Deception From the Biggest Loser

Deception From The Biggest Loser January 26th, 2015 | Category: Rants By Ross If you have followed my material over the years, there is a good chance that you have heard me ramble on about the importance of patience. Without patience, significant results are nothing but a fairy tale. There are no shortcuts or overnight miracles. Real strength requires a significant investment in time. I have stressed the importance of patience and time for many years now, and will continue to do so. For instance, it was way back in 2008 when I wrote the following article: The Power of Patience More recently (2013), I spoke about the significance of patience and time through the video below: Yet despite my efforts, my voice is nothing but a faint whisper in an industry filled with noise. Patience is not for sale so it will never be a heavily marketed attribute. People want results yesterday, not a year from now, so the industry will continue to satisfy this demand even if it means offering false promises and hope. Consequently, many people have, and will continue to fall prey to the deceptive marketers who counter the importance of patience. I have even had people write me to criticize my emphasis on patience. Apparently, I struck a chord by stating that real results take time. Some people just don’t want to believe it.


Deception From the Biggest Loser

Transcript of Deception From the Biggest Loser

Deception From The Biggest LoserJanuary 26th, 2015 | Category:Rants By Ross

If you have followed my material over the years, there is a good chance that you have heard me ramble on about the importance of patience. Without patience, significant results are nothing but a fairy tale. There are no shortcuts or overnight miracles. Real strength requires a significant investment in time.I have stressed the importance of patience and time for many years now, and will continue to do so. For instance, it was way back in 2008 when I wrote the following article:The Power of PatienceMore recently (2013), I spoke about the significance of patience and time through the video below:Yet despite my efforts, my voice is nothing but a faint whisper in an industry filled with noise. Patience is not for sale so it will never be a heavily marketed attribute. People want results yesterday, not a year from now, so the industry will continue to satisfy this demand even if it means offering false promises and hope.Consequently, many people have, and will continue to fall prey to the deceptive marketers who counter the importance of patience. I have even had people write me to criticize my emphasis on patience. Apparently, I struck a chord by stating that real results take time. Some people just dont want to believe it.Recently, one such person actually wrote to me asking if I lived in the woods without cable television. He sarcastically made this comment before mentioningThe Biggest Loser. He stated that the show provides evidence to counter my beliefs regarding patience and time. Sadly, it is not the first time that this show has been used to counter my suggestions.Ironically, a few days after reading his email, I came across the following article from the New York Post.The brutal secrets behind The Biggest LoserI dont typically read the NY Post but this particular article is well worth a look. It essentially outlines what most credible trainers already know to be true. In short, there is no safe or healthy way to drastically drop significant amounts of weight. I can all but guarantee that many contestants from the show have endured similar circumstances to what is outlined within the story. Once again, slow and steady wins the long term race.Final ThoughtsI wanted to share this NY Post story to make more people aware of what really goes on in Hollywood. As the old saying goes, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. And once again, I am not suggesting that you cannot makesomeimprovements in a short period of time. Instead, I am simply reminding everyone that more significant results do require more time. Many years of bad habits cannot be reversed in a few weeks. You are going to need more time. Such a message may not be popular, but Id rather offer the truth than see people continue to be deceived and discouraged.Fortunately, if you do remain consistent and diligent, real results will eventually come. Whats even better is that such results are much more likely to last when they are developed properly over time. Fitness should never be viewed as a short term sprint. It is a never ending journey that should continue throughout our lives. Health should not be viewed as something that you race towards with a stopwatch in hand. Life is much more enjoyable when you simply embrace an active lifestyle. The results will come in time, and youll be in a much better position (physically and mentally) when they do.+++++The strongest of all warriors are these two Time and Patience. Leo TolstoyShare and Enjoy: