Dave Jones Ups Downs

07/04/20081MdWjnhbb07/04/2008ECHOMnpr7 E E C H O C H O THE FANS, THE PLA YERS, THE MA TCH... AND THE CELEBRA TIONS P AGES 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , 9 & 4 0 PLUS A BUMPER SPORT PULLOUT W E D I D I T ! NE WS EXTR A www.icwales .co.uk Mond a y, April 7, 2008 45p SOUVENIR EDITION CARDIFF CITY REACH F A CUP FINAL W E DID IT! South Wales  South Wales  

Transcript of Dave Jones Ups Downs

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E E C HO C HO NE WS EXTR A w w w. i c w a l e s . c o . u k

M o n d a y, April 7, 200845p


South Wales South Wales 

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19/05/2008 08:52:34 98-99 Media Wales jonahwebb 19/05/2008 ECHO may19 Mon

98 South Wales Echo




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Price: 45p

City stars join mass Ayatollah as fans welcome tOUR HISTORIC DAY... THE FANS, THE CELEBRATIONS, THE TEARS PAGES 2-13 PLUS

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Monday, May 4, 2009 Wales 47p





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WalesMonday, 4 May, 2009

Cup of despair for MOND

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Monday, May 24, 2010 Wales 49p

Players and fans left shattered by heartbreaking play-off





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WalesWednesday, 18 August, 2010 Sponsored by




IS A BLUEBIRDIt’s the transfer coup ofcentury for ecstatic City CRAIG BELLAMY put pen to

paper with Cardiff City androared: “With the players at thisclub, we can really push for thePremier League.”

The Bluebirds pulled off thebiggest transfer capture in theirhistory when they persuaded Bel-lamy to ignore the lure from

“After moving away from homeatthe age of15,itwastime formeto come home.

“I’ve always wanted to comeback and play for Cardiff, but Iwanted to come backat the top of

Paul Abbandonato

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WalesTuesday, March 8, 2011Sponsored by

Official sponsors of the Cardiff Devils


‘JET’ targeting a dreamdouble for Bluebirdsand Gunners Pages


Lennie: Title isnow out of reachfor Cardiff Page


LEIGHHalfpennybeing stretcheredotrainingandmissinNations openerwi“I justbroke dow

wasabsolute devasI had put insomuput ina coupleof gperformances for thada couple ofmaawards,” he said.But, aftermakin

recovery, he’s bubbenthusiasm followiscintillating displayduring theirMagnsuccessatEdinburweekend.Andthe22-year-o

desperate to reclaiWales startingline

Saturday’s big clasat theMillennium“It’s uptome to

I can to putmy haselectors,” he said.Wales coachWar

resisted thetemptfit-again tighthead

Bluebirds’ boss Jonesends a message tohe City ‘boo-boys’


■ Cardiff boss Dave

Jones has hit out at

the vocal minority


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http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/dave-jones-ups-downs 8/84 South Wales Echo Monday, 3 January, 2011 Monday, 3 January, 2011

Lambert is notgetting carriedaway just yet

Parkin lined up forslot against Stoke


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NathanBlakeTells it straight

IT is time for Dave Jones to bereleasedas CardiffCity manager.

Thatis quitea hardthingforme to

write, but when I look at recentresults, culminating with that awfuldefeat at Bristol City, then you havetosayenoughisenough.

Wekeephearingabouta blipin theBluebirds’ form, but what is hap-pening currently is not a blip. It issomething far more serious thanthat.

A month ago when people werecallingforhisheadIwasurgingcalmand for more time for Dave to turnthingsaround,butI trulybelievethattime hasrunout.

Talk of bad runs and dips of formand of how Cardiff are still wellplaced in the division are just notgoingto cutit anymore,I’m afraid.

Being told to ‘stick together’ and‘nottopanic’well,it’stoolateforthattoo.

I have been saying for weeks nowthere is a big problem within theCardiffsquad,adisharmonyamongstthe ranks which is causing problemsonthe pitch.


To hear this constantly denied byDave is unacceptable too. I wouldhavea lotmorerespectforthemanifhe came out and admitted the prob-lems– wedon’tneedtoknowdetails– and then assured everyone that hewas doing his utmost to put thingsright.

It is this inability to actually focuson the underlying problems that hasconvinced me that Dave’s time atCardiffisup.

I know what goes on in dressingrooms, I’ve been in plenty, I’ve beenin DaveJones’dressingroom.

I knowall toowellhowitoperates.One disillusioned player becomestwothenthree,thenfiveandsix.I’veseenthe signs.

We are constantly told that Davewill be bringing in more players,getting rid of others, but you can’tdealwithit likethat.Youcan’tthrowmoneyat it.

