DeepAwareness Remote Influencing course


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DeepAwareness Remote Influencing course workbook.

Transcript of DeepAwareness Remote Influencing course

COPYRIGHT 2002 - 2004 Allen Douglas All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means. electronic or otherwise. for commercial purposes. without the written permission of the author. except when permitted by law. Course contents Legal Stuff Lesson 1 Introduction Lesson 2 Going deep into a higher level of awareness Lesson 3 - Lift off and prepare for a quantum jump Lesson 4 - Your deep mind area Lesson 5 - laws of influencing and creating reality Lesson 6 - Further guidance`sLesson 7 - RI examples Lesson 8 - Last words Audio CDs/MP3s RI 1 - Going deep into a higher level of awareness.mp3 Training session for lesson 2 RI 2 - Lift off and prepare for a quantum jump.mp3 Training session for lesson 3 RI 3 - Your deep mind area.mp3 Training session for lesson 4 RI 4 - Remote Influencing practice session.mp3 RI Practice session after learning lesson 5 RI 5 - The Speed RI Technique.mp3 The shorter RI technique practice session. RI 6 - Self Confidence.mp3 RI session RI 7 - Create Money.mp3 RI session RI 8 - DeepAwareness Soundtrack.mp3 The soundtrack music for your personal use. Legal Stuff Disclaimer DeepAwareness organization has made every effort to provideValuable information on their website and courses, but DeepAwareness makes no warranty and assumes no legal liability for the use of the information and applications on their website and courses, nor for any damages of any kind or nature due to the use of the information presented on their website and courses. Warning xThis Course is protected by COPYRIGHT laws. xThis Course is for personal use only you can not give this course to anyone. xNo part of the material in this Course may be shared, copied or reproduced or transmitted in any form or way, unless there is a written permission from the author. xActions may be taken against those who violate these terms. xIn case these terms are broken we have our own special ways to identify the source who violated these terms. Lesson 1 - Introduction Remote Influence (RI) is the ability to consciously influence your reality and change it for the better using only the magical power of your mind.

This course will show you how to use your mind to powerfully create your own reality by understanding the mechanism of reality creation. How reality is created? All physical reality is made out of thoughts if you look around you then you can see that everything is made up from thoughts. For example the table in front of you was made first in the head of a carpenter before he started working and actually building it. From a scientific point of view Quantum physics say that the observer influences an experiment when measuring it. In other words it confirms that our being the observer influence reality, the experience by giving its attention and intention. We are living in a cause and effect reality where our thoughts powered by our emotions are the cause and our reality experience is the effect. We are creating reality each and every one of us individuality and we also create reality together collectively co creation. There is a delay between the time we think and the time reality is affected. This course will show you how to minimize the delay by explaining you the rules of powerfully influencing reality.

