De Thi TOEICGramar

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Transcript of De Thi TOEICGramar

  • 7/30/2019 De Thi TOEICGramar


    Students name:_________________________________Lecturer: Nguyn Hu Hnh Class:___________________________________


    1. She g a v e me to u nde r st a n d she would lea v in g an y day.A. gave B. understand C. leaving D. any2. His shop ha s g o n e in to business after m a ki ng heavy lo ss e s .

    A. has gone B. into C. making D. losses3. She was one of five a st r ona u ts o n the space shuttle "Challenger", tha t completed a successfsix-day voyage in space in June 1983.A. astronauts B. on C. that D. in4. Your friends a r e taken in his f an ta stic story of having g e t to the Pole a lo n e .A. are B. fantastic C. get D. alone5. The s u cc e s s f u l of our lo c a l theatre ha s p u t our city o n the map.A. successful B. local C. has put D. on6. The m o r e I read a bou t history, the more it brings to home to me how relevant history is f o r

    today.A. more B. about C. to D. for 7. If you see e v e r a tall and ski nny Chinese boy with a m o le on his chin, its m e .A. ever B. skinny C. mole D. me8. My name is Fang Yaorong and I w ou ld b e 12 o n the first o f June this year.A. would B. be C. on D. of 9. I wear th ick n e ss glasses because I didnt take p r o p e r care of my e y e s ig h t w he n I was youngA. thickness B. proper C. eyesight D. when10. I attend f o r school in the morning a t Ghim Moth P r im a r y School.A. for B. in C. at D. Primary

    11. Water on th e ea r th is be ing r e cy cl e d c o n ti nu o u sly in a process is k no w n as the hydrologiccycle.A. the earth B. is being recycled C. continuously D. is known12. Every morning, I w a lk e d to school w ith my ne ig hbo r John, who is a lso my classmate.A. walked B. with C. neighbor D. also13. This groundwater is e x tr e m e ly important to life on earth, since 95 percent of the earth'swater is in the ocean and a r e too salty f o r human beings or plants.A. extremely B. to C. are D. for 14. Chemicals lik e d sulfuric acid and soda w e r e manufactured long before man beg a n to

    understand the nature of the atom.A. liked B. were C. long D. began15. M o st of the m o de ls were given f o r me o v e r the years.A. Most B. models C. for D. over 16. Dent station is si tua te d on the Seattle to Carlisle r a il w ay li ne , said b e th e m o st s c en ic in thcountry.A. is situated B. railway line C. be D. the most scenic17. We h a v e ne v e r stayed in such th e expensive hotel be f o r e .A. have B. never C. the D. before18. A fire ha s de st r oy e d most of th e o ld city of London in the 1600s.

    A. A B. has destroyed C. the old city D. in

  • 7/30/2019 De Thi TOEICGramar


    19. The manager w a s very a st ou n d in g w he n they told him a b ou t the robbery.A. was B. astounding C. when D. about20. Winners were greatly hono re d by ha v in g olive wreaths p la c e d on their heads and having

    poems si ng in g about their deeds.A. honored B. having C. placed D. singing21. A country cant be p r o s pe r ou sly if its not q u ite ind e pe n d e nt .A. A B. prosperously C. quite D. independent22. They w en t o n s m o ki ng all through du r ing the m ea l.

    A. went on B. smoking C. during D. meal23. T he s e new m a c h in e have put a n end to queuing.A. These B. machine C. an D. to24. The in st r u cti o n s say you ju st add bo ili n g w a te r s to the soup powder.A. instructions B. just C. boiling D. waters25. The house s e e m e d to have b ee n u n o cc u py ing f o r several months.A. seemed B. been C. unoccupying D. for 26. You m u st drive m o r e sl o w l y tha n in town.A. must B. more C. slowly D. than27. Be sure to s ay goodbye to your grandmother b e f o r e you w ill l e a v e .

