DATE RESOLUTION NO. TITLE - University of Oklahoma

THE SEMINOLE NATION OF OKLAHOMA RESOLUTIONS OF THE GENERAL COUNCIL September, 1969, December, 1979 DATE RESOLUTION NO. TITLE Oct. 4, 1969 69-10 A Resolution in Support of a Supplement to the Seminole Tribal Budget for FY 1970. Dec. 6, 1969 69-11 A Resolution Designating William C. Wantland as Legal Advisor or Attorney General of the Seminole Nation. Mar. 7, 1970 70-1 A Resolution for Cancellation of Business Lease Between the Seminole Nation of Okla- homa and Systems Engineering Electronics, Inc., for Breach of Contract and Default of Rental Payments. May 9, 1970 70-2 A Resolution Authorizing the Cancellation of Unused Balance of Loan Contract GOO C 1420 1332 (CF-670) and Further Authorizing Partial Payment of Witness from Tribal Funds. May 9, 1970 70-3 A Resolution Authorizing Claims Attorney's Contract. May 9, 1970 70-4 A Resolution Inviting the Honorable Carl Albert to Address the General Council of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma. May 9, 1970 70-5 A Resolution Authorizing the Housing Authority of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma to Engage in FHA-235 Housing Programs. May 9, 1970 70-6 A Resolution Approving Execution of Oil and Gas Lease on MeKusukey Mission Property. May 9, 1970 70-7 A Resolution Authorizing the Approval of an Assignment of Oil and Gas Lease from Clark Watkins to the Rhodes Oil Company. June 6, 1970 70-8 A Resolution Authorizing Delegation to Seminole Tribe of Florida. June 6, 1970 70-9 A Resolution Approving Surface Lease on MeKusukey Academy Land.

Transcript of DATE RESOLUTION NO. TITLE - University of Oklahoma

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September, 1969, December, 1979


Oct. 4, 1969 69-10 A Resolution in Support of a Supplementto the Seminole Tribal Budget for FY 1970.

Dec. 6, 1969 69-11 A Resolution Designating William C. Wantlandas Legal Advisor or Attorney General of theSeminole Nation.

Mar. 7, 1970 70-1 A Resolution for Cancellation of BusinessLease Between the Seminole Nation of Okla-homa and Systems Engineering Electronics,Inc., for Breach of Contract and Defaultof Rental Payments.

May 9, 1970 70-2 A Resolution Authorizing the Cancellationof Unused Balance of Loan Contract GOO C1420 1332 (CF-670) and Further AuthorizingPartial Payment of Witness from Tribal Funds.

May 9, 1970 70-3 A Resolution Authorizing Claims Attorney'sContract.

May 9, 1970 70-4 A Resolution Inviting the Honorable CarlAlbert to Address the General Council ofthe Seminole Nation of Oklahoma.

May 9, 1970 70-5 A Resolution Authorizing the HousingAuthority of the Seminole Nation of Oklahomato Engage in FHA-235 Housing Programs.

May 9, 1970 70-6 A Resolution Approving Execution of Oil andGas Lease on MeKusukey Mission Property.

May 9, 1970 70-7 A Resolution Authorizing the Approval of anAssignment of Oil and Gas Lease from ClarkWatkins to the Rhodes Oil Company.

June 6, 1970 70-8 A Resolution Authorizing Delegation toSeminole Tribe of Florida.

June 6, 1970 70-9 A Resolution Approving Surface Lease onMeKusukey Academy Land.

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Date Resolution No. Title

Aug 22, 1970 70-10 A Resolution Adopting Declaration ofPolicies and Plan of Operation for theSeminole Tribal Education Loan Program.

Aug. 22, 1970 70-11 A Resolution Amending Budget CommitteeRecommendations and Conditions for TribalBudget of the Seminole Nation of OklahomaFor Fiscal Year 1970-1971.

Dec. 5, 1970 70-12 A Resolution in Regard to Public Law 91-495and its Effect on the Election of TribalOfficials of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma.

Dec. 5, 1970 70-13 A Resolution Providing for Employment ofa Treasurer of the Seminole Nation ofOklahoma.

Dec. 5, 1970 70-14 A Resolution Establishing the Duties ofTreasurer of the Seminole Nation of Okla-homa.

Dec. 5, 1970 70-15 A Resolution Authorizing the Chief of theSeminole Nation of Oklahoma to InvestTribal Funds on Deposit in the U. S.Treasury as of March 16, 1970.

April 17, 1971 71-16 A Resolution in Regard to Public Law91-495 and the Popular Selection of thePrincipal Officer of the Seminole Nationof Oklahoma.

