WeatherForecast^ 'aenVrariy'lirpltonlgiirOTa^ . Iieris'but bccomlnR unsettiM In rrniortirrportloiC6r»ti«icrrT»515r notth-iio^on Sunftay;^^-^ DE P M DIES AITAKE-OFEON Oareer of Italian PHor -Endff| In Plamos os Blatae Hits- PcncQ • - TWIN-FALLS, JDAHO,-:SAa>I3RDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,'1033 GASOLINE OATOHES FIRE Famed Aviator Orumploa Ncar| Blazing Ship After Escaping Oabin . FLQTD BENNETT FIELD, N ew ; ■VorK,- Scpt*2 (liro—7he-SpcCta-6tPl lar carc«r of Fmnccaco dcaTinedo,' pno.or tbo iriost .darlng or. world aviators, ended la a burst of names today-whcri bla Bcllonca.mono- piano crashed aa lie was taltlns' ofr on a oan-;itbp oolo night to Bacr dod. - Tilo ramous,, Italian pilot liad Inunchcd.hlfl heavily loaded piano . down tho eohercto runway.' It at- •“ •-tataed a.torriric speed, then M(?im ; nwcrving. under its car^ of J,070 I Ballons, of Basoiinc.,- Onco it left Oio runway,-.but po Pinedo, with- I out decrcdsloE hla speed, iirauKht-it l)acka .**.,* Piano Lurches An lostunt later It lurebed off Its course again..Do Pinedo strovo mighUiy to brttrg it back, but imd lost control. Tho piano misacd'tiic AdmlnlatraUon building,'where a nuraber-or speclalora^wcro gather- .... .cd.’ on tho p l o ^ . and crashed agnlhst a sthel fence. Then there was a flash bf name na Uio gfiso'. lino caught fire. • . :> Watchers on the. plaza saw lhc iilR.plane sldoswlpo the.feneo, Its OFFICIAL GO.UNTY NEWSPAPER Buying Power Rises Throughout Country By Activity of NRA QTATr DPQTQ JM Labor Federation' I bI ulniL nLulu 111 j Opliniisiic Over Progress' Lnmaon and Biondo Divorcco -------.Will-Tostify-at-Trlal- Next Week P L E Il PLEDGES IS : TO FIGlil JEWS, Chancellor Tells Convention .'Nation Must Bc Purely i.J German in Baco WASHINGTON, Sept. 2 (Ul;)— New purchasing power Is pouring [' Into Hic American maritel a rate of mori UmrjCTaaiOOO: year ns a result nf NRA actlviUeB, thc American Federation of Labor snld lodoy In its monthly survey of .business. 1 __TIIIpiI "flraf alim i nr p Jnmes B. Vnn Zitndl, S oid'AHoonii cx-Koldler, elccleii tintlonol eommnndor! of tiio VeteninH of Foreign Ware , (|t;th6 S4th unnuitl encampmoiit , yeatcrduy. •; . . Woman .Pathologist DiBcoversj Vital Oluo in Fight .on ;' Sleeping-Sickness back nnd:lts propeller .sUU roaring. ^Vrst Into mmoa. ' • '^y For an Instant-watchers saw Dc ITO^ , Sk-Ooimtiofi WiU^M-oct' Here r Fori.abor.:and,NEA ':-LDclegaUona:-or:2'gAWflMrom Twin. Falls, Jetomc, CoMia', Mini- , 'doka, Blsgbam-:-and- Bonneville counties.met at BurU'y.’-today to' ,..dlscuaa’ potato., marketing and •pi^lic'rtce^g’ to^afheid’ kt Uio ■—,5- o'<........... At'tie^u^ preaent committeca.......... ... .......... . agents in eacH-county/From hero wonf.E; N.-Tetly^Ve, ’• Ben. Potter,.'KimboHy;-j . Pariah, BuliI.-r,V;rv.-,'.-.- -•• InvJUliona -'havo' 'becrt' extended ■ . to'ffU'growcra to:attoad tho.:m8ot- Ing: here .tomorrow.-and -dealcrsi •: have :b*en'’ iiiTrftedi:-ai'-.wcU ' Leo-.Tohn4on,-:8taU.'QommiBsioncr, ~ bf’ngrl^tun.'It:b;'MPected.that1 , Hany.;young,iIdahovAll*,;prcs}.' , ST. l6 u1S, Sept 2itu:i—Dlscoy. Jcry of .the cause of encepholUiH 1haa • been mado by Dr. Margaret ' □ :. SnUfb; asaiaUnt professor nt Washington „• phiverslty modlcal achool, tHo St. Louis Medical So- ciety/announced today. •. ••.•'The.'announcement that- a • “fll- terablo vii^s-'. had been diMoverodi WhlcV;.ialiv...tiUf<m-iM.';)ixejrVan'l •itlrlck5n':«5:pe«dnS:8lnc5^Jul^3g. ^' Mlaii'amlth, ;a"gnidua to o f Jotas Hopkina. university, haa bomoiout her discovery, of twojdays ago by further,^ dKperlfncnf'According to Dr.,Howard-McCordock, path-'* unlver* who:,-.. addreasfa-A -^thorlne:. ,I3(H>';p«raonsat. a ..meeting -or theimedrcal’ soclety.'.r. - A'. rUtorablQ vlrua la one.that is a6t'-dl»penilttlo-through-thon ' «>ly.i.-and:.Frcd-, >;,tho. reccnUy, rohned deal- ..... H(W Mesico OoUtaor Aotljiit| through a porcElIno filter. ; ‘Tho'-fact: that .tho disease • ; ca^sed-by suoh'a"viruB,“ .Dr; Mi CoHlo?k:-.Bftldr.v"doc3 not . labiate. lhe ca«se of aleeping alcknesA l» if ------------- - - ~ - ch matertoll" " Uio-5tS^ge'!mBr^y by a,vlrii*,';-buf Dj.,'.Smith's-Is'- tho ,fir?t--8clcntlflc-^^ph«f-'of-lt,^Ctho Harris, dompwy Sends'.Thiriy- r■;.^{N ino\ Oarsi'on' v^qhioago-i^ ' ..'Oriji';. of'.■ tho'; blgSatV^awijriientH evoW .tb'bd '.Sent'-irom '-'.Twln '-l^U SAN JOSE. Cal., Sopt 2 lUl!)— Thc Dnvid A. limaon murder trial was in'adjournment todny until Tuesday after the prosecu- tion -surprisingly rested Its case ngalnat J.ho Stonford .university In- tellectual without .calling aevenil pcrsotw subpoenaed, 08 slate nesses. Latnsoh will be put on thn next week lo tell ills slory < violent death of his pretty, 28- yenr old wife, Allene, in tSe Imth. room of their campus bungalow last May 30. Tho. atato had subpoenaed Ctnra Malwlti, rormcr maid in the Lam. son reaidence. She hnd been cx- peeled to .testify lhat tho Lothaons •jaurreled frequently,*but wa thc stand.' Also subpoenaed'by tho’ Hlalei but not' asked to testify were Lnmson’a ogcd molhcIT Dr. Jo-, r.cph Cotton, noted alienist nnd I .Intlmato friend of the Lamsonn; Mrs. Sara Kelley, blonde Sne-j ramento dlvorcec, may bo thol first defehso witness at 10 a. ' Tuesday.' Thc stuto sought- lo show that I (Continued on Pago 2. Column 6.)' North Side.Pomona: Unit: Raps ’’ .•Roosevelt, Farley and , •, Coffin'on ;Liquof ’ -;Cdndemnati6n of'Freaidont . aevoll, Postmaster^SenoraJ Farley and-CongTBSsmao; ■ tbo repeal of the Bight- in. a NorUi Sldo^Pomona Orangb .In , regular meeting, thia'week, accbrd- Ltag. to a-._cpmmunlcaUon:Soat;The ’’’.'T ..... . ‘■Whereas, U jo members of.thi*' Pomona Grange, In'regutar raeel-\ Ing-asscmbled.-bellovo-that- ou^ stole and.our natlon have greatly beneflttcd, .,morally,:.abciaify-'«iid oconomlcaiiy,,.;by - theE igb techUi amendment and'thb VoUtead law, ■aiid',lhat :repcal:.wUi-bo -to'- relard 'iKMw. much'-'mQt«..duc.\hdnics i'ahd our .chUdren - to. Uio:'debasing-ini | flucnce:of liquor and; tho saloon,- bc:lt resolved 'tbat;";'-,'-.,:i'V. SifKiSSSys ,#•voUrs:.of :-Idahb,:.l»’ 'urgcd-,to' . ;press,-.U»eIrfoppoaltlon'«6%pial s..- .Wi'.i -v."r mlhly bulletin wnn tho moat opilinlfltlc Issued by the federaUon alnco the alart of tho depression. •'As'September begins," It .said, •■wo can already aec clear'Signa of real progress. Since tho specula- tive riao of business was checked In. July, flpurea nre beginning, lo reveal u solid foundation-for bunl- neas [idvnnce.” .. Two Million Dock . Tho survey snld 2,033.000 per- nons went baok to work from March lo July; thnl ineomea of workers rose J287.000.000 'in this period and lhat farmera^ Incomes thia year were $2,000,000,000 high, er lhan last. Business reporls. from other; quarters boro out tho fedcratlon'a' survey, Although major Indices showed buHineiis Jiad slipped off moderalely from Its aummer peik, fundamcnUl condlliona "were des- cribed aa propitious fcr onother upward swing aflcr tho Labor day holiday. In pnat^chra. Labor day usually hna ushered In a season of greater bualnesa activity with ngrl- money for ncccaslUcB. Domestic business indices show- ed n further alight drop from the recent peak. Itniik ClciirliigH Up Bank clcarings thia.week w#ro| 0.C per cent abovo a ycur.ago dsi federal authoriUe.i moved to pro-'l vido banka tho .'country wlthl mlllions.of new^oney'aad crcdlt through Federal Reserve "and Re]; conaUTJcUon' Finance' corpbnVtien aon-’of'buslncss comtf'froirt''now ■alloUiienlt:Of millions o f dbilors Iforpubllo^brks. ' Various oUier Indlcca/ of trade, ahow.-buslnesa -well aboVo'tt-year: a^^olthough sllghUy under pre.' ducUoii In^e^ weic c:hdcd Augutl 20 waa.OT,047 units,-against 6a;020’ In the preceding week and ?4,2QB n year ago.- BItumlnoua coal output wns 7,7M,000'tona agalnat•■6.320,-. 000. tons a year ago,'and lumber i butput rcHecUng Increased , build-^- .Ing. activity, rose, t o ; -.183,108.000 board feet from 101,DD3,000" Hist ------‘ showed a small seasonal 0]itises:;inrAn- Grados-Exiept j 'Ci^;.Tue8^\;,^ ;,.i ■ ' yi.airoil'nTeh^'br'^hiBh^fei^^ , Jental in’ preparaUon -for -tha-re- mark,(and lt;ia'expcctcd>'that-tho numiMr:.'Ml'’be.:>cxccc'dcd< after ;blaM-?:j?ef itinderway, -iaccordlng. ,underway■;;Bljf' wobii^ . ttcro wero, ;. 008-namca' on'Uie .high, schbbl-.rolli ?r^N6V*-an^l'havey»cbnv'n£aae;,ln: ?§ll| | ;? i‘Empioyes Want .W.RA Genera being expoRi-il n definite Nnllooii SoeiHllnl pi.llcy. Inli-indcd lo con- sdlltlnlo thu Htllcr rcfjlmc uloiif; ■ mlllUmi KjiHciwi llnp<i. 'Hiller hliiiKrIf dl.sfloscd thf thr IJIuQ ISaglu. ovr.nili.a ral«c<l .• r.ilr compotltlou' If wift mlnc.M. Adin Inliitni- iigent . main I and tn a pn>cliimat I BpCC •MdHt liiipnrliml from' lorlenl xtunilpolpt, lie hc )h doom, insofar uh I io tun about, of the Ocrinun ... alntcH, which BlRinnrk ih.n ^forc St. Louis Chevrolet Manager Denies ' ‘'^^Qoljilions ,. , , ;is. Srnl. .l-l- ,A i-1 .M V the Jews, fie-....... ,"National aoelallHm SDcif ognlMH only one race. Thu nat (Conllnucd on Page 2, Column Mnlor compnny ll Ilon l)u Uken fui clmrgc o f emjili>yi c.hKTrftnil In union Tuxl of thn tc‘1 1 night a; plant In St. Uml. Id uniinlmously vu requcHt thnl you said General Motorn coipovuiion .thn .right to illsptny the fJliiu 'Kaglc.” . . ■■ “tboaofdxoiilWDy,W/Ingriint- Uayor'and'Oomi^ssioners Nbt >y violated•Au'pjbvlaionB of artieje, ‘ Cnn^rW»i^ nuAr TVTnv/. No--T.of Ujo auto^Cf^ .discharg-, , yoncennsoovor, move, ,, jng approximately , ion • employes ! Thoy'^Eulicatb wiio'have boen'doUvo in union uc- ' Uviliea blit wfio havo het-n careful ' . to avoid . any posalbllllyiot dl8- Members.of the city, admjnifl-icbargo foi; Inofficlcncy." . . aUon, Including, the mayor and) ••'Sworn.:staterncnls nre now In Clty.councii;.TVbOso-removal rfrom tho lianda of General JnlmBon^a re- offlce la.sought In petitions which pre.ientnUve' In Sl. Louls." - ------ - iiRht, yesterday,-, today. Denial that ^ Uio company Imd .•dofcnBc. -statcmenU • to: violated Uio codo.Was miule hy^O. makc,'.-ln5llcatlng they woro; nol u. Low, manager of Uie Chevn.lct concerned with'Iho oglta^lon: iplant iicre. ' Al,Hnlnea, who.was'8aId lo bsj ."All T havo to Bay.h mv <;iimi>any paaalng' a potillon, nnd who was'h„p,been. llvlng.uVto tlic code." described aa.havlngaMlatcd In or-,I,batatcd. ' ' -.r Scd".to'"Thb"^vcator-Timeil^.tC ,?J'"lRTied union-'cardB,'according to look, parf, in He-rajd ■ he. dl«liunloa'..offlelnl8„.nnd_ulmu«l..2.7U0. hav8“ knowlcdge'0fthe"i)ctliioria; however. ' • , . : Told ip Adwioo Mayor Johnatbn -said ' ho' wa'a told Thuraday by one'Trusllf. do- acrlbett'aa o •member of the tTnlt-: od'Filrmers league and of.the Un- employed'^ Council, thafUio :petl- lions .would 'so(Si^ mako ^.thelr ap-1 peanmce. :a&d.'.named icvcraT: perr: sons-who would Jnlorest ;Uiem-| kelvos .la ;thelr, clrculoUon'.. | '^He'ialdf;-that: to.. his ...c.erlaln! knoWiedgo^'.two.'women twero ip-- terestcd iii'-hiii: removal .from of- flcci>iiamtng. Mrs. Robert Rogcr> Bbri"and:'Mrs,.''Mark Wooda...MT8. Woods ■ ah'd VMrs. •Itogcrsorihave ijubilclyilbppbBodv tbo- mllk:-,an4 dairy>^i&aiico and the rolention ofmioipttiMiit.'taapiector.-'’ ••■ ,;r-J6to»W'ro/«rMd'; to ’ Ws:'aUitb- Aenl) ^^f,-;'Mmo '-Umo 'i ago-' Uat hay .union dues. ...... . Tbo;dccial6n-t(> wirc Uie.proal- <lcnt.wa.s made ul u ma.i<;i murtlng (Continued on_Pago.2, Colurau 2.) EnRolI)urg-Dollfusa'c-HelmwohP---^';-^& Ito report for a'oUvo aervice with thuv* • ' Ipnilcc and Eonilnrmcrle. . i'-......Vi-r* ill I. Si| iitcU ------------------ Z*. rclnforcemenla. wlll signed ;in'-»pocla^^ '*1'“ '^ 1“ Games , • NATIONAL LEAGUE ■ . At, BostonVj •• '. •••' ■ -, -n /n . E. NewrYoi'k-r-,,801110000— 0- 0 0 BoHl^ri-.....;.;..002 000010—-,T 7^' 1 : At BrooKlyn— " l l IL 13, Philadoi." 000000 020—,2 '.* ' Bix>t)klyn'.;.;..000000000— O' ' At.Ciriclrtnatl-^-'.'..'. • Clilca^.'.'.;_l;;..;;;,,.;;.:;..iioiooo— .3 ClncinnaU •.;......;._;._;..000 000 0- At. PlUaburgii— ' .. SL :Louii .i....-...;.A:.ioo 00002—-.a Pilla6urBh'.L,.;.._.....oop 310 00^^. .^,■^>';'AMEhiOAN:Ij:AOUB:'■:•':•: •'..At'Ncw.,xork--.:;;r? 'r-R H':: Boatert>:.';.'::.'.LOOO 001000— .1 Nowiyork.U0W000 010-:-’ 2 ' 4"-:o‘| ,;.-At(. Philadelphia— R'.^W’ E .WoslilDgtOn^-aoO 000 OOO^V3.-;,7^,1 :Was^gtin%-iiU.’:i.'i.i':o6l^ Phimdclpjiia;-,VCiu'..i..',:oil.ooi—-..a ! provincial' towns still .1 Q i S?riiiop R HV O ■ a path -from ,cnnl to weal •over 'wto Cuba. eauHln.VeaL .Iamugi.,but. ............. __,i-n' dcndl.Scvcntv ' ' , Uirco parsons ’ Jiere,'i - •• TJm.' hi.« (loath', list Uiat ofHootcni,' SoldloM 'klltor.flve ln:Havona; ntricU. OtJ^iuh was' r .' '■ Rcporta o f damajfc began wafJi^'' •,,fr°''0(^ 0oU •ifcar,! an,-: Inf. Havana In thb^ western j>or li .....................■--"'-••'‘'•-"“ ' I s S

