Defensive Back Handbook

Defensive Back Position : Cornerback, Strong Safety and Free Safety Capital Football



Transcript of Defensive Back Handbook

Defensive Back

Position: Cornerback, Strong Safety and Free Safety

Coaching Manual

Capital Football

Defensive Back Fundamentals and Techniques

Defensive Back Rules for Success 1) Alignment / Depth2) Key3) Read 4) Responsibility

Defensive Back Pre – Snap Read 1) Scan field to determine number of “quicks” or receivers

Defensive Back Fundamentals 1) Stance2) Hands3) Feet4) Alignment / Depth5) Fits (Run Support Lanes)6) Tackling7) Run / Pass Reads8) Keys9) Coverage Responsibilities10) Field Awareness

Defensive Back Techniques 1) Back Pedal3) Drop4) Strip5) Press Technique6) Bump Technique7) Settle Technique8) Bail Technique9) Disguise10) Punch11) Man Technique12) Rip13) Face up Tackle

Zone Stance

Capital Football


Outside foot should be forward with inside foot aligned heel to toe Feet should be spaced slightly closer than shoulder width. He then should bend

his knees slightly, feeling most of his body weight on the front foot. His arms should hang down in a relaxed manner, and his head should be up, tilted

slightly to the inside, looking at the ball.

Strong Safety

Free Safety The free safety can assume a much more upright stance. Inside foot should be determined in relation with the two receiver side of the field. Inside

foot should be up with outside foot back to the multiple receiver side allowing safety to open hips and turn toward the multiple receivers set. Feet should

be spaced slightly closer than shoulder width. He then should bend his knees slightly, feeling most of his body weight on the front foot. His arms should

hang down in a relaxed manner, and his head should be up, tilted slightly to the inside, looking at the ball. But the safety also can be more upright so that

he can see into the offensive backfield. The free safety should have his head up and his eyes “reading” through guard to quarterback.

Press Stance

Cornerback, Strong Safety and Free Safety When we are in Press Man Technique, the stance and technique is very different than regular zone stance. Defensive back should align as close to

the Line of Scrimmage as possible without interfering with the neutral zone. Next, the defensive back should split the receiver’s inside leg with his outside

leg in an effort to maintain inside leverage and prevent receiver from releasing to the inside. Defensive back’s feet should be parallel to each other and

inside the defensive back’s shoulders. A narrow stance is very important in press technique to prevent over striding. Defensive back should bend his

knees slightly, feeling most of his body weight on the “balls of the feet.” His hands should be in an “up” position, slightly below the chin to maximize the

ability to disrupt receiver’s route using his body and hands. Last, the defensive back’s eyes should be focused on the receiver’s inside thigh and nothing

else. Defensive back should never look inside to QB or backfield while playing Press Man Technique. Focus only on their receiver. When receiver’s

hands come up or eyes become large the defensive back should turn head and find ball to disrupt or intercept pass.

Defensive Back Drills

Defensive Back Drill Progression 1) Agility2) Hands3) Tackling4) Drops5) Game Plan

Capital Football

Defensive Back Drill Set – Up

“Give me three!”C FS C 5yd 5yd

“Tight three!”C FS C

Coaching During Drill Work * Coach simulates being under center, ball snapped to chest, next progress toward lane footwork (1, 2, 3, or 4 lane), then shoulders

turn toward target, next up field hand comes off ball and last “caps” is called by DB once ball is caught.

Weekly Coaching Progression Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

PRE – PRACTICE: Man Technique Man Technique Man Technique NONE

Backpedal Backpedal BackpedalDrop Drop DropW W W

Zone Drop / Ball Lane Run Fits / Ball Lane Fade Ball DrillGame Plan Shoulder Break Post Ball Drill

Elevate Toast Sprint Up Drill (Flat Pass)

Find It 1 vs. 1 w/ WR (Stalk Block) 1 vs. 1 w/ WR (Man Tech)Shoot Hands & Rip Sprint Up Drill (Flat Pass) Opponent Pass Plays

1 Man Tackling Run FitsStrip Drill (Club) Opponent Pass Plays

Capital Football

Defensive Back Drills1) Plant and Break Drill (Footwork)Equipment Needed: FootballSet-up of Drill:

Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB planting and breaking @ angles.Goal of Drill: The goal of this drill is for player to work on improving footwork and breaking on football.

