Dec 2011 Straight Talk Christmas Catalog

STRAIGHT | TALK miniature horse The official publication of the Lucky Hart Ranch and Friends Christmas Catalog winter 2011/2012 issue


Dec 2011 Straitgh Talk Christmas Catalog. Official publication of the Lucky Hart Ranch.

Transcript of Dec 2011 Straight Talk Christmas Catalog

Straight|Talkm i n i a t u r e h o r s e

The official publication of the Lucky Hart Ranch and Friends

C h r i s t m a s C a t a l o g w i n t e r 2 0 1 1 / 2 0 1 2 i s s u e

OUr MiSSiONto provide a pictorial glimpse into the workings of one family-run miniature horse ranch and their friends. this magazine is dedicated to Straight Miniature horses and their caretakers.

WiNter 2011-12 VOlUMe 3 NO.4

editorreNee laBarre reiteN

associate editorreNee laBarre reiteN

guest Contr ibutorSWig haNSeN

ar t Directortara reiteN

701.345.8273 | luckyhar [email protected] | luckyhar


m i n i a t u r e h o r s e

Season greeting from the lucky har t ranch. here’s hoping that Chr istmas and the New Year find you healthy and hap-py. it seems that this, the most wonderful time of the year always sneaks up on me. i always have such grandiose plans. Oh, well . last July, tara and i came up with a plan to do a Chr istmas Catalog. Well , we have made a star t. i am doing a l ittle something different this year. as i can’t decide which of my young mares to sell . i thought i would just pic-ture them all and let you decide . We will sell two or three . i am not hiding the good ones behind the barn. they are all pictured in our Straight talk Chr istmas Wish Book. hope you see something you like . if you do email or give me a call .

May your home be decked all rosy and bright, with 8 happy reindeer and a Santa that’s upright.

thanks, renee laBarre701 345 8273 | luckyhar [email protected] | luckyhar

eD BeiNg tUrNeD OUt With hiS galS

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ad campain from 2002-2003 Journal - June

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ad campain from 2002-2003 Journal - June

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the OlD graY Mare

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SpeCial expreSSeDSon of pr ince


WiShiNg YOU a VerY SpeCial hOliDaY SeaSONFrOM the lUCkY hart raNCh