Transcript of DE P M DIES Buying Power Rises PLEIl PLEDGES AITAKE-OFEON...

  • Weather Forecast^'aenVrariy'lirpltonlgiirOTa^. Iieris'but bccomlnR unsettiM In

    rrniortirrportloiC6r»ti«icrrT»515rnotth-iio^on Sunftay;̂ -̂̂


    Oareer of Italian PHor -Endff| In Plamos os Blatae

    Hits- PcncQ •

    - T W IN -FA LLS, J D A H O ,-:SAa>I3RDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,'1033


    Famed Aviator Orumploa N car| Blazing Ship After

    Escaping Oabin .

    FLQTD BENNETT FIELD, New; ■VorK,- Scpt*2 (liro—7he-SpcCta-6tPl lar carc«r of Fmnccaco dcaTinedo,' pno.or tbo iriost .darlng or. world aviators, ended la a burst of names today-whcri bla Bcllonca.mono- piano crashed aa lie was taltlns' ofr on a oan-;itbp oolo night to Bacr dod.

    - Tilo ramous,, Italian pilot liad Inunchcd.hlfl heavily loaded piano

    . down tho eohercto runway.' It at- •“ •-tataed a.torriric speed, then M(?im

    ; nwcrving. under its car^ of J,070 I • Ballons, of Basoiinc.,- Onco it left

    Oio runway,-.but po Pinedo, with- I out decrcdsloE hla speed, iirauKht-itl)acka . * * . , *

    Piano Lurches An lostunt later It lurebed off

    Its course again..Do Pinedo strovo mighUiy to brttrg it back, but imd lost control. Tho piano misacd'tiic AdmlnlatraUon building,'where a nuraber-or speclalora^wcro gather-

    .... .cd.’ on tho p lo ^ . and crashed agnlhst a sthel fence. Then therewas a flash bf name na Uio gfiso'.• lino caught fire. • • . :>

    Watchers on the. plaza saw lhc iilR.plane sldoswlpo the.feneo, Its


    Buying Power Rises Throughout Country By Activity of NRA

    QTATr DPQTQ JM Labor Federation' Ib I u ln iL nLulu 111 j Opliniisiic Over


    Lnmaon and Biondo Divorcco•-------.W ill-Tostify-at-Trlal-

    Next Week


    Chancellor Tells Convention .'N ation Must Bc Purely i .J German in Baco

    WASHINGTON, Sept. 2 (Ul;)— New purchasing power Is pouring [' Into Hic American maritel a rate of mori UmrjCTaaiOOO: year ns a result nf NRA actlviUeB, thc American Federation of Labor snld lodoy In its monthly survey of

    .business.1__TIIIpiI "flraf alimi nr p

    Jnmes B. Vnn Zitndl, S oid'AHoonii cx-Koldler, elccleii tintlonol eommnndor! of tiio VeteninH of Foreign Ware

    , (|t;th6 S4th unnuitl encampmoiit , yeatcrduy. •; . .

    Woman .Pathologist DiBcoversj Vital Oluo in Fight .on ;' Sleeping-Sickness

    back nnd:lts propeller .sUU roaring. ^Vrst Into mmoa. ' • •

    '^y For an Instant-watchers saw Dc


    , Sk-Ooimtiofi WiU^M-oct' Here r Fori.abor.:and,NEA

    ':-LDclegaUona:-or:2'gAWflMromTwin. Falls, Jetomc, CoMia', Mini- ,

    'doka, Blsgbam-:-and- Bonneville • counties.met at BurU'y.’-today to' ,..dlscuaa’ potato., marketing and•pi^lic'rtce^g’ to^afheid’ kt Uio

    ■— k .a t,5 - o'ly.i.-and:.Frcd-,

    >;,tho. reccnUy, rohned deal-

    .....H(W Mesico OoUtaor Aotljiit|

    through a porcElIno filter.■; ‘Tho'-fact: that .tho disease •; ca^sed-by suoh'a"viruB,“ .Dr; Mi CoHlo?k:-.Bftldr.v"doc3 not . labiate. lhe ca«se of aleeping alcknesA l» i f ------------- - - ~ - ch matertoll" "Uio-5tS^ge'!mBr^y bya,vlrii*,';-buf Dj.,'.Smith's-Is'- tho ,fir?t--8clcntlflc-^^ph«f-'of-lt,^Ctho

    Harris, dompwy Sends'.Thiriy- r ■;.̂ {Nino\ Oarsi'on'

    v^qhioago-i ̂ '..' Oriji';. of'.■ tho'; blgSatV̂awijriientH evoW.tb'bd'.Sent'-irom'-'.Twln'-l̂ U

    SAN JOSE. Cal., Sopt 2 lUl!)— Thc Dnvid A. limaon murder trial was in'adjournment todny until Tuesday after the prosecution -surprisingly rested Its case ngalnat J.ho Stonford .university Intellectual without .calling aevenil pcrsotw subpoenaed, 08 slate nesses.

