Dear John Tng and all Faithful and Beloved Doves Subject ... Kingdom Come PART 4.pdf · Dear John...

Date: August 21, 2016 (Sunday) [**A Special Update**] Dear John Tng and all Faithful and Beloved Doves Subject: Thy Kingdom Come PART 4 [Thank you John for activating the URL Links throughout and posting this as a PDF Article] John, you know that in my PDF Article Thy Kingdom Come PART 3 dated August 17, 2016; I started out focusing on August 14 this past Sunday as it pointed to my Miracle Motorcycle Accident as follows: [**My MMA 2.26.11**] August 14 “814”/360 = 2.26 “1” 11 11 11… [Notice how the real “1” rescued me from certain death on 2-26-11; and, now on August 14, 2016 the eve of 815, 816, 817, 818; the four-day Rapture Window of Heaven opened; this AMAZING TIMELINE APPEARS. And, it is “cued” by 814/360 = 2.26.11 11 11 11… (9) August (8) 15 -- 1115 -- Mon -- 815/365.242 = 2.23 14 (9) August (8) 16 -- 1116 -- Tues -- 816/365.242 = 2.23 41 (9) August (8) 17 -- 1117 -- Wed -- 817/365.242 = 2.23 69 (9) August (8) 18 -- 1118 -- Thu.. -- 818/365.242 = 2.23 96 (9) August (8) 19 -- 1119 -- Fri… -- 819/365.242 = 2.24 234 2234/2 = 1117 1 Timothy 1:17(KJV) Please recall that at the bottom of Page 2 of PART 3; I stated the following: 4) Barak Obama’s Birthday timeline from June 2, 2014 (Nicole Poon’s Grand Finale Timeline to Sunday August 14, 2016 is 804 days pointing to Obama’s B.D. August 4, 2016 + 10 days. John, I want you to notice the prophecy that the LORD gave to Brother Dan of godshealer7 on…you guessed it’ Sunday August 14, 2016 (see below) . I prayed to on August 17, after I had sent

Transcript of Dear John Tng and all Faithful and Beloved Doves Subject ... Kingdom Come PART 4.pdf · Dear John...

Date: August 21, 2016 (Sunday) [**A Special Update**]

Dear John Tng and all Faithful and Beloved Doves

Subject: Thy Kingdom Come PART 4

[Thank you John for activating the URL Links throughout and posting this as a PDF Article]

John, you know that in my PDF Article Thy Kingdom Come PART 3 dated

August 17, 2016; I started out focusing on August 14 this past

Sunday as it pointed to my Miracle Motorcycle Accident as follows:

[**My MMA 2.26.11**]

August 14 “814”/360 = 2.26 “1” 11 11 11…

[Notice how the real “1” rescued me from certain death on 2-26-11; and, now on August 14, 2016 the eve of 815, 816, 817, 818; the four-day Rapture Window of Heaven opened; this AMAZING TIMELINE APPEARS.

And, it is “cued” by 814/360 = 2.26.11 11 11 11… (9) August (8) 15 -- 1115 -- Mon -- 815/365.242 = 2.23 14 (9) August (8) 16 -- 1116 -- Tues -- 816/365.242 = 2.23 41 (9) August (8) 17 -- 1117 -- Wed -- 817/365.242 = 2.23 69 (9) August (8) 18 -- 1118 -- Thu.. -- 818/365.242 = 2.23 96 (9) August (8) 19 -- 1119 -- Fri… -- 819/365.242 = 2.24 234

2234/2 = 1117 1 Timothy 1:17(KJV)

Please recall that at the bottom of Page 2 of PART 3; I stated the following:

4) Barak Obama’s Birthday timeline from June 2, 2014 (Nicole

Poon’s Grand Finale Timeline to Sunday August 14, 2016 is 804

days pointing to Obama’s B.D. August 4, 2016 + 10 days.

John, I want you to notice the prophecy that the LORD gave to

Brother Dan of godshealer7 on…you guessed it’ Sunday August

14, 2016 (see below). I prayed to on August 17, after I had sent


you PART 3; and, I asked to LORD to help me to accurately

unravel this final timeline. He did just that when I awoke Friday

morning. I kept wondering if the LORD would add 3 days to John

Lawler’s Full Moon Peak @ 9:27AM (UTC); to hit Sunday Aug 21

(18 +3); or add 2 days to Aug 19 (Tu B’Av) to hit Monday, Monday

Aug 22 (19 + 3).

So I ran a Charity Template Timeline from November 1, 2012

(Cheshvan 17, 5773) to August 22, 2016

How many days are there from November 1, 2012 and August 22, 2016?

Answer: 1390 days -- (3.81) years John, this is a huge sign; Dan’s godshealer7 message

follows Obama’s 381 Pic w/the LORD’s message to him

on Sunday August 14 (14 + 10 = Aug 24) and this fits also.

Notice that August 22, 2016 + 7 days = August 29, 2016; and, notice that Aug 22 starts from sunset Sunday Aug 21 + 10 days = Aug 31, 2016!

August 31, 2016 is Av 27, 5776--(Chabad Cal) and Elul 27, 5776--(Torah Cal) Also, on the Torah Cal Aug 29 + 1 month = Sept 29, 2016 which is Julian Calendar Day 2, 457, 661 post creation. Notice that 661 - 161 = 500 <--[B.W. GR LINK--500: Law

and Number] 500 = 5--Grace x 100; Grace "5" is 100 fold over for the Luciferians

161 x 2 = 322--(The Brotherhood of Death) Answer: 1390 days -- (3.81) years

[3 years; 9 months; 21 days|45 months; 21 days|198 weeks; 4 days| 992 week days|3.81 years]

Gematria 381 is linked on the B.W. to Matthew 25:46--WOW! Gematria 1390 is linked on the B.W. to Revelation 3:20--WOW!

What message does 1390 days reveal? Answer: 1260 days + 70 days (30 + 45) per Daniel 12:11-12(KJV) = 1335 days.

1390 - 1335 = 55--The Bride of Jesus Christ fully groomed and ready! Revelation 3:10(KJV)

10)--Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

Revelation 3:10(NIV--1984)

10)--Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth.



29 August 2012/Nicole Poon 1381 Vision Picture 95 or 103--Obama in disguise turning America

into a Police State for Marshall Law

I prayed for those who were unsaved and ill, God showed one wearing a helmet and a transparent eye mask and covering his mouth with a handkerchief, his back was with the

number 381 in a "1". After seeing that, I asked God for the meaning, but no answer.

