Deforestation human causes (felipe.c; agustin; francisco)




Transcript of Deforestation human causes (felipe.c; agustin; francisco)

Page 1: Deforestation human causes (felipe.c; agustin; francisco)


Page 2: Deforestation human causes (felipe.c; agustin; francisco)

• Deforestation is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest use. Examples of deforestation include conversion of forestland to farms, ranches, or urban use.

DEFORESTATION (Agustín, Felipe C, Francisco)

Page 3: Deforestation human causes (felipe.c; agustin; francisco)

HUMAN CUSES (Agustín, Felipe C, Francisco)

Some human causes of deforestation are : • expanding cities, • lack of farming land, • cattle pastures needed to graze in.

When people cut down trees to expand land, every tree they cut down is letting out carbon dioxide that has been stored when they have done photosynthesis.

When people need place, they kill plants, trees and animals, as well as t he habitat of these animals just to expand their lands. logging mining