facts, the Boar I refused

to levy any county tax for that year. The Sheriff had

already reported that no property taxes had been collected

for the past year.

All this may have been very pleasing to the tax payers,

but it was certainly the means of involving the county in

a maze of financial difficulties, which it required years to

set right.

New and rich mines were discovered on Elk Creek, a

stream which empties into the Klamath about one half a

mile below Happy Camp. Men were rushing there from

all points- --numbers having even left the far famed Scott's

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Bar. It w&b estimated that three huiuireJ men were at

work, and none of them making less than from -SIO to S20

per day. The diggings were very extensive, in fact the

whole suri'ounding country so far as it had been j^ros-

pected proved to be rich.

In December the Crescent Cit}^ Phi.nk Road and Turn-

pike Company perfected their preliminary organization by

electing W. A. Hamilton President of the Company; T.

S. Pomeroy, Secretary; Henrj- Smith, Treasurer. Three

gentlemen were selected to examine and report the most

favorable route for a wagon road. Two years before a

company had been formed to construct a wagon road from

Crescent City to Illinois Valley, and a survey was made.

A large portion of the stock had been taken, when the

derangemeiit of business caused by the iailure of Adams .^

Co., Page, Bacon k Co., and many other San Francisco

houses of less importance, caused an abandonment of tl^e


The new company was formed with the same end in

view, bnt with the advantage of having anew route, over

which a road could be built for much less money than over

that selected by the old company. The estimated cost of

the new road u as -SSOjOOO. and the estimate of revenue

expected to be derived from it was $40,000 a year.

The Legislature of 1857- 8 passed a bill providing for

the division of Klamath county, an I for the creation of the

new county of Del Norte. It was first named ''Buchanan,"'

but the Committee on Counties and County Boundaries, to

whom was referred a bill to establish the new count}' aiul

detine its boundaries,reported it back with the amendment,

the name of the county, "Buchanan," be struck out and

that "Del Norte " be inserted in its stead.

Mr. Cofforth moved to amend the Committee's amend-

ment by striking out "])el Norte" and inserting " Alta."

Mr. Merritt suggested " Altissinia," as it was the farthest

county north.

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Mr. Cosby suggested " K'incon."

Mr. Westmoreland moved to strike out "Del ISTorte" and

insert " Dtl Merrit."

The question being taken on these amendments, they

were all lost, and after a little more sparring, the amend-

ment " Del Norte " was substituted for " Buchanan," by a

vote of 14 to 6, and the bill passed.

It located the seat of Justice at Crescent- City, and

ordered an election held in May, 1857, for the election of

county officers. For Senatorial purposes Del Norte was

attached to Klamath, and for Judicial purposes to the 8th

Judicial District. The bill also provided that Del Norte

pay one third of the indebtedness of Klamath county, and

that it was to issue bonds therefor, bearing ten per cent,

per annum interest, to Klamath county. Twenty per

cent, of the taxes and other monies received by the Treas-

urer of Del Norte was ordered to be set aside as a sinking-

fund for the redemption of said bonds; and the sum arising

from this twenty per cent, was to be appropriated annu-

ally to the redemption of said bonds. The Board of

Supervisors of Del Norte county were authorized to levy

a special tax, not to exceed twenty-five cents on each one

hundred dollars of valuation of taxable property in said

county; the fund arising from said special tax to be ap-

plied, in addition to the twenty per cent, above mentioned,

to the liquidation of the debt due to Klamath county.

The boundaries of Del Norte county were declared to

be as follows: " Commencing at a point in the Pacific

Ocean, three miles from shore, on 42d parallel of north

latitude, and running thence southerly three miles from

shore to a point one mile south of the mouth of Klamath

River; thence easterly, on a line parallel with said Klam-

ath Eiver, to a point one mile south of the mouth of Blue

Creek; thence in a north-easterly direction to the summit

of the Siskiyou Mountains; thence in an easterly direction,

following the ridge that divides the waters of Clear Creek

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from the waters of Dillon's "Creek, to the Klamath Elver,

at a point equi-distant from the mouth of said Dillon's

Creek and the mouth of said Clear Creek; thence across

Klamath Eiver, and in an easterly and northerly direction

to said Klamath River, at the head of the canon, (^said

canon being about five miles above the mouth of Indian

Creek, and between Eagle Ranch and Johnson's Eaneh,^

following the ridge of the mountains, and heading the

waters that flow into said Klamath Eiver, on the south

side, between the two points last beforementioned; thence

crossing the river, and in a northerly direction following

the ridge dividing the waters that flow into the river

above from the waters that flow into the river below the

place of crossing, to a point on the 42d parallel of north

latitude, due north from the head of said canon; and

thence Avest to the place of beginning.'"

As may be seen from the above, the boundaries em-

braced all the country on both sides of the Klamath Eiver

as high as a point five miles above the mouth of Indian

Creek, and as far down that river as a point half-way be-

tween Clear Creek and Dillon's Creek, taking in Elk

Creek and the mining country thereabouts; in fact includ-

ing the points of Happy Camp, Elk Creek, Wingate's Bar,

Spanish Bar, Clear Creek, Indian Creek, Forks of Smith's

Eiver, and Crescent City and the adjoining country,

U. B. Freaner, J. T. Bayse, Peter Darby, R. B. Morford

and P. H. Peveler were appointed a Board of Commis-

sioners to divide the county into three Supervisor Districts,

to designate election precincts, to appoint officers of elec-

tion, to receive the returns, and to issue certificates of

election to those entitled to the same.

The month of April, 1857, brought the heaviest immi-

gration to Del Norte that had ever been known during the

same length of time. Over 450 passengers were landed at

the port of Crescent City within three days.

On Monday, May 4th, 1857, the election for county offi-

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cers for the new county of Del JS'orte took place, and the

officers elected were: County Judge, F. E. Weston;

County Clerk, Ben. Reynolds; Sheriii, N. Tack; District

Attorney, Jno. P. Haynes; Treasurer, B. Y. Naylor; As-

sessor, Solon Hall; Coroner, Jasper Houek; Surveyor, D.

C. Lewis; Public Administrator, Jno. T. Boyce. The

Supervisors elected were: First District, Wm. Saville;

2d, Ward Bradford; 3d, P. H. Peveler.

The Democratic party in Del Norte county was first

organized at the Excelsior Saloon, Crescent City, May16th, 1857. Jno. P. Haynes, on behalf of a Committee of

three appointed to select a County Committee, submitted

the names of the following persons to fortn such County

Committee: Crescent City, T. S. Pomeroy, Pat McManusand Peter Darby; Smith's River Yalley, Isaac Warwick;

Indian Creek, P. H. Peveler; Happj' Camp, Mr, Lippard;

Klamath River, R. Humphrej's.

Pursuant to notice, the stockholders in the Crescent

City Plank and Turnpike Company met in the theatre in

Crescent City, on the evening of the 4th day of June, for

the purpose of electing officers of said Company. W. A.

Hamilton was elected President, T. S. Pomero}*, Secretary,

and Henry Smith,, Treasurer, to hold office for the term

of one year. Messrs. J. W. Staxeler, John A. Baxter, F.

R. Weston, David Price, D. C. Dewis, E. Y. Naylor and

J, G. Wall were elected Directors of the Company for one


An assessment of $10 on each share of stock was levied,

and Marney & Davis, of Jacksonville, Jacob Mendenhall,

of Illinois Yalley, and J. E. Sloan, of Kirbyville, were ap-

pointed agents to collect the same in their respective

vicinities. Through the untiring exertions of the Presi-

dent, W, A. Hamilton, all the stock in the enterjjrise had

been subscribed for, to the amount of 850,000.

The summer of 1857 found Del Norte county in a i^ros-

perous condition. And in taking a retrospective view of

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their fiituation the people of Del Norte had much to con-

gratulate themselves upon, and had good reason to expect

a great increase in population, business and wealth during

the years to come. The division of Klamath county hadbeen accomplished and the new county of Del Norte cre-

ated; and above all, the determination shown by the Ju-

dicial officers of the new county to punish, and thereb}^

prevent crime, augured a new era in the administration of

county affairs, and an improvement in the moral tone of

the community. Another object,' the building of the

wagon road across the mountains, could now be considered

as certain of success.

During the months of March, April and May, the first

business months of the yeai', there were landed at Crescent

City 1278 tons of freight, and 1717 passengers. And the

above may be taken as a fair criterion of the average bus-

iness of the town in 1857.

The mines were also paying as well if not better than

formerly. The miners on the Klamath were making good

wages. On Indian Creek the miners were making an

ounce per day to the hand.

The Crescent Hook and Ladder Company gave their

third annual b:dl on July 3d. There was nothing remark

able about the ball, except the fact that the price of tickets

was placed at $10 each; which would certainly be a

remarkable occurrence in these days.

The Democratic Convention to nominate a Senator

from this district, which was then composed of the coun-

ties of Del Norte, Klamath and Siskiyou, met at HajDpy

Camp on the 29th of July, 1857, and organized by electing

Jno. P. Haynes, of Del Norte, President, and R- Haden,

ofSiskiyou, Secretary. The number of votes allowed each

county was as follows: Siskiyou, ten; Klamath, four;

Del Norte, three.

On the first ballot D. J. Colton, of Siskiyou, was nomi-

nated unanimously.

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Afterwards, the delegates from Klamath and Del Norte

went into convention for the nomination of a candidate to

represent those two counties in the Assembly, and nomi-

nated R. P. Hirst, of Klamath county, for that office.

On Wednesday, September 2, a murder occurred that

caused great excitement throughout this county and Sou-

thern Oregon, and led to the belief that an organized band

of cut-throats and robbers were plying their vocation in

this part of the State.

Max. Rothenheim. a prominent merchant of Crescent

City, was murdered and robbed in broad daylight on the

trail leading from that place to Illinois Yalley. The cir-

cumstances, as detailed by Mr. Lewis, who was traveling

with him at the time, are as follows : Eothenheim and

Lewis stopped at Elk Camp (^thirty miles from town^ on

the 1st of September, they being on their way from the

mining districts to Crescent City. They took an early

breakfast on the morning of the 2d, and started on. Theyhad got about a mile on their way, when Lewis, who was

in advance, heard someone order them to "halt," and

looking up saw a man standing ahead of them in the trail,

masked, and with a shot-gun presented at him. He sang

out to Eothenheim to shoot him, and jumped from his

horse. As he touched the ground the man fired, and

Lewis' horse was struck by several buck-shot. He seized

the bridle of his horse and ran down the trail with him

some twenty-five yards, when he heard another shot and

saw Rothenheim fall. As he fell someone said, " you're

safe," and he then saw another man, also masked, and

with a revolver. Rothenheim's mule was running, and

the first man he saw cried out, " never mind the mule,

shoot the man." Lewis' horse had fallen dead and he

continued his flight, and by a circuitous route returned to

Elk Camp, where he remained until the Express train

came along, and accompanied it in to town. On arriving

at the scene of the murder they found the dead horse, but

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could not see anything of the body of Eothenheim, the

murdered man.

As soon as the news reached town the excitement wasintense, and Coroner Houck and Deputy Sheriff Hiley

with a party started at once to search for the body. It

was found some twenty yards from the trail, where J?o-

thenheim had apparently laid down himself, as his attitude

was perfectly easy and natural, and there were no marks

of his being taken there by violence. The body had been

robbed of everything valuable. The amount of moneyEothenheim had is not known, but it is known that he had

made some collections in the mines, and that he also had

about $700 belonging to another person.

The body was taken to Crescent City, where an inquest

was held, after which it was shipped to San Francisco for

intermeni. At the iuquest to enquire into the cause of the

death the following verdict was found:

"The jury empaneled to enqire into the cause of MaxEothenheim's death find as follows, viz: That the said

Max Eothenheim came to his death by a gun-shot wound

inflicted by some person or persons to the jury unknown,

That said killing was committed in the coiinty of Del

Norte, State of California, about one mile from Elk Camp,

on the road from Crescent Cit}^ to Illinois Yalley, and oe

curred on the 2d day of September, 1857. We are also of

the opinion that the crime of murder was committed with

the design of robbery, by two or more persons, and we

have reason to suspect Bill Judd and accomplices of the

perpetration of the crime."

Many different theories were advanced as to how and

by whom the murder of Max Eothenheim was committed,

but through all the contradictory opinions expressed, one

conviction forced itself into the minds of all—that this

portion of the State, which had before been free from the

drepredations of the gangs of highwaymen who had in-

fested other parts of it, could no longer be exempt from

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their rascally deeds. It was thought by many that an

organized band of robbers and murderers bad their haunts

in Northern California and Southern Oregon, and that

these bands had friends and agents everywhere. That all

parties coming to Crescent City from the interior, whowere known or supposed to have money with them, were

watched there can be no question. Besides the murder of

Eothenheim on the trail, there had been, within a week

previous to it, two robberies committed, one in Croscent

'City and one in Smith's Eiver Yalle3^ Men known to be

bad and desperate characters had been seen in various

parts of the county, though fortunately perhaps for them-

selves, they did not remain.

Ely Judd and Bill Judd, two brothers, were supposed to

be the murderers, and one of them, Ely, was arrested by

the citizens of Happy Camp and kept a prisoner for three

daj^s. He then managed to make his escape. He w^as

followed some distance up the river by Henry Doolittle

and others, but was not recaptured at the time.

The " Metropolitan Theatrical Company," from San

Francisco, made their first ai^pearance in Crescent City on

Monday evening', Sej^tember 28th, 1857. The plays se-

lected were "Perfection" and "Loan of a Lover." The

circumstance making the " Metropolitan's" worthy of no-

tice in these pages is, that among them was one wdio was

destined to receive the homage of the world; whose acting-

would some day delight and amuse thousands upon thous-

ands of people; whose lightest word and slightest gesture

upon the stage would hold countless audiences spell-bound,

and bring hundreds of admirers to her feet.

All history has shown that the greatest men and womenof any age rose from the lower walks of life, and step by

step, mounted the ladder of fame, until they reached the

topmost round. And they have sprung from the most

unexpected and unlikely places; from hot-beds of vice and

crime, they have passed unscathed to a higher and a better

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lifej from the lowest and most degrading surroundings,

they have risen to be shining lights in the constellation of

dramatic, literary and scientific celebrities. In the words

of the poet;'' AU the world's a stage,

Aii'l all tbe men and wome'i

rrii-relj^ players;

,They have their exits and

their entrances,

And one ujan ij. hi- time

plays iiKifiy part?."

And it is not surprising that upon the stage of a small

theatre in a far off California town, one of the most cele-

brated actresses of modern times " made her entrance "

into public notice, and laid the foundation for a great suc-

cess upon the stage.

This member of the " Metropolitan" troupe was no other

than the now famous Lotta- -whose naive ways, sweet,

childish voice, and nimble feet were even then giving

promise that she might, with careful training, achieve a

high position in her profession. She had already become

a capital little actress, but it was on this tour through

ISlorthern California and Southern Oregon that she first

gained a secure hold on the good-will and admiration of

the public. The troupe played through the week in Cres-

cent City to full houses, afterwards leaving for the interior,

where they met with equally largo and enthusiastic audi-


The Hoard of Examiners appointed under the provisions

of the Act of the Legislature of 1856 -7 dividing Klamath

county and creating the new county of Del Norte, con-

sisting of Messrs. Lewis, Pevoler, McDonald and Buel, met

at Orleans Bar on the third Monday in September, and

proceeded to the discharge of their duties. They first

went to work to ascertain the indebtedness of Klamath

county prior to the 4th day of May, 1857, and finding it

impossible to do so in any other way, fixed upon the pro-

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ceedings ofthe Funding Commissioners ofKlamath county

as the basis of said debt, notwithstanding a large numberof bills had been audited by the Supervisors of that county

since the organization of Del Norte, the most of which

were audited at a special term in June, ]857. The whole

of this bill was $5,534.85.

It was problematical whether Del Norte was properly

responsible for any portion of this amount, in the auditing

of which she had no voice; but taking into consideration

the distracted condition of the county government of

Klamath prior to May, 1857, the death of her Treasurer,

the resignation of her Assessor, the default and abscond-

ing of her Sheriff, and the necessity that existed of having

all claims against her audited before the funding of her

debt, the Examiners thought it best to take the amount

funded by Klamath as the amount of her debt previous to

May 4th, deducting froru it, however, the debts incurred

by Klamath during the month of May, That amount,

making allowances for back licenses collected by Klamath,

and also for warrants redeemed by her from her ownfunds, was in all $26,843.54. This then, was the amount

to be divided between the two counties.

The next step was to establish a basis on which to

divide it. On this point the words of the Act creating the

Board of Examiners were, "and when the amount of in-

debtedness is so ascertained, they shall determine the

amount of said indebtedness to be paid by Del Norte

county, taking as a basis the sources of revenue of the tw^o

counties." The Del Norte Examiners there^fore proposed

to take as a basis the sources of revenue of the two coun-

ties for the year ending in 1858, taking the licenses for

May, June and July, 1857, as the basis for the year.

This apportionment would have resulted as follows:

Eevenue of Klamath for the year, $10,659.80; revenue of

Del Norte, $6,555.75.

At which rate the proportion of Del Norte would have

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been a trifle more than one third of the whole debt. Tothis proposition the Examiners on the part of Klamathdissented, urging as a reason for their dissent, that it

was working injustice to them to take into the calculation

the revenue derived from Foreign Miner's License. It

was urged upon the Klamath Examiners that if the For-

eign Miner's License was a source of revenue, they fthe

Klamath Examiners^ were unjust; if it was not a source

of revenue their view was correct. And to show howstrongly it was relied on as a source of revenue, the fact

was mentianed that an adjoining couiiLy in Oregon relied

entirely upon this tax for the support of her county gov-

ernment, and levied no property tax at all. However, the

Klamath Examiners were firm in their refusal, and the

Examiners from Del Norte, would accept no other propo-


The Board then endeavored to agree upon a fifth manto decide the point, but there they failed again, and were

compelled to adjourn without accomj)lishing anything

more than the ascertaining the amount of debt to be


As before stated, the whole debt outstanding of Klamath

county on the 4th day of May, 1857, of which Del Norte

had to pay its portion, was $26,843.54. The Board having

failed to divide this, the only thing now to be done under

the provisions of the division act, was for the County Au-

ditor of Del Norte to draw his warrant on the Treasurer

of said county for one-third of this amount, being $8,948.

09. A very nice little sum for Del Norte to have on her

back at the commencement of her existence.

Nothing of special interest occurred during the opening

months of the year 1858, except the capture of Bill and

Ely Judd, two notorious characters who were suspected

of having been engaged in the murder and robbery of Eo-

thenheim, the summer before. They were captured near

Shasta by the Sheriff of Shasta county, where they were

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turned over to Deputy Sheriff Eiley, of Del Norte, whotook them to Crescent City and lodged them in jail.

After being lodged in jail at Crescent City they were

searched, and a file made of a jMece of steel spring wasfound on each, concealed in their hats. They had a pre-

liminary examination before Justice Mason, and were

committed to await the action of the Grand Jury.

But these desperate men were determined to escape from

the clutches of the law, and on Monday evening. Februar^^

Ist, the citizens were alarmed by the cry that the prison-

ers had escaped. It appeared that Deputy Sheriff Liddle

and the jailer, Mr. Sykes, had just taken the prisoner's

supper to them, and as usual, had removed the irons from

their wrists that they might eat with more ease. Theyhad finished their supper, Mr. Liddle had replaced the

irons on EI3' Judd, and was about doing so on Jack fa,

man in jail for robberyy) when Jack struck him a severe

blow on the head, having 011c hand-cuff on. Mr. Liddle

stepped back, to get out of the way of the irons, but Jack

struck him several times on the head with them, cutting

it badly. Bill Judd at the same time knocked Sykes

down the steps, and he and Jack made a rush out of the

door, they having previously cut the chains which bound

the irons on their legs. Ely made no attempt to run.

Jack did not get far, for Mr. Liddle, cut and bleeding as

he was, and compelled to hold on to the railing for suj)-

port, fired iwo shots at him, one of which took effect, and

he was soon secured and brought back, badly wounded.

Li the meantime Bill Judd made a run for the woods back

of the jail and was soon out of sight, it being then nearly

dark. Several parties went in pursuit, but without suc-

cess. Sheriff Tack offered a reward of $500 for Judd, and

he was finally captured on the Klamath by four soldiers

stationed on the reservation, and again taken back and

lodged in jail.

Many complaints were made during the spring of 1858

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in regard to the management of the Klamath Indian Ees-ervation, and people were beginning to think that it wassomething of a humbug. It was supposed to have beenestablished for the jjurpose of collecting the Indians uponit, and maintaining, them there, teaching them to cultivate

the soil, and for that purpose a great deal of governmentmoney had been spent every year. But instead of

answering the purpose for which it was iutended, the Res-

ervation was notoriously mismanaged, and the Indians

were prowling around when and where they pleased.

Crescent City was full of them; they were all over it at

nights, they were sleeping in buildiiigs in all parts of it—

and it was in constant danger of being set on fire by their

carelessness. ' It was the duty of the Government to get

all the Indians on the reservation and keej) them there,

and as it was then being conducted, it was a reservation

onl}' in name. And, as usual in such cases, the blame

could not be traced to any one whose duty it would be-

come to afford relief.

The Crescent City Plank Eoad and Turnpike Compan}'

completed their road in May, 1858, and the first stage over

the whole length of the road left Crescent City on the 19th

of that month. The first stage line was established byMcClellan &: Co. and P. J. Mann, and a tri-weekly stage

was run from Crescent City to Sailor Diggings, connecting-

there with the stage line for Jacksonville, Yreka, andintermediate places,

'Fraser Eiver became the new Eldorado toward which

all eyes were turned durin'g the summer of 1858, and Del

Norte suffered severely from the constant drain upon her

population which ensued. The Eraser River mines were

said to be immensely rich, and many fabulous stories were

told in regard to the great fortunes made there. The fever

raged with the utmost intensity. On the street, in

saloons and billiard halls, in the bar-rooms of hotels, in

public halls and in private circles, the all-absorbing and

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only topic of conversation was the Fraser Elver mines.

Crescent City presented alternately an empty or crowded

appearance as steamers were just leaving or just arriving

to take away the numbers that were flocking in from the

interior to take passage on them.

The saloons presented much the appearance of '54, being

tilled with miners playing billiards and cards, and drinking

poor whiskey. Gambling tables groaned under their bur-

dens of coin and gold-dust, and the miner's money seemed

to have caught the prevailing excitement, so rapidly did

it change from one pocket to anotlier.

But Crescent City was not the only part of the State

which suffered from this excitement. Other places on the

Coast became almost depopulated. Trinidad had but six

inhabitants left, and numbers were leaving Humboldt,

from which bay, in addition to the steamers, two sailing

vessels departed with passengers for the North. Kerby-

ville had " gone in," Jacksonville was thinning off rapidly,

and miners were fast leaving the different creeks and dig-

gings on the Klamath.

All this had a serious and detrimental effect on the bus-

iness and prosperity of the county-—in fact, it was the|

first swash of the wave of adversity which afterwards i

broke over Del ^orte.!

The Indians living on Smith's River imitated the oft-j

repeated example of the whites, and in May, 1859, invoked]

the aid of Judge Lynch to help one of their brethren to!

" shuffle off this mortal coil." An Indian belonging to thej

Yontocket tribe had murdered one belonging to the Smith's|

Eiver tribe, without provocation. He was taken to Cres-!

cent City, when the tribe of the murdered Indian, with\

Has, its chief, and the brethren of the victim, took the In- ;

dian out on Battery Point, and hung him at the same spot|

where the murderers of French had been executed four

years before. The brother of the prisoner fastened the|

rope around his neck himself with every appearance of;

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heartfelt satisfaction. They were not adebts, however, in

the white man's mode of punishing criminals, and madethree several attempts before they finally succeeded in

extinguishing the life of the unfortunate brave. The In-

dians were not interfered with in any manner by the

whites, although a large crowd had collected at the scene

of execution.