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Re: Nicole Poon's Vision Picture August 29, 2012 and the Number 381

Inside a " 1 " was intended to show us the timeline of Obama from his first inauguration (January 20, 2009) to November 1, 2012 (Cheshvan 17, 5773)

The number 381 has permutations or transpositions as follows: 381, 183, 138, 831. Added together these four total 1533.

__________________________________________ Brother Dan’s Prophecy

Published--August 20, 2016 <--[Received--August 14, 2016]


Godshealer7 End Time Prophecy Channel

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Published on Aug 20, 2016 DANIEL CHAPTER 12 VERSES 9-13 KJV









Transcript of Brother Dan's Message received August 14, 2016

[August 14 + 10 days = August 24, 2016] This matches Jesus' bloody death spear from Calvary as depicted to Nicole

Poon January 28, 2014.

Those that walk in the light, do not fear the dark. Step forward son of man, for the time of enlightenment is upon thee.

The Book, that has been closed, shall be opened; for it is "its" time in the sun. You

have been put here for this purpose.

Many a generation has waited patiently; to hear what you hear.

What has been spoken of in the spirit; shall be revealed in the flesh. For it is the Breath of Life that speaks to you this day.

Many have fallen away; and, have turned their backs to me.

I shall roar like a lion; for the heavens stand in readiness; and my angel

await my command.


What is holy, shall be defiled; and, what is forbidden shall be spoken.


Look for the signs of the end; for they reveal that my time is at hand.


Shall the night not turn into day; shall the heavens not erupt in fire? Shall many athirst not be quenched?

Many who pray for death shall live. They shall curse my name.



Received August 20, 2016; Published August 20, 2016


Godshealer7 End Time Prophecy Channel

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Published on Aug 20, 2016

KJV/NKJV Revelation Prophetic dreams and visions Revelation 6:8(KJV)--The Pale Horse Released

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on

him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the

earth. The King James Version, (Cambridge: Cambridge) 1769.

Transcript of Sister Barbara's Message: I got this dream two times and both were exactly the same (she stated earlier that she got it first on August 11, 2016 (a Thursday). So I was taken to a big field and I could

see dead bodies. As I looked on them I could see no injuries on the bodies so I was not sure why they were dead and on this field all lined up.


Next I saw two men come on the field dressed in black shirts and pants; and, they were carrying something and I didn't know what it was.

She then says that she was given to understand that these two men were


One of the men took something out of a pouch and put it on the ground and spread it out and I was given to understand that it was a body bag. It was a red, white and blue body bag. This made the hair stand up

on her arms. HT added comments:

Of course this is pointing to America and the imminent sudden destruction that is about to come upon this entire nation.

These people died from Chemical/Biological Agents (IMHO)


Nuclear War Prophecy Revealed--This Will Blow Your Mind Harvey Troyer (5 Apr 2013)

"NUCLEAR WAR PROPHECY REVEALED—This will Blow Your Mind—Watch the Videos—and Read the Updated Articles"

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How many days are there from April 5, 2013 and Monday, Monday August 22, 2016?

Answer: 1235 days [3 years; 4 months; 17 days|40 months 17 days|176 weeks + 3 days|

881 weekdays|3.38 years] 338 - 238 = 100

[**238 = (2 x 119--The Perfect Sacrifice of America the Babylon] This portends the "Double Destruction" that Endtime Babylon gets for so

blatantly defying and rebelling against the most Holy Judeo-Christian Triune Godhead and leading all other nations to do this same wickedness.

1235 days + 100 days = 1335 days (see Daniel12:12)

How strange is that?


1260 - 1235 = 25 days<--[Gematria 25 means Repentance; the forgiveness of Sins!]

Enter Virginia Ar n' Key's dream vision of "17"; September 17, 2016 on the Torah Calendar is Tabernacles Day 1 (Tishri 15, 5777

Sukkot Day 1) There are exactly 25 days from August 22, 2016 to Tabernacles Day 1

Remember that God showed this sign to Dr David Owuor when the LORD

wrote the word TABERNACLED across the entire sky.

So 1235 days + 25 days = 1260 days which perfectly aligns with Seven Biblical Years 2520 days (360 x 7 = 2520

days) and 2520 = (2 x 1260 days) _________________________________________

John, you know that I often mention Earth’s Timespear. After

praying and asking to LORD before going to bed the 18th, I suddenly

remembered reading the following and I had an epiphany.

The 8 degrees of Jesus’ bloody death spear is 1/3 of 24 hours and

since the following amazing event happened on August 8; it

points to Wednesday August 24 for completion and Monday

August 22 fits perfectly for this scenario on our Earth’s Timespear.

Do you see that?


Notice the Agreement made August(8) 8, 2016(9) 889

The deteriorations of relations between Ankara and Washington contrasted strongly with the Turkish-

Russian rapprochement, which Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin sealed in St. Petersburg on Aug.8. Since then, there have been calls for the Russian Air Force to be allowed to displace

the US warplanes at Incirlik This process has now begun.

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Consider this Pact, signed between Russia's Putin and Turkey's Erdogan on August 8, 2016;

in close scrutiny, as a possible link to the "8 degrees" on Jesus' bloody spear shown in Nicole Poon's Vision Picture (below).

In addition, notice that on August 18, 2016--> 818, 2016; the US rushed the removal and relocation of its fifty to seventy B-61 tactical Nukes from Turkey's

Incerlik Air Force Base to Romania, which is on the Russian border.

Would it be fair to call the storage of Seventy B-61 United State tactical Nuclear Weapons at Incerlik AFB a "Warehouse Situation"? Also notice that Dumitru

Duduman prophesied in the plural, i.e., multiple warehouses. Do you see that?




Hello Dumitru Duduman's prophecy September 1984 A Message for America -- America will Burn!

2016 - 1984 = 32--Covenant or (RMI) 23--Death! Go to Page 7 of the Angel's prophecy transcript and read the following:

He said, "Remember this, Dumitru. The Russian spies have discovered where the nuclear warehouses are in America. When the Americans will think that it is 'peace and safety' --from the middle of the country, some of the people

will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems.

Then from the ocean, from Cuba, Nicaragua, and Mexico--(he

told me two other countries, but I didn't remember what they

were)--they will bomb the

Nuclear Warehouses. When they explode, America will Burn!

How many days are there from January 28, 2014 and August 17, 2016?