You are both the director of the movie of your life and the actor understand this and you are a free and happy person. At a higher level or deep awareness of yourself and everyone else there is only ONE director that cast all the scenes. At higher level we are all ONE being we are source. And its creation abilities are limitless. This level create our space time reality and coordinates and synchronize all individual realities together in the best way using its infinite intelligence based on all individuals choices. What you will learn? You are going to learn how to consciously enter a deep altered state of consciousness. And from there you will be explained how to use your thoughts and emotions to influence powerfully your reality and others for the better. As deep as you will go to a high vibrations level your mind power to influence reality will be stronger and then reality manifestation will come faster. Recommendation Lesson 2 3 4 teach you the technique it is recommended to give a week of practice to each of these lessons before continuing to the next lesson. Each of these lessons has also a training guided audio session. Listen to the CD/MP3 of the lesson you currently are learning for at least a week before going on to the next one as I recommended. Lesson 2 Going deep into a higher level of awareness In this lesson you start learning the practice of RI you are going to enter consciously a higher level of your mind. Get into a comfortable position either lying or sitting. Your muscles should be loose and relaxed from now on you work only with your mind and your physical body should rest and let go. Do not move any physical part until the end of the exercise. Close your eyes. Take in a deep breath of fresh air and hold it for a moment Then release it out slowly and as you release it feel all tension pollution and negative thoughts are leaving your whole being. Again Take in a deep breath of fresh air and hold it for a moment Then release it out slowly and as you release it feel all tension pollution and negative thoughts are leaving your whole being. Again Take in a deep breath of fresh air and hold it for a moment Then release it out slowly and as you release it feel all tension pollution and negative thoughts are leaving your whole being. Next Imagine visualize and especially FEEL bright golden shining and glowing energy originating from an area below your feet. The pure energy is growing and as you inhale you pull it up through your body and around it so you become a cloud of golden bright light energy. For example remember the sensation you feel when you stand in an empty pool and water are starting to fill the pool and so you sense water slowly start going up and cover your body. Start pulling the golden bright light energy up as you breath in first feel it cover and enter your feet feel it strongly flowing and swirling inside your feet and around it and continue slowly to pull it up until you pull it above your head and you become a cloud of golden bright light energy. As you do it you will feel warm pleasant sensation covering you and relaxing your body and you even loose perception/feeling of body, at some point you may feel vibrations. Next continue by forgetting your body and keep the awareness that you are a cloud of bright light energy. When you breathe in imagine and feel the air coming in from all around you and when you breath out imagine the air coming out from within the cloud spreading out. To explain more it's like your physical body doesn't have a nose or mouth to breathe air but the air is coming in when inhaling from all the pores of the body and out when exhaling from all the pores of the body. You need to feel and imagine that All your awareness is breathing in and out like a hollow sponge. Now the last part for this lesson: Keep breathing in and out feel imagine and make your golden light brighter and brighter as you continue breathing in and out. You are increasing your nonphysical vibrations if you feel the vibrations then imagine them getting stronger faster and faster. For a few minutes keep vibrating your light to a higher energy levels all you have to do is keep breathing in and out of your awareness and use your imagination to make the light brighter and brighter and the vibrations faster and faster. To finish the lesson and come back to your normal waking reality state, simply tell yourself that you are now going to count from one to five and when you reach five you will be awake and happy One. Two. slowly feel your physical body. Three. move it a little Four. keep moving your hands and legs.. Five. open your eyes you are awake. Lesson summery 1.Get into a comfortable position. 2.Taking three deep breaths. 3.Pulling the golden bright light and becoming it. 4.Energy breathing. 5.Making yourself as the light brighter and your vibrations rate faster. Lesson 3 - Lift off and prepare for a quantum jump In this lesson you continue shifting your awareness into a higher level of reality getting ready to make a quantum jump. OK Get into a comfortable position and do all that you learned in lesson 2 and then add the following: Let yourself lift off imagine and feel yourself weightless starting to float up slowly feel you go up focus on the sensations. You slowly feel and see while floating up in your room look at the room while you are going up to the ceiling feel the excitement and continue go through the ceiling you are outside in the air above your house you feel so good so free. Continue go up see your street the block go up look at the sky go faster you see the city faster the country like superman increase speedLook at the sky go up you are very high you see earth below you look at the dark space while increasing speed even more earth is getting smaller as you go far away. Look forward as you fly in a high speed and focus on increasing the speed faster and faster. You end this lesson by slowing down use your imagination to do that until you stop there in space. To finish the lesson and come back to your normal waking reality state, simply tell yourself that you are now going to count from one to five and when you reach five you will be awake and happy One. Two. slowly feel your physical body. Three. move it a little Four. keep moving your hands and legs.. Five. open your eyes you are awake.

Lesson summery 1.Float up in the air 2. Keep going up enjoy look around as you continue going up and increasing speed 3.Keep increasing speed Lesson 4 Your deep mind area In this lesson you are going to make a quantum jump and connect with your deep mind area. Your deep mind area is your place outside time and space it is your station your base your own playground it is your reference point. So it's your job to create it in any way you like when you there you can shape it and change it add things all with your imagination. For example in my place there is a lot of green grass and trees and a blue swimming pool and a building, which have an RI room... OK Get into a comfortable position and do all that you learned until lesson 3 and then add the following: As you increase your speed and fly faster and faster when you think its time to continue for the next step, then you see in front of you in distance a portal a circle of shining bright light you continue fly into its direction getting closer and closer and you enter it For a moment a flash of bright white light and then You are standing in your deep mind area go on and explore it and shape and decorate it more, to your satisfaction. Don`t forget to create an RI room there, inside a building or any other structure this building or structure will be your psychic operation center. To finish the lesson and come back to your normal waking reality state, simply tell yourself that you are now going to count from one to five and when you reach five you will be awake and happy One. Two. slowly feel your physical body. Three. move it a little Four. keep moving your hands and legs.. Five. open your eyes you are awake.