The Legislature of 1858--9 ajspointed Commissioners to

apportion the Funded Debt of Klamath county, and the

interest thereon, between the counties of Klamath and Del

Norte. This question had long been a bone of contection

between the two counties, and several attempts to settle

the matter had been made without success. The Act ap-

pointing the Commissioners provided and specified that

the revenue of seven months of the year, namely, from

June 1st, 1857, to January Ist, 1858, should be the basis

of settlement.

The Commissioners, W. M. Buel, on the part of Klamathcounty, and Ben. F. Dorris, on the part of Del Norte

county, declined to act in the premises, alleging as a

reason, that, in their opinion, a just and equitable' settle-

ment could not be made according to the provisions of said

Act. In their report to the Board of Supervisors of Del

Norte county, they stated, that upon an examination of

the statements furnished them by the Auditors ot the two

counties showing the net revenues of both, they found

that seven months taken as a basis would work greatly to

the prejudice of Klamath county. They therefore pro-

posed, after a due consideration of all the circumstances

attending the embarrassed condition of affairs, to take the

revenue of the first year, namely, from May 4th, 1857, to

May 4th, 1858, as the basis of settlement. The apportion

ment on this proposition was as follows: Joint debt of

Klamath and Del Norte counties, as ascertained from the

books of Funding Commission, $31,986.54; amount of rev-

enue collected in both counties from May 4th, 1857, to

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May 4th, 1858, $14,667,69; apportionment of the debt ac-

cording to the above ba8i8---Klamath county, 120,307.00;

Del Norte county, ^11,679.54; interest to be calculated to

the 11th of June, 1859.

On the 7th of July, .1859, the Judds, who had so long

been confined in the county jail, waiting their trial for the

murder of Eothenheim, made their escape. This was

done by sawing out one side of the iron bars of the win-

dow in the rear of the building, and then forcing them

around, leaving an aperture through which they madetheir escape. As far as the county was concerned, it was

benefitted by their escape, for they had been living at its

expense for nearly two years, and after such a lapse of

time their conviction was at least exceedingly doubtful.

About three o'clock on the afternoon of the 9th of the

same month, a fire broke out on Front street, near J. Theflames spread with great rapidity, and in a very short

time the entire block on Front, up to I street, was con-

sumed, with the exception of the two brick buildings on

the lower corner. The loss by the fire was about ^30,

000. The principal sufferers were Wenger & Co.', M. J.

McNamara, G. Patchin, H» B. Congdon, Mrs. H. Grubler,

and the Herald. A few days after the fire the citizens

held a meeting and adopted measures towards procuring

a fire engine for the town, their late experience having

fully demonstrated the necessity for such an article.

The county had again the pleasure of boarding the dis-

tinguished individual known as Ely Judd, he being cap-

tured near Jacksonville in September and taken back to

Crescent City Bill Judd was also captured, in Washing-

ton Territory, taken back and lodged in jail at the same


The case of the People vs. Judd was tried at the Nov.

term of the District Court, and the jury returned a verdict

of not guilty, which created a great deal of astonishment

among citizens generally.

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On motion of the District Attorney, the indictment

against the Judcls was ordered dismissed by the Court,

and they were discharged from custody. And so endedthe Judd farce, in which the ends of justice had not been

carried out, innocent blood had not been atoned for, and

the tax-payers of Del Norte had been saddled with a debt

of thousands of dollars.

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1859 TO 1865.

The fact that copper existed in large quantities in Del

Norte county had long been known, and in March, 1860,

numerous specimens taken out by parties who opened the

vein were tested by D. S. Sartwell, Dr. Henry Smith, and

others, all of which proved the ore to contain a large per

cent, of pure copper. This induced the formation of a

company, under the direction of D. C. Gibbs, Geologist,

who was one of the discoverers, for the purpose of more

thoroughly prospecting the vein, which was well defined,

the out-eroppings having been easily traced for over a


The vein was first opened at a point about two-thirds

up the hills rising back from Smith's River, near Black's

Ferry, eight miles from Crescent City, and at an elevation

of 500 feet from the river. The existence of copper in this

section had been known to many since 1853, but until the

spring of 1860 no attempt was made to find the vein or

test the quality of the loose pieces occasionally found.

The company mentioned above made several openings

to the depth of from 20 to 30 feet along the lead at different

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points, in order more fully to ascertain the character of

the lead and the quality of the ore. The discoveries madeby them were enough to prove that the county was rich

in various minerals, and all that was needed was the en-

ergy to prospect, and continue prospecting, until the hid-

den treasures of her hills would claim for Del Norte an

enviable position among her sister counties.

That great institution, the capital stock of Fourth of

July orators and prosy political speakers—-the American

eagle— had for several years been soaring over the tree

tops in the vicinity of Crescent City, and many attempts

were made to; and at last it was taken captive

near town by J. Lord, who sent it to San Francisco.

Twenty years ago gambling was a prevailing vice in

California, and Del Norte was not an exception. The sa-

loons in every mining camp in the county were the head-

quarters of "poker sharps" and professional gamblers.

And the saloons of Crescent City, especially, were the

favorite haunts of those who were eager to stake their

honor, reputation and money on a game at cards.

After the business hours of the day were over, the dif-

ferent places ofresort presented an interestiiig commentary

on the influence of California life upon all classes of

societ}'. The propensity of the early California population

to invest in great mining schemes, and risk their all to

gain a sudden fortune, had left its impress on those whocame after them. Everything was the subject of specu-

lation. Chance entered into every business transaction,

and it is not surprising that the same element entered into

and composed a part of the pleasures of those whose sole

ambition was to make their "pile" and i-eturn to "the


Night after night, in the principal saloons of Crescent

City, the card-tables wei'e surrounded by a motley crowd

of gamblers. And these were not confined to the "pro-

fessiontjis." or those -v^ho m-A(]e their living by gambling.

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Frequently, at the same table the merchant sat opposite

the miner, the packer faced the new arrival from the East

ready to be "fleeced." Thousands of dollars changed

hands in the space of a few hours. Some, calm and cool,

lost, and won their money witli a stoical indifierence

worthy of a Sphinx; others, feverish and excited, ner-

vously dealt the cards, or eagerly watched every turn in

the tide of fortune.

On Sunday evening, May 20th, 1860, a man called

" Humboldt " had engaged in a "little game" and had

met with bad luck. The cards had turned against him all

the evening, and he had lost a large amount of money.

However, it so happened that " for ways that are dark,

and tricks that are vain " " Humboldt" was peculiar. Hewas up to several dodges of which the uninitiated had no

knowledge, and determining to " stock " a deck of cards,

and thereby iocrease his chances of winning, it is said

that he went to a room in the Oriental Hotel with the

purpose of secretly "fixing up" the deck. Having a

lighted candle in his hand, and being too much under the

influence of liquor to heed the danger from fire, a few

minutes only had elapsed when flames were seen issuing

from the building. The fell destroyer spread rapidly, and

in spite of all exertions the entire block was soon con-

sumed. The engine company. Active No. 1, was promptly

on hand, but water was scarce and she was finally obliged

to take it from the slough on Second street. The citizens

were out in a body, and together with the firemen worked

hard to save all that was possible. The loss amounted to

over $10,000.

The summer of 1860 was attended with great excite-

ment in consequence of new discoveries of copper ledges,

and the mines attracted considerable attention in San

Francisco and other places. A party of Cornish miners

arrived and pronounced the ore they saw here the richest

they had ever seen before. The ore was not onh^ rich, it

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was accessible. Wherever the leads were worked the

more positive became the evidence of their value. In

consequence the inhabitants of this section of country got

the copper fever badly, and were much excited over the

new discoveries. In fact, copper was all the rage and all

the cry. Oxides, and sulphurets, and casings, and out-

croppings ware familiar words on the lips of men who a

few months before would have been puzzled to define

them. At one time there was a regular stampede in

Crescent City. The streets were deserted, and the stables

were bare of either horse or mule.

A short account of the different claims then located in

the county will probably be of general interest, and below

will be found the best information in regard to them it

"has been possible to obtain


The " Evoca " Company, which was the first one organ-

ized, located their mine on the trail leading from Black's

Ferry into Illinois Valley, about a half a mile beyond the

ferry. The "Excelsior" was situated on the same range

of mountains, one mile north of the '' Evoca.'" The " Pa

cific " was on the same range of mountains, still further,

sny half a mile, to the northward. The " Del Korte"

was located on the left hand side of Myrtle Creek, two

and a half miles from Black's Ferry. The " Alta Cali-

fornia " was located on what is known as the Low Divide,

on the wagon road from Crescent City to Illinois Valley,

the lead crossing the road. Next beyond the • Alta Cali-

fornia " on the Low Divide was the " L'nion," on the

opposite side of the road from where the " Alta " company

were working. Other mines, namely, the " Crescent, "

" Bamboo," " Mammoth," and the Chaplin and Bradford

claims, were located near the Low Divide.

When it is considered that but two months and a half

had passed since the first out-croppings had been discov

ered and tested, and that that short space of time had

called all these companies into existence, it will readily

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ajjpear that the coi^per mines were not a myth, but some-

thing really substantial.

The Crescent City Wharf, the most western improymeDt

of the kind under the American flag, was completed on

August 11th, 1860. The whole distance from the shore to

the large, flat rock at which it terminated was 1320 feet.

It was afterwards continued to the far side of the rock,

and then an L was built along that far side, so that vessel s

coul'l lie head to the sea.

The fall months of 1860 ~ere cm/jfly remarkable for the

great political changes wliich occurr&l. • revious :o 1860

there had been but one political crguuizawoa in Del Norte

-—the Democratic party. Bu tue i.^^su-if-i =:hen brought

before the people were totally .afl^erent rrom any that haa

preceded them. Men recognized, the fact tha.t ".he Union-

was in danger. The clouds of war, which oad been

threatening so long, were about to burst oyer the country.

The eloc|uent words of Patrick Henry were once more

ringing through the land: "Gentleme.i cry 'peace!

peace!' but there is no peace."

No wonder, then, that men who had io.:- years been

Democrats, should forsake the party thai sought to

destroy the Union, and organize into other partie's, having

for their watchword, "the Union forever." and acknowl-

edging no East, no West, no North, no South, but an in-

dissoluble Union under the Stars and Stripes.

The first sign of any dissatisfaction with the established

political organization in Del Norte county was manifested

by a call for a Union meeting, for the purpose of organiz-

ing for the support of Bell and Everett, for President and

Yice-President. A meeting was accordingly held at the

Court House in Crescent City on the evening of the 23d

of August. N. O. Arrington was called to the Chair, and

Ben. F. Dorris was chosen to act as Secretary.

The meeting being > ailed to order, several speeches

were made, the Chairman referring to the distracted con-

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dition of the coutitrj'', and urging all Union-loving men to

abandon the sectional candidates then before the people,

and rally to the standard of Bell and Everett.

Dr. F. Knox addressed the meeting at length, showingforth the great necessity for a thorough and complete or-

ganization, and a well directed effort on the part of the

Union men throughout the country to make " a long pull,

a strong pull, and a pull altogether, to bring the great

Ship of State into that quiet harbor where vessels safe

without their hawsers ride."

The following Preamble and Eesolution, submitted

with suitable remarks by Jas. H. Gordon, were then


" Whereas, The times are sadly out of joint, and sec-

tional party strife has run to such excess, as to endanger

all the best interests of the country, and even to jeopard

the perpetuity of the Union itself; and

'"'Whereas, Our only hope for, the prosperity of the

country, or the permanency of its institutions lies in a

sjieedy return to the principles and practices of our fore-

fathers; thei-efore, be it

" Resolved, That we most heartily approve the action

ot the National Union Convention at Baltimore, and the

nomination of John Bell, of Tennessee, fo^' President, and

Edward Everett, of Massachusetts, for Vice-President, and

we now resolve ourselves into a Union Club, styled the

Bell and Everett Club of Del, Norte county."

Meanwhile, the Eepublicans and Democrats were not

idle. Speeches were made tliroughout the county by E.

G. Hayes, D. C. Lewis and Mr. Bassett on behalf of the

Hepubliciins, while the Democratic party was still more

numerously represented. '

Owing to the split in the ranks of the Democrats cauBed

by the nomination of Stephen A. Douglas and Herschel

V. Johnson, in opposition to John C. Breckenridge and

Joseph Lane, the party in this county was somewhat de-

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moralized. Jno. P. Haynes, fnow Superior Judge of

Humboldt countyJ was the leader of the Douglas faction

in Del Norte, and the Crescent City Herald, edited by T.

S. Pomeroy, was the mouth-piece of the supporters of

Breekeuridge. The most prominent men of the county

were Democrats, and consequently both factioos of the

party were represented by able speakers, who made a

spirited canvass of the district.

The Kastern news of the attack on Fort Sumter, and the

defence and final surrender by Major Anderson, created a

profound sensation among the people of the county, as it

did all over the State. And in consequence of the depres-

sion and gloom caused by this news, together with the

hard times which had preceded it, business was at a stand-

still, and all trades and professions were feeling the effects

of the evil which had come upon the Nation. None of

the causes of inflation and business excitement operating

in the North and East existed here; therefore, trade and

enterprise languished and hid themselves away, and all

things partook of the general gloom and fed,r that pervaded

the Union. Men knew not how soon the tread of armed

feet might be heard in the Golden State, and neighbors

looked askance at each other, as if fearful of one another.

Journalism was n?)t an exception, and owing to lack of

support the publication of the Crescent City Herald was

discontinued and the material removed to Jacksonville,

Oregon. True, considerable mining was yet going on,

and some goods were being carried across the mountains

-—but compared with its former trade, Crescent City had

sunk to a very low ebb, and the times were at their


And from the beginning of the year 1861, a blank of sev-

eral years in the history of Del .Norte occurs, which it is

difficult to fill up— not because of the difficulty in procur-

ing reliable information, but for the reason that few events

of interest, except the great flood of 1861-2, transpired.

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THE FLOOD OF 1861--2. 73

Del Norte, in common with the rest of the State, wasvibrating back and forth between hope and fear, as newsarrived of the victory of one side or the other. As people

living in perilous times, and surrounded by gi'eat andthreatening evils, as citizens of a country which was being

tossed to and fro upon the angry passions of sectional

war-fare, they saw their danger, and were awed by the

presence of war. This was no time for business activity,

when the life and property of the j)eople were threatened

by civil war; this was no time for improvement and

development by enterprising men, when the gloomyclouds of war and rebellion hung over them, stretching

their dai'k shadows from East to West, from the Atlantic

to the Pacific.

Therefore, it was but natural that everything should

relapse into a dull waiting, waiting for the storm to break,

waiting for the sun of freedom and union to shine forth in

its brightness once more.

The winter of 1861-2 was one of unusual severity. Theflood-gates of heaven were opened, the rain poured downin torrents, and fierce gales from the ocean added their

terrors to the scene The month of December witnessed

the worst of these storms. Eain fell in enormous quanti-

ties, until rivulets were transformed into brooks, brooks

became rushing rivers, and aided by the wind, the mighty

waves of the ocean at high tide forced themselves over

drift-wood, bulk heads and breakwater, into the streets of

Crescent ('ity, extending in some places as far back as

Second street. Huge logs were carried up on the side-

walks, crashing into Front street buildings, breaking win-

dows and doors, and doing other damage. On the beach,

the drift-wood was piled up to a great height, whole trees

being carried in by the tide. From one end of the beach

to the other, huge redwood, spruce and fir trees were

piled one upon another in inextricable confusion. It is

said that after the tide went out a buggy team was driven

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CD the beach between the drift and the water, and that

the pile of drift-wood was so high that people on the

streets were unable to see the team. The Crescent Citj

Wharf, which had been built the same jear by F. E.

Wendell, was crushed by the drift-wood and carried awayby the sea. The sea and tide were immense, and had it

not been for the piles of drift-wood on the beach in front

of town, Crescent City would undoubtedly have been al-

most totally destroyed by the tide.

But the loss in Crescent City was small when compared

with the loss on Smith's Biver and the Klamath. Thesurrounding country was flooded b}' Smith's Eiver, and

houses, barns, fences, cattle, etc., went down with the

stream, and Avere carried out to sea or broken to pieces by

falling and floating trees. The " oldest inhabitant" had

never seen the river so high as it was then; even the In-

dian, usually so fearless of water, was terrified by the ris-

ing tide, and the tribes in the valley removed to the

mountains for security from the flood. At Fort Dick, ^so

called from the fact that the citizens had once built a log-

house there for the purpose of defending themselves

against the Indians^/ over a mile from the bed of the river,

large dwelling houses were carried by the flood for a dis-

tance of half a mile or more. Buildings on the ranch of

Major Bradford, a short distance from the river, were

moved from their foundations, and much damage done to

other property on the ranch. Near the mouth of the

river, a fishery owned by W. H. Woodbury was washed

away, together with four hundred barrels of salmon.

At the mouth of the Klamath Hiver, the military sta-

tion was entirely carried away, all the buildings and muchother property being lost.

The company ot soldiers stationed at the Klamath,

under command of Capt. Stewart, were removed immedi-

ately after the flood to Smith's River Yalley, where they

I'emaine 1 until the summer of 1862, when Camp Lincoln

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smith's river INDIAN RESERVATION. 75

was establisbed. Camp Lincoln was situated in Elk Yalley, six miles from Crescent City. Several substantial

buildings were erected there, a few of which are standing

at the j)resent time, Soldiers were stationed there until

1867, when the station was abandoned and the property

sold at auction.

Owing to the unsettled state of affairs, the citizens were

fearful of trouble with the Indians, as a large number of

them were roaming over the county. For the purpose of

gathering these bauds together where the controlling and

restraining influence of the soldiers could be exercised

upon them, the Government leased the large ranch of

Major Bradford, in Smith's River Valley, and established

thereon an Indian Eeservation. It was under the super-

vision of several men at different times, the first being

Capt. Buell. A large number of Indians were on the

reservation, and they were kept there until the year 1870.

In that year the Indians were removed by Agent Whiting

to the Hoopa Reservation, on the Klamath River.

During the time of the Civil War nothing of special im-

portance occurred except what has already been related.

Trade was depressed, business enterprise was checked,

and everybody were wailing impatiently for the end-when the fate of the Union would be decided. The war

feeling ran high, and many bitter animosities were engen-

dered by the war question. The majority of the inhabi-

tants of Crescent City, if not openly expressing themselves

in favor of secession and rebellion, at least sympathized

strongly with the Confederate cause, and many of them

were loud in their denunciations of the Union, and openl}'

expressed their feeling against its perpetuation. Those

who remained loyal to the Republic and Republican insti-

tutions were by far the lesser number, and they were bit-

terly opposed by the Confederate sympathizers.

There was a flag-pole in front of Dugan & Wall's Ex-

press office, on Front street, from which the flag of the

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Union was often jflung to the breeze. Not to be outdone

by their Republican neighbors, the Democrats erected a

flag-pole on Second street, just back of the one on Front

street; and it was not unusual to see the flag of the Unionwaving in close proximity to that of the Southern Con-

federacy. As the war progressed, the bitter feeling be-

tween the Democrats and Republicans grew apace. Andat one time, as the Democrats were in such a large

majority, it was not considered safe to hoist the Unionflag on the arrival of the steamers, especially if they

brought bad news of the Confederacy.

On one occasion a steamer arrived, and the emblem of

liberty and union was run up the flag-pole in front of Du-

gan & Wall's Express office. But in a few minutes it wasobserved that it was hauled down again, and the men at

work on the lighters in the bay, noticing this, left their

work, marched up to the Express ofiice, and asked Mr.

Dugan, who had charge of the flag, why it was hauled

down. He replied, ''It might cause trouble, if the flag is

allowed to remain." The men were not satisfied with this

excuse, and finally Dugan took the flag out and threw it

down on the side-walk. Willing hands were there to

hoist it to the top of the pole,

" And all day long it rose and ffll,

On the loyal wind? that lovt^d it wi-H."

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1859 TO 1881.

That wide world of waters, the sea, is as full of mystery

and wonder to-day as it was two thousand years ago,

when navigators thought that to go farther than a certain

distance from land would result in inevitable death, and

that a hand would be raised in the Western waters, indi-

cating the Ultima Thule beyond which it was folly to


And the superstitious awe with which the sea inspires

us, is felt now as strongly as it ever was. We may ad-

vance in science, religion, and art; we may be free from

the fanaticism of religious enthusiasm; our minds may be

stored with scientific knowledge, and clear with the en-

lightenment of the nineteenth century—-but still the mys-

tery and dread of the sea is felt by all, and its superstitions

still find a place in the minds of men. That vigorous and

thoughtful writer on Nature, John Burroughs, says of the


"It is a wide and fe'arful gulf that separates the two

worlds. The landsman can know little of the wildness,

ejavageness, and mercilessness of nature, until he has been

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upon the sea. It is as if he had taken a leap off into the

interstellar spaces. In voyaging to Mars or Jupiter he

might cross such a desert—might confront such awful

purity and coldness. An astronomic solitariness and re-

moteness encompasses the sea. The earth and all remem-

brance of it is blotted out; there is no hint of it anywhere.

This is not water, this cold, blue-black, vitreous liquid.

It suggests not life, but death. Indeed, the regions of

everlasting ice and snow are not more cold and inhuman

than the sea."

And it is this terror which its grandeur and power in-

spires, that feeds the flame of superstition and awe, and

keeps it alive in our minds. Dr. Holland says that " it is

curious how superstition springs into life at sea. Of all

the monsters that swim the deep or haunt the land, there

is none so powerful as this, and none like this that is om-

nipresent. It can be fought or ignored upon the shore,

but at looks up from the green hollows of the waves,

and lifts, its ghostly hands from every white curl of their

swiftly formed and swiftly falling summits. It is in the

still atmosphere, in the howling wind, in the awful fires

and silences of the stars, in the low clouds and the light-

nings that shiver and try to hide themselves behind them,

.ileason retires before its' baleful breath, and even faith

grows fearful beneath its influence. It fills the imagination

with a thousand indefinite forms of evil, and none are so

strong as to be unconscious of its power."

Certainly it is;this superstitious feeling that makes tales

of the sea so absorbingly interesting when all other sub-

jects grow stale and flat. Would that what follows could

be given as an off-spring of the imagination, instead of an

account of events which actually transpired.

One summer's day in 1865, a great steamship, freighted

with a hundred precious lives, and carrying in her hold

s'oodsand treasure valued at four hundred thousand dol-

lars, prepared to start on her trip from San Francisco to

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the Columbia Eiver. The ship was overflowing with life;

ofiicers in gay uniforms were busy in preparing for the

start; passengers were bidding farewell to friends and

kindred dear. Presently, the last farewells were spoken,

the decks were cleared of visitors, the gang-way washauled in, the fiery heart of the monster began to beat

and throb, the wheels revolved—-and the steamship

Brother Jonathan, freighted with bright hof)es and

brighter expectations, sailed gallantlj^ out through the

Golden Gate in a flood of sunshine, with every prospect of

a speedy and prosperous voyage.

Captain DeWolf, shajjing his course to the North, sailed

far out into the great Pacific—until the Heads grew indis-

tinct and shadowy, and the dark, rugged Farrallones

ftided away in the blue horizon-—until the 30th day of

July found the ship with nothing in sight but the bending

heavens and the heaving waste of waters.

Everything had passed off smoothly till the morning of

the 30th, when the wind increased to a howling nor-wester,

lashing the sea into a furious commotion. The ship

labored and straiiied in the angry sea, and it was at last

thought best to seek a port of safety. She was then about

due west from Point St. George, far out to sea, and out of

sight of land. Knowing that the Point would afford shel-

ter from the gale, the Brother Jonathan was headed for

Crescent City Harbor, just south of the cape.

And not one of her hundred passengers dreamed of the

fate in store for them! No one saw the hand of Death

beckoning from the silvery tide. No one heard the voices

in the wind and waves claiming them for their own.

Off Point St. George, about four miles from L-ind. a reef,

known as St. George Reef, extends for several miles west-

ward into the ocean. It is cut^tomary for steamers sailing

against a nor-wester, to keep close in shore, inside this

reef, in order to keep as much as possible out of the wind,

and vessels running down the coast to Crescent City also

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run inside this reef. The Brother Jonathan was steering

on her course for Crescent City, and for some reason wasrunning outside the reef as laid down on the chart. She

had made the coast to the north of Point St. George, and

was therefore running before the wind, as she was making

for the harbor to the south of the Point. She was about

four miles off Point St. George, the Quartermaster at the

wheel, when suddenly she struck with tremendous power

on a sunken rock, with such force that her fore mast went

through the hull, her fore-yards resting across the rails.