    Latnsoh will be put on thn next week lo tell ills slory < violent death of his pretty, 28- yenr old wife, Allene, in tSe Imth. room of their campus bungalow last May 30.

    Tho. atato had subpoenaed Ctnra Malwlti, rormcr maid in the Lam. son reaidence. She hnd been cx- peeled to .testify lhat tho Lothaons •jaurreled frequently,*but wa thc stand.'

    Also subpoenaed'by tho’ Hlalei but not' asked to testify were Lnmson’a ogcd molhcIT Dr. Jo-, r.cph Cotton, noted alienist nnd I

    .Intlmato friend of the Lamsonn;

    Mrs. Sara Kelley, blonde Sne-j ramento dlvorcec, may bo thol first defehso witness at 10 a. ' Tuesday.'

    Thc stuto sought- lo show that I (Continued on Pago 2. Column 6.)'

    North Side.Pomona: Unit: Raps ’ ’ .•Roosevelt, Farley and , • , C offin 'on ;L iqu of ’

    -;Cdndemnati6n of'Freaidont . aevoll, Postmaster^SenoraJ Farley and-CongTBSsmao; ■ tbo repeal of the Bight-in. aNorUi Sldo^Pomona Orangb .In

    , regular meeting, thia'week, accbrd- Ltag. to a-._cpmmunlcaUon:Soat;The’’’.'T ......

    ‘■Whereas, Ujo members of.thi*' Pomona Grange, In'regutar raeel-\ Ing-asscmbled.-bellovo-that- ou ̂stole and.our natlon have greatly beneflttcd, .,morally,:.abciaify-'«iid oconomlcaiiy,,. ;by - theE igb techUi amendment and'thb VoUtead law, ■aiid',lhat :repcal:.wUi-bo -to'- relard

    'iKMw. much'-'mQt«..duc.\hdnics i'ahd our .chUdren - to. Uio:'debasing-ini | flucnce:of liquor and; tho saloon,- bc:lt resolved 't b a t ;" ; '- , '- . , :i 'V .

    SifK iSSSys• • ,#• voUrs:.of :-Idahb,:.l»’ 'urgcd-,to'. ;press,-.U»eIrfoppoaltlon'«6%pial

    s..-.W i'.i -v."r

    mlhly bulletin wnn tho moat opilinlfltlc Issued by the federaUon alnco the alart of tho depression.

    •'As'September begins," It .said, •■wo can already aec clear'Signa of real progress. Since tho speculative riao of business was checked In. July, flpurea nre beginning, lo reveal u solid foundation-for bunl- neas [idvnnce.” ..

    Two Million Dock . Tho survey snld 2,033.000 per- nons went baok to work from March lo July; thnl ineomea of workers rose J287.000.000 'in this period and lhat farmera ̂ Incomes thia year were $2,000,000,000 high, er lhan last.

    Business reporls. from other; quarters boro out tho fedcratlon'a' survey, Although major Indices showed buHineiis Jiad slipped off moderalely from Its aummer peik, fundamcnUl condlliona "were described aa propitious fcr onother upward swing aflcr tho Labor day holiday. In pnat^chra. Labor day usually hna ushered In a season of greater bualnesa activity with ngrl-money for ncccaslUcB.

    Domestic business indices showed n further alight drop from the recent peak.

    Itniik ClciirliigH UpBank clcarings thia.week w#ro|

    0.C per cent abovo a ycur.ago dsi federal authoriUe.i moved to pro-'l vido banka tho .'country wlthl mlllions.of new^oney'aad crcdlt through Federal Reserve "and Re]; conaUTJcUon' Finance' corpbnVtien

    aon-’of'buslncss comtf'froirt''now ■alloUiienlt:Of millions o f dbilors Iforpubllo^brks.' Various oUier Indlcca/ of trade, ahow.-buslnesa -well aboVo'tt-year: a^^olthough sllghUy under pre.'ducUoii In^e^ w eic c:hdcd Augutl 20 waa.OT,047 units,-against 6a;020’ In the preceding week and ?4,2QB n year ago.- BItumlnoua coal output wns 7,7M,000'tona agalnat•■6.320,-. 000. tons a year ago,'and lumber i butput rcHecUng Increased , build-^- .Ing. activity, rose, t o ; -.183,108.000 board feet from 101,DD3,000" Hist ------‘ showed a small seasonal

    0 ]itises:;inrAn- Grados-Exiept j

    'C i^ ;.T u e8 ^ \ ;,^ ;,.i ■'

    yi.airoil'nTeh^'br'^hiBh f̂ei^^, Jental in’ preparaUon -for -tha-re-

    mark,(and lt;ia'expcctcd>'that-tho numiMr:.'Ml'’be.:>cxccc'dcd< after

    ;blaM-?:j?ef itinderway, -iaccordlng.

    ,underway■;;Bljf' wobii^ . ttcro wero, ;.008-namca' on'Uie .high, schbbl-.rolli


    ? § l l | | ; ? i ‘Em pioyes W ant .W.RA Genera

    being expoRi-il n definite Nnllooii SoeiHllnl pi.llcy. Inli-indcd lo con- sdlltlnlo thu Htllcr rcfjlmc uloiif; ■ mlllUmi KjiHciwi llnpcliimat

    I BpCC

    •MdHt liiipnrliml from' lorlenl xtunilpolpt, lie hc)h doom, insofar uh Iio tun about, of the Ocrinun ... alntcH, which BlRinnrk ih.n

    f̂orc St. Louis Chevrolet Manager Denies '

    ‘'^ ^ Q o l j i l i o n s , . , ,;is . Srnl. .l-l- ,A i-1.M V

    the Jews, fie-.......• ,"National aoelallHm SDcif ognlMH only one race. Thu nat (Conllnucd on Page 2, Column

    Mnlor compnny ll Ilon l)u Uken fui clmrgc of emjili>yi c.hKTrftnil In union

    Tuxl of thn tc‘1

    1 night a;plant In St. Uml.Id uniinlmously vu requcHt thnl you

    said General Motorn coipovuiion .thn .right to illsptny the fJliiu 'Kaglc.” . ■ ■ .

    ■■ “tboaofdxoiilWDy,W/Ingriint-Uayor'and'Oomi^ssioners Nbt >y violated•Au'pjbvlaionB of artieje,

    ‘ Cnn^rW»i^ nuAr TVTnv/. ■ No--T.of Ujo auto^Cf^ .discharg-, , yoncennsoovor, move, ,, jng approximately , ion • employes ! Thoy'^Eulicatb • wiio'have boen'doUvo in union uc-

    • • ■ ' Uviliea blit wfio havo het-n careful' . ■ to avoid . any posalbllllyiot dl8-

    Members.of the city, admjnifl-icbargo foi; Inofficlcncy." . . aUon, Including, the mayor and) • •'Sworn.:staterncnls nre now In

    Clty.councii;.TVbOso-removal rfrom tho lianda of General JnlmBon̂ a re- offlce la.sought In petitions which pre.ientnUve' In Sl. Louls." ------- - iiRht, yesterday,-, today. Denial that ̂ Uio company Imd

    .•dofcnBc. -statcmenU • to: violated Uio codo.Was miule hy^O. makc,'.-ln5llcatlng they woro; nol u. Low, manager of Uie Chevn.lct concerned with'Iho oglta^lon: iplant iicre. '

    Al,Hnlnea, who.was'8aId lo bsj ."All T havo to Bay.h mv any paaalng' a potillon, nnd who was'h„p,been. llvlng.uVto tlic code."described aa.havlngaMlatcd In or-,I,batatcd. ' ' -.r

    Scd".to'"Thb"^vcator-Timeil^.tC,?J'"lRTied union-'cardB,'according to

    look, parf, in He-rajd ■ he. dl«liunloa'..offlelnl8„.nnd_ulmu«l..2.7U0.hav8“ knowlcdge'0fthe"i)ctliioria; however. ' • , .• : Told ip Adwioo Mayor Johnatbn -said ' ho' wa'a

    told Thuraday by one'Trusllf. do- acrlbett'aa o •member of the tTnlt-: od'Filrmers league and of.the Unemployed' ̂Council, thafUio :petl- lions .would 'so(Si ̂mako .̂thelr ap-1 peanmce. :a&d.'.named icvcraT: perr: sons-who would Jnlorest ;Uiem-|

    kelvos .la ;thelr, clrculoUon'.. ■ • | '^H e'ialdf;-that: t o .. his ...c.erlaln! knoWiedgo '̂.two.'women twero ip-- terestcd iii'-hiii: removal .from of- flcci>iiamtng. Mrs. Robert Rogcr> Bbri"and:'Mrs,.''Mark Wooda...MT8. Woods ■ ah'd VMrs. • Itogcrsorihave ijubilclyilbppbBodv tbo- mllk:-,an4 dairy>^i&aiico and the rolention ofmioipttiMiit.'taapiector.-'’ ••■

    ,;r-J6to»W'ro/«rMd'; to ’ Ws:'aUitb- Aenl) ^^f,-;'Mmo '-Umo 'i ago-' Uat

    hay .union dues. . . . . . .. Tbo;dccial6n-t(> wirc Uie.proal-

  • •'Page'Two" : ^ a i u i ‘

  • rSe~plemge'r.-2.M933i • W A H O 'E V E N m C ^ m i E S r r T - \ V I N F A L L S , - r o ' ..:^.FaTre~T&gg'r^

    Tw© FormCT Gfijtinpicms Plaŷ ̂m

    Miss Van WIo Bcats^ English Champion in Groat Sem i.,

    Final W in ‘ '

    E?{m 60II-00UNTII¥-CLUB,- ' IHifJilirtirt Pnrk, lli:.-SeiiL 2 illW,J —Vlr^nfii Vail • CliIciiBO,

    rolnlnid thn Nntioiinl Wamoi’H Ooir cliniiipioiwhip toiliiy l>y quallty>ng round BIX tlfiys ngo. ,

    AftM Van \S'to. • 23-ycar-oId >Iaughtcr,of ii retlrcO physician of IDutch dpscent. ycstcrclny eliminated Enid Wilson,' EnellHh champion, O'/ind 0, in one or the greatest victories' ever ncorcU- In wo‘ men’s .Kolf annum. Tjvo years iif?o ul Buffalo, HlS!t IIlcl«'n ClinnipUini*• UI.Hs Vuti \VIy Is thu, AmorlcJin

    . cliumiiioa nf jj&t year.' and MliwHloka, iH lhLi-up.-Ml.aU-drUl8-foi^tho-1033 . Uon of .Kimberly, high school’..

