Data-driven Architectural texture mapping Texture mapping Un-textured 3D sceneTextured output...

download Data-driven Architectural texture mapping Texture mapping Un-textured 3D sceneTextured output Textured Architectures 由于建筑物的3D model和 textures均属于structured.

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Textured architectural model properties Data properites : – Simple geometric surfaces (polygons) – Attractive textures (always texel)

Transcript of Data-driven Architectural texture mapping Texture mapping Un-textured 3D sceneTextured output...

Data-driven Architectural texture mapping Texture mapping Un-textured 3D sceneTextured output Textured Architectures 3D model texturesstructured data structural 1. Motivations Simplify the tedious/challenging texture mapping Data: architecture 3D models + structured textures Texture mapping Un-textured 3D sceneTextured output Textured Architectures Textured architectural model properties Data properites Simple geometric surfaces (polygons) Attractive textures (always texel) Architectural textures? Textures for buildings, interiors Highly structured content Difficulties Large, interactive environments Correlation: surfaces textures Small set of carefully designed textures Used on a variety of surfaces ? ? ? Tiling + cropping Cut features Scaling Distortions Surfaces-textures correspondence Part/region level Neighboring propagation Textures and surfaces 2. Previous work Analogy Hertzmann et al: Image Analogies, Siggraph 2001 Mertens et al: Texture Transfer Using Geometry Correlation, EGSR 2007 Colorization Welsh et al: Transfering Color to Greyscale Images, Siggraph 2001 Irony et al: Colorization by Examples, EGSR 2005 Color Transfer Reinhard et al: Color Transfer between Images, IEEE CG&A 2001 Texture synthesis, retargetting By example texture synthesis [Wei and Levoy 2001, Efros and Freeman 2001, ] On the fly [Lefebvre and Hoppe 2005] Limited to stochastic textures Retargetting, summarization, reshuffling [Avidan and Shamir 2007, Simakov et al. 2008,] High quality Pre-computed: One image per surface Specialized to content Grammar-based approaches [Mueller et al. 2007, Teboul et al ] Great for facades In pixel shader [Haegler et al ] Requires content description 3D Material style transfer extracts materials from a 2D guide source and assigns it to a resulting target 3D scene. (Procedural) texture Procedural Example synthesis By-example Synthesis of Architectural Textures [Lefebvre et al. 2010, siggraph] Texture Transfer Using Geometry Correlation Texture Transfer Source: mesh + texture Target: mesh input Output with texture Assisted texture assignment (a) Initial scene. (b) The user selects a texture for a floor (hilighted in yellow), all floors are automatically assigned by our system. (c) The user selects a texture for a border, all borders are automatically assigned. (d) Result after 10 selections. Surfaces touched by the user are highlighted in yellow. Texturing information is propagated throughout the entire scene at once. Assisted texture assignment Architectural surface probes These abstract features are specifically designed for matching surfaces in a texturing context Example scene, local orientation (normals), anisotropy, curvature, distance to edge, and accessibility. 3. Some insights The surface similarity [Chajdas et al. 2010] abstracts the actual shape of the polygon while retaining information relevant for texturing. The textures scoring [Chajdas et al. 2010] Ranking each texture according to whether it is a likely candidate for a given surface. Example synthesis [Lefebvre et al. 2010] Architectural texture property Optimization [Nguyen et al. 2012] the prohibitively large search space Example synthesis Insights Properties of architectural textures left, right Auto-similar by translation Parallel path (cuts) having similar colors Optimization Simulated Annealing + + otherwise assignment i th assignment i+1 th