December / Rhagfyr

THE WELSH SOCIETY OF VANCOUVER Cymdeithas Gymraeg Vancouver Cambrian News Rhagfyr December 2012 2012 Society Newsletter – Cylchgrawn y Gymdeithas Huw Evans with the Social Committee at the Vancouver Celebrates Wales Weekend CAMBRIAN HALL, 215 East 17 th Ave, Vancouver B.C. V5V 1A6

Transcript of December / Rhagfyr

Page 1: December / Rhagfyr



Cymdeithas Gymraeg Vancouver

Cambrian News

Rhagfyr December 2012 2012

Society Newsletter – Cylchgrawn y Gymdeithas

Huw Evans with the Social Committee

at the Vancouver Celebrates Wales Weekend  

CAMBRIAN  HALL,  215  East  17th  Ave,  Vancouver  B.C.  V5V  1A6  

Page 2: December / Rhagfyr

VANCOUVER WELSH SOCIETY Officers:  President:                    Jane  Byrne                                        Vice-­‐President:                    Lynn  Owens-­‐Whalen        Secretary:                    Eifion  Williams                        [email protected]    Treasurer:                    Gaynor  Evans                                Membership  Secretary:                    David  Llewelyn  Williams          Immediate  Past  President:                    John  Morris    Directors:                                    Heather  Davies                        Gwilym  Evans                                        Gwyn  Evans                    Irene  Evans                    Antone  Minard                    (Recording  Secretary)  Contacts  Building  Committee:                      John  Morris                                      Cambrian  Circle  Singers:                    Nerys  Haqq                                      Church  Service:                    John  Pritchard                                        Rentals:                Richard  Williams      604-­‐340-­‐8545  Social  Events  Committee:                    Gillian  Rogers                                                            ([email protected])                                      Welsh  Speaking  Group:                    John  Pritchard  Welsh  Learners  Group:                    Antone  Minard  Webmaster:                      Alcwyn  Rogers                              (          Newsletter  Editor:  David  Llewelyn  Williams        737-­‐0305  ([email protected])    

The Cambrian News From The Editor: This issue reports on the highly successful Vancouver Celebrates Wales weekend and also the cheery Mulled Wine Night. The other December events will be covered in the next newsletter. I have also taken the liberty to report on my trip to Dafydd Iwan’s Concert in Llandudno and a visit to Garth Celyn. The front page photo and that of Huw Evans is by Anne Williams, as are those of the Mulled Wine evening. Many of the Concert photos are by Katie Procter I am grateful to Eric Davies for writing about Jimmy Murphy. Jimmy claimed to be a true Brit – a Scot with an Irish name who sang in a Welsh Choir! Our Annual General Meeting was held yesterday, so the list on left represents the 2013 officers and committee chairs. Be sure to give them your support in the year ahead. A relatively small group of dedicated individuals keep our society functioning successfully. Please note that our Cambrian Circle Singers will be performing this year again at the Van Dusen Gardens at 7.30 pm on Friday, December 14th. David Llewelyn Williams

Nadolig LLawen a Blwyddyn Newydd DDa i Chwi Oll Merry Christmas and a Happy New

Year to All

Page 3: December / Rhagfyr

Forthcoming Events Saturday, 15th December Christmas Dinner at 6:00 pm for 7:00 pm Catered by Jordan’s International Food Designs. Tickets at $40 can be reserved by calling Gaynor Evans at 604-271-3134. Please book your place as soon as possible. Monday, December 17th at 7.30 pm Welsh Lesson. Wednesday, January 2nd at 7:30 Executive Meeting Monday, January 5th at 7.30 pm Welsh Lesson Wednesday, Jan. 9th at 12:00 noon The Cambrian Bookworms will discus “The Nine Lives of Charlotte Taylor” by Sally Armstrong Sunday, January 13th at 11:00 am Bilingual Service followed by Tê Bach Monday, January 21st at 10:30 am Welsh Speaking – Siarad Cymraeg Monday, January 21st at 7.30 pm Welsh Lesson Saturday. January 26th at 7.00 pm Social Evening to celebrate St. Dwynwen’s Day. Details to follow from Gillian at [email protected] (604-742-1378) or on the webpage. Monday, January 28th from 10:00 am till 3:00 pm Workparty Day Lunch will be provided and all are welcome! Monday, February 4th at 7.30 pm Welsh Lessons

