December 2014 newsletter

Dear Lions of District 29-I The holiday season is upon us and the calendar year is coming to a close. As I reflect on my year thus far, we have so many blessings for which to be thankful. Lion Sue and I have traveled the state meeting and interacting with fantastic lions doing great work in their communities. Lions are feeding the hungry, providing vision screening and eye care, engaging youth and cleaning up our highways. I have presented Milestone Chevrons to a number of lions and Plus 1 patches to clubs that have worked hard to increase membership. I have inducted new members at many of my visits and I remain confident that this trend will continue. Lion generosity has been truly amazing. District 29-I is responsible for donations exceeding $56,000 from our parade of checks. We just seem to find a way to keep on giving to those less fortunate that ourselves. Lions Clubs International provides clubs within our association a framework to allow us to improve our effectiveness. They have established the district governor’s team to enable us to grow in the areas of membership, leadership and overall service to our communities. During the next several weeks I would invite all clubs in the district to search the MD directory and become familiar with the list of cabinet members available to serve your needs. I would encourage clubs to invite the Global Membership and Global Leadership Chairpersons to visit your clubs to discuss ways to improve what your club is doing to increase membership and leadership. I would also encourage you to invite members of the team to present information in their areas of expertise. We are often content to go about business as usual and sometimes forget that we are never too old to learn. Let’s make our meetings interesting and informative as well as evenings of fun and fellowship. I would like to take this opportunity to remind all club officers that timely reporting allows your district leaders and LCI the opportunity to remain informed about your club activities and membership. It also enables us to keep tract of the progress of the “Centennial Challenge Activities.” Remember to continue to “Strengthen the Pride through service.” Until next time…. Lion DG Doug DISTRICT GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE District 29-I Newsletter Volume 1 Number 6 - December 2014 “Guiding Through Service” 304-303-3210 [email protected]

Transcript of December 2014 newsletter

Page 1: December 2014 newsletter

Dear Lions of District 29-I

The holiday season is upon us and the calendar year is coming to a close. As I reflect on myyear thus far, we have so many blessings for which to be thankful. Lion Sue and I have traveled thestate meeting and interacting with fantastic lions doing great work in their communities. Lions arefeeding the hungry, providing vision screening and eye care, engaging youth and cleaning up ourhighways. I have presented Milestone Chevrons to a number of lions and Plus 1 patches to clubsthat have worked hard to increase membership. I have inducted new members at many of my visitsand I remain confident that this trend will continue. Lion generosity has been truly amazing.District 29-I is responsible for donations exceeding $56,000 from our parade of checks. We justseem to find a way to keep on giving to those less fortunate that ourselves.

Lions Clubs International provides clubs within our association a framework to allow us toimprove our effectiveness. They have established the district governor’s team to enable us to grow inthe areas of membership, leadership and overall service to our communities. During the next severalweeks I would invite all clubs in the district to search the MD directory and become familiar with thelist of cabinet members available to serve your needs. I would encourage clubs to invite the GlobalMembership and Global Leadership Chairpersons to visit your clubs to discuss ways to improve whatyour club is doing to increase membership and leadership. I would also encourage you to invitemembers of the team to present information in their areas of expertise. We are often content to goabout business as usual and sometimes forget that we are never too old to learn. Let’s make ourmeetings interesting and informative as well as evenings of fun and fellowship.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind all club officers that timely reporting allowsyour district leaders and LCI the opportunity to remain informed about your club activities andmembership. It also enables us to keep tract of the progress of the “Centennial ChallengeActivities.”

Remember to continue to “Strengthen the Pride through service.”

Until next time…. Lion DG Doug


District 29-I Newsletter

Volume 1 Number 6 - December 2014“Guiding Through Service”

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NOVEMBER3 Short Gap7-8-9 District 29-N Conference - Pipestem Resort

(Council Meeting)10 Elkins/Elkins Lioness - 6:00 p.m.18 Inwood/Bunker Hill - 6:00 p.m.

