Dean˜s Address - Sabancı Üniversitesi · >Ali Çarko¤lu and Ersin Kalayc›o¤lu. Turkish...

I am very happy to present our first newsletter, inaugurating a twice yearly series, where we intend to bring together selected events and news from the stream that regularly appears on our websites. These will reflect the unique mix of disciplines that make up our Faculty, from Humanities and History to Social, Cultural and Political Studies, from Art to Economics, bearing witness to our commitment to academic excellence along with our concern for reaching out. With warmest regards, Ahmet Alkan ....................................................................................................................................................... Dean s Address ....................................................................................................................................................... Sabanc› University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Transcript of Dean˜s Address - Sabancı Üniversitesi · >Ali Çarko¤lu and Ersin Kalayc›o¤lu. Turkish...

  • I am very happy to present our first newsletter,

    inaugurating a twice yearly series, where we

    intend to bring together selected events and

    news from the stream that regularly appears on

    our websites. These will reflect the unique mix

    of disciplines that make up our Faculty, from

    Humanities and History to Social, Cultural and

    Political Studies, from Art to Economics, bearing

    witness to our commitment to academic

    excellence along with our concern for reaching


    With warmest regards,

    Ahmet Alkan

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Dean�s Address

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Sabanc› University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  • > Ersin Kalayc›o¤lu has returned to Sabanc›University after serving as the Rector of Ifl›kUniversity from 2004 to 2007. He is a professorof Political Science. Most recently he authoredTurkish Dynamics: A Bridge Across Troubled Lands(New York: Macmillan-Palgrave, 2005), and co-authored with Ali Çarko¤lu Turkish DemocracyToday: Elections, Protest and Stability in an IslamicSociety, (London: I. B. Tauris, 2007). Currently,Ersin Kalayc›o¤lu is carrying out studies of socio-political orientations and attitudes toward politicsand voting behavior in Turkey in collaborationwith Ali Çarko¤lu.

    > Ayhan Akman received Greek State Scholarship Foundation (I.K.Y) postdoctoral fellowshipaward from September 2006 to March 2007 and a postdoctoral fellowship at the ChicagoCenter for Contemporary Theory at the University of Chicago in Spring 2007.

    > Halil Berktay has been a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at HarvardUniversity since December 2006.

    > fiükrü Hanio¤lu, a well-known historian from Princeton University, offered a course titled''Reform and the History of Ideas in the Ottoman Empire" at Sabanc› University in Summer2007.

    > Sabanc› University's Economics program and its faculty members ranked highly in a recentstudy supported by TÜB‹TAK. The results can be accessed from the link below:

    > Murat Germen was interviewed by the online French graphic design magazine ImmersionGraphique.

  • > Ali Çarko¤lu and Ersin Kalayc›o¤lu.Turkish Democracy Today: Elections,Protest and Stability in an Islamic Society.London: I. B. Tauris, 2007.

    The authors of this volume combine cutting-edge theory with in-depth empirical researchto address the key issues in contemporaryTurkish politics; the rise of democratic Islamistparties and the implications of their ascendancyfor political stability and democratic governance.They offer important conclusions on voterdecision-making in Turkey, and provide arigorous theoretical framework for identifyingtrends and anticipating future developments.

    > Sumru Altu¤ and Alpay Filiztekin(eds.). The Turkish Economy: The RealEconomy, Corporate Governance, andReform. New York: Routledge, 2006.

    Including contributions from noted internationalscholars, this collection of papers provides astrong theoretical and empirical underpinningfor the discussion of major public policy issuesfacing Turkey today. The matters addressedinclude determinants of growth andproductivity; education and human capitalaccumulation; income inequality; corporatecontrol and government; performance of thegovernment sector; and the impact of majorpublic policy issues on the future growthprospects of the Turkish economy. This volumerelates the impact of major public policy issueson the future growth prospects of the Turkisheconomy. At a time when Turkey is currentlyattempting to gain membership to theEuropean Union, this pertinent reference ques-tions whether the country's economy is in factready for EU accession and membership.

  • > Hülya Canbakal. Society and Politicsin an Ottoman Town: Ayntab in the 17thCentury. Leiden: Brill, 2006.

