DEBATING ACCOUNTING RESEARCH JOURNAL RANKINGS: EMPIRICAL ISSUES FROM A CITATION-BASED ANALYSIS AND THEORETICAL DILEMMAS FROM ECONOMICS Markus J. Milne Department of Accountancy and Business Law University of Otago New Zealand Fax: ++64-3-479-8450 E-mail: [email protected] In helping prepare this paper the author would like to expressly thank Carolyn Edwards, Hayley O’Cain, and Kelly Kahi for their invaluable research assistance. The author is also extremely grateful to Alan MacGregor for several long conversations over the issues raised in this paper, and for comments from Chris Guilding and other participants at a Griffith University Gold Coast, Australia seminar. The paper has also benefited from participants at 2001 BAA Annual conference, University of Nottingham.





Markus J. Milne Department of Accountancy and Business Law

University of Otago New Zealand

Fax: ++64-3-479-8450

E-mail: [email protected]

In helping prepare this paper the author would like to expressly thank Carolyn Edwards, Hayley O’Cain, and Kelly Kahi for their invaluable research assistance. The author is also extremely grateful to Alan MacGregor for several long conversations over the issues raised in this paper, and for comments from Chris Guilding and other participants at a Griffith University Gold Coast, Australia seminar. The paper has also benefited from participants at 2001 BAA Annual conference, University of Nottingham.





This paper reports the results of a citation-based analysis of accounting research journals. From a database developed from the citations to 27 accounting research journals within those same 27 research journals over the ten-year period 1990-1999, this paper reports the relative use (in terms of citation) of the 27 journals. From both the entire citation set, and also from subsets drawn by the geographical base of the journal (e.g. Non-US, US), the geographical base of the authors (e.g. US, Non-US), and whether the journals appear in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), various measures of journal impact are developed. These relative impact measures are then used to examine journal rankings derived from peer-based surveys conducted in the UK (Brinn et al., 1996) and the US (Hull & Wright, 1990; Brown and Huefner, 1994). This study also draws on Arrow’s (1951) work on social preference functions to question the theoretical validity of journal ranking studies. The findings from this study suggest that other than for a very few journals, accounting journals receive largely indifferent use, and, individually, appear to have very little general relevance to accounting academics as a whole. Also reported is the diversity of citation behaviour, both between US-based authors and non-US based authors, and across different journals. Such diversity, when combined with Arrow’s work, seems to throw into serious doubt the theoretical validity of some attempts to generate universal journal rankings even within a single country.



INTRODUCTION In the 1996 edition of Accounting and Business Research (ABR), Brinn et al. presented a ranking of 44 accounting and finance journals based on the peer rankings of 88 UK-based accounting academics. They noted at the time the limitations of such a subjective-based analysis, and also the difficulties associated with establishing an objective assessment of relative journal quality. Most notable among their concerns regarding their peer-based method were possible sample limitations —in terms of accurately reflecting the population of UK-based active researchers, the possibility of bias through a lack of familiarity with the journal(s) being rated, and general attitude measurement problems such as “conditioned” responses. In terms of objectively assessing journal quality, they noted citation-based approaches also have limitations, and not least of these are that only a very few, five in fact, (mostly US-based) accounting journals appear on the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). The purpose of this paper is to critique and continue the debate into journal ranking studies. In doing so, it reexamines the results of Brinn et al.’s study in both the light of the empirical data on relative journal usage (citation-based data) and on the basis of Arrow’s (1951) theoretical work on aggregating individual preferences into aggregate preference functions. While Arrow’s work casts serious doubts on the validity of constructing aggregate journal rankings at all, the citation data shows that Brinn et al.’s peer-based results seem to have more in common with the previous peer-based rankings, and the citation-behaviour of US-based scholars than the citation behaviour of non-US scholars. If citation behaviour indicates a close degree of familiarity with journals by known active researchers, and indicates relative value “in-use” to scholars, then such an analysis seems to raise several questions about peer-based journal rankings that require further research. One such question, for example, is whether it is appropriate to try to develop universal rankings when the citation-data clearly shows several quite distinct research groupings. Such empirical evidence, furthermore, when coupled with Arrow’s theoretical work, seems to reinforce Arrow’s conclusions that it may not be valid to construct group rankings at all. These issues are revisited at the end of this paper, but first the relevant literature on accounting (and finance) journal rankings, and the relevant literature on citation-based methodology is examined. The paper then presents the methods for deriving and analysing the citation data, before presenting the results. Finally, the results are discussed, with implications drawn for journal ranking studies, along with several issues being identified that require further debate.

PRIOR LITERATURE There appears to be growing interest in aspects of publishing, publishing productivity, citation behaviour and ranking journals in accounting research. Although several studies were conducted in the 1970s and 80s, the frequency of such studies during the 90s seems to have expanded exponentially.1 Such interest no doubt reflects the expansion of the research literature over the past 30 years, thereby providing a database to be researched, but it also reflects growing interest, almost to the point of obsession, in measuring and quantifying the research outputs of accounting academics. This section reviews some of this literature, but mostly it is concerned with the literature that is relevant to tracking information flows between different accounting journals: namely, citation studies of the accounting literature. 1 During the 1970s, for example, two studies interested in the accounting literature were found (McRae, 1974; Benjamin and Brenner, 1974). During the 1990s, however, the following were found: Brinn, et al. (1996), Brown (1996), Brown & Heufner (1994), Brownell & Godfrey (1993), Cottingham & Hussey (2000), Durden et al. (1999), Englebrecht et al. (1994), Hasselback & Reinstein (1995), Heck et al. (1990), Hull & Wright (1990), Jones & Roberts (2000), Lukka & Kasanen (1996), Prather-Kinsey & Rueschhoff (1999), Reinstein & Hasselback (1997), Whittington (1993, 1997), Wilkinson & Durden (1998), Zeff (1996), and Zivney et al. (1995). Further, there is now also an ‘anti-measurement’ literature that has developed. See, for example, Gray & Hellier, (1994), Guthrie et al. (2000), Humphrey et al. (1995), Milne et al. (1999), Parker et al. (1998), Puxty et al. (1994), Puxty & Tinker (1995), and Willmott (1995).



Citation Studies

Citation studies in the accounting literature have typically focused on only a small sample of journals, most notably those appearing on the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). They have also usually been concerned with measuring or assessing the impact of influential articles, authors, business schools or doctoral programs on accounting research. Dyckman and Zeff (1984), for example, used citation analysis, among other measures, to assess the impact of Journal of Accounting Research (JAR) over its first 20 years. Smith and Krogstad (1984, 1988, 1991) use citation analysis to examine the impact of and the impacts on Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory (AJPT) over its first ten years. Likewise, Brown et al., (1987) examine the impact of Accounting, Organisations & Society (AOS) from 1976-1984 using citation analysis. Brown and Gardner (1985a, 1985b) also examine the impact of journal articles on publications appearing between 1976 and 1982 in The Accounting Review (AR), JAR, AOS, and/or Journal of Accounting and Economics (JAE). Their interest was to identify graduates, faculty, their US schools, and individual articles that have most impacted on the publications in those 4 journals. Using a “cites per year” metric, Brown (1996) extended this analysis to identify the 100 articles most cited in JAR, AR, AOS, JAE, and Contemporary Accounting Research (CAR) over the period 1976-1992.2 The authors of these articles were then examined for their institutional affiliations, and doctorate programs. More concerned with the structure of accounting knowledge, McRae (1974) and Bricker (1988, 1989) examine the inter-citations between accounting journals. McRae’s analysis, however, was limited to only three academic journals in a pool of 17 (AR, JAR, and Abacus)3 for the years 1968-1969. Underlining the importance of academic journals to academic journals, McRae observes that 45% of all citations within the academic network were to the three accounting academic journals.4 To discover the possible sub-structures within accounting knowledge and whether they were integrated or fragmented, Bricker (1989) uses cocitation clustering to examine the pooled sample of 11,000 citations appearing in the six SSCI accounting journals (AR, JAR, AOS, JAE, Abacus, and Journal of Accounting and Public Policy (JAPP))5 during 1983-1986. Bricker identifies 12 research clusters (e.g. positive accounting, statistical auditing etc.) and notes that none of these are strongly associated with publications in Abacus or JAPP, and that none of these transcend all of the remaining 4 journals. Furthermore, AOS, and JAE were associated with only two and three clusters respectively and these were entirely unrelated between the two journals. Bricker also reports that of the 11,000 citations, 2,400 were within the six journals themselves, and from these inter-journal citations we can note: (1) JAR articles account for 39% of the cited articles, AR for 33%, JAE and AOS each approximately 12-13%, and Abacus and JAPP less than 2% each. (2) Abacus and JAPP are virtually uncited in the remaining 4 journals, with AOS faring little better in

2 The citations in these journals over this period are ‘pooled’, and the cited articles needed to have been published in one of those same five journals or in either Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory or Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance. In the event, the ‘top 100’ articles were published in one of JAR, AR, JAE or AOS. 3 The remaining journals included mostly professional body journals (e.g. Accountancy, Canadian CA), and two professional management accounting journals (e.g. Management Accounting (UK, and US)). Of course, at that time only 4 academic accounting journals were in existence, the other being the International Journal of Accounting Education and Research. 4 McRae (1974), however, only includes journal citations in his study, and excludes books, newspapers, case law and doctoral theses. Consequently, his proportions do overstate the relative importance of accounting academic journals to accounting academic journals. 5 Abacus and Journal of Accounting & Public Policy were dropped from the SSCI after 1992.



JAE and JAR. (3) JAE, JAR and AR have strong inter-citation relationships. Similar findings are reported in Brown and Gardner (1985b, pp. 89-96), and seem to confirm McRae’s (1974, p.87) much earlier observation that “American authors seem to pay little attention to material published outside the United States”, —a point returned to in the results and discussion sections. To date, then, only a very little is known about the inter-relationships between accounting journals as measured by citation analysis, and all of this understanding has been gained from analyses of journals appearing on the Social Science Citation Index. Consequently, nothing is known about the use of non-US journals other than the patchy analysis of Abacus and AOS, and most of this understanding is about how these journals are used or not used in a selected few US accounting publications.

(Peer-based or Questionnaire-based) Ranking Studies Since Benjamin and Brenner’s (1974) survey of US faculty perceptions of accounting journal quality, a number of follow up studies have occurred in the US (e.g. Howard and Nikolai, 1983; Hull and Wright, 1990; Brown and Huefner, 1994; Hasselback and Reinstein, 1995), the UK (e.g. Nobes, 1985, 1986; Brinn et al., 1996) and Australia (Brownell and Godfrey, 1993; Casser and Holmes, 1999). Such studies typically ask respondents to rank journals relative to one another, before seeking to combine them into either an overall aggregate ranking and/or several rankings by sub-discipline (e.g. financial, management, auditing). The stated aim of such studies is to provide some collective perception of the relative merits of journals to help guide others in making tenure, promotion and appointment decisions.

Guthrie et al. (2000), however, question the underlying motives for journal preferences and remark that despite ‘quality’ being a wide and elusive concept (Tinker & Puxty, 1995), from all the available evidence of journal rankings it is being treated as a single-dimensional concept. Furthermore, they believe if journal-ranking studies are reflecting only a single dimension of a complex ‘quality process’, then it makes sense to be clear about what it is that is in fact being measured.6 They note, “assessment of quality might reflect, inter alia, the personal influence of the journal, one's admiration for the journal, and/or one's perception of its reputation.” Some studies have sought personal attitudes, others have sought “views on others’ views”, and yet others either mix these up or are even more vague. Casser and Holmes (1999), for example, ask respondents to “rank journals from an Australian perspective”, while Hull and Wright (1990) ask respondents to “rate the value to them or to their institution of a single-authored article appearing in the main section of each publication”. For yet other approaches, Brinn et al. (1996) ask for a “personal assessment of each particular journal’s academic quality…” and Brown and Huefner (1994) ask respondents to classify journals as “Most prestigious”, “Significant” and so on.

The manner in which studies have sought to illicit responses, then, raises questions not only about what might have been measured in some cases, but also whether the studies are comparable. Guthrie et al. (2000) also question whether such measured characteristics are related to the intrinsic quality of the journals, which they suggest might include the rigour of its refereeing system; its citation in the discipline (or a relevant section of the discipline); or its readership. They

6 Guthrie et al. (2000) identify potential influences on assessments of journal quality as inter alia: (1) frequency with which the journal is read; (2) personal and library subscription rates; (3) personal submission and acceptance/rejection rates; (4) frequency with which you, and your academic heroes publish in the journal; (5) the journal’s actual rejection rate; (6) your views of how others perceive the journal; (7) your knowledge of previous ranking/reputation studies; (8) your subject/method/ideological orientation; (9) the purpose of the journal’s research; (10) the purpose of your publications; (11) your experience as a referee/editor; (12) how often you cite the journal, and; (13) how often it is recommended reading to students.



note, for example, that US ‘professional journals’ are often placed ahead of double-blind refereed non-US accounting journals in some studies, and that outside of a ‘top 4’ the rankings in many studies are highly inconsistent. To overcome these difficulties, Guthrie et al. propose a move away from uni-dimensional attempts to construct a ladder of journals towards a matrix structure that incorporates a concern for content as well as recognising objective aspects of the ‘quality process’. To date, however, no study has sought to compare the results of journal perception studies with citation measures of journals.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Citation-based and Peer-based Analyses While the relative strengths and weaknesses of citation-based and peer-based or questionnaire-based analyses of journals have been covered in the literature7, some of these are briefly covered here as they relate to the current study. Claims in favour of citation analysis are that the procedure is objective and independent of perceptions and it includes articles published prior to the publication count period (Brown and Gardner, 1985a). The procedure also confines itself to a sample of known, active, successful and peer-reviewed researchers, who, for the majority of the citations they make, will be known to be familiar with the journals they draw the citations from. Doyle et al., (1996) refer to this concept as “effortful voting”, where researchers through reading and writing express (reveal) their preferences for different journals. With citation analyses, authors get to vote for the journals by citing them, and only the journals they cite get counted. Of course, researchers do not cite everything they read, nor do they sometimes read articles they cite, and while the motives for citing published work are complex (see Jones et al., 1996b), citation analyses will indicate at least some notion of relevance to the author. Whether a citation reflects the cited article’s (and hence, journal’s) quality, however, is more debatable. Many citations, for example, are negative rather than positive. Citation analysis can also be biased in favour of popular authors, and authors can cite the popular authors to “legitimate” their own papers. Authors also cite themselves, cite review articles more often, and “hot or fashionable topics” can give rise to many short-run citations (Brown and Gardner, 1985b, pp. 86-87). While Brown and Gardner attempt to dispel many of these limitations —for example, they cite evidence that 90% of citations are in fact positive—many of these limitations are likely to be most problematic for attempts to evaluate individuals’ research. At the level of journal analysis, many of these limitations will be washed out in the aggregation process. The total of any journal’s citation count might overstate its underlying positive impact, but there is no reason to believe it will overstate it relative to other journals, especially if a reasonably long period of publications is considered.8 Peer-based approaches, of course, suffer all the usual limitations of survey-based work: namely, sample representation, non-response (often greater than 50%), question-order, and question-framing or leading question problems. The issue of journal “familiarity” also plagues journal ranking studies as does concern over the ‘referent’ (see note 6) respondents might be using to undertake the task and whether a consistent referent is used by all respondents. Questionnaire-based approaches, then, while potentially capable of capturing a wider sample of ‘voters’ (i.e. both published and non-published individuals), are potentially more likely to mix samples of motives and familiarity, unless a very careful attempt is made to instruct and classify responses. The greatest advantage to date of survey based approaches is their ability to capture a more

7 See, for example, Brown and Gardner (1985b), Brown and Huefner (1994), Hull and Wright (1990) and the not inconsequential debate that occurred in the pages of Omega between Doyle and Arthurs (1995), Jones et al. (1996a), Doyle et al. (1996), and Jones et al. (1996b). 8 Perhaps the obvious exception here is the Journal of Accounting Literature, which exclusively publishes review articles.



comprehensive set of accounting journals beyond those on the SSCI. Peer-based studies have offered some understanding of the relative merits of 40 or more other accounting journals.

Economists, Utility, Preferences and Arrow’s (1951) Impossibility Theorem Aggregating individual preference rankings into a collective preference function has long been of concern to economists. Arrow (1951) has demonstrated that subject to certain conditions of ‘reasonableness’ in most cases it is logically impossible to construct collective preference functions from individual preference functions involving 3 or more individuals making choices from 3 or more alternatives.9 As Luce and Raiffa (1957, pp. 328) explain:

Arrow sought to define “fair” methods for aggregating a set of individual rankings into a single ranking for society, given the preference rankings of m alternatives by the members of a society of n individuals. Arrow has shown that five seemingly innocuous requirements of “fairness” for social welfare functions are inconsistent (i.e. no welfare function exists which satisfies them all)...

They later (p. 369) conclude:

One might have expected, a priori, that simple majority rule would satisfy Arrow's conditions. Indeed it does except when the individual rankings are very dissimilar,10 in which case it gives rise to intransitives [i.e. illogical preference orderings]. It is natural, therefore, to search for reasonable restrictions to be placed on the profiles of individual rankings such that majority rule always leads to a consistent social ordering.