2) Pedal Drill (Footwork)

Capital Football

Equipment Needed: FootballSet-up of Drill:

Points of Emphasis: Coach should emphasize controlled backpedal.Variation of Drill: Next progression can begin with 3-step pedal, open hips, turn and sprint with “eyes inside.”Purpose of Drill: The goal of this drill is for player to work on improving footwork associated with backpedaling.3) W – Drill (Footwork)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill:

Points of Emphasis: Coach should emphasize player staying low out of break and keeping feet underneath hips when planting.Purpose of Drill: Drill is used to simulate planting and breaking up on a run threat or short pass threat.

4) Weave Drill (Footwork)Equipment Needed: Football

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Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill:

Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB focusing on bottom of receiver’s #’s and backpedaling in a controlled manner.Purpose of Drill: The purpose of this drill is to develop DB’s ability to backpedal while mirroring receiver.5) 180° Turn and Go Drill (Footwork)Equipment Needed: Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill: DB begins drill by facing Coach while standing on a yard line. On Coach’s movement of the football the player will begin to backpedal straight back on yard line. Coach will then point the football in a right / left direction. The DB will then plan and open his hips in the direction of the football. Next, he will plant his foot on the line going in the opposite

direction. Thus turning his body 180° in the opposite direction.Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB focusing on opening hips quickly while backpedaling in a controlled manner.Purpose of Drill: The purpose of this drill is to develop DB’s ability to backpedal and open hip quickly.

6) 90° Turn and Go Drill (Footwork)Equipment Needed: Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill: DB begins drill by facing Coach while standing on a yard line. On Coach’s movement of the football the player will begin to backpedal straight back on yard line. Coach will then point the football in a right / left direction. The DB will then plan and open his hips in the direction of the football. Next, he will plant his foot, open hips and sprint in the direction of

the Coach’s movement.Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB turning head to find the football.Purpose of Drill: The purpose of this drill is to develop DB’s ability to break on the deep out or post route.

1) Bump Drill (Hands)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill: DB begins in a proper football stance with good power angles facing a partner or ball carrier. Players should be one yard away facing parallel to their partner.

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On coach’s command the offensive player will attempt to go inside or outside. DB should collision receiver and then settle in curl to flat area of zone. This will simulate a corner playing Cover 2.Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB focusing on bottom of the #’s in the center of the chest.

2) Strip Drill (Hands)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill: DB begins directly behind receiver running at a 45° right or left. As ball enters receiver’s hands, DB will wrap with outside hand and rip up with inside hand.Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB focusing hands of receiver.

3) Elevate Drill (Hands)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill: DB begins drill by standing parallel to coach approximately 3 -5yds away. On Coach’s movement of the football the player will begin run @ ¾ speed straight towards the opposite end zone. Coach will then throw the football approximately 2ft. above the head of the player forcing the player to elevate (jump) with two hands

extended up above head to catch football. DB should then jump up with hands extended from the body and catch ball at highest point.Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB catching ball @ highest point.Purpose of Drill: The purpose of this drill is to develop DB’s ability to elevate with both hands and to catch football.

4) Shoot Hands Drill (Hands)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football field One man sled or dummySet-up of Drill: DB begins drill by standing facing one man sled or dummy in a good ready position with legs flexed, back @ 45° and head up. On Coach’s command, player “shoot” hands as fast as possible by punching bags with hands open and thumbs up and then returning

them back to ready position.Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB “shooting” hands as quickly as possible.Purpose of Drill: The purpose of this drill is to develop DB’s hand quickness and reaction skills.

5) Punch & Lock Drill (Hands)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football field One man sled or dummySet-up of Drill: DB begins drill by standing facing one man sled or dummy in a good ready position with legs flexed, back @ 45° and head up. On Coach’s command, player should “shoot” hands as fast as possible by punching bags with hands open and thumbs up. On Coach’s command, player should “shoot” hands, grab and extend arms with elbows “locked out.” Variation : After “locking out elbows,” next dip inside shoulder slightly and rip up with inside fist using “Rip Technique.”Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB catching ball punching and “locking out elbows.”

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Purpose of Drill: The purpose of this drill is to develop DB’s hand placement and ability to use hands against opponent.

6) Rip Drill (Hands)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football field One man sled or dummySet-up of Drill: DB begins drill by standing facing one man sled or dummy in a good ready position with legs flexed, back @ 45° and head up. On Coach’s command, player should “shoot” hands as fast as possible by punching bags with hands open and thumbs up. On Coach’s command, player should “shoot” hands, grab and extend arms with elbows “locked out.” Next, as the player extends his arms he should dip his inside shoulder and “rip” upward with his inside fist to gain outside leverage.Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB “shooting” hands as quickly as possible and “ripping” with upward movement.Purpose of Drill: The purpose of this drill is to develop DB’s hand quickness and reaction skills.