    This book deals with a provincial town attendingto its day-to-day business against the backdropof an exacting war fought far a field againstthe Habsburgs (1683-99). The dynamics oflong-term economic growth were temporarilydisturbed by the wartime economy whilerealignment in center-periphery relationsaffected the local power structure and practicesof status management. Meanwhile, the localelite continued to dominate public life, hencethe lives of commoners. This study opens awindow onto this world through a closeexamination of the court records of the town.

    > Cemil Koçak. Belgelerle ‹ktidar veSerbest Cumhuriyet F›rkas›, ‹stanbul:‹letiflim Yay›nlar›, 2006.

    This book deals with the history of theRepublican Free Party using a methodologyof histography based on a rigorous analysisof the official documents of its time. It con-tributes to our understanding of Turkish politicalhistory from a critical perspective.

  • > Hakan Erdem et al. (eds.). Middle EastHistoriographies: Narrating the TwentiethCentury. Seattle and London: Universityof Washington Press, 2006.

    This collection of ten essays focuses on theway major schools and individuals havenarrated histories of the Middle East. Thedistinguished contributors explore the histo-riography of economic and intellectual history,nationalism, fundamentalism, colonialism, themedia, slavery, and gender. In doing so, theyengage with some of the most controversialissues of the twentieth century.

    > Ayfle Betül Çelik et al. (eds.). Comingto Terms with Forced Migration: Post-Displacement Restitution of CitizenshipRights in Turkey. Istanbul: TESEVPublications, 2007.

    TESEV's Internal Displacement and SocialRehabilitation Project has recently publishedthe English edition of the book initially publishedin Turkish in June 2006. The book comparesTurkey's experience of internal displacementwith other country examples, situates it in theinternational framework and offers policyproposals. She contributed to it on thetheoretical framework to analyze the issuefrom a conflict resolution perspective, reviewedthe literature on the EU and U.S.A.'s role inchanging Turkey's position on the issue, andevaluated the situation in Batman, one of theinternally displaced-producing cities.

  • > Hasan Bülent Kahraman. Türk Sa¤› veAKP. ‹stanbul: Agora Kitapl›¤›, 2007.

    This book analyzes first, the usually evasiveand ambigous notion of the formation of theTurkish political right in its historicalcontextuality. The main axis of the analysis isthe ideological content of this political flank,concentrating on the notion of conservatismand partly on nationalism. Second, the bookexamines AKP as a party with Islamic rootsattempting to establish a new political realm.The book argues that AKP's success could beconsidered in relation with the problematiccharacter of Turkish modernity.

  • > Elif Ayiter, "The Bridge Project,"Computational Aesthetics 2007, EurographicsExhibition, Banff, Canada, 2007 and"Deconstructing the Palace/ground" thePlanetary Collegium Summit, Montreal, Canada,2007.

    > Murat Germen, "Brid6e/Köprü6 -Photographers in Galata," Group Exhibit,‹stanbul Modern 2007, and "VirtualArchitecture; Reconstructing Architecturethrough Photography," Siggraph Art Gallery,San Diego, 2007.

    > Selçuk Artut, "Substairs," InstallationPiece, 10th International ‹stanbul Biennial,2007.

    > Selim Birsel, "Time Present Time Past - Highlights from 20 years of the International‹stanbul Biennial," ‹stanbul Modern, 2007; "Modern and Beyond, 50 Years of Modernand Contemporary Art in Turkey 1950-2000," Santralistanbul, 2007; "Off The Record/Kay›td›fl›" Port 07 International Art Festival, Çetin Emeç Art Gallery, ‹zmir, 2007; and "NextCode: Love" Steirischer Herbst Festival of New Art, Gleisdorf, Austria, 2007.

  • > Erda¤ Aksel, "NEV/Tepebafl›," Group Exhibit, Galeri Nev,‹stanbul, 2007; "Modern and Beyond, 50 Years of Modern andContemporary Art in Turkey 1950-2000" Santralistanbul, 2007,and "Installation Pieces" Port 07 International Art Festival, ‹KSEVBuilding, ‹zmir, 2007.

