Dear Davidia Throughout the Whole World

 Dear Davidia Throughout The Whole World; We are now living in a confused world. Davidians are thus bickering and quarreling among themselves, one speaking against the faith of another, and at the same time all are trying to convert to the Rod the Adventist world! What darkness! (1 TG 42:5 ) No one sees eye to eye! (2 TG 41:8) What is the reason for confusion? The SRod definitely implied, that uninspired men after V.T Houteff died have been put forth prematurely, and without the prompting of the Spirit of truth, human efforts have accordingly failed to discover and explain the prophetic truth contained in the SRod. For there is no scripture ever being unfolded without Inspiration, the expositions of uninspired minds are hence of private interpretations, in forewarning of which the Bible says: “… no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 2 Pet.1:20 (5 TR 5) The statement: … “  but the prophets that arose in person to reprove them of their own evil deeds or correct their errors which they themselves had embodied from uninspired men, they were not willing to accept , plainly shows, that after, that after V.T. Houteff these uninspired men embodied uninspired interpretations then called it as the teaching of the Rod. If we are only mindful, of what the SROD hath declared, that if there is anything in the SROD which is not clear, only the writer himself should be consulted, concerning it if he is living. But since V.T. Houteff was already dead, the ultimate injunction was… “ only the same Spirit of Inspiration, the original Author of the writings, can clarify, whatever is involved.(1 Ans. 47; 3 Ans.33 ) Remember, the statement declared clearly… “whatever is envolved. Those who have undertaken to interpret the Scriptures independently of Inspiration, a private exercise which is contrary to the injunction given in 2 Peter 1:20, 21, and those who have accepted such views, will, unless they now forsake their errors for the truth, one day find themselves the victims of the disastrous circumstances with which they have bound themselves, and will be terribly confounded as they hear the horrifying  pronouncement: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied ; depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.  Jer. 23:21; Matt. 7:23. (3 TR 101, 102 ) Let us be Gods real people, logical thinkers not bait hunters. ( 2 TG 24:23) If the main reason that the Scriptures should not be privately interpreted, for the reason that all Scriptures [not merely a part of it] is inspired ( 1 Ans.39) then, if we fully believed that the

Transcript of Dear Davidia Throughout the Whole World

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