Bringing in more players now isonly likely to make the problemworse. It has to be dealt with fromwithin and Dave, I’m afraid, seemsunableto dothat.

Anyway, Cardiff’s position now,evenif theyareinfifthplace,isarealworry.

I feared they might be swallowedup by the chasing pack and that isjustwhat hashappened.

Whenyoulookat theformofsomeofthe sidesaroundthemand chasingthem, Cardiff just cannot afford tokeepthis runof poorresultsgoing.

The Cardiff City board need to actdecisivelyandtheyhavetoact fast.

The new manger must be given at

least a fighting chance of stampinghisown authority onthings.

Any new manager needs time tooperate within this month’s transferwindow. Thatwould onlybe fair.

Then he has half a season to makesure the Bluebirds are promoted tothe Premiership because I reallydoubt they are going to get a betterchancethan this.

People might find it strange to callfor a manager’s head when they areridinghigh,butlet’sfaceit,thisis noordinaryCardiff squadthis season.

The addition of the likes of CraigBellamy, Seyi Olofinjana and Jason

Koumas,on topof whatDavealreadyhad,welltherewas reallynoroomforerror.

Most certainly not the amount oferrorwehave seenfrom Cardiffoverthelast twomonths anyway.

Itellyouwhat,though.I havemadethe call for Jones to be sacked, but I

don’t think hewillbe.I fear the way the Cardiff board is

set up at the moment means takingthe decision might prove too dif-ficult.

You’ve got your local directors, butthe real power lies with chairmanDato Chan Tien Ghee and, in par-ticular, VincentTan.

I actually believe they may be toofarremovedfromthe action,fromthegroundswell of feeling, to make therightmovebeforeit istoo late.

And, believe me, if Jones is notremovedsoon,theywill needto comeoutand totallybackhimuntilthe end

of the season because soon they willfinditis toolate.

Idon’t thinkchiefexecutiveGethinJenkins has the experience to dealwiththe situationeither.

Hehasonly beentherefiveminutesandhe reallyisa rugbyman.Thatisnotadequate preparationfor whatis

goingon now.Football is like swimmi

sharks, rugby is like swimmdolphins– theydon’t bite!

Butperhaps theclearestinthatthe CardiffboardplantoJones is the fact they haveallowedhim to makehis firsinthe transfer window.

Jon Parkin has been bro

Enough is enough, Jmust be shown the

JON Parkin, Cardiff City’s firstnew signing of the January trans-fer window, is likely to make hisdebutagainstStokeCityin theFACup.

Centre-forward Parkin is now aBluebirds player and will chal-lenge Jay Bothroyd to lead theBluebirdsattack.

Bothroydis expected tobe backin action during tomorrow’sChampionship clash with LeedsUnited at Cardiff City Stadium,while Parkin is likely to be ruledoutbyan ankleinjury.

The problem was revealed byPreston North End chairmanMaurice Lindsay, but it’s not a

serious problem and Parkin islikely to face Stoke City at theBritannia Stadium.

“Ihada callfromCardiffCityonThursdayand ittook scarcely anytime to decide,” said Parkin.“Cardiff City are a massiveclub.”

TheBluebirdsweredelightedtosign Parkin and fill a gap whichhaslongbeena problembecausethey have not had an influentialback-up for Bothroyd. Parkin and

Bothroyd will battle it out for thestartingplace.

The pair were at Stoke Citytogether and Parkin told CardiffCity Player: “I had time with Jayat Stoke City and hopefully,between us, we can score a fewgoalsfor the Bluebirds.

“Everything is set up at CardiffCity for promotion and I want tobepartof that.”

Jones had asked aboutLeicester City striker SteveHoward, but that deal was

blocked by the Midlands club,whodon’t want tolet himgo.

Parkin is the first signing forCardiffCitythis month,but Joneswants more and has suggestedthere could be ‘four or five’ newplayers.

Jones missed out on a bid forcentre-halfAndy O’Brien. Thebigstopper came to South Wales fortalksat CardiffCityStadium,butlater decided to stick with LeedsUnited. Bolton Wanderers de-

fender O’Brien has been playingon loan for Cardiff’s Champion-ship rivals Leeds and his last ap-pearance under that deal isagainstthe Bluebirds tomorrow.

Hewill playinthat gamebeforesigning a long-term contract forLeeds.

Jones has also been keen onEverton striker James Vaughanand Newcastle United wingerWayneRoutledge,among others.


Therehasbeen adelay becauseCardiff and Everton have not yetbeen able to agree on a fee,


Routledge would love a secondspell with Cardiff City, but theyare unlikely to pay the £2m feewantedby NewcastleUnited.