    .^Id. eleven .will get .under way! hero'withi.’ lljo , starting: of; th.oj

    Gar Wood Defends U: S. Speed Crown in Classic 7r0^y:W (ci^

    Capacity Crowd Expected foe — Closh-With Oapitai Oity

    , , Nine Sunday

    Ooodl&g-bafleboll-team-taeklcs-tlKr Boise .'Bcnatorfl,' of- Uio Idaho-Oi^'

    f̂ ’aaodSff.IwUl jmportia-star- bat-, tery assignment, for Uie homo

    Phlliippl and nasor, ac6 batleryl for Uie Senators, will perform for •BoUc, according to advance Infdr-' matlon here.

    ■ tlncup Indued' • - ’ 'a r r s c s ' i r s

    afternoon in'tho order of appear- ance-at baU .lUts Benton,'.c; Johnston, PI.Frazer, lb ; Ultlcan or Pat-' terson, 2b; W., Sanford (Rupert). eaUL.J,lvlngaton.-3b;-ltuUietford.. 'rf; Blakely,'.cf. and C; Livingston.

    Jay..Vem' Thompson,, new.foot- : Include ••:BcUwood,'oiHowcH.: r'-:':-I>)dd,.v.'’Jcaacii. ; .Bruns;;.:..BliVJacll.i

    • •■-iScott,-.!,'Kcegan,‘ -.patton,-'„HIgglnr ■; ,• SboUiajn.-'PIerc«,-,KJoM;. S^lw.a^

    ( '■ :-^^O^disUiict^^^ ------------------------------- -I - 'v'-KlniborJy-supporters .la .-thcnfact^Qt'Buhl; last Sunday.':.':ji 5 !.■ ’;;that- .Thdinpson.r-haa: faco(l.J,Ihol:. ;v.::'Vr-'' •---•^8,«VBmplag'.pro'eeM;ta:prov^^^ ̂ ■ ■................. -

    coaohlng-aaslfrmnciiw and 'his, i.. h .... .im.Villu. hll'h In: 'A- toain* havo lisuoUy-placed high in

    Oielr claei , ’ v

    nn'nnrTT. n n i h r p

    a . L - ~

    : ; ;E n t O T j iS t a f e ^ O p e i j ; ; ;

    ■imrf\Brtjci5’ .A^ff.:.- The ttio’, was ;%cludcd-;i» ;lh(

    Rupert team -which,playod ;


    ■ S s i l : . ;

    Sbumway. 3 b ...............3Washhurn, p ...............1Wallacc. lb ................ 3iTuylor. c ...................... 3jGlsh. 2b ................ .....3;

    Wcstcm’ Autb ; Strjjck out-_By,WiK!hbum 1; hv |Hasler~2Tbases on ballu: By Wash- ;bum l; by^Hagler 2:‘Umpircs: Boll and'Jonos. •.


    today, .according to Paul Clancy, editor of Amorican Astrology,-who haa . given off the homscope of both drivers.. In' comparing Iheir hoii)- Bcop'e'fl. Mr. Clancy found that' Scott-Palnc. .“ Uiraugh hlsrmoon ,

    ' In'the first dccanto of Arles,.< contacts.a'wcll aapcctod'.Jupl-^ ter In tho horoscope o f'C at;,

    'Woo'd." Thlfl,’-he saya. ."Is^on •

    In.a .cont^t..wlth-the .Amcr-',. lean.”• liet • us.-qubto .fjbm '• Mr..

    ■ Cluney’a letter: ̂ . •; '. '.’After examining Ibo.horo-. I acope.i -of these two gentlemen I

    Dccldin? B attle.. for Western - . Division Title WiU Bo

    leia-nrFtior— -

    fTlEII. Sept. ’ 2 (Special) —j

    P O S m S O N TILTliamond-HardwarerMoEiwAiii

    ‘ May Play Tuesday

    ision In. tho . Southern Idaho baseball leaguo will be at stalto ton̂ or- row, afternoon whciL. Bnhl.. nnd: ,iamberly clash.oh Uie neutral dia-: imond at Filer; -: , . ;: Both teams Imve taken ono game! ■ in-tho Utiilar aeries to-date. Kim-j bcrly wlnninjt-Uie first two.wcoh^! ago and Buhrebmihg'bock'last:

    I5lEIiraHa--tKeTflnrierTa'"loT l̂^

    W i s * . s s f e » i a ichanges tomorrow t^.maaagers'of b0th.80uadS."arc;. '

    Buhl!;'.Cartc..2bi •,H6mlinff.;ssi McNeai .̂- .̂cr '̂Boyd cf; T.vHoJt- manek...lf; Hammond, lb;-,DunIap; rf; Pembcr,orWills,p., ’ : 'r*?’

    Kimberly: Mlntun. oi.'Smith,' as; Chandler,:,lb;-,v,FuIler...3b;, cial^ bom.-8b; -Harvey, If; Johnson,-,rf! Shepart.-.cfrStovens, p.:-,’

    today for: a post-eeaaon-parlt-frolU,off the summer’s ' play for TwIn'.Falls fans, r If tentative, arrangomenta' completed; tho.'Dlrimbnd Hnrdwaro leam-^1033 Champions after last right’s-final-game'In’lli'c elimination tournament—will' meet: Uo- ElvvaIn’8.'.'.Uhdcfeated'’ durInJ:‘ 'tho regular, season’s play.--.The' -Maes l0Sti£0Ut.V;however,.- In .thd' Utlo: 'series.- :̂.'...... .''M

    MUler Fijghtê * to :

    ..-■CINCINNATT..‘ o .. 'S ep f 2 ■ OUil ,-Frcddlo;MIllcr;::i27.'CInclrinaU.

    sUking: his ring.champIonshJp'ln O', non-UU6 -boutiVwon (a-lO-wund decision.hero last nlght:over Low' Foldmon. 128,.Now;York. : .....

    r̂ ĥe opinion that lliiii

    nt anŷ time nnd nhy^^ap*-!^elijmcnl, Noptime knmvs speed twatn and In any ease during the firHt.week of 'September, 1033, Jupiter is rather out of dignity,'.but Keptune re-

    t. celvea rt eonjunctlon-of the sun, l^ nd Uil.i occurs Mactiy:on Uie

    ,-flrst day. of this race, Seplem- ;i)er 2. This conjutictlon'being In,turn e l e v a t e d , J u p i l c r lh;’fl ô'5>ciMJ>;hordsco'pc' as ca(-

    .•.(ililatcd.for.that dato.• ■'We. also noto -arothcr eon- • figiiraUbn:bctwcen theso charts,

    .Which, we consider, overi^more , Significant.’ in the po.sltlon of Hcott-P«Ine‘s soulh nodo In Gar Wood’q Mars; ’This merely operates toi relievo Gar wood of. ono of hls.hojt pranetfl; the

    .one, in fact, upon .which his- rjputatibn for apecd principally rests and certainly ono which ' he can III afford to have inac- Uvo In a contest of this kind."

    .Thank you Mr. Oancy!

    TIE WITH- STARSI Los Angclcs Overtalccs Firstj

    ? lace .Rivals by Victory ' Over’ Portland,

    PORTLAND, SepL 2 Loa Angclcs moved Into a tie .wllh, Hollywood.for tho first placo in: Uio .Pacific Coast leaguS-Friday, night by driving, out a’ 7 to 4 vie- toiy.over'Portland as tho Slars were Idle.-thelrgome-Tlayed-ThurS' day night aa part of a doublchcad-

    • with Sacramcnlo.The Angeles and Stars have cach

    NEW YORK, ScplJ Gourgv Gllj.sun's Pirate paigning fnr a "crAiclar scries Ihelr own wiUi the New York Giants down nt Pillsb^rgh next week.. The Corsairs captured second )l_ace- in the NaUonal ai leaaiithndlng by a forced mareh of I seven straight victories whllo ex-l? ’“ 7 -iris and fanu were conecntrat-1

    ig on thu so-called ■‘ •crucial" scries between'.*'the-flrst-piocc

    If Uie.-pimtca havc^slnick .̂Uie stride of whichjhelr roster indl- catea them canable; the NaUonal pennant raco- flllll holds intercst-

    , ing possibilities because, o f . UioI Giants’ loss of Johnny Vergez and the Braves' loss'of Randy Moore.

    PitUburgh,. topped . Boston.: by ono pcrccntagc point yesterday ■ after, beating St. I^iiU. 2 to J.,iaII inifln't'S, white the Braves loaf twlci} to tho Giantfi. Thls leff.tho Pirates and Bnives virtually Uedat SI

    Two' ot” thc"Clnntfl"’‘ 'Blg I.jlchcrs, Car....... . — - ”dio ,FItzslmm,

    NATIONAL ..LEAGUE :.CTubs^,"' • ■ ,W L .-]

    :J’Jftvt,York....... „_.._75.'. -48....Piltaburgh .........00 ■■ ■ •

    ...70 -57 ,-.051

    avefagc..-j?0ruand:iraiurwiuc:87 ; games won, .03, ,580 pcrcenlagc. . —The Angcifl_gnUicred 17_hita offGlbwn and Jacob's, scoHhg sl^dl-ly. Portland starteil a ninth-Iiinlng -rally, scoring two ruu and 'drlvbig‘ Thomas to the-benoli. but ..... -halted by:Buck. Newsom. ." ’Excellent pitching featured, the San Francieco double-header: win over:SeatUo by score of 8 .to 0 and ,3-to;a;-Curt-Davis-pitohed-o-'Bhut-|

    i, - AMEIUCAN LEAGUE.- ^^Qiiibs-^:;, : "gY ' Nen^.York .,!;!;!“ !'!!2;73' Clovelan'd ’

    h^delp.hl.,;...-.o3'- •;co;^r.'

    .......................‘ ; Z bo''CW3■ SL;-Loula;:.:..;...,i..._:.47;.M 82;;-V:i:

    Detroit CHlcago ; Boston',.

    OUR BOARDING HOUSE.............................. By Ahern

    .Ight-. to llii: cmwn is Gar Wood’s tre*’ ' --vf'4 nionil

  • 'l* a K c F 6 iir

    P E T T Y PRO TESTS lilt*’ |)ivsunl c ity administration ni)t niruady

    (lenionslratecl com m endable zeal in undei-takiny a number (if m iiiiiciiial reform s and outlined u pi'o- gvum o f public iniprnvements designed to uffectiv{;Jv m lvancc the inloresls o t Tw in Falla, sei'ioiis m nsid t-ration might l)o g iven the inirported circulation petitions for rem oval o f the officials.

    . iJu.t with a record during a few short nionttis o f p fficicncy and econ om y in. o ffice , and a large number o f definite im provem enls in this city, "not only is the idea ..of reinpval a lud, buL.when th.e reasons citcd are noted, the propos'hl takes (Jn a childish aspect w hich leads tn doubt as to the serious intent o f the ag:itati;bn.

