DEB DAVIES PRINTED RESOURCES Davies- Printed Resourc… · • The Essential Guide to Acupuncture...


Transcript of DEB DAVIES PRINTED RESOURCES Davies- Printed Resourc… · • The Essential Guide to Acupuncture...

Page 1: DEB DAVIES PRINTED RESOURCES Davies- Printed Resourc… · • The Essential Guide to Acupuncture in Pregnancy & Childbirth by Debra Betts • Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirth


Page 2: DEB DAVIES PRINTED RESOURCES Davies- Printed Resourc… · • The Essential Guide to Acupuncture in Pregnancy & Childbirth by Debra Betts • Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirth

Pregnancy and Birth Resource Page Websites • • •

• Doulas:

• Midwives

• • •

• Acupressure During L&D:

• Research on Acupuncture During Labor & Delivery:

• Learn the cesarean rates at the hospitals near you:

• Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean:

• International Cesarean Awareness Network:

• Breast Feeding Support:

• Hypno Birthing:

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Page 3: DEB DAVIES PRINTED RESOURCES Davies- Printed Resourc… · • The Essential Guide to Acupuncture in Pregnancy & Childbirth by Debra Betts • Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirth

Authors/Books • Ina May Gaskin-all • Penny Simpkin-all • The Essential Guide to Acupuncture in Pregnancy & Childbirth by Debra Betts • Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirth by Zita West • Childbirth Without Fear: The Principles and Practice of Natural Childbirth by Grantly Dick-Read • Trying Again: A Guide to Pregnancy After Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss by Ann

Douglas and John R. Sussman

Movies • The Business of Being Born:

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Page 4: DEB DAVIES PRINTED RESOURCES Davies- Printed Resourc… · • The Essential Guide to Acupuncture in Pregnancy & Childbirth by Debra Betts • Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirth

Deb’s Top 10 Tips for Treating Pregnant Patients

1. Invest in an adjustable table

2. 40 Blinks

3. Play birth affirmations, guided meditations. Check out the free app called Insight Timer

4. Invest in a body pillow. Side lying position is typically the most comfortable for pregnancy.

5. Allow time for bathroom breaks.

6. Provide treatment options.

7. Provide resources-know about local hospitals & birth centers, caesarean rates, best doctors, midwives, & doulas.

8. Recommend a doula.

9. If low risk patient recommend a midwife.

10.Encourage education early in pregnancy & throughout the entire pregnancy to promote empowerment.

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Page 5: DEB DAVIES PRINTED RESOURCES Davies- Printed Resourc… · • The Essential Guide to Acupuncture in Pregnancy & Childbirth by Debra Betts • Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirth

Preparation for Labor

This helps to prepare her body for labor by stimulating the right hormones that would ripen her cervix, and calm her mind. These points can be used as often as you like in the last couple weeks of pregnancy (38 and beyond) and especially useful during labor and delivery. I show all pregnant moms these two points as the most important points to know about going into labor. They can be used by the mom herself, or from a supportive partner, doula or family member.

Large Intestine 4 (LI4) This is such a great point for labor, both naturally preparing for it and during the birth process! This one is located on the hand and is the point most people already know about as a major point for headaches. This is a master point for pain anywhere in the body. Press and squeeze for 30-120 seconds as often as it feels good. It’s especially helpful to squeeze during contractions, so teach mom to use this point on herself for she can easily reach it. Spleen 6 (SP6) This is my favorite labor point of all time. This point has so many wonderful benefits including calming the mind, stimulating the birth hormones for an easier labor and delivery. This point is located on the inner leg. Cross one ankle over the opposite knee. Place your pinkie finger on the inside tip of the opposite anklebone. Where your pointer finger lands in the soft flesh closer to your core is the correct point. It will be very tender. FYI It is more important for this specific point to find the tender spot than the exact picture of point location. Press and hold 30-120 seconds and remind the mom to breathe.

Point Locations

Page 6: DEB DAVIES PRINTED RESOURCES Davies- Printed Resourc… · • The Essential Guide to Acupuncture in Pregnancy & Childbirth by Debra Betts • Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirth

Natural Progression of Labor

Once you have reached full term around 38 weeks, you may feel safer using more aggressive techniques to get the body ready to birth your baby. Doing squats (holding onto a door both handles while swinging back and forth is my favorite) or anything that helps to relax your hips, butt, legs and back muscles will help. Always remember: what gets baby in also helps to get baby out so, sex is suggested at this time. J

Gall Bladder 30 (GB30) Have mom on her hands and knees for this point. Place the palms of your hands on the center muscular part of mom’s butt. Squeeze both sides simultaneously with strong pressure inwards for 30 seconds. Find the angle that works best for mom’s comfort. Make sure to ask for feedback from her after each time initially. This move is also known as the double hip squeeze. Go back and forth from the sacrum points to this point.

Urinary Bladder 31, 32, 33, & 34 (UB31-43) These are all in the 8 holes within your sacrum, also known as the butt bone. It is the triangle shaped bone on your backside. Typically you can see a dimple or feel the holes on the sacrum when locating these points. Often they are tender or can feel good with pressure. Moms usually love strong pressure around their sacrum, hips and low back. Massaging her back side to help loosen and ready her body for labor is very helpful. Have mom positioned comfortably on hands and knees or leaning over a birth ball, then press down into the holes for 30 seconds. When utilizing these sacrum points use firm pressure downwards and towards her feet.

Point Locations