Definitions and IDs

Definitions and IDs • urbanization • Enclosure Movement • Cottage Industry • Luddites


Definitions and IDs. urbanization Enclosure Movement Cottage Industry Luddites. Questions and Imperatives. Why was the Agricultural Revolution necessary for the Industrial Revolution? Why did the Industrial Revolution take place first in England? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Definitions and IDs

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Definitions and IDs

• urbanization• Enclosure Movement• Cottage Industry• Luddites

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Questions and Imperatives

• Why was the Agricultural Revolution necessary for the Industrial Revolution?

• Why did the Industrial Revolution take place first in England?

• How did the Industrial Revolution change everyday life for the people?

• How do technology and urbanization influence the relationship between humans and nature? (Class discussion)

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Industrial Revolution• term to cover one stage of general “modernization”• another aspect is urbanization, growth of cities as people

move from rural regions to cities to find work• best known element of that stage is invention of power-driven machinery• the industrial revolution transformed economic and social life. • began in England around the 1760s (through 1850) and started to influence

continental Europe after 1815.• changed patterns of work (machines took over for human and animal labor)• transformed social class structure and the way people thought about class• altered the international balance of political power• standard of living became better for some people, though limited at first• not all industries experience the technological revolution, some continued

with old methods (especially on the continent) and production did not increase

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Why and Where?

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WHY & WHERE?» England’s economy expanded in the

18th century, exporting across the Atlantic» England’s geographic position helped her,

navigable water (ocean, rivers, canals)• no tariffs to hinder trade• England’s industrial leadership was supported by her effective central bank

and well-developed credit markets• England had stable, predictable government that encouraged personal

initiative, technical change, and free market• England had a large working class...included hired agricultural

laborers and other rural workers who were relatively mobile

• Population explosion of the 18th century (fewer deaths)• Agricultural revolution

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AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION• Necessary for Industrial Revolution!• English farmer second to only the Dutch in

productivity in 1700 and began to copy some of her methods

• population explosion initially caused food prices to increase and large landowners

profited...with their profits they could improve their situation

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Enclosure Movement• traditional “open field” agricultural policy• did not allow for innovation. • No fences, people shared common land for animal grazing• Some British landowners put together fields and enclosed• worked well for wealthier farmers, but poor farmers complained.• The enclosure movement eliminated the open field system• In some cases small farmers could not compete with the larger

farmers.• Some, but not all, moved to the cities to find other employment. • Others did stay to work on the larger farms (wage earners). • 18th century did see a drop in people making their living from

the land.

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New Methods

• English enthusiastically continued to adopt new methods of farming as century went on resulting in a period of bountiful crops and low food prices by 1760

• use of crop rotation• diversifying crops• trying new fertilizers• developing new equipment!• Jethro Tull, an agricultural inventor whose ideas encouraged others

to experiment with new ideas• with low food prices, families had extra money to buy shoes,

clothing, toys...this created a demand for goods within the country (in addition to the demand from the outside)

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Cottage System• Population growth increased number of rural workers

with little or no land.• poor needed to supplement agricultural income• Peasants had always worked in their homes• “Cottage System,” • This system spread through the 18th century with the population growth.• The “putting out” system:

– Merchants were the “middle men”– Merchants “put out” (i.e. loaned) the raw materials used by the workers– workers produced a finished product and were paid by the piece– Merchants paid workers & sold finished product in commercial markets– some workers provided their own raw materials– in some cases, workers combined their efforts in a project

• production system was unregulated & both sides could negotiate• This “freedom” could also create problems.

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• Finished products included –houseware, – clothing, –musical instruments...a– specialized products (tapestries,

porcelain...)• textile factories grew out of the cottage

system• All members of the family helped

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Inventions• Inventions of 1700s built off of each other:• “Flying Shuttle” - improved the construction of the loom

which sped up weaving (time)• Lewis Paul, 1738, tried to improve spinning aspect in same way as Kay• “Water Frame” - improvement on Lewis Paul device, 1768 (Richard

Arkwright, barber)• “Spinning Jenny” - James Heargraves, weaver and carpenter, 1770,

allowed one to spin many threads at a time, from eight up to 100 by 1783 (improved version)…

• 20K machines (simple and inexpensive) were in use in England by 1788• “Spinny Mule” - Samuel Crompton’s spin-off of the “jenny”, steam

powered (1779)• these inventions fed off of each other from the initial desire for cotton• by the late 1830’s, cotton fabric accounted for 1/2 of all British exports• At the same time cotton was being bought at home. It was cheap. • Now even poor people could afford body linen (underwear)!

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Sexual division of labor

• women and girls did the milking and spinning• men and boys did the plowing and weaving.