The following examples illustrate the problems of intransitives and their relevance to journal ranking studies. Suppose eleven individuals rank three alternatives (x, y, and z) as follows: x > y > z (4 individuals prefer this order) z > x > y (3 individuals prefer this order) y > z > x (4 individuals prefer this order) Where: x > y indicates x is preferred to y, and so on. Then by making pair-wise comparisons we get by simple majority rule: x > y 7 to 4; y > z 8 to 3; z > x 7 to 4. Therefore, for the group of 11 individuals we have the intransitive (i.e. illogical or circular) ordering: x > y > z > x If we were to score these preferences to calculate an aggregate function (e.g. awarding the highest ranking a “3”, second place a “2”, and so on11), then we would calculate the following: 9 Luce and Raiffa (1957), and Dasgupta and Pearce (1972) both provide readily accessible interpretations of Arrow’s impossibility theorem, and evaluate various attempts to escape it. 10 Luce and Raiffa had earlier (p. 334) noted that “Some groups, possibly because of self-selection or because of a common ethic, do not often exhibit a wide divergence of opinions, and for such societies majority rule probably never will be embarrassed by an intransitive set or orders”. 11 Note, it does not matter what arbitrary scores are used to convert these ordinal preferences into numerical values as long as we maintain the preference ordering for each individual and assume a similar intensity of preference for all individuals (e.g. 3,2,1 will generate the same results as 30,10,2).



x = 4*3 + 3*2 + 4*1 = 22 y = 4*2 + 3*1 + 4*3 = 23 z = 4*1 + 3*3 + 4*2 = 21 And conclude the following preference ordering for the group: y > x > z From the above information, however, we know y is preferred to x (y > x) by only 4 of 11 individuals, and x is preferred to z (x > z) by only 4 of 11 individuals. Consequently, the clear preference function generated for the group violates simple majority rule. Whether simple majority rule is violated is a function of the diversity of opinion about the alternatives being ranked. Consequently, fair questions to ask are how likely are we to have diverse opinions about the relative merits of journals, and how much diversity do you need before simple majority rule is violated? The citation data, which follows, suggests there is quite a lot of diversity of opinion regarding accounting journals. Moreover, the following example illustrates just how little variation is required before the preferences of the majority can be reversed. Suppose 40 individuals rank 20 journals, and we score them Journal 1 = 20, Journal 2 = 19, and so on. Further assume that a lot of these individuals are clones and they entirely agree on the rankings. If we start with all 40 in total agreement on all twenty journals then the journals would be scored as follows: Journal 1 = 800; Journal 2 = 760; Journal 3 = 720; and so on. Now, how many individuals need to be different before we can reverse these preference orderings? The answer is 3 individuals of the 40 need to rank the journals differently. If two individuals rank Journal 2 first, and Journal 1 last, and the third individual ranks Journal 2 first, and Journal 1 second, then we get the following: Journal 1 = 761; Journal 2 = 763; and Journal 3 = 720. So, despite the fact that 37 out of 40 people prefer Journal 1 to Journal 2, because of two individuals who really dislike Journal 1 and one who prefers it less to Journal 2, we have a ‘group’ preference ordering that reverses the (vast) majority view!12 Unless fair concepts such as simple majority rule are discarded, such a result seems unacceptable. Of course, many readers may object to this approach to constructing group preference orderings from individuals’ rankings because it is the analyst who is in fact ascribing to each individual’s ordinal rankings their own cardinal scale of values. The analyst under such approaches is, in effect, assuming each individual’s intensity of preferences. Furthermore, by giving each rank a score of 20, 19, 18 etc, the analyst is also assuming that all individuals prefer their first journal choice over their second by as much as they prefer their second over their third and so on. They further assume that these functions are comparable and additive. For these reasons inter alia Milne (2000) criticised Casser and Holmes’ (1999) attempt to construct rankings of journals for Australian accounting academics.

12 Of course, for this few individuals to reverse some of the preference orderings of the vast majority those individuals need to hold extremely different opinions. However, it is easy to show that moderate amounts of diversity, but still held by a minority of the group, can easily upset the majority held preferences.



However, even if individuals derive their own cardinal preference functions (which show their own intensities of preference), economists have generally abandoned the belief that you can make ‘interpersonal comparisons of utility’, and can, therefore, simply add up the values individuals ascribe to their preferences. The issue for economists is the apparent non-existence of a definitive unit of measurement. Again, to quote Luce and Raiffa (1957, p. 33):

Suppose two people are isolated from each other and each is given a measuring stick marked off in certain and possibly different arbitrary units. The one subject is given full-scale plans for an object to be constructed to the same size by the other, and he is permitted to send only messages stating angles and lengths (in his units) of the object. With such limited communication it is clearly possible for the second man to construct a scale model of the object, but it will only be of the correct size if it happens that both measuring rods are marked in the same units.

The same happens with attempts to measure journals using methods as those used by Howard and Nikolai (1983), Nobes (1985), Hull and Wright (1990) and Brinn et al. (1996), for example. While they might anchor a specific journal with a value (e.g. ABR = 100) and ask others to express intensities of preference relative to that journal, we cannot know that all individuals are expressing those preferences in like units. For example, individual A might rank AOS with a score of 120, while individual B might use a score of 130 to express the exact same intensity of preference for AOS relative to ABR (i.e. Individual B’s units of preference are 3 to Individual A’s 2). Simply assuming Individual B’s 10 extra units of preference means that they prefer AOS more than Individual A is false according to most economists. Brown and Huefner’s (1994) approach, for the most part, seems to overcome many of Arrow’s problems. For a start they ask respondents not to rank journals against each other but to categorise each journal into one of five categories including a ‘not familiar’ category. They then report the proportion of respondents that classified each journal as “category 1”, “category 2” and so on. Given the category descriptions also imply orders of difference from 1 through 5 they can also legitimately report the proportion of respondents that classified a journal as “at least category 2” (i.e. categories 1 and 2 combined). They also tend to focus on the views of the simple majority, reporting for example that >50% classified AR, JAR and JAE as category 1 journals. Greater than 50% also classified CAR, AOS, AJPT, Journal of the American Tax Association, National Tax Journal, Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, and JAPP as at least category 2 journals. Where they fall foul of economists’ concerns, however, is in their attempt to distinguish CAR and AOS from this latter group by calculating weighted average “composite” scores, and showing these scores were less than 2.00. Such a procedure, as discussed above, assumes the intensities of preference between the categories as an integer value of one, that it is the same for all individuals, and that they are comparable and additive. If economists are right, and interpersonal comparisons of utility are not possible, then we are forced to confront ordinal preferences. However, in dealing with ordinal preferences, Arrow has shown that except for situations where individuals have largely similar preference functions, we cannot aggregate individuals’ ordinal preference functions into a collective choice outcome without violating several reasonable conditions including simple majority rule. An essential step in validating journal rankings, then, is ensuring little variation exists in the ranking of alternative accounting journals. Placing reasonable restrictions on the profiles of individual rankings such that majority rule always leads to a consistent social ordering (Luce and Raiffa, 1957) is one way to achieve valid rankings.13 Examining the relative use of journals (as measured by citations) by

13 This is in effect what Brown and Huefner (1994) and Guthrie et al., (2000) do by restricting their categories to three or four journal ‘bands’. Many ranking studies (e.g. Hull & Wright) also construct several ‘sub discipline’ rankings. The studies, however, have different ways of describing or determining their bands that inevitably lead to quite different journal classifications.



authors both within a given journal and across different journals can provide insights into the extent to which such restrictions obtain for accounting academics.


The Citation Database The initial focus for the database was those academic accounting journals identified by Zeff (1996). The database was designed primarily to provide data for an examination of the relative inter-citation behaviour between accounting academics from different traditions, most notably between US- and non-US academics. Nonetheless, a sufficient spread of journals has been used to gain insights into the relative rankings of accounting journals by non-US academics. Zeff identifies 77 possible accounting research journals in existence at 1996. Zeff also collected data on the relative journal holdings from 12 university libraries from universities with accounting departments recognised for research (5 US, 5 UK, and 2 Australian). Zeff’s list was further reduced using two additional criteria. 1) The journal needed to be in existence at least from 1990 —this was to provide a sufficient time period over which to collect citations. 2) The journal needed to be held by more than half of the libraries that Zeff sampled —more widely held journals are at least available to be read and cited. To obtain a balance between US-based and non-US based journals some further minor adjustments were made.14 This produced 27 accounting journals (listed below in Table 1), all included in Brinn et al.’s (1996) study. Data collection involved two methods. First, for the five (SSCI) journals, the Web of Science ( was used. Reference data was extracted from each article to Excel™ spreadsheets where it was coded according to geographical base of the authors as non-US or US.15 Sorting by journal title then permitted citation counts to all the 27 journals for each year from 1990 to 1999 for each of the two author groups. Year dates for each of the citations was also collected to permit average-age citation calculations.

For the remaining 22 journals the citation data was collected by a physical inspection of each issue of the journal over the 10 year period, again collecting citation counts and age statistics for each author group for each of the ten years. For all the 27 journals, then, calculations of the number and age of the citations made to each journal for any combination of the years 1990-1999, and for either the combined or separate bases of US or non-US authors are possible. Individual author details of either publications or citations are not collected.