Wednesday, February 6th at 7.30 pm Executive Meeting Sunday, February 10th at 11:00 am Bilingual Service followed by Tê Bach Monday, February 11th at 7.30 pm General Meeting Wednesday, February 13th at 12 noon. The Cambrian Bookworms will discus “Garlic and Sapphires” by Ruth Reichl. Monday, February 18th at 10.30 am Welsh Speaking – Siarad Cymraeg Monday, February 18th at 7.30 pm Welsh Lessons Monday, February 25th from 10:00 am till 3:00 pm Workparty Day Lunch will be provided and all are welcome.


Please join us in beautiful Niagara Falls, Ontario, for a very special weekend celebrating our Welsh heritage, music and culture. We will have all your usual favourites such as a welcoming tea with harp entertainment, a traditional noson lawen with loads of talented participants, children's activities, poetry reading, seminar , a banquet with a presentation of the annual Gold Award, gala concert, concert afterglow and two glorious hymn singing sessions. This year we are very honoured to have the renowned CÔR MEIBION TAF from Cardiff as our guest choir. For more information please go to or e-mail us at [email protected] or phone 613-725-2704

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Vancouver  Celebrates  Wales  November  2  –  4,  2012  

Our  society  once  again  celebrated  Wales  in  a  most  appropriate  manner  on  this  weekend.  We  began  with  our  Anniversary  Dinner  (the  105th)  on  the  Friday  evening,  catered  to  their  usual  high  standard  by  Jordan’s.    

 Huw  Evans  provided  the  musical  entertainment  interspersing  folk  songs  accompanied  by  Ray  Batten  with  a  moving  flute  solo.  After  some  community  singing  at  the  end  of  program,  members  remained  to  further  socialize  in  the  Red  Dragon.    Saturday  the  Vancouver  Celebrates  Wales  Concert  was  jointly  hosted  by  our  Society  and  West  Point  Grey  United  Church,  where  it  was  held.  Master  of  Ceremonies  Gethin  Owen  presided  over  a  truly  amazing  cast  of  talented  performers  before  a  sold  out  audience.      The  program  started  with  the  singing  of  O  Canada,  followed  by  the  Men’s  Chorus,  a  group  of  singers  from  both  the  Vancouver  Male  Voice  Choir  and  the  Vancouver  Orpheus  Choir,  under  the  direction  of  Jonathan  Quick.    

 Solos  by  baritone  Gary  Griffiths,  mezzo-­‐soprano  and  harpist  Nerys  Jones,  folksinger  and  flautist  Huw  Evans,  soprano  Katie  Procter  and  tenor  Jonathan  Quick  rounded  out  an  impressive  first  half  of  the  program.      

 Katie  Procter  

After  the  intermission,  we  enjoyed  further  performances  by  the  same  artists  except  that  Jonathan  was  replaced  by  his  better  half,  soprano  Natasha  Neufeld!      

 Natasha  Neufeld  

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The  program  went  from  strength  to  strength,  culminating  in  Gary  Griffiths’  renditions,  which  brought  demands  for  an  encore.    My  grandson  Hugh  really  enjoyed  the  encore!  

   The  Men’s  Choir  brought  the  evening  to  a  close  by  singing  Gwahoddiad,  after  which  we  all  sang  Hen  Wlad  fy  Nhadau.  I  would  be  remiss  in  not  acknowledging  the  contribution  of  the  talented  accompanist  to  the  entire  program,  Roger  Parton,  the  Music  Director  of  Opera  Pro  Cantati.  