DECEMBER4 Romney - 6:30 p.m.9 East Lewis, Jane Lew @ Jackson’s Mill

JANUARY3 Council of Governor’s meeting - Charleston17 Cabinet Meeting - Adamston (Clarksburg) -10:00 a.m.20 Charles Town - 6:30 p.m.30-31 Leadership School - Flatwoods

FEBRUARY1 Leadership School Closes

MARCH14-15 District L Conference, Wheeling19 Adamston

APRIL16 Hedgesville/Pikeside 20 Moorefield/Petersburg

MAY1-2-3 MD State Convention, Charleston

Please make an attempt to schedule your official visit early in the year. I believe that early year visits make it easier for your club to set realistic goals!

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Hello District 29-I Lions!

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are enjoying the holiday season.As Lions we celebrate this time by brightening other lives and bringing joy to those in need. We help ease the burdens of the less fortunate with the many things we do, like helping the Salvation Army ring bells, participating in Angel Tree programs, filling stockings for children and providing food baskets for families and many other worthwhile projects. Thank you for all the things you do to help others at this very special time of year.

Helen Keller said, “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen oreven touched. They must be felt with the heart”. We do these good deeds because we

have the caring heart of a Lion and live up to our motto - “We Serve”.

It’s hard to believe but in a few weeks this Lions year will be half over. As we enter the New Year, let us all resolve to work together to make our clubs and district even better. A great way to learn how to make it happen is by attending the WV Lions Leadership School January 30 – February 1, 2015 at the Days Hotel in Flatwoods. You can choose from over a dozen impressive seminars and you’ll hear some excellent mealtimespeakers and programs. It will be a rewarding and fun experience. I hope to see you there!

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The West Virginia Lions Leadership School will be held January 30 - February1, 2015 at the Days Hotel in Flatwoods. The Early Bird registration fee of $115.00covers your choice of seminars and four meals. A motivational speaker or group isfeatured at each meal. Your room is not covered in the registration fee, but the hoteloffers free breakfast if you are a hotel guest. Call Days Hotel to reserve your room –rate is $89.10.

1. District 29-I is offering five scholarships to First Time Attendees. The scholarships will cover the registration fee, not the room. The deadline to apply is December 15. Contact PDG Cindy Glass at 304-203-2006 or at [email protected] if you would like to apply. The application for the First Timers Scholarship and the WVLLS Registration Form are also available on the 29-I website (

2. If you are not eligible for a First-Timer Scholarship, ask your club if they will pay or subsidize your Registration Fee, especially if you are a current or upcoming officer. You may also want to consider sharing a room with another Lion if you are not attending with a spouse.

An exciting line-up of speakers, presenters and seminars is planned. Detailswill be finalized and publicized soon. Please be part of the 2015 West Virginia LionsLeadership School!

Submitted by: PDG Cindy Glass

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The 19th Annual West Virginia Lions Leadership School will be held on January 30, 31 and February 1, 2015 at the Days Hotel in Flatwoods.Here is a brief synopsis of the seminars that will be offered at this year’s School.

THE HEART OF LEADERSHIP – PRESENTED BY PID STEVE GLASS - Who do we serve? Where do we serve? How do we serve effectively?Where do we find those who need our aid? Are all of those who need us out in the community or might they be right beside us? How do we lead effectively?

The Value of Planning – Presented by PCC Wendy Cain - Successful clubs don’t just happen; they are a result of caring teammates who takethe time to plan, dream, understand the mission, develop goals, and execute the plan.

SO YOU WANT TO BE AN EFFECTIVE AND DYNAMIC CLUB PRESIDENT? – PRESENTED BY 2VDG LINDA LEASURE, LION MICHAEL GIBBS ANDLION BRANDON JOHNSON - We will examine successful leadership strategies as seen through the eyes of three very energetic and dynamic Lionleaders who have successfully served their clubs as president. They will also provide added value about generational differences and campusclub successes.

CREATING A FIRST AND LASTING IMPRESSION – PRESENTED BY NIKKI BOWMAN - Learn how to create a positive public image and to developeffective public speaking skills from a young entrepreneur who has seen her dream become a reality and who will share her wisdom with you.