Unless that fee is lowered itseems unlikely Routledge will bereturning to SouthWales.

NewstrikerParkinscoredin the6-0 Preston North End win twoseasonsagoagainstCardiffwhichdid so much to shatter the Blue-

NORWICH managerPaul Lambert remainsreluctant to discuss hisside’s promotion pro-spects despite theirlofty position in theChampionshiptable.

A1-0 winoverleadersQPRon Saturday,cour-tesyof Russell Martin’searlystrike,saw theCa-naries climb to thirdand within four pointsofthe summit.

Itmarkeda thirdsuc-cessive win for Nor-wich, but, althoughLambert was happywith the result, he stillfears being draggedback down the stand-ings.

“Mytargetis stillsur-vival,” he said. “If wecanachievethatin thisleague,thenhopefullyIwill be in a job for alittlebit longer.

“Don’t ask me aboutpromotion now. Tryagain in May and Imight be able to giveyouan answer.

“All the lads werebrilliantfor me,though,and I couldn’t haveasked any more ofthem. It was an excel-lentperformance.”

Preston caretakermanager David Un-sworth was still able totake positives from hisside’s 2-1 loss at Derby,

although they remainthree points adrift atthefootof thetable.

A second-half bracefrom Chris Porter putDerby 2-0 up, beforeCallum Davidsonscoreda latepenalty.

Unsworth, who tookthe reins following thesacking of Darren Fer-gusoninmidweek,said:“Derby are a decentteam, I thought we ac-quittedourselveswell.

“I asked for a gamefull of passion and de-sire, to get on the frontfoot and give meeverything they’ve got,and they certainly didthat.”

Burnley’s players re-sponded to the dis-

missal of Brian Lawswith a 4-2 victory overSheffield United, andinterim boss StuartGray was pleased tohave the crowd on sideforthe performance.

“Obviously, on theback of the disappoint-ment of Brian (Laws)and Russ (Wilcox) los-ing their jobs, then go-ing 1-0 down, I thoughtthe crowd was fantast-ic,”Graysaid.

“They stayed with usand got the players go-ing.”

The managerialmerry-go-round contin-ued on Saturday withGeorge Burley gettingthe axe following Crys-tal Palace’s 3-0 loss atMillwall.

Palace are just oneplaceoff thefootofthetable, but their oppon-ents are now one pointbehind the play-offspots and Lions man-ager Kenny Jackett isaiminghigh.

“The play-offs werealways a target,” hesaid.

“We talked at thestartof theyearto getafootholdinthe division,seeingif wecouldcom-pete and I am pleasedtoseewherewe are,butwe have to keep work-ing hard and keep our

feetonthe floor.”Scunthorpe also re-main in the drop zoneaftertheir3-0 drubbingat Doncaster, whileMiddlesbrough are twopointsbetteroff follow-ing the 1-1 draw atLeeds.

Leicester enjoyedonly their third awaywinoftheseasonwitha1-0 result at Hull,Swansea beat Readingby the same scorelineandWatfordbeatPorts-mouth3-0.

Strugglers Ipswichheld Coventry 1-1 andNottingham Forest ex-tended their unbeatenhome run to 31 leaguegames with a 2-2 drawagainst Barnsley.

birds’promotiondreams,whilehewasinvolvedin a dramatic matchagainst Leeds United, who are atCardiff City Stadium tomorrow,thisseason.

“Thatwasquitea gamebecausewe were 4-1 down and came out6-4 winners,” said Parkin, whoscored a hat-trick and was de-scribed by then Preston managerDarrenFergusonas ‘unplayable’.

“The Leeds defenders couldn’thandleJon,”saidFerguson.“Heistechnicallyan excellent player.”

Cityhavepaida £100,000fee forParkin, a 29-year-old, 6ft 4instriker, who started his careerwithhome-townteam Barnsley.

Parkin has signed a contractwhich takes him through to theendofthisseasonandonto 2013.Hehas alsoplayedfor HartlepoolUnited, York City, MacclesfieldTown,HullCityand Stoke City.

His career started in defence,but he moved forward to build acareeras a centre-forward.

Parkinhas nettedsevengoalsin16 starts for Preston this season,while he has earned six book-ings.

Terry Phillips

■ Jon Parkin, picturedgetting the better of Mark

Hudson, is looking forwardto a promotion challenge

with the Bluebirds

■ Leeds United’s Luciano Becchio is challenged byMiddlesbrough’s Nicky Bailey

■ Cardiff manager Dave Jones, pictured shouting at his side during the 3-0 drubbing by Bristol City, has been given m

■ Gethin Jenkins, pictured rigdoes not have the experience t