    > Alex Wong, "Multicultural Land Form," The Photographers Gallery, Starhill Plaza, KualaLumpur, Malaysia, 2007.

    > Wieslaw Zaremba, "A Journey to SelfExpression within Figure," Roman GajewskiGroup Exhibit, Limkokwing University ofCreative Technology, Malaysia, 2007.

  • > Ayfle Gül Alt›nay was awarded the TÜB‹TAK Young Researcher CareerAward in 2006. As part of this award, Alt›nay will conduct a researchproject titled "Redefining 'Women's Place" in Eastern and SoutheasternAnatolia; The Case of KA-MER". The project focuses on the multifacetedwork done by KAMER, a women's organization that operates in Easternand Southeastern Turkey in the field of women's empowerment, thestruggle against gender-based violence (including honor killings), pre-school education for girls and boys, and women's entrepreneurship.

    > Aziz Nazmi Shakir was awarded a US government grant to participate in the Universityof Iowa's International Writing Program. Shakir is one of 17 participants to be awarded anall-expenses paid grant from the US government to participate in the three-month programthat allows writers from different cultures to embrace issues of global relevance together.Since 1967, over 1000 writers from 120 nations have participated in the University of Iowa'sInternational Writing Program.

    > The interdisciplinary SU research group consisting of Selim Balc›soyfrom Computer Science program, Elif Ayiter and Murat Germen fromVisual Arts and Communication Design program were awarded the IBMFaculty Award for their 3D Information Visualization Project in the ServicesScience category. IBM Faculty Award is the most prestigious among theIBM Global University Awards which provide financial support to academiciansselected from the competing candidates applying from all over the world.

    > Alex Wong received 1st place in Architecture/Interiors categories with his "Art vs Trash-The Destroyer,” 3rd place in the Nature/Sunset category with "Enchanting Breath of Sunset"and 4 honorable mentions in other categories at the International Photography Awards in2007.

  • > Murat Germen received 2nd place in the Advertising/Catalogues category with his "IstanbulModern" series and 8 honorable mentions in other categories at the International PhotographyAwards in 2007.

    > Selçuk Artut received 3rd prize in the Tourism category at the Alt›n Örümcek (GoldenWeb)Internet Award with in 2007.http: //www .altinorumcek .com /Kazananlar.aspx

  • The European Commission. 6th and 7thFramework Programs

    > RECON: Meltem Müftüler-Baç is participatingin the Project "RECON: ReconstructingDemocracy in Europe,” under the 6thFramework program. The consortium memberstates of the RECON Project are Norway,Belgium, Germany, Italy, Hungary, UnitedKingdom, Netherlands, Luxembourg, andTurkey. The project is under the leadershipof ARENA from Oslo. The research teamconsists of Meltem Müftüler-Baç, YaprakGürsoy, Nora Fisher (Ph.D. candidate at OxfordUniversity), Evrim Taflk›n and Selin Türkefl(both are the Ph.D. students in Political Scienceat Sabanc› University)

    > GO-EuroMed: Bahri Y›lmaz is participatingin the project "GO-EuroMed: The PoliticalEconomy of Governance in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership" as a part of the6th Framework program. The main purposeof this Project is to focus on the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, in the context ofEU efforts to improve governance throughoutits neighborhood. The consortium memberstates of the GO-EuroMed Project are Germany,Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Morroco, Turkey, Spain,France, and Poland. The research team includesSabanc› University M.A. students Sibel Oktayand Ezgi Özgül Öztürk.

    > EUROSPHERE; Ayfle Öncü, Ayfle Gül Alt›nayand Ahmet Öncü are participating in the project"Eurospheres" as part of the 6th Frameworkprogram. EUROSPHERE is a EuropeanCommission-funded Integrated Project withinthe 6th Framework Programme. TheEUROSPHERE Consortium comprises 17European universities and research institutesand approximately 150 researchers are workingin the project which is coordinated by theUniversity of Bergen. The 2nd Annual GeneralAssembly Meeting of the EUROSPHERE Projectwill be held in 7-9 December, 2007 in Istanbul

    http: //www .eurosphere .uib .no/

  • Tübitak Projects

    > Dicle Ko¤ac›o¤lu was awarded a TÜB‹TAKResearch Grant for a project entitled "Accessto Justice at Crossroads: SociologicalPerspectives". In recent years efforts of lawfaculties, transnational law offices, non-governmental organizations, and internationalfunding agencies have added to the existingwork of bar associations in facilitating thereach of disadvantaged social groups to legalvenues.