    W ith the advent n f tlu; pre.seiit administration there w as an 'im m ediate change for the better in tho various m unicii)al departm ents, and Twin Palls-was given jx Nqw Dcji). T h e city w ater su])]»ly was over* hhuleil W’ itli' cohseciuent im proyejnent and !\laynr Johnston and' his colleague ’s immediately,duilineil ;i prograni o f .street cpnstiiictinn, m ost'n f w liich.w ill

    : not cost the taxpayeivs a cont, l)ut which will i)ring perinanent im provem ents tind a huge :i,mniinl o f eni- ployrilent loca lly. . i

    lt :is ;th e a lm ost unanimous verdict o f the citizuns l • that the ;ie\v adm inistration has made a w onderfu l' reecii'd in nn; extrem ely short time and is deserving | 9 f fu ll cooperation instead o f petty annoyance.

    . .l:Jtl.iS;.kno^vn-tllat.■.the present.m ayor and council-

    elein^nts in the com m unity. W hether o r not they are ’ at-the.botlpni o f 'th e jiresont puny effort is unknown, |

    I but in, lieu .of the esteem in which the adm inistra-1 ; t ion 'is /h e ld j the con fiden ce it has generated Dy iis;

    • straight-forward and com m endable coiu-se o f action, 'y a iK l^ e pi'ospects o f the future, it is probable the

    i present e ffort w ill g e t no further than it has already.

    ‘ S C H O O L ELECTIONS , / ‘ SejHembei* is tb‘:'See tw’6^'iiiiportant elections iii

    . w hich eveiy eligible; voter should show interest. R ef- ” , erence is hiade to the balloting on trustees to take I ; p lace Septem ber 5 in all independent school dis- ,. tricts, and: th e Constiti'itional' convention .election

    Septem ber 19, whqn delegates w ill be chosen to votij ! on .vatification o f the twenty-first am endm ent to the: fed era l coristitiitiijn.- ' ’ , ..................' The:'latter, be in g alm ost three i'veelcs aw ay, can : -,‘ be',;glveri"Mave-seriotJS atl6hti6h~as the:day fo r vot- : _ in g j nears.' K ight n o w iherc, .sHouldJjc.a health^ intei^

    est '■ m a r iif^ le d ' iiV 'sc liod raectibn s,! fiot 1 on ly . cl6 ! the operations o f sch ools com e close .to cvery . hbme, i but from the staridpoipt o f taxation they arc im port-

    j \Every taxpayer shou ld be just 'as inlich interested :— in ^ Q tin g 'fora 'sch ool'trastG e 'as ’ fora -sta tfi, legislator ; ■ 61’ 'o th er,"o ffic ia l, a n d in addition cafidid'ates fpr ■ those o ffices arfe entitled ,to an expression from the {_■ vbtiji’s— ân expression o f con fiden ce in the instances

    ' w h ere trustees'are to be re-elected, a n d 'a ,vote o f • -firiou^V co'ftsequen eo -tPi. indicate i)ub^lic_senti_men.t k :r ;w K erO ew - o ffic ia ls "nr imcontested nom inees Ure>toI ‘'b e jch o s e n : ; .......

    . /T 6 o ;o fte n -a m ere haiidful o f vcjtei’s interest theniT selves, in school iiffaii-s; The surprising thing is that w e,% et as g o o d o ffic ia ls a s .w e . do und/^V these ,cir-

    . :Cumatances., T h (2 jo b s j )a y no salaries, the only coiii- ; tiehsation b e ln g the honor o f having served,, the sat-:

    r -jafdctTon - .whicH i cdm es- from^ ̂ having conscientiously j i:'vddm a . p ijb lic trust, and more often than l -'iibt; a little criticism thrown in fo r good measui-e. |

    .V oteis in all districts, w herever located,' should: [ eiicburage attendance, at the sch ool' elections nuxt| '--T u esd a y and i>rove tliatthei'e.stiH exists a healthy in-1 i ' .terest in, schools a n d their succeM ful .operation. i

    _8lio'took Inlo licr eonDiJonco a I ttloBd' who; was a promlBlacI yonne m UbI and nskod hop to do* Bleu a ebmblnatloa .ChrUlinaa card nod ^Tcddlog aBaoancomcnt. TLcso. woro broueli't bomo Ijy a .Tory Mcltod Eto ono oqowy Saturday early In Doccmbos, Blio

    ,oad Dlftk spent tbolr sparo Umo Oildros&lQS, scftliog nnd'BtamplDg tjio cflTOlopca.nnd tbcn put tlicm nwny to bo mailed Cbrialmoa' wook. Tbit Botuofl,-nick was

    Tlrankly rollovcdi---------------—'■or eouriio.’ i

    ot our mactlBEoji’o wlll-entcrlaln,” Evo Icean. •

    • "TbBfa nll. rlEbl,'’ .Dlolc an* .oworcil, Vao loag as wo 'liaow ibcy’ro comlae. larlto

    — JpftniHirttraomTmri-pcr-' • • - - ;y \

    -M l do.’hinis^ at, tlie tinie.' .. .."'x J v ! ‘ XW efholdc h o . b r ie f ̂ for■the;•stat■em(^ chief5 • executive^^but the .opinion.; is general that' w hatever v-'he said isribfc to be .condem ned'so much as the act;6 f

    a Jbcdl-neAvspapVriin. prin ting ;the ’;reputed sta j f ih 'd ir e c t ; V iolation ^ af

    I ̂ :N(VAvbhtlBft! then',tH

    . !6 ;a fta ^ d ia h tc 6 iir t ''h a s ji] ile 'd fth a t 'it ',is . w r o h g ^ f a ,fw Ife !to .fgo ’ jtH fough‘K e r h u sb a n d [ a t W r o i i i ? u se less

    It Bays nooscvelt io an popiilhr v/lth bln iiupportcrs ua GanUhl with litd. Ho pictures the pri'alili'nt cominnmliriK Uie aame sincere I

    DETAIUS . ■This scout pictured the voler.n-

    tlio body polltic—RS . Iieln" on . train, not li'nowlhg cxiictly wbcrc they nro golne; but .cbccrinjr llKc Ibundcr./or Ibe engineer. •• .

    ■; TIio tlcRuind for. Iiifliillon.. bn -thoiiRht,- MTw-.Bmwlriir wfukerr ..Ttiul Ih bocuiwo'.'retnil bnsliii-NM ■. Ik. Jeflnllelyriioltur.V (liun'.Vlmd

    IIMII bopcil for.'. Farmers bavo hot bcen belpsd to, tho tlfiffreo bdllovcU "In , Uie . cBiit. ' HlRher.priccs wcro not uh bcncfl* cinl na. moat .obsbj)»i(ftr ,loynUy^o.'lho N. n. A. ;wri8.nla6^Btreaneil by.-lhe’ in* VMllgntor.'Ho^fountlr lt;. hipru-

    , marked -'In tlie nmhll'" lowhs-,‘ . which :cojip'ri(i« Oio jrrcrit. b«ll{,-

    .'•of , tho-, counto’.' A im,- anioni;'' working, people? who , con)iirlao

    m m ' "-' "' " ';itieeh jw ,a i[tih por^ som e1 refm ^ ^

    ;:ilc!in...................clly in tliL- counli itliroii;;U llilH mvtlK)' Tll«! uiiHworH wc

    pniisitT̂ L'iltc. Tho N; wiin nnld ' tu bu ni plinhtlnc nkjwiicfls,' Tmnr-nr^tiriii-wiiTraxiuriB-powi^could bo l i e c n ; - .•......- -

    Jtr.-, HooBcvell KlllI popular, but • vwns in Mnrcb. ; - .

    . A third invendirntlon o f Uio subject was' midcrliiUen in Wn^b- ington. Tho ieadlns flnnnclul Jour-, nnl .of NcvV York acnt its columnLnt Jierp., hien ;wn«. to • t’etji. fresh. cloae-iipof the itcovery iriachlnery, from'n'fdvbrable »tniidjioliit,lf pos-■ Thlo. columhinl spent. five .'ilaj-a

    intervlowlnj?'. people-' outside, tbo- pivjiidiced ndmhiistrtilion olrcleo.' Ho was im*b1o ti) fiiiil-ono cnihus!* nHtlcully.optlmlHlIu'about Uio N.’

    fuel Ibut . Uic InveaUgator:! ihliiklng-lh fcmiH of. selling ntooks I und bontlfl. , Tljolr .pesslmirm in - thnt reapcct Is prolmbly juntlfled; but they buvo' muffcU tbe fnclor d( ikipuiar psychology:. \ '

    Tbo third showH WiMbinfilon opinion .dubs nol always nccui-ulc- ly reflect ,thc-vlew of,Ibu country. Juat na a mnn in no bero lo his valel, no 'iidinlnlslrallun is -bL-rolc to Uione wlio cIofl«-up..,, ,

    jSTEP^-' '■■■/A Amnll chfllem town.haa a

    poslofflCQ%ilhout steps, bul VopoRlUon on Uic grpiind - ' Uiat' 'It"would 'NOTfla’hcufn any 'Qost plus work.- ' ........ • • '.-•,-CiliMns;rouBt'uae . longer ..logs.:

    ■NOTES, '■ 'VAnolhor factor In tbose Inveatl-,

    gttlioiis,.in''that; IheVavbrubto-fmo louchcd',.-llie..-wb01o ' c o i in to '^ while ;tho pctuimb>tle one centered In eillciir'AlBo tho pcasimiaUc onB.


    , Hased ou: tlip-yiiliiR luldr (!(l rjy.'.ii).iiiuriif!turp, llio',, tiiiff- ynliipil n t.: 4ii,10n,();i.'),8H2; :

    ;. Mil D if onlcr . o f llicir :• rnnic,-Hic'iioxt nine iiiilu.s- , '

    .foUiiu-:' F iiriiiliirt',;. S' iliid :cifjnrctK,. lircini * ;

    iii-r.v,' \ m ii«i’s,olotliihtv.,-.'. jiriii.fiiifr liml • piililisliiitg/',

    V'mul ••jnl))',//1,-fccl

    the, IM'

    SUM.MAItY • • ,.Thn‘ i f̂it. answer (JoM.nol.l___ _

    llonn but,in ,a -onnponit6 of , you. fit;tho,pieccs togelher yt Kel-ft.ipt>ro;.accurato picture they spent tbbiisamls. o f (foliar ;.'Tliojirst.'.ruport;acala wUb

    f f f i S S S S u i f i Smnterla]Uy.,r.o,-

    it purchaaci Jiavo now grcnt.t... lenio In.,their- nbllltv, to- apreiid I wiT)f,itp -

    commmorcIaKv.cnMlt.' that way.' Mn-oAv •Tbey.nre trylng to.thlrik iip'other pfnijltli;'-•iya;,6f^niBhlngUh6,:bahl«;Wd • '

    >nty.''No'orf4'yot=KBa-becn-Bbl6 ,_________________________llilnkxof.lUgdod.wny;.to .mnljo 'c lM ln'^t’ ô .pV’ hiXTnislfcofl,- i-bankers-.:-;lbn(l’;.nioncy:Aon 6ut:^r

  • FOR HENT—Flvo room moilem house, large sleeping porch. Inquire East.

