Declaration of Our Non-Obedience to the Government for the ...€¦ · Declaration of Our...

1 Declaration of Our Non-Obedience to the Government for the Sake of Welfare of the Rest of Humanity We the undersigned, Olga Klimova and Viatcheslav Klimov, regard it as duty to ourselves, to the cause which we love, to the country in which we live, to publish a declaration expressive of the purposes we aim to accomplish and the measures we shall adopt to carry forward the work of peaceful universal reformation, work that was started by William Lloyd Garrison, Henry David Thoreau, Leo Tolstoy and millions of other greatest people of this world. After careful examination of the facts, we have collected numerous evidences of atrocities of the Government committing TREASON against people which include: 1. Indoctrination of children at schools, including: a. Teaching subservience and blind obedience to “authority” instead of providing quality knowledge in reading, writing, mathematics, and other academic fields of thought. b. Hiding the reality and misleading with falsehoods. In particular, hiding that our Earth is Flat, not a Globe, to help government to maintain the support base for the money laundering scheme based on non-existent “space travel” (we attach proves below). c. Inspiring sexual perversion ideas in children from early ages. d. Destroying morality in children, breaking trust in families and scarring them forever. e. Instilling crude patriotism, which is immoral as it is intended against the rest of humanity, seeds separation and hatred between nations, un-Godly, and sinful. 2. Brainwashing people over corrupt and unethical government-financed media which a. Spreads lies, generates hoaxes and false events while presenting them as true happenings. b. Devises schemes to constantly divide people against each other, keeping the society in a constant war of everyone against everyone. c. Perverts morality and confuses people. d. Increases people’s sufferings while sneering at ever increasing mental disorders and suicides. e. Instilling ideas of the double standards in the public’s minds, - whether it comes to the use of a court of “law” or use of physical force. For example, numerous “law enforcers” are caught on films brutally assaulting unarmed, innocent persons. 3. Brainwashing people via government-supported churches, - actually misleading people a. By instilling fears and superstitions, b. By instilling pride, arrogance, and over-confidence in mere “faith”, misleading from works of self-improvement and help to others, c. By use of hypnosis and other mind control tactics, d. By hiding the true God from people. 4. Applying coercive tax collection by force tactics, with no consent from people, and then wasting tax-paid money for numerous nonsensical causes. Numerous examples of corruption in the government is even broadcasted by the same government every day, as an insult to people! 5. Presenting man-made flawed “legal” system as a valid “authority”

Transcript of Declaration of Our Non-Obedience to the Government for the ...€¦ · Declaration of Our...

Page 1: Declaration of Our Non-Obedience to the Government for the ...€¦ · Declaration of Our Non-Obedience to the Government for the Sake of Welfare of the Rest of Humanity We the undersigned,


Declaration of Our Non-Obedience to the Government

for the Sake of Welfare of the Rest of Humanity

We the undersigned, Olga Klimova and Viatcheslav Klimov, regard it as duty to ourselves, to the cause

which we love, to the country in which we live, to publish a declaration expressive of the purposes we

aim to accomplish and the measures we shall adopt to carry forward the work of peaceful universal

reformation, work that was started by William Lloyd Garrison, Henry David Thoreau, Leo Tolstoy and

millions of other greatest people of this world.

After careful examination of the facts, we have collected numerous evidences of atrocities of the

Government committing TREASON against people which include:

1. Indoctrination of children at schools, including:

a. Teaching subservience and blind obedience to “authority” instead of providing quality

knowledge in reading, writing, mathematics, and other academic fields of thought.

b. Hiding the reality and misleading with falsehoods. In particular, hiding that our Earth is

Flat, not a Globe, to help government to maintain the support base for the money

laundering scheme based on non-existent “space travel” (we attach proves below).

c. Inspiring sexual perversion ideas in children from early ages.

d. Destroying morality in children, breaking trust in families and scarring them forever.

e. Instilling crude patriotism, which is immoral as it is intended against the rest of

humanity, seeds separation and hatred between nations, un-Godly, and sinful.

2. Brainwashing people over corrupt and unethical government-financed media which

a. Spreads lies, generates hoaxes and false events while presenting them as true


b. Devises schemes to constantly divide people against each other, keeping the society in

a constant war of everyone against everyone.

c. Perverts morality and confuses people.

d. Increases people’s sufferings while sneering at ever increasing mental disorders and


e. Instilling ideas of the double standards in the public’s minds, - whether it comes to the

use of a court of “law” or use of physical force. For example, numerous “law enforcers”

are caught on films brutally assaulting unarmed, innocent persons.

