Death: Play for Masked Death & Chorus

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  • 8/14/2019 Death: Play for Masked Death & Chorus


    Decthc pgcy jy Gcrry f``degg

  • 8/14/2019 Death: Play for Masked Death & Chorus


    M`pyrlfht :13= Gcrry F``degg

    c dueide pgcy:13=

    p` j`x 563 pgcmltcs, iew bexlm` 8614= U]Cgcrryf``dAm`bmcst.iet

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  • 8/14/2019 Death: Play for Masked Death & Chorus


    Decthc pgcy o`r Decth (bcsked) cid Mh`rus.

    Gcrry F``degg

  • 8/14/2019 Death: Play for Masked Death & Chorus


    I`te> Mh`rus bcy je tw` `r b`re, bcge cid/`r oebcgespecklif t`fether `r sepcrctegy wlth w`rds mgecrgy eiuimlctedcid rhythb respemted. Decths bcsk sh`ugd i`t buooge s`uid

    li ciy wcy. Thls glttge pgcy mci je rehecrsed cid recd or`b smrlpt.

  • 8/14/2019 Death: Play for Masked Death & Chorus


    Decth. (wlth whltlsh decth bcsk `i)

    L cb decth, the j`fey bci i`j`dy wcits t` cdblt exlsts.L cdblt L exlst jemcuse L d`.

    They wli `utL wli `ut

    L recd by decth p`ebby p`eb t` the livlsljlglty `o decththe decth thct dr`wis `ur s`rr`ws li o`rfetougiess.

    Ve o`rfet we hcd

    c sem`id gloet` hegg

    wlth the thlrd.Ve o`rfet we hcd c thlrdt` hegg

    wlth rebebjerlifthere ls i` cmtucg preseime jutthe rebebjerlif `o decth.

    ]`beh`wthey cgwcys thlik be tebp`rcry.

    L w`ider why, L hcve c prlmkc decth wlth c prlmk.

    Decth bust je bcsmugliethey tegg be, tegglif be i` gles.The pemuglcr hctred `o p`ets cid gles& tctt`` crtlsts thct mcbe t` be.

    Mh`rus. L d`it wcit ciythlif expresslve `o decth we jegleve thct y`u beci whct y`u beci t` je scylifwhlmh ls cgwcys

    whct y`u becit t` scy.


  • 8/14/2019 Death: Play for Masked Death & Chorus


  • 8/14/2019 Death: Play for Masked Death & Chorus



    m`bpgetem`bpgete cs the p``mhd`fflif lts murjtrylif t` tcke c plss `i pcvebeit.


    Decth ls tcklif up n`fflif t` r`j (gloe) or`b gloe.


    L wcit by true hcgo.L wcit every`ie t` je

    t` je hcgo gloe, hcgo decth.L wcit every`ie t` je

    hcgo bcge hcgo oebcge.L wcit every`ie

    t` je beDecth `pp`sed t` gloe.

    L wcit y`u t` jebedecth `pp`sed t` gloe.]`if literrupts cid oumks the slster `o perpetulty.Dclgy glvlif ls

    cgg.Gloe ls by

    jr`ther wh` turied lit` by slster.By b`ther ls the decdiess `o f`d

    the f`ddess `o decth.]he ls yet t` ocke by Bli`tcurwh`

    hcd busmges.Jut shes

    tcklif `ver decthcs she hcs



  • 8/14/2019 Death: Play for Masked Death & Chorus


    Mh`rus. (gets `ut c sh`rt smrecb)


    Decth ls c w`bci cid ls `igy hcgo be, hee heei`ie `o be. L cb gloe!Tcke t` wloe, gloe `r glve li sli wlth decth.

    Decth ls`ut `o gloe cid wcits t` r`j gloe `o ciythlif.

    Decth ls scylif the eid `o the eidL cb the pers`icg L

    the L thct flves us cgg the tr`ujgewhei were thliklif `o L.L dld thls. L dld thct.L dld i`t d` thls. L dld i`t d` thct.The steps `o the pyrcbld cre uim`bo`rtcjge jemcuse they crec step t` step demlsl`i.

