Day 2 Reflection toward World Mission Sunday 2014

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For the next nine days the Global Youth Mission Office of the Xaverian Missionaries USA is offering a short reflection and challenge to help all prepare for the Global Catholic Celebration of Mission Sunday, October 19th. I invite you all to take a minute and check out each days sharing.

Transcript of Day 2 Reflection toward World Mission Sunday 2014

  • Day 2. What difference is there from the ordi-

    nary baptized Catholic and the one who is part

    of a mission community such as the Xaveri-


    The difference is that we engage the grace of

    Mission that we received at Baptism under a

    particular charism of another faithful disciple.

    In the case of the Xaverian Missionaries, that

    disciple is our founder, St. Guido Conforti,

    Bishop of Parma

    Italy from 1906 to

    1931. But St. Gui-

    do was not just the

    Bishop of the local

    church of Parma,

    Italy. His heart and concern was global. The global vision of his

    episcopal ministry was unique for his time, but became a stand-

    ard for Bishops since Vatican II. Some say that he was a bishop

    without frontiers. One of his favorite admonitions to us is to fos-

    ter the ability to have a spirit of living faith which enables us to

    see God, to seek God, to love God in all.

    Prayer of St. Guido Conforti for those discerning a life as a

    Consecrated Religious Missionary

    Oh Jesus,

    You died for the salvation of all and founded the Church to continue the work of redemption on earth.

    Increase, we ask you, the number of those who preach the Gospel,

    Strengthen them in their ministry, sanctify their service,

    so that those who have not yet received the gift of faith,

    may soon come to know You and love You on earth, and

    Enjoy You eternally in Heaven. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. AMEN!