Aug 16--238; Aug 17--239; Aug 18--240 Answer: [932 days (RMI) 239]

[2 years; 6 months; 20 days|30 months; 20 days|133 weeks;1 day|666 weeks| 2.55 years]

While 240 is the current age of America; 240 = (2 x 120--The Sign of Noah)


28th January 2014/Nicole Poon Vision Picture

28th January 2014/Nicole Poon Vision Picture

So happy to see the previous vision. Thank you God. I told Him, let my cat be a evidence that you are coming soon. If You are really coming so soon, give vision about that.

God showed a spear that is the one pierced Jesus, with blood on the top and have measure on it, indicated degree 8.

After seeing that, I asked God for the meaning of this 8. But there was not answer.

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How many days are there from January 28, 2014 and August 17, 2016?

Aug 16--238; Aug 17--239; Aug 18--240 Answer: 932 days (RMI) 239

[2 years; 6 months; 20 days|30 months; 20 days|133 weeks;1 day|666 weeks| 2.55 years]

While 240 is the current age of America; 240 = (2 x 120--The Sign of Noah)


43 - 223--(Rapture and SD) = 220; 220/20--Redemption = 11--Judgment of the Disorder--(the Ordo ab Chao)

220 - 100--(The Elect) = 120--(The Sign of Noah) Rushed evacuation of US nukes from Incirlik

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report August 18, 2016, 4:43 PM (IDT)

[August 8 + 10 days = August 18, 2016]<--Full Moon Peak 9:27(UTC] Jewish Tu B'Av--15th of Av (August 19, 2016); Aug 19 + 3 days = sunset

Sunday August 21 which starts Monday, Monday August 22--Day of Light? Will Sunday Aug 21, 2016 be the final prophesied "Sky Blue 21"?

Earth's Timespear covers 2 days; Aug 22 + 2 days = Wednesday Aug 24, 2016

There are 24 hours/day; August 1 to August 24 is 24 days. Eight "8" degrees of Jesus' bloody spear would fall on August 8 piercing 1/3

of the way into these "24 days"! Do you see that? Tags: Incirlik air base, US Air Force, nuclear bomb, Vladimir Putin, Erdogan, Barack

Obama, Romania, Turkey, US, Russian Air Force, Russia,

The 50-70 B61 tactical gravity nuclear bombs


In an earthshaking Middle East development, the United States has begun secretly evacuating the tactical nuclear weapons it had stockpiled at the southern

Turkish air base of Incirlik and is transporting them to US bases in Romania.

The Obama administration has thus taken another step towards folding its tents in the Middle East.

In contrast, Moscow is rapidly expanding its air force footprint in the region with a new base in Iran following its facility in Syria. Advanced bombers and fighters are stepping

up operations in both countries, while Russian warships carrying Kalibr cruise missiles gather in the

Mediterranean and Caspian Seas.

debkafile’s military and intelligence sources report that Washington decided to remove the nuclear arsenal to safety after talks between American and Turkish talks on release 1,500 US airmen serving at the base from the siege clamped down a month ago broke down. The airmen were running the US air campaign against ISIS in Syria just 112km


The talks ground to a halt over Turkish insistence on assuming control of the nuclear arsenal and America’s rejection of this demand.

The 50-70 B61 tactical gravity nuclear bombs were stored in underground

bunkers close to the US bombers’ air strips. Although this was not fully admitted by Washington,

the US air and ground crews were held intermittently in lockdown since the President Tayyip Erdogan suppressed a military coup against him a month ago.

The deteriorations of relations between Ankara and Washington contrasted strongly with the Turkish-

Russian rapprochement, which Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin sealed in St. Petersburg on Aug.8. Since then, there have been calls for the

Russian Air Force to be allowed to displace the US warplanes at Incirlik This process has now begun.

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« Breaking News » Turkey should allow Russia's air force to use Incirlik base, Russian MP says

DEBKAfile August 17, 2016, 8:30 PM (IDT) A senior member of the Russian parliament, Viktor Ozerov, has suggested that Ankara invite the Russian air force to operate from Turkey's Incirlik airbase, which is used by


the US-led coalition against ISIS. The base built mostly from US and NATO budgets also holds several dozen US tactical nuclear bombs. Ozerov, a member of the Russian

parliament's defense and security committee, was quoted on Tuesday as saying "It is not guaranteed that Russia needs Incirlik, but such a decision could be regarded as

Turkey’s real readiness to cooperate with Russia in the fight against terrorism in Syria." He also said "Turkey can provide the Incirlik base to the Russian Aerospace Forces for its use in counterterrorism operations (in Syria). This can become a logical continuation

of Turkish President Erdogan’s step toward Russia."

Ozerov's statements came several days after a telephone conversation in which Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan called on his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to cooperate

in carrying out a joint operation against ISIS in Syria. In an exclusive report earlier this week, DEBKAfile reported that a Turkish military delegation has been in Moscow since August 10 to set up a joint war room to

coordinate military operations by the two countries.

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How many days are there from January 27, 2014 and August 18, 2016? [668/2 = 334; 334 - 100--(The Elect) = 234]

Answer: 934 days; 934 - 234 = 700; 700 = (7 x 100)

[2 years; 6 months; 22 days|30 months; 22 days|133 weeks; 3 days|668 weekdays|2.56 years]

27th January 2014/Nicole Poon Vision Picture


27th January 2014/Nicole Poon Vision Picture My kitty got cold again and is getting worse so I still prayed for her for the same. I hope she

can be alive until the Rapture, so that I know sure the rapture is so near. God showed the Rapture happening, the countless people in white robe going

upward to a planet that looked like sun. A devil hiding himself at a tree's shadow and trying to shoot the planet to stop the Rapture. I think Satan who does not want

the Rapture happens.

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A very revealing Dr Owuor Timeline that show May 27 my B.D.

and much more!

How many days are there from March 11, 2015 and Friday August 19, 2016?

Answer: 527 Days <--[Notice that May 27 (5:27) is my B.D.] [1 year; 5 months; 8 days|17 months; 8 days|75 weeks; 2 days|

377 weekdays|<--[37--The Word of our Father; 7--The Seal of God] 1.44 years] <--[144 = (12 squared--Governmental Perfection)]

158 = 1 Thes 5:8; 178 - 20--Redemption = 158; 75 (RMI) = 57-->

Isaiah 57:1-13(KJV) -- The Righteous Perish A trip to 711; 711/365.242 = 1.946 '7' 1946 - 1000 = 946; 946/360 = 2.62 '7'

Gematria 262 links to the trigger verse Isaiah 21:1 Desert Storm War 3--WW--3

Gematria 3 means Divine Completeness and perfection ____________________________________________

Notice that this "Post Rapture"; Contrite means "broken hearted"! Isaiah 57:14-21(KJV) -- Comfort for the Contrite

Notice that 1421 - 1001 = 420-->(42 x 10) 1001 = (11 x 13 x 7) or (555 + 446)<--how appropriate!