1) Back Pedal, Shuffle and Break Drill (Drops)Equipment Needed: FootballSet-up of Drill:

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Points of Emphasis: Coach should emphasize breaking at proper angle and reading QB’s up-field hand coming off of football to throw pass.Purpose of Drill: To develop FS skills needed to recognize post / flag pattern and “rob” the interception from underneath.

2) Funnel and Cushion Drill (Drops)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football field Set-up Of Drill :

Points of Emphasis: Emphasize collision with receiver in order to funnel him inside or outside depending on coverage call. Also emphasize shuffling of feet in

man or bump and run coverage.Purpose of Drill: This is an excellent drill for developing skills needed for man or bump and run coverage.

3) Funnel and Flat Drill (Drops)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill:

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Points of Emphasis: Emphasize collision with receiver in order to funnel him inside or outside depending on coverage call. Also emphasize shuffling of feet in

man or bump and run coverage.

4) Funnel Drill (Drops)Equipment Needed: Football ReceiverSet-up of Drill:

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Points of Emphasis: Emphasize collision with receiver in order to funnel him inside or outside depending on coverage call. Also emphasize shuffling of feet in

man or bump and run coverage.Purpose of Drill: This is an excellent drill for developing skills needed for man or bump and run coverage.*+

5) Team Drop Drill (Drops)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football field Cones

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Set-up of Drill:

Players assume proper alignment and depth depending on the called coverage. Once coach snaps ball players will begin with their “read steps” (3-step backpedal – Corners / FS). Coach will turn shoulders on players third step, DB’s should open hips sprint with “eyes inside,” and settle @ proper depth (c = 22 ½ yd,

SS = 12yd, FS = 25yd). When DB’s “settle” they should “chop” their feet and wait for coaches double whistle for them to sprint to him and break it down. “DB’s on

three! One, two, three……DB’s!” Same drill is executed for each coverage that is employed in defensive scheme. Team defensive drill where 4 cones are placed on the sidelines. On the snap of the ball defensive players will execute one “up down,” bounce to their feet and run to their designated cone to simulate

pursuit angles. Flow to Player / Flow away from player:

(a) DE – 1 cone / 4 cone(b) DT – 1 cone / 1 cone(c) N – 1 cone / 1 cone(d) SLB – (e) MLB – (f) WLB – (g) SS – 2 cone / 3 cone(h) FS – 2 cone / 3 cone(i) C – 1 cone / 4 cone

After sprinting to cone players should turn back toward coach chop feet and wait on whistle to huddle back on ball. Each position coach will tell coach on the ball whether their position sprinted through their designated cone and took proper pursuit angle. Each defensive group must have three perfect pursuit sprints in a row before getting off field.Points of Emphasis: Coach should emphasize proper pursuit angles. Coach should emphasize corners working slow to the hash at a 45° angle then sprinting to the #4 cone.Purpose of Drill: The purpose of drill is to teach players where their pursuit angles are when flow is away.

6) 90° Break Drill (Drops)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill:

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Points of Emphasis: Coach should emphasize breaking at proper angle and reading QB’s up-field hand coming off of football to throw pass. Coach should emphasize one QB rotates shoulder; DB’s eyes should go on where ball has been thrown not on coach.Purpose of Drill: To develop FS skills needed to recognize post / flag pattern and “rob” the interception from underneath.

7) Stretch and Break Drill (Drops)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill:

Points of Emphasis: The Coach should emphasize breaking at proper angle and reading QB’s up-field hand coming off of football to throw pass.Purpose of Drill: To develop FS skills needed to recognize post / flag pattern and “rob” the interception from underneath.

8) 180° Turn and Break Back Drill (Drops)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill: DB begins drill by facing Coach while standing on a yard line. On Coach’s movement of the football the player will begin to backpedal straight back on yard line. Coach will then point the football in a right / left direction.

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The DB will then plant and open his hips in the direction of the football. Next, he will plant his foot on the line going in the opposite direction. Thus turning his body 180° in the opposite direction.

Next, Coach will again point the ball right / left and the DB will break back off of the line @ a 45° angle.Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB utilizing proper footwork, backpedaling in a controlled manner, opening hips and breaking at proper 45° angle.Purpose of Drill: The purpose of this drill is to develop DB’s ability to backpedal, open hip quickly and break back at a proper 45° angle.

