Dealing With Your Weaknesses



This is a really exciting and interesting article that reveals the Ultimate Power of God at work, including the Principles to activate this Power. With mind-blowing truths and frequently asked questions, you will surly find this article very useful.

Transcript of Dealing With Your Weaknesses

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Hello, the reason you are reading this article shows you desire to break-off from the chains of sin and the desires of the flesh. Though we are aware of what God said in Romans 6:14:

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“For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace”.

We are not just seeing it yet. If you were once like me, I mean going through lots of downs and ups, lots of victories and defeats e.t.c. and you are just fed up with your loses and you want to become a permanent victor, this article is just for you. But before we proceed, know this “In the Kingdom of God, down is mostly the way up”.With the inspiration of God, I have been running a series

on “Sin Victory”, I urge you to read my article on “Life in Christ” to get an idea about what we are doing, and if you have read it, don’t ever get confuse as to which weapon to use and when to use it, the weapons are all efficient and capable of bringing you victory depending on its purpose. In a battle, there are different weapons apportioned to various uses, you don’t use a bullet to kill a fly, it’s a waste of energy and resources. The weapons that were revealed in “Life in Christ” article, were weapons designed to successfully combat against “Temptations”. I am here to introduce to you the deadliest weapon for

the mass destruction of “Sin” and other evident works of

Satan, this weapon is called “God the Consuming Fire”.

God the Consuming Fire

In my last article (Life in Christ), I talked on the involvement of the Cross in the combat of temptations

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and satanic works, but now we are talking about the involvement of God against satanic Works.

“Which has Greater Power?”The involvement of God against satanic works, based on

this fact:a. When you involve God in any situation orchestrated by the enemy, you automatically involve the two most deadly parties in the Universe, God and the Cross, because by the Cross God took dominion over authorities and Powers of the enemy on Earth.

“In this way, God disarmed the evil rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross of


Col 2:15

Therefore you are activating a DOUBLE POWER, that of God/Trinity and that of the Cross.“When do I use this Power?”The kind of Power formed due to the combination of the

Cross and the Trinity is so Powerful that its purpose was not for the combating of temptation but for the release from bondage (addictions, obsessions e.t.c.). If the power is used in combating temptations it will be a waste of Power. You use it:

1. In a case of an addiction.2. When in the face of a situation orchestrated by

Satan, himself e.g. Premature Death, Evil Children e.t.c.

3. When in a dilemma, I mean when you are in between the devil and the deep blue sea. When the Israelites activated this Power to the Red

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sea, the Power of God came upon that Sea and it divided.

4. Chronic illness, or sickness without cures.

The Power in this weapon is Mighty and it does not tolerate waste. What I mean by “waste” is using it for a purpose it was not designed for. This is one of if not the greatest Power available for deliverance. The Trinity is greatly involved in this; whenever something great is about to take place, the Trinity gets involved one way or the other e.g. Division of the red sea, Creation of the Earth, Immaculate conception of Jesus Christ, Crusades, Revivals, Deliverances e.t.c. mind the way you use it, because you are involving the Highest Power in the Universe. Whenever you use this Power, your prayer is answered with a great deal of “urgency” but the moment you start misusing it, the level of urgency drops.

ACTIVATION:- God the Consuming Fire.

The steps go activating this Awesome Power, are very simple, understandable, few and highly effective. You ready?1. Knowledge of Who God is:- You have to know who you

are praying to. This might blow up your mind but, do you know that God has different positions/offices apart from “being God”? “God” is an office that “God” occupies as the King and Ruler of the Universe. The different sides of Gods can be noticed in the difference in His Names, e.g.

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a. Jehovah Adir (Strong One): Is an office God occupies when He wants to prove to His People that He is stronger than the rest of the Creation.b. Jehovah Adon Olam (Master of the World) :- Is the

office God occupies when He wants to show that everything is under His control and influence.It’s very wise for you to know God by His Offices.“Why does God have these Names?”:-The reason is so that He can become everything you

want in Life and Godliness

“as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us

by glory and virtue”NKJV

2 Peter 1:3He has given us everything that is needed in Life to the

living of a Godly Life, by the continuous knowledge of Him. How can you say you know someone when you don’t know His Names? Your supply of everything you need in this life e.g. Money, Clothes e.t.c. is gotten in you KNOWLEDGE of Him (in its full sense).God’s Names are the reflections of what He can do for

you, all His Names have the Power to do whatever their meanings are, this is why it is very wrong to pray to Jehovah Jireh (My Provider) when you are in need of Health, you are misdirecting your prayer, you should be praying to Jehovah Rapha (The Lord that Healeth). The degree of urgency your prayer is answered is also dependent the office you actually prayed to, though you are praying to the same God, but to Him in different positions of assistance.

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When you are praying to God for deliverance, you must come to Him from the view-of-action as a “The Consuming Fire”. NB: To automatically activate any office of God, pray to

Him from the view of the office you want to activate, and praise Him mostly for the work He has done in that particular office. Come to God as if He is a Consuming Fire and He will

show you that side of Him, well, He is:

“For our God is a consuming fire”.NKJV

Heb 12:29

The first key to activating this Power is coming to God from the view of action of a “Consuming Fire”.