Table 1 (below) illustrates the data collected for ABR. Columns 1, 3 & 5 show journals such as Journal of Business Finance & Accounting (JBFA), JAR, AR, AOS and JAE are more widely cited in ABR over the combined period 1990-1999 compared to other journals. However, this could be because those journals are more relevant, because those journals are older, more established, and have a larger body of literature to be cited, or both these factors. The newer journals like Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (AAAJ), for example, might be cited relatively 14 Applying the age and holdings criteria generated 19 US-based journals and 10 non-US-based journals. We eliminated Issues in Accounting Education, Journal of International Financial Management and Advances in Accounting from the US list and added Financial Accountability & Management and Pacific Accounting Review to the non-US list. Both these latter journals met the age criteria although not the library holding criteria. 15 In the case of mixed nationality joint authorships (e.g. US-based and non-US based), the article was treated as US-based. While this certainly creates some bias between the categories, two points should be noted. First, the frequency of mixed US-based and non-US based authorships is small compared to all authorships. Second, to the extent there is bias, it will likely overstate the use of non-US literature by ‘US-based authors’ in this study.



less simply because they are newer rather than they are less relevant. To be able to control for the effects of age and history of a journal, therefore, a second citation measure was also developed. This was constructed on the publications in the 27 journals over the years 1995-1999, and allows for only the 1990-1999 literature to be counted for citations. This second measure permits an assessment of which journals are currently relevant to one another. For ABR, this measure is shown in columns 2,4 & 6 in Table 1.

―Table 1 About Here―

Citation Analysis After constructing data sets for all 27 journals, these were then combined in various combinations (of journals and by author groups) to examine relative citation behaviour. To generate the combinations, two methods are used. First, the raw citation counts for each journal from within the various journal combinations are simply added together and compared. For example, in calculating an all authors-all journals citation pattern, the 516 citations to The Accounting Review appearing in ABR would be added together with all the other citations to The Accounting Review appearing in the other journals to generate a total count for The Accounting Review. This total count could then be compared against the like totals for the other journals. Whether ‘self citations’—to The Accounting Review within The Accounting Review—are included depends whether one is interested in the relative impact of a journal beyond itself or both to itself and more widespread. Both measures are used in this study and made explicit where they are excluded. Table 2 provides a breakdown of the total citation data set (including ‘self-citations’) by groups of journals (e.g. SSCI, other US, other non-US) and groups of authors (e.g. US, non-US) for both the 1990-99 publication period and the 1995-1999 publication period.

―Table 2 About Here― Based on all literature available for citing and on 10 years of publications in the 27 journals, the total citation data set generates 55,750 citations. Of these, US-based authors account for 32,448 and non-US authors 23,302. US-based authors clearly prefer to use US-based journals with eleven non-US journals (other than AOS—a SSCI journal) accounting for only 8.5% (2746/32,448) of all US-based authors’ citations. Citations in SSCI journals account for 43% of all US-based authors’ citations from this data set, while citations to SSCI journals account for 77% of all US-based authors’ citations. In contrast, for non-US authors, citations in SSCI journals account for only 13.5% of their citations, while citations to SSCI journals account for 57% of all their citations. The eleven non-US journals account for 29% of all non-US authors’ citations. When examined on the basis of the most recent 10 years’ literature and most recent 5 years’ publications (lower panels in Table 2) these patterns repeat, except for non-US authors, where non-US journals become relatively more important (41%), and citations to SSCI journals decline overall to 40%.16

16 More dramatic differences can be seen between US and non-US based authors when the classifications are kept to strictly US/non-US journals as follows:

US-based Authors Non-US based Authors US Journals Non-US Journals US Journals Non-US Journals US Journals 21885 5067 3039 7765 Non-US Journals 2018 3478 945 11553 US Journals 6629 964 877 1957 Non-US Journals 586 1030 361 4634



Combining raw citation counts may create bias by giving more weight to those journals that have more issues in the ten-year period and consequently publish more papers, especially when ‘self-citations’ are not equal amongst journals. As far as is known, however, there are no limitations placed by any journal on the number of articles that might be read and cited within any particular article. Also some journals have established a tradition in which the papers published seem to have much longer lists of references than others. Nonetheless, to control for potential variations, a proportional based measure can be used that “normalises” each journal’s contribution to the total citation count for all journals at one unit (1.0). In other words, when combining several journals’ citation patterns, each journal carries equal weight regardless of the volume of material it has published. For example, from Table 1 The Accounting Review would count as a proportion 0.185 (516/2795) for all authors, 0.177 (416/2351) for non-US authors, and 0.225 (100/444) for US authors. Like proportions calculated for The Accounting Review in each of the other journals could then be added (and averaged) to generate a total proportion score for each journal/author set combination. Again, the option exists to include or exclude a journal’s own proportion within such an aggregate. Both the raw count and the normalised methods were applied to the two different data sets. In the event, however, both the raw count and normalised methods generated very highly correlated measures for given data set/journal set/author combinations.17 Therefore, only the results for the normalised (proportional) method are reported in the next section.


Relative Citation Behaviour

Note that the 27 accounting journal citations collected are likely to collectively account for much less than half of the total citations made in any one accounting journal, yet they may collectively account for almost 100% of the accounting journal citations made in any one journal.18 Tables 3 to 6 below show the relative use of the 27 accounting journals for each journal in groupings of: (1) ‘self-citation’, (2) ‘top 4’ citations—it is evident that AR, JAR, JAE and AOS individually often account for a significant proportion of the citations in each journal, although all four are not always important for all journals, (3) non-US journals, (4) US journals. Tables 3 to 6 also indicate the five most important individual journals that account for each journal. Tables 3 and 5 report for non-US authors for the 1990-99 publication/all cited literature and the 1995-99 publication/1990-1999 cited literature measures respectively. Tables 4 and 6 report like measures for US-based authors.

17 All the correlation coefficients between the two methods for the different author sets, database sets and journal sets fell in the range 0.92 to 0.99. 18 This can be evidenced with reference to the five journals on the SSCI. For example, over the period 1990-1999, a total of 10392 citations appeared in The Accounting Review. Of these, 4034 (39%) were associated with the 27 journals, and very few other citations associated with other ‘accounting’ journals were observed. Likewise with JAR, 38% of the total citations over the ten years were extracted. For JAE and AJPT the proportions extracted were 39%, while for AOS, it equaled 22%. Clearly these US journals indicate a remarkable evenness in their relative reliance on accounting journals, while AOS is relatively far less reliant. There will, however, be a small amount of understatement in these results due to ‘in-press’ or ‘forthcoming’ articles that were not classified. While not all accounting journal citations have been collected due to accounting journals excluded, these exclusions are considered unlikely to materially change the results. For example, the Pacific Accounting Review was included in the sample. Across the 27 journals over the ten years, this journal generated 36 citations in both itself and the other journals. The total citation pool created from the 27 journals is in excess of 55000. Even some well-known journals created relatively small proportions of citations across the entire set. Behavioral Research in Accounting, and Accounting and Finance, for example, generate less than ½ % each of the citation set.



―Table 3 About Here―

Table 3 groups the journals into non-US and US based on editorial residence. For the most part this seems to coincide with the relative magnitude of overall citations shown in column 1. CPA, and CAR, however, are obvious exceptions. Clearly there are few citations shown for AR, JAR and JAE consistent with so few non-US authors publishing in these journals over the past 10 years. Table 3 shows that for non-US AOS authors, about 75% of their accounting journal citations are made up of AOS itself, AR and JAR, with the remaining 25% split roughly evenly between eleven non-US journals and twelve US journals. Of these, however, no one journal stands out as particularly important. Like analyses could be done for the remaining journals individually, but several overall observations can also be made. First, is the dominance of four main journals (JAR, JAE, AR, and AOS) in the authors’ citation behaviour. Across all 27 journals, AR is found to account for at least 5% of the accounting journal citations, AOS in 22 journals, JAR in 20 journals, and JAE in 16 journals. Collectively, these four journals typically account for about 50% of the citations in the remaining journals, and in some cases (e.g. CAR, A&F, and many US-based journals) much more. Second, the non-US journals collectively account for about 20% of the citations within each of the non-US journals (the exceptions being CAR and A&F), on average, about 2% per journal. ABR, however, is more important (accounting for at least 5% of the citations in 7 of the 10 non-US journals). ABR is also important for non-US authors publishing in US journals. Several other individual journals (e.g. JBFA, AAAJ) are also important to some journals, but generally most lesser non-US journals (i.e. outside the top 4) do not show up as being used much by non-US authors. JBFA is important for non-US authors publishing in JAE, but these are relatively few to JAE’s total publications and citations. Third, of the lesser US journals, very few individually stand out, and on average these 12 journals account for a little over 1% each of each journals’ citations. Table 4 repeats the analysis for US-based authors. In this case it is clear that within the top 4, it is the ‘top 3’ that are even more dominant with about 82% of the accounting journal citations being either to themselves or the other three journals. AOS, however, accounts for less than 5% of the citations found in each of the top three American-based journals. Lesser non-US journals account for less than ½ % each within this group, and lesser US journals do little better at about 1% each.