Gender Differences in Leadership Roles – Presented by PID Judy Hankom - Revisit women are from Venus, men are from Mars. Under-standing how males and females view their roles differently and perhaps use vastly different styles and approaches to solving leadership issues.

INCREASE YOUR PERFORMANCE AND REDUCE STRESS AS A CLUB SECRETARY – PRESENTED BY PDG EVA DAGUE - Understanding the constitutional requirement of the role of club secretary and learning how to have fun while serving in this very vital role as ambassador toLions Clubs International.

Zone Effectiveness = Club Effectiveness – Presented by Lion Linda Amos - Understanding the essential role and responsibilities of a zonechairperson in our Association and the critical link that a zone chairperson provides to the district leadership team.

THE CLUB EXCELLENCE PROCESS AND BLUEPRINT FOR A STRONGER CLUB – PRESENTED BY PDG CINDY GLASS, PCC GARLAND BURKEAND PCC GARY VAN HORN - Bring out the very best in your club and district by understanding a different way to listen to, motivate, and appreciate your members as well as those you serve. Discover a way to become a high performing Lions club.

LIONS 101 – A POTPOURRI FOR ALL AGES OF LIONS (BRAND NEW OR SEASONED) – PRESENTED BY PID BOB BROWNING - This will be an orientation for all Lions, sprinkled with some legal aspects of Lions clubs governance. For some, it might well be a first-time orientation intohow clubs function within the Association; for others, it will be a golden opportunity to relearn and refresh.

CHARACTERISTICS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE LIONS CLUBS – PRESENTED BY PCC KRIS PINKERMAN, PDG AMANDA ROSS AND PDG LISAKEFFER - Examine what qualities a growing, service-oriented Lions club exhibits to the public and its members. Improvement comes throughdeveloping effective leadership habits and minding the small stuff.

MEMBERSHIP, RETENTION, AND EXTENSION: A NEW SERVICE THAT HAS COME OF AGE – PRESENTED BY PDG JOHN PINKERMAN ANDPDG GLENN RYBURN - A look at membership recruitment ideas; strategies to increase your members’ satisfaction, and a mini extension workshop all on one!

THE MONEY GUY AND THE OTHER LEADERSHIP TEAM MEMBERS – PID LARRY JOHNSON - The Team that works together, grows together.The constitutional duties of the club treasurer and the board of directors blended with some tidbits on protocol as well as policy aspects of cluboperations.

MILLENNIALS LOVE BOOMERS AND VICE VERSA, DON’T THEY? – PRESENTED BY PID STEVE GLASS AND LION JORDAN GLASS - A look at generational attitudes through the eyes of a Baby Boomer and a Millennial. Learn some very practical information about how Lions can attract the Gen Xers and the Gen Yers through looking differently at how we serve and where we serve. In this session the Gen Xer will discussa very special legislative initiative that she was instrumental in helping to launch. The Baby Boomer will share a personal experience in savinga club through blending these two important groups.

As an additional service project, all Lions are asked to bring cans of food and/or children’s books that will be donated to Mountaineer Food Bank by the committee after the School.

Registration fee for this year’s Leadership School is $115 if paid before January 15, 2015 and $135 after that date. Hotel rooms atthe Leadership School rate can be secured by calling Days Inn at 304-765-5055. Make certain you tell the hotel representative that you arewith the Leadership School.

Submitted by Lion Robert Stigall

Page 6: December 2014 newsletter

West Virginia Lions Leadership School




Lion_________________________________________________________________________Name Name for Tag

Lion or Guest_________________________________________________________________Name Name for Tag

_____________________________________________________________________________Address: City State Zip Code

____________________________________________________________________________Home Phone Business Phone E-Mail

________________________________________ _______________________ Club Name District

_______I am a first time attendee

MMAAKKEE CCHHEECCKKSS PPAAYYAABBLLEE TTOO::WV Lions Leadership School (Note: Credit cards will not be used)

If you have special dietary requirements, please list below:


Mail Completed Registration to:PDG Eva Dague105 Sandy Avenue

Moundsville, WV 26041

Please contact: PCC Kris Pinkerman with any questions:(H) 304-638-4096 [email protected]

Call Days Hotel Flatwoods for hotel reservations.