    A. to say B. to C. before D. will leave28. The rate of in f la ti o n has f a ll e n st e ad ily during r e c en tly months.A. inflation B. fallen C. steadily D. recently29. M o st people consider th a t st e a li ng w a s wrong.A. Most B. that C. stealing D. was30. Dick en ss la st novel was u n f in is h e d when he h a d d ie d .A. Dickenss B. last C. unfinished D. had died31. P lea s e would you to s e n d me f u r the r details, of the job ad v e r tis ed ?A. Please B. to send C. further D. advertised

    32.Children learn a lot a bo u t how to be h a v e in a situation a s this.A. about B. to behave C. in D. as33.I w r ite to h is a lm o st every day.A. write B. to C. his D. almost34. E v e n th oug h I a d m ir e his courage, I th in k he ha s be e n foolish.A. Even though B. admire C. think D. has been35. We w ou ld g e t the job finished m u c h q u ick e r if everyone worked a s h a r d ly a s e v e r y on e e lsA. would get B. much quicker C. as hardly as D. everyone else36. One of the p a ti en ts in a lo c a l hospital has on e typhoid.A. patients B. in C. local D. one

    37. I think c y cli ng is p r e f e r ab le w ith w a lki ng .A. cycling B. preferable C. with D. walking38. He s a id he d is a p pr o v e d o f people w h ich smoked.A. said B. disapproved C. of D. which39. You cant p o ssi b le e x pe ct me to ha v e supper r ead y by 8 oclock.A. possible B. expect C. to have D. ready40. I h a d be e n looking for this book f o r months and a t la st I h a v e f o un d it.A. had been B. for C. at last D. have found41. I a m w r iti n g to tell you ho w m u ch I h a d e njoy e d the few hours I s pen t with you and your

    family yesterday evening.A. am writing B. how much C. had enjoyed D. spent

  • 7/30/2019 De Thi TOEICGramar


    42. I h a v e be e n in England f o r the beginning of October and this w a s my first invitation todinner w ith an English family.A. have been B. for C. was D. with43. I f ou n d the c on v e r s a ti o n a l most in te r e sti n g and was g la d to practice my English.A. found B. conversational C. interesting D. glad44. I would a lso like c on gr a tu la ti ng you o n your excellent c oo ki n g .A. also B. congratulating C. on D. cooking45. I was v e r y gr a te f u lly for all the helpful in f o r m a tio n you gave me ab o u t the courses in

    English.A. very B. gratefully C. information D. about46. I hope to f in d a s u it ab le school w it h in the next few da y .A. to find B. suitable C. within D. day47. The English c ou r s e s w ill no t be to o hard to me to study.A. courses B. will not C. too D. to48. Would p lea s e you g i v e my be st wishes to your husband and children?A. please B. give C. best D. to49. T h a n k you again w ith an e x tr e m e ly p le a s an t evening.A. Thank B. with C. extremely D. pleasant

    50. A house in that d ist r ict w i ll c o st you a t le ss $200,000.A. in B. district C. will cost D. at less51.Although both his legs w e r e broken o n the crash, he managed to g e t out of the car before ite x p lo d ed .A. were B. on C. to get D. exploded52.The patient r e c o v e r e d more ra p id ly tha n e x pe cti n g .A. recovered B. rapidly C. than D. expecting53.A s s o o n a s the ship arrived s a fe at the airport, the victims w e r e ta k e n to ho s p ita l.A. As soon as B. safe C. were taken D. hospital

    54.We w ou ld put o u t to sea if the weather is good.A. would B. out C. to D. if 55.Do n o t b la m e me if the tin-opener is b r e a k .A. Do not B. blame C. if D. is break 56.Please check in d a m ag e before si g n in g the d e li v e ry note.A. in B. damage C. signing D. delivery57.The fact th a t every c h il d r e n has the same e d u c a ti o na l opportunities is essential.A. that B. children C. educational D. is58.John did not c e le b r a te d a party un til he received the offer of p r o m o ti o n in w r iti n g .A. celebrated B. until C. promotion D. writing

    59.You c a n u s e it a s len g th a s y o u lik e , and it will not w ea r out .A. can use B. as length as C. you like D. wear out60.If th ing s g o wrong, James, w he r e v e r you do, do not p a n ic .A. things B. go C. wherever D. panic61.M o r e tha n 1 ,0 0 0 r un n e r participated in this years Manchester m a r a th o n .A. More than B.1,000 runner C. in D. marathon62.The way he to o k everything she d oe s for gr an te d really an n oy e d her.A. took B. does C. granted D. annoyed63.The personnel p r o m is e d him that she w ou ld not tell anyone th a t he h a s be e n in prison.