―Table 4 About Here―

Again, within the lesser journals (both US and non-US), the top 4 journals collectively account for about 60% of the total accounting journal citations. All four are not always equally relevant to all journals, however, and is notable that AOS is less relevant to the more market orientated journals (e.g. CAR, JAAF), while JAE is less relevant to the more behavioural orientated journals (e.g. BRIA, AJPT). Of the lesser US journals, only Accounting Horizons (AH) and AJPT show as individually important journals with any regularity, while JAPP, AAAJ and CPA show some importance to one or two journals. Most US journals, however, on average account for about 1-2% of the citations each. The lesser non-US journals typically account on average for less than 1% each of the citations within either US or non-US journals, but especially for US authors publishing in US journals. Even when publishing outside the US, then, US-based authors on average cite their own lesser journals (about 20% collectively) more than lesser non-US journals (about 10%). To examine the relative use of the current literature, Tables 5 and 6 repeat the analysis shown in Tables 3 and 4 using the last five years’ publications and ten years’ literature. Having dropped the pre 1990 literature, Table 5 shows a somewhat different picture. In the case of non-US AOS authors, for example, AAAJ and CPA publications now become relatively more important than AR



and JAR publications. Likewise, for most other non-US journals, the top 4 have become less relevant, collectively now accounting for about a third of all accounting journal citations. In several cases, many of the American ‘top 3’ have individually dropped below 5% of the citations. A wider range of other non-US journals than ABR, including for example AAAJ, JBFA, and CAR (especially for US publications), are also now appearing as generally important sources of literature for non-US authors. Table 5 also shows a much wider range of journals that are now individually important to at least one other journal. Nonetheless, there are still a number of lesser journals that individually, and collectively, appear to be little cited. Very few of the lesser US journals appear, for example, and collectively on average these journals still account for less than 2% of the citations each.

―Table 5 About Here―

Comparisons of Tables 4 and 6 also reveal significant changes in journal usage for US-based authors when the pre 1990 literature is dropped. Within the top 4, for example, AJPT and CAR have now showed up as important journals. Nonetheless, within the American top 3, those same top 3 still account for between 70 and 80% of the accounting journal citations. The top 4, or in some cases, top 3, still account for about 50% of all the citations in many non-US journals and lesser US journals. The obvious changes are the rise of CAR and AJPT more generally, and the relative decline of AOS within the lesser journals, and especially those now more concerned with traditional financial accounting matters (e.g. IJA, JAPP). AH continues to be cited by many US authors throughout a number of journals, but also now appearing of some importance within some of the lesser US journals are BRIA, JAL and AAAJ. Again, it is clear far more journals show up as at least important to one other journal for US authors once the older literature is dropped. However, it is also clear that on average non-US journals individually account for less than 1% each of the citations by US authors publishing in many US journals and some non-US journals (e.g. CAR and JBFA).

―Table 6 About Here―

Citations and Peer-Based Rankings From Tables 3 through 6, apart from the top 4 journals and a few others, it is clear that many journals appear on average to receive relatively little general use by both US and non-US authors. Of course, for some journals this is not surprising. Some journals (e.g. MAR, JMAR) are quite specialised and their general use would not be expected. Nonetheless, other journals (e.g. JAPP, JAAF), which often receive very high rankings in peer-based assessments in both the US and UK, appear to receive little use by authors. Such observations not only beg the question of why such journals might be so highly regarded yet so little used, but also lead to a more systematic exploration of journal usage and peer-based rankings. Tables 7 and 8 below provide two such explorations. Table 7 reports the average proportions (in %) of citations each journal accounts for within a given set of journal publications. Column 1 in Table 7, for example, reports that the Accounting Review accounts for an average proportion of 18.13% of the citations made by all authors publishing in the remaining 26 journals (‘self citations’ within the Accounting Review being excluded) over the period 1990 to 1999. Column 2 provides the ranks of like calculations for this and the other journals. Column 3 shows average citation proportions for all authors and all journals, but for the restricted publication (1995-99) and citation (1990-99) periods. Columns 5 and 7 report average proportions for non-US authors publishing in the 11 non-US journals (excluding self citations but including AOS), while columns 9 and 11 report for US-based authors publishing in 14 US-based journals (including the top 3, but excluding self citations). The last



three columns report the results of three peer-based studies conducted during the last ten years in the UK and US.

―Table 7 About Here―

Several things stand out in Table 7. Most notable is further confirmation of the ‘top 4’: AR, JAR, AOS and JAE are consistently the most used journals, and consistently peer ranked as the top 4.19 Moreover, they clearly dominate the other journals in relative usage, and especially on the longer publication/all literature measures. Outside these four journals, the remaining journals generally each account for relatively low proportions of the citations, and while it is possible to rank them the differences between many of them are trivial. Also of note is the widespread variance between the rankings of these lesser journals both within the citation data, within the peer-based ranks, and across both approaches. ABR, for example, ranges from 5th to 15th, AH from 5th to 24th, AAAJ from 6th to 20th, AJPT from 6th to 16th, and JAPP from 6th to 23rd to name a few. In some cases the peer-based rankings are much higher, and in other cases much lower. There are also variations across US and non-US authors/studies. Despite the widespread variation in the lesser journal rankings, the rank correlation coefficients between all the six different citation measures are significant at less than 1% and all exceed 0.65 or better. Significant and high correlation coefficients, then, do not necessarily provide much assurance about agreement over relative ranks.

How should we make sense of Table 7, especially in regard to the ‘middle order’ journals? Clearly there is a top 4, and clearly there are some journals that are consistently less used and less thought of by the respondents to the surveys, but how do we decide, for example, which of CAR, ABR, AJPT or AAAJ is higher ranked than the others? How should we make sense of the conflicting results? While the separation between US and non-US authors and US and non-US journals, and the separation between the current literature and all literature partly explain the results, Table 8 below shows the issues are more complex.

―Table 8 About Here― Table 8 shows the likelihood of mixing up relatively different sets of journal usage even when the literature and author bases are controlled. It is not simply a case of US authors using US journals more than non-US journals, or non-US authors using non-US journals more. As one might expect, journal usage clusters around research interests, which themselves cluster round journals. Table 8 shows four such possible clusters: two largely US-based and two largely non-US based. The four clusters, labeled ‘Traditional’, ‘Social/Organisational’, ‘Markets’ and ‘Behavioural’, are constructed around the 1995-99 publications/1990-99 citations in four groups of journals. ‘Self citations’ are excluded, and consequently the inclusion of a journal in a group is not a factor explaining its relatively higher citation within that group. Table 8 shows the specific importance (8-10% of the citations) of each of ABR, AAAJ, CAR, and AJPT to one group, and also illustrates that the ‘top 4’ journals are no longer universally dominant. While relative journal use does separate along lines of author base and journal base, it is evident this separation is most blurred by research cluster for non-US authors. Within the two US-based research clusters, however, only two non-US journals appear inside the first 10 journals for both clusters: AOS and CAR. Why these two journals have relatively high levels of usage from US-based authors can be found in the relatively high levels of US-authors they each publish, and the fact that about 80% of the citations made to these two journals by US-based authors are of US-based authors.20 19 While AOS is shown as fifth in Brown and Huefner’s ranks here, they also treat it in one of their tables as equal with CAR suggesting little separates the two in their minds. 20 An analysis of three SSCI journals (JAR, AR, and AJPT) reveals that non-US authors publishing in AOS or CAR were cited by US-based authors publishing in JAR, AR and AJPT over the period 1990-99 as follows. (1) JAR—AOS 12%, CAR 21% (2) AR—AOS 24%, CAR 14% (3) AJPT—AOS 19%.



The relationships between these four clusters, the previous citation patterns, and the peer-based rankings are shown in Table 9.21 Table 9 shows that Brinn et al.’s UK peer-based rankings have more in common with previous US peer-based rankings, and US authors’ citation patterns than they do with non-US authors’ relative citation behaviour. On current literature, Brinn et al.’s results have more in common with both the US-based research clusters than they do with either of the non-US research clusters. In contrast, Brown & Huefner’s and Hull and Wright’s US peer-based rankings are closely associated with each other, and with the use of the journal literature by US-based authors. Brown and Huefner restricted their peer-based ranking to senior faculty at 40 leading US business schools, so it is perhaps not surprising that the correlation between the ranks of journals for those respondents, and the citation behaviour of the US ‘Markets’ authors is as high as 0.940.

―Table 9 About Here―

US-based authors are more homogeneous in their relative use of journals as evidenced by the 0.775 correlation coefficient between the two US-based research clusters. The non-US based research clusters, however, are less related to each other (rho=0.249, p=0.210), and Brinn et al.’s rankings are much less related to the ‘Social/Organisational’ cluster than the ‘Traditional’ cluster. Both these clusters, however, are quite substantial: each accounts for about 40% of the citations (about 3000 each) in the non-US author pool for 1995-99 publications (see Table 5).

