DAY OF RESURRECTION · revealed in the resurrection of our Lord. As you have raised Jesus from the...

0 DAY OF RESURRECTION St. John’s Episcopal Church Powell, Wyoming April 21, 2019

Transcript of DAY OF RESURRECTION · revealed in the resurrection of our Lord. As you have raised Jesus from the...

Page 1: DAY OF RESURRECTION · revealed in the resurrection of our Lord. As you have raised Jesus from the dead give to us the gift of everlasting life, that we may worship you forever; through


DAY OF RESURRECTION St. John’s Episcopal Church

Powell, Wyoming

April 21, 2019

Page 2: DAY OF RESURRECTION · revealed in the resurrection of our Lord. As you have raised Jesus from the dead give to us the gift of everlasting life, that we may worship you forever; through


WELCOME We are so happy you are with us. Please add your voice and heart to the prayers. Help

others find a place near you, and greet the person next to you as we prepare to worship

together. Please stand and sit as you are able.

Children welcome! Nursery care for infants and toddlers 3 and under is in the blue

room downstairs. Godly Play for children 4 to 12 is in the raspberry room.

Today there is an Easter egg hunt!

For pastoral concerns, please contact Susan McEvoy (754-7079). To make changes or

additions to the prayer list or to put an announcement in the bulletin contact Diana Anderson


Symbols of the Season White -- White symbolizes purity, holiness, and virtue, as well as respect and

reverence. White is used for Easter, as well as for baptism, marriage, and

dedications. It is also used for funerals as a symbol of the resurrection.

In baptism we “pass through water” - a sign of our participation in the death of

Christ and his emergence into freedom. Freed from the power of evil; the

power of God’s life and love will prevail. Today we renew our commitment to

the vows of our own Baptisms.

The candle -- 700 years before the birth of Christ, Isaiah the prophet told of a

people walking in darkness seeing a great light. (Isaiah 9:1). Jesus announces to

us that he is “the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in

darkness, but will have the light of life.” At Easter, the Paschal candle is lit as a

sign of the risen life of Christ. This life is stronger than death. It cannot be put

out but shines brightly in the world as a sign of hope and of the strength of love.

Prayer and Music Texts Prayers of the People, Offertory Sentence, Blessing and Dismissal are reprinted from

Feasting on the Word® Worship Companion by permission of Westminster John Knox

Press, copyright 2013.

The Eucharist Prayer is from Scottish Liturgy, 1982. Published by the General Synod

Office of the Scottish Episcopal Church, 21 Grosvenor Crescent, Edinburgh, EH12 5EE.

Music in this bulletin is reproduced with permission under

#A- 708236.

Page 3: DAY OF RESURRECTION · revealed in the resurrection of our Lord. As you have raised Jesus from the dead give to us the gift of everlasting life, that we may worship you forever; through


Ministers of the Liturgy

The Flowers at the Altar are a gift from Megan and Steve Nickles

Please join us for refreshments after the service.

Our Prayer Concerns Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Peace of Jerusalem and the People of the Land of the Holy


Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. John’s, Powell

Bob and Charlotte

Don and Martha

Bill and Claudia

Marc and Sherry

Cherie and Jack

Josephine, Patty, Cheryl, Scott,

Katy, Deb S., Marilyn, Nancy,

Jasmine, Paul, Dolores, Sue,

Zeke and Zach, Carmen, Ruth,

Max, Lonney, Aletha, Norma,

McKenzie, Betty Jean, Douglas

Danielle, Ryan, Jacob, John,

Patrick, Chip, Nick and Stephen

who are serving in the military.


Birthday: Dorian Vincent Barker—22nd

, Walter Johnson—24th

, Sophie Tyra—25th

Anniversary: Brooke & Josh Stewart—25th

Altar Guild Jane Woods

Greeters Martha Moewes and Katy Lytle

Musician Mark McLemore

Worship Leader Charlotte Patrick

Readers Scott and Justine Larsen

Preacher Tim Glatzer

Intercessor Diana Anderson

Presider Megan Nickles

Eucharistic Bread Barb Morales

Eucharistic Servers Walter Johnson and Steve Nickles

Sound Robert Rumbolz

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Opening Hymn

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Opening Sentences Alleluia! Christ is risen.

The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!

Rejoice and be glad: Ps. 118:24; Isa. 65:17–18

This is the day that the Lord has made.

Rejoice and be glad:

Heaven and earth will never be the same.

Rejoice and be glad:

Christ is risen! Alleluia!

Song of Praise

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Prayer of the Day The Lord be with you.

And also with you. Let us pray.

Alleluia! We praise you, O God,

for the power of your saving love

revealed in the resurrection of our Lord.

As you have raised Jesus from the dead

give to us the gift of everlasting life,

that we may worship you forever;

through Christ, our risen Savior. Amen.