    > Ayfle Parla was awarded a TÜB‹TAKResearch Grant for a project entitled "Formsof Organization among New Migrants: AComparative Analysis of Bulgarian Turks, IraqiTurkmens and Moldavians in Turkey" Theproject began in January 2007 and will becompleted in June 2008.

    > Ayfle Gül Alt›nay and Yeflim Arat (Bo¤aziçiUniversity) have recently completed theirTÜB‹TAK-sponsored research project on"Violence against Women in Turkey”. Thisjoint research project analyzes the twentyyears of resistance to violence against womenin Turkey and discusses the approaches andexperiences of married women regardingviolence in the family. A major report resultingfrom this research will be published inNovember.

    > Ahmet Alkan, Alpay Filiztekin, Ali Çarko¤luand F›rat ‹nceo¤lu's TÜB‹TAK sponsoredresearch project entitled “Measuring ValueAdded in Secondary Schooling in Turkey” aimsto quantify and disaggregate the educationalachievements of students attending second-ary schooling in Turkey.

    The European Commission'sJean MonnetProjects

    > Bahri Y›lmaz has been a Jean Monnet Chairon European Economic Integration since 2002.

    > Meltem Müftüler-Baç has been a JeanMonnet Chair ad personam in European PoliticalIntegration since 2004.

    > Meltem Müftüler-Baç teaches the coursePOLS 592-The European Union: Policies, Politicsand Governance which has been supportedby the European Commission as a Jean MonnetPermanent Course since 2002.

    > Bahri Y›lmaz teaches the course ECON407/ES 507- The Economics of EuropeanIntegration which has been supported by theEuropean Commission as a Jean Monnet CourseModule since 2005.

    > Ali Çarko¤lu teaches the course POLS462/562- The Analytical Approaches toEuropean Integration which has been supportedby the European Commission as a Jean MonnetCourse Module since 2006.

    Other International Projects

    > Yaprak Gürsoy is participating in the"Evaluating International Influences onDemocratic Transitions" project headed bythe Center on Democracy, Development andRule of Law at Stanford University. The Turkishleg of the project involves assessing interna-tional influences on the 1983 Turkish transitionto democracy.

  • > Professor Feroz Ahmad, a prominenthistorian and political scientist, gave alecture "The Young Turk Revolution, 1908-1918, Revisited" at our faculty as part ofthe SPS Speaker Series on 16 May 2007.

    > "Absent Spheres, Silent Voices:Recovering Untold Histories" was organizedby Tel Aviv University, the Institute forAdvanced Studies at Hebrew University,Sabanc› University and ‹stanbul BilgiUniversity on 27-31 May 2007. OrganizingCommittee members are Yusuf HakanErdem, Israel Gershoni, ChristophNeumann, Amy Singer and Selçuk AkflinSomel.

    > Chris Patten, former European Com-missioner and the current Chancellor of OxfordUniversity, and Kalypso Nicolaidis, Director ofthe European Studies Center at OxfordUniversity, gave a joint lecture titled"Europe@50, Turkey@84: Is Membership Stillan Issue?" on 31 May 2007. The lecture,hosted by the European Studies Program, washeld at the Sak›p Sabanc› Museum.

    > The 18th European Regional Conference ofthe International Telecommunications Society(ITS) took place in istanbul on 2-5 September2007. The Conference was hosted by Sabanc›University and the TelecommunicationsAuthority of Turkey. The Conference focusedon the most pressing developments andstimulated discussions on how to enhancepolicy making, research approaches, laws andregulation in order to improve marketperformance and consumer welfare in the fastchanging electronic communica tions industry.Türk Telekom was the main sponsor of theevent.

