DAY 13

THE BOOK Meredith Meredith


DAY 13

Transcript of DAY 13


Meredith Meredith


There is no Copyright on this book.

It belongs to all of us.

You are free to

pass it on.

Anyway enjoy it, it is fascinating stuff.

Who knows you might

learn a thing

or two.



Meredith Meredith © 2015


Hi again,

I trust that you learnt a thing or two from the “behind the

scenes” Day. It was necessary to give you a true perceptive of

where we have come from, why we are here and where we are

heading with this enlightenment journey. The conclusion is

obvious we must change and learn to feel again. Thus, this

process must have some practical lessons to it and so there is.

In the next days I would like to teach you about the

“mechanics” of increasing feeling in your life. I am not talking

about stirring up our emotions, you can do that by just watching

a movie, listening to a song or playing a game. What I am talking

about is developing positive habits that will increase feeling in

your being and eventually transform you into an “Angel”.

These habits are not religious, social or mental exercises

which only work on your emotions and does not build feeling. I

have said a lot about emotion and feeling that is best that I first

explain difference between the two.

Meredith Meredith © 2015


About the best explanation of emotion and feeling that I

have come across is this;

Feelings are senses detecting what you feel through your

10 primary inputs; (Here they are again; sight, smell, hearing,

taste, touch, temperature, pain, balance, vibration and various

other internal stimuli). Emotion on the other hand are what those

feelings mean. The basic human emotions are, anger, fear

sadness and happiness.

I like to understand the difference in this way;

Emotion is like the sea and you are the ship in the sea. The

sea is never stable and is forever rocking the ship and infact tries

at times to sink the ship Feeling is like when you get back to

dry land and put your feet back on the ground. The ground is

stable and you can trust it.

It is that simple but how does this apply to the two part

make up of our being?

Meredith Meredith © 2015


Emotion is part of the adamic makeup but it is not part of

our angelic makeup. Feeling on the other hand is part of our

angelic makeup. Emotions connect the mind to the “adamic you”

and feeling connect the soul to the “angelic you”.

Emotion is a necessary and good thing to have but a cruel

Master. Feeling is more than a necessity, it is the essence of life

and a good King. Emotion is behind the drive for sex, drugs,

money, power, fame, security etc. Emotion is linked to ego.

Feeling is what is behind charity, unconditional love, acts of

goodness, kindness, etc. Feeling is linked to selflessness.

However, never underestimate the power of your emotions

because that is where most of the errors come into our life. Just

about every bad decision and situation I have made in my life

was because emotion steered me in the wrong direction. With

emotion it is always a “hit and miss” situation – you never know.

It was feeling that always saved me. I will repeat my favourite line

‘trust your feeling’.

Meredith Meredith © 2015


Is feeling an emotion? Yes and no. Yes - feeling is linked to

emotion, but No - it is not emotion. This is the difference. You

can feel and not be emotional but you can be emotional and not

feel. For instance, lying under a tree relaxing, this is feeling but

playing Street Fighter on X-Box or Play Station is purely emotion.

Which of these two persons after two hours of indulgent, do

you think is going to have the better day? The guy with the play

station (A) or the guy lying under the tree (B). Of course it is “B”.

What made the difference between A and B? I would say; the way

in which they connected to the world made all the difference. “A”

connected to the world through emotion and “B” through

feeling. Notice the word “connection”.

The key then to increasing or enhancing feeling is the

CONNECTION. I want to explain about these connections, none

which will cost you any money or any precious resources. All you

need is time and that is something we all have. If you think that

you don’t have time, then please “take” time.

Meredith Meredith © 2015



The first connection is Nature. The majority of us live in an

artificial world and that world is increasingly becoming “plastic”.

It is made of concrete, metal, glass, synthetic and biochemical

products. For example the concrete walls and floors, metal

shelves and draws, plastic chairs and tables, polyester clothes and

shoes, chemical paints and dyes etc. that is now universal in every


All of which create the artificial world we live in that is far

removed from nature. While it looks good it actually works on

the emotions in us. Why? A natural environment is not supposed

to be predominately circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles,

the most common geometric shapes man uses to create his

artificial jungle. Look around you and you will see what I mean.

Shapes affect us more than you know.

Nature has no dominate shapes. You cannot put nature into

a particular mode. It comes all shapes and sizes.

Meredith Meredith © 2015


There is a good reason why it was created this way. You see

every day my feeling connection loses its connectivity through

this artificial world I live in, so you need to let nature’s infinite

shapes “brush away” the build-up of “contaminates” on your

connection. I did not realise how important the variety of shapes

was to “cleaning” my feeling connection.

Next time you are in nature - a garden or park or forest,

keenly observe the shapes. Find a place to sit down and spend

an hour and look at the hundreds of varieties of leaf shapes and

flowers and rock formations and notice how that triggers certain

feelings in your being. It is actually a cleansing and healing

experience and it never changes no matter how many times you

view the same scene. It affects you mentally and spiritually.

A simple walk through a park will not achieve this for you. It

is not the walk that does the job but the experience of being in

nature that is vital and important. An experience we often loose

out because we rush it or we time it.

Meredith Meredith © 2015


The ideal lifestyle is to live in a place where that experience

is at your doorstep and if it is not possible bring the experience

into your home by going green. Load up your house and your

bed room with plants and other nature things.

Thankfully where I live it is out my door and outside my

window. My house also has many pot plants but I must confess

that my bed room is air-conditioned as well as my office so that

does not help the connection but when you live in the tropics

some things are just necessary.

Some of the other experiences you can add into your nature

routine is touching, flowers, leaves and trees. Theirs is an energy

that omits from every living thing, it is called “Chi”. A Chinese

word meaning life force. Feel the life force that is in the thing that

you are adoring. It definitely does something to you.

Now I am not saying to become a “tree hugger” but become

a nature lover. Next time I will teach you about the essence of

colour and water in nature.

Thank you for reading thus far.

This is an ongoing book.

Please see next Day.


BbbBOOKComposed Compiled Edited Published

By Meredith Meredith