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS If citation behaviour indicates a close degree of familiarity with journals by known active researchers, then the citation analysis raises several questions about Brinn et al.’s peer-based results. Why, for example, do UK accounting scholars rate more highly journals that they do not “seriously” read and consider relevant to their own work than the journals that they more regularly use?22 Was Brinn et al.’s sample non-representative or is there a real inconsistency between the stated preferences for journals and the use of journals by UK scholars? If it is not familiarity and relevance, then upon what basis are the peer-based rankings being made? Given the sizable and quite distinct research clusters, should one even attempt to develop universal journal rankings for UK academics? And, consequently, to what extent are Brinn et al.’s rankings relevant for rating UK-academics’ publications? Most economists have dismissed the possibility of interpersonal comparisons of utility, and therefore would find Brinn et al.’s scoring and aggregation process unacceptable. Such a position requires the generation of collective preference functions to fall back on aggregating ordinal preferences, and suggests at the very least that Brinn et al. would need to reexamine their data as ordinal. The problem with ordinal preferences, however, as Arrow as clearly indicated, is that where diversity exists among individual preference orderings, any group or collective preference function is likely to violate the views of the majority. For Brinn et al.’s results to have validity, then, requires a demonstration that the ordinal preferences of their respondents were not 21 A point of clarification is necessary here. If, in fact, the peer-based rankings of Hull & Wright (1990) and Brinn et al, (1996) fall foul of Arrow’s concerns, then those rankings are invalid and cannot be compared to the rankings based on usage as measured by citation. Table 9 proceeds on the assumption that the peer-based rankings are valid and seeks to compare relative use (i.e. behaviour) with statements (i.e. attitudes) about journals. 22 The reader will no doubt note that the citation data measures the behaviour of non-US based authors rather than UK-based authors, and perhaps differences between the citation measures and Brinn et al.’s measures are due to these measurement differences. While this remains a possibility, it must be a remote possibility, for it would require that the non-UK non-US based authors cite the US literature much less than their UK counterparts, and/or they dominate the non-US citation data pool. Comparisons of the citation behaviour of non-US authors in Australian-based, UK-based and European-based journals (see Tables 3 and 5), however, do not indicate widely different uses of US journals.



sufficiently dissimilar to violate majority rule. As counts of individual preference orderings are not provided for each journal in Brinn et al.’s published results it is not possible to comment on the diversity of opinion in their study. However, the relative use of journals, as measured by the citation patterns across a wide range of accounting journals, and within two quite distinct research clusters, suggests likely divergence of opinion regarding accounting journals. Consequently, the limitations associated with ranking studies like Brinn et al.’s seem to be more deep rooted than the sampling, familiarity and other empirical problems that were outlined earlier in this paper. Whether Brinn et al.’s sample is non-representative is difficult to judge, but there is a significant overlap between the journals included in the two non-US research clusters in this study and the journals their respondents identify as having been published in. Given such overlap why are their ranking results so unrelated to the relative journal use shown in the citation data for non-US authors? Even for the restricted ‘Traditional’ group there are quite distinct differences in the ranks of several journals (e.g. JAPP, JAAF). Brinn et al. report that the respondents were mostly ranking journals on the basis of ‘general quality of the articles published…’, ‘subject area of the journal’, ‘difficulty of getting published in the journal’, and ‘the research methodology generally followed in the journal’. Of course, as Guthrie et al. (2000) point out, journal appreciation is a complex process, and citing journals is not the same as rating their quality. Nonetheless, comparisons of Brinn et al.’s results and the citation data do beg the question that if the quality of certain journals’ articles are perceived to be so much better than other journals why are they cited so little? Other than four journals, very few others are generally cited, and on average account for less than 1-2% of the citations unless one restricts the examination to one or a few journals (as in the case of the research clusters). Even with such restrictions, however, it is generally only a small number of journals that are relevant. Even if little divergence exists, does it make sense to develop universal journal rankings (and particularly refined ones that rank from say 1 to 20) when so many of the journals are generally so little used? Are the lesser journals really that different? Furthermore, it is worth remembering that of the 77 accounting research journals identified by Zeff (1996), this study typically includes the older more established and more widely distributed 27 journals. Consequently, would it not make more sense to develop broad bands within different research clusters as Guthrie et al. (2000) suggest, and as Brown and Huefner (1994) have effectively done by restricting their sample and the ‘ranking’ task? Finally, some points of clarification about the citation analysis are needed. What the citation data show is the relative use of journals by published members of the accounting community. In fact, to the extent that authors focus their publishing efforts on a few journals, it appears there is more than one accounting research community. The relative use of journals not only varies by the residential base of the authors, particularly US-based v. non-US based, but also, not surprisingly, by the research orientation of particular journals. Furthermore, as McRae (1974) had observed back in 1970, and Brown and Gardner (1985b) later confirmed, American-based authors make very little use of research findings from journals outside of the U.S. Thirty years on, and across a much wider set of journals, this finding still holds. Even with the apparent exceptions of AOS and CAR, it turns out that 80% of the citations to AOS and CAR in leading US journals are to US-based authors. What the citation analysis does not show is the relative usefulness or relative quality of accounting journals. Despite Doyle et al.’s claims that citation data represent “effortful voting” any attempt to aggregate one individual’s citations with another’s to determine an aggregate preference function for journals would also fall foul of economists’ concerns. In the same way that it is unreasonable for Brinn et al. and others to assume that if an individual’s score for a journal is X units greater than another’s they must prefer the journal more, it is unreasonable to assume that a ‘citation’ as a unit of measurement means the same to all authors in terms of journal preference or usefulness. Extra citations (at best) measure extra reading or journal use, not necessarily extra



usefulness nor extra quality (whatever that means). Nonetheless, despite these differences, one would expect the use and stated usefulness of journals to coincide, in the same way one expects behaviour and attitude to coincide. The fact that they appear to do so for US-based accounting scholars, but not for non-US based accounting scholars raises issues worthy of further research.



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Accounting and Business Research

Cited Journal All Authors Non-US Authors US Authors 1990-99 1995-99 1990-99 1995-99 1990-99 1995-99

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 52 33 47 29 5 4 Abacus 73 23 65 20 8 3 Accounting & Business Research 473 116 428 106 45 10 Accounting & Finance 26 5 22 4 4 1 Accounting Horizons 67 35 57 30 10 5 Accounting Historians Journal 22 2 17 2 5 0 Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 88 33 53 18 35 15 Accounting, Organisations & Society 210 41 174 39 36 2 Advances in Public Interest Accounting 14 2 13 1 1 1 Accounting Review 516 89 416 67 100 22 British Accounting Review 48 20 48 19 0 1 Behavioural Research in Accounting 8 8 4 5 4 3 Contemporary Accounting Research 53 37 44 33 9 4 Critical Perspectives on Accounting 24 16 23 16 1 0 European Accounting Review 33 28 31 26 2 2 Financial Accountability & Management 18 6 18 6 0 0 International Journal of Accounting 56 14 46 12 10 2 Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 42 14 36 10 6 4 Journal of Accounting & Economics 300 83 260 72 40 11 Journal of Accounting Literature 41 10 33 9 8 1 Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 35 12 31 10 4 2 Journal of Accounting Research 372 64 278 49 94 15 Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 192 63 176 55 16 8 Journal of Cost Management 5 5 5 5 0 0 Journal of Management Accounting Research 7 6 6 6 1 0 Management Accounting Research 18 20 18 20 0 0 Pacific Accounting Review 2 0 2 0 0 0 Total 2795 786 2351 670 444 116





Citations by US-based Authors Citations by Non-US-based Authors Citations from: SSCI

Journals US-based Journals

Non-US Journals

SSCI Journals

US-based Journals

Non-US Journals

1990-99 publication period/All literature cited SSCI Journals 12045 8160 4783 2478 2702 8177 Other US-based Journals 1154 2817 743 307 988 1833 Other Non-US-based Journals 752 1014 980 369 842 5606 1995-1999 publication period/1990-99 literature cited SSCI Journals 3022 1899 1062 583 648 1908 Other US-based Journals 469 1311 279 161 448 841 Other Non-US-based Journals 339 444 384 204 380 2656






Percentages of a Journal’s Accounting Journal Citations

N Self Top 4 Non-US US Top 5 Journals*

ABR 2408 0.181 0.478 0.205 0.136 ABR, AR, JAR, JAE, JBFA AOS 2387 0.539 0.215 0.130 0.116 AOS, AR, JAR, CPA, AAAJ JBFA 2145 0.220 0.564 0.153 0.064 JAR, JBFA, AR, JAE, ABR AAAJ 2036 0.168 0.478 0.199 0.155 AOS, AAAJ, AR, ABR, CPA EAR 1775 0.127 0.477 0.238 0.157 AOS, AR, EAR, JAR, ABR BAR 1696 0.085 0.485 0.294 0.136 AOS, AR, JAR, ABR, BAR MAR 1368 0.136 0.491 0.195 0.178 AOS, MAR, AR, JCM, JMAR A&F 930 0.099 0.657 0.142 0.102 AR, JAR, JAE, AF, AOS FAM 868 0.354 0.341 0.196 0.109 FAM, AOS, AAAJ, AR, ABR