    A. promised B. would C. that D. has been64.In my a rr iv a l home, I re a liz e d that I h a d le f t my book in the room.

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    A. In B. arrival C. realized D. had left64.In my a rr iv a l home, I re a liz e d that I h a d le f t my book in the room.A. In B. arrival C. realized D. had left65.My father is going to be r ea lly angry w ha t he finds out th a t I ha v e lo st the car key.A. really B. what C. that D. have lost66.People w ho se live in g la ss houses s h ou ldn t throw st o n e s .A. whose B. glass C. shouldnt D. stones67.He spent most of his ti m e s tr a v e li ng around the world and now he is w r iti n g about his

    e x pe r ien c e s .A. times B. traveling C. is writing D. experiences68.I w r o te to him last week but s o f a r I r e c e iv e d no reply to my letter.A. wrote B. so far C. received D. To69.I f the earth suddenly stopped to s p in , we w ou ld all fly o ff it.A. If B. to spin C. would D. off 70.This building w il l ha v e f in is h e d by the end o f 2000.A. will B. have finished C. by D. of 71.I h ea r d that you h a d b ou g h t that house and b e m o v e d there before you g o t your promotionA. heard B. had bought C. be moved D. got

    72.We h a d n o s o o ne r left the house w he n it beg a n to rain.A. had B. no sooner C. when D. began73.N e v e rto p u t off u n til tomorrow w ha t you can do today.A. Never B. to put C. until D. what74.My father is ti r e d o f living in the city a lt h oug h he wants to li v e in a quiet village.A. tired B. of C. although D. to live75.She w en t to the dentist be c a u se she g o t a n too tha c he .A. went B. because C. got D. an toothache76.Jeremy invents f r e q uen tly r id ic u lou s st o r ie s like that.

    A. frequently B. ridiculous C. stories D. like77.A lt h oug h Bob d id n t s p e a k Dutch, he de ci de d s e ttli ng in Amsterdam.A. Although B. didnt speak C. decided D. settling78.W itho u t f o r this treatment, the pa ti e n t w ou ld ha v e d ie d .A. Without B. for C. patient D. would have died79.The farmers are s im p ly trying to f a tte n the animals in o r de r th a t obtain a higher price o n thmarket.A. simply B. to fatten C. in order that D. on80.John a s k e d Oliver if she c ou ld remember w ha t she had put the camera.A. asked B. if C. could D. what

    81.I cant d e sc r ib e p eop le a s w e ll a s you c ou ld .A. describe B. people C. as well as D. could82.I w a s sc a r e d to te ll him what m e re a lly thought.A. was scared B. to tell C. me D. really83.There a r e about 3,000 li v ing lang uag e s in the world today, but only about six o f th e m aremajor lan g ua g e of the world.A. are B. living languages C. six of them D. Language84.Jack ha s be c o m e c o n f id en tly a s a result of h is s u cc e ss .A. has become B. confidently C. as D. his success

    85.He d id n t g iv e n a ny r ea s o n for his st r ang e behavior tha t day .A. didnt given B. any reason C. strange D. that day

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    86.I h a d lo st his phone number so I couldnt to c on ta ct him be f o r e .A. had lost B. so C. to contact D. before87.A lo t o f things keep st o pp ing me f o r w a lk i n g .A. A lot of B. stopping C. for D. walking88.She couldn't be li e v e tha t she h a s f in a lly found her brother.A. believe B. that C. has D. finally89.The in v en ti o n of the transistor o n 1948 brought a b ou t a revolution in c o m p u te rdevelopment.

    A. invention B. on C. about D. computer 90.Some im p r o v e m e n t have r e c en tly be e n made in the bus service in this town.A. improvement B. recently C. been D. in91.The new m u sic a l has taken theatre a u d ien c e s th r ough ou t the country w ith storm.A. musical B. audiences C. throughout D. With92.T he r e s q u ie t a lot of c r iticism d ir e ct e d at the police nowadays.A. Theres B. quiet C. criticism D. Directed93.She h a s a go o d c o m m a nd s of s p o k e n English.A. has B. good C. commands D. spoken94.Her reaction w he r e she f ina lly f ou n d her brother w a s one of disbelief.