Gematria 42--Nimrod the Antichrist arrives! Revelation 7:9-17(NIV) verse 14) I answered, "Sir, you know" And he

said, "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood

of the Lamb.


DRUM ROLL PLEASE! How many days are there from March 11, 2016 (5th anniversary

the of Fukishima Disaster) and August 19, 2016? The April Fools' Timeline (161 days) is from sunset April 1, 2016 and

sunset 9-11 (Sept 11, 2016) the eve of Yom Kippur--(Day of Atonement) Torah Calendar! Wow!

Answer: 161 days <--[161 x 2 = 322--Brotherhood of Death] [5 months; 8 days|23 weeks|115 days|0.44 years]

44 = Judgment of the World and POTUS 44 58 = (2 x 29--Departure); 115 = (5 x 23--Death)

5 = Grace -- Dispensation of Free Grace--IS NOW OVER! The time for "God's Final Safety Net After the Rapture" is upon us!


Published on March 11, 2015 <--[2nd Message Received after

03:00AM March 11, 2015] <--4th Anniversary for 3:11 Fukishima Disaster



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Published on March 11, 2015 Kindly visit &

for information __________________________________________________________

Re: Harvey Troyer's Monday, Monday timeline from December 11,



How many days are there from December 11, 2011 and August 22, 2016?

Answer: 1716 days [1716 - 161 = 1555 days; (1000 + 555) - (446 x 3) = 217; 217 - 130 = 87 is Bible Wheel GR LINK--87: Everlasting Father] 87 = (3 x

29--Departure) Gematria 87 is linked on the B.W. to Daniel 7:9(KJV) which

depicts Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) Notice again that 161 is the April Fools' Timeline

Answer: 1716 days [4 years; 8 months; 11 days|245 weeks + 1 day|1225 weekdays|

4.7 years] 47 (RMI) = 74--(2 x 37--The Word of our Father)

Daniel 7:9(KJV) I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days

did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and

his wheels as burning fire. The April Fools' Timeline (161 days) is from sunset April 1, 2016 and

sunset 9-11 (Sept 11, 2016) the eve of Yom Kippur--(Day of Atonement) Torah Calendar! Wow!


Friday August 19 2016, 21:36:14 UTC

43 minutes ago

Alaska Peninsula

2.4 60.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


What is the Message in the EQ? 13 Cubed = 2197 - 2136 = 61

3614 - 1001 = 2613 1001 = (11 x 13 x 7) or (555 + 446)

2613--(2000 years + 613--(The Total Number of Jewish Laws); 613 (RMI) = 316--John 3:16 and Rev 3:16

2613 - 3 days = 2160--(216 x 10); 216 = (6 Cubed) 6 x 6 x 6; and 216 (RMI) = 261 -- The Address of the Bohemian Grove 20601; 10 =

Testimony; LAW; and Responsibility!


261 + 1 = 262 + 1 = 263 + 1 = 264 262--Isaiah 21:1 263--Isaiah 21:10

264 = (64--(2 x 32--Covenant) + 200 (2 x 100--(The Elect); or 200/20 = 10

Notice that the date of this EQ (Friday August 19, 2016--Tu B'Av--A Prime Rapture Date) + 3 days = Monday, Monday August 22--(The Day of

Light), 2016. 2.4 x 60 = 144; 144 = (100--(The Elect) + 44)

44 = Judgment of the World and POTUS 44

Friday August 19 2016, 21:36:14 UTC

43 minutes ago

Alaska Peninsula

2.4 60.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Re: August 22, 2016 Monday, Monday on the Jewish Calendars Torah Calendar Elul 18, 5776 Chabad Calendar Av 18, 5776

Av is Jewish month (11) 18, 5776 Notice that 1118 is the Gematria the God of Israel and is linked on the Bible Wheel as a verse with sum 1118 to the Jewish Shema Deut 6:4

Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: Notice that 18 = (2 x 9) connecting to the 9th of Av

This proves that this promise change is by the hand of the "1118" the Almighty God of Israel!


Google: A Message from Gilgal Harvey Troyer and the following

comes up

Will Sunday August 21, 2016 finally be the final "Sky Blue 21" day?

It looks that way to me; we shall soon see.




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Notice that I wrote this article and sent it to John Tng on October 15, 2011; and;

John Tng posted it on Five Doves on October 17, 2011.

Click the URL Link and read it for yourself

How many days are there from October 15, 2015 and August 22, 2016?

Answer: 1773 days

[**1773 - 73 = 1700; (73 RMI = 37--The Word of our Father!); 1700 = 17--Victory x 100--(The Elect); Thank You Virginia Arnke (Are 'n

Key) for sharing your dream vision on "17"!**] [4 years; 10 months; 7 days|253 weeks; 2 days|1265 weekdays|

4.85 years] 153--The Sons of God + 100--The Elect = 253

1260 + 5--Grace = 1265 485 (RMI) = 584; 584 - 4 = 580; 580 - 20--Redemption = 560;

560/365.242 = 1.533 23 00 23 560 = (2 x 280--the exact human gestation period from fertilization to full

term birth) and, 280 = 28--(Eternal Life) x 10--(Testimony; LAW; and Responsibility)

580 = 58 x 10 and 58 = (2 x 29--Departure)

Will someone please send this to "the Franken Pope" and ask him just how responsible is it to carry out his plan of baptizing off planet aliens who are

nothing more than Lucifer and his fallen angel pond scum. _____________________

How many days are there from October 15, 2015 and August 24,


Answer: 1775 days <--["17"…75 (RMI) = 57--Isaiah Chap 57!]


