Days Of My Life

My Glimpses


Here is a brief story, non fiction to make it interesting, and here you can share all the moments i had when in my past.

Transcript of Days Of My Life

Page 1: Days Of My Life

My Glimpses

Page 2: Days Of My Life

Birth (dramatic and tense)With one great big kick I hit the sac that I was in! My eyes finally opened and I can finally see nothing. Darkness swallowed me whole and what ever I do I can’t ever get away! I kicked and kicked finally I hit something. It felt smooth and a bit rubber and with one more kick I realized I ripped the sack I was in. That tiny little crack suddenly widened and opened its mouth, sucking everything and I can feel as if it had gravitational pull. Darkness still engulfed me and I am wondering and waiting patiently when will I ever get out and see something but black. My head started to shift and I can feel myself going upside down. I knew something big was going to happen I just knew it! Still asleep, the sun started to wake up from its wonderful rest. Its morning light splashed onto the sky and for moment its as if the sky was a canvas with the most beautiful colors clashing together forming natural harmony. Well, everyone in the city noticed that, except for a few a individuals. My mother was in the car, holding everything in, and by everything I mean me. I was just a baby ready to burst out to the world. I think right now she’d be focusing on me instead of what’s going out on the sky. My dad by her side was practically a nervous shipwreck with his head up in “what do I do now land?” Above all I think the person that would be most focused would be my driver. 150 miles an hour down with an old fashioned Volvo and switching 50 lanes a minute his main focus was staying alive and actually getting my parents to the hospital. It was time. After 8 horrifying hours of hearing my mom scream and frankly everyone else in the room scream it was my turn. My head throbbed in pain as I was being pushed out by my own home. The walls I kept kicking at and hitting were taking its revenge and they want me out! Apparently my head was too big but without a chance to reason or the vocal ability they still pushed and pushed. My head throbbed! A blow to the head by a hammer is what this baby is feeling right now! I want to get out!

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Roller coaster ride in America.. The sun waited in the bright day shining all of its light to us. Now I’m am in the appendix of America, Florida. It’s beautiful place and also the location of my upcoming tournament. Today I’m visiting Adventure Island in Universal studios. The Harry Potter theme park was just opened and I thought it was pretty cool so I visited that section with my family. Camera flashes everywhere, fat men selling wands and cotton candy, parents yelling at their kids for having fun, and just like that Hogwarts felt like an elementary playground with paparazzi shooting every single event that happens. We walked through the buzzing street as shops everywhere surrounded us. People were wearing so many weird costumes and we can definitely see some were so into the Harry Potter story and it the atmosphere was magnificent. The blue sky was screaming for adventure without a single lazy cloud in sight. We finally reached a part of the park, and there it was, flying up high in the sky were dragons. Flying in the sky whirling around, carrying many screaming people across the sky. Only two can we see and they both flew in such harmony and breathtaking aerial magnificence. As reality slapped me in the face I realized I just dropped all my harry potter ice cream on the floor and realized I was drooling on the floor with people everywhere taking pictures of how stupid I looked. My family was pretending they didn’t know me at that point. Fantasy clouded my head as if it put some weird goggles that made what ever I think a reality. 90 minutes. It takes 90 minutes to get from where I stand now, to that special dragon I always wanted to ride on. Lucky for me I have a little advantage. With my special ticket I simply waved it to the man in charge and he escorted me to an empty lane, above a sign holding up Fast Pass Lane. My sister Shereen and I ran, our legs took a mind of its own and it was as if we turned into speed demons racing through the lane passing everyone of those suckers that had to wait in line. My dad on the other hand being a lot older and a lot less fit jogged behind us. We waited and waited. A row of kids and adults were in front of us as if they were waiting for their moment to shine. The smell of sweat filled the air and we can see mist coming out of everyone’s shoulder now. My sister seemed so composed and normal as clouds of doubt filled my head. “What if I don’t make it? What if a wheel is not oiled enough and the whole thing goes out in flames due to the friction? I don’t want to die so young!” All those thoughts and words attacked me in that moment. We took another step closer to the beasts as they took more and more people on their backs. Red and blue were their colors. Reality slapped me in the face and my heart started pounding and i can really feel the blood flowing around me. This is going to be the first time i ride such a huge coaster and i honestly want to turn and run. If it weren’t for my little sister whose standing so composed beside me i think that would have happened ages ago. “NEXT!” The man called out as if he were the grim reaper calling out your death. i got on the red dragon and i was strapped on sitting on a flying chair. As i sat i swung my lazy legs around realizing that this might be the scariest thing ill ever do. Before i could do anything the dragon took off out onto the sun! My head bobbled up and down left and right unable to control it i screamed. My father was laughing like a child and i was worried for him. I prayed he was still sane and healthy. The blue dragon came in and started swooping around nearly hitting us making it even more exciting.