Instantly the deck became the scene of the wildest con-

fusion. The crash was so sudden, so unexpected, so

awful, tbat those on board had scarcely recovered from

the shock when they saw that their doom was sealed-

the ship was fast sinking into the embrace of the hungry

waves, and short time was left to prepare for death.

The pen is impotent to portray, the mind too feeble to

imagine the scenes that occurred on the deck of the ill-fated

steamer. Women fainted and implored for aid; strong

men who had looked death in the face a hundred times,

stared with fierce eyes at this watery grave; and aU

looked to "the Captain for the means of safety and deliver}''.

Life-preservers were distributed, two guns were fired in

quick succession, and command was given to lower the

boats from their davits. No sooner was the first boat in

the water, than a frenzied crowd rushed to the side and

threw themselves into it in such numbers that it was

swamped before it could get clear of the steamer. A sec-

ond and last boat was launched, which succeeded in clear

ing the vessel, running before the wind in the direction of

Crescent City.

Who can describe that last minute on board the sinking

ship; the swooning forms on the deck; the selfish strug

gies for the means of safety; the wild, longing looks at

the land and sky which seemed to mock them; the last

farewells, given and received, "when eyes spake love to

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eyes which ne'er might speak again;" the hands andfaces raised imploringly toward the heavens, from whencethe sun glared coldly down upon them.

One awful, trembling motion of the ship, one dreadful

plunge, and the great steamer, which but an hour before

had been the boast and pride of man, went down, with all

her treasure, her cunning machinery, and her precious

human freight, to sleep in the caves of ocean, until by the

agency of nature or of man she shall be lifted from her

bed. Those who but a moment before had crowded her

decks, felt themselves dragged down, down among whirl-

ing eddies that tossed them to' and fro, in the midst of

falling timbers that crushed and maimed them. And in

the struggle in the cold, deadly element, many a pulse

stopped beating forever, many a life went out.

The boat which succeeded in clearing the sinking vessel

and reaching Crescent City, contained the Third Mate, the

Steerage Steward, a Quartermaster, and fourteen others .

They arrived at Crescent City about four o'clock in the

afternoon of the same day, ^July 30th, 1865,^ and upon

their arrival, boats were immediately manned to proceed

to the scene of the catastrophe. They returned on the

same evening without being able to accomplish anything,

having seen no bodies. Early on the following morning,

two boats, under command of Benj. West and Anson Bui-r,

started out to make another effort to save life. But their

efforts were all in vain. Nothing was visiblein the shape

of wreckage or human bodies. On the same evening a

boat manned by the Third Mate of the Brother Jonathan,

Charles Brown, Charles Patterson and Davis, started

to Eureka to obtain assistance, but returned before reach-

ing that place. They reported that on their way back

.they saw portions of the hurricane deck of the steamer

drifting by, together with beds, trunks, etc., but saw no

bodies. The boat which had swamped on being launched

from the steamer, drifted ashore on the beach opposite

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Crescent City, and a portion of the Ujiper work of the

vessel was afterwards found near Point St. George Theheel of her fore mast, 20 or 30 feet long, also went ashore

near the same place. A boat went up with two of the

crew to within a. short distance of Seal Rock, and whenthej returned they reported that they had seen people on

the rock. Other boats were immediately manned and

went up to the rock, but on arriving there discovered

that the objects supposed to, be men were only sea-lions.

A few days afterwards a boat-load went up and tried to

discover the place where the steamer went down. TheQuartermaster pointed out a rock, a small part of which

is visible at low tide, as the one on which she struck. Therock was not on the charts, and bad never been knownbefore. It was supposed to be a part of the St George

Eeef, and was named "Brother Jonathan Rock."

Nine or ten days after the wreck, the bodies of the vic-

tims began to come ashore. Every day three or four

bodies would be picked up at sea by the boatmen, andmany were washed up on the beach in the vicinity of

Crescent City. Horrible discoveries were made in caves

and among the rocks. Dead faces showed white from

tangled seaweed, wild eyes stared up from shallow pools

left by receding tides.

As fast as they were secured, the bodies were taken to

Dugan & Wall's ware-house, and an inquest was there

held by J. E. Eldredge, Coroner, Fbrt_y-five bodies were

recovered in the vicinity of . Crescent Citj', and manyothers were found at different points on the coast between

Humboldt Bay and the mouth of Rogue f?iver. Thebodies recovered here were buried in the Crescent City

cemetery. A number of them were afterwards removedby relatives and friends and taken to other places.-

On the body of Mr. Nesbeth, editor of the San Francisco

Bulletin, was found a will, which stated that^it-had been

written in the cabin of the steamer just before she went

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down. Who could help admiring the cool self-possession

of a man who could thus, in imminent peril of death, for-

get his own danger in the thought of those whom he

would leave behind him?The number lost on the Brother Jonathan was between

eighty and ninety, and the treasure on board has been

estimated at $300,000, Col. Wright, commanding the Pa-

cific Coast Division G. A. R., was on board with a large

amount of money, with which to pay off the soldiers in

Oregon and Washington Territory, and Wells, Fargo &Company also had a large sum on board. Other sums,

belonging to private parties, would have swelled the above

estimate to a much larger figure, had their been anymeans of ascertaining their amount.

The Brother Jonathan, CajJtain DeWolf, was a side-

wheel steamship, about 1000 tons bu,rden, and was one of

the oldest steamers on the coast. She 'was at one time

esteemed one of the best boats on the Northern Pacific.

Several parties have at diiferent times endeavored to find

the sunken steamer, but have thus far been unsuccessful.

Old Ocean keeps well its secrets, and it is probable that

the lost steamer will forever be hidden from the eye of

man. A few articles from the wreck were recovered, andare still preserved in Crescent City. The wheel (''which

was picked up on the beach a few days after the, wreck^)

is in the possession of Peter D'drliy; also a bundle of pa

pers, which was picked up by one of the boatmen.

Occurring fifteen years ago, it is yet fresh in the minds

i»f the people of Del Norte. On winter evenings, around

the family hearth-stoiie or in public places of reson, whenother subjects liave been exhausted, the wreck of the

Brother Jonathan is brought up again, and the story, with

all its horrible details, is discussed with subdued voices bj'

the older members of the circle, an.d listened to witli deep

interest l>y the younger ones. Nor is this the only wayin which the memory of the sad affair is kept alive. In

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the cemetery at Crescent City, a number of grassy

mounds, with a decaying slab at the head of each, bearing

the inscription.:

00000000000000000000000000O SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF Oc oo oo oo o^ LOST ON THE BROTHER JONATHAN, JULY O§ 30, A. D. 1865. §00000000000000000000000000

serve as a perpetual reminder of the Brother Jonathan

disaster, and testify to the weakness of man as compared

with the power of nature.

The years between 1865 and the present time (^January

1st, 1881y' have j^assed awaj" with but little of interest

occurring, and the remainder of this history, down to

January 1st, 1881, will necessarily be disconnected and

meagre. Such incidents and facts as have been deemed

worthy of notice will be fouiid in the succeeding pages of

this chapter.

A high tide in 1866 did con8idera})le damage to property

at Crescent City. Several buildings were washed awayby the tide, including a jDart of a large brick warehouse

belonging to W. A. Hamilton, a warehouse lielonging to

Dugan & Wall, and Marhoifer's brewery.

On Thursday, September 12th, 1872, the tirst number of

the Crescent City Courier appeared. It was published and

edited by Walter B. Thorp. Its editor was young and

energetic, and the Courier was well gotten up and pre-

sented a neat appearance. Several years had elapsed

since the publication of the Crescent C'it}' Herald, and

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since that time the town and county had been on the

down grade.

At last, however, the lumber trade was started here,

and from that time on a steady improvement in the con-

dition of the county was noticeable. There were no ex-

citing, feverish speculations in town lots and mines as in

days of old, but the trade of the county was based on a

surer foundation. The farmers throughout the county

were cultivating more land every succeeding year, and

but little produce was being imported.

Chrome was discovered about twenty miles north east

of Crescent City, on the Low Divide, and chrome ore soon

became a prominent article of export. The copper mines,

which had been discovered several years before, were idle,

and the capital with which to work them to advantage

was not forthcoming.

Some of the ladies and gentlemen of Crescent City or-

ganized a literary societj'' in December, 1872, having for

its object the mutual improvement of its members, and the

passing pleasantly away of the long winter evenings. It

is mentioned here by way of contrast with the present

condition of things in Crescent City. Then, the commu-

nity were public spirited enough to provide a place of

profitable resort at least one evening in the week. Now,

they are content to see the boys and young men of the

place frequent the saloons ^having no other place in which

to seek amusementjy/ and are apparently blind to the ad-

vantages which a I'eading room and literary society would

give the rising generation.

The monotony of Crescent City life was somewhat dis-

turbed in the beginning of the year 1873, by the attempts

made to enforce the provisions of the new Codes in relation

to keeping open places of business on Sunday. It had

been generally understood that on the first of January

some of the officials would try to enforce these provisions,

and u petition had been circulated and signed by fifteen or

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twenty citizens, asking that they should be enforced. The

first Sunday in January came on the 5th, and it is supposed

that the officers of the law were for once on the look-out

for offenders, for on the following Monday morning a

complaint was filed against David E. Shipman, for " a vio-

lation of the Sunday law by keeping his saloon open for

the purpose of transacting business on that day." Mr.

Shipman pleaded guilty, and had the pleasure of paying

the fees of the District Attorney, Justice of the Peace and

Sheriff. The next person engaged in the "unholy traffic"

arraigned before the bar of justice was Peter Darby, Esq.,

who endeavored to convince the zealous limbs of the law

ofthe error of th*eir ways, bj' standing u ti'ial. It was

then discovered that the new Codes had not been received,

and in view of that fact, the Attorney for the People went

on with the prosecution under the old law of 1861. Mr.

Darby was found guilty of a violation of that law, .tsnd he

too was compelled to contribute his mile in the shape of

fees to the District Attorney, Justice and Sheriff. Mr,

Smith, who kept a saloon in the City Hotel, was the next

in turn. Whether he was a descendant of the celebrated

John Smith is not' known; but it cannot be denied that his

unassuming modesty and honest truthfulness appeal

strongly to our admiration. He was taken before the

Justice, and stated that "he had only sold one drink, in

the morning, and that he had forgotten (?J that it was

Sunday." In view of this frank confession, Mr. Smith

was "let off easy "—by paying the regular fees. The

next and last victim "vVas John Richert, who stood a trial,

and was found guilty. This gentleman shared the fate of

the member of the Smith family, and m(»re too; for he

refused to comply with the request to empty thirty-one

dollars into the official pockets, and was therefore taken

into the charge of the Sheriff and lodged in jail. After

remaining in the county jail about twenty f'oui- hours, he

was released upon his friends paying the legal fees.

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Considerable excitement was created by these proceed-

ings, and some indignation was expressed in regard to the

manner in which they had been conducted.

The " Old Guard " and their doings had long been a

standing joke with the Crescentonians, and they were not

surprised on receiving a notice that on Sunday, January19th, 1872, there would be a meeting on Battery Point for

the purpose of devising some means to amuse the citizens

on that day. The public were not informed who wouldbe the orators of the day, but it was stated that it would

be attended by those who were not on intimate terms with

the Sunday law. On the following week a card was j)ub-

lisbed, purporting to come from "J. S. DeYoe, President

of the Old Guards," as follows:

" In accordance with custom, the Old Guard think it

proper to publish the results of their 64th anniversary,

which took place on Battery Point on Sunday last.

Pursuant to call, on Sunday morning at eleven o'clock,

the Guard repaired in full force to the Point, where they

becomingly commemorated the times of yore. The Guardtake this method of thanking all for their presence and

hearty co-operation.

Financiall}^, the affair was a grand success, as the pro-

ceeds over and above all expenses amounted to 6 cents,

which sum is now on dejDosit with the undersigned, as a

relief fund for the county officers, fwiih three honorable

exceptions-—Clerk, Treasurer, and Coronei*,^) who are re-

quested to call and receive the same. If, however, they

fail to make their appearance within ten days, said six

cents, or such portion as is not then called for, will be

turned over to the school fund of the county. J. S. De-

Voe, President."

In accordance with a published notice calling a meeting

of the citizens of Crescent City for the purpose of choosing

judges and clerks of an election to be held on the after-

noon of the tirst of March, to get an exjjression of the

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public sentiment as to the enforcement of the Sunday law,

a number congregated at the Court House on Saturday

evening, February 27, and chose the following officers of

election: Judges, Franklin Johns, Edgar Mason and Jas.

Harper; Clerks, Wm. Saville and J. E. Marhoffer. Theresult of the election was an overwhelming vote against

the enforcement of the law. Of the 76 votes cast, 70 were

found to be in the negative, 3 in the affirmative, and 3

scattering. Of course, the only eifecL this election could

have was to reflect the sentiments of the community in

regard to the law. But this little breeze in the quietness

of Crescent City life soon subsided, and things resumed

the even tenor of their way.

General Ray, a gentleman from Carson, Kevada, arrived

at Crescent City in July, 1872, for the purjDose of inspect

ing the beach mines some four miles below the town. Hepronounced them the best he had ever seen for gold, plat-

inum and magnetic iron, and he expressed himself well

satisfied that they would return large profits to any party

undertaking to work them with the modern imj^rovements.

The mines wei'e then worked under the old process of

raining, viz; wheel-barrow, torn, and sluice, and conse-

quently a large amount of the mineral went to waste.

Several of these mines were lying doi'mant for want of

capital and suitable machinery to work them. The fact

of the richness of the beach mines, and the opi^ortunity

presented for the profitable investment of capital, were

more than once brought to the notice of parties who were

ready and willing to engage in the development of the

mines; but for ten years past Crescent City has been noted

for the "freezing out" process, by which all who will not

accede to the exorbitant demands of a certain class are

met with such opposition, and so many obstacles are

placed in their way, that it is impossible to invest capital

with profit to themselves. The enterprise and sagacity

that characterized the Crescent City merchants in early

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days has long since passed away, and many of the most

enterprising of her earlj- residents are either dead, or have

moved to other lands. The few who remain have lost the

vim and pluck of their younger days, and have fallen into

a deplorable " don't care " condition, neither beneficial to

themselves or the county. This is the plain, unvarnished

truth, and it will do no good to disguise it. And it is not

surprising that when a certain party, having a knowledge

of the modern methods of mining, and supplied with im-

proved machinery, proj)osed to work the beach mines ex-

tensively, he should meet with oppositon. The party ar«

rived on a steamer having on board the necessary ma-

chinery for working the mines, but learning that the part

of the beach he proposed to work had been "jumped" in

his absence, and that an exorbitant price would be de-

manded for it, he did not remove the machinery from the

vessel, and returned to San Francisco, leaving the would-

be speculators in mining claims to mourn their loss.

^or is this tendency to drive enterprising men to the

wall confined to mining. In many other ways is the en-

terprise of the town demonstrated to be of the wrong-

sort. True, there are always to be found men who are

willing to do all in their power to help along any project

for the material development of the town and county^

But there are not wanting as many more who meet the

enterprise with their opposition, and crush it out of exis-


A few minutes before nine o'clock on the evening of the

22d of November, 1873, the people of Del Norte county

experienced the heaviest shock of earthquake that had

ever occurred within their recollection. As near as could

be ascertained the vibrations were from South to North,

and continued nearly thirty seconds. The shock was so

great that it caused the fire bell and City Hotel bell to

ring, and houses bounced around as though they were

mere jumping jacks. All who found themselves able to

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move rushed into the street in the wildest state of mind,

expecting every instant that their houses would fall to

the ground, and that a tidal wave would sweep them into


The damage to property in Crescent City was estimated

at S3, 000, and it was fortunate that so little damage was


It is said that fully one-half the chimneys in town were

more or less injured, and that the cost of repairing them

amounted to about S250.

- In Smith's Eiver Valley considerable damage was done,

nearly all the chimneys being shaken down. The shock

seemed to be the most violent on the sand hills, as large

cracks from six to eight inches wide were reported in sev-

eral places.

At Happy Camp the shock lasted about twenty-five

seconds, and the rumbling noise accompanying it appeared

to sound as if it was running nearly North and South.

The wooden buildings rocked to and fro, and the tin pails

hung up in Camp k Co.'s store swung backwards and for-

wards at an angle of nearly 45 degrees with the ceiling.

Very little damage was done, however, except to the ner-

vous system of the iuhabitunts.

The shock was felt more or less severelj* at other places

in the county; in fact, curiosity regarding earthquakes

had been fully satisfied, and people had reason ever after

to be averse to visitations of the kind.

The spring of 1874 saw the usually quiet town of Cres-

cent City in a blaze of excitement, for it was thought that

silver mines of the richest kind had been struck, and that

a new Comstock would be located in Del Norte county.

The ore was found in the Myrtle Creek Mining District,

situated about twelve miles in a north-easterly direction

from Crescent City. The first discovery of the mineral is

alleged to have been made in 1871 by a man named Bla-

lock, who sunk a shaft and satisfied himself of the genu-

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ine character of the rock. He then covered up his devel-

opments, and for some reason or other kept the matter to

himself, neither making any effort to work the mine him-

self, or inform anyone of the quality of his prospect. Thefaet of this discovery was kept a profound secret for over

three years, when in some way the matter leaked out, andthe consequence was the excitement above referred to.

The excitement in Crescent City was attended by the

usual scenes of a mining craze. Groups of men on the

street were exhibiting to each other the results of the nu-

merous tests of the rock which had been made, some say-

ing that they could find no silver, while others asserted

that it was $300 rock. A new mining district was formedand the whole country in the vicinity of the first discovery

taken up. But this excitement, like many another in DelNorte, soon subsided without any move being taken to

develope the newly discovered mines, 'i'he locators wereconvinced that it required money to work quartz mines,

and they knew that they did not possess it. And instead

of making an effort to induce capitalists to give the project

of opening the mines their attention, tbey resumed the

usual routine of village life. The fact that silver bearing

rock had been found in Myrtle Creek District was believed

by all; but because of this neglect to bring the matter be-

fore men who were able and willing to invest in mining-

enterprises, the excitement was soon numbered with the

things " that were."

Mr. Gus. DeYoung, one of the DeYoung brothers whohave of late years brought themselves into public notice

as publishers of the San Francisco (Chronicle, paid Del

Norte a visit in the summer of 1874. He was then publishing the "Commercial Directory of the Pacific Coast,"

and his visit was for the purpose of acquiring, information

for a Directorj' of Del Norte county. It was represented

that the Directory would contain "information of gienerai

interest pertaining to the commerciaiandindustrialinter-

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ests of the county, a description of its general features,

and many other desirable matters of general interest."

Whether Mr. DeYoung interviewed the "oldest inhabitant''

in his search for information, or whether he was deficient

in geographical knowledge, is matter of conjecture; but

the certainty that the good people of Del Norte were con-

siderably surprised when they read the information in re-

gard to this county, is not open to doubt. For the " Di-

rectory of Del Norte county " located Crescent City on

the wrong side of the bay on which it is situated, and in-

formed the people of Smith's Eiver that their little village

was located on Table Bluff, Humboldt county. In conse-

quence of these blunders, the blessings that were showered

upon his head were innumerable, and that word descriptive

of the front part of a mill pond was many times prefixed

to his name. Perhaps the inaccuracy and absurdity of

the thing would no,t have been so universally noticed, had

it not been for the known enterprise and intelligence of

the DeYoungs.

The Valedictory ot the Crescent City Courier, which

had been purchased by Mason & Tack from Walter B.

Thorpe, and published by them for a period of one year,

appeared in the issue of March 13th, 1875. The publishers

had probably found it up-hill work publishing a country

newspaper, and had thought it the better part of valor to

retire from the lists. The Courier did not remain long in

its coflSn. It was resurrected in November, 1875, by Silas

White, its present publisher and proprietor.

From that time Lo the present, January 1st, 1881, noth-

ing worthy of notice here has trans^jired. Trade has

remained about the same for the last five years, during

which time it has not been very active or large. Many

improvements have been made in different parts of the

county, noticeably in Smith's Eiver Yalley, where several

fine buildings have been erected. Crescent City and Hap-

py Camp have also improved of late years, and a disposi-

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JANUARY 1st, 1881. 93

tion has been shown to rebuild old and decaying houses.

In closing this chapter we bring this history down to

the 1st of January, 1881. It has been endeavored to

present such incidents, occurrences and information in

the history of Del Norte as would be of general interest.

Hoping that it may prove more instructive, and equally

as interesting, we will now turn our attention to the

scenery, climate, inhabitants, towns and villages, business

houses and industries, commerce and trade, and the agri-

cultural, mining and lumbering resources of Del Norte

county—all of which will be described in as fair a light

and with as much accuracy as possible.

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The scenery of the Pacific Coast has always been a

prolific theme for the pen of the writer, and the pencil of

the artist has endeavored to transfer to canvass the beau-

tiful landscapes, mountain views, and ocean scenes that

meet the eye of the traveler in California. Its boundless

plains, its snow-capped mountains, its fertile valleys and

vine-clad hills, have inspired the admiration of the sight-

seer, the Muse of the poet and the genius of the painter.

The famous falls and peaks of the Yosemite challenge the

admiration of the world; the big trees of Calaveras are

famous the world over. And they would be still more

renowned, their beauties would have a wider and a greater

celebrity, were it not for the fact that just such scenes are

to be met with in a hundred different places in California.

The counterpart of Yosemite, though on a smaller scale,

may be seen in many places in the mountain ranges, and

the trees of the Calaveras grove find rivals innumerable in

the forests of the Northern Coast.

Many and varied as are the scenes to be met with in

California, they are nearly all represented in the little

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county of Del Norte. Here may be seen smiling fields

and lovely valleys, overshadowed by majestic mountains.

Here the forests form a dark and massive background to

valley, sea and town.

Sianding on Battery Point, on a summer afternoon, the

scene is beautiful in the extreme. Seaward, the setting

sun casts a lurid glare over the waters, and seems to be

going down in a blazing mass of fire; to the left and

right the ocean meets the view, perhaps dotted by a soli-

tary sail on the rim of the horizon, and with a long, trail-

ing column of smoke marking the course of an ocean


To the south, following the line of the coast, the first

objects apt to catch the eye are the red, glittering cliflFs of

Gold Bluff, in Humboldt county. Nearer, the rocks that

mark the mouth of the Klamath Eiver stand out in bold

relief to the cliffs beyond. To the north, Point St. (iieorge.

looking low and flat, juts out into the sea, with two or

three tall, huge rocks, rising like sentinels on either side.

Inshore, extending from Point St. George back to the top

of the foot-hills, is an immense forest of giant trees, their

rich green contrasting strongly with the high, barren

mountains beyond, the peaks of the Bald Hills appearing

clear and cold against the Eastern sky. Commencing at

Battery Point, the (^'escent shaped beach extends six

miles down the coast, its smooth, hard surface affording

an excellent drive at low tide. A wharf extends out into

the bay for the distance of a quarter of a mile, at which

vessels are taking on cargoes of lumber. Directly oppo-

site Battery Point, the Crescent City light-house, situated

on an island about one hundred yards from shore, presents

a pretty picture. It is a low, light-colored structure,

facing the bay; from its center rises a tower, in which at

eventide a revolving light guides vessels entering the har-

bor, and warns mariners at sea of the dangers of the rocky

coast. A short distance south of the light-house, two

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large round rocks keep watch and ward over the bay, and

to the south-east of the anchorage, Whale Island, contain-

ing about ten acres, a part of which is covered with grass,

rises from the water to the height of a hundred feet or

more. Crescent City mars the effect of the picture some-

what, appearing from Battery Point more like a collection

of huts than a good-sized town.

Notwithstanding this slight defect, the whole scene is

worthy of the pen of a Muir or the pencil of a Rembrandt.

