DeepDyve 2013 Review

DeepDyve 2013 Report Unaffiliated Users: Reading and Renting Trends


A look back on DeepDyve readership and rental trends from 2013.

Transcript of DeepDyve 2013 Review

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DeepDyve 2013 Report

Unaffiliated Users: Reading and Renting Trends

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2013 Report

Introduction   In 2013, DeepDyve added 2,000 new titles representing over 3 million

articles. Our service now includes over 10 million rentable articles from nearly 10,000 journals spanning the fields of STM and SSH.

  DeepDyve’s audience and engagement show continued growth with a 350% growth in registered users and a 650% increase in the number of articles.

  The majority of DeepDyve’s users come from businesses with < 100 employees representing the unmet needs of “unaffiliated” users who lack convenient and affordable access to scholarly research.

  77% of these users come from outside the US with a diverse “long tail” of interests.

In summary, unaffiliated users represent a highly fragmented, global audience with a broad set of information needs. Serving them requires a highly standardized, low-cost, direct-to-end user platform with in-depth analytics and rapid testing and prototyping.

We believe we have made significant progress in monetizing this new user base. In addition, the research we have conducted with our partners has shown that this market incremental to the traditional publisher market and helps fulfill their mission of information dissemination.

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2013 Report

Physical Sciences & Engineering


Life Sciences


Social Sciences & Humanities


Health Sciences


What People Read in 2013, By Subject Area Engineering  

Physics  &  Astronomy  


Computer  Science  

Materials  Science  

Earth  &  Planetary  Sciences  

Chemical  Engineering  



Environmental  Science  

Biochemistry,  Gene9cs  &  Molecular  Biology  

Agricultural  &  Biological  Sciences  


Immunology  &  Microbiology  


Business  Management  &  Accoun9ng  

Decision  Sciences  

Arts  &  Humani9es  

Economics,  Econometrics  &  Finance  

Social  Sciences  

Medicine  &  Den9stry  

Nursing  &  Health  Professions  

Pharmacology,  Toxicology  &  Pharmaceu9cal  Science  

Veterinary  Science  &  Veterinary  Medicine  

While STM fields are most widely read, SSH represents roughly one quarter of all readership reflecting the profile of unaffiliated users as practitioners of research.

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2013 Report

Summary of All Subject Areas Medicine & Dentistry articles lead in popularity, followed by Engineering
























Health  Sciences  |  Veterinary  Science  &  Veterinary  Medicine  

Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Energy  

Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Mathema9cs  

Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Chemical  Engineering  

Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Earth  &  Planetary  Sciences  

Social  Sciences  &  Humani9es |  Social  Sciences  Social  Sciences  &  Humani9es  |  Economics,  Econometrics  &  Finance  

Life  Sciences  |  Immunology  &  Microbiology  

Social  Sciences  &  Humani9es  |  Arts  &  Humani9es  

Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Materials  Science  

Health  Sciences  |  Pharmacology,  Toxicology  &  Pharmaceu9cal  Science  

Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Computer  Science  

Social  Sciences  &  Humani9es  |  Decision  Sciences  

Health  Sciences  |  Nursing  &  Health  Professions  

Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Chemistry  

Life  Sciences  |  Agricultural  &  Biological  Sciences  

Social  Sciences  &  Humani9es  |  Business  Management  &  Accoun9ng  

Social  Sciences  &  Humani9es  |  Psychology  

Life  Sciences  |  Biochemistry,  Gene9cs  &  Molecular  Biology  

Life  Sciences  |  Environmental  Science  

Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Physics  &  Astronomy  

Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Engineering  

Health  Sciences  |  Medicine  &  Den9stry  

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2013 Report

Subjects Read by Age of Article Majority of articles read were published post-2004, although several articles as old as the late 1800’s were accessed

0%   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%   70%   80%   90%   100%  

Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  

Life  Sciences  

Social  Sciences  &  Humani9es  

Health  Sciences  


1950  -­‐  1969  

1970  -­‐  1979  

1980  -­‐  1989  

1990  -­‐  1999  

2000  -­‐  2004  

2005  -­‐  2009  


First  Half  2013  

Second  Half  2013  

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2013 Report 0%   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%   70%   80%   90%   100%  

Health  Sciences  Health  Sciences  |  Medicine  &  Den9stry  

Health  Sciences  |  Nursing  &  Health  Professions  Health  Sciences  |  Pharmacology,  Toxicology  &  Pharmaceu9cal  Science  

Health  Sciences  |  Veterinary  Science  &  Veterinary  Medicine  Life  Sciences  

Life  Sciences  |  Agricultural  &  Biological  Sciences  Life  Sciences  |  Biochemistry,  Gene9cs  &  Molecular  Biology  

Life  Sciences  |  Environmental  Science  Life  Sciences  |  Immunology  &  Microbiology  

Life  Sciences  |  Neuroscience  Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  

Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Chemical  Engineering  Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Chemistry  

Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Computer  Science  Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Earth  &  Planetary  Sciences  

Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Energy  Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Engineering  

Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Materials  Science  Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Mathema9cs  

Physical  Sciences  &  Engineering  |  Physics  &  Astronomy  Social  Sciences  &  Humani9es  

Social  Sciences  &  Humani9es  |  Arts  &  Humani9es  Social  Sciences  &  Humani9es  |  Business  Management  &  Accoun9ng  