Lesson summery 1.See the portal and pass through. 2.In your deep mind area. 3.Explore shape and decorate it the way you like. Lesson 5 - laws of influencing and creating reality In this lesson you are going to learn and understand how to create reality influence it and change it for the better. In order to powerfully create your reality you need to mix thought with high energy vibrations in a special way. In order to create your reality you need to imagine and feel your desired reality as happening right now and even make it a part of your past. And add emotions of excitement and joy. So the last part of the technique is how to create reality. When you are in your deep mind area go into the psychic operation center locate the RI room, the name of the room is written on the door go in and sit on the comfortable chair inside the room as you created it. Now that you want to create/influence a particular reality tell yourself that you are going to count from 1 to 3 and then create your reality and from that moment you do the following: Count to 3 and start vibrate your energy field make it very bright and vibrant so everything become bright white light energy. Now imagine and feel your desired future reality like you are there living it act as you already achieved your goals and happy from their results make your desired reality, a past memory by imagining yourself walking somewhere and remembering how in the past and you are so happy about it. Or by imagining yourself talking to someone and tell him how glad you are that you succeed in < the desired reality you want to create> and you are so happy about it. Feel emotions of high excitement and joy for achieving your goals. It`s very important while doing the visualizing to feel emotions of extreme happiness excitement joy and ecstasy because they increase your vibrations rate to very high degree which then allow your thoughts to manifest in your reality more powerfully and faster. If thoughts are the programming language code to create reality and influence it, then emotions of extreme happiness excitement joy and ecstasy are the CPU speed power that determine how quick your reality unfold. Always imagine in terms of present and past NEVER construct thoughts in terms of future because if you do then your desired realities will stay in the future and won't come to you. Always imagine your goals accomplished do not imagine the way the reality will be brought to you because then you limit the infinite creational forces. Choose what you want to create before starting the technique while fully awake it could be more then one thing. While in the RI room for each reality you create, imagine and feel it as I just told you for at least 10 seconds and repeat three times. When you create realities remember you are in the bright white light if you want to stop and think and plan new realities bring the light back to you and return to the awareness of sitting in the RI room. To finish the lesson and come back to your normal waking reality state, simply tell yourself that you are now going to count from one to five and when you reach five you will be awake and happy in a new reality! One. Two. slowly feel your physical body. Three. move it a little Four. keep moving your hands and legs.. Five. open your eyes you are awake. For a few seconds look around you with awareness that this is a new reality. After you finish and awake know the reality has been created it is done! Soon you will experience it as your reality, try to forget it and not think about it. Lesson 6 - Further guidance`s How much times to use the technique for an RI project? Once a day is OK if you can do more that`s always better. You should continue working again and again on your desired realities until they manifest and appear in your life. You will soon see that on many things only one time of doing the RI technique is needed and at bigger projects it may take weeks and months. Technique duration? If you find that you fall asleep when doing the RI technique or you don`t have much time try to make the technique shorter: Shorten the time of bringing the bright light up, shorten the time of vibrating the light and shorten the time of flying up in the air. Speed RI Technique This is an add-on technique, not instead of the basic RI technique. You can and should use this technique anywhere and at anytime while sitting or standing or going down the street while at work when others at the room etc. The more you use it the better it work. 1. First take the three deep breaths.2. Then say mentally 3 times 'Deep Focus' and allow yourself to go deeper while doing this.3. Feel for a second or more that you rise up in the void and then you see the portal in front of you and you pass through.And you can run RI fast in your mind all this within seconds. Misuse of RI Only use RI for the better NEVER use it in any negative way against any other person. If you do then you will discover that you are humiliated yourself and what you send out always come back to you in one way or another. And there is also a good chance that your RI abilities will be taken by higher level of yourself. Do not do RI when you are sad angry or have any fear based thoughts and emotion because if you will express them at the RI level you will create negative fear based event in your life. When an RI project has failed Sometime you will work on remote influencing an upcoming event and when the event has come with out the results you created you might feel disappointed. In this case know that you used powerful remote influence and if the reality you asked for didn`t came to you then there are two options: 1.You couldn`t influence the event remember there is a game of energies and probabilities in any event and yours couldn`t influence this one it was already created by others. 