Dear Parents/Caregivers · 2017-06-08 · Ramadan Ramadan is the ninth month of the . Islamic lunar...

Dear Parents/Caregivers Family Fun Night Our Family Fun Night was held on Saturday, 20 May 2017 at the Durack Campus. I extend my heartfelt thanks to all families’ friends, community members, staff and students for the tremendous support received. The evening was a huge success and it was really wonderful to see everyone participate and enjoy the activities planned. We had a great turnout and I believe that the event was well attended and successful. The excellent efforts put in by our staff was commendable. A very special thanks to all our sponsors and most importantly to all those who remained behind till the very end to assist us with the clean up as well. It was amazing! Our thanks to the P&C for their great effort in fundraising for our college. All funds raised for this event will go towards college resources, InshaAllah. I look forward to the next big one, which is our Annual Fete Day in Term 3. Please come forward to join us in the planning of this event as we welcome your assistance and support. Walk Safely to School Day ‘Walk Safely to School Day is an annual, national event when all primary school children are encouraged to walk safely to school. It promotes road safety, health, and the environment. Being part of the Active School Travel program, we are already leading by example and encouraging our students to actively travel every week. Being part of a national day also shows our students they are part of a much bigger, national movement encouraging healthier habits and a greener environment. So join in the fun, be active and healthy. Students were treated to a breakfast on arrival. 31 st May 2017 4 th Ramadan 1438-AH Address: 6 Agnes St. Buranda QLD 4102 Tel: 07 3391 7867 Fax: 07 3391 7867 Email: [email protected]

Transcript of Dear Parents/Caregivers · 2017-06-08 · Ramadan Ramadan is the ninth month of the . Islamic lunar...

Page 1: Dear Parents/Caregivers · 2017-06-08 · Ramadan Ramadan is the ninth month of the . Islamic lunar calendar. Ramadan is much more than just not eating and drinking: it is a time

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Family Fun Night

Our Family Fun Night was held on Saturday, 20 May 2017 at the Durack Campus. I extend my heartfelt thanks to all families’ friends, community members, staff and students for the tremendous support received. The evening was a huge success and it was really wonderful to see everyone participate and enjoy the activities planned. We had a great turnout and I believe that the event was well attended and successful. The excellent efforts put in by our staff was commendable.

A very special thanks to all our sponsors and most importantly to all those who remained behind till the very end to assist us with the clean up as well. It was amazing! Our thanks to the P&C for their great effort in fundraising for our college.

All funds raised for this event will go towards college resources, InshaAllah.

I look forward to the next big one, which is our Annual Fete Day in Term 3. Please come forward to join us in the planning of this event as we welcome your assistance and support.

Walk Safely to School Day

‘Walk Safely to School Day is an annual, national event when all

primary school children are encouraged to walk safely to

school. It promotes road safety, health, and the environment.

Being part of the Active School Travel program, we are already leading by example and

encouraging our students to actively travel every week. Being part of a national day also shows

our students they are part of a much bigger, national movement encouraging healthier habits

and a greener environment. So join in the fun, be active and healthy. Students were treated to a

breakfast on arrival.

31st May 2017 4th Ramadan 1438-AH

Address: 6 Agnes St. Buranda QLD 4102 Tel: 07 3391 7867 Fax: 07 3391 7867

Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Dear Parents/Caregivers · 2017-06-08 · Ramadan Ramadan is the ninth month of the . Islamic lunar calendar. Ramadan is much more than just not eating and drinking: it is a time

Afternoon Tea with the Governor of Queensland

On Tuesday Dr Islam and I attended an afternoon tea at Government House. It was wonderful to meet with His Excellency. In his address, he thanked the Muslim Community for their contributions to Queensland and highlighted some recent projects. Our college captain Sumaiyah Gedik and Vice-captain Rahim Mohammedi were great ambassadors. They must be commended on the manner in which they represented our college. Our students will be accommodated on a tour of Government House as an educational excursion.

Assessment Week

Kindly note that assessment week will be in week 7 and 8. Secondary students are to refer to their timetables to ensure preparation and attendance at their respective assessments. Please ensure that you all receive a timetable by next week.


Please take note that during the 4 weeks of Ramadan students will be dismissed at 2:35 pm (30 mins earlier than the normal time). This will not affect the teaching and learning as the timetables have been adjusted to cover the curriculum. We request that you kindly pick your child up by 2:35pm. All buses will leave promptly.

I take this opportunity to wish you all Ramadan Kareem. May Allah (SWT) accept our fasting and grant us the full benefit of this holy month of Ramadan, Insha’Allah.

Mariam Banwa

Page 3: Dear Parents/Caregivers · 2017-06-08 · Ramadan Ramadan is the ninth month of the . Islamic lunar calendar. Ramadan is much more than just not eating and drinking: it is a time

Dear Families,

This week marked the half way point for term 2 and, as it should be, our classes are settled and learning is a priority. I am grateful for the support we receive from our families and staff as we continue to share the commitment to help our students be the very best that they can be.