9) Flag / Wheel Drill (Drops)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill: DB begins drill by facing Coach while standing on a yard line. On Coach’s movement of the football the player will begin to backpedal straight back on yard line. Coach will then turn shoulders in a right / left direction. The DB will then plan and open his hips @ a 45° angle in a position to break back on a post / flag pattern. Next, Coach will again point the ball in the opposite direction and the DB will have to plant, get head around and open hips toward the

opposite sideline in an effort to play the wheel route.Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB focusing on getting head around quickly and opening hips while backpedaling in a controlled manner.Purpose of Drill: The purpose of this drill is to develop DB’s ability to backpedal, open hip quickly and break back at a proper 45° angle.

10) Rotation Drill (Cover 2) (Drops)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill: DB begins in a press stance (square or parallel to LOS). Receiver should attempt to release inside or outside depending on coach’s command. If receiver attempts to release outside the DB should collision receiver with inside hand, shuffle, shuffle, open hips inside to QB. Coach will throw a fade or DB should break up on a short route. Inside release should follow same progression except collision receiver to inside, shuffle, shuffle and open hips toward QB.Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB focusing on center of receivers numbers @ the bottom.

11) Catch-Up Drill (Drop)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill: DB begins 4yds behind receiver. Receiver runs @ ¾ speed straight ahead. DB must focus on hands of receiver, when hands are lifted and the ball enters hands the DB should rip down through the hands.Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB focusing hands of receiver.

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12) Fade Drill (Cover 3) (Drops)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill: DB begins drill by facing Coach while standing on a yard line. On Coach’s movement of the football the player will begin to backpedal straight back. Coach will then point the football in a direction toward the sideline on that side. The DB will then open his hips toward the inside with eyes maintaining on QB. Next, Coach will throw the football upward and toward the sideline, forcing the DB to simulate the DB attempting to “wall off” a receiver

from the ball. DB should then jump up with hands extended from the body and catch ball at highest point.Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB utilizing proper footwork, backpedaling in a controlled manner, opening hips inside, extending his hand in attempt to feel for

receiver, pressing receiver to sideline and catching ball @ highest point.Purpose of Drill: The purpose of this drill is to develop DB’s ability to backpedal, open hips toward the inside and to simulate playing the fade route.

13) Deep Dig Drill (Drops)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill: DB begins drill by facing Coach while standing on a yard line. On Coach’s movement of the football the player will begin to backpedal straight back. Coach will then point the football in a direction toward the sideline on that side. The DB will then open his hips with eyes maintaining on QB and begin sprinting for depth. Next, Coach rotate shoulder back to opposite side forcing DB to take gather steps and break @ a 45° on ball.. This drill simulates a deep Dig route by a receiver and DB breaking on ball.Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB utilizing proper footwork, backpedaling in a controlled manner, opening hips inside and using proper gather steps when

changing directions.Purpose of Drill: The purpose of this drill is to develop DB’s ability to backpedal, open hips and break on the deep dig route.

14) Four Vertical Drill (Drops)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football field ConesSet-up of Drill: Drill begins with Coach organizing players into groups of four (corner, strong safety, free safety and corner). First group of DB’s must position themselves facing the football @ proper depth and alignment. Next group of DB’s are receivers and will align on top of #’s and on each of the hash marks. On the coaches’ command the receivers will all run vertical routes. The DB’s will take their three backpedal steps, open hips and sprint to their zones while progressing through their read keys. The coach will throw the ball to one of the four receivers and the DB’s will have to react and play the football. The group of DB’s will go to the back of the line and the group of receivers will then assume their alignment and depth as defenders.Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB utilizing proper footwork and alignment. Also if the ball is intercepted the ball the DB should holler “oskie” and then sprint

toward the outside of the #’s.Purpose of Drill: The purpose of this drill is to develop to drop to their designated zones and play the ball.

Capital Football

1) Form Tackling Teaching Progression (Buddy Drill) (Tackling)Head OnEquipment Needed: Football Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill: DB begins in a proper football stance with good power angles facing a partner or ball carrier. Players should be one yard away facing parallel to their partner. DB executes one step leads with chest, places head on ball, wraps hard, and drives ball carrier back 2 – 3yds.Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB focusing on head placement, wrapping and grabbing cloth.

2) Angle Tackling (Tackling)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill: Place two cones 5yds apart. DB begins in a proper football stance with good power angles facing partner that is approximately 5yds away. On coach’s command the ball carrier will run @ ¾ speed @ right or left cone. DB must meet ball carrier @ the LOS, get head across to outside and wrap and grab cloth.Variation of Drill: Coach can have players execute 3-step backpedal, gather step and execute proper tackle with the same fundamentals used in earlier

drills.Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB focusing on head placement, wrapping, grabbing cloth and squaring hips back to LOS.