And it has always been a matter of surprise to me that the

prominent painters of the coast, who visit the gorges and

forests of Russian River, climb the steep sides of St. He-

lena, and see and appreciate the beauties of the Columbia

Eiver and the grandeur of Mts. Hood and Shasta, should

pass Del Norte by without notice. Perhaps its remote-

ness and inaccessibility has had something to do with this;

but I believe that a want of knowledge of the county has

been a greater cause for its neglect by those who, if pos-

sessed of a better know ledge of its attractiveness, Avould

iiot be slow in finding it out.

There are also many beautiful scenes in Smith's i^iver

Valley and vicinity. The little village of Del Norte is

situated in the center of the valle}', and in proportion to

its size is better built than any other place in the county.

Its white houses contrast pleasantly with the green fields

and forests, and the scene is one of a quiet, peaceful na-

ture. Walled in on two sides l\y the high mountains of

the Coast Range, which here reach their highest altitude

and wildest character, :ind shut oft' from the outside world

on the other sides by the forest and the ocean, the seiise

of isolation is so stronglj^ felt a^d so oppressive, that it

can never be shaken off by a person once used to the busy

life of thicklj^ settled communities and commercial centers.

But while the scene is fresh, and the place new to one, the

beautiful scenery claims the admiration it deserves, and

holds the eye of the stranger with fascinating power.

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Other places in the county possess as beautiful, if not

more beautiful scenery, especially the Low Divide. Awagon road leads from the valley up the mountain to the

mines on the Divide, eight or ten miles from Del Norte.

From the summit the eye takes in a vast number of ravines

and gulches, while the fantastic shapes of the rocks and

cliifs indicate that they were thrown up by some great

convulsion of nature, ages ago, when the world wasyoung. And if the sense of isolation in the valley is op-

pressive and powerful, the feeling of desolation and lone-

liness with w4iich the view here impresses one is greater

and more powerful still. All around, on every hand, the

mouDtains are bare and bleak, while the solid, mighty up-

heavals of rocky heights are seamed all over with the

defacing marks left by the war of the elements, and at the

same time in their enduring grandeur seem to mock the

ravages of time. Precipices, almost perpendicular for a

thousand feet or more, make the head dizzy in viewing

their great de^jths. At the bottom of the ravines, trees

which from the top appear but tiny sapplings, are in

reality several feet in circumference,

At Altaville, the scene reminds one of the lead mines in

Missouri or Iowa. When copper and chrome was first

discovered at Altaville and the mines worked, the little

Lown was full of life and activity. Now it is deserted, and

but few of the buildings remain. Black mouths of tunnels

appear in the hill-sides,, and heaps of blueish colored rock

show the locality of the mines; shafts and mounds of dirt

indicate the place where the prospector expended his time

and muscle, and numerous.ravines, and hill-sides bear wit-

ness to the fact that prospecting Avas once extensively

carried on here.

Once seen, Altaville clings tenaciously to the memory.

It haunts one like a dream; the grand scenery of the sur-

rounding country leaves an impression on the mind which

time will not efface; and if the scene, with the indescriba-

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ble quietness and peacefulness which give it its chief

charm, could be represented on the canvass of some of our

great painters, no doubt it would create an excitement in

the world of art; no doubt artists and lovers of art would

turn their attention to this long neglected region, and the

touristV tent form an object in many a landscape.

At Happy Camp, the scene has been thus described:

" The town is beautifully situated upon a large and level

flat. On the south, the Klamath Eiver, with its immense

volume ot water, sweeps past it in bouyant waves and

with a strong current, and on the west, cutting the town

in twain, the gurgling and babbling waters of Indian

Creek flow, and mingle with those of the Klamath, in

plain view of the town. Its natural attractions and its

salubrious climate are not surpassed anywhere. In the

spring and early summer, especially, owing to the luxuri-

ance of vegetation and the delicious coloring of the pine-

clad hills that surround the place, every scene in the

landscape looks so bewildei'ingly beautiful that no pen can

portray all its beauties, no one approach a just realization

of the many points of interest spread out on every hand."

And Happy Camp has seen times when the natural

beauty of the place was intensified by the myriad tires of

the savage blazing from every hill-top, the lurid glare

from which lit up the surrounding mountains, and caused

them to assume a fearful and wierd beauty; when the

dark recesses of the mountain gorges grew black and

hideous as a background to the gleaming flames; when

the Indians, resplendent in paint and feathers, flitted like

phantoms between the fires and the darkness beyond,

chanting their war songs and stirring the signal lights to

flash up brighter and brighter, sending their mysterious

meanino- far over the country, filling the hearts of the

whites with fear.

But that was long ago, and is now well-nigh forgotten.

Peace and good order reign supreme, and it can be truth-

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fully said that no prettier picture can be found in Califor-

nia than this little mining town, set like a gem in the

midst of the niouutains.

On the various forks of Indian Creek are some magnifi-

cent scenes. The South Fork is the largest and most

turbulent, and its scenery the wildest and most picturesque.

The sources of this water-course are on the storm-worn

sides of Mount Poston, a lofty, barren peak in the Siskiyou

Eange, rising 10,000 feet above the ocean. The HappyCamp correspondent of the Crescent City Courier in 1873,

thus describes the scenery on the South Fork of Indian


" Here Nature has piled up a heterogeneous mass of

mountains, covering their bases with dense forests, and

their sides and crests with granite rock, leaving their

accumulating waters to their own devices to find an out

let. This the waters of the South Fork have done by

tearing down the shoulder of a mountain here, wearing

away the adamantine sides of another there, forming vast

gorges, whose deep recesses and snow-covered sides a

vertical sun only could light up, and chasms whose depths

were appalling-—dashing, leaping, and foaming through

their self-made rocky bed, until they are caught by the

daring hand of man, and by judicious damming their wild

turbulence toned down and made to do duty in converting

trees into lumber. Again seized upon by the meddling

hand of man, they are conducted to a receptacle that

winds its serpentine course, like a monstrous reptile, on

the face of the mountains, now winding its course through

the dense growth of the primitive forest, now on the edge

of a frowning precipice, and anon it stalks with its spider-

like legs through intervening chasms, until the once leap-

ing waters come in sight of the swift rolling, far-journeying

Klamath, when they are again harnessed to do duty in

extrjicting the precious metal from the gravel flats oper-

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ated upon by the Happy Camp Hydraulic Mining Co.,;

and then are allowed to escape,

' Flowiug f n and on forev^^r.

To the SI H or parent river ' "

The climate of that portion of the county near the sea-

coast, comprising Crescent City and vicinity, Elk Valley,

and Smith's Eiver Valley and vicinitj^, is in its general

character, very mild and healthy. Severe frosts are sel-

dom experienced, the heat in summer is not oppressive,

and although little or no rain falls during the summermonths, the close proximity of the ocean lends moisture

enough to the atmosphere to sustain the vigorous growth

of plants. The temperature is nearlj^ the same throughout

the year, there being but little difference between the

winter and summer months. During five months of the

year, from the first of November to the first of April, rain

falls almost incessantly, and occasionally furious wind

storms occur. The rain falls not the same every year,

some seasons passing away with comparatively little rain,

while others are remarkable for a heavy rain fall. There

is very little and sometimes no rain daring the summer

months, the only disagreeable feature being the blustering

winds which often sweep the coast. These winds are from

the north-west, and often increase to furious gales, felt

most disagreeably by the inhabitants. Smith's Eiver

Valley is somewhat protected by mountains on the north

and north-west, and therefore the force of this wind is

broken, and it does not make itself so disagreeably felt

there. Indeed, it is doubtful if the whole Pacific Coast

can offer a more delightful climate during the summer

months than Smith's River Vallej'.

Happy Camp is situated ninety miles east of Crescent

City,, in the Siskiyou mountains. The warm, gulf-stream.

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of the ocean, which has such a great influence on the

climate of the rest of the county., has little effect on that

of Happy Camp, and during- the winter season it is some-times very cold there, snow frequently falling to a consid-

erable depth. The surrounding mountains are covered

with snow during a greater part of the winter, and the.

trail between Crescent City and Happy Camp is sometimescovered to the depth of fifteen or twenty feet. Duringthe summer months, it is much. warmer than at Crescent

City, the heat of summer being more intense than the cold

of winter. -

Having thus given a brief description of the scenery

and climate of the county, we will now notice the

Who hail from all parts of the Union and from various

foreign countries, besides the native population, known as

Digger Indians.

Del Norte county has a population of 2,669. including.

Indians and Chinese, The last census shows that on the

first day of June, 1880, there were within the Twenty-fourth Enumeral District of the Third Supervisor's District:

of California, comprising Crescent, Smith's River and

Mountain Districts, 1,980 inhabitants. Of this number214 wei e Indians, 179 Chinese and 2 Negroes. In addition

to tlie above, there were residing in the so-called Klamath

Reservation 82 Indians. Of this number 32 were bucks

and 30 squaws over ten years of age, and 9 bucks and 11

squaws under ten years of age. The report of the Census

Marshal states that said Indians live b}' hunting, fishing

and working for the w^hites. In the District comprising

ilappy Camp there were 597 inhabitants, 57 of whomwere Indians, 230 Chinese and 5 Negroes. Total, 2,669.

The voting population is 697, and an examination of the

(Jreat Register discloses the f tCt that they came from Kast

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and West, from North and South; from the forests of

Maine, from the tropical clime of the South, from the

Northern and Middle and Western states; and from the

far-off lands of Englaad, Australia, Nova Scotia, France,

Germany, Switzerland, Norway and Sweden. Other

countries are also represented, and Del Norte may claim

as cosmopolitan a character as any county in the State.

Of the voters of foreign birth Ireland furnishes 51; Eng-

land and her possessions, includiug Wales, Canada and

Nova Scotia, 57; Germany, including Prussia, Bavaria

and Baden, 49; France, 5; Russia, 2; Australia, 2; Chili,

4; Scotland, 6; Switzerland, 5; Austria, 4; Sweden, 8;

Denmark, 5; Norway, 3; Mexico, 1; Spain, 1. Amongthe occupations, farmers and miners take the lead, there

being 127 of each. Next come loggers, numbering about

75; next, carpenters, of whom there are 30, including

cabinet makers. There are 25 dairymen, and other occu-

pations are well represented.

The white population, as a class, are well-to-do, but

unfortunately for themselves are not overburdened with

that spirit of enterprise which has coutributed so largely

to the prosperity of other portions of the State. Morals

are no worse, and perhaps better, than in other counties

in the State. A criminal act is of rare occurrence, and

the Courts have but little business to attend to.

Of the Chinese population it is not necessary to say

much. We of the Pacific Coast are too well acquainted

with their vile habits, their thieving ways, and their con-

taminating influence, to render a description of the same

either interesting or profitable. There are in this county

about three hundred natives of the Flowery Kingdom, a

majority of whom are engaged in mining. The principal

part of these are at and near Happy Camp. Crescent City

has a Chinese population of between fifty and one hundred.

It is difilcult to estimate the Chinese population correctly,

because crowded as they are into filthy dens, there is no

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means of estimating their number by the number of houses

they inhabit, and since the last census their number mayhave been augmented or decreased without any perceptible

change in the appearance of Chinatown. As in every

town in which they congregate, they have sought the

most central part of Crescent City; and on the princij)al

streets of the town their sign-boards point the way to

wash-houses or dens of iniquity. As a general rule their

shanties are surrounded by mud, filth and garbage of every

kind—fit surroundings for such a degraded class. Andto crown all, the perfumes-—not of Arabia, but of China-

town—-the 1001 different and distinct smells of Chinatown,

rise up in one grand, overpowering stench. And to their

discredit be it said, those people of Crescent City who are

the loudest in their denunciations of the Chinese are the

veiy ones to give them employment. While crying downthe evil of Chinese immigi-ation, they lend it their aid bycmiploying Chinese.


There are seven Negroes in the county, but one of whomresides at Crescent City. He is named after a celebrated

poet, Byron, and in politics is a " black fiepublican."

The native population, the Digger Indians, are worthyof a more extended description. Their numbers are few,

and ihey are rapidl}' diminishing under the hand of disease

and death. And whatever their ancestors may have been,

it is cei'tain that Cooper's ideal is not to be found amongthese Indians at the present time. But there are manyevidences that their ibrmerlife, in comparison with that of

to-day, was freer, happiei', tmd more independent. Like

all unlettered people, they have handed their history

down in traditions, moi'e or less superstitious, and tinged

with that belief in Good and Kvil Spirits which has always

found a place in savage minds. These traditions point

directly to the fact that years ago, before the white man

set his foot on their hunting grounds, the Indians inhabit-

infj; the Northern coast were brave in war, fearless in the

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chase, independent, and possibly more intelligent than at

the present time.

And it is an interesting fact that contact with the whites

has served to sink them deeper and deeper into the mire

of sloth, ignorance and superstition. Their present life is

the most abject, the most degraded, that it is possible to

conceive. Living in filthy huts, they keep from starvation

by catching and drying salmon in the fall, and by killing

sea-lions A few of them also occasionally work a day or

two for the whites. Sometimes a dead whale comes

ashore on the beach, when the Indians come from far and

near and cut it up and carry it to their villages.

Their are several Indian villages in the county, the

principal one being situated near Crescent City. To one

not familiar with their way's, a visit to their village is full

of interest. The writer in company with several others,

visited the Indian village at ('resceiit City during the pro-

gress of a "ten night's dance."

We were carefully picking our way among the collection

of huts and mounds, toward the one in which the dance

was being held, when our attention was attracted by loud

and monotonous sounds issuing from a hut on our left.

We turned aside and approached this hut, where, we were

told, a "war-dance" was being conducted. Looking in

through the open door, ffov unlike the majority of their

cabins, this had a plank floor and a good -sized doorway,^

we saw a score or more of Diggei-s, of both sexes, fantas-

tically decked with feathers and bedizened with paint.

After the momentary lull caused by our presence, the In

dians joined hand^ and formed a ring, laul commenced a

queer kind of a hopping dance, at the same time uttering a

courre, guttural sound, interspersed with hideous yells.

Presently, a big buck, gay in feathers and bright paint,

darted into the ring, dancing from side to side, keeping-

time to the monotonous music, and then darted out again.

In a few minutes the same performance was gone through

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with again, and we were informed that this was kept up

the whole night, without auj change or variation.

Proceeding to the hut in which the "ten night's dance"was being held, we found that it, like most of the others

in the village, was built after the true Digger style. Anexcavation had been made, sonieAvhat similar to a cellar,

and around the sides of this excavation had been placed

on end boards and plank, the dirt being thrown up against

them on the outside. Other plank had served to make a

roof, and a hole had been left in the middle of this to allow

the smoke to escape. In one end a small aperture did

duty as a door.

Stooping and entering through this hole in the wall, wefound ourselves in the midst of a curious scene. Arounda fire in the center of the dirt floor, was a motley collection

of Indians and white spectators. .At one side of the

room a long pole stretelievl fi-om one end to the other.

Behind ihis pole was a kind of platform or shelf, built

close to the wall; and on this shelf was something which

looked, in the indistinct light, so like a coffin, that an in-

voluntary shudder crept over one. It seems that when a

female of this tribe reaches the age of puberty, a ten

night's dance is held to invoke the blessings of the Great

Spirit upon her future Hie. A n-A in this box, which at first

glance we tO(dc to be a coffin, we were inibrmedthe object

of the ceremonies lay. With joi]ied hands, forming a line

in front of this box, outside the pole, v/ith their backs to

the fire, stood forty or fifty Indians, of both sexes. Theywere bare to the waist, and stood as motionless as statues.

Suddenly a big buck at the head of the line uttered a low,

humming sound, and instant!}" the whole line took up the

note, at the same time slowdy swaying with one accord

from one end of the room to the other. The monotonous

sound incrt-ased in volume, gi-owing faster and faster as it

grew in. sound, the swaying bodies keeping time in their

vibrating motion, until it reached its greatest height.

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when it slowly descended so low that ifc could scarcelj^ be

heard. Then the whole performance is gone through

with again, and this is kept up for ten nights in succes-

sion, without intermission or variation. On the morning

of the eleventh day the Indians form in rings of eight or


ten, with one in the center, and in this manner dance

round and round until they reach the seashore, where

they plunge into the surf, cleansing themselves of sin and

dirt at one and the same operation.

Were it not for the unbearable fishy smell which per-

vades the hut, one might stay for hours watching the cu-

rious scene. And it would require a better pen than mine

to describe it as it deserves- the monotonous chant of the

dancers; the long, swaying line keeping time to the rude

music; the smoke from the fire lazily ascending toward

the aperture in the roof; the group of spectators; the

fire, fed by some savage hand, now flashing up brightly,

disclosing as if by a calcium light the bare backs of the

dancing Indians, the earthen w^alls, and the shelf before

which the dancers stand— now dying slowly out, trans-

forming the swaying bodies into ghostly forms, and

peopleing the shadowj^ coraers with dusky shapes of evil;

bringing visions of Dante's " Interno " vividly to the mind,

au'i impelling a glance toward the doorway, half expecting

to see. inscribed above it, '-Abandon hope, all ye whoenter here.'"

The other principal Indian rancherias in the county are

situated at Happy Camp and Smith's River. There is

also an Indian rancheria on the Yontocket slough, which

empties into Smith's Eiver about a mile below the village.

The chief characteristics of all these Indians are filth,

superstition, ignorance and degradation, There are a few

exceptions as regards intelligence, but even the most

intelligent among them do not rise above the level of the

lowest of the whites. One of the Crescent City Indians,

the Indian Doctor, seems to be a sort of second Denis

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Kearney, so easily does he dupe his followers. Whetherthis particular M. D. resorts to politics, medicine, or

religion to pull the wool over the eyes of his people, I

know not; but I am inclined to think that he is a sort of

Priest among them, with power to cast out devils, forgive

sins, and by incantations and magical ceremonies " ©ure

all the ills that flesh is heir to."'

Perhaps the Doctor has borrowed some of his cunning

from his brethren of the Catholic Priesthood, for he evi-

dently makes free use of that most powerful factor in the

Catholic religion—-superstition. He is fond of promenad-

ing the streets of Crescent City with a string of little bells

jingling from his clothing, and a bone through his nose.

His face is like parchment, and his whole appearance is

that of an animated mummy. His eyes have a shrewd,

cunning expression, and he is possessed ofmore intelligence

than a majority of his tribe.

The customs of the Del Norte Indians are full of inter-

est, and if space permitted, a long account might be given

ot their manner of living and traits of character. Theyhave a code of laws independent of the laws of the whites,

which has probably been handed down from generation to

generation from time immemorial. The gist of their law

is, that one who does an injury to another shall suffer to

a like extent, and that money shall be the panacea to

smooth all wounded feelings, and compensate for all

wrongs less than murder. li' an Indian kills another,

whether right or wrong, according to their established

custom, his life must paj' the forfeit. If he wrongs

another, no matter how trivial the offence, he must makeamends to the sufferer by a liberal donation of "a la-ka-

chick," the medium of trade among the Indians.

From the fact that this Indian money has been used by

them as long as the whites have had any knowledge of

them, we may infer that when they were strong in num-

bers and divided up into many tribes, a considerable trade

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must have been carried on between them. Money sprung

from the necessity of commercial nations to possess a con-

venient representative of value, to facilitate trade and

business exchange between different countries; and as

the representative of property, it has existed among all

people and in many various forms. The Indian money is

a kind of shell, obtained from the ocean, and it is said to

be almost as hard to find as the white man's gold.

The Indians of this county have acquired but few of the

virtues of the whites and many of their vices. Theydrink whiskey whenever they can get it, they will gamble

away the clothes from their backs, and they are not

excessively honest. They take a deep interest in the 4th

of July and election day. In fact, the Smith's River In-

dians have endeavored to imitate the whites by electing a

Chief, Lieutenant and Captain. The elections are held in

Brooking's Hall, Del Norte, and are conducted in the fol

lowing manner: Squire Brooking sits at his desk, a small

box at his right, a cup filled with black beans, white beans

and buttons at his left. The Indians are seated on the

benches in front of the Squire. Three candidates for

Chief announce themselves. Then Squire Brooking ex-

plains to them that the white bean stands for one ^naming

him^ the black bean for another, and the button for the

other. The Indians then walk up to the stand and each

place a bean or a button into the box, and when all have

voted the result is ascertained by counting the number

cast for each candidate. The defeated candidates look

almost as blue as their pale-face brethren who run for

oflSce and go up " Salt Eiver," and their successful oppo-

nents are apparently in high spirits.

The estimated number of Indians in the county is 270,

besides 82 on the so-called Klamath Eeservation.

A few years to come will see the last of these Indians,

who once roamed the forests and mountains of Del Norte

in large numbers, and who could then truly boast that

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they were "monarehs of all they surveyed." Flying be-

fore the march of civilization like chaff before the wind,

they have rapidly been reduced in numbers, until at the

present time, a mere remnant of the earlier tribes are left

to go down with the setting sun of their declining strength.

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The following description of the towns and business

houses of the county has been prepared with a view to

accuracy rather than for effect. It has been said that " to

overestimate a thing is worse than to underrate it."

Fully impressed with the truth of this saying, I will not

attempt to give a false coloring to the condition of the

county or tlje enterprise of its business men. If the pres-

ent condition of the county is not what it should be, if its

trade languishes on account of the narrow-minded views

of its merchants,- it would be folly to cover up the fact by

an account ot enterprise which does not exist. The first

and most important place in the county is the county

seat, the town ol'

The tract of country in which Crescent City is situated

is somewhat remarkable by its location immediately at

the foot of the Coast Range of mountains, which elsewhere,

from San Francisco to Columbia Eiver, with few exeeptidns

rise abruptly from the Pacific Ocean without leaving more

of low bench land than here and there a sandy beach, or

the bottom grounds of a river that finds an outlet in the

sea. On the right-hand, running due north with the

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Humboldt meridian, is the Eedwood ridge, from three to

six hundred feet high, forming the first bank or tier of the

Coast Eange, which, after passing Smith's River, turn to

the left to close up again with the ocean.

That part of the plain, thus singularly isolated between

the mountains and the sea, on which Crescent City is sit-

uated, is thus described by N. Scholfield, a surveyor and

geologist, who passed along the coast in 1854, and whose

observations were afterwards published:

" Crescent City is situated on the southerly side of a low

promontory extending from the great Coast Eange; the

extremity of this promontory forms Point St. George, and

consists of table land, elevated some fifty or sixty feet

above the surface of the ocean. This table is underlaid

by igneous unstratified rock, which appears mostly in

boulders, as shown by the bluffs where they have been

denuded by the disintegrating action of the sea, and by

boulders composing a reef extending outward. On the

north side, this promontory consists of low sands, and in

the interior is a shallow laguna of considerable size. The

southerly side, at the site of the town, consists of low

timber land, scarcely elevated above the possible reach of

running tides."

The harbor of Crescent Cit}' affords good shelter in

summer, when the wind generality blows from the north-

west; but it is open and unprotected against the southei'ly

gales which prevail during the winter months on this

coast, and which at times cause a heavy swell to set in

from the south-west, dangerous to vessels in the harbor.

It is conceded by all that this danger might be obviated

by closing up with arbreakwater the gap, half a mile wide,

between the headland of Crescent City (^Battery Pointy)

and the rocks south of it. Vessels can find good anchor-

age in five or six fathoms of water, and if needed improve-

ments to the harbor were made it would be safe at all

seasons of the year. The harbor has no bar, being an

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open roadstead. It is situated 28^ miles north of Sau

Francisco, about midway between it and the Columbia

River. Eesolutions have repeatedly been introduced in

Congress for building a breakwater here, but have resulted

in nothing more than to cause the harbor to be surveyed

two or three times by the Government.

Perhaps the best evidence of the dangerous character

of the harbor during the winter months, and the necessity

for improvements, could be furnished by the Underwriters,

who lose large sums every winter on account of vessels

that part their lines and go ashore on the beach at Cres-

cent City. The smooth character of the beach saves

vessels going ashore there from becoming total wrecks,

but the heavy surf pounds them against the ground until

they sustain severe damage, costing large sums to repair.

Scarcely a winter passes away without seeing one or

more vessels on the beach here, and this of itself should

be enough to call for the aid of the (Government,

Although it is estimated that it would require $3,000,000

to build a complete breakwater here, a much less sum, say

$500,000, would suffice to make such improvements as

would render the harbor safe at all times.