    A. where B. finally C. found D. was95.A s the teacher ta lk e d to us, I p re te n d e d to drop a pencil and b e n t o v e r .A. As B. talked C. pretended D. bent over 96.I am v e r y glad th a t you ha v e c h o s e n f o r me.A. very B. that C. have chosen D. for 97.I am a f r a id th a t I am un a b le a cc e p ti n g the offer.A. afraid B. that C. unable D. accepting98.I shall be ta ke u p a similar p o siti o n with ano the r company s o on .A. take up B. position C. another D. soon

    91.The new m u sic a l has taken theatre a u d ien c e s th r ough ou t the country w ith storm.A. musical B. audiences C. throughout D. with92.T he r e s q u ie t a lot of c r iticism d ir e ct e d at the police nowadays.A. Theres B. quiet C. criticism D. directed93.She h a s a go o d c o m m a nd s of s p o k e n English.A. has B. good C. commands D. spoken94.Her reaction w he r e she f ina lly f ou n d her brother w a s one of disbelief.A. where B. finally C. found D. was95.A s the teacher ta lk e d to us, I p re te n d e d to drop a pencil and b e n t o v e r .A. As B. talked C. pretended D. bent over

    96.I am v e r y glad th a t you ha v e c h o s e n f o r me.A. very B. that C. have chosen D. for 97.I am a f r a id th a t I am un a b le a cc e p ti n g the offer.A. afraid B. that C. unable D. accepting98.I shall be ta ke u p a similar p o siti o n with ano the r company s o on .A. take up B. position C. another D. soon99.As pay and c o n d ition s are go ode r the r e I am turning d o w n your offer.A. conditions B. gooder C. there D. down100.Thank you f o r the ti m e w ha t you gave to my application.

    A. for B. time C. what D. to

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    Answer Key:1.She gave me to understand she would leaving any day.A. gave B. understand C. leaving D. any2.His shop has gone into business after making heavy losses.A. has gone B. into C. making D. losses3.She was one of five astronauts on the space shuttle "Challenger", that completed a successful six-dayvoyage in space in June 1983.A. astronauts B. on C. that D. in4.Your friends are taken in his fantastic story of having get to the Pole alone.

    A. are B. fantastic C. get D. alone5.The successful of our local theatre has put our city on the map.A. successful B. local C. has put D. on6.The more I read about history, the more it brings to home to me how relevant history is for us today.A. more B. about C. to D. for 7.If you see ever a tall and skinny Chinese boy with a mole on his chin, its me.A. ever B. skinny C. mole D. me8.My name is Fang Yaorong and I would be 12 on the first of June this year.A. would B. be C. on D. of 9.I wear thickness glasses because I didnt take proper care of my eyesight when I was young.A. thickness B. proper C. eyesight D. when

    9.I wear thickness glasses because I didnt take proper care of my eyesightwhen I was young.A. thickness B. proper C. eyesight D. when9.I wear thickness glasses because I didnt take proper care of my eyesight when I was young.A. thickness B. proper C. eyesight D. when10.I attend for school in the morning at Ghim Moth Primary School.A. for B. in C. at D. Primary11.Water on the earth is being recycled continuously in a process is known as the hydrologic cycle.A. the earth B. is being recycled C. continuously D. is known12.Every morning, I walked to school with my neighbor John, who is also my classmate.A. walked B. with C. neighbor D. also

    13.This groundwater is extremely important to life on earth, since 95 percent of the earth's water is in theocean and are too salty for human beings or plants.A. extremely B. to C. are D. for 14.Chemicals liked sulfuric acid and soda were manufactured long before man began to understand thenature of the atom.A. liked B. were C. long D. began15.Most of the models were given for me over the years.A. Most B. models C. for D. over 16.Dent station is situated on the Seattle to Carlisle railway line, said be the most scenic in the country.A .is situated B. railway line C. be D. the most scenic17.We have never stayed in such the expensive hotel before.

    A. have B. never C. the D. before18.A fire has destroyed most of the old city of London in the 1600s.A.A B. has destroyed C. the old city D. in19.The manager was very astounding when they told him about the robbery.A. was B. astounding C. when D. about20.Winners were greatly honored by having olive wreaths placed on their heads and having poems singingabout their deeds.A. honored B. having C .placed D. singing21.A country cant be prosperously if its not quite independent.A.A B. prosperously C. quite D. independent22.They went on smoking all through during the meal.