3) Open Field Tackling (Tackling)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill: Place two cones 5yds apart on goaline. DB begins in a proper football stance with good power angles facing partner that is approximately 5yds away. On coach’s command the DB will step laterally and force ball carrier toward the pylon. Next, he will step up field at a 45° angle and

execute a proper tackle. The ball carrier must run between the two conesPoints of Emphasis: Emphasize DB focusing eyes on the football and placing head on football when tackling, wrapping and grabbing cloth.

4) Mirror Drill (Tackling)Equipment Needed: Football Lined football fieldSet-up of Drill: Set up two cones placed 3 – 4yds apart. DB begins in a proper football stance with good power angles facing a partner. Offensive player begins shuffling back and forth between the two cones. DB should “mirror” the offensive player trying to keep his chest parallel with his partner’s chest. The next progression of this drill is for the offensive player to go inside or outside after shuffling. Thus forcing the DB to collision with hands.

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Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB focusing staying parallel to the offensive player and focusing on the bottom of the #’s in the center of the chest.

5) Face Up Drill (Tackling)Equipment Needed: Football Tackling DummySet-up of Drill: DB begins in a proper football stance with good power angles facing a partner. On coach’s command or whistle DB will sprint forward with helmet up and place face into tackling dummy. Once contact is made DB should begin “running feet” to simulate driving a ball carrier back. On second whistle DB will place tackling dummy down and go to back of line. The next progression of this drill is to align two players facing each other with one player carrying the football and the other being the DB. On coaches command the offensive player will move toward DB @ approximately half speed and DB will step forward and execute a good

“face up” tackle on offensive player.Points of Emphasis: Emphasize DB focusing on placing face into tackling dummy with “eyes up” and while not dropping head.

Defensive Back Run / Pass Key

Capital Football

Strong Safety key is TE or ELOS to ball. Run read if TE or ELOS blocks down or base blocks. Pass read with TE outside release or ELOS pass protection.

Cover 2 (Deuce)

- - - -- -- - - QB - - -- E T N E - - -

- B B B - C - - C

- - - SS FS -

- -- -

Strong Corner Alignment – Align 5yd deep from receiver splitting outside leg of receiver.

Stance – Outside foot up with heel to toe stance. Feet shoulder width apart.

Key – Read progression from QB to #2 receiver.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass, after read steps corner should begin “slide” technique facing in toward QB.

Receiver releases inside, collision and settle @ 12yds flat area. Five yard no cover rule! Anything over 5yds break up and be aggressive. Read run attack Pitch /

Contain alley using outside leverage. Always read 2 to 1.

Weak Corner Alignment – Align 5yd deep from receiver splitting outside leg of receiver.

Stance – Outside foot up with heel to toe stance. Feet shoulder width apart.

Key – Read progression from QB to #2 receiver.

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Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass, after read steps corner should begin “slide” technique facing in toward QB.

Receiver releases inside, collision and settle @ 12yds flat area. Five yard no cover rule! Anything over 5yds break up and be aggressive. Read run attack Pitch /

Contain alley using outside leverage. Always read 2 to 1.

Strong SafetyAlignment – Align @ 10yds deep on strong side of formation. The hash if ball is in middle of field; near hash align 2yds outside hash; on far hash align 2yds inside


Stance – Heel to toe stance with inside foot up; slightly more upright to see field and read keys.

Key – Read progression from #2 receiver to QB to deepest receiver.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass. Read pass, must drop to 25yds deep. Play pass ½ middle of field to

sideline. Must communicate to secondary on formation and alignment. Read run away work to opposite hash. Always read 2 to 1.

Free Safety Alignment – Align @ 10yds deep on strong side of formation. The hash if ball is in middle of field; near hash align 2yds outside hash; on far hash align 2yds inside


Stance – Heel to toe stance with inside foot up; slightly more upright to see field and read keys.

Key – Read progression from #2 receiver to QB to deepest receiver.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass. Read pass, must drop to 25yds deep. Play pass ½ middle of field to

sideline. Must communicate to secondary on formation and alignment. Read run away work to opposite hash. Always read 2 to 1.

Cover 3 (Monster / Roll)

- - - -- -- - - QB - - -- E T N E - - -

SS - B B B - C - - C

- -- -- -- -- FS -

Strong Corner Alignment – Align 7yd deep from LOS and splitting outside leg of receiver. Never align wider than outside the #’s.

Stance – Outside foot up with heel to toe stance. Feet shoulder width apart.