Page 7: December 2014 newsletter


OCTOBER 17- 18, 2014

Lions Clubs participating 48





DIABETES $ 2,670.00




VIP (Visually impaired) FISHING TOURNAMENT $ 570.00

LEADER DOGS $ 6,120.00

PILOT DOGS $ 2,670.00

QUEST $ 2,435.00

OTHER $ 1,775.00


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Donate to Lions Clubs International Foundation: Your LCIF is a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization - your donations are fully deductible on your Federal & State Income Taxes for 2014. You will receive a personal letter and receipt, indicating that you have made a charitable contribution to LCIF.

LCIF and the members of Lions Clubs International (LCI) are committed to humanitarian service in the areas of blindness prevention, youth education and development, help for the disabled and disaster relief. Your PERSONAL tax-deductible donations will assist LCIF in supporting these worldwide efforts.

AS A NOTE: District 29-I (that’s us) has received over $100,000.00 from LCIF, this year for local projects. Your donations are very much needed.

DG Doug’s LCIF goals for 2014-15 are contributions of at least $25,000.00. Currently we are at $15,000.00– or 60% of the Governor’s goals. With personal contributions, before the year-end TAXs we may be able to exceed his goals.

If you need assistance in making a personal contribution, contact me. Personal contributions can be made on-line at: or you may contact me at: [email protected].

Lion Glenn Ryburn, PDG...LCIF Coordinator...304-2587-8939

THOMAS-DAVIS LIONS CLUB TRADITION CONTINUESThe Thomas-Davis Lions Club was chartered in 1946 and has served thecommunities for 69 years. In 1998 the Lions Club and the American LegionBlue Ridge Post 22 dedicated a Veterans Monument next to the ThomasPost Office to honor all veterans in past, present and future wars. The LionsClub for the past 17 years places a wreath on each Veterans and Memorialdays. In the picture are two of our club veterans, Jim Cooper and Herb Roy,placing the wreath this past Veterans Day.

WV LIONS BEEF RAFFLE The West Virginia Lions Sight Conservation Foundation and the Lions Clubs International Foundation thank theLions of District 29-I for participating in the sale of “WV Lions Beef Raffle” tickets for the fall of 2014. The efforts ofthe Lions of District 29-I and Lions across West Virginia raised a total of $5,555 from this year’s raffle. This will assistthe Sight Foundation to provide eye surgeries , sight screenings, and assist in the purchase of hearing aids for thoseWest Virginia’s in need and will assist the LCIF to provide humanitarian assistance in West Virginia and the world.Edward Zeto of Beaver, WV, Ray Slayton of Ansted, WV, Melodie Nichols of Adamston, WV and Jack Powell ofSalem, WV were the winners of the four mixed quarter of beef.

Thank you again for your efforts to sell beef raffle tickets. PCC Gary Van Horn, MD 29 Beef Raffle Coordinator.

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Jane Lew Lions Club members donated food items for Thanksgiving dinners to Our Neighbor, a local Lewis Countycharity, at their November 14 meeting. First Vice President Mike Walker headed the collection and was overwhelmedwith the amount of food donated by club members. He used his truck to deliver the food. The picture shows those at-tending the meeting standing behind the food collected.

On the same night, club members donated new packaged socks for the Clarksburg Mission. The club is asking the localcommunities to donate new socks for men, women, children and infants. Winter is long with the cold weather andsnow and the Clarksburg Mission cannot use socks that have already been worn to give to those in need. The Jane LewClub decided to take on this collection and is showing its devotion to the cause by donating and collecting socks. President Ruth Straley said it was amazing to see the small “mountain” of socks donated by the members. Donationboxes are located in the Jane Lew Community Center, Robin’s Nest Travel Center in Jane Lew and the lobby of the Citizens Bank in Weston. The Sock Drive is being chaired by Past President Bill White. The sock drive ends on December 9 when those collected will be presented to Clarksburg Mission Executive Director Chris Mullett.