Abacus 864 0.146 0.469 0.216 0.169 AR, ABACUS, JAR, ABR, AOS PAR 688 0.019 0.563 0.243 0.176 AR, AOS, JAR, JAE, ABR CAR 580 0.107 0.733 0.052 0.109 AR, JAR, JAE, CAR, AOS

CPA 1396 0.107 0.646 0.152 0.095 AOS, CPA, AR, AAAJ, JAR IJA 888 0.170 0.419 0.280 0.131 AR, IJA, JAR, ABR, AOS

JAAF 438 0.055 0.785 0.068 0.091 JAR, AR, JAE, JAAF, AJPT JAL 345 0.035 0.617 0.157 0.191 AR, AOS, JAR, JAE, IJA JAPP 319 0.125 0.527 0.241 0.107 AR, JAR, JAPP, JAE, ABR AJPT 317 0.303 0.584 0.069 0.044 AJPT, JAR, AR, AOS, JAE AHJ 269 0.178 0.390 0.323 0.108 AOS, AHJ, ABR, AR, AAAJ

JMAR 257 0.109 0.568 0.148 0.175 AOS, AR, JMAR, MAR, JCM BRIA 247 0.081 0.729 0.089 0.101 AOS, AR, JAR, BRIA, AJPT APIA 228 0.057 0.645 0.211 0.088 AOS, AR, AAAJ, APIA, CPA AR 189 0.296 0.571 0.058 0.074 JAR, AR, JAE, AOS, CAR JAR 158 0.430 0.380 0.063 0.127 JAR, AR, JAE, AOS, AJPT AH 117 0.256 0.376 0.214 0.154 AH, JAR, AR, JAE, AOS JAE 109 0.440 0.339 0.138 0.083 JAE, AR, JAR, JBFA, AJPT JCM 39 0.590 0.205 0.000 0.205 JCM, AR, AH, JMAR, AOS

* These journals are in rank order from most cited.






Percentages of a Journal’s Accounting Journal Citations

N Self Top 4 Non-US US Top 5 Journals*

AOS 2738 0.380 0.405 0.051 0.163 AOS, AR, JAR, AJPT, JAE CAR 2659 0.097 0.749 0.020 0.133 JAR, AR, JAE, CAR, AJPT JBFA 1355 0.124 0.737 0.053 0.086 JAR, AR, JAE, JBFA, CAR AAAJ 869 0.089 0.626 0.069 0.216 AOS, AR, AAAJ, CPA, JAR ABR 476 0.099 0.609 0.103 0.189 AR, JAR, JAE, ABR, AJPT

Abacus 349 0.072 0.648 0.117 0.163 AR, JAR, JAE, AOS, ABACUS BAR 234 0.026 0.752 0.103 0.120 AR, JAE, JAR, AOS, ABR MAR 201 0.075 0.592 0.040 0.294 AOS, JAR, AR, JCM, JMAR EAR 122 0.148 0.516 0.123 0.213 JAR, JAE, EAR, AR, AH A&F 92 0.043 0.609 0.087 0.261 JAR, AR, JAE, AJPT, AOS FAM 92 0.065 0.554 0.152 0.228 JAE, JAR, AR, JAPP, FAM PAR 78 0.013 0.526 0.115 0.346 AR, JAE, JAR, AH, AJPT

AR 3845 0.296 0.522 0.050 0.132 JAR, AR, JAE, AJPT, CAR JAE 2580 0.405 0.502 0.048 0.046 JAE, JAR, AR, CAR, AH

AJPT 2494 0.265 0.578 0.055 0.102 AJPT, AR, JAR, AOS, JAE JAR 2361 0.401 0.396 0.069 0.135 JAR, AR, JAE, AJPT, CAR

JAAF 1893 0.054 0.803 0.063 0.080 JAR, AR, JAE, JAAF, CAR AH 1736 0.157 0.600 0.065 0.154 AR, JAR, AH, JAE, AOS JAL 1629 0.026 0.621 0.119 0.234 JAR, AR, AOS, AJPT, JAE JAPP 1475 0.097 0.661 0.065 0.177 AR, JAR, JAE, JAPP, AOS BRIA 1395 0.059 0.665 0.057 0.219 AR, JAR, AOS, AJPT, BRIA IJA 995 0.268 0.415 0.156 0.161 IJA, AR, JAR, AOS, AH CPA 957 0.085 0.608 0.114 0.193 AOS, AR, CPA, AH, AAAJ

JMAR 776 0.106 0.679 0.044 0.171 AR, AOS, JAR, JMAR, JCM AHJ 634 0.121 0.604 0.132 0.142 AR, AOS, AHJ, JAR, AH

APIA 363 0.154 0.598 0.069 0.171 AOS, AR, APIA, JAR, AH JCM 252 0.738 0.095 0.020 0.147 JCM, AH, JMAR, AR, AOS

*These journals are in rank order from most cited.






Percentages of a Journal’s Accounting Journal Citations

N Self Top 4 Non-US US Top 5 Journals*

AAAJ 896 0.300 0.279 0.229 0.192 AAAJ, AOS, CPA, BAR, FAM EAR 875 0.239 0.331 0.256 0.174 EAR, AOS, ABR, JAR, JAE AOS 742 0.484 0.066 0.241 0.209 AOS, CPA, AAAJ, MAR, JMAR ABR 670 0.158 0.339 0.316 0.187 ABR, JAE, AR, JBFA, JAR JBFA 657 0.336 0.361 0.225 0.078 JBFA, JAE, AR, JAR, ABR MAR 553 0.269 0.289 0.199 0.242 MAR, AOS, JMAR, JCM, AAAJ BAR 524 0.126 0.334 0.370 0.170 BAR, AOS, ABR, JBFA, AR FAM 318 0.431 0.204 0.270 0.094 FAM, AOS, AAAJ, AH, MAR A&F 269 0.138 0.509 0.193 0.160 AR, JAR, AF, JAE, AOS PAR 256 0.027 0.395 0.301 0.277 AOS, AR, JAE, AAAJ, CPA

Abacus 221 0.199 0.326 0.294 0.181 ABACUS, ABR, AOS, AR, JAR CAR 170 0.147 0.694 0.076 0.082 JAR, JAE, AR, CAR, AOS

CPA 449 0.236 0.477 0.209 0.078 AOS, CPA, AAAJ, APIA, BAR IJA 248 0.177 0.218 0.379 0.226 IJA, AOS, ABR, EAR, AH

JAAF 160 0.081 0.638 0.131 0.150 AR, JAR, JAE, JAAF, CAR JAPP 114 0.096 0.333 0.333 0.237 AR, JAE, IJA, ABR, JAPP AHJ 108 0.157 0.287 0.444 0.111 AOS, AAAJ, AHJ, ABR, CPA

JMAR 105 0.190 0.448 0.248 0.114 AOS, JMAR, MAR, AR, AH AJPT 88 0.409 0.409 0.136 0.045 AJPT, AR, JAE, JAR, AOS JAL 87 0.046 0.540 0.195 0.218 AOS, AR, JAE, JAR, IJA

BRIA 76 0.145 0.526 0.145 0.184 AOS, AR, BRIA, JAR, AJPT JAR 58 0.431 0.397 0.086 0.086 JAR, AOS, AR, CAR, JAE

APIA 57 0.035 0.474 0.281 0.211 AOS, CPA, AAAJ, MAR, JMAR AH 56 0.286 0.268 0.268 0.179 AH, IJA, JAE, JAR, AAAJ JAE 45 0.311 0.400 0.178 0.111 Too few publications JCM 19 0.526 0.211 0.000 0.263 “ AR 17 0.176 0.588 0.000 0.235 “

* These journals are in rank order from most cited.