Key – Read progression from QB to #1 receiver.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass. Read pass, must drop to 22yds deep. Always drop to middle of zone, top

of the #’s on the field. Play pass sideline to hash 1/3 of field. Pass is primary responsibility must drop to 22yds depth settle and attack the football. Deep ball thrown,

Corner must play up-field shoulder / hand. Read run attack Pitch / Contain alley using outside leverage.

Weak Corner Alignment – Align 7yd deep from LOS and splitting outside leg of receiver. Never align wider than outside the #’s.

Stance – Outside foot up with heel to toe stance. Feet shoulder width apart.

Key – Read progression from QB to #1 receiver.

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Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass. Read pass, must drop to 22yds deep. Always drop to middle of zone, top

of the #’s on the field. Play pass sideline to hash 1/3 of field. Pass is primary responsibility must drop to 22yds depth settle and attack the football. Deep ball thrown,

Corner must play up-field shoulder / hand. Read run attack Pitch / Contain alley using outside leverage.

Strong Safety Alignment – Align 4yds deep and 4 yds outside ELOS. Twins set align head up #2 receiver.

Stance – Heel to toe stance with inside foot up; slightly more upright to see field and read keys.

Key – Read progression from ELOS to QB.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of two steps forward as read steps to determine run / pass. Read pass, must drop to 12yds deep in flat. Must communicate to

secondary on formation and alignment.

Free Safety Alignment – Align 10yds deep splitting difference between #1 receivers.

Stance – Heel to toe stance with inside foot up; slightly more upright to see field and read keys.

Key – Read progression from #2 to QB to deepest receiver.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass. Read pass, must drop to 25yds deep. Play pass hash to hash 1/3 of field.

Open to the two-receiver side and never align wider than one yard outside the Off. Tackle. Must communicate to secondary on formation, alignment and flow.

Always drop to middle of zone, the middle of the field. No one is deeper than FS on the field. Always be aware of Post Pattern! Deep ball thrown, FS must play

“robber” underneath for interception. Read run come “down hill” and fill alley!

Cover 4 (Bail)

- - - -- -- - - QB - - -- E T N E - - -

- B B B - - -

- - C - SS FS - C

- -- -- -- -

Strong Corner Alignment – Align 7yd deep from receiver and 1yd outside. Never align wider than outside the #’s!

Stance – Outside foot up with heel to toe stance. Feet shoulder width apart.

Key – Read progression from QB to #1 receiver. Two or three receiver set read progression from QB to #2 receiver to #1 receiver.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass. Read pass, must drop to 22yds deep and play deep outside ¼ of zone.

Weak Corner Alignment – Align 7yd deep from receiver and 1yd inside. Never align wider than outside the #’s!

Stance – Outside foot up with heel to toe stance. Feet shoulder width apart.

Key – Read progression from QB to #1 receiver. Two or three receiver set read progression from QB to #2 receiver to #1 receiver.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass. Read pass, must drop to 22yds deep and play deep outside ¼ of zone.

Whip Alignment – Align 10yds deep yards on the hash, which will vary (+ 2, - 2) by ball placement.

Stance – Heel to toe stance with inside foot up; slightly more upright to see field and read keys.

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Key – QB to #2 receiver unless he has three receivers to his side, in this scenario he should read #3 to #2.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass. Play pass ¼ middle of field to sideline. Read pass with one receiver set

play inside ¼ of zone and drop to 25yds deep; Read pass with two receiver set “wall off” #2 receiver check #1 receiver play inside ¼ of zone and drop to 25yds deep.

Read pass with three receiver set “wall off” #2 receiver, see #3 receiver and check #1 receiver play inside ¼ of zone and drop to 25yds deep. Must communicate to

secondary on formation, alignment and flow. Read run away work to opposite hash.

Free Safety Alignment – Align 10yds deep yards on the hash, which will vary (+ 2, - 2) by ball placement.

Stance – Heel to toe stance with inside foot up; slightly more upright to see field and read keys.

Key – QB to #2 receiver unless he has three receivers to his side, in this scenario he should read #3 to #2.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass. Play pass ¼ middle of field to sideline. Read pass with one receiver set

play inside ¼ of zone and drop to 25yds deep; Read pass with two receiver set “wall off” #2 receiver check #1 receiver play inside ¼ of zone and drop to 25yds deep.

Read pass with three receiver set “wall off” #2 receiver, see #3 receiver and check #1 receiver play inside ¼ of zone and drop to 25yds deep. Must communicate to

secondary on formation, alignment and flow. Read run away work to opposite hash.