This resolution was passed after Washingtonreviewed Res. #70-12 and requested a resolu-tion using the word "selected" instead of"elected."

71-2 This number was not used.

June 5, 1971 71-3 A Resolution Authorizing Funds toSupplement the Seminole Tribal Budgetfor Fiscal Year 1971.

June 5, 1971 71-4 A Resolution Regarding Insurance for theSeminole Nation of Oklahoma.

June 19, 1971 71-1 A Resolution Approving the SeminoleTribal Budget for Fiscal Year 1972.

Dec. 4, 1971 71-5 A Resolution Ratifying and ConfirmingExisting Contract with Paul M. Niebell,Claims Attorney for the Seminole Nationof Oklahoma.

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Date Resolution No. Title

Feb. 12, 1972 72-1 A Resolution for Removal of Mr. TerryWalker as Chief of the Seminole Nationof Oklahoma

72-2 This Number was not used.

March 4, 1972 72-3 A Resolution Authorizing a Five-yearExtention of Amended Attorney's ContractNo. H-803, Symbol 14-20-0650.

March 4, 1972 72-4 A Resolution Authorizing the Chief ofthe Seminole Nation to execute PublicHealth Service Project Documents.

April 22, 1972 72-5 A Resolution Requesting the Secretary ofthe Interior to Withdraw His Recognitionof Terry Walker as Principal Chief andto Recognize Floyd Harjo as ActingPrincipal Chief of the Seminole Nation ofOklahoma.

June 3, 1972 72-6 A Resolution Requesting Indian HealthService for Permanent Sanitary Facilitiesfor the Mekusukey Mission Recreation Areaof the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma.

July 1, 1972 72-7 A Resolution Approving the Seminole Nationto Participate in the Indian Action TeamProgram.

72-8 This Number was not used.

July 1, 1972 72-9 A Resolution Accepting the Resignation ofWilliam C. Wantland as Attorney General forthe Seminole Nation of Oklahoma.

July 29, 1972 72-10 A Resolution Establishing the Developmentof Permanent Sanitary Facilities at theMekusukey Mission Grounds as Top Priorityfor Fiscal Year 1973 and Requesting IndianHealth Service to Assist in such Development.

Aug. 12, 1972 72-11 A Resolution Authorizing Reinvestment ofA Certain Amount of Tribal Funds of theSeminole Nation of Oklahoma.

Oct. 28, 1972 72-12 A Resolution Endorsing the Work of theOverall Economic Development Committeeof the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma.

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Date Resolution No. Title

Oct. 28, 1972 72-13 A Resolution Requesting Funding under theTribal Government Development Program ofthe Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Feb. 3, 1973 73-1 A Resolution Authorizing the Chief ofthe Seminole Nation to Invest certainTribal Trust Funds.

March 3, 1973 73-2 A Resolution for Use of Revenue SharingFunds for the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma.

March 3, 1973 73-3 A Resolution Approving Use of RevenueSharing Funds to Construct a CommunityBuilding for the Seminole Nation ofOklahoma.

April 21, 1973 73-4 A Resolution Congratulating the SasakwaBoys Basketball Team of 1972-73 for Winningthe State Championship.

June 2, 1973 73-5 A Resolution Supplementing the Proposalfor the Community Health RepresentativeProgram for Fiscal Year 1974.

Sept. 22, 1973 73-6 A Resolution Authorizing the Chief andTwo Advisors of the Seminole Nation ofOklahoma to Make Certain Investments ofTribal Trust Funds.

Sept. 22, 1973 73-7 A Resolution Approving the Appointment ofFive Delegates to the Intertribal Council.

Sept. 22, 1973 73-8 A Resolution Approving the Appointment ofFive Delegates to the NCAI Convention inTulsa.

Sept. 22, 1973 73-9 A Resolution Approving the Appointment ofa Five Member Board of Trustees for theSasakwa Water District.

Sept. 22, 1973 73-10 A Resolution Declaring William C. Wantland,his Wife and Children, Citizens of theSeminole Nation of Oklahoma by Adoption.

Sept. 22, 1973 73-11 A Resolution Accepting the Report ofGratuitous Services Rendered by AttorneyWilliam C. Wantland.

73-12 This was a resolution prepared by ChiefTanyan for the delegates to the NCAI meetingin Tulsa. It requests NCAI to support theSeminole Nation of Oklahoma in its claimsagainst the United States of America.

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Date Resolution No. Title

Nov. 17, 1973 73-13 A Resolution Approving the EducationCommittee of the Seminole Nation ofOklahoma.