    Bcyjewhei L f` up there

    L w`it je scmrlolmed.L mci `verp`wer the prleststhe blgltcry ls i`t up there.L mci `verp`wer the prlests.


    They sedume hlb cid gecd hlb t`wcrd the cgtcrcid scmrlolme hlb there.He ls c w`bci, preteidlif t` je c bci.

    He ls decth preteidlif t` je gloe.He ls gloe g``klif ct lt superolmlcggythliklif there ls i` decth.


    L cb decth.L cb cgg the mcimer y`u iever h`ped w`ugd m`beL cb the iumgecr mctcstr`phe, 3

  • 8/14/2019 Death: Play for Masked Death & Chorus


    L cb the eveit ct the plci`

    wcgtzlif the si`js `ut `o pcrcdlse.L cb the rude preseit `o the ieed `o gloe.L cb H`ber. L cb H`rcme.L cb Hczgett.L cb Hcwth`rie.L cb Hcrry F``degg.Decd.I` gloe.


    Fet y`ursego t` wloeFlve y`ursego s`be strloe.

    Cid thei y`umci je be

    Cid Lmci je oree.

    Q`pugcrcid li debcid.


    L cb the decth `o whct y`u thlik ls p`ssljge.L m`ivlmt cidmcst cslde.L cb the decd pcreitsthe decd orleids.L cb the mlrmubmlsl`i `o gloe.

    L cb gloe o`rwlth`ut bethere ls `igy decthdecth thct wliks ci eye-`peiwhlge keeplif the `ther eye mg`sed.L cb the mlrmubmlsl`i `o decthdecth wlth c ruptured hcg`turilif lit` c hcrd`i.


  • 8/14/2019 Death: Play for Masked Death & Chorus


    Decth wlth`ut c decth.

    Decth wlth decththe ugtlbcte `rfcsb `o cggthe cdblttlif Lexlst.


    Cdblttlif y`u exlst,y`u exlst.



  • 8/14/2019 Death: Play for Masked Death & Chorus


    c dueide pgcy:13=

    p` j`x 563 pgcmltcs, iew bexlm` 8614= U]Cwrlte o`r pero`rbcime rlfhts


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  • 8/14/2019 Death: Play for Masked Death & Chorus


    Gleo Zustcjckke, Bcrmlc Gcthcb, Blfueg ]cid`vcg

    rehecrslif Qem`s Jlgg c pgcy jy Gcrry F``degg, KUIB-OBIed ]ujgettes 3

  • 8/14/2019 Death: Play for Masked Death & Chorus


    B`re Qgcys Li Q`etry jy Gcrry F``degg

    Bud Qlehttp>//lssuu.m`b/gcrryf``degg/d`ms/budPple

    ]plrlt Tcgk


    Nuglc Mhlgd Tc`lst Limcrictehttp>//lssuu.m`b/gcrryf``degg/d`ms/nuglcPmhlgdPtc`lstPlimcrictePolicg

    Jlggy the Kld Li Jed

    http>//lssuu.m`b/gcrryf``degg/d`ms/jlggyPthePkldPo`rPpuj@gd Lidlci Trlmk


    Geot Zlfhthttp>//lssuu.m`b/gcrryf``degg/d`ms/:geotPrlfht65Po`rPpuj


    Qubpkli Ocmehttp>//lssuu.m`b/gcrryf``degg/d`ms/83-8pubpkliPocmePo`rPpuj

    Dlscppecrlif M`rpsehttp>//lssuu.m`b/gcrryf``degg/d`ms/dlscppecrlifPm`rpse

    These cre ctLssuu,jut they cre cgs` ct]mrljd.http>//www.smrljd.m`b/dueidej``k

    Jg`fs, p`ebs, m`bbeitcry, Iew Bexlm` gltercry hlst`ry,

    = dlbeisl`icg p`etry cre here>

  • 8/14/2019 Death: Play for Masked Death & Chorus


    Decthc pgcy jy Gcrry f``degg