Continuing to show their generosity, the club members also donated candy for distribution to the children that visit theSanta’s Houses on December 6 at Weston St Patrick School Cafeteria and on December 13 at the Jane Lew CommunityCenter. Candy will also be distributed at the Lewis County Senior Center at Weston and the Nutrition Site at Jane Lew.The Jane Lew Lions are participating in the Senior Center’s “25 Days of Christmas” program.

Winning poster for 29ISubmitted by:Elkins Lions Club

Jordan Mullenex

Elkins Middle School

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The Flemington Memorial Veterans Park was host to the Flemington Veterans Day Service on November11 at 2 p.m. Veterans, family members, and other members of the community attended the event thatwas organized and presented by the Flemington Lions Club and the Flemington Memorial Veterans ParkCommittee.

The program was presided over by Richard Zukowski, Flemington Lions Club president and Rev. SamMyers gave an invocation. After opening remarks, the United States flag was raised by Boy Scout Troop6 while Lakin Nose performed the National Anthem. Member of Boy Scout Troops 6 raising the flagwere Emory Armstrong, Greg Moore, and Bridon Strahin.

Mr. Zukowski continued the program with reading of remarks about Veterans Day from Brian Barnes, thedirector of the Grafton and West Virginia National Cemeteries. The theme of the remarks included therole that Veterans had during their service to the nation continues to be a great honor for America.

Grafton High School Band trumpeter Jensen Tucker performed “Taps”. Following “Taps,” a roll call wasmade for veterans and active duty military to call out their names and branch of service. Then familyand community members were able to name loved ones who have served America in the Armed Forces.

Upon conclusion of the program, many attendees stated behind to view the memorial markers in the Veterans Park in Flemington.

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Reading Action Program, District 29-I

Dear Lions of District 29-I,

The Reading Action Program is such a great program forLions! We can do so many things to share the love of readingwith children and their families so that they may grow to lovereading as we do. The true spirit of We Serve is joyfully experi-enced as we strive to enrich the lives of others by nurturing reading and lifelong learning.

We would like to gather information from all over the district and learn what clubs are doing withRAP. When we work together and share ideas we can be more effective. Please fill out this form and returnit to me. I will share these ideas and experiences in our district newsletter.

Thank you!Patty Austin, District 29-I RAP [email protected] (H) 304-672-3153 (C)General Delivery, Capon Springs, WV 26823

Club Name ______________________________________RAP Chair ___________________________

What is your club doing with the Reading Action Program?

What age groups are included in your RAP projects and how are they involved?

What are the sources of funding for your RAP projects?

How else do your RAP projects affect the community?

Which of these is your club partnering with for your RAP projects?

____ local schools and board of education ____ local library ____ Read Aloud West Virginia____ Other (please describe)_________________________________________________________________________________Please share your most favorite and special RAP success story on the back of this page!

The more that you read, the more things you will know!The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go! Dr. Seuss

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LLOOOOKK WWHHAATT’’SS IINNSSIIDDEE::DG Doug’s MessageCalendar of EventsWV Lions Leadership School

...Lots of Lions News


Newly elected club officers should consider attending WV Lions Leadership School In Flatwoods January 30, 31 & February 1. The district will be giving 5 scholarships to first timers!

Clubs should be: Thinking about officers nominations for next year.

All Lions clubs who participate in the peace poster contest, Please consider obtaining your poster kit in the spring.

Clubs may want to consider a new dues structure in 2015 to reflect the increase in MD 29dues approved in 2014.

Consider inviting a cabinet member to present a program to your club!


Lion John Furrow. John was a veteran and very active in the Monroe Countycommunity.

Lion Steve Tyra, President of Fayetteville Lions also passed away recently.

Lion Terry Goodman, PDG. New Hampshire.

Our prayers and sympathies to their families.