[4 years; 10 months; 9 days|253 weeks; 4 days|1267 weekdays|

4.86 years] 486 (RMI) = 684; 684 = (600--War + 84); 84 = (7--the Seal of

God x 12--Governmental Perfection); also, 84/2 = 42--The Gematria of Nimrod the Antichrist! Notice the 42 = (2 x 21--The

Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin)

In 2 Kings 2:23(KJV) we read the following: And he went up from thence unto Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and

said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. [Notice that 2 x 223 = 446; and, 223 is the most powerful Rapture

and Sudden Destruction Gematria that I have found.] 2 Kings 2:24(KJV)

[**notice that 223 + 1 = 224 which is a chiasmus that shows: 22--Light or the Day of Light; 24--Priesthood; and 42--The Gematria of Nimrod the Antichrist (42 = 2 x 21--The Exceeding Sinfulness


2 Kings 2:24(KJV) And he (Elisha--the Prophet and Highest Priest of God) turned back, and looked on them (the little children who

were mocking him), and he cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there cam forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty

and two children of them. And the Israeli Rabbi's still do not "get it" to this very day and time.

The same LORD has cursed them with perpetual blindness ever since they brutally murdered his only begotten son on Calvary's cruel cross; and, in

the prelude of it all. If they would only admit what they did and truly repent; the Almighty would have forgiven them and healed their blindness long ago. Of that I am sure. But instead, these Rabbi's continue to this very day in total denial and constantly bring "Fig Leaf Garment Solutions"

to their people. But, I have good news, Zechariah 12:1-10 is about to be finally fulfilled

and now their blindness will be healed. You all know how dearly I love the true Israelites.


I am the Harvey the Rabbi T, the adopted Son of "The Rabbi" who was and always will be the "King of the Jews". I am Harvey Troyer (the desTroyer) whom he sent into this world to desTroy all the works of the devil (1 John

3:8KJV). ___________________________________

Zechariah 12:9-10(KJV)

9)--And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.

10)--And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications:

and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall

be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.

How many days are there are there from March 4, 2013 and August 22,

2016? [Do you see the Chiasmus of 18 (Aug 18—181)?]

Answer: 1267 days [1260 days + 7 days]

[3 years; 5 months; 18 days|41 mo; 18 days|181 weeks|905 weekdays|3.47 years]

4th March 2013/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 7 of 45

4th March 2013/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 7 of 45

I prayed for almost the same. God showed a Holy fire making the flag of Israel flying. We do not understand about this.

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Do you Remember the godshealer7 Prophecy Sept 21, 2015?


A Surprise Attack on Israel is Planned

How many days are there from Sept 21, 2015 and Sunday August

21, 2016?

Answer: 334 days (non-inclusive)

[10 months; 30 days; 47 weeks; 5 days|239 weekdays|0.91 years]

334 – 100—(The Elect Bride) = 234—The Vincent Tan Terminal

Number: 234/153—the Sons of God = 1.53 demonstrating the

“Netting Out”

And, remember, sunset Sunday August 21, 2016 start Monday,

Monday August 22, 2016.

Do you think that the Elite Ground Hogs will take the bait?

Countining from sun Sept 21, 2015 to August 22, 2015 is 335 days

and 0.92 years

92= (2 x 46—the Human Genome); 335 (RMI) = 533

560/365.242 = 1.533

280 x 2 = 560; 280 is the gestation period of the Human Genome

from fertilization to full-term birth. We are truly made in the

image of Almighty God.

28 = Eternal Life, etc

What are the odds that this calculus construct would appear yet


John, Please look at the way the LORD answered my prayer by

sending the following Earthquakes on August 18, 2016 @ the Full

Moon Peak.


What was the source for the following Amazing Gematria? EQ Time: 11:19:18 x 3 EQ Time: 11:19:19 x 1

Look at these Signs; a Triad of identical EQ's + 1 Capstone EQ (see EQ’s below)

Thursday August 18, 2016 was a very important watch day,

marked by the Full Moon Peak @ 9:27AM (UTC); 927 (RMI) =

729—(9 Cubed). It was also the eve of Friday August 19 (Tu

B’Av—the 15th of Av) on the Jewish Chabad Calendar. It was also

John Lawler’s Moon Phase Prophecy Timeline from December 30,


How many days are there from December 30, 2010 and August

18, 2016?

2058 – 58 = 2000; after 2000 years; 58—(2 x 29—Departure) for

the saints!

Answer: 2058 days

Holy Days (Saturdays and Sundays) = 588—(188 + 400); Notice

that 188 = (153—the Sons of God + 35—Hope—the Blessed Hope

Titus 2:13—(the Rapture); and 188 is the cyclical Mega EQ

Number pointing now to opening of the Sixth Seal (Rev 6:12-17)

portending a massive EQ and Pole Shift. Notice that 400 = [100—

(The Elect) x 4—Earth Door Rev 4:1…Come up hither—(the


1470 weekdays – 1458—(2 x 729)—a double Trinity Reduction =

12—(Perfect Government). How AMAZING is that?

563 – 263 = 300; 263 is linked to Isaiah 21:10 and 300—(30—

Dedication of the Blood of Jesus Christ x 10—Testimony; LAW;

and Responsibility) or (20--Redemption x 15--Rest)

[5 years; 7 months; 19 days|294 weeks|1470 weekdays|588

Holy Days|5.63 years]


Re: Obama's (381) Aug 29, 2012 Timeline to August 22, 2016

What was the source for the following Amazing Gematria?

11:19:18 x 3 11:19:19 x 1

Look at these Signs; a Triad of identical EQ's + 1 Capstone EQ

Thursday August 18, 2016 was a very important watch day, marked by the

Full Moon Peak @ 9:27AM (UTC); 927 (RMI) = 729—(9 Cubed). It was also

the eve of Friday August 19 (Tu B’Av—the 15th of Av) on the Jewish Chabad

Calendar. It was also John Lawler’s Moon Phase Prophecy Timeline from

December 30, 2010.

Re: Obama's (381) Aug 29, 2012 Timeline to August 22, 2016

How many days are there from November 1, 2012 and August 22, 2016?

Notice that August 22, 2016 + 7 days = August 29, 2016; and, notice that Aug 22 starts from sunset Sunday Aug 21 + 10 days = Aug 31, 2016!

August 31, 2016 is Av 27, 5776--(Chabad Cal) and Elul 27, 5776--(Torah Cal)

Also, on the Torah Cal Aug 29 + 1 month = Sept 29, 2016 which is Julian Calendar Day 2, 457, 661 post creation. Notice that 661 - 161 =

500 <--[B.W. GR LINK--500: Law and Number] 500 = 5--Grace x 100; Grace "5" is 100 fold over for the

Luciferians 161 x 2 = 322--(The Brotherhood of Death)

Answer: 1390 days -- (3.81) years [3 years; 9 months; 21 days|45 months; 21 days|198 weeks; 4 days|

992 week days|3.81 years] Gematria 381 is linked on the B.W. to Matthew 25:46--WOW!