Nov. 17, 1973 73-14 A Resolution Declaring the Need for AHealth Clinic in The Seminole Nation.

Nov. 17, 1973 73-15 A Resolution Authorizing the PrincipalChief of the Seminole Nation to Executeall Public Health Service Project Docu-ments for the Seminole Nation.

Nov. 17, 1973 16

A Resolution Regarding Education ofSeminole Indian Students.

Jan.26, 1974 17 A Resolution Authorizing the Establishmentof an Official Tribal Planning Department.

Jan. 26, 1974 18 A Resolution Authorizing the Principal Chiefof the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma toExecute all Bureau of Indian Affairs Con-tract and Project Documents.

Jan. 26, 1974 19 A Resolution Supporting George Harjose'sAppointment to the Oklahoma Indian AffairsCommission.

Jan. 26, 1974 20 A Resolution Approving Payment of $1,771.84to the Estate of Roy St. Lewis.

Jan. 26, 1974 21 A Resolution Approving the Constructionand Location of Tribal Office Buildingson the Mekusukey Mission Grounds.

March 2, 1974 73-22 A Resolution for the Seminole Nation toContract for Health Service for the Indiansin the Seminole Nation Area.

March 30, 1974 74-23 A Resolution Authorizing Application for a$50,000 Loan from the Expert AssistanceFund.

March 30, 1974 74-1 A Resolution Approving the Five CivilizedTribes Foundation Inc., to Act as Conduitfor Programs from HEW and ONAP.

March 30, 1974 74-2 A Resolution for the Seminole Nation ofOklahoma to Contract for the JohnsonO'Malley Program.

March 30, 1974 74-3 A Resolution Supporting the ContinuingExistence of the Mutual Help HousingProgram.

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Date Resolution No. Title

March 30, 1974 74-4 A Resolution Approving the Implementationof the Indian Action Team Program Withinthe Seminole Nation.

April 20, 1974 74-5 A Resolution Supporting the HousingAuthority in Collecting DelinquentPayments.

74-6 This Number was not used.

April 20, 1974 74-7 A Resolution Supplementing the Proposalfor the Community Health RepresentativeProgram for Fiscal Year 1975.

April 20, 1974 74-8 A Resolution to Establish a TribalPersonnel Board.

April 20, 1974 74-9 A Resolution Endorsing the Five CivilizedTribes Foundation, Inc., as the Conduitfor CETA Funds.

74-10 This Number was not used.

April 20, 1974 74-11 A Resolution to Establish a BicentennialCommittee.

July.13, 1974 74-12 A Resolution Authorizing the PrincipalChief of the Seminole Nation of Oklahomato Borrow Money for Interim Financingof Certain Programs of the Seminole Nation.

Aug. 8, 1974 74-14 A Resolution Directing the Expenditure ofFunds Derived from Awards of the IndianClaims Commission in Dockets Numbered 150and 248.

Sept. 7, 1974 74-13 A Resolution Approving the Appointment ofThree Delegates to the NCAI Convention inSan Diego, California.

Dec. 14, 1974 74-13 A Resolution to Develop a Community Deve-lopment Health Services Program Management.

Jan 25, 1975 75-1 A Resolution in Support of The Indian EducationTitle IV Program.

Jan. 25, 1975 75-2 A Resolution Expressing Need and Support ofthe Indian Action Team of the SeminoleNation of Oklahoma.

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Date Resolution No. Title

Jan 25, 1975 75-3 A Resolution to Support Continuation of theAdult Education Project.

Jan. 25, 1975 75-4 A Resolution to Transfer the Indian ActionTeam Contract to the Indian TechnicalAssistance Center, Denver, Colorado.

Jan. 30, 1975 75-5 A Resolution to Support a Member of theSeminole Nation to the American IndianPolicy Review Commission.

March 1, 1975 75-6 A Resolution Authorizing the HousingAuthority of the Seminole Nation of Okla-homa to Formally Apply to the Departmentof Housing and Urban Development for theFifty (50) Units Allocated to the HousingAuthority.

March 1, 1975 75-7 A Resolution to Recognize the CommunityIndian Education Committee RepresentingChildren Attending Seminole Public Schoolsas a Corporation.

March 1, 1975 75-8 A Resolution Supplementing the Proposal forCommunity Health Representative Program forFiscal Year 1976.

March 1, 1975 75-9 A Resolution to Accept Funds From the Officeof Native American Programs to Implement anEconomic Development Program.