    FOR . SALe—Tomntocfl, QOc a hushcl. 1 Rillo wcat and ^ milo north ,ot_CuiTy. Bring contolncrs; Ben JlUL

    EXPERIENCED LADY, 33. un- Incumbercil. wJH travel. Rood cook nnd houseUoepec. Write Bos 40JL- Caro Times.

    -SELC CHEAP—klCE JERSEY. 7 years oIO. Been fresh G months. Giving 3 ^llons now, H. L. BIal;cr. Stecra-SOo'off on som6; bulls t;t|nuolaWc--.steady;,- -vealera aellve,’ fully -steady;- top- grass- steers, :5S.50:..hulk, 53.50 to 54.50: plain dairy bred-kinds.down to.52.SO; at! bcBli-^hcl/oni -$4.00‘ : bullc- 53.00-to $3.70; tffjpfat cows -53.23: bulk $2.20. to -52.70' and. lower; cutter 51.00 to 51;70; bulls $2 to $3.00; ycalcro'moslly.4;00 to $0.50;' choice to.S7.00.i-. . V- .;Shocp:.. Saturday,' none. Wccii.’s' lolal.224D::cbmparcd:,\vcck ago,' slcady,. Mondoy - top, $0.15; :bulk $0.70 to $0,00; ,we«k’3:top $0.25, paid . for • choice; lanilw Tliursday; medium' good lamba $4.76 to $5.55; cwcs:«vOO dawn. ;..v-:,,\;,';■ '^^.OM/Ul/V'; UVBStOCK-’ ' ' " ' ''OMAHAv'Scpfc 2,'

    most dcalcni oufof'mnrket.'One. denier-buyinff limited amount at 53 for U. S. N o.'l Crcat Norllici'n' nnd $2.D0 for Nn. 2's. Few saleH; reported un amall reds nt $2.001 per cwt. for_U, .S. No. 1 and $2.50 j Jor-U ..3.-No-k ’

    ...,$1.1!I’otatoiM -



    -------------Egcs. No. 2 _____---------;--------IJVMlwk-.Choice light buUhers. 100 lo

    .210 .pounders .'.....................$4.751Overweight butchers. 210 to ' '. 200. pounds ...... .;........$4Ovcrwcight'-butchcrs. 200 -to

    300 jfcunoera------------- ......$JUndcrwelgiit butchers. 12a to

    .(mostly $2.10 to S2.'20): .Idaho • Itiireiets S2.l0'lf) SS-.IO: c all tlicy rccelvc■‘over.'525.

    -------- -— -̂---------— ' I • Many rural rccnil^.bwn farmfl,■ tniln wclglia moro go'lng from or aro sons of. farmers. .-J,

    Chlwgo.l''Jcolntr the ____ ___ ______ _________ ___________________ÎTho-UlrccUon of-ihc. ear.Ui'uauLu- • occur.- imnualiy. .OifoUBlio'ut.'

    Aboul 10,000.000*'.ihunderatbma '



    FOR' SALB-i’30 Dodge; 0 truck A-1 rtapc; Prl'ccd chcapr-illS'-N. 1 W/ li- N,'- i4: .W.‘ Filer. Blass,

    .ranch.', ^iB g A B P ; A N fi :BOOM


    ncsponiible BusineM'Vifms v̂iuia ;.r«fewIpwa;pfflcM;o^^^

    ■* TlHil ftUto. . ,

    314 Concerns Sign _ Agreeni_ent pn ;NR'Total'number of-crnployera' lii

    Twin- Falls- who havo signed the prcsldcht’a rc'-employmcnt,dcrce'^ nient today stood,at' 314, .accord- iDff7lbTa^emcnt-.;byi'E.;;5¥;:_WCi'M 3om m l^^S^fhê ',■.•■'.'MmInan'd.̂ •;':',.■7.ToaneInLv■- •̂■>.•40TO'pa ô. |iaoS«cond-'not«,'v^-«Out;'6r:otder.';-..'r8FlUh.''U-.v '̂.'.-';4lpmliryoblrd..- •30,>yjiiif.'wa*)tho';49Wotll«d'.'‘;;.v':::-9Rubb«ftre6;,--„4S'Extlhct; • ; .

    i''^pJctur«:br'*i'::--‘ i9.Tl)#^pIclured -Jl'Th«lflr.-li-;V'>''rX.'‘-.tnlU'o bird;-''vtn- i f - — " '


  • , ̂ , ^Location of G ifts ''^ '̂X’wcddlng'tMir^nolir'Wflfl'clovcr-

    ;,in::;thc..m’lflcollimeoua f'-X''.\.\v,al)0W0r;Brrttii{ccd-Priday,-.cVehlnff ir ''. ̂ Dorothy Day ot Murtaugli^-;;;-/';'lohohor:o{'Ml«Vlrginla-.DM:who.':',;.'.:rf^lllMn>streBiaers,. ntlachtd-.t to ■ a

    bdl;'8UBpcn«l«l,rroin •̂ th'i.-chBiitleUcr in the-jlvlBgr-lroom,

    '.VcjrtaiHed, apideriweT>-i.f(ialiton, to -rooms oMbo^liomer^A-Birt

    'foc'liho brldc-to-bo waa'nlliehed lo, -.••.-Uw .̂oywr'.cnd. o f.’cmaalrcdmer.

    /rfakljnff nilnlalUM-.bais^ew.pM*' 8edtikJ;dsfavora ts 'cdch.'^caL . .

    design,-Wiis a)n u:.'.. /.thfl^hiSu^ecoratid;';.-te^ -Vcanla

    Convene for Inslniotlons and| Supplies aa' Sohool

    . [foriu Nears’

    liutniotohi to'rurol-achools or tho couDty-mot'in confcrcncc .thia attornoon • with Mrs. ,Muudo F. Klclnkopr, county aupcrlntonilcnt of; public Inatruction, to rcccivo Instructlona, and to arrange for aubpUes.^--The-‘ocBSlon—Ib- bolnp-' hold- ut tho' high school auditorium and Obencd a f l o'clock; -

    -Those listed to bc In atlciidonco wero the following:

    , ..... — p ______ _• .Milner: Mrs. Lola G, CoeUrum..the }hand^ecoroted;'i/lfcort -Vcjirila . , ' Pleaaant Va l l e y : Theo. " •which'bonj orlginal.-vorta.pertinent Brdckenbury and Anno Cordca. to'faeti'gueat. o«s;’ .:,K a y ThompBon,-AlmedB Avant’ . - • !

    Woyyo-kall, :ilavem c DbvU and' Wlllowdalo: -Bertha - Kolousek .r ̂ - . . . . .... . . . . Kaiiona Kellogg.• Cedar Draw: E. B. Mcdearla.

    Gladya Uedearla And Olara Knyp-- £xceMior: Mrs. CJora StfJcJiorj

    anil Mm. J. B. HIJJ..Faipvlew: Mary. Lou Olbb- and

    Mr#; Zcnla Hobson.Lucerne: -Anne • Durrotto ond-

    Virginia Harwood. 'D «p Creek: Scott WllllamMn.

    -; DDnter W»man Is ix: . ^Honored .at Party

    Kotibrihg 'M rs ,' bell: 'Porsons,’ ' iPenycr,; Coto.; .houBo'guest-af her

    . datightcr. r.’Mra' ..Royv Waahburii, r.Mm, Jock.Shrout entertained at ft

    '.'aiiSner:party/or 10'FrWayevening 'at< her homo ' on Clchth. avenuo

    r r :^ a or tH ;“ ''” -------■ : '■f Prliea'for high , aeorc want to

    V'^"-Mnt’ -AKln"Caaoy;V MraV'PoWna received o'guoat favor. - . . ..

    ' 1 J},urb>g her atJiy. in-Idaho Mra. Panwns'wlll be.prlvlloged tb'-vlsitl

    : Sawtooyi . mountain ro-

    ..V ' ■ ftnd:Mi*,'Cllfford.Emerlck.and Mr. -:‘ khd'-Mra.'-Lylo-'Glah. Twin Falla.

    '■ -••. nhd-'.-Misa Pearl- Dovls and Ted "MarabalK Bolao,.wlIl apend the holl* ̂-da^.o-w.Labor doy 'ot Bald Moun*

    ; ‘ ;taln'_;hot'iTring»''v^ ̂ >'• . ' ' S PN . - - .

    .'i'Tw«hty-riv«.imembom ot; the , .- -Triung,'-Pe6plo'8:class ot the Chris*

    -------Ltiah>ohufch;hfcldrthelrTanr\uikl wa-. .' ■ .!'‘tcnn6l6n''feed Vat Hormon -park

    ..•-•rh'ahdayi.ievonlag.'; >Games- and - mntesti'wer«'lnvChargo of Misses

    V . -Almd CdrMn tind-Lum-Lee Sharp. 'iVrtVa'and C llffo^ DavU reeylved


    t .V̂- ’-'^l'UlBS-Jaequcllno McGinn, grand* ;iij.iL_'-daugliUr4ot-:Dr.^and.JMr8_T_0. V-‘ --.'''--Boyd,?«rVwhb:ia leaving Sunuay

    - -,.:for'her homo’ In.Lonp-Beach, was i’’ ’ ' ho'nbred-by- horCTandmother at.a

    -; BHdgo-foiiraome'fVlday-attemoon. .--.otheî 'gueata :wero', MlMei. Betty

    ahd iIarg#rot; Magel ; ond .Ruth

    . CATLENOAB OP CLUB 1 ANO'•ZXM>GE;£VENTS ■M 'Prlmrose'.'.Roljekah-.' lodge ' will

    j e c t u u ^ a y evening, at 0;S0 . ,Jelock^for^B=-n5t' l̂uck-'dinncr at

    tHe.L-O.AF.'hall. EBch.m4mbcrta Mqueat*d: tojbrlngia-covercd- dlah

    •■V. •and'*ahdwlehes.'Tli6'l>u8lness:Soa- .-.-..■Bltm’, wUI -bo;l»cW .prbmpUy. at. 8

    ->i_U_,JpA8T-^MATiU>NS:r-;^. MtBSOMB A o r m x i t s . .

    '-‘•'..■'.■.MraiM.̂ W. Boutcn and.Mtn. JU-

    f w - ■ 'iit stlielr:-ihbmc.i-;;Mr®.V .Gcnovlcvo; Dwight gave ■. on-VlntcreaUng ac-'lier..ylslt*,tovthe.:.WprW-a

    “ WEo»tenrStar,«h(iptcr,iiero, )bcr.^30.>RetrcshmonU were -J-SS?!;......

    Park Lane.- Mrs. Ethel ,Arm-“ ‘^toniwr:~Char7o'tlo'R and Mrs. Helen Johnson.

    Rogerson: W. p. Cox and-Mrs. W ' B Cox • •

    •Riverton: Mra! Dorl? Stradlcy. Sprlngvale:Jrfra.-W.,A. Farley.

    'Berger:. G C.. Clomona and Mat- ale Ciomens!