Percentages of a Journal’s Accounting Journal Citations

N Self Top 4 Non-US US Top 5 Journals*

CAR 765 0.169 0.671 0.004 0.157 AR, JAR, JAE, CAR, AJPT, AOS 615 0.395 0.249 0.091 0.265 AOS, AR, AJPT, JAR, CPA JBFA 305 0.180 0.584 0.098 0.138 AR, JAR, JBFA, JAE, CAR AAAJ 195 0.190 0.400 0.056 0.354 AOS, CPA, AAAJ, AH, AR ABR 116 0.086 0.431 0.198 0.284 AR, AJPT, JAR, JAE, ABR

Abacus 95 0.042 0.505 0.168 0.284 AR, AH, JAE, JAR, AOS MAR 90 0.122 0.533 0.067 0.278 AOS, JMAR, MAR, JAE, AR EAR 64 0.234 0.422 0.156 0.188 EAR, JAE, JAR, AH, ABR PAR 30 0.033 0.267 0.200 0.500 Too few publications BAR 24 0.042 0.458 0.208 0.292 “ A&F 23 0.130 0.652 0.087 0.130 “ FAM 20 0.050 0.350 0.250 0.350 “

AR 985 0.320 0.432 0.080 0.168 AR, JAR, JAE, CAR, AJPT JAE 895 0.373 0.470 0.094 0.063 JAE, JAR, AR, CAR, AH JAR 766 0.321 0.394 0.095 0.189 JAR, AR, JAE, CAR, AJPT AH 666 0.231 0.477 0.080 0.168 AH, JAE, JAR, AR, CAR

AJPT 592 0.340 0.402 0.079 0.179 AJPT, AR, JAR, AH, BRIA BRIA 510 0.125 0.512 0.076 0.286 AR, AOS, AJPT, JAR, BRIA JAL 508 0.024 0.463 0.171 0.343 JAR, AR, AOS, AJPT, CAR

JAAF 503 0.107 0.654 0.123 0.115 AR, JAE, JAR, JAAF, CAR JAPP 472 0.138 0.398 0.091 0.373 AR, JAPP, JAR, AJPT, JAE IJA 279 0.226 0.258 0.190 0.326 IJA, AH, JAR, AR, CAR

JMAR 247 0.243 0.494 0.073 0.190 JMAR, AOS, AR, JAE, JCM CPA 208 0.216 0.375 0.207 0.202 AOS, CPA, AAAJ, AH, AR AHJ 133 0.188 0.263 0.256 0.293 AOS, AHJ, CPA, AAAJ, AH JCM 103 0.650 0.087 0.019 0.243 JCM, AH, JMAR, JAE, AR APIA 79 0.304 0.278 0.127 0.278 APIA, AOS, AH, AAAJ, BRIA

* These journals are in rank order from most cited.



TABLE 7: AVERAGE CITATION PROPORTIONS BY JOURNAL AND PEER-BASED RANKINGS Average Proportion of Citations Accounted For By:♣ Peer-Based Journal Rankings*

All Authors/All Journals Non-US Authors/Non-US Journals US Authors/US Journals Brinn et al. Brown &

Huefner♠ Hull & Wright

1990-99 1995-99 1990-99 1995-99 1990-99 1995-99 1996 1994 1990 AR 18.13 1 11.67 2 15.27 2 8.24 2 21.34 1 13.74 1 3 1 2 JAR 16.06 2 8.86 3 12.59 3 6.97 4 18.36 2 10.58 2 2 2 1 AOS 13.64 3 11.78 1 15.73 1 12.54 1 9.93 3 9.11 3 4 5 4 JAE 8.24 4 8.05 4 7.31 4 7.69 3 8.57 4 7.84 4 1 3 3 ABR 3.34 5 3.16 9 6.28 5 5.60 5 1.04 12 1.22 15 8 15 11 AH 2.72 6 4.97 5 1.98 8 3.48 7 3.61 5 7.05 5 24 11 13 AJPT 2.66 7 3.21 8 1.62 10 1.57 16 3.46 6 4.21 7 12 6 8 JBFA 2.14 8 1.79 11 3.57 6 3.07 9 1.13 11 0.75 18 7 10 7 CAR 1.96 9 3.81 7 1.20 15 2.57 10 2.38 7 4.67 6 5 4 AAAJ 1.83 10 4.04 6 2.76 7 5.43 6 0.89 13 2.30 8 20 JAL 1.53 11 1.43 13 1.26 13 1.08 21 1.79 8 1.86 11 10 9 10 JAPP 1.36 12 1.12 18 1.11 16 0.75 23 1.52 9 1.47 13 6 8 9 JAAF 1.17 13 1.34 14 0.93 19 1.10 18 1.46 10 1.52 12 9 7 6 Abacus 1.16 14 1.08 19 1.47 12 1.64 15 0.83 15 0.65 19 17 12 12 CPA 1.06 15 2.66 10 1.53 11 3.36 8 0.55 18 1.92 10 13 20 JCM 0.91 16 0.95 21 1.10 17 1.14 17 0.68 16 0.83 16 19 19 JMAR 0.89 17 1.58 12 0.86 21 1.72 14 0.84 14 1.44 14 11 13 IJA 0.88 18 0.90 22 1.25 14 1.09 19 0.36 20 0.49 21 23 16 14 BAR 0.85 19 1.15 16 1.71 9 2.43 11 0.16 24 0.19 23 22 MAR 0.52 20 1.30 15 0.81 22 2.06 12 0.22 21 0.45 22 15 AF 0.48 21 0.53 24 1.06 18 1.08 22 0.16 23 0.16 24 27 APIA 0.47 22 0.70 23 0.60 25 0.69 24 0.40 19 0.79 17 18 18 BRIA 0.45 23 1.12 17 0.29 26 0.54 25 0.63 17 1.82 9 16 14 AHJ 0.42 24 0.30 26 0.80 23 0.47 26 0.12 25 0.14 25 21 17 15 FAM 0.37 25 0.49 25 0.90 20 1.08 20 0.03 26 0.07 26 14 EAR 0.37 26 1.04 20 0.69 24 1.92 13 0.18 22 0.50 20 25 PAR 0.06 27 0.07 27 0.14 27 0.14 27 0.02 27 0.04 27 26 ♣ These citation results exclude ‘self-citations’ within a journal, and represent average proportions (in %) of citations across the particular journal set. *All of the peer-based rankings have been restated to the 27 journals used in this study. Of course, the original orderings have been maintained. ♠ These rankings are based on Brown and Huefner’s Table 5 results reporting % of respondents claiming at least ‘category 2’ standing for a journal.





Proportions of Citations Accounted for by:

1995-99 Non-US Authors 1995-99 US Authors

“Traditional” “Social/Organisational” “Markets” “Behavioural” Abacus, ABR, A&F,




JAPP, JMAR % rank % rank % rank % rank AR 9.94 1 2.19 8 23.79 1 18.34 1 JAR 8.89 3 1.23 14 20.18 2 9.37 3 JAE 9.76 2 0.72 18 18.65 3 5.30 5 CAR 3.70 8 0.83 16 8.23 4 4.04 7 AJPT 1.90 11 0.38 21 4.14 5 7.68 4 AH 4.21 7 1.69 13 3.56 6 4.16 6 JAAF 1.63 16 0.02 26 2.91 7 1.21 13 AOS 8.07 5 27.71 1 1.24 8 10.11 2 JAL 1.53 17 0.61 19 1.15 9 3.24 8 JAPP 1.04 20 0.38 22 0.77 10 1.19 14 JBFA 5.30 6 0.75 17 0.75 11 0.68 18 JMAR 0.48 24 3.17 5 0.59 12 1.70 11 ABR 8.85 4 2.82 7 0.38 13 0.65 19 BRIA 0.68 22 0.33 23 0.37 14 2.91 9 IJA 1.68 14 0.25 25 0.23 15 0.37 20 Abacus 2.51 10 0.83 15 0.19 16 0.21 22 AF 1.20 19 0.27 24 0.09 17 0.08 25 CPA 1.70 13 6.17 3 0.08 18 1.69 12 BAR 1.77 12 3.25 4 0.07 19 0.11 24 JCM 0.14 27 2.12 9 0.02 22 2.31 10 MAR 1.33 18 2.89 6 0.02 20 1.19 15 EAR 1.64 15 1.90 11 0.02 21 0.27 21 APIA 0.20 26 1.93 10 0.00 27 1.13 16 AAAJ 3.64 9 10.65 2 0.00 23 0.99 17 AHJ 0.52 23 0.49 20 0.00 25 0.13 23 FAM 0.92 21 1.86 12 0.00 24 0.00 26 PAR 0.26 25 0.00 27 0.00 26 0.00 27 The proportions of citations shown in this table exclude ‘self citations’ within a journal.





Brinn et al.

B&H H&W Non-US ‘Trad’

US ‘Markets’

US ‘Behav’al’

N=27 N=20 N=14 N=27 N=27 N=27

Peer-based studies Brown & Huefner 0.794**

Hull & Wright 0.890** 0.943** Citation Measures All Authors & All Journals 1990-99 0.728** 0.780** 0.758**

All Authors & All Journals 1995-99 0.678** 0.728** 0.754**

Non-US Authors & Journals 1990-99 0.551** 0.573** 0.662**

Non-US Authors & Journals 1995-99 0.516** 0.519* 0.657*

US Authors & Journals 1990-99 0.758** 0.908** 0.798**

US Authors & Journals 1995-99 0.663** 0.729** 0.793**

Non-US Authors & ‘Social’ Journals 95 0.141 -0.117 0.266 0.249 -0.126 0.178

Non-US Authors & ‘Trad’ Journals 95 0.534** 0.674** 0.648* 0.690** 0.454*

US Authors & ‘Markets’ Journals 95 0.719** 0.940** 0.793** 0.775**

US Authors & ‘Behavioural’ Journals 95 0.666** 0.692** 0.793** Spearman Rank correlation coefficients shown. ** significant @ < 1%, * significant @ < 5%.