    A. went on B. smoking C. during D. meal

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    23.These new machine have put an end to queuing.A. These B. machine C. an D. to24.The instructions say you just add boiling waters to the soup powder.A. instructionsB. just C. boiling D. waters25.The house seemed to have been unoccupying for several months.A. seemed B. been C. unoccupying D. for 26.You must drive more slowly than in town.A. must B. more C. slowly D. than27.Be sure to say goodbye to your grandmother before you will leave.A. to say B. to C. before D. will leave

    28.The rate of inflation has fallen steadily during recently months.A. inflation B. fallen C. steadily D. recently29.Most people consider that stealing was wrong.A. Most B. that C. stealing D. was30.Dickenss last novel was unfinished when he had died.A. Dickenss B. last C. unfinished D. had died31.Please would you to send me further details, of the job advertised?A. Please B. to send C. further D. advertised32.Children learn a lot about how to behave in a situation as this.A. about B. to behave C. in D. as33.I write to his almost every day.

    A. write B. to C. his D. almost34.Even though I admire his courage, I think he has been foolish.A. Even though B. admire C. think D. has been35.We would get the job finished much quicker if everyone worked as hardly as everyone else.A. would get B. much quicker C. as hardly as D. everyone else36.One of the patients in a local hospital has one typhoid.A. patients B. in C. local D. one37.I think cycling is preferable with walking.A. cycling B. preferable C. with D. walking38.He said he disapproved of people which smoked.A. said B. disapproved C. of D. which

    39.You cant possible expect me to have supper ready by 8 oclock.A. possible B. expect C. to have D. ready40.I had been looking for this book for months and at last I have found it.A. had been B. for C. at last D. have found41.I am writing to tell you how much I had enjoyed the few hours I spent with you and your familyyesterday evening.A. am writing B. how much C. had enjoyed D. spent42.I have been in England for the beginning of October and this was my first invitation to dinner with anEnglish family.A. have been B. for C. was D. with43.I found the conversation almost interesting and was glad to practice my English.

    A. found B. conversational C. interesting D. glad44.I would also like congratulating you on your excellent cooking.A. also B. congratulating C. on D. cooking45.I was very gratefully for all the helpful information you gave me about the courses in English.A. very B. gratefully C. information D. about46.I hope to find a suitable school within the next few day.A. to find B. suitable C. within D. day47.The English courses will not be too hard to me to study.A. courses B. will not C. too D. to48.Would please you give my best wishes to your husband and children?A. please B. give C. best D. to

    49.Thank you again with an extremely pleasant evening.A. Thank B. with C. extremely D. pleasant

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    50.A house in that district will cost you at less $200,000.A. in B. district C. will cost D. at less51.Although both his legs were broken on the crash, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded.A. were B. on C. to get D. exploded52.The patient recovered more rapidly than expecting.A. recovered B. rapidly C. than D. expecting53.As soon as the ship arrived safe at the airport, the victims were taken to hospital.A. As soon as B. safe C. were taken D. hospital54.We would put out to sea if the weather is good.A. would B. out C. to D. if

    55.Do not blame me if the tin-opener is break.A. Do not B. blame C. if D. is break 56. Please check in damage before signing the delivery note.A. in B. damage C. signing D. delivery57.The fact that every children has the same educational opportunities is essential.A. that B. children C. educational D. is58.John did not celebrated a party until he received the offer of promotion in writing.A. celebrated B. until C. promotion D. writing59.You can use it as length as you like, and it will not wear out.A. can use B. as length as C. you like D. wear out60.If things go wrong, James, wherever you do, do not panic.