2.Maybe it`s for the better in order to other big positive things to happen in your life this one had to fail. Your limited conscious mind can`t see the bigger picture. Caution NOTE: While doing RI and going into a very deep state you might disconnect from external waking reality, in other words you fall asleep but still stay aware and conscious, and not know that you are asleep. So you might not hear if someone is calling you, if the phone is ringing etc. So make sure when going into deep state that your attention is not needed. Lesson 7 RI examples 1. Finding the right job - if you are looking for a new job and you want a specific job lets say you want to be a computer programmer getting at least x amount of S a month then here is what you should imagine: You are in a company sitting near a desk you work feeling happy talking to other people you are thinking how great it is to be here how good it was that I found this job your boss come and tell you that you are doing very good. go on see yourself with friends telling them you are so happy about you new job and how happy you are that you are getting X amount of S a month. 2. Finding the perfect love think what you are looking for and imagine like it is now your reality feel yourself in love see yourself going to the movie with your partner, sitting at a restaurant, looking with love at your partner eyes, seeing yourself walking somewhere alone and thinking I am in love wow I am in love I cant believe I found a person who is so right for me 3. Healing yourself simply imagine yourself healthy see yourself without the health problem without the symptoms feeling great and thinking how happy you are that you are feeling good and the health problems all gone totally away like its hard to believe that you actually had them! 4. Healing others when you want to heal someone else imagine you see him healthy, how he tell you he is now feeling good and no signs of illness and you are happy to hear it. 5. Influencing another person if you want to influence someone else see him from your eyes how you like him to be for example if you have a meeting tomorrow with someone and you want him to be happy and funny then imagine you are at the meeting and your partner is smiling all the time telling jokes and give you compliments. Also see yourself going out of the meeting walking happy and thinking wow he was so nice it was amazing! 6. Making a happy day imagine yourself getting out of bed in the morning feeling energetic and awake and very optimistic see points in your day were you walk with a great inner feeling of joy and happiness see how all people around you are happy and smiling go even to the end of the day when you are getting into bed and as you lying down you are so calm and happy from the great day you had. 7. Winning a game you are going to play tomorrow with friends a card game a board game or maybe you are competing in some sport game imagine and see yourself after the game feel the feeling of victory the satisfaction of winning see how everyone react around you if it is a series of games see yourself after the games and imagine how people tell you wow what a luck you had today so much wining 8. Attracting more money imagine yourself checking your bank account you have x amount of S you are smiling happy for the positive balance go on see yourself doing shopping buying freely more food and more clothes with a feeling that you can easily afford it felling happy for your financial reality. 9. Accelerated learning and passing tests if you are in school or university and you have a test coming imagine yourself after the test getting out with a good feeling go on and see the moment you get the results and you feel excitement that you got in the test! 10. Self confident Imagine while alone and while near other people you feel worthy and appreciated by others and your head is always up and your standing posture is straight filled with self confident. Imagine yourself near other people feeling confident and talking to them freely, your voice projects authority on them and the moment you start to speak they become listeners see how everyone is looking at you and like being with you. Those are just 10 examples of RI uses BUT as you start doing RI you will realize that you have infinite ways to use RI in your life. Lesson 8 - Last words You have just finished learning the theoretical and practical of Remote influencing Reality now it`s the most important part starting practicing and applying this powerful knowledge. This course can change your life dramatically! You have now the master key it`s up to you to choose to start opening the doors of your mind or not. You will see how powerful you really are if you will start practicing the RI technique, results will come and many times you will be amazed on how you manipulated reality. Many times the things you create will come naturally like a results of normal series of events and circumstances but as you succeed more and more in doing RI you will know that there is no coincidences and that you got what you wanted because you created it. You are now the creator of your reality you can have anything you want! All you have to do is choose ask and experience.

Happy Creations! Allen Douglas COPYRIGHT 2002-2005 Allen Douglas All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means. electronic or otherwise. for commercial purposes. without the written permission of the author. except when permitted by law.