Gematria 1390 is linked on the B.W. to Revelation 3:20--WOW! What message does 1390 days reveal? Answer: 1260 days + 70

days (30 + 45) per Daniel 12:11-12(KJV) = 1335 days. 1390 - 1335 = 55--The Bride of Jesus Christ fully groomed and

ready! Revelation 3:10(KJV)

10)--Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.


Revelation 3:10(NIV--1984)

10)--Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth.


Look at these Signs; a Triad of identical EQ's + 1 Capstone EQ In the first EQ below, notice the time 11:19:19

This EQ was preceded by 3 EQs timed @ 11:19:18 This triad of identical EQ’s show a depth of 171.0 Kilometers

171 - 161 = 10

161 x "3" = 483 (RMI) 384 - "3" = 381

This is Obama's Nicole Poon Vision Picture with “381” August 29, 2012 Notice that Aug 29 - August 19 = 10 days

161 x 2 = 322; notice that 818 is a chiasmus of 18--Bondage August (8) 18: 2016 (9)

9818 - 1001 = 8817 (RMI) 7188 7188 - 188 = 7000 <-- (7--The Seal of God x 1000)

188 Points to the Opening of the Sixth Seal (Rev 6:12-17(KJV) 188 is the cyclical Mega EQ Number!

Notice that 384 (above) is anagramic of 834 - 234 = 600--WAR 234 is the Vincent Tan Terminal Number; 234/153 = 1.53 demonstrating the

"Netting Out" of "The Sons of God"!

Thursday August 18 2016, 11:19:19 UTC

4 hours ago

Kepulauan Barat Daya, Indonesia

5.4 185.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Thursday August 18 2016, 11:19:18 UTC

4 hours ago

Banda Sea.

5.3 171.0 GeoScience Australia


Thursday August 18 2016, 11:19:18 UTC

4 hours ago

Banda Sea.

5.3 171.0 GeoScience Australia


Thursday 4 hours Banda

5.3 171.0 GeoScience Detail


August 18 2016, 11:19:18 UTC

ago Sea. Australia

Re: 11:19:18 x 3—Gemtria “3” means Divine Completeness and

Perfection [**1918 - 1001 = 917—September 17, 2016 (Tabernacles Day 1]

[This is Torah Calendar Tishri 15, 5777; Julian Day 2,457, 649 post creation

649 (RMI) = 946; 946/360 = 2.62 7 777 777 777…Isaiah 21:1 Notice that 946 – 46—(the Human Genome) = 900

900 – 100—(The Elect) = “9”—(Divine Completeness from the Father)…]

Re: 11:19:19 [**1919 - 1001 = 918 (RMI) 819—(August 19, 2016) – Tu B’Av—

15th of Av)** and it appears x 3—Divine Completeness and Perfecion]

1001 = (555 + 446) 1001 = (11 x 13 x 7)

Notice that Lucifer and his minions’ pure evil is captured by 11 x 13 = 143

(143 x 7 = 1001) 11 = Judgment of the Disorder—the Ordo ab Chao

13 = Apostacy; Depravity; and Rebellion

Look at this Sign; a Triad of identical EQ's + 1 Capstone EQ

In the first EQ below, notice the time 11:19:19 171 - 161 = 10

161 x "3" = 483 (RMI) 384 - "3" = 381 This is Obama's Nicole Poon 381 August 29, 2012

Notice that Aug 29 - August 19 = 10 days

What do the EQ parameters 54 and 185 falling on August 18, 2016 mean

in the capstone EQ 11:19:19—think countdown to Gematria “130”;


54 + 185 = 131; 131 (minus 1 day) = 130—The Cup of the Lord’s Wrath

Isaiah 51:17-23(NIV); and, Jeremiah 25:15-38(NIV)—The Cup of God’s


[**185 x 2 = 370; 370 = (37 x 10); 37 = The Word of our Father! Gematria

10 = Testimony; LAW; and Responsibility**]

Notice that 185 Thousand (185, 000) stands as a tremendous miracle in the Days of

the Righteous King Hezekiah of Judah when the Angel of the LORD slew 185 thousand

Assyrians in one night.

It is tied to Gematria 490 (70 x 7); also, 490 = (35--Rapture x 14—

Deliverance and Salvation) or (49—Son of Man; Wrath of God x 10)

2 Kings 19:35(KJV)

And it came to pass that night, that the angel of the LORD went out, and smote in

the camp of the Assyrians an hundred fourscore and five thousand: and when

they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses.

Isaiah 37:36(KJV)

Then the angel of the LORD went forth, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians

a hundred and fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose early in the

morning, behold, they were all dead corpses.

The PTB admitted recently to the killing of 400, 000 people in the Syrian Civil

War of the past five years.

400,000/185,000 = 2.162 162 162 [162 (RMI) 261]

August 13, 2016

War of attrition: The Syrian rebellion grinds on into its 6th year, with no end in sight IT IS NOW FIVE YEARS, since the outbreak of the Syrian armed rebellion

against the regime of Bashar Assad, and up to 400,000 people have been killed in the civil

war that has ravaged and destroyed the country.

162 (RMI) = 261; and, this is the very address of the Bohemian

Grove in America’s northern California’s Marin Co,

20601 Bohemian Ave, Monte Rio, CA


Notice how these three perfect repetitions of “261” match this

triad of 3 EQ’s; also, this math points to the “6”—the Number of

man; the evils of Satan: rounded to 2.16 or 216 (6—cubed) you

have 6 x 6 x 6 or “666”

How AMAZING is that?

185 – 171 = 14—Deliverance and Salvation

54 (minus 1 day) = 53—Marriage Supper; and, 3 = Divine Completeness

and Perfection.

1117; 1118---1119 (coupled with 19—Faith)

815/365.252 = 2.23 1…; and 818/365.242 = 2.23 9

Both 815 and 818 appear clearly in all of these EQ’s (Thursday = Day “5”)

and August is month (8)

August 15 to 18 is the second set of Rapture Windows of Heaven in August


803; 804; 805; and 806 /360 is the first set; 815; 816; 817 and 818 /365.242

is the second set.

