Dear%Friends,% - · Dear%Friends,% %...

Dear Friends, Sorry it has been such a long time since you have heard from me. Below is a quick update with photos and few prayer points. Jenny and I had a great time on holidays in late August/September visiting our son Andrew and his wife Katie in Oregon, USA. Andrew, Kate, Jenny and Tim walking near Crater Lake National Park I returned to Airds in late September and was pleased to hear how the team had continued to progress in my absence. Bob Slockee has been doing a great job of stepping up and taking increasing leadership responsibility. Please continue to pray for Bob, Justine and their 3 boys. A great highlight for me was coming back and meeting with Jayden. He was really keen to catch up to tell me that while I was away he had made a decision to become a follower of Jesus. That news was so sweet. The journey we have shared over the past two years has been amazing. Jayden has just started year 12 and we have been meeting regularly for discipleship and working out a way forward through year 12 and possibly into university. Jayden is quite bright and very talented. He is passionate about being an “interactive digital media artist”. I would like to identify a Christian to connect Jayden with to help him develop a career pathway – can any of you help me with finding someone who is an “interactive digital media artist”?

Transcript of Dear%Friends,% - · Dear%Friends,% %...

Page 1: Dear%Friends,% - · Dear%Friends,% % Sorry%ithas%been%such%along%time%since%you%have%heard%from%me.%Below%is%aquick% update%with%photos%and%few%prayer%points.%

Dear  Friends,    Sorry  it  has  been  such  a  long  time  since  you  have  heard  from  me.  Below  is  a  quick  update  with  photos  and  few  prayer  points.      Jenny  and  I  had  a  great  time  on  holidays  in  late  August/September  visiting  our  son  Andrew  and  his  wife  Katie  in  Oregon,  USA.    

 Andrew,  Kate,  Jenny  and  Tim  walking  near  Crater  Lake  National  Park    I  returned  to  Airds  in  late  September  and  was  pleased  to  hear  how  the  team  had  continued  to  progress  in  my  absence.  Bob  Slockee  has  been  doing  a  great  job  of  stepping  up  and  taking  increasing  leadership  responsibility.  Please  continue  to  pray  for  Bob,  Justine  and  their  3  boys.    A  great  highlight  for  me  was  coming  back  and  meeting  with  Jayden.  He  was  really  keen  to  catch  up  to  tell  me  that  while  I  was  away  he  had  made  a  decision  to  become  a  follower  of  Jesus.  That  news  was  so  sweet.  The  journey  we  have  shared  over  the  past  two  years  has  been  amazing.      Jayden  has  just  started  year  12  and  we  have  been  meeting  regularly  for  discipleship  and  working  out  a  way  forward  through  year  12  and  possibly  into  university.  Jayden  is  quite  bright  and  very  talented.  He  is  passionate  about  being  an  “interactive  digital  media  artist”.  I  would  like  to  identify  a  Christian  to  connect  Jayden  with  to  help  him  develop  a  career  pathway  –  can  any  of  you  help  me  with  finding  someone  who  is  an  “interactive  digital  media  artist”?    

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 Jayden  and  Wes  on  the  Bundeena  to  Wattamolla  coastal  walk…    During  the  October  school  holidays,  Wesley  and  I  took  a  group  of  our  older  youth  on  a  camping  trip  to  the  Royal  National  Park.  Wes  will  be  graduating  from  Church  Army’s  Gap  training  course  December  3rd.  Please  pray  for  Wes  as  he  completes  his  internship  and  says  goodbye  to  many  that  he  has  impacted  for  the  sake  of  the  gospel.      

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Emma,  Gary,  Colin,  Rene,  Bob,  Wes,  Tim,  Blain,  Rich  and  boys  at  a  recent  fellowship  dinner  saying  goodbye  to  Wes…      In  October  we  had  a  visit  from  two  Godly  men  from  Dallas,  Texas:  Randy  and  Ken.  They  equipped  us  with  some  practical  ministry  skills  and  were  a  great  encouragement  as  together  we  put  in  a  big  effort  evangelistically.  We  saw  16  people  make  decisions  for  Christ  the  week  they  were  with  us.    

 Wade,  Gary,  Bob,  Margaret,  Samuel  (baby),  Crystal,  Justine,  Ken,  Joan,  Randy,  Peter    

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In  recent  weeks  Bob  has  experienced  an  increase  in  Aboriginal  men  approaching  him  to  enquire  about  following  Jesus.  This  week  Bob  and  I  met  with  Danial  and  Danielle.  We  have  known  them  for  over  a  year  but  were  unable  to  adequately  explain  the  gospel  until  now.  They  decided  together  they  want  to  follow  Jesus  and  to  teach  their  4  children  to  follow  Jesus.  Along  with  them  please  pray  for  Des,  Rich,  Mark,  Ewon,  Stefan,  Ronnie,  Darren  and  Gary  –  these  are  all  Aboriginal  men  we  are  having  ministry  with.  

 Danial  and  Danielle  immediately  following  their  prayer  of  commitment  to  Christ…    This  coming  week  we  have  a  visit  from  Andrew  “Fishtail”  Fisher  from  Jesus  Racing.  Andrew  is  bringing  his  V8  ute  to  the  youth  group  and  fellowship  dinner.  We  hope  Andrew  will  be  a  great  encouragement  to  the  many  people  in  Airds  who  have  begun  to  follow  Jesus.  Please  pray  for  this  event  happening  8  December.    Also  can  I  ask  your  prayer  for  Jason  Moss.  Jason  heads  up  the  youth  group  along  with  the  ministry  in  Airds  HS.  It  has  been  a  great  year  with  scores  of  High  School  aged  youth  participating  in  groups  and  camps  where  they  have  learned  about  the  Good  News  of  Jesus.    The  experience  of  working  with  Jayden  has  inspired  me  to  develop  some  structure  for  helping  young  men  who  grow  up  without  a  working  man  in  the  house.  It  is  very  hard  for  a  young  man  to  develop  character  and  learn  skills  without  a  positive  male  role  model  in  their  life.  The  idea  is  to  identify  young  guys  who  are  motivated.  The  aim  will  be  to  help  them  to  start  a  whole  new  generation.  To  break  the  generational  patterns  of  welfare  dependency,  alcohol  and  drug  abuse,  broken  relationships  and  unemployment  issues.  Please  pray  that  what  I  am  learning  with  Jayden  can  be  multiplied  into  many  young  men’s  lives.    

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A  final  prayer  request  is  for  the  drug  problem  in  Airds.  I  estimate  80%  of  households  are  affected.  It  is  so  sad  to  see  how  this  destroys  lives,  families  and  especially  children.  I  believe  this  is  a  spiritual  stronghold  –  deception  from  the  enemy.  I  regularly  hear  adults  justify  their  marijuana  use  by  saying  it  helps  them  relax,  sleep,  with  anxiety,  stress  and  depression.  In  fact,  recent  research  indicates  marijuana  use  exacerbates  these  issues  –  therein  lies  the  deception.  However,  its  use  is  deeply  entrenched.      Thanks  for  joining  in  this  gospel  work  through  your  prayers  and  support.    In  His  Grip  and  Grace,    Tim