    Amsterdam: HIlin Bice. Einiwood: Elmer Atkins ond

    Nola Carter.•Allendale: laabelle-Clork. Artesian: A; M. Kleinlcopf and

    Ed_lth B, Wolfe

    and Somh McClusky.HouBo -Creek: Dorothy Kessler. Sunnyside: Floyd - .Wilder and

    ^Melo^n^^ley: ln « Nappcr..,,; Sccdrow: .Mrs. Augusta Romlg.


    MlBB .Mary--D; Smith, daughter 6f‘ Mi9'6hd-.Mri». ’W.’ W Sm lUi.^a-' tertained at ft -brfdge party.. Friday afternoon. Miss June Bralla- rord won the prlro for-hlgh ocorc ond MlBS Martha Turner, low score.-Rcfrcflhmenta wero .served. The bome woa decorated with autumn'flowera. Gucsta'wero Misses Dorothea .Creas. Jane; BmUstord,Francca-WU8on. Aliea.Jcan GJon- doa'.-Edith, Clark,. Mllllcent Eia- rldge. EllMbetta Bothwcll, Audrey Hinkle. iiartha-.'HQlmca.-_Mory Francea - Miller., Alice. . Leslie;' Loulae .-Krengel,Ruth ■ WUchiim,Helen-Severlnr-Parthcna-Holllater.•CathTrlni CblweiirMortha-Turocr, Charlotte; Bowlea-and Ethel Fin-

    ,aAT.F.R-tfnuCR HOfjOKEP' ^

    :Mr. and Mrs. Artel Kelly, who.wera.m4rricd.-jMt_,.Smjdoy, w«rohonored by-Mr. and Mra. Roscoo Stovcna Thuraday evening.- Em-| ployea oL. tlie. Morlseterla, thelri i pprnDrlato-aturgMttona-for-every

    .. fashlen.need; R:,Thlr booit wlU heTpj

    ! 4̂au{^^ul;;■tylea;at^•8■VBurprialaglyiiow co«t;i:;:onD Bii':vooit-ooi-y '

    : VV'FlPTBBN,Oi:NTB..l)OOK' '^•r; ANDPATTBRN'TO 0 E T » B Ri

    '. ■ I nVBNXY-WVB' CENTS. ,-• • • I' --J-V :{ ,̂;Beadiyour;9rder.-^to,-Jdaho-'BviB'-

    Ur ** , p ‘

    Futuro ;Parmora W ill Also Bo] ■ GiycD.'£xcuB^ From

    Sohool -Work <

    . Arrangomcnta Jiavo been made-! with Uio^Muntyfsuporintendcnt'or! ' -and; schooi oftlclola lii] Twin.;Foilsfcounty to'excuso all, 4-H membcm ond Future Farmers, for tho-anhuitl fair Sept 7 and: 8. provldlng-Uiey-havc-«n-nctlvo; part in tho talc. - .: .--I- All mcmbera ot-Judging teoma,! extilbltOra,.'poftieipanta .and raccs'

    ■ pro^ama’ , will be cxcuscdj

    ' ailUSTlAN SCIENCE T h o 'L essb n -S cr mon.ln.' alll

    Churchea-ot Christ, ScientlaU on Sunday,'SepUmher. 3, will bo on the subject •■Man." • • •. ''. The: Goldert-'-Text- is'frbm- Ml-, cah 0:8: "Ho hath showed thee, O mnn, what la good;.and what dothl

    _____ buttodolJuaUy..arid toTovTraercy, nnd walk humbly with thy. God." ,

    Ono of the Scriptural passages] contained In this] fr6m--Genc*la-i:27r''‘S6-aod-erC-l nied'man In'hia own Image, In the] Imoge'or God-.creatcd ho him;' male and femole creatcd he them.’'

    __ _________ ___ „ ______ _ -A'corrolatlvo'passoge from'thefrom.clnMca;-on-thcaoawo-datcs.'.Chrlatlau;aclcnto.-.toxib09k.^;jScl-, It la renulred, however. , thal a onco. nnd Health with Key to tho permit from- the .pufcnta be fc- Scrlplurcs,’.' by Mary Bakei^Eddy, celved by schobl aulhoritlea ^ fore"la oa follows: .‘ 'God. foshlona all •oxcuoca,oro:gitmted....................... .thingc,. after. His .own likeness.

    Tho business people or the coun- LIfo> Is . l-criectcd Irf existence, ty havo .responded la a' splendid. Truth In IruthfulncBB, God -- In ftmnner.-to. requests; for -coopcra- goodnoM. which Impart.their own

    occording to C. ' L.. Mink, pcncc luid pennancnce—man, made • - • - o f the in HlB IlUcneaa, possenscs'ea,. InstruclorJ

    -ltev..L}'mokh:D. Sraltb,‘ iiow!postbr of tho'.^viii -FnllslCbuixh ot the^Nnzuii>nc,> tvhb-wlll beein a. rovlrai: In- hi# church tomorrotv. Servlocs Mill continue each evening, next it-dclc. '


    Gooding Club Members Have: Achievement Day

    Thursday, following tlBh ̂ daya. .................

    teiIrs. Wilson,_was.. o ' womin. •tally beloved; by all. who")inc\V T,; coming- t i this: scctlon . ̂ O.,

    years ngo.wltli her husbond, D. T.

    GOODING, Sept. 2 (Special)— Six clubs, cum{K)scd ot 42 meni- bcra, participated. In the -1-H-club Achiovemenl-dav program nl thc high school building Wednesday aftorhoon. Judging by ciubs and tfio order In which tho girls placed

    -JI follows: . . . . Icrtson. coach: Norma Thomiia. 1st; Jcanna Young.'.2nd: Marilyn Turner. 3rd: Elsie RequUt, -4Ui..• First .yeor sewing. . Florcnco Rand-slpb, coach: Dorothy Evliaiz- cr. 1st: Froncen -Randolph. 2nd> Margaret Evllalzer. 3rd:.. CIclly Ann Scott, -tth.' • - . - - ■

    Second year sewing,' Carol Taylor, coach: Alberta. Redlngton.lBt: Edna’ LucIilo RobcrU.:-2nd:-Ruby Drummond, ard:- -Audrey Lou Wood.;4th.■ Third year sowing..Carol Taylor, coach: Ruth Schmidt. Îst; Wilma -Evllsizer... 2nd: .Ida ...Tada,.^ard: Marjorio Thompson. 4th.

    Second and tjiird year- sewing.

    Mrs. O. O. Young,-coach': Edna Schmidt, lut: Mary Louise Young. 2nd; Elaine Hunt,'.3rd; Ruth Pyle,^!ln -the Judging «I contest ,ot| canned 'vcgeUblca- iind aewlng! Marilyn Turner plitccd lat; Oma' Mounco, 2nd, dnd Ida Tadn, Lois ’aimiH6i7‘iniJ7nmiET35ti‘ 3« tied for 3rd place. - - Thirty-eight • girls competed In tho atylo -^ow; .•dertSonsCrallng achool..Bport,7B(lonlbOD and semi-i tailored allic. (M!aes. Ruth Hor-1 nett was JudgVd Uie oulstondlngi girl In the. stylo tcvuo and to- cclved'flrat placo In tho atteraoon Ureas-class. ■ ■ . v;

    It Ia‘ b^cctcd that.thu winners or-tho dlffcrcnl clubs win bo stmt to thp district fair at jcrom« :̂Tho achlcvomunt^day program, was. In charge of .G.' O. Anderson.idtatrlct extension, ogcnt M/lth 4hH cluh work. J3oUic.:-and. Miss Magdalena- Clements, district home demon-■ stratlon’ agcnti,. --

    _____ her loas. Mrs. Gwendolyn organization ot thc. S u n d a y .Clark ,of Aberdeen, Waalf.; Mrs, school for tho coming year will, Ciitater Peterman. - Rupert, effected at this meeting. '

    ....-anecd. awaiting'the arrival or •the uaughtcr. -Mrs.- Cfark. Tho; hody rests at tho Goouman mor-' tusry In Rupert............ ]

    \Hefe's Secret . For Yodel, as •. Swiss Ltke it

    SAN-FRANCISCO.-Sept-2-till!)• Full-chested Rudlo Rlndlins-

    bachor sang Iriiilngly:••Ufll. 0-11-0. u-l-uaall."'Now that’a real S^as ywlel-

    yodel lender of o swisa canton anu in hla own rlgiit '.‘tlio best yodoleron-thfi-pacifiQ-e-wst”- ------- :—

    'None ut Uiia o-icc. o-lny, hee-o linesa, Thnt o-Ien stuff la, thu

    Amcrlcnn vodcl. n oud thing.” explained Rudlo. 1 . .

    -It Hounds almost nn.biid na a Bavarian or Tyrolesis' yodel and

    true' Swisa maid will answer '•o-lee-Stuff nor.will It make

    - ,nb-lho^hIslies(>-mounlaln-

    FIVE K liE R tYOut-goinS' Tri^tccs* Do Not|

    - Sock Ro-oloctiqn in iehool-Volinj

    1— KIMBERLY,.S0Ppt-2-{apecIal)- ■ —The. nnnuBl achool election ‘ of Indcp6ndcnt.‘ Dl8l.\-No.-2 will bc herd -TucBdiiy afternoon- nt tho liigh VbliHdlng.; Tiie poUa. wiil bc'open from-a.lo. 6 p. m.

    .At thla Umb twoi^nlsteea, each for It: three vear .term, will be clocted.-Th* retiring board mcm- berw nre N. •A,'.Olsen and Emey EmerabhT Neither seeKS reelcciloiT

    The. names o f candidates fllcu wltli tho clerk'Of'the, board arc, Postmaatel- Lioyd. James, Ruportj Morrill. Ray-McKlnster,-John S. Fcldhuscn nnd Guy-'Dlln* •

    - C1IUI8TI5VN 'W. E. Anderson, minister

    0:46 a; m.—Bible .school. • 10:45 a; m.—Lord's aupper and

    sermon: I'A . Kingdom;, without End.” Spcclal. music, :Sexotlo "In- vocaUon."—Mrs, . Helen .'Johnaon, Mrs. F.'L. Slack, Mra. U-N. Terry, Mra. S. B. VJhUo, Mlsa Flora Bower,. Mlss Margaret Anderson.. .7 'p. m.-^hrlstlon Endeavor.'' 8 p. m.~Unloh-Bervlco at.First Mothodiat'church. Scrmon’ by'W. E.V ‘Ahddr»bn'"br '.:iho.' Christian' church ,who .will apeak .on the “ Church's Contribution to.thc Men Wh(j''.Toii:" Special? music:" Ah-' them,' Choir, ,"0U, How .Excellent,' by Belriy. Solo, Mra. George Bak- cr of PorUand. Oregon. Tho public]

    . , is cordlolly invited to all services.' . -...This-evening service, is .not a 11-

    .UnruMion ' but a BtatementJubtto '

    United Statca to pay their rcspccts , BAPTISTto,the.Pope,, necerdlag .to .tigurea , B.'-Medearla, acting pastorftom the .Vatlcan.-------- - -_:0!40-iu'BtiiSundav-school.-Ciaas•-'July was tho, rccorirmonin with dlacuaaion and Blblo- atudy for nine American pllgcimagea. Two or -y.-yonc -these.came,from Boaton, ono con-1 n a. m._Momlng aervlccs. Thc