814/360 = 2.26 11 11 11…which clearly points to my Miracle Motorcycle

Accident (MMA) on 2.26.11 (February 26, 2011)

819/356.242 = 2.24 234 8 9 | ‘0’ 8

Notice that 224 is a chiasmus showing 22—Light; 24—Priesthood; 42—Nimrod the

Antichrist; 234 follows; 234 is the Vincent Tan Terminal Number; 234/153 = 1.53;

then Gematria 8—New Birth; New Beginnings; the 9—Divine Completeness from the

Father; Fruit of the Spirit |then the Antichrist arrives (Mr Zero) followed by 8

This reminds me of two important Scripture passages

819/356.242 = 2.24 234 8 9 | ‘0’ 8


FIRST: Revelation 1:5-8(KJV)


Notice how perfectly the following four verses depict what is about to happen; Jesus

is tied to Gematria “8” and “9”; read all of Revelation 1:1-20(KJV)

5) And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and

the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in

his own blood,

6) AND HATH MADE US KINGS AND PRIESTS unto God and his Father; to him be

glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

7) Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which

pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

8) I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is,

and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.


SECOND: Revelation 13:5-8(KJV)

819/356.242 = 2.24 234 8 9 | ‘0’ 8

The wicked will have their “New Beginning; New Birth” Gematria 8; with the Satanic


5) And there was given unto him a mouth ‘0’ speaking great things and

blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

John, please notice that it says here in Revelation 13:5 “and power was given unto

him to continue forty and two months (42 months x 2 = 84 months)

Seven (7) years x 12 months/year = 84 months; NOW LOOK AT THIS AMAZING


The Stan Deyo Timeline titled: “The Times of the Gentiles is Finished” from April 3,

2012 to August 18, 2016 is 1598 days. In Gregorian Years of real time, the LORD

has already allowed 4 years; 4 months plus 15 days a total of 4.38 years.

So, 4 years = 48 months of Gregorian years have already been allowed.

Notice that 48 (RMI) = 84; and 84 = (7--Years x 12 months/year). I believe that

the agreement that Satan made was to allow Reverse Mirror Image numbers. Any

additional time that Satan gets from here on out is strictly what the LORD allows.

His 42 month reign is already squandered and cannot; and will not; be repeated. I,

of all people know this all too well having written quite a treatise on “The Raising

Ceremony Exposed”. Common logic says that if Satan Lucifer, aka Allah was really


the greatest god over the Almighty Judeo-Christian Triune Godhead, then he would

have come forth on this earth right on queue when he was summoned. But he did

not come; because, he could not do so, due to the restraint put on him by the

Almighty God of Israel (2 Thessalonians 2:7(KJV).


So the clock was run out on Satan’s main event (his 42-month reign) without him

even showing up. Forfeiture and game over has been declared! Do you see the

logic of the point that I am making.

God’s Prophet Elijah called the bluff on King Ahab and Queen Jezebel (the Bill and

Hillary Clinton of America) and all of their gluttonous and perverted prophets of

Ashtoreth and Baal atop Mount Carmel when the Almighty God of Israel showed up

with the Fire from Heaven; while Baal was a complete “no show”. This showdown

turned the tide in Israel in favor the LORD’s mighty prophet and his God; and, the

people helped Elijah kill with the sword every single false prophet of Baal and


Isaiah 19:3-4(NIV—1984) An Oracle concerning Egypt

Here Egypt is Endtime Planet Earth (not just the country of Egypt). One of Obama’s

earned titles is “The Lucie Joker Tut”; he wants to reign over the entire Planet Earth.



they will consult the idols and the spirits of the dead, the mediums and the spiritists.

4)—I will hand the Egyptians over to the power of a cruel master, and a fierce king

will rule over them, declares the Lord, the LORD Almighty.

John, I will say no more; I know that you understand what I am, and have been

saying, when I say that it will all come to an end this year by the end of the Fall

Feasts of both the Torah and Jewish Chabad Calendars. If I am wrong then I will

eat crow and admit that I was wrong. But if I am right, then you will have to admit

that I was right and that I fully saw this coming. This is very much how our God

operates, it’s like a final examination (test) where people say to the professor that

is was way too hard; and, no one could have gotten the right answers. God doesn’t

grade on the curve. If only a few get it right, that is all that matters. It proves that

it was not impossible to know the correct answers from a human perspective.

6) And he opened his mouth ‘0’ in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name,

and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.


7) And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them:

and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

8) And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written

in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

Notice following that the Vincent Tan Terminal Number on August 19, 2016

signals the end of all things as we have known up to now from the

foundation of this Earth.

August 19, 2016—Jewish Tu B’Av follows the Second 4-Day

Rapture Window (8:15 to 8:16/ 365.242)

August 19, 2016 has a Special Terminal Marker; again notice 2.24 is a

chiasmus of 22—Light; 24—Priesthood; and 42—Nimrod the Antichrist;

followed by “234”

“234”—the Vincent Tan Terminal Number

819/356.242 = 2.24 234 8 9 | ‘0’ 8

After Gabriel blows the mighty Shofar signaling the end of our present

Dispensation of free Grace; the unrepentant and unforgiven wicked will

officially start an existence of horror so unimaginable that it horrifies me to

even think about it; unending hell will be their lot. And take note that all so-

called Christians and Jews who are guilty of unrepented lives of hypocrisy,

will join these damned souls forever also. Matthew 24:45-51(KJV) describes

perfectly what will happen to these hypocrites.

Matthew 24:45-51(KJV)

44) Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of

man cometh.

45) Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his

household, to give them meat in due season? 46) Blessed is that servant,

whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. 47) Verily I say unto you,

That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.

48) But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his

coming; 49) And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink

with the drunken;


50) The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him,

and in an hour that he is not aware of,

51) And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the

hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Thursday August 18 2016, 11:19:19 UTC

4 hours ago

Kepulauan Barat Daya, Indonesia

5.4 185.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Thursday August 18 2016, 11:19:18 UTC

4 hours ago

Banda Sea.

5.3 171.0 GeoScience Australia


Thursday August 18 2016, 11:19:18 UTC

4 hours ago

Banda Sea.

5.3 171.0 GeoScience Australia


Thursday August 18 2016, 11:19:18 UTC

4 hours ago

Banda Sea.

5.3 171.0 GeoScience Australia


Thursday August 18 2016, 04:30:08 UTC

10 hours ago

Coastal Bowen, Offshore Queensland.

5.8 0.0 GeoScience Australia


Thursday August 18 2016, 04:30:08 UTC

10 hours ago

Queensland, Australia

5.7 10.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Thursday August 18 2016, 04:30:07

10 hours ago

Offshore NE of Bowen, QLD.