    A. things B. go C. wherever D. panic61.More than1,000 runner participated in this years Manchester marathon.A. More than B.1,000 runner C. in D. marathon62.The way he took everything she does for granted really annoyed her.A. took B. does C. granted D. annoyed63.The personnel promised him that she would not tell anyone that he has been in prison.A. promised B. would C. that D. has been64.In my arrival home, I realized that I had left my book in the room.A. In B. arrival C. realized D. had left64.In my arrival home, I realized that I had left my book in the room.A. In B. arrival C. realized D. had left

    65.My father is going to be really angry what he finds out that I have lost the car key.A. really B. what C. that D. have lost66.People whose live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.A. whose B. glass C. shouldnt D. stones67.He spent most of his times traveling around the world and now he is writing about his experiences.A. times B. traveling C. is writing D. experiences68.I wrote to him last week but so far I received no reply to my letter.A. wrote B. so far C. received D. To69.If the earth suddenly stopped to spin, we would all fly off it.A. If B. to spin C. would D. off 70.This building will have finished by the end of 2000.

    A. will B. have finished C. by D. of 71.I heard that you had bought that house and be moved there before you got your promotion.A. heard B. had bought C. be moved D. got72.We had no sooner left the house when it began to rain.A. had B. no sooner C. when D. began73.Never to put off until tomorrow what you can do today.A. Never B. to put C. until D. what74.My father is tired of living in the city although he wants to live in a quiet village.A. tired B. of C. although D. to live75.She went to the dentist because she got an toothache.A. went B. because C. got D. an toothache

    76.Jeremy invents frequently ridiculous stories like that.A. frequently B. ridiculous C. stories D. like

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    77.Although Bob didnt speak Dutch, he decided settling in Amsterdam.A. Although B. didnt speak C. decided D. settling78.Without for this treatment, the patient would have died.A. Without B. for C. patient D. would have died79.The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order that obtain a higher price on the market.A. simply B. to fatten C. in order that D. on80.John asked Oliver if she could remember what she had put the camera.A. asked B. if C. could D. what81.I cant describe people as well as you could.A. describe B. people C. as well as D. could

    82. I was scared to tell him what me really thought.A. was scared B. to tell C. me D. really83.There are about 3,000 living languages in the world today, but only about six of the mare major languageof the world.A. are B. living languages C. six of them D. Language84.Jack has become confidently as a result of his success.A. has become B. confidently C. as D. his success85.He didnt given any reason for his strange behavior that day.A. didnt given B. any reason C. strange D. that day86.I had lost his phone number so I couldnt to contact him before.A. had lost B. so C. to contact D. before

    87.A lot of things keep stopping me for walking.A. A lot of B. stopping C. for D. walking88. She couldn't believe that she has finally found her brother.A. believe B. that C. has D. finally89.The invention of the transistor on 1948 brought about a revolution in computer development.A. invention B. on C. about D. computer 90.Some improvement have recently been made in the bus service in this town.A. improvement B. recently C. been D. in91.The new musical has taken theatre audiences throughout the country with storm.A. musical B. audiences C. throughout D. With92.Theres quiet a lot of criticism directed at the police nowadays.

    A. Theres B. quiet C. criticism D. Directed93.She has a good commands of spoken English.A. has B. good C. commands D. spoken94.Her reaction where she finally found her brother was one of disbelief.A. where B. finally C. found D. was95.As the teacher talked to us, I pretended to drop a pencil and bent over.A. As B. talked C. pretended D. bent over 96.I am very glad that you have chosen for me.A. very B. that C. have chosen D. for 97.I am afraid that I am unable accepting the offer.A. afraid B. that C. unable D. accepting

    98.I shall be take up a similar position with another company soon.A .take up B. position C. another D. soon91.The new musical has taken theatre audiences throughout the country with storm.A. musical B. audiences C. throughout D. with92.Theres quiet a lot of criticism directed at the police nowadays.A. Theres B. quiet C. criticism D. directed93.She has a good commands of spoken English.A. has B. good C. commands D. spoken94.Her reaction where she finally found her brother was one of disbelief.A. where B. finally C. found D. was95.As the teacher talked to us, I pretended to drop a pencil and bent over.

    A. As B. talked C. pretended D. bent over 96.I am very glad that you have chosen for me.

  • 7/30/2019 De Thi TOEICGramar


    A. very B. that C. have chosen D. for 97.I am afraid that I am unable accepting the offer.A. afraid B. that C. unable D. accepting98.I shall be take up a similar position with another company soon.A. take up B. position C. another D. soon99.As pay and conditions are gooder there I am turning down your offer.A. conditions B. gooder C. there D. down100.Thank you for the time what you gave to my application.A. for B. time C. what D. to