Social  Sciences  &  Humani9es  |  Decision  Sciences  Social  Sciences  &  Humani9es  |  Economics,  Econometrics  &  Finance  

Social  Sciences  &  Humani9es  |  Psychology  Social  Sciences  &  Humani9es |  Social  Sciences  


1950  -­‐  1969  

1970  -­‐  1979  

1980  -­‐  1989  

1990  -­‐  1999  

2000  -­‐  2004  

2005  -­‐  2009  


First  Half  2013  

Second  Half  2013  

Subjects Read by Age of Article Physics & astronomy articles age well with even balance of older articles read, which points to archives of that topic continuing to be a valuable resource

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2013 Report

1.  Fast food hamburgers: what are we really eating? (Annals of Diagnostic Pathology)

2.  A Review of Footprint analysis tools for monitoring impacts on sustainability (Journal of Cleaner Production)

3.  Can medical students achieve skills proficiency through simulation training? (The American Journal of Surgery)

4.  Developing resonant leaders through emotional intelligence, vision and coaching (Organizational Dynamics)

5.  When confidence is detrimental: Influence of overconfidence on leadership effectiveness (The Leadership Quarterly)

6.  Financial distress and corporate governance in Zimbabwean banks (Corporate Governance)

7.  Antibiotic treatment in patients with chronic low back pain and vertebral bone edema (Modic type 1 changes): a double-blind randomized clinical controlled trial of efficacy (European Spine Journal)

8.  Diet Coke and Mentos: What is really behind this physical reaction? (The American Journal of Physics)

9.  Development of a multi criteria decision model for justification of green manufacturing systems (International Journal of Green Economics)

10.  On the interplay between environmental reporting and management accounting change (Management Accounting Research)

11.  Turning the Tables: Freud's Response to Antisemitism in The Interpretation of Dreams (Leo Baeck Institute Year Book)

12.  Introduction -- the competency movement: its origins and impact on the public sector (International Journal of Public Sector Management)

13.  What type of leadership behaviors are functional in teams? A meta-analysis (The Leadership Quarterly)

14.  Customer value: The next source for competitive advantage (Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science)

15.  Investigation of structural, optical and electronic properties in Al-Sn co-doped ZnO thin films (Applied Surface Science

16.  Trazodone for sleep disturbance during methadone maintenance: A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (Drug and Alcohol Dependence)

17.  Some Moral Minima (The Good Society)

18.  Participative budgeting: a review of empirical research and practical implications (International Journal of Business Innovation and Research)

19.  Identity and sport: young French Canadians and the Montreal Canadiens hockey club (Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal)

20.  Measuring follower confidence in top leadership direction (Leadership & Organization Development Journal)

21.  The Unemployment/Output Tradeoff in Transition Economies: Does Okun's Law Apply? (Economic Change and Restructuring)

22.  Metonymy: Developing a cognitive linguistic view (Cognitive Linguistics)

23.  Synthesis and bioevaluation of some new isoniazid derivatives (Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry)

24.  SeDas: A Self-Destructing Data System Based on Active Storage Framework (Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on)

25.  The role of facial hair in women's perceptions of men's attractiveness, health, masculinity and parenting abilities (Evolution and Human Behavior)

Sample of Top Articles Of The Year From hamburgers to self-destructing data, people’s academic interests were very broad in 2013

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2013 Report

•  AIP Conference Proceedings

•  American Journal of Medical Genetics

•  American Journal of Physics

•  Applied Physics Letters •  Bioresource

Technology •  Biotechnology and

Bioengineering •  Computers in Human


•  Energy Policy •  European Journal of

Marketing •  European Journal of

Operational Research

•  Expert Systems with Applications

•  Food Chemistry

•  International Journal of Pharmaceutics

•  Journal of Applied Physics

•  Journal of Business Ethics

•  Journal of Business Research

•  Journal of Chemical Physics

•  Journal of Food Engineering

•  Journal of Pharmaceutical Science

•  Medical Physics •  Proceedings of SPIE •  Radiology

•  Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

•  Social Science & Medicine

•  Tourism Management

Most Read Journals of 2013

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2013 Report

United States


United Kingdom








Italy Australia

South Korea


Where Our Readers Come From | Geography In 2013 DeepDyve received visitors from 230 countries, with a sample of top countries below. The United States (23%) leads the way, with India, the United Kingdom, and China also contributing significant numbers.

Top 15 countries shown

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2013 Report

Where Our Readers Come From | Company Size Companies of all sizes are using DeepDyve to solve their research dilemmas. While the majority are from companies with fewer than 100 employees, 17% are also from very large organizations.

Very Small (1-20) Very Large (5000+)

Small (21-100)

Large (1001-5000)

Medium (101-500)

Medium-Large (501-1000)


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2013 Report

Where Our Readers Come From | Industry & Functional Area People from over 90 different functional categories and 130 industry categories visited DeepDyve in 2013.

Information Technology



Medical Doctor


Engineering Electronics

Medical Imaging & Radiology

Business Analysts


Other (80+ Categories)


Business Services


Media & Internet


Search Engines & Internet Portals

Manufacturing Wholesalers

Wholesalers Durable Goods

Other (122+ Categories)

Industry Functional Area

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2013 Report

Where Our Readers Come From | Device Over 90% of our readers visited DeepDyve from a desktop, although mobile and tablet usage is growing and we are continuing to monitor it.