“Why should we pray to God from the view of a Consuming Fire”?:-

This is Because you are about to make a offering of your situation to Him, and God’s way of showing you that He has indeed accepted you offering is by showing up as a consuming Fire, He consumes your request.

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STEP #2: Phil. 4:6 :-

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known

unto God”.KJV

This key alone is sub-divided into 4 major keys. These keys teaches the art of bringing down God’s Presence, wherever and whenever you are. You can’t have deliverance when the Deliverer is not Present, that is why the activation of this Awesome Power is divided into 2:

a. Bringing/calling Down the Delivererb. Invoking the Power of the Deliverer through

Prayer.We have already dealt with invoking the Power of the

Deliverer, now we are going to look at Bringing down the Deliverer.

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#1: Requests made known to God:

“but in every thing”, “let your requests be made known unto God”.

Requests: Means prayer.Everything: Means problems, situations e.t.c.Prayer is a powerful tool for bringing down God’s Presence. Key #1 states the Protocol for any Divine intervention in your life, Prayer. God knows everything, from the number of strands that make up your hair to the amount of cells in your body, but yet, God cannot deliver you without being invited first, it’s a Principle. Whenever the Israelites where in trouble, God never helped them until they cried out (Prayed)

“For He will deliver the needy when he cries ,The poor also, and him who has no helper”.

NKJVPs 72:12

That is the Principle for Divine intervention; Prayer (and Praise) must go up for God’s intervention to come down.

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The first major key is making you problems known to God through Prayer.

#2: Supplication:

“but in every thing by prayer and supplication”

Supplication:- A humble Prayer for help.God demands a Prayer said in Humility, this is the

problem with most people, people do not know how to humble themselves before God, they believe that they can answer their prayer themselves.

Humility:- Accepting our inability/disability to accomplish something.

When you sincerely tell God that you are unable, you automatically step into His own abilities (Grace). The greatest Power of deliverance is found with a humble man, when Paul understood this, he vowed to continuously accept his weakness/inability before God

“And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may

rest upon me”NKJV

2 Cor 12:9

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The display of God’s Power is only through a humble man, for a proud man, God has nothing to do with James 4:6.To tap into God’s Power for Deliverance both in your life

and through your life, you must be Humble.

“How can I tell that I am proud? How can I become humble?”:-To spot pride, you will have to check deep inside you and

if you notice that you have been believing in yourself as the only source of your gain. I mean, you believe that everything you have was through your hard work.To be Humble, you have to recognize the undeniable help

from God. You have to know that if not for God, you would not have been where you are. You have to understand that the reason for your success was not you abilities but due to God’s Grace and Faithfulness. There is Great Power in submission/Humility. The

Presence of God is never scarce from a humble man. To easily spot a humble man you can find him easily accessing God’s Presence whenever and wherever, thus making him live without any complications in life.

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#3: With Thanksgiving:

“with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God”This is the brief summary of an effective Prayer process. NB: God didn’t say, “and thanksgiving”, but, “with

thanksgiving”, that means the prayer should be given with Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving/Praise acts as a decoration to your request, whenever God checks a request and doesn’t see a praise alongside, He doesn’t take the prayer seriously. There’s real power in Praise, in fact that is why Heaven is the most anointed Place in the Universe, because, praise goes on there every time. To bring God’s presence down quickly, enter into sincere and humble praise, it works every time. Praise is so important to prayer that Christ put it first when teaching His Disciples how to pray

“In this manner, therefore, pray:

Our Father in heaven,Hallowed be Your name

Your kingdom come.Your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven……” NKJV

Matt 6:9NB: The Lord’s Prayer is a pattern for Prayer. This means

that that is how God wants the Structure of our prayer to be built on. The Lord’s Prayer wasn’t just given casually, but with meaning, in the order of the Greatest and most important. The first item in the Lord’s Prayer is “Praise”, therefore, praise is the most important for all the Prayers, then followed by praying for God’s will to be done e.t.c.

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Praise acts as a irresistible invitation to God.

Not all praises are appreciated, only the praises that comes from the heart through the mouth that is accepted.

A humble man who gives a sincere praise, is a man who should be feared by all creatures of the world.

SummaryIn Phil. 4:6, God gives you 3 major powerful keys to

invoking His Presence, and 3 major protocols too. Remember, there is no deliverance when there is no deliverer.



1. Come Praising Him, with sincerity.2. Come humbly, knowing that you need His help,

if you didn’t you would not have come.3. Come to Him, expecting Him to show Himself

as Consuming Fire to your situation.4. Present everything (situations, addictions

e.t.c.) to Him, in humility, praise and ask Him to receive your offering but consuming it with Fire. Ask that He Consumes your offering in every sense of it and He consumes the desire for whatever you are addicted to.

5. Then continue praising Him.

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6. Watch and see His Consuming Power in effect.