 M.C.    Gethin  Owen  

 In  view  of  the  high  overall  quality  of  the  performers,  it  would  be  invidious  to  select  from  amongst  them,  but  I  will  

nevertheless  mention  some  personal  resonances.  First  Nerys  Jones  sang  the  poems  of  my  favourite  poet,  Robert  Williams  Parry  as  she  played  the  harp.  

   Secondly,  she  sang  Anfonaf  Angel,  the  music  composed  by  Robat  Arwyn  for  Bryn  Terfel  from  the  words  by  Hywel  Gwynfryn.  This  song  performed  by  the  Rhuthun  Choir,  conductor  Robat  Arwyn,  was  sent  to  me  by  a  friend  in  Wales  as  a  consolation  upon  the  loss  of  my  wife.  Powerful  words.      In  addition  to  performing  Welsh  folk  songs  and  flute  solos,  Huw  Evans  gave  us  a  Newfoundland  folk  song!    I  must  also  commend  Jonathan  Quick  on  his  excellent  Welsh  pronunciation  as  he  sang  Unwaith  Eto  Nghymru  Annwyl.    Sunday  morning,  after  the  shift  from  Summer  time,  our  bilingual  Church  Service  featured  the  Williams  family!  Jane  (now  Byrne)  presided  and  read  the  first  lesson  in  Welsh  followed  by  sisters  Hetty  and  Mair.    English  counterparts  were  read  by  Mavis  Williams,  Peter  Byrne  and  Anne  Williams.  Huw  Evans  (Mair’s  son)  presented  his  own  interpretation  of  Calon  Lan  as  a  musical  interlude.    

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Eifion  Williams  gave  the  Sgwrs,  in  which  he  convincingly  discussed  the  Welsh  influence  on  the  development  of  the  United  States.  After  Gwilym  Evans  pronounced  the  benediction,    we  adjourned  for  a  te  bach,  prior  to  reassembling  at  2  pm  for  the  Gymanfa.    After  a  welcome  from  President  Jane  Byrne,  David  Llewelyn  Williams  recited  the  Hundredth  Psalm  in  both  Welsh  and  English.  The  Gymanfa  Ganu  was  conducted  with  appropriate  hwyl  by  Jonathan  Quick  with  accompanist  Barry  Yamanouchi  at  the  piano.    

Jonathan Quick

 Jonathan  led  us  through  a  total  of  18  hymns  arranged  in  four  groups  with  pauses  to  allow  us  to  re-­‐energize  our  voices.    The  accomplished  singers  were  arranged  according  to  their  voices,  whereas  others,  like  myself,    sat  at  the  back  and  enthusiastically  ‘made  a  joyful  noise’  and  hoped  it  was  close  enough!  Jonathan  varied  our  participation,  sometimes  asking  the  sopranos  and  altos  to  sing  a  verse,  sometimes  the  tenors  and  basses,  sometimes  we  just  hummed  if  the  hymn  was  appropriate.  Once  Nerys  and  Katie  sang  a  descant.  A  spirited  enthusiastic  time  was  had  by  all!  

In  the  first  break,  Nerys  Jones  sang  a  Ryan  Davies  composition  followed  by  Tra  bo  dau  and  again  Robert  Williams  Parry’s  immortal  poems  accompanied  by  the  harp.  In  the  second  half  of  the  program,  Gary  Griffiths  sang  Gwynfyd  by  Meirion  Williams,  followed  by  My  Little  Welsh  Home.      President  Jane  Byrne  thanked  all  who  had  participated,  after  which  we  sang  God  be  with  you  (‘til  we  meet  again)  and  Hen  Wlad  fy  Nhadau.  Another  convivial  te  bach  followed  in  the  Red  Dragon  bringing  an  inspirational  weekend  to  a  close.    The  weekend’s  success  owed  much  to  the  Social  Committee:  Gillian  Rogers  (Chair)  Jane  Byrne,  Heather  Davies,  Gaynor  Evans,  Mary  Lewis,  Pat  Morris  and  Kathy  Thomas.  Gaynor  should  be  acknowledged  for  her  responsibility  for  the  Anniversary  Dinner  also.    Gary  Griffiths’  visit  was  sponsored  by  Wilf  and  Lynn  Owens-­‐Whalen  and  the  Mclean  McCuaig  Foundation  in  honour  of  Ken  and  Phyllis  Owens.  Huw  Evans  was  sponsored  by  Jane  Byrne  and  Eifion  Williams  in  honour  of  their  sister  Anne  (Williams)  Roberts.                                                                                                      D.Ll.W.    Dafydd  Iwan’s  50th  Anniversay  