Crescent City, as seen from the ocean, does not present

a ver}' attractive appearance. The buildings are nearly

all low, one story, or one story and a half, and as seen

from the deck of an approaching steamer, the town

looks like a collection of huts. The place improves on a

nearer view, and perhaps it is the grandeur of the sur-

rounding scenery which gives it such a dwarfed, poor

appearance at first sight.

It is well laid out and compactly built. The buildings

are nearly all of wood, superior lumber being manufactured

here for building purposes. Spruce and fir are mostly

used for building, redwood not being suitable for that

purpose. There are twelve brick buildings and one stone

ware house.

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Crescent City contains a population of about 1000, andthe district j)olls a vote of"305.

There are two churches,, one Catholic and one Metho-dist.

Several secret societies flourish here, namely, the OddFellows, Freemasons, Good Temidars and Ancient OrderUnited Workingmen. The Masons have a fine hall, the

largest building in town, and the order is in a prosi^erous

condition. The Odd Fellows have a strong lodge, and the

Good Templars are flourishing. The United Workingmen,but recently organized here, are rapidly increasing in

numbers, and are likely to prove a, strong and prosj^erous


The schools of Crescent City are among the best in the

State, and :it the Centennial Exhibition in 1876, Crescent

City received credit for the best exhibit of work done in

the schools of C'alifornia. From the report of the public

schools of Crescent City for the month ending December

22, 1880, by H H. Heath, Principal, it appears that the

whole number of children enrolled in the school is 120,

viz: Enrolled in Principal's room, 33; enrolled in 1st

Assistant's room, 41; enrolled in 2d Assistant's room, 46;

total, 120. 'i'he total number of children in the count}',

between tive and seventeen years of age. entitled to

school money, is 477. The amount of school money ap-

propriated to Del Norte county in 1880 by ihe State

School Superintendent was §629.64, giving to each child

in the county 61.32.

Of the business houses of Crescent City, three are gen-

eral merchandise stores, one groceries and provisions,- one

fancy goods, books and stationery, two stoves.and tinware,

one boots and shoes, one harness and saddleryware, one

drugs and medicines, one bread and confectionery, and

nine saloons. There are two barber shops, two tailor

shops, one millinery shop, three shoemaker's shops, one

cabinetmaker's shop, two watchmaker's shops and two

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blacksmith shops. There are two livery stables, and one

feed store. There are three hotels, and one restaurant.

The largest stores in Crescent City or in the county are

those of Hobbs, Pomeroy & Co., and J. Wenger & Co.

Both stores are in iire-proof brick buildings. In the I'ear

of Hobbs, Pomeroy & Co.'s store is a large frame ware-

house, with room for the storage ot many tons of

merchandise. The firm carry a ten thousand dollar stock

ofgeneral merchandise, besides doing a general commission

business. They have two other ware-houses, one stone

and one brick, where goods to be forwarded by them lo

the interior are stored. The company also own the Rlk

Eiver Mill and box factory, employing a large number of

men in the manufacture of lumber and boxes. This alone

is sufficient to give them a large trade, and together with

their other business foots up many thousand dollars a


J. Wenger & Co. carry a four thousand dollar stock of

general merchandise. This firm own the Lake Earl Mill.

The Crescent City Wharf and Lighter Company, John-

son & Malone, own the wharf at Crescent City. They

have in connection with it commodious ware-houses on

Front street, in which goods are stored till delivery.

Owing to the rocky character of the ground in which the

piles are driven and the heavy swell which strikes the

wharf during the winter season, a portion of it has been

several times carried away by the sea, and the owners

have been put to great expense in repairing damages to

the structure. The railroads of the Elk River and Lake

Earl mills extend to the end of the wharf, where vessels

load with lumber from the mills.

There are two new^spapers published in the county, the

Crescent City Courier, Silas White, editor and proprietor,

and the Del Norte Record, J. E. Eldredge, proprietor.

Mr. White, a stalwart Republican, publishes a neutral

paper, and the Record, published by a strong Democrat,

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is afraid to say so and supports no politics in particular.

The next place in the county worthy of mention is the

villaa;e of

Nestled at the foot of the mountains, Del Norte, Smith's

Eiver Valley, forms a pretty picture. The houses are

white and new-looking, and contrast pleasantly with the

surrounding forests and fields. There are about thirty

houses in the village, most of them being well built and

handsome. There is a neat little church in the village,

built by the Methodists. The public school is taught by

two teachers, usually having an attendance of about fifty


There are in the place two general mercbandise stores,

one hojel, two blacksmith shops, one harness shop, two

shoemaker's shops, one variet}' store, one cooper shop,

one grist mill and three saloons.

.\bout four miles from Del Norte, near the mouth of the

river, a general merchandise store is kept by Mrs-. West-

brook, and half a mile further on, at the mouth of Smith's

River, is situated the Occident and Orient Commercial

Company's fishery and cannery.

Before observing the operations of the workmen in the

cannery, we will note its situation and surroun'dings.

Smith's Eiver, a clear, limpid stream, heading away off in

the Siskiyou Mountains, the snowy summits of the lofty

peaks among which it takes its rise being visible from

Happy Camp and vicinity, empties into the ocean a short

distance below the cannery. Near its mouth are a num-

ber of sloughs, branching out from right and left, and

during the fishing season these waters are literally alive

with salmon. The fishing season extends from the first

of September to the middle of November. A smooth,

level beach afibrds excellent facilities fer hauling seines.

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and as the fishing is not interfered with by rapid currents

or obstructing drifts, it is an easy matter to catch and

handlfe the fish.

Let us DOW proceed to the beach near the mouth of the

river and watch the seine gang at their work. There are

from ten to fifteen men at this work, and their operations

are conducted in the following manner: First, a large

seine is taken out into the middle of the river in a, boat,

and another boat takes one end of this and moving in a

semi-circle lands the end on the beach some distance down

the river. The first boat then takes the other end to the

shore, and the men prepare to haul the seine. The seine

is made of heavy twine, the netting being too large to de-

tain the veiy small fish, and too small to allow the large

-ones to escape. The net is gradually hauled in to the

beach, and here and there iiitside the bobbing corks which

uphold it, a leap, a flash of silver sides and a dash of

spray, betray the ettbrts of a captive salmon to free itself

from the contines of the net. .Slowly it is hauled in by

the stroQg arij>s of the men, and as the two ends converge

and the semi-circle narrows and closes, the water is lashed

into foam by the crowding numbers of the finny tribe.

Large flat bottome:! boats are rowed alongside, and when

the seine is hauled m the fish are thrown into these boats.

The fisii caught weigh from five to sixty pounds. Loaded

in the lx)ats, the fish are taken to the cleaning room, a

small building extending out some distance over the river.

Here there is a chute which is lowered to the level of the

boats by a rope and pulley worked by steam power. It

is filled with fish and hauled up, when it empties itself on

the floor of the cleaning room. Five or six men then cut

and clean the fish, when they are taken to the cutting-

room. In this room they are placed upon a machine hav-

ing six large knives, equal distances apart, and cutting-

pieces to the right lengths for cans. These lengths are

then passed to a table where they are split up ready for

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the filling department. In the filling department abouttwenty men are emploj'ed in filling the cans. On each

side of a long table the fillers are ranged, and after seeing

the operation of can filling but few would have a taste for

canned salmon. The men employed in this work at the

Smith's Kiver Cannery are nearly all Chinamen, and the

disgusting manner in which they cram the pieces of fish

into the cans with their claw-like fingers is enough to

sicken any ordinarj- mortal. After being filled the cans

are taken to the soldering machine. This jittle machine

does more work in a day than twenty men would do in

the ordinary wixj in the same time. A small furnace rests

on the floor, and on top of this furnace is a groove filled

with solder, kept hot by the fire in the furnace beneath.

At the left of this furnace is an inclined plane, connecting

with the groove, over which is a receptacle from whichacid drops on the cans. At the right, of the lurnace four

wires stretch from the grooves across the room, the third

wire being lower than the others. The cans are first

placed on the inclined plane, when they roll across the

furnace, the bottom edge resting in the groove, passing

through the hot solder on to the wires, from which they

are taken and carried to the stoppers. The duty of the

stoppers is to stop the vent-hole in the cans, which they

do by the use of fire-pots and irons. There are fifteen

men in the sto])per s depariment, who daily stop the vent-

holes in ] 0,000 cans. I'he cans are next taken to the

testers, who put them in icon coolers, each holding 120

cans, which they lower ly means of a pulley into a cook-

ing kettle. This kettle holds five coolei-s, and is filled

with water heated to a boiling point by steam-pijDes lead-

ing from the boiler room. If the smallest possible hole

happens to be in a can, the contents will fly out through

it on being subjected to the action of the boiling water.

After being tested the cans are again lowered into the

cookini;; kettles, and allowed to remain five hours and a

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half, which is sufficient time to thoroughly cook them.

When the evoking process has been gone through with,

the cans are placed in a tank filled with lye, to take off the

grease, after which they are dipped into a large tank of

cold water, and then taken to the cooling room. Whenthey are thoroughly cool they are ready for the process

of lacquering. This consists in dipping the cans into a

compound, half asphaltum varnish and half turpentine.

This compound is known as Egyptian lacquer, and is used

to prevent the cans from rusting. It gives them a light

gold color. It requires fifteen or twenty minutes to dry

the cans after this process, when they are ready for the

final process of labeling. This is done by women and

girls. A bright girl can label 2,000 cans in a day. In the

casing room three men case up the cans, each case holding

four dozen, and they are now ready for shipment.

There has been a fishery at the mouth of Smith's Elver

for over twenty years, but the present extensive canneiy

was established only a few years ago, the fish having foi-

merly been put up exclusiveh' in barrels. In 1877, Wni.

Fender, the owner of the property, leased it to the Occi-

dent and Orient Commercial Company, for a -term of ten

years. Since the above named company came into pos-

session of the propert}^ they have expended nearly S8,000

in improvements. The main building is 200 feet long and

60 wide. The mnchihery in use in the cannery is of the

best make, and everything is conducted in an economical,

business like wa}' which cannot tail to insure success.

The average catch offish is from 100 to 1,000 at a haul,

and as mau}' as 1,500 have been caught at one haul of the

seine. The capacity of the cannery is 10,000 cans per day.

The number of hands employed during the fishing season

is from 60 to 75, and the wages paid are from SI to 82 a


During the season of 1880, 158,750 cans, or 7,000 cases,

and 300 barrels were put up, which were worth in the

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San Francisco market: Cases, $6 per case; barrels, f5

per barrel; making the value of the whole, §43,500.

Some difficulty is at present experienced in shipping

the goods to San Francisco. The enti'ance to the river is

dangerous for either sailing vessels or steamers, on account

of sunken rocks in the channel. An appropriation of five

or ten thousand dollars, applied to the improvement of the

mouth of the river, would be sufficient to make a safe and

easy entrance. And when the wise Solons who are sent

to represent Northern California in Congress devote less"

of their time to making buncombe speeches and advocating

measures as foreign to the interests of their constituents

as China is to Maine, we may hope that something will be

done for the improvement of the mouth of Smith's Eiver.

If the needed improvements were made to the river, not

only would the fish from the cannery be shipped, but lum-

ber from inills on the river, minerals from the Low Divide

and produce from valley farms would also form a portion

of the exports.

There are only three villages of any importance in the

county, ihe third being

Situated ninety miles east of Crescent City. It is built on

both sides ot Indian Ci-eek, near its junction with the

Klamath Hiver. Surrounded by mountains as it is, the

only means of reaching it being by mountain trails, it yet

has a thriving trade. The country around it is rich in

mineral wealth, and a large capital is invested in raining


There are four stores at Happy Camp, three kept by

white men and one by Chinese. They deal in general

merchandise such as miners and farmers need. There are

two hotels and two saloons. The stores do a large busi-

ness, and it is said that they pay annually freight charges

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to the amount of twelve or thirteen thousand dollars in

gold coin.

The above comprises all the business houses in the

county, with the exception of a few cooper shops in Smith's

River Valley. In the next chapter the lumber resources

of the county will be considered, and the mills described.

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From the southern Hue of Del Norte county, extending

to the dividing line between California and Oregon, is a

vast forest of the finest timber in the world. This belt of

timber reaches from the shore of the ocean from ten to

twenty miles back into the interior. The variety is mostly

redwood, spruce and fir, though some cedar is found at a

distance from the coast. The trees are of immense size,

many of them being from ten to fifteen or twenty feet in

diameter. It is almost impossible to estimate the amount

of this vast body of timber, or the wealth which it will

yet bring to Del Norte, Already the manufacture of

these giants of the forest into lumber is becoming the

chief industry of the county, and in the near future Del

Norte will export more redwood, spruce and fir than any

county in the State. Other lumber counties in California

are fast losing their forests and will soon have no lumber

to ship. The lumber business hei-e is just in its infancy.

The lumber now sawed is but a trifling araouni to what

will be cut in a few years to come. Its future value to

the county cannot be overestimated. The capital now

lying useless in city banks will in a tew years find a safe

investment here. For it is certain that as the production

in other parts of the State decreases, more attention will

be directed to the forests of this county. A short time

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122 H18T011Y OF DEL NORTE.


ago the San Francisco Bulletin, reviewing the lumber in-

terests of the Pacific Coast, said:

'' The redwood and sugar pine forests of California are

of great value, and, in the near future, must rank amongthe three or four greatest resources of our State.

" California redwood is now laid down in Denver, Colo-

rado, though the freight charges on the Union and Central

Pacific railroads are S250 per car-load of ten tons. But

clear redwood, costing $24 per thousand in San Francisco,

still manages to compete on favorable terms with pine cut

in Colorado gulches, and with white pine brought from


" Indeed, it is only a question of a few years when the

forests of the Pacific Coast will be taxed to their utmost

resources to supply the demands made upon them. Those

who purchase timber lands at the present time are wise in

their generation. The forests seem wide, and even inex-

haustible; but how much of the great forest belt along

the Atlantic is left to-day? It is among the coming events

that the tallest pines of Puget Sound shall fall; the deep-

est forests be pierced .with the steam saw and engine,

which are taking the place of axemen and loggers. Agri-

culture, mines and forests are the three j)illars of the

future, and the interests of the lumber trade appear likely

to receive a mighty impetus within the next decade.

''A compar-atively slight lowering of freight charge-^

would enable Pacific Coast lumber to be laid down in Chi-

cago at a profit, and thus inaugui-ate a business of con-

stantly widening dimensions, giving employment to thous-

ands of men, and building up cities in places now covered

with thick forests.''

The timber lands in Del Norte county that may easily

be made available are estimated as follows: Elk Valley,

24,.300 acres; Smith's Paver, 51,200; Mill Creek, 48,000;

Klamath Eiver, 11.5,200; making a total of 238,700 acres.

This estimate includes only those sections of timber land

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that may easily be made available. Taking the low esti-

mate of 250,000 feet of timber to the acre, the above area

would represent a total of 59,675,000,000 feet.

Calculating the number of working days in saw-mills at

300 per annum, and limiting their capacity to 25,000 feet

per day, these forests would furnish material: To one

saw mill, for 8,525 years; to five saw-mills, for 1,705 years;

to ten saw-mills, for 853 years; to twenty saw-mills, for

426 years.

The dimensions as well as the kind of timber growing

in this section, preeminently fits the same for ship building

purposes, and this industry will some day occupy an im-

jDortant position here.

There are at present five saw-mills in the county, with

a capacity of 31,500,000 feet per annum.

The vast lumber resources of this county were left ap-

parentl}' unnoticed and absolutely unheeded until the

year 1869, when a meeting of the citizens of Crescent City

was called for the purj^ose of taking steps toward the

manufacture of lumber. At this meeting a company was

formed, having in view the building of a large steam saw-

mill, to cut lumber for exportation. Work was immedi-

ately commenced, and, chiefly through the unremitting

personal energies of Jno. H. Chaplin and J. Wenger, Sr,,

within a few months a mill was completed. The mill is

called the Lake Earl Mill, and is situated about three

miles north of Crescent City, on a large Lagoon known as

Lake Earl. The Lagoon is some ten or twelve feet deep,

and is separated from the ocean by a narrow strip of sand

beach, through which the water filters, and some say that

the ebb and flow of the tides are perceptible on the lake.

It frequently happens in winter, when the waters of the

lake have accumulated to an unusual height by continued

rains, that it breaks through the narrow barrier into the

ocean ; at which times it nearly empties itself and assumes

the appearance of an extensive swamp. A slongh once

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stretched from the Lagoon across the low timbered land

to Smith's River, which leads to the supposition that at

some former period the river emptied into the lake.

Owing to the fact that the Lagoon, as stated above, is

liable in times of high water to break through its banks,

leaving but a few inches of water, and rendering it impos-

sible to float logs, the Lake Earl Mill has been forced to

remain idle four or five months in the year. Manyschemes were devised to remedy this draw-back. Aflume and gates were built at the mouth of the Lagoon,

but failed to stand the force of the floods. Then a ditch

was dredged out in the lake through which to raft logs

to the mill. This project was also abandoned, as the

shifting mud and sand in the bottom of the lake soon filled

the ditch up again. Last year a dam was built across the

head of the lake, about a quarter of a mile below the mill,

with gates so constructed that during the rainy season the

surplus water can be let out. Inside this dam there is

always sufficient water to float the largest logs. It will

easily hold 3,500,000 feet, enough to keep the mill running

nearly the whole year. The mill is connected with the

Crescent City wharf by a railroad.

The capacity of the Lake Earl Mill is 32,000 feet per

day. The lumber sawed is mostly spruce The mill runs

double circular saws, besides edgers, slab saws, planers,

etc. The circular saws are 64 and 60 inch. The menemployed in the mill number 30; in logging camp, 30;

total number of men employed, 60. The wages paid are

from $26 to ^75 per month and found.

From January Ist, 1880, to January 1st, 1881, the LakeEarl Miil sawed 4,000,000 feet of lumber, 500,000 feet of

which was sawed for home consumption, and the remain-

ing 3,500,000 feet shipped to San Francisco. The value of

this lumber was 130,000.

J. Wenger, Sr., one of the owners, is Superintendent of

the mill. It is thought that since the dam has been con-

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structed across the head of the lake, thus insuring a suffi-

cient quantity of logs to keep the mill running a greater

part of the year, the annual product of the mill will be

largely increased. Before the dam was built, it wasimj^ossible on account of low water to raft enough logs to

the mill to keep it running. As it is now the logs can be

rafted to the head of the lake during high water and se-

cured inside the dam, from which they are drawn into the

mill by steam power.

The largest mill in the county, and one of the finest on

the Pacific Coast, is the Elk Eiver Mill, at Crescent City.

Winding down through a low, marshy prairie for several

miles, is a small creek called Elk Eiver, emptying into the

ocean in the lower end of town. On this creek, a short

distance above its mouth, the mill and connecting box

factory are built.

The Elk River Mill was built in 1871, and is owned by

the firm of Hobbs, Pomeroy & Co. The mill is two stories

high, the upper story being occupied by the saw-mill, the

lower story by the box factory; an engine-room on one

side of the main building. Elk Eiver, the creek before-

mentioned, brings the logs down from the woods, about

three miles away. The creek is about five feet deep, andlogs nice feet in diameter can be rafted to the mill, those

larger than that being split in the woods. Arriving at the

mill, the logs are hauled up an inclined plane by steam

power, the whole work being controlled by one man.

They are then given in charge of the head sawyer, who,

by means of levers and pulleys, turns them onto the car-

riage at his pleasure. While being sawed the logs are

moved on the carriage by screws, turned by one man.

The mill runs triple oi^'cular saws, the first a 64-inch saw,

the second a 60-inch, and the third a 50-inch saw; also, a

21-inch horizontal. There are also on the mill floor a 50-

inch ponj'', one edger, one slab saw, two trimmers, one

picket saw, one lathe saw and one planer. The planing

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machine is worthy of special notice. It can plane from

10-inch lumber to a small moulding. Its capacity is as

follows: Surfacing, from 15,000 to 18,000 feet per day;

tongue and grooved, 13,000; rustic, 12,000.

H. A. Peeples is Superintendent of the mill. It has

been under his supervision for about one year, and during

his management manj^ improvements have been made.

The planing-room has been enlarged, and the large planer

now in use was put in to replace two smaller ones. Mr.

Peeples has had the new machine placed in a diiferent

position from the others, and the room for piling lumber

designed to be run through the planer has been increased

two thirds. Formerly, the lumber, after passing through

the planer, was carried from the machine and mm through

a chute to the yard. This unnecessary w^ork has been

avoided by placing the new machine in such a position

that the lumber may be run directly from it into the yard.

Another improvement has been made in the manner of

working up lumber into pickets. Formerly, the lumber

being first sawed above, was then run through a chute

down stairs, carried to a saw, and after being worl^ed up

into pickets carded out into the yard. The necessity for

this unnecessary work has been obviated by placing on

the upper floor a saw" in such a position that no unneces-

sary carrying of timber is required, and the pickets are

loaded on cars and run directly from the saw to the yard.

Other improvements to the mill are contemj)lated, among

them the replacing of the screws now used b}^ steam

head blocks. The present mode of turning screws is very

heavy work, and but few men can do the work for any

considerable time without losing health and strength.

One man can easily handle the head.-blocks, by means of

a lever and steam power. It is also intended to rej)lace

the edger now in use with a Steam's gang edger.

The capacity of the mill is from 45,000 to 50,000 feet

per day. The greater part of the lumber sawed is spruce

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and redwood, only a small amount of fir being sawed, and

that for home use.

The box factory occupies the lower floor of the building.

The most of the boxes made are bread boxes, next sugar

boxes, next boxes for canned goods, made for the packing

house of Cutting & Co., San Francisco; also a large]]num-

ber of coifee and spice boxes. The box factory turns out

from 1,500 to 2,000 boxes of all kinds per day, and its

management requires a man who has been years in the

business, and who understands every particular in regard

to the box trade. Chas. W. Blake, the Sui^erintendent,

has occupied his present position for over four years, and

is evidently the "right man in the right place."

It is interesting to watch the progress of the lumber

from the time it is taken from the yard till it is put up

ready for shipment to San Francisco as box material. The

lumber used for boxes is mostly spruce, though a few red-

wood boxes are occasionally made. The lumber is first

taken from the mill up stairs to the 3'ard, where it is left

to dry. From four to six weeks is sufficient for this pur-

pose, and it is then loaded on cars and taken into the fac-


We will follow a car load as it is taken in by the men,

and observe the various processes through which it passes.

Just inside the door is a circular saw, called an edger, and

the lumber is unloaded within a few feet of it. Then the

sawyer places one end of a plank on the table of the saw,

and pushing on the other end drives it across the table,

where it is caught by his assistant and pulled through,

the saw taking oft' an edging of any desired width. It is

then passed on to the man at the planer, who runs it

through the machine, after vvhich it is taken to a cut-oft'

saw and cut into right lengths for boxes. These lengths,

an inch and a half thick, are then placed on trucks and

wheeled to a self-feeding, re-splitting machine, and after

being split by this machine are passed to the packers.

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The packers press and tie inta bundles called shocks the

sides, tops and bottoms. The ends are nailed with light


One million feet of lumber from the yard is yearly

worked up in the factory into boxes. Besides this, 250,

000 feet of slabs and waste lumber from the mill are annu-

ally worked aj) into sugar boxes and small bread boxes.

This is all v.'orked up while green, and is then piled in dry-

houses and in the yard until dry, when it is put up in

shooks like the others, ready for shipment.

The machines and saws in the box factory are: Three

large splitting saws; one self-feeding re-splitting machine;

two small saws for general use; two cut-off saws; one

horizontal 42-inch header; two planers, one a double sur-

face, and the other a single-surface; and one edger, also

used for splitting.

The motive power of the mill is furnished by an engine,

20x24 inches. Another engine, 12x14, furnishes power to

the box factory. There is also a very small engine for

lathe work. Four tubuhir boilers furnish steam to these

engines, and are each 54 inches in diameter, 16 feet lojig,

with 50 3-inch tubes. A small boiler is to be added, for

the purpose of supplying the lathe engine with steam.