    P IL E E VISITSMoro ' 1,000 ' Pilgrims

    Visit Kyme ^ H onor •. Catfiolic T opo ;-

    to find'you. . .Thorc'B a yodcllng 111

    Americana havcna-njnsUrcd.'Halu the Icader-ofthe'yodelcrB-.Whn gather . rcgulaTii-,- a f .the • Guclpl *reln here.;.'. - , -: . 'n ' - . ,

    "You ace tliu-voice comcs: from . , . “ ... ■ . •.G o u p l e - a t G o o d m g

    ■Cowboya, alone ot nil Amer- ■ H o n o r e d a t S h o W G r! imiutaB* yl^pcb*‘‘ li" th iy ̂ ̂ GOODII^G.-.Sept;. 2 '(Special) ,— only.kno(A « f ll\o rougli- «dgcS|Mlas ^ p a . ai.mitt an^^nald. they'd beValr ybdelcra.. though In W.ennatrom ;wcrg Ihelionc^reMal Switzcriand.,tlioy,probably ,-would- !J„'- P'^i^JS^Ji^^XeSin^ not'init to first base-" ' - ' party aaturday -evening at the■ No need , to' lcam-to croon If ,SohmlU:.homo_by several of Uic

    'u can yodel declared'tho coast younfrer uct.-Games-, and dancing ciiamnlon Yo^'illng Is - U>o lanff-r'‘̂ “ ® ■ enjoyed..untll.-a- late hour uag?orio»o"«;rw hcA .:,i?b ,n ln^w hen;^«f^W es'to maUh It ..In.r-beauty. .‘.Uie' roon aounds'Ilko "UiO'bawllng of Schmitt and Mr.-.>Vcnnstrom were,

    ^ e k calf•• nccordlnff'-^ the rcclptenta.-.of'many gifts. .-■*0-lce - oWav - ê«̂ 6̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ '

    boccn' visit- . V n ^ g f t d ; D y ; J J o a r a iag at.tho.home of.Mr. McAllls- /..BOI8B.'iSept,r52r(8peclal) -r-:lti ter’a jnolhor,r ̂Mra; H.,W. Herman, actting. tlidiOatoldtftho. cxamlna- leftiWedneflday’ momIng;,for Uielr tlons-.foc.:-cbsmotleleas, 'thb: fact home. In;,West V irgIn la .__u ;-._ . ihat^osdiky.-rSept.-ilOrlinhb'^ato

    Biihl,.boys,from •';tho.';C.-;..0,'C.-:-5nTTVhtch,ylho‘'rofc9tW'>la'-regard camp at salmon CIty who:rotljm- to.-,-.Ui-i\'w^afooe^thV:Eightc

    Ewell •; Arthur -:.Canima^.'-.BndChester-.-Vaughn.fAll-of.-.:tho-;,boya coameUclans'i A.-otdhilAaUona-'':'- at ]havo;algnBdi.'Up"for':.worK‘-ln..tho, BolBu'' ' ' '*;for'lho5ncxtipcrlpd.;pf sU, tiaolL------------ -Bflor'tSitor^^y

    A l

    I, poMCDscs an^^M-

    (pagc 610).

    : : •..TMti ;i; tomuci,-in44-is.;,- >-; By l'j2Ugrlmago . numbering.-.60 membcra;-A: big. round .zero for

    lUrar-Ar48-marked=aiongslderUie- Vatlcan’a.-Pliferimagca .C lurt: fo r . May. duno-registered one group jif; QD New Yorkers, and Julya figurestiold'the.rccord.thua far.-.:;;.......- South AmeriQBn pilgrimages cro

    sUll sorely missing. Only two luivc come'to Rome:-Ona numbered 2o fnlUiful-from. ArgenUna: anu-the other CO.’from Venezuela.

    Chain' o f : 20 ; RadiO'' Stations .W ill B roadcast.folks ' : .;

    h PtloBt

    pf.JO-,B^Uona:,wbleh,---------------broadeaatB.laat '̂^Vear..' w l̂l again broddcast- 'Uie Sunday afternoon sermons o f Ihe. Dey. Father Char- leii;E:'-CJou8hlln,r 'pastor .. Of i-Uio Shrihbiof:thb:Lllltc Flower, Royal Oak Mich.;.v.Tbo-’bn>adcaaU.wlll .start-for; Uio scasbn'Bbout thevmlddle,Of.October.' occordlng'ito;Lco.j:.^.Fit*pat- riek. 1 general manager, of.: station W R. Detroit key ot Uie chain which • ,oxUAda;;r from.; PorllBi)d, Ma to Kane?J City------ ----- AnySubJecf -......... .:No’-otBUon'ihaii,:mad6(Bny..8Up-'. tjlatlDns: na .to .Iho: subject matter j 6t;'FBtber:.Cotlghllh'8-addr'.wl>osoi:8htlnoi in Uie.’J>dtroitsuburbiwa8.5bullt'wlUi

    , 9onlributloDa}':frem: 'U.-vialtorâ cond

    rles'^bfvsunday'lbraadcaata’ on'fthbDotraltJBAnking-'Bltuation-rattract-

    attend' this service for.a' chancc t rccclve some new thoughts..

    .Unlon-jwrvicca— -̂-------

    . . HANSEN OIMMUNlXy ..10 a. m.-^Church achool.-

    -.. There..will:bo. no.momlog acrv- Icc since tho-paator. wili .bo .In. air. tendance at-thc. annual Meyjodist| confcrcnce. ,...,1 i-. ,,1...

    7:30-p. mi—Ep\^6rih;licaguc.,„

    R e v iv a l S ta r ts a t .: N a z a r e n c C h u rch :

    "Rev. Lymaii-D.: Sihltb,' who-'r ccntly came-here from • Salci . Ore..- Uj--acccpt: the paaloralo Ot] Uie Twin Falla Church hla;home Wednesday-,-evening; Ha;had ;be«n .in-poorchealtb.for somorUmc, yas .cared .foribyJhla daughter..Mrs. Dbra HazeltlneV^at Nampa-uaUl-.-: ratter in terms ot their hlghdr as-; plraUons dnd Bf Uielr;,repentanco ,- aa conscience dccused Uieih;of their--'; weakness and wrongdoing; Zt li>;ror thla,Uiai Davi^ lias hadiMd ought'! to- have,: a'.high'.place -bf a)gnlfK caocb;ln tho. history, o f aln;-. right-' “The^ew Uiat aeea David chiefiy ;--- ds ft,saint U,aa wrong:aa.tho-lVlo v̂.•. -̂ .U]at secs, him chiefly ,as a-.pondit';;

    co^lit'botweon, rl'^ht-and*"^!^'-. of.vlQlont paaslons with'tbb'hfgb-•" cr aspirations. aj,d Uie generous Impulses that conqucrcd In tho end.'-.

    Robbing Cradle- -MltLVILLE, N;'J.,''Sepl.''

    2 (UD — -Mro. Adam:'l.1oyd'. doesn’t belic^o In "robbing Uie cradlo to got basetoli:

    stands six fcel ̂and 'Welgha' - 200 pounds, will return • to high Bchool next week Instead '.o f ' pltehing Itor.,- thb : Phliaaelphla AUileUcs.— : -■ •’ ;Connlo ' ■Mack. -'AUileUcB mBnogcr.- expected the 18-- ycar-old -couthpaw . to. sign his contract, at. Philadelphia yesterday, but Adam waa-at.. homo spading the-.lawn-un-: der .his molher’ieye.,;

    I - watchful-pitching on’ -the

    Millville- high' school team-: cauBht:Uib fancy .of . Mack, und 'Ira • Thomas; • hla - chief acout.' •--,

    M ? TP HEAR f f l O E D M 3

    Moro Ardon^'% ’pistloa Tolling Slar.'s 'Lovo-W ill-B c .Eeadi

    I' - HOLLYWOOD.-Sept 2 tUKlv-:- Cialro' Windsor: - biondo '-actross.' -, went :Into:Tetlrcmcnt,' today unUtv next ;̂ -

    Rangers OontinuB'Scarch' fori Two M oro .Vietfmfl After-.--:|


    XELl.Q.'ffiaiONBJEARIC.Wyb.ipt; 2.iai!i—Tho.body o f Dr. F.

    Magan-waa recovered > today ] wiUi Uio-boat In whlch’he: his five: year.oldson Bobby. ̂ and .George: Steckles.dlsdp^ared.'rauraday, on!

    s '^ ^ e r a :fo ^ d . Uiq body and boat.Jubmorged,:'St>me distance

    Flshlng.Brldgc'ataUon;-;': -v-̂ -Bvalittwo'-rangcmunruorts-

    ... conUnued.tb "puihl'thd'-hunt for Uie bodies::• ot.-itho'c-bby.''and, 8tcckies..i‘It.wa8 not believed they could' havo ; cacoped :drownlng-’fln ncw.,ot.lho;flndlng,:Of;-.the overturned boat nnd'bodybflDr. Jiag.;

    reappear inauperlor'courtrto^hearvr ftirUior-cvIBonce -'of :hcr - on9lUmo .u: romance. wiUi: Alfred ■ C.'Seaci.V'dê bonolr oung broker .. Mom lcttor8'.ardently-expro8Bhig.- tbo love, tteyahared • linUl' Bcaa'8i.v wife..-.Marian, ;8ued;-- for:'.»100.000 ;: for asserted allcnaUon-: of-offec-.VJ U6ns;wlli;;bc-'lntroduced.;»t';.w?8.::, Intlrnated aa Judge' iTosepb Sprout':' ordered ( the- , week-end r-'(tdJouni-<

    . let\o«i.^whlohVuib:;iioi^..;; InaUU she'-Mrrote„wiUt, tl)o;-uoder-:; -̂.. standin^RcJd and hia ^

    . W™0¥n>iS- ,'Once .when, f wo' ihad'c ibecomo.-;-,

    Tho search .waa,nade'.axtromoly difficult bv..high ,wlnds;and,-|«ugh water which agala'prevaileU on the lake today'.v;Yesteni&' drag Uio laho bottom wero aban donjd btcauM'.bf:thb.rough'wcath.i

    .-..'Magln, th'e ̂^tecklea left FIshihg-:BridgB;'atdtIliB:icarly .Thur8day';oii‘.ttelr‘ ill-fatcdi|rip!ln a40.fOot.i6hg.metnl;)»at"Mwored byan'.butboard'Abtbni'LltUe'hdpa; waB'iheId^fbr'v-^thei'r,^T^bty',.'after rangers-fbund-itwb;oai4."two;hata

    ■•tltelatlvea;,o (̂M«.':atofflio.‘.v*̂ ^


    1^u ihin lU ab o and Oro- ^i^n\Vlli-,B?>a'TOWeiy;ieftiJSun'day,'(

    wrong;.Mr8.- .̂Eead'wa8 Indiiccdiby::

    twoeni:. the;‘'.'Thb'IetUr^rooltal''was'.lntexnip(-‘-i