3. Brainwashing people via government-supported churches, - actually misleading people

a. By instilling fears and superstitions,

b. By instilling pride, arrogance, and over-confidence in mere “faith”, misleading from

works of self-improvement and help to others,

c. By use of hypnosis and other mind control tactics,

d. By hiding the true God from people.

4. Applying coercive tax collection by force tactics, with no consent from people, and then

wasting tax-paid money for numerous nonsensical causes. Numerous examples of corruption in

the government is even broadcasted by the same government every day, as an insult to people!

5. Presenting man-made flawed “legal” system as a valid “authority”

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a. Devising always changing perverted “laws”,

b. Coercing people to use these “laws” it place of rightful moral choices dictated by


c. Maintaining a web of “law enforcers” against people.

6. Claiming ownership over large lands where people have their houses, and keeping other lands

reserved by a small criminal group of “politicians” or so called “royal” imposters.

7. Leading practices to undermine people’s health, both physical and mental through:

a. Drunkenness, via encouragement of use of alcohol and narcotics.

b. Chemtrails, by poring chemicals over people’s heads from airplanes, every day now in

huge amounts.

c. Supporting monopolies such as large manufacturers Monsanto and Bayer devising

chemicals to destroy public health and to dumb people, as well as to control the food

sources, utilizing “revolving doors” practices between politicians and corporate “elites”.

d. Various poisonous vaccination programs made mandatory or deceitfully persuasive.

e. Public water fluoridation, causing cancers and brain damages.

f. Projects like building wells in multiple areas under an excuse of “controlling the water

quality”, in fact compromising the purity of the underground waters.

g. Obstructing population’s access to healthy food sources, “criminalizing” private food

production and trade like chicken meat and raw milk!

8. Murdering people by use of armies and wars

a. Committing cruelty against other nations.

b. Perverting morality of young soldiers which end up being deeply emotionally

traumatized, confirmed by the high rate of suicides among them.

We know the government’s agenda – to install even a stronger grasp of control over humanity, to build

a world-wide dominating state to enslave all people by a small group of imposters, and the tactics are:

- To exhaust the humanity with dissention, hatred, lies, division,

- To withdraw leftovers of freedom of speech,

- To establish complete mind control and domination.

We recognize now that any government by definition is evil, unholy, and based on fear and lies, it each

every tactic is designed to dominate over people. People do not need governments. And so we do not

acknowledge allegiance to any human government. We recognize the only God as the King and

Lawgiver, one Judge and Ruler of mankind. Our country is the world, our countrymen are all mankind.

We love the land we live in only as we love all other lands. The interests and rights of Canadian citizens

are not dearer to us than those of the whole human race. Hence we can allow no appeal to patriotism

to revenge any national insult or injury. The dogma that all the governments of the world are justified

and approvingly ordained of God, and that the powers that be in Canada, in the United States, in Russia,

in Turkey, are in accordance with his will, is no less absurd than impious. It makes the impartial Author

of our existence unequal and tyrannical.

We conceive that a nation has no right to defend itself against foreign enemies or to punish its

invaders, as no individual possesses that right in his own case, and the unit cannot be of greater

importance than the aggregate.

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We regard as unlawful and unchristian not only all wars, whether offensive or defensive, but all

preparations for war; every naval ship, every arsenal, every fortification, we regard as unchristian and

unlawful; the existence of any kind of standing army, all military chieftains, all monuments

commemorative of victory over a fallen foe, all trophies won in battle, all celebrations in honor of

military exploits, all appropriations for defense by arms; we regard as unlawful and unchristian every

edict of government requiring of its subjects military service. We also know that the gigantic military

machine, and all of the war games it has engaged in, rather than providing a shred of real protection for

the citizens, is what created most existing foreign threats, and what is used as the excuse to justify the

oppression of the citizens by their own “government,” via the Orwellian-named “Patriot Act,” among

other things.

Hence we deem it unlawful to bear arms, and we cannot hold any office which imposes on its

incumbent the obligation to compel men to do right on pain of imprisonment or death. We therefore

voluntarily exclude ourselves from every legislative and judicial body, and repudiate all human politics,

worldly honors, and stations of authority. If we cannot occupy a seat in the legislature or on the bench,

neither can we elect others to act as our substitutes in any such capacity. It follows that we cannot sue

any man at law to force him to return anything he may have wrongly taken from us; if he has seized our

coat, we shall surrender him our cloak also rather than subject him to punishment. We must all

understand that only when conscience outranks “authority,” then each person owns himself, and each

must always follow his own judgment of right and wrong, no matter what any self-proclaimed

“authority” or “law” may command. There cannot be a “gradual shift” between the two, nor can there

be a compromise.