The school staff remain committed to creating and sustaining the very best learning opportunities possible for our students. We continually strive to build and achieve academic success in combination with social and emotional confidence for all children entrusted to our care. We recognize that in order to be truly successful, we need the ongoing interest, support and a real partnership with our parents and families. We welcome the continued support of parents in upholding our school rules, values and expectations for students. I appreciate the continued support we receive from parents in relation to the school expectations outlined below:

Wear our correct school uniform with pride. School hats are to be worn outside every day by every student. Make-up, jewellery, and wrist bands are not acceptable wear. Hair should be neat and tidy and kept out of eyes. Appropriate behaviour is expected, as is making good choices is always encouraged. Be a LEARNER – be here, on time, be ready and organised, focused and engaged every day. The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.

Ways to Support your Child’s Numeracy Development

Research has shown that children’s motivation and achievement improve when their parents or carers are involved in their education. There are many things you can do to encourage numeracy development.

These include:

Encouraging your child to use mathematical language: how much, how big, how small, how many. Discussing the use of numbers, patterns and shapes in your day-to-day life e.g., numbers found on library

books, shapes in playgrounds. Talking about occasions when you are using mathematics in daily jobs and real life situations e.g., cooking,

map reading, building and playing sport. Exploring situations using money such as shopping. Estimating, measuring and comparing lengths and heights, how heavy or light things are and how much

containers hold

Page 4: Dear Parents/Caregivers · 2017-06-08 · Ramadan Ramadan is the ninth month of the . Islamic lunar calendar. Ramadan is much more than just not eating and drinking: it is a time


Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Ramadan is much more than just not eating and drinking: it is a time to purify the soul, refocus attention on God, and practice self-discipline and sacrifice. Ramadan is a time to practice self-restraint; a time to cleanse the body and soul from impurities and re-focus one's self on the worship of God and charity to mankind.

This is what Ramadan means to the kids in my class:

“Reflecting on what you have done and feeling for the poor”. Elijah Speizer

“When we fast, we feel like the people who don’t have any food. It is a month when Allah may forgive our sin.” Suri Lorenz

“To be nice to other people and to help everybody. We shouldn’t lie.” Samira Belhag

“Reflect on yourself, worship Allah and feel for people in the world who don’t have food.” Yasamin Lorenz

“Getting closer to Allah. We should help others and stay away from bad things. We should also read Quran because it was revealed. Ramadan Mubarak!” Rahwa Kelifa

“It is the month of fasting and when the Quran was revealed. During this month you can improve your behaviour and get more rewards by doing good deeds.”Sabekun Naher

“When you fast you feel for the poor. We should appreciate our food and not waste it.” Zaid Arafeh

“It is about reflecting on your behaviour, read Quran, worship Allah more and feel for all the people who don’t have enough food.” Yusif Arafeh

“It is a month of fasting and respecting everyone and everything.” Layth Muthanna

Enrolments 2018

Vacancies exist in all year levels for the current and 2018 school year. Enrolment documentation is available through our school office.

Happy Ramadan!



“Children must be taught HOW TO THINK, not what to think.”

Margaret Mead

Page 5: Dear Parents/Caregivers · 2017-06-08 · Ramadan Ramadan is the ninth month of the . Islamic lunar calendar. Ramadan is much more than just not eating and drinking: it is a time

Year 5 Science

Year 5 students turned astronomers when they created 2D models of the sun, moon and Earth to demonstrate the orbital cycles of the objects.

Upon completion, they began construction on their 3D models. The students were required to build a 3D model of the sun, moon, and Earth to demonstrate the movement of all three objects with respect to each other.

An outstanding effort was produced by the children to deliver the detailed projects pictured here.

They then used their 3D models to demonstrate their knowledge of

• How the earth revolves around the sun

• How the moon revolves around the Earth

• Why we see only one side of the moon

Page 6: Dear Parents/Caregivers · 2017-06-08 · Ramadan Ramadan is the ninth month of the . Islamic lunar calendar. Ramadan is much more than just not eating and drinking: it is a time

Mothers Day

One day is never enough to thank all mothers out there for their tireless efforts; however, City Campus students did their best with a range of different art activities.

A Very Special Birthday

City Campus would like to take this opportunity to wish a very Happy Birthday to Mrs. Harris. From an incredibly dedicated teacher aide, to a nurturing guiding hand for the children, Mrs. Harris is a highly esteemed member of our campus, and we look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with her!

All students really engaged their creative sides to show mum just how much they appreciate everything she does!

And of course from all of us here at City Campus, we would like to throw out a big Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers out there! We hope you enjoyed your special day!