Cover 3 (Monster)

FLOW - -- -- - - QB - - -- E T N E - - -

- B B B - - -

- - C - SS FS - C

- -- -- -

Strong Corner Alignment – Align 7yd deep from LOS and splitting outside leg of receiver. Never align wider than outside the #’s.

Stance – Outside foot up with heel to toe stance. Feet shoulder width apart.

Key – Read progression from QB to #1 receiver.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass. Read pass, must drop to 22yds deep. Always drop to middle of zone, top

of the #’s on the field. Play pass sideline to hash 1/3 of field. Pass is primary responsibility must drop to 22yds depth settle and attack the football. Deep ball thrown,

Corner must play up-field shoulder / hand. Read run attack Pitch / Contain alley using outside leverage.

Weak Corner Alignment – Align 7yd deep from LOS and splitting outside leg of receiver. Never align wider than outside the #’s.

Stance – Outside foot up with heel to toe stance. Feet shoulder width apart.

Key – Read progression from QB to #1 receiver.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass. Read pass, must drop to 22yds deep. Always drop to middle of zone, top

of the #’s on the field. Play pass sideline to hash 1/3 of field. Pass is primary responsibility must drop to 22yds depth settle and attack the football. Deep ball thrown,

Corner must play up-field shoulder / hand. Read run attack Pitch / Contain alley using outside leverage.

Strong Safety Alignment – Align @ 8yds deep on the hash if ball is in middle of field; on near hash align 2yds outside hash; on far hash align 2yds inside hash.

Stance – Heel to toe stance with inside foot up; slightly more upright to see field and read keys.

Key – Read progression from ELOS to QB to deepest receiver (Looking for “high hats or “low hats”).

Capital Football

Responsibility – Footwork consists of two shuffle read steps forward to determine run / pass flow to or away. Read pass, to SS must roll down to play flat @ 8yds.

Read pass, away from SS must backpedal toward the middle of field to play deep 1/3 of field at 25yds deep. Read run 1st step up, 2nd step out forward outside and

attack Pitch/Contain alley using outside leverage. Must communicate to secondary on formation, alignment and flow.

Free Safety Alignment – Align @ 8yds deep on the hash if ball is in middle of field; on near hash align 2yds outside hash; on far hash align 2yds inside hash.

Stance – Heel to toe stance with inside foot up; slightly more upright to see field and read keys.

Key – Read progression from ELOS to QB to deepest receiver (Looking for “high hats or “low hats”).

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass flow to or away. Read pass, to FS must roll down to play flat @ 8yds. Read

pass, away from FS must backpedal toward the middle of field to play deep 1/3 of field at 25yds deep. Read run 1st step up, 2nd step out forward outside and attack

Pitch/Contain alley using outside leverage. Must communicate to secondary on formation, alignment and flow.

Cover 1 (Man Free / Press)

- - - -- -- - - QB - - -- E T N E - - -

- SS B B B - C - - C

- -- FS -- -- -- -- -- -

Strong Corner Alignment – When playing Press Man align with outside foot with receivers inside foot as close to LOS without being offside. When playing Loose Man align 6yd

deep with outside foot aligned with receivers inside foot.

Stance – Feet parallel and less than shoulder width apart.

Key – Read progression is locked on to #1 receiver. Eyes should not leave #1 receiver, unless receiver’s hands extend up to catch football, then and then only CB

should turn head and find ball.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of one six inch step with inside foot back and inside to prevent receiver releasing inside. Responsible for remaining locked on to

#1 receiver man to man.

Weak Corner Alignment – When playing Press Man align with outside foot with receivers inside foot as close to LOS without being offside. When playing Loose Man align 6yd

deep with outside foot aligned with receivers inside foot.

Stance – Feet parallel and less than shoulder width apart.

Key – Read progression is locked on to #1 receiver. Eyes should not leave #1 receiver, unless receiver’s hands extend up to catch football, then and then only CB

should turn head and find ball.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of one six inch step with inside foot back and inside to prevent receiver releasing inside. Responsible for remaining locked on to

#1 receiver man to man.

Free Safety Alignment – Align 10yds deep over 1st uncovered lineman to the strength of the formation.

Capital Football

Stance – Heel to toe stance with inside foot up; slightly more upright to see field and read keys.

Key – Read progression from QB to deepest receiver.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass. FS must open to the strong side of the formation and always stay deeper

than deepest receiver. Must communicate to secondary on formation, alignment and flow. Read run come “down hill” and fill alley!