March 1, 1975 75-10 A Resolution Authorizing the TribalAdministration to Seek and Develop Programsto Meet Mental Health Needs.

March 1, 1975 75-11 A Resolution Amending the Tribal Budget toPay for Additional Unforseen Expenses.

April 19, 1975 75-12* A Resolution Authorizing Housing Commissionersto Request Better Water Pumps for the Fifty(50) New Homes.

* Actual copy of the resolution could not be located, but the minutes show thatsuch a resolution was passed.

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Date Resolution No. Title

April 19, 1975 75-13* A Resolution Accepting Budget for TribalOffice Operation for Fiscal Year 1976,in the Sum of $40,000.00

(Although the resolution is dated 4-19-75,the minutes show the budget was actuallyapproved 6-7-75)

May 17, 1975 75-14 A Resolution Authorizing the Counsel forthe Seminole Nation to Draft a Bill orBills to be Introduced in the Congress ofthe United States Providing for the Com-pensation to the Seminole Nation for theLoss of its Mineral Rights.

May 17, 1975 75-15 A Resolution Approving Enoch L. Haney asa Representative of the Seminole Nationof Oklahoma.

June 7, 1975 75-16 A Resolution Rescinding a PreviousResolution to Build BIA Building on MekusukeyMission Grounds and Authorizing the Locationof the BIA Building on the 40 Acre WewokaTract.

June 7, 1975 75-17* A Resolution to Have Forty (40) Acre Tractof Land in Wewoka Put in Trust Land UnderBIA.

June 7, 1975 75-18* A Resolution Authorizing Housing Authorityto Stabalize Mutual Help Homeowner'sMonthly Payments.

75-19 This Number was not used.

July 19, 1975 75-20 A Resolution Dealing with ComplaintsBefore the General Council from the So-called Seminole Nation Treaty Government.

July 19, 1975 75-21 A Resolution Concerning Private GroupsClaiming to be Official Organs of theSeminole Nation of Oklahoma.

July 19, 1975 75-22 A Resolution Authorizing Claims Attorneyto Settle the Florida Land Claim for NotLess Than $16,000,000 Without Off-Sets.

* Actual copy of the resolution could not be located, but the minutes show thatsuch a resolution was passed.

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Date Resolution No. Title

July 31, 1975 75-23 A Resolution Designating William C. WantlandLegal Advisor or Attorney General to theSeminole Nation of Oklahoma.

Aug. 16, 1975 75-24 A Resolution in Support of the CountyCommissioners of Seminole County, Oklahoma,and Authorizing the Principal Chief toAppear at a Hearing in Regard to Same.

Aug. 16, 1975 75-25 A Resolution Concerning Method of Paymentto the Attorney General of the SeminoleNation of Oklahoma.

Sept. 6, 1975 75-26 A Resolution Waiving Payments in Lieu ofTaxes from the Housing Authority of theSeminole Nation of Oklahoma.

Sept. 6, 1975 75-27 A Resolution of Support for Kent Frizzellas Secretary of the Interior.

Sept. 6, 1975 75_28* A Resolution to Open up Title I so as togive Opportunity of Work to Students.

Sept. 6, 1975 75_29* A Resolution to Acquire Funding for PersonnelTraining and Management Development.

Sept. 27, 1975 75-30 A Resolution Authorizing the Establishmentof a Nonprofit and a Profit Making Con-struction Corporation, to be Wholly Ownedand Controlled by the Seminole Nation ofOklahoma.

Sept. 27, 1975 75-31 A Resolution Accepting Settlement of theFlorida Land Claims for $16,000,000.

Sept. 27, 1975 75-32 A Resolution Rescinding a Previous Resolutionon Proration of Revenue Sharing Funds.

Sept. 27, 1975 75-33 A Resolution Opposing Senate Bill No. 27,Which Would Place the BIA Under theJurisdiction of HEW.

Sept. 27, 1975 * A Resolution Accepting the 40 Acre WewokaTract with the Stipulations set by theCity of Wewoka, Oklahoma.

* Actual copy of the resolution could not be located, but the minutes showthat such a resolution was passed.

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Date Resolution No. Title

Oct. 22, 1975 75-34 A Resolution Authorizing Vincent Knight,Attorney for the Oklahoma Indian LegalResearch Project, to Conduct Research onthe Legal Status and Tribal Structureand History of the Seminole Nation ofOklahoma.

Oct. 22, 1975 * A Resolution Supporting a Title IIITeacher Aide Training Program at SeminoleJunior College.

Nov. 1, 1975 * A Resolution Pertaining to Guidelinesfor Public Law 93-138, 93rd Congress.

