Defining Your Difference

Defining Your Difference Eric Gagliano Eric Gagliano MarketMatch MarketMatch SVP, Client Management SVP, Client Management [email protected] [email protected] 937-832-7894 x106 937-832-7894 x106


Break through the marketplace noise and emerge as the premiere choice in banking. We will discuss ways to identify what makes you different, the questions to ask and how to communicate it to the marketplace.

Transcript of Defining Your Difference

Page 1: Defining Your Difference

D e f in in g Yo u rD if f e r e n c e

Eric GaglianoEric Gagliano


SVP, Client ManagementSVP, Client Management

[email protected]

937-832-7894 x106937-832-7894 x106

Page 2: Defining Your Difference

Welcome & IntroductionWelcome & Introduction

Eric Gagliano, CFMPEric Gagliano, CFMP

Senior Vice President & “What if…” GuySenior Vice President & “What if…” GuyMarketMatchMarketMatch

[email protected]@marketmatch.com866-501-2233, ext. 106866-501-2233, ext. 106

Page 3: Defining Your Difference

D is c u s s io n O v e r v ie w

Introduction The Brown Bag Process

Moderated discussion Listen, learn, SHARE

Participation Welcomed! Initial comments and questions Live questions and answers


Page 4: Defining Your Difference

’ La s t Ye a r s D if f e r e n t ia t io n B r o w n B a g

Price vs Value Products/Services Service Organization Message/Tone

Page 5: Defining Your Difference

- F o r r e s t e r R e s e a r c h 7B o t t o m

Bank of America – 33%

Chase – 31%

Capital One – 29%

TD/Commerce – 28%

Fifth Third – 27%

Citi – 26%

HSBC – 16%

2010 Survey of 4,500 bank customers

“My financial provider does what’s best for me, not just the bottom line.”

Page 6: Defining Your Difference

– F o r r e s t e r R e s e a r c h To p In s t it u t io n s

1. Credit Unions – 70%

2. USAA – 64%

3. ING Direct – 46%

4. Regional Banks (PNC, US Bank, BB&T) – all around 40%

2010 Survey of 4,500 bank customers

“My financial provider does what’s best for me, not just the bottom line.”

Page 7: Defining Your Difference

?Wh y is t h is im p o r t a n t




Page 8: Defining Your Difference

Purple Cow – Seth Godin

Page 9: Defining Your Difference

1 : S t e p Id e n t if y w h a t is im p o r t a n t t o y o u r m a r k e t

Page 10: Defining Your Difference

Wh a t is M o s t Im p o r t a n t t oC u s t o m e r s

Locations/Access Pricing Product Suite Market Presence

Ta n g ib le s

Perception/Image Expertise Trust Satisfaction CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE!!!

In t a n g ib le s

Page 11: Defining Your Difference

C u s t o m e r E x p e r ie n c eS n a p s h o t

Page 12: Defining Your Difference

C o n d u c t a Q u a n t it a t iv e S u r v e y




Decision Criteria

100 completes is typically enough to be statistically relevant

Page 13: Defining Your Difference

2 : ’ S t e p D o n t s h o w h o w g o o d y o u a r e (everyone’s doing that), s h o w

.h o w D IF FER EN T y o u a r e

Page 14: Defining Your Difference

Q u e s t io n s t o A s k

How can we TALK different than anyone else? How can we LOOK different than anyone else? How can we ACT different than anyone else? How can we LISTEN better than anyone else? What do you KNOW better than anyone else?

How should the customer FEEL when they walk out of a branch?

Page 15: Defining Your Difference

M o o d R a t in g

“Captain” assigns mood rating 1-10 when guest enters 7 or lower indicates displeasure or unhappiness Mood rating is typed into computer, written on dining card,

placed on spool in kitchen – COMMUNICATION No one should LEAVE below a 9!

“ If guests ran into terrible traffic on the way over hear, or are in the midst of a marital dispute, we need to consider it out problem. How else are we going to ensure that they

have a sublime experience?”~ Chef Patrick O’Connell

Page 16: Defining Your Difference

3 : S t e p D e m o n s t r a t e h o w y o u r d if f e r e n c e s a llo w y o u t o b e

b e t t e r t h a n a n y o n e e ls e o n t h e.p la n e t

Page 17: Defining Your Difference

D if f e r e n t ia t e t h r o u g h Va lu e

Page 18: Defining Your Difference

P s y c h o lo g ic a l Va lu eE q u a t io n

Value = (Expected benefits X Confidence they’ll get them) - CostValue = (Expected benefits X Confidence they’ll get them) - Cost

Page 19: Defining Your Difference


Page 20: Defining Your Difference

S e t S t a n d a r d s

Page 21: Defining Your Difference

Ta k e a G e n u in e In t e r e s t

Page 22: Defining Your Difference

C o n s u lt a t iv e S e ll in g

Page 23: Defining Your Difference

R e s u lt s

Understanding the bank needs & situation Understanding the market Understanding the competition Analyzing product suite Analyzing sales process Mutually setting standards Regular training Providing the right tools

Attrition Dropped from 31.74% to 17.67% in one year!

Page 24: Defining Your Difference

K e y s

Know your market (customers & prospects) Know your competition Highlight differentiation that sets you apart

in the eyes of the customer Talk about differentiation in terms of

Customer Benefits Tell everyone! Keep it fresh – listen to customer’s changing


Page 25: Defining Your Difference

Lo o k in g Ah e a d

Next Brown Bag Session…

Always the 3rd Friday of each month. Next session is October 15.

Topic: Budget Planning & Allocation: 5 Key Changes to Your 2011 Budget

Page 26: Defining Your Difference

?Wa n t m o r e

Follow us on…

Page 27: Defining Your Difference

F r o m t h e M a r k e t M a t c h…Te a m




Eric GaglianoEric Gagliano


SVP, Client ManagementSVP, Client Management

[email protected]

937-832-7894 x106937-832-7894 x106