Page 4: Days Of My Life

Second tooth lost. Soccer ball (Scary)I open my eyes. Tears drip and my mouth starts to quiver. All my friends rush straight to me to help me out. My tongue is possessed by a raging demon licking and searching every part of my mouth.

The floor was calling me and my body wouldn’t move, gravity has taken me down. The air around us were dirty

“holy cow did you see that? He literally just got KO’d dude! that was so cool!” A kid on the far side of the gym whispers to his friend. “yea i know i cant believe he flew that far! He must have been hit pretty hard” “Yea it must suck being him. Look at that hes practically dead on the floor right now” Flashes of memories come flushing inside my head and now I slowly piece together whats happening. “Peter! You alright?” A familiar voice says. “Come on! if your alright say something man!”The blurry view sharpened and all the shapes took form. I could finally see my friends all surrounding me. Worry apparently masked their face and if awkward were an actual thing, i think right now it already took over my whole body. I got to my feet and iron dominated my mouth. This horrendous taste i cant quite place but i am familiar with is happily bothering my taste buds and i cant get it out. Eyes all on me. I took a deep breath and announce i’m all good. As i walk out the curiosity and pity grinned and laughed at me. I started walking out to the light and my friend chased me up holding something in his hand. “Pete you might want this man.” As he says that he showed his palm and a little white bone was on it. Cracked at one edge it looks broken and sad. I took it and a flash of logic hit my brain and now i realized after putting 2 and 2. My teeth go hit so hard and flew off as i hit the ground. I took one step out to the bright light. Looked at the sky and cried .

Page 5: Days Of My Life

Teacher Scolding me

Sweat dripped by my face as I sat under the ac of the classroom. Alone and terrified. 6, I only needed to make 6 and even that I couldn’t do in the span of a month. Pathetic is what I am at this point. I sighed, the classroom pities me, it’s as if it knew I am about to get the biggest beating ever. The plants were waiting patiently while the clock does its own thing and tiks time away. The chair that I sat on, the table with my stuff, they all just seemed so alive at this point, I’m practically shaking in fear of what to come and its like all these things have personified and are waiting. I prayed hard and the last thing I want to see is that door opening.I know I was going to get a beating like no other. Not physically but I can imagine a flurry of words thrown at my direction, personification altering each and every one of the words coming out of the teachers mouth and all I can do is sit their as words showered me.The door handle wiggled, and slowly it went down and a figure came into the room, I took the biggest gulp of my life and sent my last prayers. Greetings exchanged, palms sweating a river of panic. As our conversation between my teacher and I started his voice showed disappointment. Procrastination is where we started and with after every word he sends shooting out at me the harder my heart thumps. He’s raising his voice now and I’m starting to choke, my heart started drumming a beat and that was all I heard. My crazy heart thumping a thousand beats per minute.His face turned red, eyebrows pointing downwards and wrinkles of anger formed. He was yelling his heart out now and I believe now I am wet everywhere. It was all the drumming of my heartbeat. He could be yelling and the whole school could hear him but my heart was in the way and it was as if my ears could had lids and kept them tight and shut.He stood up and said words I can finally hear “Disappointing Peter, you can do so much and your so gifted but you just wasted it.”

“Wait! I can… I…” He shook his head and banged the door as he left the room.

The words were all taken from me. No idea of what he said and at this point I’m too tired to recall anything actually. My shattered expression recollected itself and formed a grin. I thought to myself its finally over! A huge feeling of relief flooded my body and my heart slowly went back to its pace. Wow, and all I had to do to avoid all this nonsense was to create 6 simple vignettes. An hour wasted for nothing.

“Now that was rough, kid.” A strange figure behind me spoke and I was just in total shock. I replied “Wow I didn’t even realize you were there!” He had a grin on his face and said “good luck” and glided out of the door.

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