Nov. 1, 1975 * A Resolution Supporting a Proposal toONAP to Secure Start-up Funds for aTribal Owned and Controlled ConstructionEnterprise.

Dec. 6, 1975 75-37 A Resolution Approving Action by theSeminole Nation Housing Authority toObtain Low-Income Housing for Elderlyand Handicapped Persons.

Dec. 6, 1975 75-38 A Resolution Authorizing an InjunctionAction Against the So-Called SeminoleNation Treaty Government.

75-39 This number was not used.

Dec. 6, 1975 75-40 A Resolution Authorizing the Continuationof Tribal Programs.

Dec. 6, 1975 75-41 A Resolution to Establish a TribalPlanning Comission.

Dec. 6, 1975 75-42 A Resolution Authorizing the SeminoleNation Community Development Program toDevelop an Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program.

Dec. 6, 1975 75-43 A Resolution Regarding Increases inMutual Help Housing Payments.

Dec. 6, 1975 * A Resolution Establishing Guidelines forthe Land Resource People.

Dec. 6, 1975 75-45 A Resolution in Regard to the PendingExecution of Joney Joe Lusty.

* Actual copy of the resolution could not be located, but the minutes showthat such a resolution was passed.

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Date Resolution No. Title

Jan. 17, 1976

Feb. 14, 1976 76-2

A Resolution Supporting a ResolutionPassed by the Inter-Tribal Council ofof the Five Civilized Tribes.

A Resolution Approving Application forPreliminary Loan for Low-Rent PublicHousing.

This resolution supercedes resolution #75-37.

Feb. 14, 1976 * A Resolution Approving and Supportingthe Resolution of Native American TribesPresently Participating in the IndianAction Programs Recommending a FundingLevel of $38,000,000 for Fiscal Year 1977and a Proportionate Level for EnsuingYears.

Mar. 16, 1976 76-4 A Resolution Authorizing the Borrowingof $25,000 Against Seminole Judgment Fundsto Finance a Judgment Fund Committee.

Mar. 16, 1976 76-4 A Resolution Appropriating Funds andAmending the Fiscal Year 1976 TribalBudget for Payment of Additional Expensefor Purchase of 15-acre Tract of Land.

April 10, 1976 76-5 A Resolution Accepting the Low-Bid onthe Mekusukey Industrial Park, Subjectto EDA Approval and Directing theContractor to Sign the Bid Proposal.

May 15, 1976 76-6 A Resolution Adopting $12,159.22 TribalBudget for Transition Quarter - July,August, & September, 1976.

June 5, 1976 76-7 A Resolution Approving Claims Attorney'sFee in the Settlement of the FloridaLand Claim.

June 5, 1976 76-8 A Resolution Authorizing and Expressingthe Desire of the Seminole Nation ofOklahoma to Continue Contracting with theBIA for an Indian Action Program.

* Actual copy of the resolution could not be located, but the minutes showsuch a resolution was passed.

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Date Resolution No. Title

June 5, 1976

June 5, 1976

July 17, 1976

July 17, 1976

76-9 A Resolution Authorizing and Expressingthe Desire of the Seminole Nation ofOklahoma to Continue Contracting with theBIA Through the Indian Technical AssistanceCenter for an Indian Action Program.

76-10 A Resolution Authorizing the SeminoleNation of Oklahoma to Contract with theBIA Through the Indian Technical AssistanceCenter, Lakewood, Colorado, for anIndian Action Program.

76-11 A Resolution Authorizing the PrincipalChief to Negotiate with IHS for a Tribaland Community Development Program UnderPublic Law 93-638.

76-12 A Resolution Authorizing the PrincipalChief to Negotiate with BIA for a TribalAccounting Department, Tribal Governmentand Development Program and Tribal LandAcquisition under Public Law 93-638.

Aug. 19, 1976 76-13

A Resolution Amending the Tribal Budgetfor Payment of CHR Tax Delinquency.

Sept. 4, 1976 76-14 A Resolution Authorizing the PrincipalChief to Negotiate with the BIA forPrograms He Feels are Necessary for theContinued Improvement in Services of theSeminole Nation.

Sept. 4, 1976 76-15

A Resolution Adopting $12,159.22 TribalQuarterly Budget for Fiscal Year 1977.

Sept. 4, 1976 76-16 A Resolution Approving the Shawnee IndianHealth Service Advisory Board to Contractfor the Community Development Programunder Public Law 93-638.

Dec. 4, 1976 76-17 A Resolution Approving Lease Agreementsfor an Office Building and Clinic andAuthorizing the Seminole Nation Enterpriseto Execute Assignments of Said Leases.

