Deep Peace Manna V1

Deep Peace Manna For using with Dead Sea Salts. What I start with are Dead Sea salts and below I copied and pasted the analysis available at Wikipedia. And the other solutions are pristine creek water, lye and HCl and used 2 layers of coffee filters as filter. Reconstitute the Dead Sea salts into a solution. I add about 3/4 cup pure Dead Sea salts to an imperial Gallon of pristine Creek water. Once all the Dead Sea salts are dissolved in the water, FILTER the solution twice. This is extremely important so that you don't introduce any Aluminum oxide into the solution. Filter, filter, filter, thrice. It was Dorian Taddei who warned me about NOT introducing any Aluminum oxide into the solution from the very fine silts some Dead Sea salts contain. Thank you Dorian. Once the solution has been filtered thrice, slowly.stirring in lye water, bring pH of a Dead Sea salt solution up to a pH 12+ and allow to sit from one week to a month, maybe longer (use your intuition) Then, in the morning, boil the pH 12+ solution for 6 hours at a low boil. Let cool and then filter out all precipitate. Keep the filtrate; it should be a clear solution Lower the pH to 8.5 by titrating with food grade HCL, leave the solution in daylight for one day, and then, let sit at least one night, maybe more (use your intuition here) Next or next, next or next, next, next morning, remove top water, lower pH to acidic ( I lowered pH to 0.6), filter solution, and let sit overnight



Transcript of Deep Peace Manna V1

Deep Peace Manna

For using with Dead Sea Salts.

What I start with are Dead Sea salts and below I copied and pasted the analysis

available at Wikipedia. And the other solutions are pristine creek water, lye

and HCl and used 2 layers of coffee filters as filter.

Reconstitute the Dead Sea salts into a solution. I add about 3/4 cup pure Dead

Sea salts to an imperial Gallon of pristine Creek water.

Once all the Dead Sea salts are dissolved in the water, FILTER the solution twice.

This is extremely important so that you don't introduce any Aluminum oxide into

the solution. Filter, filter, filter, thrice. It was Dorian Taddei who warned me

about NOT introducing any Aluminum oxide into the solution from the very fine

silts some Dead Sea salts contain. Thank you Dorian.

Once the solution has been filtered thrice, slowly.stirring in lye water, bring

pH of a Dead Sea salt solution up to a pH 12+ and allow to sit from one week to

a month, maybe longer (use your intuition)

Then, in the morning, boil the pH 12+ solution for 6 hours at a low boil.

Let cool and then filter out all precipitate. Keep the filtrate; it should be a

clear solution

Lower the pH to 8.5 by titrating with food grade HCL, leave the solution in

daylight for one day, and then, let sit at least one night, maybe more (use your

intuition here)

Next or next, next or next, next, next morning, remove top water, lower pH to

acidic ( I lowered pH to 0.6), filter solution, and let sit overnight

[what I did here at this stage, prior to letting solution sit over night is

raise pH of solution slowly to 12+, then slowly back to 0.6 and repeated 2 more

times (raising pH to 12 and lowering to 0.6. This stage was my intuition, and

not Charles' or Harold's instructions, hence I wrote this in square brackets for

this part]

Next morning, the pH of the "hidden Manna" is raised slowly from acid (0.6) to a

basic pH of 8.5 to 10.7/8, by adding lye water and left to sit. Some, not all

that much precipitate forms. Remove top water with turkey baster and keep the

remaining solution containing the precipitate out of the light. Get it into a

dark amber bottle.

Rinse the solution 1 or 2 or 3 times with distilled or Spring water to make said

solution less salty and more palatable, but do not rinse to the point of losing

all salty taste!

Other notes ............

1. I fetched the creek water from a creek in the mountains not too far from me,

a creek that local people fetch drinking water from. On account of any possible

bacterial contamination I only fetch water from said creek when it''s below - 2

degrees Celsius outside, so only in Winter. Of course here in Canada we only

have 2 seasons, Winter and July ;^) Alternatively just make your own, or buy

distilled water eh.

2. I poured off most, not all of the top water after the pH 12+ (12.6 in this

case) DSS soln had settled for 4+ months. I don't think settling for 4+ months

is necessary though; ot just happened I was far away from where my little

alchemy lab is for 4+ months.

3. I meant to convey to bring solution at this stage, from 0.6 up to 12 + and

down again to 0.6, three times in total. And please note that this part was NOT

what I was taught. I was trying this out to work in the lye, (which has been

called the secret fire on previous posts) more. Also, it's not necessary to

bring pH as low as 0.6, pH; a pH of 1 or 2 is allright too methinks.

4. From what I've gleaned from posts here, 10.7/8 is about as high a pH as

humans can take before the solution is too caustic. To be on the safest side end

at pH 8.5; to precipitate more hidden Manna I ended titrating at pH 10.7. I

Although I may be wrong, methinks by the final stage most of the Magnesium was

already removed way back in the filtering of the 12+ precipitate stage, as

Magnesiumm hydroxide yes?

5. Rinse the salt outta the final hidden Manna 1, 2, 3 , 4 or 5 times, leaving

some salty taste. Wise alchemists leave a salinity level equal to the taste of a

man or woman's tears eh.

6. Have a grateful heart throughout the whole operation. This is ancient and

rare know-how, precious beyond our current comprehension. If approaching this

method with a disturbed mind or lousy or negative attitude, weird and dangerous

things happen, no kidding. I share this from experience because I have sometimes

been foolish enough to become distracted or negative in thinking and weird

things happened - it's only by the grace of Creator/Creatrix that I'm still

alive. Stay in as lofty a state of mind as humanly possible. If you do manage to

precipitate the hidden Manna by the grace of the Creator/Creatrix and then

ingest it, you may come to know the biblical "peace that surpasseth all

understanding." In a madly rushing world 'tis a boon to know such deep peace.

Rightly or wrongly, that deep peace is the reason I shared this method with this

forum. And assuming you do go through with your attempt, drop me a note if you

precipitate the hidden Manna, so that I may celebrate you.

Also, I mentioned it's essential to filter, filter, filter all the very fine

silt out of the Dead sea salt solution in order to remove the Aluminum oxide.

Aluminum oxide is NOT soluble in water; however when adjusting the pH with lye

water, the Aluminum oxide silt may release enough Aluminum to be toxic, in such

a high pH solution.

I was also surprised that it's ONLY the filtrate that is worked on further and

NOT the precipitate (the white stuff containing all the Magnesium hydroxide. The

filtered out precipitate is NO longer required at all.

You don't need to discard the filtered out precipitate (the white stuff). I save

it for something else altogether, namely as a Magnesium supplement and lower the

pH of the stuff with white vinegar or HCL. The filtrate which ought to be a

clear solution will of course still be at a high pH of 12+ so you add HCL to

that solution in order to lower the pH from 12+ to 8.5.

O yeah and lest we forget, allow the pH 12+ solution to sit from at least a

week, even a month, or even 4 months if you have the patience and time. Not that

there are further chemical reactions; there's something happening between the

two salts in solution, the Dead Sea salts and the Sodium hydroxide salt. This be

Glauber's definition of alchemy as "salt fusion" in actual practice eh.