    > The international conference titled"Symbiotic Antagonisms in Turkey: Sources,Discourses and Changing Nature of Turkish,Kurdish and Islamic Nationalisms" was heldon 5-6 November 2007 at Sabanc› University'sKaraköy Communication Center. The organizerswere Ayfle Kad›o¤lu, Sabanc› University, andFuat Keyman, Koç University.

  • > Conflict Analysis and Resolution M.A. studentstook part in facilitating two international conferencesorganized by the ‹stanbul Policy Center: the Turkey-U.S. Public Policy Initiative May 2007 conferenceand the Turkey- EU Observatory May 2006conference.

    > Claudius Schulze, M.A. student in Conflict Analysisand Resolution, created a powerful exhibition aboutthe ways in which conflict is dealt with in the MiddleEast by returning to the bomb site of the Jordanianhotels targeted by terrorist attacks one year later.His exhibit, "Bombsite Revisited," at the Gaf Theaterin Istanbul's Beyo¤lu district, caught the attentionof the Turkish Daily News, which featured aninterviewed with Schulze in October.

    > Social and Political Sciences B.A. studentscoordinated and participated in the internationalproject, Leaving Places, Shaping Places, sponsoredby the Anna Lindh Foundation and Kreizau Initiative.The project involves the active participation of Turkish,German, Polish and Israeli students, NGOs andacademicians. The Turkish part of the project wascoordinated by SPS student Melis Bitlis and theparticipants from the SPS program are Irmak Özer,Candan Türkkan, Emre Tunçalp, Emir Gönel andHeymi Behar. Cultural Studies B.A. students AdaParisyan and Constranze Kolbe also were among theparticipants.

    > Sinan Erensü, Ph.D. student in Political Science,presented his paper, "Neo-Liberal Transformation ofIslamism in Turkey: Changing Conceptions of SocialJustice," at the Conference on Re-Thinking CulturalEconomy organized by the Centre for Research onSocio Cultural Exchange (CRESC), Manchester, 5-7 September 2007.

    > Alper Bilgili and Nazl› Ça¤›n fiahin, Ph.D. studentsin Political Science, presented their paper, "The PlaceAttributed to Islam in Turkish Nationalism on theParty Level," at the Midwest Political ScienceAssociation 65th Annual Conference, Chicago, 12-15 April 2007.

    > Hasret Dikici Bilgin, Ph.D. student in PoliticalScience, presented her paper "Civil Society and Statein Turkey from a Gramscian Perspective: Civil Societyagainst the Turkish State or on behalf of the TurkishState," at the 4th European Consortium for PoliticalResearch (ECPR) General Conference, Pisa, 6-8September 2007.

    Publications, awards andcompleted Ph.D. Dissertations

    > ‹pek Gürsel Tapk›, Ph.D. student in Economicspublished her first paper, "Revealed IncompletePreferences under Status-Quo Bias," MathematicalSocial Sciences, Vol. 53, 274-283, 2007 (SSCI).

    > Heymi Bahar, Social and Political Sciencesundergraduate student, published his paper, "TheReal Winners and Losers of Turkey's July 2007Elections," MERIA (Middle East Review of InternationalAffairs) Journal, Vol.11, No.3, September 2007.

    > Fulbright Awards: Social and Political Studiesstudents Ece Özkan, Candan Türkkan, Emrah Keskinand Cultural Studies student ‹pek Ulusoy receivedFulbright Awards for graduate study in the USA forthe 2008-2009 Academic Year.

    > Jean Monnet Scholarships: Social and PoliticalStudies students Elif Çavufllu, Sarp Tunçay andDamla Cihangir received the European Commission'sJean Monnet Award and Scholarship for EuropeanStudies for the year 2007-2008.

    > Ph.D. degree awarded in History: Selçuk Dursun,“Forest and the State: History of Forestry and ForestAdministration in the Ottoman Empire," defendedin February 2007.

    > Ph.D. degree awarded in History: Candan Badem,"The Ottomans and the Crimean War (1853-1856),"defended in August 2007.

    Activities, conference participation andexhibits

    > European Studies M.A. students visited Europeaninstitutions, the Commission, the Council of the EUand the European Parliament in April 2007. This visitwas part of the Master's program designed to provideon-site training for the students.