Dec. 4, 1976

A Resolution for Drug Abuse Program.

* Actual copy of the resolution could not be located, but the minutes showsuch a resolution was passed.

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Date Resolution No. Title

Jan. 15, 1977

Jan. 15, 1977

Mar. 5, 1977

Mar. 5, 1977

Mar. 29, 1977

Mar. 29, 1977

April 30, 1977

June 4, 1977

June 18, 1977

June 18, 1977

July 16, 1977

77-1 A Resolution Supporting a Funding Level of$38,000,000 for the National Indian ActionProgram and Supporting the Indian TechnicalAssistance Center at Lakewood, Colorado.

77-2 A Resolution for Continued Funding ofAll Seminole Nation Programs for FiscalYear 1978.

77-2 A Resolution Adopting $8,650 TribalBudget for Fiscal Year 1977.

* A Resolution Granting an Easement toOperators and Employees of the HealthClinic.

77-3 A Resolution Approving Bid on TribalComplex.

77-4 A Resolution Authorizing the PrincipalChief to Negotiate with IHS for aCommunity Development Program for FiscalYear 1978.

77-5 ?

77-6 A Resolution Establishing the FiveMember Policy-Making CETA Board.

77-7 A Resolution Requesting the Director ofthe Muskogee Area Office, BIA, to Calla Hearing of Record on the Judgment FundProposal.

* A Resolution Recognizing the ConstitutionRevision Committee.

* A Resolution Establishing an IndianRights Protection Committee.

77-9 A Resolution Authorizing the Submissionof a Bill to the Senate and House ofRepresentatives of the USA in CongressAssembled Requesting Congress to Proceedwith the Division of Claims Award Dockets73 and 151.

July 16, 1977 *

A Resolution for the Continuance of theSeminole Nation CHR Program for FY 1978.

*Actual copy of the resolution could not be located, but the minutes show such.a resolution was passed.

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Date Resolution No.

Sept. 3, 1977

Oct. 1, 1977 77-20

Oct. 1, 1977 78-1

Nov. 19, 1977 77-21



A Resolution Regarding Seminole NationMembership in the National Congress ofAmerican Indians.

A Resolution for Continued Funding ofAll Seminole Nation Programs for FiscalYear 1978.

A Resolution Appointing William S.Winters as Appraiser for the RailroadClaims Case.

A Resolution Authorizing the Renewalof Claims Attorney's Contract.

This number was not used.

Dec. 3, 1977 77-23 A Resolution Approving and Supportingthe Resolution of Native American TribesPresently Participating in the IndianAction Program Recommending a FundingLevel of $47,130,152 to Provide forContinuing Programs and New Proposalsfor Fiscal Year 1979 and a ProportionateLevel for Ensuing Years.

Jan. 7, 1978 78-1 A Resolution Approving William S. Wintersas Qualified Surveyor for the RailroadClaims Case.

Jan. 7, 1978 78-1 A Resolution for Continued Funding ofSeminole Nation Programs for FiscalYear 1979.

Jan. 7, 1978 78-1A A Resolution Authorizing a ContractBetween the Seminole Nation and IHSfor Implementation of a Seminole NationHealth Management Improvement Program.

Jan. 7, 1978 78-2 A Resolution Opposing the Oklahoma CityIndian Health Service Area Office'sMethod of Appointing the Director forthe Wewoka Health Center.

Jan. 7, 1978 78-3 A Resolution Requesting and Petitioningthe Oklahoma City Indian Health ServiceArea Office and the Shawnee Service Unitto Initiate Administrative Re-arrangementsto Place the Wewoka Health Center and ItsGeographic Coverage Area Under the TishomingoService Unit.

*Actual copy of the resolution could not be located, but the minutes show sucha resolution was passed.

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Date Resolution No. Title

Jan. 7, 1978 78-4 A Resolution Petitioning the Inter-TribalCouncil of the Five Civilized Tribes toSupport Resolution #78-3 Dated Jan. 7, 1978.

78-5 This number was not used.

Jan. 7, 1978 78-6 A Resolution Approving the Tribal Budgetfor Fiscal Year 1978.

March 11, 1978 78-7 A Resolution Supporting an EasternOklahoma Indian Health Planning Board.

May 6, 1978 78-8 A Resolution Approving an Applicationfor a Block Grant from the Department ofHousing and Urban Development.

May 6, 1978 78-9 A Resolution Expressing Thanks andAppreciation to the Staff of the WewokaAgency of the BIA.