5.8 0.0 GeoScience Australia




Magnitude Mw 5.7


Date time 2016-08-18 04:30:08.6 UTC

Location 19.83 S ; 148.73 E

Depth 10 km


1161 km S of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea / pop: 283,733 / local time: 14:30:08.6 2016-08-18 953 km NW of Brisbane, Australia / pop: 958,504 / local time: 14:30:08.6 2016-08-18 54 km E of Bowen, Australia / pop: 10,983 / local time: 14:30:08.6 2016-08-18

Magnitude ML 3.0


Date time

2016-08-18 05:39:04.0 UTC [818/365.242 = 2.23 9 61 0 998]

August 18 + 1 day = August 19 (Tu B’Av—Av 15) of the Chabad Calendar]


36.49 N ; 26.66 E [2666 – 666 = 2000; 26.66 – 2620 = 46; 2620/10 = 262—Isaiah 21:1 trigger Desert Storm War 3]

3649 – 649 = 3000; 649 (RMI) = 949; 949/360 = 2.63 61 111 111…

Gematria 263 links to Isaiah 21:10; notice the “61” Isaiah 61:2 the Day of the LORD’s Vengeance followed by endless 11’s—Judgment of the Disorder—the Ordo ab Chao of the Luciferians.

Depth 130 km [Gematria 130 is linked to Isaiah 51:17-23(NIV)—The Cup of the LORD’s Wrath…which parallels Jer 25:15-38(NIV)—The Cup of God’s Wrath!]


218 km S of İzmir, Turkey / pop: 2,500,603 / local time: 08:39:04.0 2016-08-18 172 km SW of Muğla, Turkey / pop: 48,183 / local time: 08:39:04.0 2016-08-18 [271 – 262 = 9—Divine Completenss from the Father 172 (RMI) [271 – 263 = 8—New Birth; New Beginnings

140 km W of Ródos, Greece / pop: 56,128 / local time: 08:39:04.0 2016-08-18 [Gematria 140 = (4 x 35—Hope--the Blessed Hope Titus 2:13—(The Rapture) and “4”= Earth Door Rev 4:1…Come up hither--(the Rapture) 39 km SW of Kéfalos, Greece / pop: 2,528 / local time: 08:39:04.0 2016-08-18


John and all faithful and beloved doves: The following is a good

sampling of EQ’s that hit on Saturday August 20, 2016. Just scroll

down and look at the volume of key messaging that is being sent.

Surely you will recognize many of the important Gematria by now.

What a mighty God we serve; and, we are about to see him face to

face. I have never been so excited in my entire life. Like

Secretariat, I’ve given this race my best shot. I ready to go

airborne across the finish line. Hallelujah!

Saturday August 20 2016, 06:44:01 UTC

13 hours ago

Eastern Kazakhstan

3.5 1.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday August 20 2016, 08:02:38 UTC

12 hours ago

Central Turkey

2.2 2.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday August 20 2016, 09:44:04 UTC

10 hours ago

Central Turkey

2.1 14.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday August 20 2016, 09:01:57 UTC

11 hours ago

South Georgia Island Region

4.9 10.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday*** August 20 2016, 09:01:27 UTC

11 hours ago

Off East Coast of Honshu, Japan.

6.1 8.0 GeoScience Australia


Saturday August 20

11 hours

Off East Coast Of

6.0 10.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed



2016, 09:01:26 UTC

ago Honshu, Japan

Saturday August 20 2016, 17:11:15 UTC

2 hours ago


2.0 9.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday August 20 2016, 15:58:04 UTC

4 hours ago

Off East Coast Of Honshu, Japan

6.0 10.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday August 20 2016, 15:37:47 UTC

4 hours ago

Puerto Rico

2.0 37.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday August 20 2016, 15:27:57 UTC

4 hours ago

Turkey-iraq Border Region

2.5 27.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday August 20 2016, 15:27:20 UTC

4 hours ago

Northern Colombia

2.6 141.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday August 20 2016, 15:15:34 UTC

4 hours ago

Offshore Antofagasta, Chile

2.4 35.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday August 20 2016, 11:40:09 UTC

8 hours ago


4.8 212.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed



Saturday August 20 2016, 07:58:43 UTC

12 hours ago

Dodecanese Islands, Greece

2.7 10.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday August 20 2016, 07:58:20 UTC

12 hours ago

Central Alaska

3.3 100.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday August 20 2016, 11:19:00 UTC

8 hours ago

Offshore Coquimbo, Chile

2.6 29.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday August 20 2016, 11:17:53 UTC

8 hours ago

South Georgia Island Region

5.4 2.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday August 20 2016, 11:17:17 UTC

8 hours ago

Central Turkey

2.7 7.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Sunday August 21 2016, 00:03:48 UTC

5 hours ago

Northern California

2.1 2.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


August 20 2016, 23:44:37 UTC

5 hours ago

Central California

3.0 3.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Notice above the last EQ before Midnight August 20, 2016 (Saturday) followed by the very first EQ past Midnight on August 21, 2016 (Sunday).

The 234 Vincent Tan Terminal number is so prominent followed by “37” The Word of our Father; and double Gematria 3 means Divine Completing and


Perfection; while double 30 means dedication of the Blood of Jesus Christ. The 44 means Judgment of the World and POTUS 44

Now the very first EQ on Sunday shows a time of 3:48 (RMI) 843/360 = 2.34 1 666 666 666…; the 21 is the Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin; 20 = Redemption

of the Righteous; 2 means union; division; witnessing. Hey, I’ve got to stop and get this to John Tng.

Sunday August 21 2016, 02:23:34 UTC

2 hours ago

Western Turkey

2.0 12.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Sunday August 21 2016, 01:53:44 UTC

3 hours ago

Coquimbo, Chile

3.3 34.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Pasted from <>


Please pray mightily for the protection of God’s People (Israel) by God

Yahweh and His Son Yeshuah HaMashiach, who is King of the Jews. May

Michael the great Prince of Israel and all his mighty warriors now stand up to

protect the Holy People of Israel from all of their Luciferian enemies! Amen

and Amen!

Maranatha! (Come Quickly Lord Jesus!)

Harvey Troyer (YBIC)

Emmaus Road Ministries

There is a wealth of information in this free booklet; please us it!

Beheading, God's Final Safety Net After the Rapture

Click the following URL LINK to see for yourself!

Working URL Link to my "Beheading Booklet"