    > European Studies M.A. students participated theEU Observatory Meeting in June 2007.

  • > Nazan Maksudyan, Ph.D. student in History,presented her paper "A Contested Terrain; AbandonedChildren in the Nineteenth Century Ottoman Empire,"at the 8th Mediterranean Social and Political ResearchMeeting, organized by European University Institute,Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, andthe Mediterranean Program, Florence, MontecatiniTerme, 21-25 March 2007.

    > Berfin Var›fll›, Ph.D. student in Political Science,presented her paper, 'Was "Euroscepticism" an Issuefor the New Comers? The Public Opinion of the(former) Candidate Countries of the European UnionPrior to Their Accession to the European Union," atthe 2nd Annual South East European Doctoral StudentConference, Thessalonica, 22 June 2007.

    > Evrim Taflk›n, Ph.D. student in Political Science,presented her paper, "A Theoretical Inquiry into theTheories of European Integration: Turkey's Accessionto the European Union", at 11th Annual MAGESConference organized by Georgetown University,Washington D.C, 1-4 February 2007.

    > Evrim Taflk›n, Ph.D. student in Political Science,presented her paper, "Turkey's Accession to theEuropean Union; Two Logics of Action," at the 2ndEU-CONSENT Ph.D School, Dublin, 18-23 February2007.

    > U¤ur Peçe, M.A. student in History, presented hispaper, "The Story of a Transformation; Ömer Seyfettinbefore and after the Balkan Wars (1912-1913)," atthe 22nd Annual Middle East History and TheoryConference organized by University of Chicago,Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Chicago, 11-12May 2007.

    > Özgül Ak›nc›, M.A. student in Cultural Studies,presented her paper "Conscientious Objection inTurkey: Declaring Not to Support Rather Than Notto Obey," at the 8th Essex Graduate Conference inPolitical Theory organized by Essex University,Department of Government, Colchester, 21-22 June2007.

    > Ümit Kurt, M.A. student in European Studies,presented his paper "EU-Turkey Relations from theSecurity Perspective," at the 4th Annual East EuropeanConference organized by the University of Warsaw,Poland 19-22 July 2007.

    > Hasan Salih Ay, M.A. student in Visual Arts andVisual Communication Design, has been invited bythe "Association Internationale pour la Biennale desJeunes Createurs de I'Europe et de la Mediterranee"(BJCEM), Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella,Italy, 2007.

    > Serkan Yolaçan, B.A. student in Cultural Studies,presented his paper "On the Edge of 'UrbanTransformation': Politics of Resistance and PoliticalSubjectivity," at the 1st International Conference ofYoung Urban Researchers (FICYUrb), 11-12 June2007, Lisbon.

    > Gökhan Okur, VACD graduate student, wasinterviewed by the French newspaper Liberation onthe "Movie Assembly" project, 2007, France.

  • > Student teams from CS 450 Arts and Computing (Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design andComputer Science interdisciplinary course) presented their work at the following conferences; Damla Tamer(VACD undergraduate)/ Emrah Kavlak (CS undergrade/VACD graduate); "Synaesthesia, "Siggraph 2007,San Diego, California, USA, 2007; Mehvefl Çetinkaya (VACD graduate)/ Billur Engin (CS undergraduate);"Maestro; Design Challenges for a Group Calendar," Info Vis 2007, Sacramento, California, USA, 2007;Berkay Kaya/ Can Çeçen (CS undergraduate): "Hairograph: Synthesizing Statistics with Hair Style," InfoVis 2007, Sacramento, California, USA, 2007; Gökhan Okur (VACD graduate)/ Tolga Eren (CS undergraduate):"Designing a Virtual Architecture," MX Design Conference 2007, Iberoamericana University, Mexico City,Mexico.

    > VACD undergraduate student Erdem Tafldelen was selected as a finalist in an international photographycompetition organized by Young Photographers United and his work will be included in their annual directory.

    http: //www .ypu .org/2007/

    Editors ‹nci Ceydeli / Tu¤can BaflaraDesign GrafikaSU 2008