May 6, 1978 78-10 A Resolution Requesting Governor DavidBoren to Authorize the National Guardto Conduct a Search on Behalf of theFamily of Silas Narcomey.

May 6, 1978 78-11 A Resolution Expressing Appreciation toSenator Dewey Bartlett.

May 22, 1978 16 A Resolution Requesting the U. S. Attorneyto Represent the Tribe in the Case ofEllis vs. Seminole Nation.

June 3, 1978 78-12 A Resolution Approving a Seminole NationHealth Careers Recruitment Program.

July 15, 1978 15 A Resolution Approving a Soil andMoisture Program for the Seminole Nation.

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Date Resolution No. Title

Oct. 21, 1978 78-19 A Resolution Authorizing the SeminoleEnterprise, Inc., to Conduct a Feasi-bility Study of the Mekusukey IndustrialPark to Determine Types of Industry mostSuited for the Park.

(Although the resolution is dated10-21-78, the minutes indicate it wasapproved 12-2-78.)

Oct. 21, 1978

78-20 A Resolution Authorizing the SeminoleNation Enterprise, Inc., to Conduct aFeasibility Study to Determine Potentialfor Catering Service from the Snack Bar.

(Although the resolution is dated10-21-78, the minutes indicate it wasapproved 12-2-78.)

Oct. 28, 1978

Dec. 2, 1978

Dec. 2, 1978

Dec. 15, 1978

Feb. 16, 1979

78-16 A Resolution Making Certain Designationsand Assurances for the Community Develop-ment Block Grant Program for Indian Tribes.

18 A Resolution Authorizing the Borrowing . of$27,150 to Pay the American IndianNational Bank, Washington, D.C., for FundsReceived to Finance the Judgment FundCommittee.

13-78 A Resolution Approving the CooperationAgreement Between the Housing Authorityof the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma and theSeminole Nation of Oklahoma.

(This resolution was not accepted becausethe 10-day notice provision was not met.)

78-21 A Resolution Authorizing the PrincipalChief to Enter into a Special ServicesAttorney Contract with James W. Rodgers,Jr.

- A Resolution Supporting the SeminoleNation Health Management Improvement Pro-gram's Efforts to Obtain P.L. 93-638Contracts for Fiscal Year 1980.

(Although the resolution is dated2-16-79, the minutes indicate it wasapproved 2-23-79.)

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Date Resolution No. Title

Feb. 23, 1979 * A Resolution Approving the CooperationAgreement Between the Housing Authorityof the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma andthe Seminole Nation of Oklahoma.

Mar. 20, 1979 - A Resolution Making Certain Assurancesin Connection with a Preapplication forthe Comm..lnity Development Block GrantProgram.

Mar. 20, 1979 79-4 A Resolution for the Seminole Nation ofof Oklahoma to Contract the JohnsonO'Malley Program in Seminole County andSupersedii ►g Resolution No. 74-2.

Mar. 20, 1979 79-5 A Resolution in Support of the EasternOklahoma Indian Health Planning BoardProposal.

June 2, 1979 79-6 A Resolution Expressing Satisfaction withthe Muskogee Area Office and Supportingthe Addition of New Staff Positions atthe Wewoka Agency.

June 2, 1979 79-7 A Resolution for Continued Funding ofSeminole Nation Programs for Fiscal Year1980.

June 2, 1979 79-8 A Resolution Initiating the SeminoleNational Health Careers Recruitment Pro-gram and Superseding Resolution No. 78-12.

June 2, 1979 79-9 A Resolution Approving Application forPreliminary. Loan for Low Rent PublicHousing.

Aug. 10, 1979 79-10 A Resolution Requesting the Commissionerof Indian Affairs to Take Certain ActionsRegarding the Seminole County IndianCredit Association.

Aug. 10, 1979 79-11** A Resolution Authorizing the Chief toApply for a Commodity Program.

Aug. 10, 1979 - A Resolution Making Certain Designationsand Assurances for the Community Develop-ment Block Grant Program for Indian Tribes.

*Actual copy of the resolution could not be located, but the minutes show sucha resolution was passed.

**This resolution was passed, but has not been drafted.

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Title Resolution No. Title

Sept. 1, 1979 79-13 A Resolution Approving Application forPreliminary Loan for Mutual-Help Housing.

Sept. 1, 1979 ** A Resolution Authorizing the PrincipalChief of the Seminole Nation to ExecuteAll Public Health Service Project Docu-ments for the Seminole Nation.