The history of mankind is crowded with evidences proving that physical coercion is not adapted to

moral regeneration, and that the sinful dispositions of men can be subdued only by love; that evil can

be exterminated only by good; that it is not safe to rely upon the strength of an arm to preserve us

from harm; that there is great security in being gentle, long-suffering, and abundant in mercy; that it is

only the meek who shall inherit the earth; for those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword.

Hence as a measure of sound policy - of safety to property, life, and liberty--of public quietude and

private enjoyment - as well as on the ground of allegiance to God who is King of kings and Lord of lords,

we cordially adopt the non-resistance principle, being confident that it provides for all possible

consequences, is armed with omnipotent power, and must ultimately triumph over every assailing force.

We advocate no Jacobinical doctrines used by the Government. The spirit of Jacobinism is the spirit of

retaliation, violence, and murder. It neither fears God nor regards man. We would be filled with the

spirit of love. We will abide evil by our fundamental principle of not opposing evil by evil, so we cannot

participate in sedition, or violence.

But while we shall adhere to the doctrine of non-resistance and passive submission to enemies, we

purpose, in a moral and spiritual sense, to assail iniquity in high places and in low places, to apply our

principles to all existing evil, political, legal, and ecclesiastical institutions, and to hasten the time when

the kingdoms of this world will have become the kingdom of God. Having thus stated our principles, we

proceed to specify the measures we plan to adopt in carrying our object into effect:

1. We shall not follow the government’s orders and man-made “laws” as they contradict

universal God-inspired morals, rights, and freedoms. Therefore, we will not be supporting

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Government financially by paying any taxes or donations, nor providing any other support for

the Government services, nor following legal system which is fraudulent and inhumane.

2. We shall endeavor to promulgate our views among all persons, nations, sects, and grades of

society we can reach. Hence we will circulate publications and educational videos, organize

public lectures online and in person, and petition every governing body. It will be our leading

object to devise ways and means for effecting a radical change in the views, feelings, and

practices of society respecting the sinfulness of war and the treatment of enemies, and

indoctrinated in believing in the right of existence of “authority” such as government.

We don’t doubt that a cautious reader, raised in atmosphere of instilled by government trust to its

structures - via schools, churches, and media, - will feel an urge to disregard our claims and rescue to

his/her comfort zone of virtual reality. Before your reject the facts we have presented here, we ask you

to have courage to explore the issues deeper. We welcome you to an open and fair methodical

discussion with us, where we can give you a presentation and address your use of serious arguments

instead of so-common blatant blame in incompetence.

In entering upon the great work before us, we are not unmindful that in its prosecution we may be

called to test our sincerity even as in a fiery ordeal. It may subject us to insult, outrage, suffering, yea,

even death itself. We anticipate no small amount of misconception, misrepresentation, and calumny.

Tumults may arise against us. The proud and pharisaical, the ambitious and tyrannical, principalities and

powers, may combine to crush us. So they treated the Christ whose example we are humbly striving to

imitate. We shall not be afraid of their terror. Our confidence is in the God’s Spirit in Each of Us, and we

must pass the test and fulfil the purpose God entrusted in us. Having withdrawn from human

protection, what can sustain us but that faith which overcomes the world? We shall not think it strange

concerning the fiery trial which is to try us, but rejoice inasmuch as we are partakers of sufferings of

Christ and millions of other progressive and freethinkers who martyred themselves for the rest of


So we are willing to bring ourselves as victims of the corrupt system, - to open eyes of humanity on the

government’s atrocities. Whether you decide to confiscate our property, abduct/imprison us, or kill us –

let be it! But we have to do everything to stop support and funding of your enterprises. We will be

documenting each step in this process, which we hope will provide the humanity with more proofs of

your barbarianism! As a result, anybody, who is still brainwashed to see some merits of a government,

will hardly believe these lies after all.

Wherefore we commit the keeping of our souls to God. And everyone else that similarly forsakes

houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands for God’s sake, shall

receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.

Firmly relying upon the certain and universal triumph of the sentiments contained in this declaration,

however formidable may be the opposition arrayed against them, we hereby affix our signatures to it;

commending it to the reason and conscience of mankind, and resolving, in the strength of God, to

calmly and meekly abide the issue.

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And remember, you – the exact person who reads this right now – is personally responsible for the

choices you make. Just as at the Nuremberg trials, “just following orders” was not accepted as a valid

excuse for what the Nazis did, so that typical response - from soldiers, police, tax collectors,

bureaucrats, and other representatives of “authority” - will not be valid whenever the morality of their

behavior is questioned, and you’ll be ultimately responsible for it in front of God.