First Reading Isaiah 25:6-9

After the reading, the reader says

Word of God, Word of life.

Thanks be to God.

Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; *

his mercy endures for ever. 2 Let Israel now proclaim, *

"His mercy endures for ever." 14

The LORD is my strength and my song, *

and he has become my salvation. 15

There is a sound of exultation and victory *

in the tents of the righteous: 16

"The right hand of the LORD has triumphed! *

the right hand of the LORD is exalted!

the right hand of the LORD has triumphed!" 17

I shall not die, but live, *

and declare the works of the LORD. 18

The LORD has punished me sorely, *

but he did not hand me over to death. 19

Open for me the gates of righteousness; *

I will enter them; I will offer thanks to the LORD. 20

"This is the gate of the LORD; *

he who is righteous may enter." 21

I will give thanks to you, for you answered me *

and have become my salvation. 22

The same stone which the builders rejected *

has become the chief cornerstone. 23

This is the LORD's doing, *

and it is marvelous in our eyes. 24

On this day the LORD has acted; *

we will rejoice and be glad in it.

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Second Reading 1 Corinthians 15:19-26 After the reading, the reader says

Word of God, Word of life.

Thanks be to God.


The Gospel The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke (24: 1 -12). Glory to you, Lord Christ.

After the Gospel, the leader says

The Gospel of the Lord.

Praise to you, Lord Christ.

The Sermon

Page 8: DAY OF RESURRECTION · revealed in the resurrection of our Lord. As you have raised Jesus from the dead give to us the gift of everlasting life, that we may worship you forever; through


Prayers of the People Let us unite our hearts in prayer, saying,

God of Resurrection, hear our prayer.

We kneel, stand or sit.

For the Church throughout the world, that as we celebrate

the feast of Jesus’ resurrection, we may renew our faith

and strengthen our witness in Jesus’ name.

God of Resurrection, hear our prayer.

For priests, deacons teachers, and all ministers,

that they be wise in leadership, humble in service,

and fearless in the face of evil;

God of Resurrection, hear our prayer.

For the governments of the world and its leaders,

that they may practice compassion

and reject the politics that use death and suffering

as means of control;

God of Resurrection, hear our prayer.

For our planet Earth,

that people may be good stewards of its resources

and share in its abundance;

God of Resurrection, hear our prayer.

For the poor and the stranger,

that they may receive a place of refuge, hope, and hospitality;

God of Resurrection, hear our prayer.

For the sick and those in distress,

that they may find healing for their pain

and be restored to fullness of life;

God of Resurrection, hear our prayer.

For our neighbors,

that together we may dwell in harmony;

God of Resurrection, hear our prayer.

For our enemies, that we may love them

and be agents of reconciliation in the name of Jesus;

God of Resurrection, hear our prayer.

Almighty God, receive these prayers we offer,

and by the power of your Holy Spirit

use us for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

In his name we pray. Amen.

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The Baptismal Covenant Let us commit ourselves to Christ and renew our baptismal covenant.

We stand.

Do you believe in God the Father?

I believe in God, the Father almighty,

creator of heaven and earth.

Do you believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.

He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit

and born of the Virgin Mary.

He suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died, and was buried.

He descended to the dead.

On the third day he rose again.

He ascended into heaven,

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit?

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church,

the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.

Will you continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship,

in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers?

I will, with God’s help.

Will you persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever you fall into sin,

repent and return to the Lord?

I will, with God’s help.

Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ?

I will, with God’s help.

Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor

as yourself?

I will, with God’s help.

Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect

the dignity of every human being?

I will, with God’s help.

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Thanksgiving over the Water Holy God,

We give you thanks for your grace revealed through water.

Before time, at the beginning of creation,

your Holy Spirit moved across the face of the deep, dark waters

and from chaos you brought forth light and land and every living thing,

declaring them good.

When the world fell into wickedness and rebellion,

you saved Noah in the terrible, scouring flood;

by light refracted in the water of clouds,

you made the rainbow a sign of your covenant

never to abandon the earth and its inhabitants

to the destructive curse of evil.

You led the Hebrews through the waters of the Red Sea,

freeing them from slavery in Egypt,

and led them through the waters of the Jordan River,

bringing them to your promised land of milk and honey.

To the waters of that same Jordan River,

your Son Jesus came to be baptized by John,

as the Holy Spirit anointed him to proclaim salvation for the world.

Send your Holy Spirit to bless the water of this font.

Let it be for us the water of new creation, the cleansing flood,

the covenant rainbow, the Red Sea of victory, the anointing of salvation.

Let it be our Jordan River, through which we become one with Jesus Christ in his baptism,

receiving the promise you have opened to people of every time and nation;

for we pray through Christ who lives with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God forever and ever. Amen.