Sept. 1, 1979 79-16 A Resolution Amending Contract No.GOOC14202972 by Increasing the Amountto be Paid to William S. Winters, Rail-road Appraiser, to $5,850.

Oct. 26, 1979 79-18 A Resolution Authorizing the ExecutiveOffice of the Seminole Nation to Applyfor, and Receive Financial Assistancefrom the U.S. Department of Commerce,Economic Development Administration,for the Purpose of Developing a Manu-facturing Plant to Manufacture GasoholProcessing Parts.

Oct. 26, 1979 79-19 A Resolution Authorizing the ExecutiveOffice of the Seminole Nation of Oklahomato Apply for, and Receive FinancialAssistance from the U.S. Department ofCommerce Economic Development Administra-tion, for the Purpose of Constructing aCommodities Warehouse.

Oct. 26, 1979 79- *

A Resolution Regarding Law EnforcementJurisdiction.

Oct. 26, 1979 79-21 A Resolution Duly Adopted by the SeminoleNation of Oklahoma for the Submission ofa Proposal to Serve the Needs of SpecialChildren within the Seminole Nation inan Officially Called Meeting on October 26,1979, at Mekusukey Mission.

Oct. 26, 1979 79-22 A Resolution Duly Adopted by the SeminoleNation of Oklahoma for the Submission ofa Proposal for an Early Child SeminoleCurriculum and Cultural Program in anOfficially Called Meeting on October 26,1979, at Mekusukey Mission.

*Actual copy of the resolution could not be located, but the minutes show sucha resolution was passed.

**This resolution was passed, but has not been drafted.

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Date Resolution No. Title

Oct. 26, 1979 79-23 A Resolution Supporting Efforts to Keepthe Indian Technical Assistance Centerin its Present Location in Lakewood,Colorado.

Oct. 26, 1979 ** A Resolution Opposing a ResolutionRelocating the Area Office.

Dec. 1, 1979 79-24 A Resolution Approving an $8,000 With-drawal of Tribal Trust Funds for theFiscal Year 1980 Annual Tribal Budget.

Dec. 1, 1979 79-25** Johnson O'Malley Resolution for theOklahoma City Area.

Dec. 1, 1979 79-26 A Resolution Supporting the SecretarialPlan for the Use and Distribution ofthe Seminole Judgment Funds and Request-ing the Secretary of Interior to MakeTimely Reports to the Seminole NationRegarding Status of Judgment Funds.

Dec. 1, 1979 79-27** A Resolution to Secure More Funds for thethe Judgment Fund Committee from the BIA.

Dec. 1, 1979 79-28 A Resolution Authorizing the PrincipalChief to Subcontract the Emergency CrisisAssistance Program from the OklahomaState Department of Welfare.

Dec. 1, 1979 79-29 A Resolution Requesting the Secretary ofInterior to Certify the Eligibility ofthe Seminole Nation of Oklahoma to Par-ticipate in Law Enforcement AssistanceAdministration (LEAA) Programs and toWaive Matching Fund Requirements forProjects Funded by LEAA.

Dec. 1, 1979 79-30 A Resolution Authorizing the PrincipalChief to Apply for a Grant to Operate aChild Welfare Program Developed Accord-ing to the Child Welfare Act.

Dec. 1, 1979 79-31 A Resolution Recognizing Phyllis AnnelleNarcomy as a Representative of the SeminoleNation of Oklahoma on the "Committee ofthe Indian Education Exposition."

**This resolution was passed, but has not been drafted.

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Date Resolution No. Title

Dec. 1, 1979 79-32** A Resolution Authorizing the PrincipalChief to Invest the Florida Claims AwardMonies in Investments Earning a HigherRate of Interest.

Dec. 1, 1979 - A Resolution Making Certain Assurancesin Connection with a Preapplication forthe Community Development Block GrantProgram.

**This resolution was passed, but has not been drafted.

Page 21: DATE RESOLUTION NO. TITLE - University of Oklahoma


The following schedule lists the changes that have been madein Resolutions passed by the General Council of the SeminoleNation of Oklahoma and the date of each change.


70-3 Rescinded by Resolution #71-5

70-12 Superseded by Resolution #71-16

72-4 Superseded by Resolution #73-15

73-2 Rescinded by Resolution #75-32

73-15 Superseded by Resolution #79-

21 (1-26-74) Rescinded by Resolution #75-16

74-2 Superseded by Resolution #79-4

75-37 Superseded by Resolution #76-2

77-2 (1-15-77) Superseded by Resolution #77-20

78-12 Superseded by Resolution #79-8

13-78 Superseded by Resolution #

Date ofChange