¼, ¼, Man (“66”)

- - - -- -- - - QB - - -

- E T T E - OB IB - -

- IB - OB - - C

- - C - FS -

- -- -- -

Strong Corner Alignment – Align 7yd deep from receiver and 1yd outside. Never align wider than outside the #’s!

Stance – Outside foot up with heel to toe stance. Feet shoulder width apart.

Key – Read progression from QB to #1 receiver. Two or three receiver set read progression from QB to #2 receiver to #1 receiver.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass. Read pass, must drop to 22yds deep and play deep outside ¼ of zone.

Weak Corner Alignment – Align 5yd deep from receiver and 1yd inside.

Stance – Feet parallel and shoulder width apart.

Key – Read progression is “eyes locked” onto #1 receiver.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine route of receiver. Read pass, must collision/force receiver towards the outside while

playing man coverage.

Free Safety Alignment – Align 10yds deep 1yd inside #3 Reciver..

Stance – Heel to toe stance with inside foot up; slightly more upright to see field and read keys.

Key – QB to #3 receiver, in this scenario he should read #3 to #2 to #1.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass. Play pass ¼ middle of field to top of #’s. Read pass with three receiver set

“wall off” #3 receiver, see #2 receiver and check #1 receiver play inside ¼ of zone and drop to 25yds deep. Must communicate to secondary on formation, alignment

and flow. Read run away work to opposite hash.

Capital Football

Cover 8 (Red Zone)

- - - -- -- - - QB - - -

C - R FS T N T E W - C- -

- M B - - -

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

Strong Corner Alignment – Align 5yd deep from LOS and splitting inside leg of receiver. Never align wider than outside the #’s.

Stance – Outside foot up with heel to toe stance. Feet shoulder width apart.

Key – Read progression is QB to #2 receiver.

Responsibility – Three backpedal read steps and wall receiver toward the outside while dropping into zone (Coverage Call). Read run away work to opposite hash.

Weak Corner Alignment – Align 5yd deep from LOS and splitting inside leg of receiver. Never align wider than outside the #’s.

Stance – Outside foot up with heel to toe stance. Feet shoulder width apart.

Key – Read progression is QB to #2 receiver.

Responsibility – Three backpedal read steps and wall receiver toward the outside while dropping into zone (Coverage Call). Read run away work to opposite hash.

Free Safety Alignment – Align on LOS head up the TE.

Stance – Square stance.

Key – Read TE helmet.

Responsibility – TE blocks down, punch and replace him and “spill” run to the outside. TE hooks, fight against pressure along LOS. Do not give ground and “spill”

run the outside. TE tries to release for pass, hold and jam him at LOS.

Capital Football

Cover 3 (Double Twins Formation)

- - - -- QB -- - - - - -

- E T T E - OB - -

- IB IB - OB - - C

- - C - FS -

- -- -- -

Strong Corner Alignment – Align 7yd deep from receiver and 1yd outside. Never align wider than outside the #’s!

Stance – Outside foot up with heel to toe stance. Feet shoulder width apart.

Key – Read progression from QB to #1 receiver. Two or three receiver set read progression from QB to #2 receiver to #1 receiver.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass. Read pass, must drop to 22yds deep and play deep outside ¼ of zone.

Weak Corner Alignment – Align 5yd deep from receiver and 1yd inside.

Stance – Feet parallel and shoulder width apart.

Key – Read progression is “eyes locked” onto #1 receiver.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine route of receiver. Read pass, must collision/force receiver towards the outside while

playing man coverage.

Free Safety Alignment – Align 10yds deep 1yd inside #3 Receiver..

Stance – Heel to toe stance with inside foot up; slightly more upright to see field and read keys.

Key – QB to #3 receiver, in this scenario he should read #3 to #2 to #1.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine run / pass. Play pass ¼ middle of field to top of #’s. Read pass with three receiver set

“wall off” #3 receiver, see #2 receiver and check #1 receiver play inside ¼ of zone and drop to 25yds deep. Must communicate to secondary on formation, alignment

and flow. Read run away work to opposite hash.

Outside LinebackerAlignment – Align 3yd deep and 1yd inside #2 receiver.

Stance – Feet parallel and shoulder width apart.

Key – Read progression is ball to #2.

Responsibility – Footwork consists of three backpedal read steps to determine route of receiver. Read vertical pass, must collision/force receiver towards the outside

while playing man coverage. If read run, ILB must work up the field to play run.

*Coaches Point: Must decide what factors will determine which OLB has man coverage in Double Twins Formation. Field (Bndy / Field), OLB (Which is

better in man coverage), Offensive Tendencies (Personnel / Field Tendency)

Capital Football

Capital Football