The leader sprinkles us with the water of Baptism.


The peace of the Lord be always with you.

And also with you.

We greet each other in the name of the Lord.


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The Offertory We belong to Christ Jesus; 1 Cor. 15:23, 25

all things are his, for he is Lord of all.


Eucharistic Prayer The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.

We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Worship and praise belong to you, Author of all being. Your power sustains, your

love restores, our broken world. You are unceasingly at work, from chaos bringing

order and filling emptiness with life.

Christ, raised from the dead, proclaims the dawn of hope. He lives in us that we

may walk in light. Your Spirit is fire in us, your breath is power to purge our sin

and warm our hearts to love.

As children of your redeeming purpose, freed by him who burst from the tomb and

opened the gate of life, we offer you our praise, with angels and archangels and the

whole company of heaven, singing the hymn of your unending glory:

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Praise and thanksgiving be to you, Lord of all, for by the cross, eternal life is ours and

death is swallowed up in victory. In the first light of Easter glory broke from the tomb

and changed the women's sorrow into joy. From the garden the mystery dawned that

he whom they had loved and lost is with us now in every place for ever.

Making himself known in the breaking of the bread, speaking peace to the fearful

disciples, welcoming weary fishermen on the shore, he renewed the promise of

his presence and of new birth in the Spirit who sets the seal of freedom on your

sons and daughters.

Before he was given up to suffering and death, recalling the night of Israel's

release, the night in which slaves walked free, at supper with his disciples

he took bread and offered you thanks. He broke the bread, and gave it to them,


"Take, eat. This is my Body: it is broken for you."

After supper, he took the cup, he offered you thanks, and gave it to them saying:

"Drink this, all of you.

This is my Blood of the new covenant; it is poured out for you, and for

all, that sins may be forgiven. Do this in remembrance of me."

We now obey your Son's command:

Made one with him, we offer you these gifts and with them ourselves a single,

holy living sacrifice. Hear us, most merciful Father, and send your Holy Spirit

upon us and upon this bread and this wine, that, overshadowed by his life-giving

power, they may be the Body and Blood of your Son, and we may be kindled with

the fire of your love and renewed for the service of your Kingdom.

Help us, who are baptized into the fellowship of Christ's Body to live and work to

your praise and glory; may we grow together in unity and love until at last, in

your new creation, we enter into our heritage in the company of the Virgin Mary,

the apostles, and prophets, and of all our brothers and sisters living and departed.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, with whom, and in whom, in the unity of the Holy

Spirit, all honor and glory be to you, Lord of all ages, world without end.

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The Lord’s Prayer And now, as our Savior Christ has taught us, we pray.

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your Name,

your kingdom come, your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial,

and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power,

and the glory are yours,

now and for ever. Amen.

The Breaking of the Bread The Leader breaks the consecrated Bread. A period of silence is kept.

The living bread is broken for the life of the world.

Lord, unite us in this sign.

The Gifts of God for the People of God.

Take them in remembrance that Christ died for you,

and feed on him in your hearts by faith, with thanksgiving.

The Communion The Holy Eucharist is the central act of worship in the Episcopal Church. All who seek

God are welcome to the Lord’s Table to receive the Bread and Wine of Christ’s Body and


We approach the Altar beginning with those sitting in the last rows; they shall be first.

To receive from the common cup, kneel or stand in front of the Altar rail, holding out

your hands to receive the bread. When the minister offers the wine, guide the chalice by

carefully holding its base, or you may dip the bread into the cup.

Our bread is handmade. If you prefer a wafer, please ask your server.

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Prayer of Thanksgiving We stand


we have broken the bread which is Christ's body,

we have tasted the wine of his new life.

We thank you for these gifts

by which we are made one in him

and drawn into that new creation

which is your will for all mankind;

through him who died for us

and rose again,

your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ.


The Benediction May God who raised Jesus from the dead

bless you

and by the power of the Holy Spirit

raise you with him in glory.


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Closing Hymn

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Dismissal You are witnesses to the resurrection;

you are messengers of the gospel.

Go forth to tell the good news,

preaching peace by Jesus Christ—

he is Lord of all.

Go in peace to love and serve.

Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Alleluia!


Questions for Reflection What difference does it make to believe that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead? How does

your faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ change the way you think about sin and death?

How does it change the way you live?

Household Prayer: Morning God of endless life,

in the light of this new day

we see the dawning of your new creation.

Give us wonder and delight

to enjoy this day that you have made;

through Jesus Christ, our living Lord. Amen.

Household Prayer: Evening Stay with us, Lord, for it is evening

and the day is almost over.

Help us to know that you are with us—

through the promise of your Word,

in the sharing of a meal,

and by the power of your Spirit

that burns within our hearts.

Bless and keep us, this night and always. Amen.