Concert  in  Llandudno.    I  decided  to  attend  Dafydd  Iwan’s  50th  Anniversary  Concert  on  Nov.  17  in  Llandudno,.  This  was  the  Noson  Fawr  of  his  tour,  which  had  started  in  Scranton  in  late  August.  For  example  he  was  in  Wrexham  on  the  9th  and  at  the  London  Welsh  Centre  on  the  10th  but  this  was  the  Big  Night!      

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In  the  first  part  of  the  program  Dafydd  and  his  Band  warmed  up  the  sold  out  1500  seat  audience  at  Venue  Cymru  with  help  of  two  soloists.    Lucy  Kelly  comes  from  a  region  in  Anglesey  which  is  called  Paradwys;  she  issued  her  first  CD  from  Sain  Records  entitled  ‘Y  Llais  o  Baradwys’  (The  voice  from  Paradise)  at  the  age  of  eleven!  She  is  now  either  14  or  15  depending  on  her  birthday.  What  a  voice!      The  second  soloist  was  one  of  my  favourites,  Elin  Fflur,  also  from  Anglesey.  Another  great  performance,  concluding  with  that  beautiful  song:  Harbwr  Diogel.  She  had  the  audience  sing  the  chorus  with  her.  Great  lyrics.    “Mae  na  rhywbeth  amdanat  ti,  Na  fedra  i  egluro.  Rhywbeth  amdanat  ti,  Yn  gwneud  fy  nhalon  i  guro  …  etc.”    This  is  an  absolute  classic.      After  the  intermission,  the  program  and  the  atmosphere  grew  even  more.  The  Rhuthun  Choir  under  Robat  Arwyn  started  the  program  with  four  songs  –  the  third  was  his  composition  “Anfonaf  Angel’  which  I  had  listened  to  them  sing  so  many  times,  but  now  ‘live’.  Whew!  How  emotional!  This  was  followed  by  Tri  Tenor  Cymru  –  the  Three  Welsh  Tenors:  Rhys  Meirion,  Aled  Hall  and  Alun  Rhys-­‐Jenkins,  who  resonated  the  audience  with  high  C’s.      After  these  acts,  Dafydd  went  from  strength  to  strength,  playing  one  iconic  ballad  after  another,  finally  culminating  in  ‘Yma  o  Hyd’  with  audience  participation.  An  emotional  climax!  The  audience  rose  full  of  enthusiasm  and  patriotism  for    ‘Hen  Wlad  fy  Nhadau’,  to  conclude  a  memorable  event,  worth  travelling  from  Vancouver  to  experience.  I  did  

spend  a  short  time  with  Dafydd  after  the  concert,  but  the  bar  closed  on  us!  


A  Visit  to  Garth  Celyn  As  an  added  bonus,  while  in  Llandudno,  my  friend  Iona  Wyn  Hall  drove  me  to  Abergwyngregyn  and  Garth  Celyn,  where  we  enjoyed  Kathryn  Pritchard  Gibson’s  hospitality  and  spent  a  most  informative  time  for  several  hours  discussing  Welsh  history,  poetry  and  exploring  the  site.  The  weather  cooperated  so  we  had  a  clear  view  across  the  Lafan  Sands  to  Beaumaris,  which  I  had  previously  seen  only  in  Kathryn’s  photographs.    