The number of men employed is: In mill, 50; in box

factory, 20; in logging camps. 30; total, 3 00. Wages,

from §20 to 875.

From the 1st of January, 1880, to the 1st of Januarj^,

1881, the Elk Giver Mill sawed 0,000,000 feet of lumber,

and the box factory worked uj) 1,25<\000 feet into boxes.

Yalue of lumber sawed, §60,000.

A iron track railroad, one mile in length, extends from

the mill to the end of tlie Crescent City Wharf.

Hobbs, Pomeroy & Co. own 1,600 acres of available

timber land. ISIearly all the lumber cut by the Elk Elver

Mill is shipped to Hobbs, Pomeroy & Co.'s box factory in

San Francisco, the largest box factory on the Pacific

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Coast. The lumber is there worked up into boxes to fill

transient orders, the boxes made in the Crescent City fac-

tory being principally stock. Yery little spruce from this

mill is placed on the market as lumber, almost the whole

of it beiilg used in the manufacture of boxes.

As the box factory in San Francisco is connected with

that at Crescent City and owned by the same company, a

brief description of it will not be out of place here. It is

situated on the block bounded by Beale, Market and Main

streets. The building occupies nearly a whole block, be-

ing 300 feet long and 45 feet wide, and has entrances from

Beale and Main streets. It is three stories in height.

Upon the first floor the rough lumber is cut into suitable

condition for box material, and it opens out into a large

3'ard where an extensive supply and great variety of lum-

ber is kept. This floor contains a steam engine, three

planing machines and nine circular saws, besides other

smaller machinery. In this department a large force of

men are employed. If an order for a hundred cracker or

shoe boxes is received, they could be put through the

machinery on this floor in about two hours, and be ready

for delivery an hour later.

A n order for a lot of boxes first goes from the office to

the foreman of this floor; he estimates the number of feet

of lumber required to fill it; the order is then passed on

to a man in the ysird, who selects the lumber; thence

with the lumber to two others, who edge ofl" the boards;

thence the boards go along to the planing machine, thence

to three men who cut them into proper lengths with a

circular saw; thence to the men who re-saw, or split them

into thinner boards, by means of self feeding re splitting

machines; thence they are piled upon the elevator and

sent up to the second and third floors.

Upon these floors the parts of boxes are first placed, the

ends by themselves, the sides also, and are then nailed

together and stored awity, or delivered to order from slides

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running out into Main or Beale streets. Ten or fifteen

tliousand boxes are kept constantly on hand. About 75

men are employed.

The nail bill of the establishment amounts to over |500

per month. Until quite recently boxes were hailed bymen, a rapid nailer constructing 100 per day. But the

inventive genius of the age has come to the aid of the box

manufacturers, and they now have nailing machines, each

of which do the work of six men.

The shooks sent down from the factory at Crescent

City are put together by these machines. The box trade

is constantly increasing, and probably in a few years will

warrant the enlargement of both factories.

The Smith's Eiver Mill is situated twelve miles from

Crescent City, on the banks of Smith's Kiver. It is run

by water jDower and is capable of cutting 5,000 feet per

day. All of the lumber cut by this mill finds a ready sale

in home markets.

The Big Flat Mill, owned by the Big Flat Gold Mining

Company, was built for the purpose of sawing lumber for

use in the mine, and is situated on Growler Gulch, Big-

Flat. Logs are hauled down the gulch and up a skid

road. The lumber is carried to the ditch by an endless

wire-rope elevator, run by an undershot water wheel.

In addition to the above named mills, there are three

small mills near Happy Camp which sav\" lumber for homeconsumption, each cutting about 5.000 feet per day.

We have had the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the

Iron Age; and we have now entered upon the WoodenAge. And it is an interesting subject to calculate the

length of time the forests will last at the rate they are

being consumed at the present time. It has been asserted

that it will be but a few years before the builders of the

nineteenth century will be forced to find some other ma-

terial for building purposes, This may be true of certain

portions of the country, but it can hardly apply to Del

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l^orte. There is enough timber in this county to keep a

dozen large mills at work for a thousand years. The only

things necessary to make this the most important lumber-

ing point on the Coast, are a good harbor, a liberal

investment of capital, and more enterprise on the part of

its citizens. The annual production of lumber in Del

Norte county is at present about 11,500,000 feet, and there

is no reason why it should not reach ten times that


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Gold mining in Del Norte county has been steadily and

successfully pursued since 1851, and it is at present the

most important of its industries. The placer diggings on

Smith's River and on the Klamath, the black sand on the

ocean beach, and, more especially, the extensive hydraulic

mining carried on in the region of Happy Camp, all dem-

onstrate everywhere in this section the presence of gold

in paying quantities.

Happy Camp is the only section of the county that has

yet received any benefit from capital. A large amount of

money has been invested in Happy Camp mines, and they

are now being worked on a profitable basis. Most of the

mines there have been worked for years, and have always

yielded a good retui"n tor labor and enterprise.

The most important mine in the Happy Camp District

is that of the Del Norte Hydraulic Mining Company, S.

S. Richardson, Superintendent. The diggings of this

mine are situated a mile above Happy Camp, on a large

flat, A ditch over ten miles long, and five feet wide at

the bottom, conducts water from Elk Creek to the mining

ground. This ditch has proved very expensive to the

owners. Owing to the light and porous nature of the

ground through which it passes, it requires continued

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"puddling" to keep it from leaking; and it frequently

breakb down during the winter season. The outlay of

capital in the Del Norte Hydraulic Mine has been about

150,000. A small saw-mill has been erected on the com-pany's ground, for the purpose of sawing lumber for their

own use. About 25 men are employed in this mine.

The Happy Camp Mine, Ferguson & Frazier, owners,

is situated upon Chauey's Flat, a large flat that has an

unbroken gold-bearing deposit of hundreds of acres. Theowners have a full head of water, and employ 12 men,

piping all the gravel, boulders, etc., through their sluices

that the water will carry off. The company also own a

small saw-mill.

The other important claims are the Wingate Hill Hy-draulic Mine, owned by Temple and Childs, work 12 men;Bunker Hill Hydraulic Mine, owned by Temple & Chilis,

employ from 5 to 10 men ; China Bank Hydraulic ]\Iine,

owned by J. K. Eeeve, employs from 8 to 12 men—-has a

valuable saw-mill; Muck-a-muck Hydraulic Mine, worksfrom 5 to 18 men. Besides these mines, there are various

river bar claims, worked and owned principally by China-

men .

There are several mines in the vicinity of Happy Campnow lying idle, which only need capital to make them

paying properties. Near Happy Camp, and on Indian

and Clear creeks, a million dollars might be profitably in-

vested in mining. Point Lookout, an old mining locality,

was several years ago worked with various success bymany parties. Indian Flat, another old mining locality,

is situated on the other side of the Klamath and almost

directly opposite Point Lookout. Between it and Muck-

a-muck Flat, a distance of six miles, is a continuous range

of gold-bearing gravel dejjosits, extending at some points

several miles back from the river. "When capital shall be

brought to bear upon these localities, rich returns are

almost sure to follow.

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Various places on the different forks of Indian Creek

long since abandoned by those who had to depend upontheir own strong arms to wrest the gold from the hard

cement and adamantine rock, can be made to j)aY well bythe use of improved machinery, and under the supervision

of practical miners.

The gold mining districts comprising Big Flat, HaynesFlat and French Hill will prove to be the richest in the

State, should they ever be properly develoj^ed. The Big

Flat is the richest of these localities, and miners have

worked there more or less since 1854. Owing to the dif-

ficulty of i^rocuring water with which to work the vast

gravel deposits of Big Flat, comparatively little gold has

been taken out there of late years. In 1877 Harry Har-

vey, H. Mulkey and Captain Fauntleroy located claims

there. Messrs. Mains and Hickock also had claims there.

In 1878 the Big Flat Gold Mining Company, commonlyknown as the Boston company, bought forty acres of

ground from John Mains and worked during the first win-

ter with the gulch water, and the following spring they

commenced a ditch, seven miles long, from Hurdy GurdyCreek. The ditch was soon completed to Growler Gulch,

at which place they commenced mining during the month

of March, 1880, at the same time continuing the ditch from

that place to the ground bought from Mr. Mains. Theyused a No. 5 Giant, running about 1200 inches of water.

For a time all w^ent swimmingly. The Big Flat Com-

pany's principal place of business was at San Francisco,

but it also had an ofiice in Crescent City. Work at the

mine was api3arently prosecuted with great vigor, and the

community were confident that the Big Flat Gold Mining

Company were rolling in wealth, and fortunate was the

man w^ho got a position in the mine. But observant peo-

ple after a while noticed, that it,required several clerks to

sweep out the ofiice and read the newspapers at Crescent

City; that these same clerks seemed to have little to do

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and plenty of time to do it in; that they spent most of

their leisure time fsLhont 23 hours out of the 24:J in buggyriding, pool playing, and other pleasant but costly diver-

sions—-all this indicating that thei/ official business waseither very small, or that it weighed lightly indeed upon

their high-toned shoulders. Visitors to Big Flat also in-

sinuated that, like " our friends, the Bermudiaus,'^ the Big

Flat Company had one " boss " to every laborer. Therumors and suspicions thus set afloat were confirmed whenpay-day rolled around and the men were informed that

there was no money in the treasury to pay them for their

labor. Work was discontinued at the mine, and a settle-

ment was effected with the men by which they received

75 per cent, of their wages. But this was not the end.

The affairs of the company grew from bad to worse, and

finally the whole property, not excepting even the office

furniture, was attached by several indignant creditors,

who slowly awoke to the fact that they had been " sold


Of the present condition of the concern —whether the

mine will be abandoned to the creditors, or whether more

money will be advanced by the Boston share-holders—-

but little is known. Certainly it is the opinion of a ma-

jority of the practical miners of the county that a well-

directed expenditure of capital at Big Flat would open up

a rich raining district, and yield large returns on the in-

vestment. But to accomplish such a result, there must be

more laborers than officers; labor and capital must be ap-

plied to the best advantage. About 1100,000 have already

been expended at Big Flat, and an outlay of a few thous-

ands more would put the mine in good working condition.

The Mountaineer Mine, near the Big Flat, is supposed

to be very rich ground. It is intended to complete a

ditch, part of which has been dug, fj-om Jones' Creek to

the mine The ditch will be five miles in length.

The Haynes Flat Mine is owned by a Boston and San

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Francisco company. Work was commenced on Hajnes

Flat in 1877. About three miles of ditch and flume were

built, but through a failure on the part of the company to

advance the " needful^" the work was discontinued and

has not since been resumed.

The French Hill Mine has" been worked to some extent

for fifteen or twenty years. It is owned by a San Fran-

cisco company. Like the Big Flat Mine, it has met with

financial difl&culties, and the property was recently

attached by creditors. It is understood, however, that an

arrangement has been made whereby the debts of the

company will be paid and work resumed.

There are other placers on Smith's Eiver, which have

been worked for years, and at times have yielded large

amounts of gold.

Besides these gold deposits, there are several well-de-

fined leads of gold-bearing quartz, and the black sands on

the ocean beach are heavy with fine gold.

W. B. Mason and Jos. Connor own a gold-bearing quartz

ledge on ^fyrtle Creek, and other faltering prospects of

the same nature have been found.

The Bald Hill Quartz Mine is situated in the Bald Hills,

about twelve miles north-east of Crescent City. It has

been worked m.ore or less for twenty years, but the parties

prospecting it having limited means did not give it a fair

test. Some veiy rich specimens have been found in spurs

of this ledge. The Del Norte (lold .Mining Company ownthe mine. The shares of the company are all held by

gentlemen of Crescent City.

The be^ich nsines are worthy of a more extended notice,

for they are destined to form an important feature in the

future interests of Del Norte, when the inventive genius

of Edi.son or some other great mind discovers a methoil of

separating the gold irom the sand. The existence of vast

deposits of gold bearing sands on the sea coast of Califor-

nia. Oregon and Washington Territory has been a matter

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of nouoriety for a quarter of a century. The wealth of

these deposits is fabulous. In 1852 there was great ex-

citement in this State about Gold Beach or HumbugMountain, in Southern Oregon, between Rogue Eiver and

Port Orford. The supplies for these mines were nearly

all procured from the wholesale houses of Crescent City,

and many accounts were given of the richness of these

mines. In fact, so great was the rush of miners to this

new locality, that it was feared the placer mines of this

part of the State would become depopulated.

The largest deposits of gold-bearing or black sands are

in the vicinity of Humboldt Bay, Gold Bluff, KlamathEiver and Crescent City. At Gold Bluff miners have

been working for twenty years. Tbi^ Gold Bluff mine is

now the most extensively worked beach mine on the coast,

the (lold Beach mine having been abandoned years ago.

In 1850, when this portion of the coast line was still in

undisturbed possession of the Indian tribes, a party of

adventurers traveled from Trinidad up, seeking for the

mouth of the Trinity Eiver, which, instead of being in

reality an affluent of the Klamath, was supposed to have

a separate mouth. One of the party was J. K. Johnson,

now a resident of Crescent City. At a favorable sjoot on

the beach they saw glittering particles of sand, and on

examination found them to be gold. Gathering some of

this gold, they went back to Trinidad, to procure jDro-

visions. On their return, however, they found nothing

but a bed of gravel, a change in the direction of the surf

having carried away or covered up the glittering treasure.

After this discovery ensued' the so-called "Gold Bluff

excitement." The first mining claim was taken up the

same year by Bertrand & JSordhamer. The sands were

worked with sluices, the gold being caught in riffles sawed

in a plank, loaded with quicksilver. From that time to

the present the Gold Bluff beaches have been steadily

worked, the highest amount taken out in any one year

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being #25,000 for the lower claim, about one mile below

the upper bluffs.

One claim on the beach four miles from Crescent City

has also been worked for several years. The return per

ton of sand is very meagre, and the tailings prove by a

careful assay to be nearly as rich in the precious metal as

before washing. Attempts have been made to separate

the gold from the sand by various processes with machin-

ery, and by chlorination and boiling, until finally nearly

all parties working these mines have returned to the old

process of sluicing. Only a moity of the gold is obtained

by this process, but the work pays a profit. The value of

these sands is greatly increased by the quantities of plati-

num they contain, which is now wasted, owing to the

imperfect manner in which the gold is obtained. The

various processes hitherto tried have been unable to

accomplish anything more than by the process of sluicing,

and the beach mines of Del Norte will continue to expose

temptingly before us their riches, until some inventive

Yankee discovers a process for extracting the gold from

the sand

The opinion has been held by some that this beach gold

comes from the bottom of the ocean, but a majority' believe

that the gold comes from the bluffs along the coast, and

that the acLion of the sea working night and day is the

great natural separator. And it has been remarked that

when the direction of the wind is such that the surf breaks

square on the beach, it rolls up quantities of course gravel,

and no black sand is visible; but that, w^hen it cuts the

beach at an angle, the gravel is washed into heaps in cer-

tain spots, and in others biaek sand is deposited, more or

less rich in gold.

From a paper read before the California Academy of

Science, Jan: 5, 3874, by A. W. Chase, the following in

regard to this subject is taken:

"Many ideas have been advanced as to the probability

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of gold in quantities, aud course in character being found

beyond the lines of surf, i^redieated on the fact that it in

conjunction with black sand has been said to have been

brought up from the bottom by the leads of sailing vessels,

and I believe an expedition was fitted out to obtain the

sand by means of a diving bell or some such apparatus,

which did not result favorably.

" Two or three facts can be taken in consideration here

to form an idea on this subject. The first is that the gold

evidently comes from the bluffs. This no orie can doubt

after once viewing them. The second, that after •'•' caves "

the gold obtained is much coarser in character. Thethird, that it is only after a continued succession of swells

that cut the beach at an angle that the rich sands are

found. When the surf breaks square on, let storms be

ever so heavy, it simply loads the beach with gravel. Thefourth, that no one witnessing the power of the surf can

doubt that it must have an immense grinding force. Fromthese facts, I am inclined to believe that the gold follows

the first two or three lines of breakers, and will never be

found in paying quantities beyond.''

The black sand is very heavy, but the gold 'obtained

from it is so light that when dry it will float on the surface

of water. Besides gold, the black sand contains manyother varieties of minerals. Prof Silliman, in his "Notes

on the Mineralogy of California. Utah and Nevada," men-

tions a great variety of minerals as composing the black

sands of Butte county, California. It is probable that all

or nearly all of these will be found in the black sand of

the ocean beach. As there are large deposits of chrome

iron in Del Norte county, it is probable that chromite

forms a portion of the black sand of this county. Prof

Silliman mentions syenite as the matrix from which most

of the minerals he enumerates came, and Mr. Chase, in the

paper above quoted, states that it is a common factor in

the gravel here. On microscopic examination, besides the

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gold and magnetic iron ore, the sand will be seen to con-

tain minute and brilliant red particles, and other translu-

cent particles will be seen. Prof. J. D. Dana, to whom a

si^ecimen of the sands were sent, says: " The red grains

in the sand are ganet. It is probable that the deposit of

sands dates partly from the close of the Glacial era; that

is, the time of melting of the ice in the early part of the

Champlain period, when floods and gravel depositions

were the order of the day; and partly from the latter part

of the Champlain period, when the floods were but par-

tially abated, yet the depositions were more quiet."

There are several ledges of silver-bearing quartz in the

county. In fact, nearly all the gold-bearing quartz con-

tains some silver, and the copper and chrome ores contain

more less silver. Time will demonstrate that there are

silver mines here unequalled elsewhere on the coast.

The copper leads and beds in this county are well-defined

and extensive. Copper ore was discovered in 1860 in the

north-western part of the county, on the Low Divide.

When these mines were discovered there was a great

excitement and rush for claims, everybody ignoring the

rule that it requires money to successfully operjite in cop-

per mining.

There are five good copper mines in the Low Divide

District, viz: the "Hanscom," "Occidental," "Alta,"

"Union" and "Monmouth," all located on fine leads.

From 186*0 to 1863 there was shipped from the " Alta "

and "Union " mines about 2,000 tons of good cojDper ore,

containing a large percentage of gold and silver. Owing

to the high price of labor and transportation at that tirbe.

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the mines did not pay to worl^, tiie jirice of coj)per also

being very low. Wages for miners were from $75 to $100

per month and board; freight from the mines to Crescent

City, $10 per ton; lighterage, $2.50; freight to San Fran-

cisco, 810; drayage and wharfage in San Francisco, $1;

making on account of transportation from th^ mines to

San Francisco, 823.50 per ton.

At this present writing all this has changed. Wagesfor miners are about $40 per month and board; freight

per ton, $6; freight to San Francisco, and wharfage, $4;

making the cost of transpoi'tation $10. The ore is very

rich, its mrrket value per ton in San Francisco being $50

or $60. Fifteen thousand tons of copper might annually

be exported from these mines. For several years past

they have remained idle, the owners lacking the necessaiy

means or the enterprise to work them.

•The Condon Copper Mine, at Big Flat, is the only cop-

per mine in the county that has recentlj^ been worked to

any extent. It is supposed to be the richest copper ledge

in the State. Mr. Condon, the owner, has sunk a shaft

about 40 feet deep and 50 feet back in the hill. The ledge

is from 15 to 20 feet wide, and grows wider as it goes

down. While the shaft was being sunk a cave was broken

into in the middle of the ledge which was about 15 feet

square, and was on all sides rich with decomposed ore,

leaving what remained almost pure copper.

The chrome mines of Del Norte county are situated on

Low Divide Hill, in Low Divide District, and in the vici-

nity of the copper mines. Attention was first directed to

the chrome ores in 1868; claims were located, opened,

and worked in 1869. The Tyson Smelting Company, of

Baltimore, Md., shipped annually from 1869 to 1873, 1,500

tons of this ore. The total expense per ton, inclusive of

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shipment to Baltimore, amounts to about $21. The ore

averages 40 per cent. From 1873 to the present time the

shipments have been irregular and light, and but little

work has been done in the mines, the amount annually

taken out averagine; about 600 tons.

The Low Divide District is one vast body of mineral

wealth. Not only does it contain enormous quantities of

copper and chrome, but immense deposits of iron ore, of

various grades and classes, are found there. Iron ore is

found in various parts of the county, but the bulk of it is

situated in the Low Divide District, where the chrome

iron mine of the Tyson company is situated. These iron

ores have been tested by scientific men, who have all pro-

nounced them as of %'ery high grade. Besides the chro-

mic there are deposits of the redand broAvn hematite, and

the magnetic iron ores. Notwithstanding the fact that

this vast mineral wealth lies at their very doors, waiting

to be brought to the surface, the people of Del Norte do

not seek to enlist the aid of capitalists to open the mines

and build furnaces; indeed, the outside world is in almost

total ignorance of the existence of these ores in Del Norte

county; all owing to the lack of enterprise and business

tacL on the part of the business men of the county. Per-

adventure, if the Seven Slee])ers were in the mining region

of Del Norte, the}' would never be woke up by its " enter-

prising " citizens.

From the best information I have been able to obtain,

it appears that but one attempt has ever been made to at-

tract the attention of iron manufacturers to this locality.

In the spi'ing of 1874 Mr. Wm. Sublette, of San Francisco,

spent two months prospecting with the view to ascertain

the real extent of these iron deposits, and the facilities

which exist for their profitable working. Mr. Sublette

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returned to San Francisco thoroughly satisfied that the

deposits are inexhaustible, and that they can be worked

cheaper, and, consequentl_y with more jji-ofit than in any

other locality on the Pacific Coast. He believed that

these resources are bound to make Del Norte county the

greatest iron producing section in the West. As the re-

sult of his investigations he announced that he found iron

of all the various grades in abundance, with plenty of

limestone necessary for fluxing purposes. Ample water

power can be obtained on Smith's liiver, and the timber

for charcoal is limitless. The iron ores are situated

within twelve miles of Crescent City, which would be the

shipping point. Mr. Sublette estimated that a companyworking on its own capital could lay down a tram-way

from their furnaces to tide Avater at Crescent City, and

deliver the pig iron there at a cost of about one dollar per

ton. Transportation from Crescent City to San Francisco

would cosi about $3 per ton, making the entire cost of

transportation only $4 per ton. Sydney coal, for blasting-

purposes, can be laid down at Crescent City for $1 or $S

per ton, by the cargo. Mr. Sublette endeavored to

secure the necessary capital to work these mines, but

failed to do so, and nothing has since been done in the

matter. The value of these mineral deposits cannot be

overestimated. From the time the first furnace w^as

erected, a new era of prosperity would dawn for Del


Was discovered several years ago on Point St. George,

and a company was formed to work the same. But like

every other mining company, with the exception of the

Tyson company, who have worked mines in the vicinity

of Crescent City, the coal company was destitute of capi-

tal; and after sinking a shaft some seventy or eighty feet.

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and finding excellent prospects, they were compelled to

suspend work at the urgent request of creditors. This is

the only coal mine that has ever been worked here, though

the same coal --a brown coal of valuable properties —hasbeen discovered in various parts of this section.

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That portion of the. Crescent City Plain comprising Elk

Valley and Smith's Eiver Valley consists of about 18

square miles of the richest and best agricultural lands,

viz: Smith's River Valley, 15 squai'e miles; Elk Valley,

3 square miles. The quality of the land varies somewhatin diflferent localities, but in general it is a heavy, black

soil, raising the finest of vegetables, oats, wheat and bar-

ley, and the best and most nutritious grass.

A comparatively small amount of the arable landof the

county is cultivated, daiiying being the great industry

which requires nearly all the land for grazing purposes.

Owing to this fact the amount of grain raised in the county

is very small, not sufficient for home consumption. The

yield of grain is about 30 bushels of wiieat to the acre, 50

bushels ot oats, 40 bushels of barley. Potatoes could be

raised Avith great pi'otit if the demand of the home market

was sufficient to aftbrd buyers for them. New land yields

from 8 to 12 tons to the acre; land which has been under

cultivation for 3'ears, from 2 t«o 5 tons to the acre.

There is a small amount ot arable land in the vicinity

of Happy Camp and on Indian Creek. The farmers there

nearly all raise large quantities of vegetables, which find

a ready sale among the miners at fair prices.

Fruit abounds in Pel JSTorte countj". A brief notice of

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some of the fruits indigeneous to the Northern coast, and

which may all be found in this county, is here given.

The thimbleberry is a small, luscious red berry, with a

delicious flavor. They grow on a thornless bush, four or

five feet high.

The salmonberry is of two colors, red, and dark yellow,

and the bush is covered with spines or thorns, like the

blackberry. The shoot continues to grow from year to

year, and in time sheds its spines. The bush is sometimes

three inches through near the ground, and ten or twelve

feet high. The fruit is somewhat larger than the largest

specimens of the Lawton blackberry, and they are the

first fruit to ripen, commencing during the latter part of

May and continuing till ihe latter part of June. The fruit

is used in its raw state, fresh from the bushes, with cream

and sugar. It has a plain acid taste, is not juicy like the

thimbleberiy and blackberry, and is not good for pies.

There are two varieties of huckleberries. The blue

huckleberry is- the finest flavored of all the native berries,

of this region. Grows about two feet high; fruit ripens

through July and August, Another species grows in the

redwood forests eight to ten feet high; has a pleasant acid

taste; ripens through summer to autumn.

The strawberry is found in small quantities on the sand

ridges bor<lering the ocean, and on the warmest spots Oii

prairies. Berry small, ai)d of little account.

The blackberry is abundant. Any quantity can be

gathered in close proximity to (.'I'escent ('ity.

Of the cultivated fruits, the apple and plum <lo exceed-

ingly well. The apple lacks the rich flavor of the Oregon

apple, but the plum is perfection itself. Apples keep all

winter to April, and "will stay on the trees until Christmas.

Most varieties of pears do well The raspberry and cur-

rant are perfectly at home, and some very fine varieties

of strawberries are raised in Smith's Biver Valley. Somevarieties of gooseberries do very well.

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Besides the varieties of wild berries mentioned, there

are several kinds of beautiful flowering- shrubs, growingon the prairies and in the forests of the foot-hills. One is

known as the Shrub Honeysuckle, growing on j^i'aii'ies,

from four to five feet high. It bears a profusion of sweetscented flowers, filling the air with their delicate pei'fume.

In the forests of the foot hills are rhododendrons andlaurels with large, show}' flowers, and other trees andshrubs worthy of a place in ever}* garden.

The dairying interests are so intimately connected with

the agricultural interests of the county, that they will be

considered under the same head. The largest dairies are

in Smith's River Valley. The following is a list of the

principal dairymen and the number of cows milked byeach during the season of 1880:

J. R. Nickel, 87: Wm, IJobinson, 40; Mrs. Ann Eigg,

190; L. W. Jones, 53; Bailey Brothers, 55; J. H. Hall,

42; A. Grow, 7; F. W. Oberschmidt, 7; S. T. Youmans,

99; Theodore White, 51; Strain Brothers, 108; HenryAlexander, 33: D. R. (n-iffin, 30; Jas. Ewiug, 18; Eli

Howland, 40; Jos. Younker, 20; J. McLaughlin, 125; J.

T). Kirkham, 9; H. C. l^ansom, 180; H. Westbrook, 200;

C. Woodrufl; 11; C. Beam. 18; Jas. Hight, 10; HenryMarsh, 10; Denis 'J'ryou, 200; Jas. Aulpaugh, 40; M. V.

Jones, 70; L. DeMartin, 68; E. W. Smith, 110; J. Bertch,

39; Chris. Steiger, 15; J. Maris, 56; F. Gay, 25; F. Chap-

man, 25; others milking from 2 to 6 cows, making the

total, 2,150 cows.

These 2,150 cows will average 150 pounds of butter to

the cow, making the annual product of butter in Del Norte

county, 322,500. Reckoning that this butter will net 25

cents per pound, which is a very low estimate, it will

amount to the sum of $80,625. The Del Norte butter is

of the Very best quality, and is eagerly sought after in the

San Francisco market, where it competes successfully with

fancy brands from Marin and Sonoma counties. Every

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year the production increases, and in a few years it will

probably reach a half million of pounds.

Before we take leave of the subject of the agricultural

resources of the county, we will glance at the history,

present condition, and agricultural, lumber and mineral

resources of the Klamath Indian Eeservation, in this

count3\ In this Klamath Reservation, locked up by the

Government, and rendered useless by the idiotic measures

of the Indian Department, are thousands of acres of as

fine timber land as the sun ever shone upon. And im-

mense resources in minerals lie useless and idle because of

the unjust and absurd policy of the Federal Government.

A territory twenty miles long and two miles wide is kept

sacred to the use of 82 Digger Indians.

When the Eeservation was first formed in 1855, it was

a necessity arising from the danger to be apprehended

from three or four thousand Indians who were running

over the county, threatening the whites, and making

themselves generally obnoxious. This necessity' has long

since passed away. The Indians on the Reservation have

decreased from over 2,000 to less than 100; and as most

of their warriors and braves sleep in tfie embrace of death,

there no longer remains any reason to fear them.

Tile Indian Department, entirely ignorant of the true

state of affairs, or else careless and indifferent in regard to

the matter, have turned a deaf ear to every appeal made

to them on behalf of the whites. Our Congressmen have

moi-c than once been reminded that it was their duty to

interest themselves in procuring an abandonment of the

reserve by the (iovernment, but have as yet accomplished

nothing more than to make a repetition of the representa-

tions which have from time to time been made to the Iii-

ilian Department.

Uncle vSam is a rich old gentleman. He is rich enough

to give all who apply a farm, and he is as generous as he

is rich. It is his evident intention that every man shall

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have a home of his own; for that purpose he has estab-

lished Jand offices in oearl}- every section of the country.

Laws have been enacted for the purpose of distributing

lands among the people, and all the land laws seem to

point in one direction, that is, that each citizen mayacquire 160 acres of land. And if we admit that 160 acres

of land are Hufficient for a white man, who tills the soil

and improves his possessions, then it is a matter of sur-

prise that such an unjust discrimination in favor of the

Indian as is shown by the Government regarding the

Klamath Reservation should be made. There are about

twenty-five able bodied male Indians on this reservation.

A moments calculation, taking into consideration that the

reservation is twenty miles long and two miles wide, will

prove that each one of these Indians is allowed eight or

ten times as much as a white man. And the injustice of

the thing will be more appai-ent, if possible, by considering

that the Indians occupying the reservation are of the

lowest class of the slothful, ignorant Digger tribe, and

that they are never known to bring an acre of land into

cultivation, much less open mines, an<i convert timber into


It may be said in answer to this, that the amount of

arable land in the Klamath Reservation is so small that it

would not support any considerable number of settlers.

Admitting this fact, yet it cannot be denied that there are

lumber resources within the bounds ot the reservation

sufficient to give thousands of men employment; that the

mineral wealth stored in its gulches and mountains would

prove almost inexhaustible; that the salmon fisheries

which would be established on the Klamath River would

be another source of wealth and industry, ^y construct-

ing a rock wall eight hundred feet long from the main

land to a rock outside, the entrance to the river could be

made safe at all times. Light-draft steamboats could nav-

igate the river for 65 miles, from its mouth to Orleans

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Bar, if a few thousand dollars were spent in improvements

to the river.

All these facts show conclusively the reason for urging

the Government to remove the Indians now on the reserve

to some other reservation, and open the Klamath Reser-

vation to settlement by the whites. The Indians could

be easily removed to the Hoopa Eeservation, about 50

miles above the mouth of the Klamath.

It was at one time believed that the reservation would

be opened, and in this belief a number of settlers located

on the reservation and made improvements to the amount

ot 810,000 or more. They continued in uninterrupted

possession of their claims for over a year. M. V. Jones,

of Crescent City, established a fishery at the mouth of the

river, a tavern tor the accommodation of travelers was

erected by 31. (1. Tucker, and a ferry was also kept by

the same gentleman.. There were located at the mouth

of the river and vicinity a dozen settlers, and many others

were preparing to locate there as soon as the Indians were

removed and the reservation declared open Those ah'eady located felt that they were secure in their

])OSsessions. A postoffice was created by the (iovernment

and M. (t. Tucker appointed Postmaster. This fact con-

tirmed the settlers in their beiief that the reservation was

soon to be declared abandoned for Indian purposes. Andgreat was. their consternation when in the fall of 1877

they received an official or<lei' commanding them to vacate

the preniises immediately. The Legislature was then in

session, and Mr. Tucker wrote to Jas. E. Murphy, Eepre-

sentntive from Del Norte, requesting him to endeavor to

procure a stay of proceedings and an extension of time in

which to remove their property from the reservation.

Mr. Murphj- accordingly went to Gen. McDowel, Com-

manding the Pacilic Coast Division, G. A. R., and laid be-

fore him the situation of the settlers and iheir request.

As a result of .this interview, orders were given, that, the

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time in which the settlers must remove from the reserva-

tion be extended six months. Six months passed and the

settlers did not remove. Thus matters stood until July,

1879, when a detachment of V. S. soldiers ejected the set-

tlers from the reservation.

So unjust was this proceeding considered, and so confi

dent were the people that the Indian Department were in

ignorance of the true state of affairs, that the aid of our

representative in Congress was demanded, and a bill was

introduced by Congressman Berry looking to the opening

of the reservation to settlement by the whites. But Mr.

Berry was probabl}' too much engaged in other business

to attend to the interests of his constituents, for nothing-

was accomplished by him beyond the introduction of the

bill above referred to.

About the same time Bill No. 5038 was introduced in

the House of Representatives by the Committee on Indian


In April, 1880, a letter was received by a gentleman of

Crescent City from Congressman Berry, reviewing the

provisions of the bill above mentioned. The following is

an extract from the letter alluded to:

"I think it ^the bill^ is wholly impracticable and will

result in no benefit to the Indians, but be an absolute in-

jury to them, and an injustice t'o every section of country

in which a reservation is located. In the Klamath Reser-

vation, the operation of the bill would be, if carried out,

to tie it up for fifteen or twenty years; at least that is myjudgment,"

Representative Berry professed to take a great interest

in the matter of opening the reservation to settlement by

the w^hites, but this interest was manifested only in words,

for notwithstanding a bill. No. 3454, was reported back to

the House of Representatives by the Committee on Indian

Affairs, to whom it had been referred, recommending in

the most unqualified terms that it be passed, nothing more

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was done in regard to it, and up to the present time the

matter remains in the same situation as before; indeed,

our own Congressmen were so negligent that after the

bill was reported back favorably by the Committee on In-

dian Affairs, no attempt was made to pass it through the


The Eepon of the Committee on Indian Affairs, to

whom was referred the bill for the restoration of the

Klamath Eeservation to the public domain, is no full of

information on this subject, that it is given here, without

any apology for its length or the length of time" which has

elapsed since its return to the House:

House of i representatives,May 7th. 1880.

[report to accompany bill h. r. 3454.1

"It is in evidence that the reservation in question -was

set apart for Indian purposes by executive order of Nov.

iG, 1855, in pursuance of the act of March 3, 1855, relating

to the Indians of California, and included the lands em-

braced in a ^trip one mile wide on both sides of the river

for a distance of -twenty miles from its mouth.

'The formation of this reservation was exceedingly

wrong and unjust to the public interests, as it rendered all

the lands lying outside, opposite, and adjoining the same

comparatively valueless, as the water fronton both banks

was within the reservation, and the evidence discloses the

fact that these adjoining lands are ver}' valuable for the

timber growing upon them, and likewise for grazing and

agricultural purposes.

" It is also in evidence that this reservation was occupied,

in accordance with the executive order, until the year

1861, when a gTeat freshet occurred, which washed away

all the houses and improvements which had been erected

thereon. Early in the following year fl8Q2J the Indians

were removed by official direction temporarily to Smith's

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River, aud soon thereafter to the Hoopa Eeservation on

Trinity River, where they were permanently located, andan agency established for their benefit.

''After this destruction of the Indian settlements and

public property hy the freshet of 1861, which was un-

doubtedly the primary cause of the removal of the Indians

from the Klamath River Reservation to that of the HoopaYalley on the Trinity River, it was generally understood

and believed that the Government had abandoned all claim

to the lands embraced within this reservation. As a re-

sult of such belief and underr^tanding, citizens of the

United States seeking homes in this portion of the State

of California entered ujDon, occupied, and improved certain

portions of these lauds, many of whom expended large

sums of mone}", and still greater values in labor, in the

development and improvement of the lands in question,

and the erection of their homes. To dispel any doubts

that might have been entertained as to the rights of

settlers on this abandoned reservation, in the year 1874

the Hon. J. K. Luttrell applied to the Department of the

Interior for information as to whether the Klamath Eiver

Eeservation was still held as such by the Government,

and in response received the following letter, to wit:

Department of the Interior,

Office of Indian Affairs,Washington, D. C, Feb. 27, 1874.

Sir:—In response to your verbal iiiquiry concerning the

Klamath Indian Reservation in California, I will state that

the reservation in question, being described as a strip of

country commencing at the coast of the Pacific Ocean andextending one mile in width on each side of the KlamathRiver, and up the same twenty miles, was approved by the

President on the 16th of November, 1855, as one of the

two reservations for Indians in California authorized by a

clause in the Indian appropriation act of March 3, 1855

(^Stat. L., voL 10, p. 699). In the year 1861 nearly all of

the arable land was destroyed by a freshet, rendering the

reservation almost worthless, in view of which a new

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reservation was established adjacent thereto by order ofthe Secretary of the Interior, dated May 3. 1862. Thisreservation was known as the Smith's River Reservation,

and was discontinued by a clause in the Indian appropri-

ation act approved July 27. 1868 (^Stat. L., vol 15, p. 22J.The Klamath Eeservation has not been used for any pub-lic purposes since the freshet referred to, and the depart-

ment has no claim upon it.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

EDW A ED SHUTBR,Commissioner.


House of liepresentatives.

" This official communication, proceeding from an

authorized agent of the Government, was, of course, relied

upon as an official declaration that the (jovernment had

relinquished and abandoned all claim to the lands of the

said reservation which had been conferred upon it by the

act of March H. 1855. This official letter was confirmatory

of what had been for years the understanding and belief

of every one conversant with the facts in the case.

"After the publication of this official declaration on the

part of the Government, through the agent authorized by

law to give expression to such determination and decision

on its part, settlers on the abandoned reservation rested in

security. As natural to such an event, possessed with

the idea that the title to their homes and the results of

their labor would remain undisturbed, a fresh impetus was

given to the improvement of farms, building of houses, es-

tablishment of fisheries, erection of mills, and many other

processes of development incident to the settlement of a

new country. In the progress of this development the

wants of the settlers called for mail facilities, and a post-

office was established at the mouth of the Klamath Elver.

The establishment of this office was another recognition

on the part of the agents of the Government of theiJerma-

nency of the white settlers on this abandoned reservation.


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As a further mark of the belief of these settlers that theirhomes and property would be reserved to them, theyerected bridges and established ferries to promote inter-

course between the settlements on both sides of therivei'.

"In the midst of this progress of white civilization onan abandoned reservation, in the year 1877, for somecause which is not apparent at this time, the Governmentchose to reassert its rights to this reservation. It appearsthat t*ome Indians, probably those belonging to the HoopaEeservation, had found their way back to the KlamathEiver, and were living, as Indians in that section of

country do, on fish, supplemented with what they couldbeg- from the whites, and when this source failed wouldperform such labor for the settlers as would procure themeans of sustaining life.

" From the testimony of eminent citizens of the vicinity,

who are well informed as to the facts of which they speak,

and whose veracity is unquestioned, it is established that

the whites and Indians were living in a state of peace, andalso in a state of mutual dependency and communion witheach other, so far as labor and food were concerned, inas-

much as the Indians depended more or less upon the

whites for subsistence, and the whites in turn employedthe Indians to perform such labor as they were capable ofperforming.

"It is in evidence that some time in the spring or early

part of 1877 Lieut. James Halloran made a scout to the

mouth of the Klamath Eiver, and reported a condition of

affairs likely to lead to hostilities between the whites andIndians if the cause of disagreement was not speedily re-

moved. The inciting cause is not stated, but regarding

the declaration of reliable and trustyworthy citizens as

correct, that the whites and Indians were living in peace,

and that the Indians did not desire the whites to leave,

it is difficult to surmise what the "conflicting interests "

were, or what the cause of dissatisfaction. There were

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neither agent nor suj^erinteudent at the Klamath Eivei*

Eeservation, and it is hinted that liquor was being* sold to

the Indians, but there were laws in force under which

those who sold intoxicating liquors to these Indians could

have been punished. There is no spirit of justice or equity

in a rule that would make a whole community suffer for

the misdeeds of a few of its members, and that punishment

so great as to sweep from them their homes and property,

the result of long years of industry, sobriety, and the ex-

penditure of large sums of money in the development of

the resources of the country.

'' This report of Lieut. Halloran was, through the WarDepartment, laid before the Secretary of the Interior, and,

in turn, he called upon the Secretarj- of War to cause the

settlers to be removed from the Klamath Reservation.

"Acting upon an order from the War Department, Gen.

Irwin McDowell, on the 19th of October, 1877, ordered

Captain Parker to notify the settlers on this reservation

to leave immediately, and this order he executed by noti-

fying fourteen persons to leave with their property, four

of whom were admitted to be without the limJts of the


' These settlers earnestly protested against being forced

to leave at the time of year when the rainy season was

upon them. Subsequently the order was modified, allow-

ing them six months in which Lo abandon their homes.

These settlers protested that they had lived there manyyears in the belief that they were on the public lands, and

that such belief was strengthened by the universal im-

pression that such was ihe fact, and that the Government

had relinquished its claim, as evidenced by the letter above,

quoted of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs addressed to

the Hon. J. K. Luttrell. Representative from California.

'^ Under this order, however, a portion of the settlers

were removed or driven off, and at the time of their re-

moval it is in evidence before the Committee that there

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were not to exceed 115 Indians occupying tbis reservation.

Unimpeachable testimony of a sworn character has been

submitted establishing this fact. M. G. Tucker, who has

lived in that vicinity for many years, acting as an inter-

preter, states under oath that there are not to exceed 95

Indians in all now upon the reservation, to wit. 29 bucks,

50 squaws, and 16 children.

•''Joseph Ewing, equally well informed, states that there

may be 115 in all, to wit, 30 bucks, 70 squaws, and 15


"Judge J. P. Haynes places the number at 125 in all.

" Both of the affiants. Tucker &: Ewing, state that these

Indians are of different tribes, families, or bands, and that

they are continually at war with each other; that homi-

cides and murder are of continual occurrence. The re-

sti'aining influence of the white settlers, in the absence of

United States troops and Government authority, is needed

to preserve peace in the community." It has been shown that these Indians have made no

advancement in the arts of civilized life, there being not

more than five acres of land under cultivation by them in

the entire reservation, and that amount is contained in

small parcels around their huts.

" Should this Committee admit the power of the Presi-

dent to establish permanent reserves by executive order,

there should be a protest entered against the manner in

which that power was exercised in establishing the Klam-

ath Eiver Reservation. A reserve containing but forty

square miles of territory, covering forty miles of w^ater

front, extending but one mile back from the river's banks,

is, to say the leaat, preposterous. This reservation might

just as well extend ten or twenty miles back from the

water, on each side of the river, as one mile, inasmuch as

no one can or will settle upon these lands outside of the

reserve for its entire length, as they would be cut off en-

tirely from the river, which is their only and natural

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highway. The injustice which has been arbitrarily iu

flicted upon the settlers of this vicinity is at once apparent.

To permit a few Indians (^lessthan 100 in nurabery) to hold

40 sections of land, and thereby control over 400 sections,

is an injustice, if not an outrage, that should not for a

moment be tolerated. It is clearl}^ established from the

evidence submitted that from the year 1862 up to the year

1877 the reservation in question was abandoned by the

Government, and that the Indians w^ere, in 1862, removed

to the Hoopa Valley Reservation, and permanently located

there, where an agency was established and still exists.

Hence it appears that these Indians on the Klamath River

Reservation are not where they ought to be; that by and

under the laws and regulations governing the settlement

of Indian tribes on reservations especially set apart for

them, they should now be on the reservation set apart for

them, which is the Hoopa Reservation on the Trinity

River, in the State of California, a reserve suflSciently

large, as appears from the evidence, to accommodate ten

times the number now upon it.

"It is clear that the Government exercised no control

over the Klamath Reservation for a period of sixteen

years; that settlers went upon the lands in good faith,

believing the Government had abandoned the reserve;

that in 1874 the Commissioner of Indian Affairs declared

officially that ''The Klamath Reservation has not been

used for any public purpose since the freshet referred to,

and the department has no claim upon it." These facts

are to be considered in determining the relative rights of

each race of settlers. While the Committee would not do

an injustice to the Indian, they are at the same time un-

willing to permit an outrage to be inflicted upon the white

settlers who entered upon these lands in good faith, and

under the sanction of the Government have made valuable

improvements thei*eupon. These white settlers are, in

the opinion of the Committee, as much entitled to the pro-

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teclion of the Government as other good citizens who bythe power of the Government are protected from an inva-

sion of their rights and the destruction of their homes andproperty. If it be held, however, that the Indians havean original title to these lands, and that the 100 of their

race now living thereon would be wronged by the passage

of this bill, it may be asserted in behalf of the measurethat the relations now existing betweeji these Indians and

the white settlers are of such a reciprocal character as to

warrant the conclusion that the removal of the white set-

tlers would be an injury to the Indians remaining upon the

reservation, as the Indians in return for their labor depend

upon the whites for iheir food and clothing, and the evi-

dence discloses that from long usage this character of food

and raiment has become essential to their existence.

" There are other and conclusive arguments to be urged

in favor of restoring these lands to the public domain.

By the singular construction of this reservation, as shownin this report, a large area of the public lands, embracing

many thousands of acres of fertile lands, are practically

withheld from settlement and improvement. The Klam-

ath Eiver is 300 miles in length, taking its source near the

Oregon line. The stream is now navigable for 40 miles

and by a slight expense in the removal of rocks from the

river bed would be navigable for 100 miles or more. Theclimate and the nature of the soil both combine to render

the commercial values of this stream of great importance.

It is asserted by competent authority that this section has

no equal in California as a fruit and wine growing country.

Along the entire length of the Klamath River, and espe-

cially within the reserve in question, and back of it, are

large bodies of the best timber in use, including redwood,

yellow and white pine, and cedar. The natural highway

to these immense values is the Klamath Hiver, none of

which can be appropriated to the uses and arts of civiliza-

tion so long as the reservation remains as such, as private

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enterprise and capital is debarred from entering upon the

developments and labor required to perfect their use.

This I'iver, whose length for twenty miles is locked by a

despotic act on the part of the Government, is likewise the

natural highway to an extensive mining country, which

remains undeveloped and valueless for want of better

communication. Private capital, always cautious, will

hot beek investment, no matter what results may be

offered, in sections of the country where settlers have

been driven from their homes by the strong arm of the


'• It is the opinion of the Committee, after careful inves-

tigation, that the Government can have no use for these

lands as an Indian reservation. The Hoopa Reservation,

to which the Indians were removed and settled upon after

the freshet in 1862, is located but 15 miles from the aban-

doned Klamath Eeservation, and is capable of sustaining

many thousands more of Indians than are *now located

upon it. Why, then, should these lands in question be

kept from settlement and improvement by white citizens

who are eager to expend their labor and means in the

development of their resources?

='If there be no use for this abandoned reserve for the

purposes originally intended, the Committee can see no

valid reason why it shonld not be restored to the public

domain, and again made free for the access of labor and

capital of Avhite settlers seeking homes and fields for their

energy and enterprise. Entertaining this view, after an

impartial and careful consideration of all the evidence

submitted, they are constrained to report in favor of the

measure, and they therefore return the bill to the House,

with the recommendation that it pass."

It will be seen from the above that the Indian Depart-

ment express themselves as being in favor of opening the

reservation to settlement by the whites.

I have mentioned the great mineral wealth known to

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exist in the reserve, also the vast amount of timber in the

forests of the same. Before closing my remarks upon this

subject, I will notice the facilities at the mouth of the

Klamath Eiver for catching and preparing salmon for

market. During the fishing season the river literally

swarms with fish, and with a large seine from five hundred

to a thousand fine salmon can be caught at one haul.