Olga Klimova __________________________________________________

Viatcheslav Klimov __________________________________________________

“Earthly Fireflies”:

Thursday, August 3, 2017

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Appendix 1. Recommended Reading List

Recommended reading Web address (if applicable)

The Kingdom of God is Within You by Leo Tolstoy

The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose

A short biography of William Lloyd Garrison by Chertkov

Protocols of Elders of Zion

Invisible Resistance to Tyranny by Jefferson Mack

Henry David Thoreau on the Duty of Civil Disobedience

Declaration of Sentiments Adopted by Peace Convention by William Lloyd Garrison

The Christian Teaching by Leo Tolstoy

What I believe (also called My Religion) by Leo Tolstoy

The Four Gospel Unified and Translated by Leo Tolstoy

What Is to Be Done? (also translated as What Then Must We Do?) by Leo Tolstoy

Christianity and Patriotism by Leo Tolstoy

Do Not Kill by Leo Tolstoy

The Law of Love and the Law of Violence by Leo Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy – Five Tricks of Religious Deception

Leo Tolstoy – Time to Come to Your Senses!

Leo Tolstoy’s Writings Are Guarded from People

Leo Tolstoy – Response to the Synod and to Letters Received in Regards to Their Edict

Why Leo Tolstoy Was Never a Freemason and Went Against All Secret Societies and Elites

Leo Tolstoy Clarifies Teaching of Jesus Christ

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Appendix 2. Educational Videos We Have Produced

Title Web address

Song - The Earth is Flat (

Song - Ballade about Naked Truth (

Song - Funny Globe (

Song - Confession to Leo Tolstoy (

Boy gender confusion (

CRA threatening us (

Bullies of the World (

Why Flat Earth Is 33 (

YouTube Is Shutting Us Up After Just 10 Videos! - Song About Rabbits (

Illuminati School For Shill, Trolls, and other Evil Spirits (

Facebook blocked us (

Manners Lesson to Shills, Trolls, and other Evil Spirits (

FSB Choice of Genetic Weapons - alcohol, tobacco, narcotics (

Putin tells a joke about a spy (

Self-Reflection Lesson for Shills, Trolls, and Other Evil Spirits (

A History Lesson. Baikonur ISS. Flight to the Moon. (

How the Wickeds tried to bribe us (

Why bans our songs (

The GodFather Today (

Trancework 1 - What Is Hypnosis (

Trancework 2 - Hazards of Mindlessness (

Trancework 3 - Hypnosis in Unexpected Places (

Trancework 4 - World Hypnotic Conspiracy (

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Trancework 5 - Solutions against the Hypnotic Deception (

Song - Spirit of God is in All of Us (

Just for Laugh – about a Legion of Gatekeepers (

Blissful Mister Mannequin (

Flat Earth = 33, Scene in Dark City movie, explained (

LiveLeak Covers Up for Putin (

Who are the Mannequins? Not just Shills and Trolls... Find out! (

Shill, Troll, or anybody else – start your day with a SMILE! (

Baghdad Bombing Hoax (

Asiana plane crash, Ho Lee Fuk, and Bing Bang theory (

Song of Musicians of Bremen (

Crisis Cast Actors (

Stephen Hawking HOAX (

Why Moses' 'My People' is Such a Wrong Idea (

Why They at LiveLeak com Still Don't Like Us? (

‘First astronaut’ Gagarin didn't fly out to space (

Matrix - How They Fake Shootings and Terror Events like Orlando (

Drink Dandelion Smoothie Every Day to Cleanse Your Body from Toxins (

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Appendix 3. Proofs That the Earth Is Flat

Regardless of what we all have been taught at school, the earth we live in is not a Globe but a flat plane.

It is easy to prove this giant conspiracy committed against our minds when you open your eyes, start

trusting your logical mind, and put some simple experiments yourself.

Below are just few easy-to-prove facts:

1. Feeling that we are not flying neither with so called the orbital speed of 107,200 km/h (=66,600

mph) not with equatorial rotation velocity 1,674.4 km/h (=1,040.4 mph). This one is simple to

feel - every driver would know the difference between driving 5 km/hr and 100 km/hr, would it?

Would you not feel wind of moving with hundreds of thousands km/hr? And how clouds would

catch up with this movement?

2. Realizing the water level is always flat, and this physical property of water is the basis for most

measuring instruments used everywhere. But if Earth was a Globe, water in the oceans would

have to curve somewhere. This is impossible, based on the properties of water which always

tends to level itself. This proves that the Earth

cannot be curved, as dictated by the Globe model.