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CHANGES IN TECHNOLOGY• textiles (cotton primarily)• mining (coal...)• metal (iron...)• CHANGES were the invention of new machinery • Trade with other countries gave the British a taste for other goods. • Trade with India provided England with cotton. They loved it. It was lighter,

could be made clean by washing, and held colorful dyes. • Drab wool had competition. Merchants who dealt in wool found ways to

restrict cotton goods coming into the country. • People still wanted cotton ==> Let’s develop ways to produce our own.• Did the Textile Industry grow without support from other industries? NO! • It was dependent on metals and forms of energy to create and improve new


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• Coal Industry:• Coal and wood were both used as energy sources• demand for coal increased and new methods needed to acquire more coal. • They dug deeper, but ran into water problems. • Steam Engine:• James Watt created steam engine in 1769• He later created an even more effective engine. • Iron Industry:• Coal could not be used in the smelting process and

wood was scarce. • Abraham Darby found that he could use coke (coal product)

to smelt iron ore. And another improved on his process.• Point: Inventions built off of each other and paralleled

each other based on need.

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Factories• “factory” is a shortened form of ‘manufactory,’

meaning ‘production by hand’• concentration of workers under one roof preceded power

driven machinery• all industries affected by new factory system lead by textile industry• late 18th century factories began to rise slowly

– 1782, Manchester had 2 cotton mills, 20 years later there were 52• took money to run a factory, startup costs etc.• factories found in the cities...many still desired rural life• factories were built where there were large groups of people and people

moved to new factory towns (both ways)• working new machines seemed a bit scary• periods of rural unemployment forced people to the cities to work in

factories• times of depression, bad harvests, droughts,...forced people to the cities• new machinery and consolidated labor increased productivity

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• time, discipline, competition• someone else told you how to work • long hours, no flexibility• there was someone to take your job• Running machines not too difficult, no special training• men, women, and children worked in factories according to abilities• orphans were forced to work as apprentices under difficult

conditions (until Factory Act of 1833 limited the workday for children)

• Artisans???• WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT CREATIVITY?? WAS IT LOST?• Lives were changed dramatically, thus called a revolution.

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WORKER PROTEST• The factory changed the lives of the workers.• As farmers, they worked with the rhythms of nature. • They worked with the light and slept with the dark. • decided to buy or not buy more land when they could afford it. • They could choose crops that gave them the best yield or price. • They worked as family units. • They had control over their livelihood.• The factory changed that. • Now, someone else told them the hours they would work, when they could

have a break, what job they could do• It was routine, repetitive, monotonous. (anyone ever work in a factory?)• They had to follow the tempo of the machine• They felt they were treated as children. • They could make no decisions concerning their work.

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The Luddites• machines caused workers to be at different social levels • And it was the machinery they attempted to destroy.• Sabotaged early spinning and weaving inventions.• The Luddites were followers of the mythical Ned Ludd• protested wage cuts (factory owners could do what they wanted) in 1811• They wrecked the knitting frames. • The following year, a law was passed that made machine breaking an offense punishable

by hanging. • This did not deter the Luddites. • In fact they broadened their efforts to other types of factories• British authorities called the Luddite movement an act against the government• The movement continued, but eventually died out• Progress had won? • Luddites were seen as holding back progress. • Were they against the new machinery, against progress, or just against they lives

changing so much? • It had been an organized protest and a movement. There were worker movements in

other countries as well.

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Industrial Revolution spreads to Europe• FRANCE:• world’s second leading economy, but Napoleonic times interrupted economic development• France’s population grew only by 30% in the time that England’s had grown 50%• Urbanization was slower in France and that kept down the demand for manufactured goods• Agricultural production developed more slowly in France, and small family farms remained

common (cultural differences)• For France, this began in 1815 after the Napoleonic wars; industrial production rose steadily• The articles of Paris included gloves, umbrella, boots, furniture• GERMANY:• German industrialization lagged behind Britain and France• Why was growth of manufacturing held back?• Confederations of states, not yet unified• Tolls and customs barriers between states• Monopolies held by guilds over the production of certain products• German states remained generally rural; no growth in cities• EASTERN EUROPE – Much later• SPAIN – lacked navigable rivers and rail lines, therefore later

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POPULATION• • 1800 1850 %• • London 950,000 2,363,000 2.5• • Paris 547,000 1,053,000 1.9• • Berlin 172,000 419,000 2.4• • Moscow 200,000 365,000 1.8• • Vienna 247,000 444,000 1.8• • Naples 350,000 415,000 1.2

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•What machine do you use now that your grandchildren won’t believe you used, because it is so old-fashioned?

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DISCUSSION QUESTION: Which do you think had a greater impact on

Europe – French Revolution or Industrial Revolution? Why?