   I  do  hope  that,  by  now,  readers  of  my  newsletters  are  aware  that  Garth  Celyn  is  the  ancient  site  of  the  court  of  the  Princes  of  Gwynedd  and  that  Katherine  has  set  up  the  Garth  Celyn  Trust  to  buy  the  adjacent  land  for  posterity.  Ground  penetrating  radar  has  indicated  several  structures  worthy  of  excavation.      Catherine  Zeta  Jones  has  recently  made  a  significant  donation  to  the  Trust.  By  comparison,  mine  is  very  minor.  One  Trustee  is  Professor  Bernard  Knight  whose  book  on  Princess  Nest  I  have  discussed.  The  Garth  Celyn  Trust  is  most  worthy  of  your  support.              D.Ll.W.  

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The Mulled Wine Evening December 1st

The Red Dragon was full with celebrants for our Mulled Wine Evening. Our cheery M.C. Neville Thomas created an enthusiastic interleaved program of carols and readings. Our accompanist was yet another Neville Thomas!

The perennial classic of A Child’s Christmas in Wales was, like Gaul, divided into three parts. Each part was presented by two speakers; Don and Liz Murray, Anne Williams and Paul Lievesley, and Tora and John Anderson.

More serious readings on Christmas traditions were presented by Eifion Williams, Lynn Owens-Whalen, Kathy Thomas and Irene Evans. Altogether, eleven carols and/or Christmas songs were suitably interspersed throughout. The excellent Mulled Wine toasted the season and each other as we sang We wish you a Merry Christmas. We all had fun uniquely singing The Twelve days of Christmas such that everyone only sang the refrain that corresponded to the number of their birth month. The program concluded with Joy to the World and Jingle Bells.

Pierre and Heather manning the bar

President Jane Byrne thanked all who had contributed to the success of the evening, not the least the Social Committee. The evening continued with impromptu singing led by Sharon McIntee Burrill. A great start for the Christmas Season. D.Ll.W. Jimmy Murphy passed away suddenly on Sunday November 4th. Jimmy was born in the village of Bellshill Larnarkshire Scotland October 11th 1935.Jimmy and Rose were married 1960 and came to Canada in 1965 and settled in Burnaby. Jimmy found work in his trade as a machinist in New Westminster until he retired at 59 due to ill health. With his love of music he came to the Vancouver Welsh Society, became a member, which Rose and he supported for many years. He joined first the Welshmen's Choir and then in 1982, became a founder member of Vancouver Orpheus Choir which he remained until the time of his death.. Jimmy will always be remember for his kindness and good humour and liked nothing better than coming down to the Red Dragon on a Saturday night for a game of darts. The Vancouver Welsh Society sends its deepest sympathy to Rose and her family on their recent bereavement.

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Annual Membership Renewals

   Name:............................................................................    Phone  No.................................      Address:.............................................................................................      City:.................................................................................Postal  Code:  .............................      e-­‐mail...................................................    It  would  be  very  helpful  if  you  would  indicate  whether  you  wish  to  receive  a  copy  of  the  Newsletter  by  mail  or  if  you  are  content  to  view  the  Newsletter  on  the  website.  You  will  then  be  notified  by  e-­‐mail  when  the  latest  edition  appears  on  the  site.    I  wish  to  continue  to  receive  the  Newsletter  by  mail  (YES  or  NO).................    Membership  Dues  for  2013:        Regular:  $45                                                                                                                        Family  (Member,  Spouse  &  Children  to  18):  $70                                                                                                                      Seniors/Students:  $30                                                                                                                      Out  of  Town  (50  miles  or  more):  $20    Note  that  there  has  been  no  increase  once  again  in  the  membership  dues.  Additional  sums  as  donations  are  welcomed!  Cheques  or  Money  Orders  should  be  made  payable  to    


Send  your  renewals  to:  David  Llewelyn  Williams,  Membership  Secretary,  Cambrian  Hall,  215  East  17th  Avenue,  Vancouver  B.C.,  V5V  1A6    Please  circle  any  committee(s)  that  you  are  willing  to  serve  on  in  2013:    Bar/Social                                                                                Building                              Church  Service      Welsh  night                                                  Membership                                          Other?    We  would  welcome  any  suggestions  you  have  for  the  coming  year.  Please  indicate  your  ideas  in  the  space  below  or  overleaf.