Not only one fishery, but a dozen large fisheries and can-

neries could be established at various points near the

mouth of the river, and the revenue from this industry

alone would be enormous.

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The present condition of the county may be given in a

brief space. And first, as to the value of the property in

the county. From the Assessment EoU of Del Norte for

1880 the following facts in regard to land, improvements,

stock, etc., are taken:

Value of land, $285,667; number of acres, 61,139; value

of improvements on land, $13,512; town lots and blocks,

$30,010; improvements on lots and blocks, $99,875; de-

duction on mortgages, $55,807; value of personal property,

$308,240; money, $22,048; improvements on all property

assessed to other than the owner of the land, $1,745;

amount of deductions, $27,152; total value of all property,

$899,738; value after all deductions, $804,144.

Value of script, $6,893; money, $27,373; 14 beehives,

$39; 1,070 gallons liquor, $3,326; 525 gallons, $2,737; beef

cattle, $75; 770 stock cattle, $7,961; colts, $2,040; 2,311

cows, $44,646; 126 utensils, $1,147; 137 goats, $402; 912

hogs, $2,258; 475 horses, $21,788; 135 mules, $4,875; 77

oxen, $2,570; ,334 poultry, $808; 1,404 sheep, $2,675; total

value, $128,827.

Taxes will compare favorably with those of other coun-

ties in the State, though they are higher than they should

be. The levy of taxes for State purposes for the j^ear

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1880, was 64 cents on each and every one hundred dollars

of taxable property, being an advance of one cent and a

half on each and every one hundred dollars of taxable

l^roperty, over that of the preceding year. Add to the

State tax a levy for county purjjoses of $1.86, and we have

a total taxation of $2.50 on each and every one hundred

dollars of taxable property.

The trade of the county is small, and Crescent City,

whose streets should be enlivened by long lines of freight

teams and lumber cars, and alive with the excitement of

mines and mining, is lifeless and dull. The principal ex-

ports are butter and lumber, of which 10,000,000 feet of

lumber was shipped to San Francisco in 1880, and 322,000

pounds of butter. About $200,000 in gold-dust is also ex-

ported annually from the mines in the county. The im-

ports are small, probably 3,000 tons of general merchan-

dise per year.

Summing up the above, we find that the present condi-

tion of the county is anything but flattering. We find

that the chief exports are at present lumber and butter,

whereas chrome, iron, copper, and other ores should form

the bulk of the exports from this county. We find that

the value of the gold annually exported from the county

is but about $200,000, whereas it should mount up into

the millions.

Perhaps the reader will ask, "If the mineral wealth is

so great, if there is so much gold, and copper, and iron,

and chrome in the county, why is it not brought to the

notice of capitalists who would invest their means in the

development of the mines?" There is but one answer to

this question. No one who has watched the course of the

business men and other prominent men of Del Norte for

the past few years, can doubt that the present depressed

condition of the business interests and resources of the

county is attributable to their own negligence and narrow-

minded views of public measures and public improvements.

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Other communities have embodied in their business pre-

cepts the one which holds that to be successful in trade a

people must be enterprising; that without endeavor, noth-

ing can be accomplished; and that if a community show

an utter disregard of these prerequisites to success and

prosperity, they will inevitably degenerate into a slow-

moving, shiftless and unprogressive class.

There is no disputing the fact that the Del Norte of to-

day is far different from the Del Norte of twenty years

ago. Then, all measures looking to the development of

the resources of the county, and all enterprisecj, whether

of private individuals or of corporate bodies, having for

their object the advancement of the material interests of

the county, received the commendation and assistance of

the community, ^o enterprise was allowed to languish

through a lack of recognition by those whose interests it

sought to subserve. True, money was plentiful and times

were good in the early history of this county; trade was

brisk, and merchants were making money and could afford

to invest. But they did not rest contented with the trade

they alreadj^ enjoyed; they were constantly seeking newavenues of commerce, new markets for their wares.

At the present time, the fact is commented on by all

strangers who visit J^el Norte, that the community in

general and the business men in particular are devoid of

enterprise and energy. It has even been insinuated by

some heartless critic that Crescent City looks like a de-

serted railroad town, and that when Gabriel toots his

horn for the resurrection, he will pass it by—for as the

inhabitants have never lived, it will be impossible to res-

urrect them.

Of course, the writer cannot fully endorse this extreme

view of the case, but he cannot shut his eyes to the fact

that the present condition of Del Norte is owing to the

lethargy and carelessness of her people. And these same

heartless and inquisitive critics have said that if a stran-

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ger attempts to inaugurate a new enterprise in Dell^orte,

no matter what they may lose by so doing the business

men of the place will promptly and effectually ''sit down

on him."

The people of Crescent City have evidently read and

profited (?) by the words of Horace Greeley, directing

hovv to "lay out" a town.' Greeley said that the most

effectual manner to "lay out" a town is for the people to

grab all the real property therein, and hold ii at big

figures—-never sell it to a stranger for less than about ten

prices. Never give a stranger any show. Put the screws

to him strong, and—-"keep him in the middle."

This direction of the great journalist has been religously

followed by at least a large portion of the people of Del

Norte. If a stranger came into the county with the idea

of establishing himself in business, he has been frowned

upon as though he was considered a thief or a legitimate

subject for highway robbery. In one instance, a new en-

terprise was projected on land in the immediate vicinity

of Crescent City, and the projector was allowed to get

fairly started in his preparations for work, and then his

water front was appropriated by some public-spirited in-

dividuals; and if he said anything about being "hampered"

or not given a fair show, the little story of what Jesus of

Nazareth said unto Zachariah was probably related to

him, and he was told " that's what's the matter." If he

got a little angry and gave expression to his feelings, peo-

ple laughed at him, and considered it a good joke. A

stranger had no business to get mad- -" keep him in the

middle." And the appearance and condition of Crescent

City shows that this course has been so steadily persisted

in for years past, that it has most effectually " laid out


the town.

The present condition of Happy Camp is somewhat bet-

ter than the rest of the county. A large amount of cap-

ital has been invested in mining property during the past

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few years, and almost the total gold product of the county

comes from the Happy Camp mines. Hydraulic mining-

is yet in its infancy here, and the number of mines in the

vicinity of Happy Camp using Hydraulic power increases

every year. On the whole, that part of the county com-

prising the Happy Camp, Indian Creek and Bunker Hill

mining districts is inhabited by a;n enterprising, industrious

class, and may be said to be the most prosperous portion

of the county.

The future condition of Del Norte rests entirely with

her own people. It is in their power to perpetuate the

present conditioii of things, and it is equally in their

power to raise the county to a high standing among the

mineral and lumber j^roducing counties of the State. But

to bring about such a result, the people of the county

must show enterprise, liberality to all who seek to devel-

ope her resources, and, above all, the attention of capital-

ists must be directed to our boundless forests, as yet

untouched by the hand of man; our inexhaustible mineral

wealth, now sleeping securely in the hills, must be brought

to the notice of miners who have the means and the will

to work the mines .extensively.

Notwithstanding the many untoward events which

have retarded the progress of Del Norte, I believe that

there is yet time to interest capital in the development of

its mines, lumber interests and commerce. With this end

in view, the following brief notice is taken of those inter-

ests in which money could be profitably invested.

First, we will consider the opportunities which the

mines of this county offer for a profitable investment of

capital. I believe that iron, copper and chrome will yet

become the most important of the products of Del Norte,

and as these minerals are all found in large quantities in

close proximity to each other, they will be considered

together. It has long since been conceded by practical

miners that the only way to work any of the above min-

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erals to advantage is to erect smelting furnaces at the

mines, and instead of exporting the crude ore, to ship it

in a refined state.

In the vicinity of the Low Divide, Nature has scattered

her mineral wealth with a lavish hand. Every hill is a

mine of treasure, awaiting the practical miner with his

improved mining machinery and his indomitable energy

and perseverance. Everything needful for the successful

working of large furnaces may be found in the vicinity of

the mines. Timber and fluxus abound, and no difficulty

would be experienced in procuringall the water necessary

for the purpose. The prices of transportation, coal, labor,

etc. have been reviewed in a former chapter. The mines

are now owned by men a majority of whom are unable to

erect furnaces and extract the minerals. All the copper,

chrome, and iron mines in the county, with the exception

of the propert}' owned by the Tyson Company, of Balti-

more, could be purchased at a reasonable figure, and there

is no better opportunity for the investment of a large

amount of capital in the mining regions of the Pacific


The gold mines come next in importance as affording a

subject for the investment of capital. The magic cry of

" Gold! Gold!" was first heard in Del Norte on the banks

of the Klamath Eiver. From 1851 to 1860 the richest

strikes were made in the vicinity of Happy Camp and on

Indian Creek, and the cry of " Gold! Gold!" was echoed

and re-echoed from the lofty jDcaks of the Siskiyous, until

it rolled away and was lost in the recesses of the moun-


But the "flush " days of mining in Del Norte have van-

ished with the years, and the halcyon days when the

miner with his pick and shovel could delve into the hills

and streams and bring forth the golden treasure, are gone

forever. Almost without excej)tion the placer mines of

the county now being worked are owned by incorporated

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companies, and instead of laboriously working witii the

pick, shovel aud rocker, sluices and ditches have been

constructed, and the powerful hydraulic tears at hills and

mountains until they crumble down like dust.

There are large bars and flats on the Klamath Eiver

and on Smith's River which could be made to pay hand-

somely, if a sufficient amount of water was procured to

work the gravel. Water could be found from five to ten

miles from any of the flats and bars, but owing to the

mountainous nature of the country, a large outlay of cap-

ital would be required to construct ditches and flumes to

briny: the water to the mines.

The gold bearing quartz is just beginning to attract

attention. VVell-detined and extensive ledges are known

to exist in various parts of the count}', and the Myrtle

Creek and Bald Hills districts are especially rich in gold

and silver-bearing rock. There is no reason why the Bald

Hills anfl Myrtle Creek mines should not eventually rival

those of Washoe or Gold Hill.

Besides the minerals above mentioned, namely, copper,

chrome, iron, gold and silver, it is thought that Point St.

George is one vast bed of coal. All along the southern

side of the Point, coal ci'ops out on the face of the cliffs,

and a test of the same has proven it to be of snperior

quality. Shafts could be sunk within two or three miles

of Crescent City, therefore the cost of transportation

would be small, and Crescent City could compete success-

fully with Coos Bay as a coal producing point.

The beach mines have before been noticed, and it is only

necessary to add that they should receive the attention of

miners and inventors. The man who succeeds in invent-

ing a machine capable of separating the gold from the

sand will be a public benefactor, and will secure to himself

the wealth of a Rothschild.

The lumbering interests in Del Norte, as yet of little

importance as compared with other lumbering points, is

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destined to grow to great dimensions, and the forests that

now cover the foot-hills of the Coast Kange will soon be

felled bj the woodsman's axe. The amount of available

timber is enormous. It is estimated that calculating the

amount of timber to the acre at 250,000 feet, the area of

timber land in Del Norte county would rejjresent a total

of 59,675,000,000 feet. Calculatingthenumber of working

days in saw-mills at 300 per annum, and limiting their

capacity to 25,000 feet per day, these forests would fur-

nish material: To one saw-mill, for 8,525 years; to five

saw-mills, for 1,705 yeai's; to ten saw-mills, for 853 years;

to twenty saw-mills, for 426 years.

The most eligible place for the erection of large saw-

mills is near the mouth of Smith's Eiver, on the sloughs

which branch out from the river on either side, and form

a net-work of safe harbors in which logs could be con-

fined. The logs could be rafted down the river at the

time of the winter freshets, and could be run up into the

sloughs, where they would be perfectly safe, as there is

very little current in the sloughs even during the highest

freshets. The mouth of the river could be improved byan outlay of a few thousand dollars so that vessels could

enter and load with lumber during any part of the year.

Not one, but several large mills could be built here, all

having ample facilities for securing logs and shipping


Another project, requiring a capital of $50,000, would

repay a liberal interest on the investment. This project

is, the building of the Crescent City and Waldo wagonroad, from Crescent City to Waldo, Josephine county,

Oregon. This road would secure to Crescent City the

trade of a large section of country, and would be the

means of building up industries heretofore unthought of in

connection with this county. That the road would pay

there can be no doubt. The present road from Crescent

City to Waldo, built in 1857, is practically abandoned, for

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no work has been done upon it for years, and it is nowalmost impassible. The builders of the old road selected

the least practicable route that could have been chosen,

and the winter season generally left the road in a dilapi-

dated condition, costing so much to repair that it was

finally abandoned by the owners.

The new road can be built over a good route, passable

nearly the whole year, and which would cost little for


During the last 3'ear the construction of this road has

been much discussed, and many opinions on the subject

have been made public, all favoring the belief that through

the benefits it would confer upon them the people of all

the counties interested would reap a rich harvest. It

would be useless to give the various propositions for the

construction of the road, for they have all, as far as I can

learn, come to naught, and there is no immediate prospect

of the road being built, unless some enterprising capitalist

or capitalists come forward and take the matter in hand.

For the information of tho-e who should feel an interest

in the subject, below will be found the description of the

route of the proposed new road, as surveyed by J. S.

Howard:•' Commencing at a point on the old Crescent City

wagon road, 7 and a quarter miles from Waldo, Josephine

county, Oregon, at a post for the initial point, altitude

1820 feet above tide water, aiid run on an undulating

grade (^nearly level^l to the south-west branch of the Illi-

nois Eiver, crossing the same at the present pack ti'ail

bridge, one mile and 23 chains from initial point, thence

running up on a grade of one foot in 16 and one-half feet

to the divide between the waters of Illinois Valley and

Smith's River, reaching the same in five miles and 48

chains from station 0. The altitude of this pass is 3100

feet above tide water. Thence on a down grade of 1 foot

in 16 and one-half feet to Shelley Creek at station 923,

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(^stations 50 links apart, or 160 stations to the milej thence

down near the right bank.of said creek on an easy grade

to station 1895, to a low pass about 100 feet above the

creek which we pass through to near Patrick Creek;

thence down on a grade of 1 foot in 16 and one-half feet

or 3 and one half degrees, to the mouth of Shellej' Creek

at station 2492, or nearly 15 and one-half miles from sta-

tion 0, thence crossing Shelley Creek by a bridge, span 50

feet; thence down the left bank of Patrick Creek, on an

easy undulating grade to station 2731, crossing the sameby a bridge of 70 feet span; thence on an up-grade of 3

and one-half deg. to station 2860, and intersects the win-

ter trail one-half a mile west of the Patrick Creek cabin;

thence on a down grade from 1 deg. to 3 and one-half de-

grees to station 3280, or 20 and one-half miles to the right

bank of the middle fork of Smith's Eiver; thence downthe right bank of the same, sometimes along the flat bot-

toms and other times along the base of the steep side-hills

to station 3876, on the 24th mile; here cross the river bya bridge, the main span of which is 110 feet in length;

thence along the left bank of Smith's River, mostly on the

flats, to Gasquet's, near the 26 mile post; thence down the

Gasquet flat to station 4366, where we begin to ascend the

hill side on a grade of 3 and one half deg. Leaving the

river for several miles to avoid the steep and rocky blufl's

near the river, the route runs in the vicinity of the present

pack trail to the south fork of Smith's Eiver. At 29 miles

we reach the summit of a low divide, and run thence on

along the hill-sides on a grade from deg. to 3 and one-

half degs. to station 5240; thence down on a grade of 3

and one-half deg. to station 5409 to the South Fork of

Smith's River, which is crossed by a bridge, main span of

105 feet about 60 feet above the water; thence along the

left bank of the main river on side-hill grade to station

5750, where we leave Smith's River and ascend by an

easy grade along the right bank of Mill Creek, through

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the heavy redwood flats, to station 5999, where we cross

Mill Creek at the site of" the present trail bridge, main

span 86 feet; thence along the redwood flats to station

6336, where we start up the last hill on a grade of 3 and

one half deg. At station 6493 we reach the summit, 500

feet above tide water; thence down on a grade of 3 and

one half deg. to station 6690, at the foot of the hill on the

prairie, about three miles from and east of Crescent City;

thence to 42 miles and 26 chains, intersecting the old road

2 and one half miles from Crescent City.

" The road for nearly the whole length is below the

line of heavy snows, and can be traveled at all seasons of

the year. • The formation is very good for a road bed,

onlv a small portion of which is very rocky, and at all

places material for a good top dressing can be had.

" In my estimates I have provided for planking 5 miles

of redwoofl, which I think will be necessary to make the

road passable in winter, There is no grade on the road

heavier than 3 and one-half deg. or 1 foot in 16 and one-

half, and only a portion as heavy as that. The route is

well watered the whole length and there are flats at con-

venient intervals for camping.•' The amount of traffic may be estimated by the fact

that the amount of freight annually imported into Jackson

county, Oregon, alone is estimated by the best judges and

by carefully gathered statistics at 2,000 tons, consisting

of general merchandise, wagons, agricultural and mining

machinery, salt, etc.

"Josephine county, Oregon, with about one-half the

population, imports at least 500 tons; Happy Camp, in

Del Norte count}*, about 350 tons; Fort Klamath and

Lake county, Oregon, about 300 tons, making a total of

3150 tons yearly; most of which now comes from San

Francisco to Portland, thence by rail 200 miles to Eose-

burg, thence by wagon 100 miles; making an out of the

way trip of 600 miles, where it should reach in 117 miles

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via Crescent City. Now we estimate that at least 2,500

tons of this will pass over this road, which at a toll of $6

per ton would bring in $15,000 yearly, to which add tolls

from stages and travel at $2,000 would give a yearly in-

come of $17,000, which would be increased from year to


"The road when built in the manner specified will require

but little attention after the first winter. The above es-

timates have been made for the import trade alone, but

when this road shall have been opened the export trade in

flour, bacon, wool and fine lumber will largely exceed the


This road would be the means of building up a large

trade for Crescent City, and it would be of great benefit

to the whole county. Manufacturing industries would

follow the completion of the road, and a host of new en-

terprises would spring into existence.

Another opportunity for the investment of capital here

is the building of a large woolen mill. Smith's Eiver

Valley would probably be the best place for the estab-

lishment of such an enterprise, as ample water power and

a fine building site could be secured at a low figure. In-

deed, it is likely that the people of the valley would con-

tribute liberally toward the erection of buildings, and

that they would also donate a building site. Plenty of

wool could be procured. There are thousands of sheep

on the hills of Curry county, Oregon, and if the wool

growers could dispose of their wool at home they would

gladly do so. The goods manufactured would find a ready

sale, and the enterprise would undoubtedly prove a paying


A large cheese factory would also be a paying business.

Some difficulty has heretofore been experienced because

of the damp climate, but this could probably be overcome.

All of the opportunities for the investment of capital

mentioned above are worthy of the consideration of all,

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and business men seeking a use for their brains and

money can do no better than to turn in this direction.

What Del Norte needs, more than anything else, is

capital—capital, the magic wand which will unlock the

vaults in which our mineral wealth is sleeping. Capital

is king; and his sceptre in Avaving over Del Norte will

call into bus}' life a hundred bustling industries.

And when the lethargy which now envelopes our inter-

ests and retards our progress shall be a thing of the past;

when all the forests shall resound to the hum and buzz of

the saw-mill; when columns of smoke, rising from the

Low Divide, shall proclaim the existence of smelting fur-

naces and reduction works; when hydraulics shall strip

the hills of their surface, laying bare rich seams of

precious gold; when town and county shall throw off the

rust of idle years, and come forth into the bright, newexistence of a better day; then can we look forward to

hopeful prospects, and can truly say, " the night has

passed, joy cometh with the morn."

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List of Officehs of Del Nobte County fbom 1857 to 1881.


TREASURER.1857 R. P. Hirst. ;1869 Wrn. Saville.

1858 John Diiffgett, 1871 Joh-. H. Chaplin.1860 W. M. Buell. 1873 Johu H. Chaplin.1861 S. P. Wright. 1>*75 Johu H. Chaplin,1863 R. P. Hirst. !l877i Wm, Saville.

1865 L. N. Hursh. 1879' Wm. Saville.


T. H. Ee( tor.

Jas. E. Murphy.COUNTY CLERK.

1871 T. H. K-ctur, 1857 Benj. Reynolds.

1873 Jrts. E. Murphy. 1859 Benj. R yuolds.

1875 Jas. E. Murphy. 1861 Ber.j. Reynolds.

1877 Jas, E. Murphy. 1863 P. H. Peveler,

lb79 L. F. Coper. :1865P. H. Pev-ler.

1880 W. B. Mason lK67iP. H. PeveW.1869 P. H. Peveler.

COUNTY JUDGE. 1871 P. H. Pev.ler.

1857 F. E. Wfcslon. 1873 P. H. Peveler.

1859 E, Mas-on. 11875 P. H. Peveler.

I8t3 E. Mil^on. 1877 P. H. P-veler.

1867 E. Mason, 1879 P. H, Peveler,


"\V. A. Hamilton.VV. A. 'Hamilton.



1859N. Tack, Sr.

Henry Orman, Jr.

1879 Jas. E. Murphy, 1861 Henry Orman, Jr.


1865Henry Orman, Jr.

R. S. McLellan.1857 Johu P. Haynes. 1867 J. L. Rigg.1859 S. P. Wright. 1869 Anson Burr.1861 S. P. Wright, 1871 Henry Doolittle.

1863 R. E. Adams. 1873 R. S, McLellan.1865 R E. Adams. 1875 Jos, Clark.1867 Jas. E. Murphy. 1877 Jos. Clark.1869 W. A. Hamilton. 1879 Chas, E. Hughes.1871


Jas. E. Murphy.Wm. Saville. ASSESSOR,

1875 E. Mason. 1857 Solon Hall.

1877 E. Mason. 1859 Solon Hall.

1879 E. Mason. 1861 Solon Hall.

TREASURER. 18631865

G. W. Russell,

T- B. Thorp.

1857 E. Y, Naylor. 1867 J. Marhoffer.

1859 E, Y, Naylor, 1869 J Marhoffer.

1860 J. K, J'hnson. 1871 J, Marhoffer

1861 J. K. Johnson. 1873 W, H, Woodbury,1863 J. E. Warren. 1875 W. H. Woodbury.1865 R. Dugan, 1877 W. H. "Woodbury.1867 Wm, Saville, 1879 W. H. Woodbury.

The names of all other Officers ha-'i-e been omitted for want of space.

Page 180: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible

fm 1m^iLiffi'i iimm




Klamath River, via Triuidad Trail... 21Gasquet's 18Happy Cftmp, via Gasquei's and Waldo, Oregon, 82Camp Lincoln 6Fort Dick 8

Paecock's F«rry, <•" Smith's River 8

Ford's Ftrry, on Smilh'^ River, 11

Kirkhani's Feriy, on Smith's River, ^^%^el Norte, Smith's River Valley, via Camp Lincoln 15Del Norte, Smith's River Vall^-y, via Tryon's Dairy, 14Del Norte. Smith's River V«lley. via Fort Dick, 15Smith's River Cannery, (Mouth of Smith's River,) via Del

Norte 17A.ltaville. (iu 'he vicinity o; Copper, Chrome, Iron and other

mines,) via Elk Valley 18Altaville, via Del Nortp, 22San Francisco '. 280Trinidad, by lani 65Eureka, by laud, 90Eureka, by water, 51Rogue River, by land , 60Roguo Rivnr, by watrr, 42Port Orford, by w»ter 62Cape BImdco, by wa'er, „ 73Coos B^s (Empire C'tv,) by water, IllPortland 300Jacksonville 115

Legal Distance from Crescent City, the County Seat

OF Del Norte County,


Sacramento 364Napa ~ 319Stockton 372San Quentin 292

Page 181: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible
Page 182: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible
Page 183: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible

•V "S Tl Nl 3avw• • •

Page 184: DEL NORTE COUNTY, - CAGenWeb€¦ · PREFACE. Johnson,M.G.Tucker,J.L.Lake,F.Knox,D.Haight andW.A.Hamilton. Ifthisbookshallbethemeansofawakeningtheciti- zensofDelNortetoaknowledgeoftheinexhaustible