3. Realizing the water cannot be magnetized (no

“gravity” can hold water – as no one museum in

the world was able to demonstrate a magnet ball-

model of the earth being able to hold water from

all sides)

4. With simple knowledge of elementary

geometry, knowing the radius of Earth, it’s easy to

calculate for any distance on the surface of Earth

what drop would it cause below “horizon” line,

making objects invisible.

To see for yourself that there is no curvature, it’s

enough to go to Hamilton shore and look at

Toronto downtown buildings over the Lake

Ontario. The distance from Hamilton to Toronto is

~50 km. This distance, if Earth was a ball, would

give a drop below “horizon” line in 200 meters

down, causing all buildings in downtown to

disappear from sight, except top half of CN Tower.

But the experiment shows all buildings in Toronto, from ground up, are visible from Hamilton.

Which proves there’s not curvature and the earth is indeed flat.

5. Engineers confirm that all bridges and canals are built without corrections to “curvature”, i.e.

flat straight.

6. Numerous examples of passenger aircrafts emergency landings have shown that actual routes

between continents (especially noticed between South America and South Africa or Australia)

go across North Pole, which is contrary to the idea of nearest route on the Globe model. See our

video Flat Earth Conspiracy Confirmation from Flight Stats Company:

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7. Antarctica is “arrested” by militaries for the reason that they don’t want people to see that

there is no South Pole and instead South continent has shape of a circumference around flat


8. No one ever was able to travel around the Earth crossing North and South “poles” – because

this is impossible, and south “pole” does not exist.

9. Compass is only capable of reliably pointing north, not south, as the south point of the

compass shifts round to all parts of the circular boundary, because south is being a

circumference and doesn’t have a center to be pointed to. This proofs that Earth is not a globe

but a plane.

There are hundreds of more proofs of this giant conspiracy committed against our minds.

Please use diligence to research this theme yourself.

Just to give yourself a start, use this couple of sources to help yourself wake up to the truth:

- Flat Earth Presentation On Macedonian Late Night Talk Show,

- Book The Greatest Lie on Earth by Edward Endrie.

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Appendix 4. Mind Control and Hypnosis Enforced by the Government

Our videos explain the dangers of hypnosis and prove world-wide conspiracy of mind control:

1. Trancework 1 - What Is Hypnosis

2. Trancework 2 - Hazards of Mindlessness

3. Trancework 3 - Hypnosis in Unexpected Places

4. Trancework 4 - World Hypnotic Conspiracy

5. Trancework 5 - Solutions against the Hypnotic Deception

Recommended books on mind control and hypnosis: - The Secret Power of Music

- The Healing Gifts of the Spirit

- TheoPhostic Counseling – Divine Revelation or PsychoHeresy

- The Search for Bridey Murphy

- Creative Scripts for Hypnotherapy

- R.F.K. Must Die!

- Hypnotism and Psychic Phenomena

- Medical Serpent insignia

- Crusader I The Serpent Cross

- The Serpent And The Cross

- Occult Invasion

- Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry

- The Way of the Shaman

- They Call It Hypnosis

- Hypnosis and Behavior Modification Imagery Conditioning

- Hypnosis – Medical, Scientific or Occultic

- Understanding the occult

- Trancework Yapko

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Appendix 5. Hoaxes and False Flag Events Produced by the Government

“A HOAX is a deliberately fabricated falsehood made to masquerade as the truth. During the 20th

century, the HOAX found a mass market. A HOAX is created with deliberate creation of falsehood and

conscious attempt to deceive. A FRAUD is classified as a HOAX when its method of acquiring financial

gain creates a broad public impact or captures the imagination of the masses. Governments spread false

information to facilitate their objectives, such as going to war; also called propaganda or

disinformation.” from Wikipedia.

Numerous companies are now created which supply role-play actors – they are used by the

Government to make hoaxes of real events, for example the following events were the HOAXES:

- Sandy Hook school shooting,

- San Bernardino attack,

- Virginia Tech shooting,

- Orlando nightclub shooting, 2016,

- Boston bombing,

- Hoax of Jennifer Neville-Lake’s three children being killed by Marco Muzzo in a car accident in

Ontario, Canada, 2015,

- Fort McMurray Wildfire in Alberta, Canada, 2016,

- Quebec mosque shooting in Canada, 2017,

- And many other events broadcasted almost every day by the Media, coded with “numerology”

signs and other evidences of them being fraudulent events.

Some of the educational videos we produced to explain the happening:

1. How They Fake Shootings and Terror Events like Orlando:


2. Crisis Cast Actors companies role:

3. Proof that Baghdad Bombing was a Hoax - but reported as being a real event on: Global News

and numerous other media world-wide:

4. Stephen Hawking HOAX: